
Defines functions runTEQC ezMethodTeqc

Documented in runTEQC

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

##' @template app-template
##' @templateVar method ezMethodTeqc(input=NA, output=NA, param=NA)
##' @description Use this reference class to run 
EzAppTeqc <-
              contains = "EzApp",
              methods = list(
                initialize = function()
                  "Initializes the application using its specific defaults."
                  runMethod <<- ezMethodTeqc
                  name <<- "EzAppTeqc"
                  appDefaults <<- rbind(designFile=ezFrame(Type="character",  DefaultValue="",  Description="file describing the regions selected by the enrichment kit"),
                                    covUniformityPlot=ezFrame(Type="logical", DefaultValue="TRUE", Description="generate plots for coverage uniformity?"),
                                    covTargetLengthPlot=ezFrame(Type="logical", DefaultValue="TRUE", Description="generate plots for coverage vs. target length"),
                                    duplicatesPlot=ezFrame(Type="logical", DefaultValue="TRUE", Description="generate plots for duplicates"),
                                    removeDuplicates=ezFrame(Type="logical", DefaultValue="TRUE", Description="remove Duplicates for CovCalculations"))

ezMethodTeqc = function(input=NA, output=NA, param=NA){
  param[['build']] = unique(input$meta[['build']])
  if(basename(param$designFile) == param$designFile){
    param$designFile = list.files(file.path(TEQC_DESIGN_DIR, param$designFile), pattern='Covered\\.bed$', full.names = T)[1]
  samples = input$getNames()
  jobList = input$getFullPaths("BAM")
  #Create one Report per Sample:
  destDirs = ezMclapply(jobList, runTEQC, param, mc.cores = param$cores)
  #Create MultiSampleReport:
  destDirs = unlist(destDirs)
  TEQC::multiTEQCreport(singleReportDirs = destDirs,
                    samplenames = samples,
                    projectName = param$name,
                    targetsName = basename(dirname(param$designFile)),
                    referenceName = param[['refBuild']],
                    destDir = "multiTEQCreport",
                    k = c(1,5,10,20,30,50),
                    figureFormat = c("png"))
  capture.output(print(sessionInfo()), file = "sessionInfo.txt")
  titles = list()
  titles[["TEQC-Report"]] = paste("TEQC-Report:", param$name)
  doc = openBsdocReport(title = titles[[length(titles)]])
  addDataset(doc, input$meta, param)
  titles[["MultiSample-Report"]] = "MultiSample-Report"
  addTitle(doc, titles[[length(titles)]], 2, id=titles[[length(titles)]])
  addTxtLinksToReport(doc, "multiTEQCreport/index.html")
  titles[["Individual Reports"]] = "Individual Reports"
  addTitle(doc, titles[[length(titles)]], 2, id=titles[[length(titles)]])
  addTxtLinksToReport(doc, paste0(destDirs, '/index.html'))
  titles[["Misc"]] = "Misc"
  addTitle(doc, titles[[length(titles)]], 2, id=titles[[length(titles)]])
  closeBsdocReport(doc, htmlFile, titles)

##' @title Runs the target enrichment quality control
##' @description Performs a target enrichment quality control and creates reports of the outcome.
##' @param param a list of parameters:
##' \itemize{
##'  \item{designFile}{ a file describing the regions selected by the enrichment kit.}
##'  \item{covUniformityPlot}{ a logical indicating whether to generate plots for coverage uniformity.}
##'  \item{covTargetLengthPlot}{ a logical indicating whether to generate plots for coverage vs. target length.}
##'  \item{duplicatesPlot}{ a logical indicating whether to generate plots for duplicates.}
##'  \item{paired}{ a logical indicating whether the samples are paired.}
##' }
##' @param file a character representing the path to the file containing the reads.
##' @template roxygen-template
runTEQC = function(file, param){
  sampleName = gsub('\\.bam', '', basename(file))
  destDir = paste0("report_", sampleName)
  targetsfile = param$designFile
  genomeSize = sum(as.numeric(system(paste("samtools","view -H",file,"|grep @SQ|cut -f 3|sed 's/LN://'"), intern = T)))
  reads <- ezReadBamFileAsGRanges(file, chromosomes = NULL, pairedEndReads = param$paired,
                                 max.fragment.width = 1000, min.mapq = 10, remove.duplicate.reads = param$removeDuplicates)

  skip = grep("^track", readLines(targetsfile, n=200))
  if (length(skip) == 0) skip = 0
  targets=TEQC::get.targets(targetsfile, skip=skip)
  #clean reads from mappings to unsupported chromosomes
  seqlevels(reads) <- c(levels(seqnames(reads)),as.character(setdiff(seqnames(targets), seqnames(reads))))
  reads <- keepSeqlevels(reads, levels(seqnames(targets)), pruning.mode="coarse")
  seqlevels(reads) = as.character(unique(seqnames(reads)))
  strand(reads) = '*'
                   CovUniformityPlot = param$covUniformityPlot, CovTargetLengthPlot = param$covTargetLengthPlot, duplicatesPlot=param$duplicatesPlot,#CovGCPlot = T,
                   k = c(1,5,10,20,30,50),
                   genomesize =genomeSize,figureFormat = c("png"), saveWorkspace = F)
  #exonCoverage <- TEQC::coverage.target(reads, allExons, perBase = F, Offset = 0)$targetCoverages
  #exonCoverage <- as.data.frame(TEQC::readsPerTarget(reads, exonCoverage))
  #write.table(exonCoverage, file = paste0(sampleName,"_coverage_allExons.txt"), 
  #            sep = "\t", row.names = F, quote = F)
uzh/ezRun documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 11:21 p.m.