
Defines functions ezRandomString ezIsAbsolutePath getSuffix removeSuffix ezValidFilename ezWrite ezInteractiveTableRmd ezInteractiveTable ezWrite.table ezRead.table zipWorkingDir zipFile mioString ezIntString

Documented in ezInteractiveTable ezInteractiveTableRmd ezIntString ezIsAbsolutePath ezRead.table ezValidFilename ezWrite ezWrite.table getSuffix mioString removeSuffix zipFile zipWorkingDir

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

##' @title Format an integer into a character using only digits
##' @description convenience function that prevents scientific notation and surrounding white space. Such characters are need for system calls to commandline tools.
##' @param x an integer.
##' @return Returns the input integer as a character.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @examples 
##' ezIntString(4.5e7)
ezIntString = function(x){
  format(round(x), scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE)

##' @title Converts a number into a character representing millions
##' @description used for labels etc. where typically millions of reads are indicated.
##' @param x an integer.
##' @return Returns a character representing the input integer in millions.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @examples 
##' mioString(4e7)
mioString = function(x){
  format(x/1e6, scientific=FALSE, digits=3, trim=TRUE)

##' @title Archives files
##' @description Archives one or several files to a .zip extension. Optionally, a separate name can be given to the archive.
##' @param zipName a character naming the working directory to be archived.
##' @param inputs one or several input files to archive.
##' @param zipped optional character to name the archive.
##' @return Returns the file name of the zipped archive.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @examples 
##' write("a file","exampleFile")
##' zipFile("exampleFile")
zipFile = function(inputs, zipped=NULL){
  if (is.null(zipped)){
    x = paste(sub("\\.[[:alpha:]]*$", "", inputs), collapse="_")
    zipped = paste0(x, ".zip")
  inputs = paste0("'", inputs, "'") ## surround with quotes to support files that contain white space
  inputs = paste(inputs, collapse=" ") ## concat the files if multiple files are given;
  cmd = paste("zip -q -r", zipped, inputs, sep=" ")
  ezSystem(cmd, echo=FALSE)

##' @describeIn zipFile Archives the whole working directory.
zipWorkingDir = function(zipName){
  zipFile(".", zipped=zipName)
  ezSystem(paste("zip -q -r", zipName, ".", sep=" "))

##' @title Modified version of read.table
##' @description Modified version of \code{read.table()} with a different default.
##' @param file the name of the file to read the data from.
##' @return Returns a data.frame.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @template addargs-template
##' @templateVar fun read.table()
##' @seealso \code{\link[utils]{read.table}}
##' @examples 
##' m1 = ezMatrix(1:20, rows=1:5, cols=1:4)
##' ezWrite.table(m1, "exampleTable")
##' ezRead.table("exampleTable")
## simple wrapper to read.table with useful defaults
ezRead.table = function(file, header=TRUE, sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, row.names=1, quote="", skip=0, comment.char="", check.names=FALSE, ...){
  data = read.table(file, header=header, sep=sep, as.is=as.is, row.names=row.names, quote=quote, skip=skip,
                    comment.char=comment.char, check.names=check.names, ...)

##' @title Modified version of write.table
##' @description Modified version of \code{write.table()} with a different default. Best used together with \code{ezRead.table()}.
##' @param values a vector, matrix of data.frame to write a table from.
##' @param file the name of the output file.
##' @param head the names of the header.
##' @param digits the number of digits to round to, if rounding is desired.
##' @return Returns a table written into a separate file.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link[utils]{write.table}}
##' @seealso \code{\link{ezRead.table}}
##' @examples 
##' m1 = matrix(seq(0.01, 1, 0.01), 10)
##' colnames(m1) = letters[1:10]
##' ezWrite.table(m1, "exampleTable", digits=1)
## the example produces an interesting behaviour: signif(0.15,1) == 0.2 == signif(0.15,1). R seems to prefer to round to even digits...
## convenience wrapper that writes data.frames and matrices with row and column names such that they can be read again; also supports vectors
## NOTE: if x has row and column names and you use write.table(x, file="foo.txt", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE) you can not read in that table with read.table("foo.txt")
ezWrite.table = function(values, file=file, head="Identifier", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE,
                         append=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", na="NA", digits=NA){
  if (is.vector(values)){
    values = as.data.frame(values)
  if (!is.na(digits)){
    if (is.data.frame(values)){
      for (i in 1:length(values)){
        if (is.numeric(values[[i]])){
          hasDecimals = suppressWarnings({as.integer(values[[i]]) != values[[i]]})
          hasDecimals[is.na(hasDecimals)] = FALSE
          if (any(hasDecimals)){
            values[[i]] = signif(values[[i]], digits=digits)
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(values)){
        values = signif(values, digits=digits)
  if (row.names){
    if (col.names){
      write.table(matrix(c(head, colnames(values)), nrow=1), file=file, sep=sep, quote=quote, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=append, na=na)
      write.table(values, file=file, sep=sep, quote=quote, col.names=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, append=TRUE, na=na)
    } else {
      write.table(values, file=file, sep=sep, quote=quote, col.names=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, append=append, na=na)
  } else {
    write.table(values, file=file, sep=sep, quote=quote, col.names=col.names, row.names=FALSE, append=append, na=na)

##' @title Saves an interactive table
##' @description Saves an interactive table accessible with the provided \code{tableLink}.
##' @param values a data.frame or table to create an interactive table from.
##' @param tableLink a character ending with .html representing the link to the interactive table
##' @param digits the number of digits to round to, if rounding is desired.
##' @param colNames a character vector specifying the column names of the interactive table.
##' @param title a character representing the title of the interactive table.
##' @param format formatting options passed as an expression. The table argument in formatting functions must be named \code{interactiveTable}.
##' @param envir the environment to evaluate \code{format} in.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link[DT]{datatable}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[DT]{saveWidget}}
##' @examples 
##' tableLink = "exampleTable.html"
##' table = data.frame(a=c(1.11, 2:100), b=201:300)
##' ezInteractiveTable(table, tableLink)
ezInteractiveTable = function(values, tableLink, digits=NULL, colNames=colnames(values), title="", format=NULL, envir=parent.frame()){
  require(DT, quietly=TRUE)
  require(htmltools, quietly=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(digits)){
    for (i in 1:ncol(values)) {
      if(typeof(values[ ,i]) == "double"){
        values[ ,i] = signif(values[ ,i], digits=digits)
    captionText = paste("Numeric values are rounded to", digits, "digits.")
    caption = htmltools::tags$caption(htmltools::h1(title), 
  } else {
    caption = htmltools::tags$caption(htmltools::h1(title))
  interactiveTable = datatable(values, 
                                   extensions=c("Buttons"), filter="top", caption=caption, colnames=colNames,
                                   options=list(dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = c('colvis','copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'), pageLength=25, autoWidth=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(format)){
    currEnv = environment()
    interactiveTable = eval(format, envir=c(envir, currEnv))
  saveWidget(interactiveTable, tableLink)

##' @title Generates an interactive table
##' @description Generates an interactive table embeded in rmarkdown document.
##' @param values a data.frame or table to create an interactive table from.
##' @param digits the number of digits to round to, if rounding is desired.
##' @param colNames a character vector specifying the column names of the interactive table.
##' @param title a character representing the title of the interactive table.
##' @param format formatting options passed as an expression. The table argument in formatting functions must be named \code{interactiveTable}.
##' @param envir the environment to evaluate \code{format} in.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link[DT]{datatable}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[DT]{saveWidget}}
##' @examples 
##' table = data.frame(a=c(1.11, 2:100), b=201:300)
##' ezInteractiveTableRmd(table)
ezInteractiveTableRmd = function(values, digits=NULL, 
                                 colNames=colnames(values), rowNames=rownames(values), title="", 
                                 format=NULL, envir=parent.frame()){
  suppressMessages(require(DT, quietly=TRUE))
  suppressMessages(require(htmltools, quietly=TRUE))
  if (!is.null(digits)){
    for (i in 1:ncol(values)) {
      if(typeof(values[ ,i]) == "double"){
        values[ ,i] = signif(values[ ,i], digits=digits)
    captionText = paste("Numeric values are rounded to", digits, "digits.")
    caption = htmltools::tags$caption(htmltools::h1(title), 
  } else {
    caption = htmltools::tags$caption(htmltools::h1(title))
  interactiveTable <- datatable(values, 
                                extensions=c("Buttons"), filter="top", 
                                caption=caption, colnames=colNames, rownames=rowNames,
                                options=list(dom = 'Bfrtip', 
                                             buttons = c('colvis','copy', 'csv',
                                             pageLength=25, autoWidth=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(format)){
    currEnv = environment()
    interactiveTable = eval(format, envir=c(envir, currEnv))

##' @title Write in a single line
##' @description Concatenates its arguments and writes it as a single line.
##' @param ... the arguments to concatenate.
##' @param sep a character specifying how to separate the arguments from each other.
##' @param collapse a character specifying how to separate entries of each argument from each other.
##' @return Returns a single line written into a separate file.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @template connection-template
##' @examples 
##' con = file("example.txt", "w")
##' ezWrite("concatenates","these",4,"arguments",con=con,sep=" ")
##' close(con)
## concatenates its arguments and writes it as a single line
## usage:
## con = file("result.txt", "w")
## ezWrite(a, b, c, con=con)
ezWrite = function(..., sep="", collapse=" ", con=stdout()){
  args = list(...)  ## see function message
  #args = sapply(args, print)# as.character)
  text = paste(sapply(args, paste, collapse=collapse), collapse=sep)
  writeLines(text, con=con)

##' @title Enforces a valid file name
##' @description Replaces invalid characters and returns a file name with these replaced
##' @param name a character representing a file name.
##' @param replace a character defining the replacement character(s).
##' @return Returns a character where invalid characters for file names are replaced.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @examples
##' ezValidFilename("example:filename")
##' ezValidFilename("or?to/remove(them",replace="")
## replace characters that are not allowed in filenames
ezValidFilename = function(name, replace="_"){
  gsub("[$%#!?/:;() '=]", replace, name)

##' @describeIn getSuffix Gets and removes the suffix of a file name.
removeSuffix = function(filename){
  sapply(filename, function(x){sub("\\.$", "", sub(getSuffix(x), "", x))})

##' @title Gets the suffix of a file name
##' @description Gets the suffix of a file name or the file name without the suffix.
##' @param filename a filename to extract the suffix from.
##' @return Returns a character with either the suffix of the file name or the file name without suffix.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @examples
##' getSuffix("example.file")
##' removeSuffix("example.file")
getSuffix = function(filename){
  return( sub(".*\\.", "", filename))

##' @title Is x an absolute file path?
##' @description Checks whether \code{x} is an absolute file path.
##' @param x a character representing a file path to check.
##' @return Returns TRUE if \code{x} starts with a /.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @examples
##' ezIsAbsolutePath("/absolutepath")
ezIsAbsolutePath = function(x){
  !is.null(x) & grepl("^/", x)

ezRandomString = function(length){
  paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS),
               length, replace=TRUE), collapse="")
uzh/ezRun documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 11:21 p.m.