
# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here:

##' @title Runs the gage analysis
##' @description Runs the gage analysis.
##' @param result a list of results obtained from \code{twoGroupCountComparison()}.
##' @param param a list of parameters, passed to other functions as well:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item{featureLevel}{ a character representing the feature level. Must be "gene", otherwise the function gets stopped.}
##'   \item{pathView}{ a logical indicating whether to do a path view.}
##' }
##' @template output-template
##' @template rawData-template
##' @param gene.pValue a numeric specifying the p-value threshold.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link{getGeneSets}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[gage]{gage}}
##' @seealso \code{\link{gageSigGenes}}
##' @seealso \code{\link{getSpeciesName}}
##' @seealso \code{\link{getKeggId}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[pathview]{pathview}}
##' @return Returns the gage results.
runGageAnalysis = function(result, param=NULL, output=NULL, rawData=NULL, gene.pValue=param[['gageGeneThreshold']]) {
  stopifnot(param$featureLevel == "gene")
  # Load Gene sets (KEGG and Human MSigDb)
  geneSets = getGeneSets(param)
  # Run GAGE
  gageResults = gageAnalysis(result, param=param, rawData=rawData, geneSets=geneSets)
  # Get normalized expression and P-values from genes in all pathways
  gageResults[['all']] = getExpressionGage(gageResults[['all']], result, rawData, 
                                           param, signal = c("greater", "less", "both"))
  # Get Significant Genes for each signal for significant pathways
  gageResults[['all']] = lapply(gageResults[['all']], gageSigGenes, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal='both')
  gageResults[['all']] = lapply(gageResults[['all']], gageSigGenes, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal='greater')
  gageResults[['all']] = lapply(gageResults[['all']], gageSigGenes, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal='less')
  # Write results txt table
  writeGageResults(gageResults, param=param, output=output, prefix='gage')
  # Get normalized expression and P-values from genes in significant pathways for posterior data visualization
  gageResults[['significant']] = getExpressionGage(gageResults[['significant']], result, rawData, 
                                                   param, signal = c("greater", "less", "combined", "both"))

  # Get Significant Genes for each signal for significant pathways
  gageResults[['significant']] = lapply(gageResults[['significant']], gageSigGenes, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal='combined')
  gageResults[['significant']] = lapply(gageResults[['significant']], gageSigGenes, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal='both')
  gageResults[['significant']] = lapply(gageResults[['significant']], gageSigGenes, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal='greater')
  gageResults[['significant']] = lapply(gageResults[['significant']], gageSigGenes, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal='less')
  # Create HeatMaps Plots
  for (i in names(geneSets)) {
    for (signal in c("combined", "both")) {
      prefix =  paste0('gage-heatmap',"-", i)
      lab.pathCol = paste(signal, "pathColors", sep=".")
      lab.png = paste(signal, "png", sep=".")
      res = gageHeatmap(gageResults[['significant']][[i]], param = param, output=output, gene.pValue=gene.pValue, signal=signal, prefix=prefix)
      gageResults[['significant']][[i]][[lab.pathCol]] = res$pathwayColors
      gageResults[['significant']][[i]][[lab.png]] = res[["fileLink"]]
  # PathView
  kgSets = grep("^kg", names(geneSets), value = T)
  if(param[['pathview']] & length(kgSets)>0 ) {
    SpeciesName = getSpeciesName(param) = getKeggId(SpeciesName, param)
    for (i in kgSets) {
      for (signal in c("combined", "both")) {
        gagePathview(gageResults[['significant']][[i]], param = param, 
                     output=output, signal=signal, result = result, 
                     anno = rawData$seqAnno, =

##' @title Gets the gene set
##' @description Gets the gene set
##' @param param a list of parameters:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item{KEGGgmt}{ a character representing the file path of the gmt data.}
##'   \item{genesets}{ a character vector containing the gene sets.}
##'   \item{MSigDB}{ a character. Used if the species is Homo sapiens.}
##'   \item{MSigDBPath}{ a character representing the file path to \code{MSigDB}. Used if the species is Homo sapiens.}
##' }
##' @param file a character representing path to the gmt file.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns the gene set.
## NOTEP: no database found at param$KEGGgmt
getGeneSets = function(param){
  SpeciesName = getSpeciesName(param) = getKeggId(SpeciesName, param)
  # Load KEGG sets
  if( stop('Specie unknown in kegg table')
  lf = grep("symbol", list.files(param[['KEGGgmt']],, full.names=T), value=T)
  if(grepl(",", param[['genesets']])) param[['genesets']] <- unlist(strsplit(param[['genesets']],","))
  if(length(lf)>0) {
    # Read precomputed KEGG gene sets with HGNC symbol
    geneSet = lapply(lf, readGmt)
    keggSetNames = gsub(paste(,"_",".symbol.gmt",sep="|"),"",basename(lf))
    names(geneSet) = keggSetNames
    geneSet = geneSet[names(geneSet) %in% param[['genesets']]]
  } else {
    stop(paste('No KEGG database found at', param[['KEGGgmt']]))
    ## Load data from kegg.gsets
    #geneSet = kegg.gsets(species =, id.type = "entrez")
    ## Transform to HGNC symbol
    #dataset <- "hsapiens_gene_ensembl"
    #ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = dataset)
    #res <- lapply(keggSet$kg.sets, 
    #              function(x) getBM(attributes='hgnc_symbol', 
    #                                filters ='entrezgene', 
    #                                values = x, 
    #                                mart = ensembl)[,'hgnc_symbol'])
    #keggSet$kg.symbol <- res
  # Adding MSigDB if Homo Sapiens
  if(SpeciesName == 'Homo_sapiens') {
    # READ MSigDB (read gmt file)
    use = unlist(strsplit(param[['MSigDB']], ','))
    for (i in use) {
      gmtFile = file.path(param[['MSigDBPath']],i)
      msigdb = readGmt(gmtFile)
      msigName = paste0('msigdb.', i)
      geneSet[[msigName]] = msigdb

##' @describeIn getGeneSets Reads the gmt file in.
readGmt = function (file) {
  f <- readLines(file)
  lst = sapply(f, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "\t", fixed = TRUE)))
  names(lst) = sapply(lst, function(x) x[1])
  lst = lapply(lst, function(x) x[-(1:2)])

##' @describeIn runGageAnalysis Runs the gage command, filters the results and returns them.
gageAnalysis = function(result, rawData=NULL, param=NULL, geneSets=NULL ) {
  # Prepare gage input data
  gage.input = as.matrix(result[[param[['gageInput']]]])
  seqAnno = rawData$seqAnno
  probes = names(result$pValue)
  dimnames(gage.input)[[1]] = sapply(seqAnno[match(probes, rownames(seqAnno)), "gene_name"], as.character)
  gage.input = gage.input[result$usedInTest,]
  # Run gage and get all the results + add html links
  geneSets.names = names(geneSets)
  #   lapply(seq_along(geneSets), function(i) paste(names(geneSets)[[i]], geneSets[[i]]))
  fc.gsets.all = lapply(seq_along(geneSets), function(i, data=gage.input, paramI=param){
    x = geneSets[[i]]
    res = gage::gage(data, gsets = x, ref = NULL, samp = NULL)
    both = gage::gage(data, gsets = x, ref = NULL, samp = NULL, same.dir = FALSE)
    res$both = both$greater
    res$statsboth = both$stats
    res$gsets = x
    res$ = names(geneSets)[[i]]
    res$links = matrix(rep(NA,length(names(x))), dimnames=list(names(x), "link"))
    htmlbase = NA
    if(grepl("^kg\\.", res$ {
      htmlbase = paramI[['KEGGhtml']]
      keggGsetId = gsub(" .*","",names(x))
      res$links =  matrix(paste0(htmlbase,keggGsetId), dimnames=list(names(x), "link"))
    if(grepl("^msigdb", res$ {
      htmlbase = paramI[['MSigDBhtml']]
      res$links =  matrix(file.path(htmlbase,names(x)), dimnames=list(names(x), "link"))
  names(fc.gsets.all) <- geneSets.names
  # Filter gage results using param[['gageThreshold']] q value
  fc.gsets = lapply(fc.gsets.all, function(x, cutoff=param[['gageThreshold']], qpval = "q.val"){
    greater.pval = x$greater[,qpval]
    use = greater.pval <= cutoff & !
    x$greater = x$greater[use, , drop=F]
    x$greater = x$greater[order(x$greater[,qpval]), , drop=F]
    x$greater = suppressWarnings(cbind(x$greater, signal='greater'))
    if(nrow(x$greater) > 30) x$greater = x$greater[1:30,]
    less.pval = x$less[,qpval]
    use = less.pval <= cutoff & !
    x$less = x$less[use, , drop=F]
    x$less = x$less[order(x$less[,qpval]), , drop=F]
    x$less = suppressWarnings(cbind(x$less, signal='less'))
    if(nrow(x$less) > 30) x$less = x$less[1:30,]
    x$combined = rbind(x$greater,x$less)
    combined.pval = x$combined[,qpval]
    use = order(as.numeric(combined.pval))
    x$combined = x$combined[use, , drop=F]
    if(nrow(x$combined) > 30) x$combined = x$combined[1:30,]
    both.pval = x$both[,qpval]
    use = both.pval <= cutoff & !
    x$both = x$both[use, , drop=F]
    x$both = x$both[order(x$both[,qpval]), , drop=F]
    x$both = suppressWarnings(cbind(x$both, signal='both'))
    if(nrow(x$both) > 30) x$both = x$both[1:30,]
  return(list(all=fc.gsets.all, significant=fc.gsets))

##' @describeIn runGageAnalysis Gets the expression from the gage results.
getExpressionGage = function(gageResults, result=NULL, rawData=NULL, param = NULL, signal=NULL){
  xgetExpressionGage = function (x, gset, anno = NULL, expr = NULL, pValue = NULL, param = NULL){
    xNames = row.names(x)
    genes_symbols = unique(unlist(gset[xNames]))
    genes_symbols = intersect(genes_symbols, anno$gene_name)
    ## TODO: currently works only for ENSEMBL genome builds
    gsEnsembl = rownames(anno)[match(genes_symbols, anno$gene_name)]
    exprRes = expr[gsEnsembl, ,drop=FALSE]
    rownames(exprRes) = genes_symbols
    exprRes = shiftZeros(exprRes, param[['minSignal']])
    pValueRes = pValue[gsEnsembl]
    names(pValueRes) = genes_symbols
    res = list(expr = exprRes, pValue = pValueRes)
  fc.gsets = lapply(gageResults, function(x, 
                                          xanno = rawData$seqAnno, 
                                          xexpr = result$xNorm, 
                                          xpValue = result$fdr, 
                                          xparam = param, 
                                          xsignal = signal){
    for (i in xsignal){
      expName = paste(i, "expr", sep=".")
      pValueName = paste(i, "pValue", sep=".")
      x[[expName]] = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
      x[[pValueName]] = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
      if(nrow(x[[i]]) > 0) {
        ge = xgetExpressionGage(x[[i]], x$gsets, anno = xanno, expr = xexpr, pValue = xpValue, param = xparam)
        x[[expName]] = ge$expr
        x[[pValueName]] = ge$pValue

##' @title Gets significant genes
##' @description Gets significant genes from the gage analysis.
##' @param x the gage results to get significant genes from.
##' @param gene.pValue a numeric specifying the p-value threshold.
##' @param signal a character specifying which signal to analyse.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns the gage results with labeled significant genes.
gageSigGenes = function(x, gene.pValue=NULL, signal=NULL ){
  # Select significant genes
  pValueVar = paste(signal, 'pValue', sep='.')
  use = x[[pValueVar]] <= gene.pValue & ![[pValueVar]])
  genesUse = names(x[[pValueVar]])[use]
  label = paste(signal, "sigGenes", sep='.')
  x[[label]] = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2, dimnames=list(c(),c("Gene", "Set")))
  if(!is.null(genesUse)) {
    xAnnot = reshape2::melt(x$gsets[rownames(x[[signal]])])
    xAnnot = xAnnot[xAnnot$value %in% genesUse,]
    names(xAnnot) = c("Gene", "Set")
    x[[label]] = xAnnot

##' @describeIn runGageAnalysis Writes the gage results into separate tables.
writeGageResults = function(gageResults, param=NULL, output=NULL, prefix=NULL, signal=c("greater", "less", "both")){
  gageAll = gageResults[['all']]
  outDir = "."
  if(is.null(prefix)) prefix = "gage"
  for (gs in names(gageAll)){
    x = gageAll[[gs]]
    for (test in signal){
      outfile = paste(paste(param[['comparison']],prefix, gs, test, sep = "-"), "txt", sep=".")
      outfile = file.path(outDir, outfile)
      res = x[[test]]
      links = x[["links"]][rownames(res),]
      res = cbind(res,links)
      fSet = row.names(res)
      fGenes = lapply(fSet, 
                      function(y, datf=x$less.sigGenes){
      res = cbind(res, unlist(fGenes))
      colnames(res)[ncol(res)] = paste0("genes(",param[['gageGeneThreshold']],")")
      ezWrite.table(res, file=outfile)

##' @describeIn runGageAnalysis Plots heatmaps of the significant gage results.
gageHeatmap = function(x, param=NULL, output=NULL, gene.pValue=NULL, signal=NULL, fileName=NULL, prefix='gage-heatmap'){
  require("gplots", warn.conflicts=WARN_CONFLICTS, quietly=!WARN_CONFLICTS)
  sampleColors = getSampleColors(param$grouping)[order(param$grouping)]
  # Select Significant genes
  x = gageSigGenes(x, gene.pValue, signal=signal)
  # Define labels for list elements
  lab.expr = paste(signal, 'expr', sep='.')
  lab.sigGenes = paste(signal, 'sigGenes', sep='.')
  lab.pValue = paste(signal, 'pValue', sep='.')
  # Exit if no sigGenes
  if(nrow(x[[lab.sigGenes]])==0) return(list(pathwayColors=NA, fileName=NA))
  # Get expression
  use = as.character(x[[lab.sigGenes]]$Gene)
  xlogSignal = log2(shiftZeros(x[[lab.expr]][use,,drop=F], param$minSignal))
  xCentered = (xlogSignal - rowMeans(xlogSignal))[, order(param$grouping), drop=FALSE]
  xPathway = x[[lab.sigGenes]]$Set
  # nGroups = nlevels(factor(param$grouping))
  # Pathways colors
  xPathway = factor(xPathway, levels=unique(xPathway))
  pathwayColsPal = rainbow(nlevels(xPathway), start=0.1, end=0.8, s=0.8, v=0.7)
  pathwayColors = pathwayColsPal[as.numeric(xPathway)]
  # HeatMap
  if(is.null(fileName) & nrow(xCentered) >= 2 & ncol(xCentered) >= 2) {
    fileName = paste0(param[['comparison']],"-", prefix,"-", signal, ".png")
    plotCmd = expression({
      rowDendro = FALSE
      colDendro = T
      showDendro = "column"
                ColSideColors=sampleColors, RowSideColors=pathwayColors,
                Colv=colDendro, Rowv=rowDendro, dendrogram=showDendro,
                key=TRUE,"none", trace="none",
                keysize=1, cexCol=1.5, lwid=lwid, lhei=lhei,
                margins=c(14,9), cexRow = 0.00001) ## TODO: why????
    fileLink = ezImageFileLink(plotCmd, file=fileName, width=max(800, 400 + 10 * ncol(xCentered)), height=1000) # HEATMAP
  return(list(pathwayColors=pathwayColors, fileLink=fileLink))

##' @title Gets the species name
##' @description Gets the species name.
##' @param param a list of parameters to extract \code{refBuild} from.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns the name of the species derived from \code{refBuild}.
##' @examples
##' ls = list('refBuild' = 'Schizosaccharomyces_pombe/Ensembl/EF2/Annotation/Version-2013-03-07')
##' param = ezParam(userParam = ls)
##' getSpeciesName(param)
getSpeciesName = function(param){
  buildFields = strsplit(param[["refBuild"]], "/", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]

##' @title Gets the KEGG ID
##' @description Gets the KEGG ID.
##' @param x a character representing the species name.
##' @param param a list of parameters to extract \code{KEGGdb} and \code{KEGGOrgId} from.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns the KEGG ID as a character.
##' @examples
##' ls = list('refBuild' = 'Schizosaccharomyces_pombe/Ensembl/EF2/Annotation/Version-2013-03-07')
##' param = ezParam(userParam = ls)
##' x = getSpeciesName(param)
##' getKeggId(x, param)
getKeggId = function(x, param) { = read.delim(file.path(param[['KEGGdb']], param[['KEGGOrgId']]))
  # Query is in
  if(x %in%$fgcz) { =$KeggOrg[$fgcz==x]
  # If not in the original, check if the name is in the full name field using "_" as a separator
  strOrgName = gsub("_", " ", x)
  if(any(grepl(strOrgName,$FullName, = T))) { =$KeggOrg[grep(strOrgName,$FullName, = T)]
  } else {
    warning(paste("Genome build not found in the KEGG organism list. Please add genome manually to", param[['KEGGOrgId']]))

##' @describeIn runGageAnalysis Performs the pathview for each gene set and signal.
gagePathview = function(x, param=NULL, output=NULL, signal=NULL,, gene.pValue=NULL, result = result, anno){
  # Define labels for list elements
  lab.sigGenes = paste(signal, 'sigGenes', sep='.')
  # Extract significant genes ID
  genes = x[[lab.sigGenes]]
  if(nrow(genes)==0) return(NULL)
  # Add LogRatio to significant genes
  gsEnsembl = rownames(anno)[match(genes$Gene, anno$gene_name)]
  use = match(gsEnsembl, names(result$pValue))
  log2Ratio = result$log2Ratio[use]
  names(log2Ratio) = genes$Gene
  genes$log2Ratio = log2Ratio
  # Convert to list
  genes = split(genes, factor(genes$Set))
  genes = lapply(genes, function(x){res=x$log2Ratio; names(res)=x$Gene; return(res)})
  # Convert pathway ID
  pathways = names(genes)
  pattern = paste0(,"[[:digit:]]+")
  kegg.pathId = unlist(regmatches(pathways, gregexpr(pattern, pathways)))
  names(genes) = kegg.pathId
  suffix = paste(x$, signal, sep="-")
  for ( in names(genes)) {
    pv.out = try(suppressMessages(pathview::pathview( = genes[[]],
                                                     species =,
                                                     out.suffix = suffix,
                                                     kegg.native = T,
                                                     kegg.dir = param[['KEGGxml']],
                                                     gene.idtype = "SYMBOL",
                                                     limit = list(gene = 3, cpd = 3))), silent = TRUE)
uzh/ezRun documentation built on April 19, 2024, 8:25 a.m.