#' Generate cell cluster pseudo-bulk coverage tracks
#' @description Generate cell cluster pseudo-bulk coverage tracks. First, scBED
#' files are concatenated into cell clusters contained in the 'by'
#' column of your SingleCellExperiment object. To do so, for each sample in the
#' given list, the barcodes of each cluster are grepped and BED files are
#' merged into pseudo-bulk of clusters (C1,C2...). Two cells from different can
#' have the same barcode ID as cell affectation is done sample by sample.
#' Then coverage of pseudo-bulk BED files is calculated by averaging &
#' smoothing reads on small genomic window (150bp per default). The pseudo
#' bulk BED and BigWigs coverage tracks are writtend to the output directory.
#' This functionality is not available on Windows as it uses the 'cat' and
#' 'gzip' utilities from Unix OS.
#' @param scExp_cf A SingleCellExperiment with cluster selected.
#' (see \code{\link{choose_cluster_scExp}}). It is recommended having a minimum
#' of ~100 cells per cluster in order to obtain smooth tracks.
#' @param input Either a named list of character vector of path towards
#' single-cell BED files or a sparse raw matrix of small bins (<<500bp). If
#' a named list specifying scBED the names MUST correspond to the 'sample_id'
#' column in your SingleCellExperiment object. The single-cell BED files names MUST
#' match the barcode names in your SingleCellExperiment (column 'barcode'). The
#' scBED files can be gzipped or not.
#' @param odir The output directory to write the cumulative BED and BigWig
#' files.
#' @param format File format, either "raw_mat", "BED" or "BAM"
#' @param ref_genome The genome of reference, used to constrain to canonical
#' chromosomes. Either 'hg38' or 'mm10'. 'hg38' per default.
#' @param bin_width The width of the bin to create the coverage track. The
#' smaller the greater the resolution & runtime. Default to 150.
#' @param n_smoothBin Number of bins left & right to average ('smooth') the
#' signal on. Default to 5.
#' @param read_size The estimated size of reads. Default to 101.
#' @param quantile_for_peak_calling The quantile to define the threshold above
#' which signal is considered as a peak.
#' @param by A character specifying a categoricla column of scExp_cf metadata
#' by which to group cells and generate coverage tracks and peaks.
#' @param progress A Progress object for Shiny. Default to NULL.
#' @return Generate coverage tracks (.bigwig) for each group in the
#' SingleCellExperiment "by" column.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data(scExp)
#' input_files_coverage = list(
#' "scChIP_Jurkat_K4me3" = paste0("/path/to/",scExp$barcode[1:51],".bed"),
#' "scChIP_Ramos_K4me3" = paste0("/path/to/",scExp$barcode[52:106],".bed")
#' )
#' generate_coverage_tracks(scExp, input_files_coverage, "/path/to/output",
#' ref_genome = "hg38")
#' }
generate_coverage_tracks <- function(scExp_cf, input, odir,
format = "scBED",
ref_genome = c("hg38","mm10", "ce11")[1],
bin_width = 150, n_smoothBin = 5,
read_size = 101,
quantile_for_peak_calling = 0.85,
by = "cell_cluster",
progress = NULL){
stopifnot(is(scExp_cf,"SingleCellExperiment"), is.character(format),
dir.exists(odir), ref_genome %in% c("hg38","mm10", "ce11"),
is.numeric(bin_width), is.numeric(n_smoothBin),
if(format == "scBED") stopifnot(length(intersect(scExp_cf$sample_id, names(input))) > 0)
affectation = SingleCellExperiment::colData(scExp_cf)
affectation[,by] = as.factor(affectation[,by])
nclust = length(unique(affectation[,by]))
if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(message=paste0('Generating coverage tracks for k= ', nclust,' group ...'), value = 0.1)
if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Generating pseudo-bulk...", value = 0.2)
if(format == "scBED") {
concatenate_scBed_into_clusters(affectation, input, odir)
if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Creating coverage files for each cluster...", value = 0.40)
if(format == "raw_mat"){
original_bins = rownames(input)
original_bins = strsplit(original_bins, "_", fixed = TRUE)
original_bins_chr = as.character(lapply(original_bins, function(x) x[1]))
original_bins_start = as.numeric(lapply(original_bins, function(x) x[2]))
original_bins_end = as.numeric(lapply(original_bins, function(x) x[3]))
original_bins = GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = original_bins_chr, ranges = IRanges::IRanges(original_bins_start, original_bins_end))
input = input[,match(colnames(scExp_cf), colnames(input))]
suffix = ".bed"
n = 0
for(class in unique(affectation[,by])) {
n = n + 1
if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = paste0("Coverage ",class,"..."),
value = 0.4 + n * (0.6/length(unique(affectation[, by]))) )
out_bw = file.path(odir, paste0(class,".bw"))
norm_factor = sum(affectation$total_counts[affectation[, by] == class])
if(format == "scBED") {
input = file.path(odir, paste0(class,suffix))
rawfile_ToBigWig(input, out_bw, "BED", bin_width = bin_width,
norm_factor = norm_factor,
n_smoothBin = n_smoothBin, ref = ref_genome,
read_size = read_size,
quantile_for_peak_calling = quantile_for_peak_calling)
} else{
input. = input[,which(affectation[, by] %in% class)]
rawfile_ToBigWig(input = input., BigWig_filename = out_bw,
format = "raw_mat", bin_width = bin_width,
norm_factor = norm_factor,
n_smoothBin = n_smoothBin, ref = ref_genome,
read_size = read_size,
original_bins = original_bins,
quantile_for_peak_calling = quantile_for_peak_calling)
if (!is.null(progress)) progress$set(detail = "Done !", value = 0.95)
#' Concatenate single-cell BED into clusters
#' @param affectation Annotation data.frame containing cluster information
#' @param files_list Named list of scBED file paths to concatenate. List Names
#' must match affectation$sample_id and basenames must match
#' affectation$barcode.
#' @param odir Output directory to write concatenate pseudo-bulk BEDs.
#' @return Merge single-cell BED files into cluster BED files. Ungzip file if
#' BED is gzipped.
concatenate_scBed_into_clusters <- function(affectation, files_list, odir){
unlink(file.path(odir, "*.bed"))
gzipped = grepl(".gz", files_list[[1]][1])
suffix = ""
if(gzipped) suffix = ".gz"
for(sample in names(files_list)){
message("ChromSCape:::concatenate_scBed_into_clusters - concatenating ",
"files for ", sample, " files...")
file_pool = files_list[[sample]]
for (class in levels(factor(affectation[,by])))
message("ChromSCape:::concatenate_scBed_into_clusters - concatenating ", class, "...")
class_barcodes <- affectation$barcode[which(affectation[,by] == as.character(class) &
affectation$sample_id == sample)]
files_class = c()
class_barcodes_chunk = class_barcodes[1:500]
files_class = c(files_class,
file_pool[grep(paste(class_barcodes_chunk, collapse="|"),
file_pool,useBytes = TRUE, perl = TRUE)])
class_barcodes = class_barcodes[-c(1:500)]
files_class = c(files_class,
file_pool[grep(paste(class_barcodes, collapse="|"),
file_pool,useBytes = TRUE, perl = TRUE)])
} else {
files_class = file_pool[grep(paste(class_barcodes, collapse="|"),
file_pool,useBytes = TRUE, perl = TRUE)]
for(file in files_class){
command = paste0("cat '", file, "' >> '",
file.path(odir, paste0(class, ".bed",suffix,"'")))
for(class in levels(factor(affectation[,by]))){
if(gzipped) {
command = paste0("gzip -cd '", file.path(
odir,paste0(class,".bed", suffix)),
"' > '", file.path(odir,paste0(class, ".bed'")))
#' Smooth a vector of values with nb_bins left and righ values
#' @param bin_score A numeric vector of values to be smoothed
#' @param nb_bins Number of values to take left and right
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpvec
#' @return A smooth vector of the same size
smoothBin <- function(bin_score, nb_bins = 10){
bin_original = bin_score
fun <-function(v){
v_or = v
start = nb_bins + 1
end = length(v) - nb_bins -1
for(i in start:end){
v[i] = mean(v_or[(i-nb_bins):(i+nb_bins)])
bin_score = unlist(BiocParallel::bpvec(bin_score, fun))
#' rawfile_ToBigWig : reads in BAM file and write out BigWig coverage file,
#' normalized and smoothed
#' @param input Either a named list of character vector of path towards
#' single-cell BED files or a sparse raw matrix of small bins (<<500bp). If
#' a named list specifying scBEDn the names MUST correspond to the 'sample_id'
#' column in your SingleCellExperiment object. The single-cell BED files names MUST
#' match the barcode names in your SingleCellExperiment (column 'barcode'). The
#' scBED files can be gzipped or not.
#' @param BigWig_filename Path to write the output BigWig file
#' @param format File format, either "BAM" or "BED"
#' @param bin_width Bin size for coverage
#' @param norm_factor Then number of cells or total number of reads in the given
#' sample, for normalization.
#' @param n_smoothBin Number of bins for smoothing values
#' @param ref Reference genome.
#' @param read_size Length of the reads.
#' @param original_bins Original bins GenomicRanges in case the format is raw
#' matrix.
#' @param quantile_for_peak_calling The quantile to define the threshold above
#' which signal is considered as a peak.
#' @return Writes in the output directory a bigwig file displaying the
#' cumulative coverage of cells and a basic set of peaks called by taking all
#' peaks above a given threshold
#' @importFrom rtracklayer export.bw export.bed
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges tileGenome width seqnames
#' @return Writes a BigWig file as output
rawfile_ToBigWig <- function(input, BigWig_filename, format = "BAM",
bin_width = 150, norm_factor,
n_smoothBin = 5, ref = "hg38",
read_size = 101, original_bins = NULL,
quantile_for_peak_calling = 0.85){
bins = NULL
eval(parse(text = paste0("data(",ref, ".chromosomes)")))
canonical_chr <- eval(parse(text = paste0(ref, ".chromosomes")))
canonical_chr$start = 1
canonical_chr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = canonical_chr$chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
start = canonical_chr$start,
end = canonical_chr$end
GenomicRanges::seqinfo(canonical_chr)@seqlengths = end(canonical_chr)
if(format != "raw_mat") {
message("ChromSCape:::rawfile_ToBigWig - generating bigwig for ",
basename(BigWig_filename), " file...")
bins <- unlist(GenomicRanges::tileGenome(
tilewidth = bin_width
} else if(format == "raw_mat") {
stopifnot(!is.null(original_bins), is(original_bins, "GRanges"))
message("ChromSCape:::rawfile_ToBigWig - generating bigwig from the ",
"raw matrix...")
} else{
message("ChromSCape:::rawfile_ToBigWig - format must be either 'raw_mat'",
", 'BAM' or 'BED'. Returning.")
bins <- count_coverage(input, format, bins, canonical_chr, norm_factor,
n_smoothBin, ref, read_size, original_bins)
## export as bigWig
GenomicRanges::seqinfo(bins)@seqlengths =
rtracklayer::export.bw(bins, BigWig_filename)
peaks = bins[bins$score > quantile(bins$score, quantile_for_peak_calling)]
peaks = GenomicRanges::reduce(peaks, min.gapwidth = 1000,
ignore.strand = TRUE)
rtracklayer::export.bed(peaks, gsub(".bw",".bed.gz", BigWig_filename))
#' Create a smoothed and normalized coverage track from a BAM file and
#' given a bin GenomicRanges object (same as deepTools bamCoverage)
#' Normalization is CPM, smoothing is done by averaging on n_smoothBin regions
#' left and right of any given region.
#' @param input Either a named list of character vector of path towards
#' single-cell BED files or a sparse raw matrix of small bins (<<500bp). If
#' a named list specifying scBEDn the names MUST correspond to the 'sample_id'
#' column in your SingleCellExperiment object. The single-cell BED files names MUST
#' match the barcode names in your SingleCellExperiment (column 'barcode'). The
#' scBED files can be gzipped or not.
#' @param format File format, either "BAM" or "BED"
#' @param bins A GenomicRanges object of binned genome
#' @param canonical_chr GenomicRanges of the chromosomes to read the BAM file.
#' @param norm_factor Then number of cells or total number of reads in the given
#' sample, for normalization.
#' @param n_smoothBin Number of bins left and right to smooth the signal.
#' @param ref Genomic reference
#' @param read_size Length of the reads
#' @param original_bins Original bins GenomicRanges in case the format is raw
#' matrix.
#' @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam scanBam scanBamWhat
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges tileGenome width seqnames findOverlaps
#' GRanges reduce split
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @return A binned GenomicRanges that can be readily exported into bigwig file.
count_coverage <-function(input, format = "BAM", bins, canonical_chr, norm_factor,
n_smoothBin = 5, ref = "hg38", read_size = 101,
original_bins = NULL)
if(format == "BAM"){
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(which = canonical_chr,
what = Rsamtools::scanBamWhat()[c(3,5)])
gr <- Rsamtools::scanBam(file = input, param = param)
chr = unlist(lapply(1:length(canonical_chr), function(i){gr[[i]]$rname}))
start = unlist(lapply(1:length(canonical_chr), function(i){gr[[i]]$pos}))
end = start + 101
gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = chr,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges("start" = start,
"end" = end))
} else if(format == "BED") {
gr <- rtracklayer::import(input)
} else if(format == "raw_mat"){
bins <- original_bins
} else {
message("ChromSCape::count_coverage - format must be either 'BAM', 'BED',",
" or 'raw_mat'. Returning.")
if(format != "raw_mat"){
hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(
bins, gr, minoverlap = 1, ignore.strand = TRUE)
hits = as.matrix(hits)
hits_agg = table(hits[,1])
bins$score = 0
bins$score[as.numeric(names(hits_agg))] = hits_agg
} else{
bins$score = rowSums(input)
bins$score = 10^6* bins$score / length(bins)
bins$score = smoothBin(bins$score, n_smoothBin)
bins = bins[-which(bins$score==0)]
bins$score = 10^6 * bins$score / norm_factor
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.