Man pages for wasquith/lmomco
L-Moments, Censored L-Moments, Trimmed L-Moments, L-Comoments, and Many Distributions

add.lmomco.axisAdd an lmomco Axis to a Plot
add.log.axisAdd a Polished Logarthimic Axis to a Plot
amarilloprecipAnnual Maximum Precipitation Data for Amarillo, Texas
Apwm2BpwmRCConversion between A- and B-Type Probability-Weighted Moments...
are.lmom.validAre the L-moments valid
are.paraep4.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parcau.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Cauchy...
are.paremu.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Eta-Mu...
are.parexp.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.pargam.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gamma...
are.pargdd.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gamma...
are.pargep.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.pargev.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.pargld.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parglo.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.pargno.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.pargov.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.pargpa.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.pargum.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gumbel...
are.parkap.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kappa...
are.parkmu.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kappa-Mu...
are.parkur.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parlap.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Laplace...
are.parlmrq.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Linear...
are.parln3.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parnor.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Normal...
are.parpdq3.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parpdq4.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parpe3.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Pearson...
are.parray.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Rayleigh...
are.parrevgum.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Reverse...
are.parrice.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Rice...
are.parsla.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Slash...
are.parsmd.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parst3.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.partexp.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Truncated...
are.partri.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.par.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the...
are.parwak.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Wakeby...
are.parwei.validAre the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Weibull...
BEhypergeoBarnes Extended Hypergeometric Function
bfrlmomcoBonferroni Curve of the Distributions
Bpwm2ApwmRCConversion between B- and A-Type Probability-Weighted Moments...
canyonprecipAnnual Maximum Precipitation Data for Canyon, Texas
cdf2lmomCompute an L-moment from Cumulative Distribution Function
cdf2lmomsCompute L-moments from Cumulative Distribution Function
cdfaep4Cumulative Distribution Function of the 4-Parameter...
cdfbenCumulative Distribution Function of the Benford Distribution
cdfcauCumulative Distribution Function of the Cauchy Distribution
cdfemuCumulative Distribution Function of the Eta-Mu Distribution
cdfexpCumulative Distribution Function of the Exponential...
cdfgamCumulative Distribution Function of the Gamma Distribution
cdfgddCumulative Distribution Function of the Gamma Difference...
cdfgepCumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized...
cdfgevCumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Extreme...
cdfgldCumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Lambda...
cdfgloCumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Logistic...
cdfgnoCumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Normal...
cdfgovCumulative Distribution Function of the Govindarajulu...
cdfgpaCumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Pareto...
cdfgumCumulative Distribution Function of the Gumbel Distribution
cdfkapCumulative Distribution Function of the Kappa Distribution
cdfkmuCumulative Distribution Function of the Kappa-Mu Distribution
cdfkurCumulative Distribution Function of the Kumaraswamy...
cdflapCumulative Distribution Function of the Laplace Distribution
cdflmrqCumulative Distribution Function of the Linear Mean Residual...
cdfln3Cumulative Distribution Function of the 3-Parameter...
cdfnorCumulative Distribution Function of the Normal Distribution
cdfpdq3Cumulative Distribution Function of the Polynomial...
cdfpdq4Cumulative Distribution Function of the Polynomial...
cdfpe3Cumulative Distribution Function of the Pearson Type III...
cdfrayCumulative Distribution Function of the Rayleigh Distribution
cdfrevgumCumulative Distribution Function of the Reverse Gumbel...
cdfriceCumulative Distribution Function of the Rice Distribution
cdfslaCumulative Distribution Function of the Slash Distribution
cdfsmdCumulative Distribution Function of the Singh-Maddala...
cdfst3Cumulative Distribution Function of the 3-Parameter Student t...
cdftexpCumulative Distribution Function of the Truncated Exponential...
cdftriCumulative Distribution Function of the Asymmetric Triangular...
cdfwakCumulative Distribution Function of the Wakeby Distribution
cdfweiCumulative Distribution Function of the Weibull Distribution
check.fsCheck Vector of Nonexceedance Probabilities
check.pdfCheck and Potentially Graph Probability Density Functions
claudeprecipAnnual Maximum Precipitation Data for Claude, Texas
clearforkporosityPorosity Data
cmlmomcoConditional Mean Residual Quantile Function of the...
cvm.test.lmomcoCramér-von Mises Test for Goodness-of-Fit
dat2bernquaObserved Data to Empirical Quantiles through Bernstein or...
dat2bernquafEquivalent Nonexceedance Probability for a Given Value...
disfitgovlocFit a Govindarajulu Distribution to Bounds and Location
disfitquaFit a Distribution using Minimization of Available Quantiles
dist.listList of Distribution Names
dlmomcoProbability Density Function of the Distributions
DrillBitLifetimeLifetime of Drill Bits
expect.max.ostatCompute the Expectation of a Maximum (or Minimum and others)...
f2fSubsetting of Nonexceedance Probabilities Related to...
f2floConversion of Annual Nonexceedance Probability to Conditional...
f2fpdsConversion of Annual Nonexceedance Probability to Partial...
fliplmomsFlip L-moments by Flip Attribute in L-moment Vector
flo2fConversion of Conditional Nonexceedance Probability to Annual...
fpds2fConversion of Partial-Duration Nonexceedance Probability to...
freq.curve.allCompute Frequency Curve for Almost All Distributions
genci.simpleGenerate (Estimate) Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a...
gen.freq.curvesPlot Randomly Generated Frequency Curves from a Parent...
gini.mean.diffGini Mean Difference Statistic
grv2probConvert a Vector of Gumbel Reduced Variates to Annual...
harmonic.meanThe Harmonic Mean with Zero-Value Correction
headrick.sheng.lalphaSample Headrick and Sheng L-alpha
herefordprecipAnnual Maximum Precipitation Data for Hereford, Texas
hlmomcoHazard Functions of the Distributions Internal Revenue Service Refunds by State for Fiscal...
is.aep4Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 4-Parameter...
is.cauIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Cauchy
is.emuIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Eta-Mu
is.expIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Exponential
is.gamIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gamma
is.gddIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gamma Difference
is.gepIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized...
is.gevIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized...
is.gldIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized...
is.gloIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized...
is.gnoIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized...
is.govIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Govindarajulu
is.gpaIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized...
is.gumIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gumbel
is.kapIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kappa
is.kmuIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kappa-Mu
is.kurIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kumaraswamy
is.lapIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Laplace
is.lmrqIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Linear Mean...
is.ln3Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 3-Parameter...
is.norIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Normal
is.pdq3Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Polynomial...
is.pdq4Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Polynomial...
is.pe3Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Pearson Type III
is.rayIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Rayleigh
is.revgumIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Reverse Gumbel
is.riceIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Rice
is.slaIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Slash
is.smdIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Singh-Maddala
is.st3Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 3-Parameter...
is.texpIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Truncated...
is.triIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Asymmetric...
is.wakIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Wakeby
is.weiIs a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Weibull
LaguerreHalfLaguerre Polynomial (Half)
Lcomoment.coefficientsL-comoment Coefficient Matrix
Lcomoment.correlationL-correlation Matrix (L-correlation through Sample...
Lcomoment.Lk12Compute a Single Sample L-comoment
Lcomoment.matrixCompute Sample L-comoment Matrix
Lcomoment.WkWeighting Coefficient for Sample L-comoment
lcomoms2The Sample L-comoments for Two Variables
lkhlmomcoLeimkuhler Curve of the Distributions
lmom2parConvert L-moments to the Parameters of a Distribution
lmom2pwmL-moments to Probability-Weighted Moments
lmom2vecConvert an L-moment object to a Vector of L-moments
lmomaep4L-moments of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power...
lmombenL-moments of the Benford Distribution
lmomcauTrimmed L-moments of the Cauchy Distribution
lmomcoBookShow the Errata for Asquith (2011) Book
lmomcohashStorage of Lookup Tables for the lmomco Package
lmomcoNewsShow the NEWS file
lmomco-packageL-moments, Censored L-moments, Trimmed L-moments,...
lmomemuL-moments of the Eta-Mu Distribution
lmomexpL-moments of the Exponential Distribution
lmomgamL-moments of the Gamma Distribution
lmomgddL-moments of the Gamma Difference Distribution
lmomgepL-moments of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distribution
lmomgevL-moments of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
lmomgldL-moments of the Generalized Lambda Distribution
lmomgloL-moments of the Generalized Logistic Distribution
lmomgnoL-moments of the Generalized Normal Distribution
lmomgovL-moments of the Govindarajulu Distribution
lmomgpaL-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distribution
lmomgpaRCB-type L-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distribution with...
lmomgumL-moments of the Gumbel Distribution
lmomkapL-moments of the Kappa Distribution
lmomkmuL-moments of the Kappa-Mu Distribution
lmomkurL-moments of the Kumaraswamy Distribution
lmomlapL-moments of the Laplace Distribution
lmomlmrqL-moments of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function...
lmomln3L-moments of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution
lmomnorL-moments of the Normal Distribution
lmompdq3L-moments of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distribution
lmompdq4L-moments of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distribution
lmompe3L-moments of the Pearson Type III Distribution
lmomrayL-moments of the Rayleigh Distribution
lmomRCmarkSample L-moment for Right-Tail Censoring by a Marking...
lmomrevgumL-moments of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution
lmomriceL-moments of the Rice Distribution
lmomsThe Sample L-moments and L-moment Ratios
lmoms.bernsteinNumerically Integrated L-moments of Smoothed Quantiles from...
lmoms.bootbarvarExact Bootstrap Mean and Variance of L-moments
lmoms.covDistribution-Free Variance-Covariance Structure of Sample...
lmomslaTrimmed L-moments of the Slash Distribution
lmomsmdL-moments of the Singh-Maddala Distribution
lmomsRCmarkSample L-moments Moments for Right-Tail Censoring by a...
lmomst3L-moments of the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution
lmomtexpL-moments of the Truncated Exponential Distribution
lmomTLgldTrimmed L-moments of the Generalized Lambda Distribution
lmomTLgpaTrimmed L-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distribution
lmomtriL-moments of the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution
lmom.ubUnbiased Sample L-moments by Direct Sample Estimators
lmomwakL-moments of the Wakeby Distribution
lmomweiL-moments of the Weibull Distribution
lmorphMorph an L-moment Object
lmrdiaL-moment Ratio Diagram Components
lmrdia46L-moment Ratio Diagram Components of Tau4 and Tau6
lmrdiscordCompute Discordance on L-CV, L-skew, and L-kurtosis
lmrlocLine-of-Organic Correlation
lrv2probConvert a Vector of Logistic Reduced Variates to Annual...
lrzlmomcoLorenz Curve of the Distributions
mle2parUse Maximum Likelihood to Estimate Parameters of a...
mps2parUse Maximum Product of Spacings to Estimate the Parameters of...
nonexceedsSome Common or Useful Nonexceedance Probabilities
par2cdfCumulative Distribution Function of the Distributions
par2cdf2Equivalent Cumulative Distribution Function of Two...
par2lmomConvert the Parameters of a Distribution to the L-moments
par2pdfProbability Density Function of the Distributions
par2quaQuantile Function of the Distributions
par2qua2Equivalent Quantile Function of Two Distributions
par2qua2loEquivalent Quantile Function of Two Distributions Stemming...
par2vecConvert a Parameter Object to a Vector of Parameters
paraep4Estimate the Parameters of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric...
parcauEstimate the Parameters of the Cauchy Distribution
paremuEstimate the Parameters of the Eta-Mu Distribution
parexpEstimate the Parameters of the Exponential Distribution
pargamEstimate the Parameters of the Gamma Distribution
pargddEstimate the Parameters of the Gamma Difference Distribution
pargepEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Exponential...
pargevEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Extreme Value...
pargldEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Lambda...
pargloEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Logistic...
pargnoEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Normal...
pargovEstimate the Parameters of the Govindarajulu Distribution
pargpaEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto...
pargpaRCEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto...
pargumEstimate the Parameters of the Gumbel Distribution
parkapEstimate the Parameters of the Kappa Distribution
parkmuEstimate the Parameters of the Kappa-Mu Distribution
parkurEstimate the Parameters of the Kumaraswamy Distribution
parlapEstimate the Parameters of the Laplace Distribution
parlmrqEstimate the Parameters of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile...
parln3Estimate the Parameters of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal...
parnorEstimate the Parameters of the Normal Distribution
parpdq3Estimate the Parameters of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3...
parpdq4Estimate the Parameters of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4...
parpe3Estimate the Parameters of the Pearson Type III Distribution
parrayEstimate the Parameters of the Rayleigh Distribution
parrevgumEstimate the Parameters of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution
parriceEstimate the Parameters of the Rice Distribution
pars2xEstimate Quantiles from an Ensemble of Parameters
parslaEstimate the Parameters of the Slash Distribution
parsmdEstimate the Parameters of the Singh-Maddala Distribution
parst3Estimate the Parameters of the 3-Parameter Student t...
partexpEstimate the Parameters of the Truncated Exponential...
parTLgldEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Lambda...
parTLgpaEstimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto...
partriEstimate the Parameters of the Asymmetric Triangular...
parwakEstimate the Parameters of the Wakeby Distribution
parweiEstimate the Parameters of the Weibull Distribution
pdfaep4Probability Density Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric...
pdfcauProbability Density Function of the Cauchy Distribution
pdfemuProbability Density Function of the Eta-Mu Distribution
pdfexpProbability Density Function of the Exponential Distribution
pdfgamProbability Density Function of the Gamma Distribution
pdfgddProbability Density Function of the Gamma Difference...
pdfgepProbability Density Function of the Generalized Exponential...
pdfgevProbability Density Function of the Generalized Extreme Value...
pdfgldProbability Density Function of the Generalized Lambda...
pdfgloProbability Density Function of the Generalized Logistic...
pdfgnoProbability Density Function of the Generalized Normal...
pdfgovProbability Density Function of the Govindarajulu...
pdfgpaProbability Density Function of the Generalized Pareto...
pdfgumProbability Density Function of the Gumbel Distribution
pdfkapProbability Density Function of the Kappa Distribution
pdfkmuProbability Density Function of the Kappa-Mu Distribution
pdfkurProbability Density Function of the Kumaraswamy Distribution
pdflapProbability Density Function of the Laplace Distribution
pdflmrqProbability Density Function of the Linear Mean Residual...
pdfln3Probability Density Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal...
pdfnorProbability Density Function of the Normal Distribution
pdfpdq3Probability Density Function of the Polynomial...
pdfpdq4Probability Density Function of the Polynomial...
pdfpe3Probability Density Function of the Pearson Type III...
pdfrayProbability Density Function of the Rayleigh Distribution
pdfrevgumProbability Density Function of the Reverse Gumbel...
pdfriceProbability Density Function of the Rice Distribution
pdfslaProbability Density Function of the Slash Distribution
pdfsmdProbability Density Function of the Singh-Maddala...
pdfst3Probability Density Function of the 3-Parameter Student t...
pdftexpProbability Density Function of the Truncated Exponential...
pdftriProbability Density Function of the Asymmetric Triangular...
pdfwakProbability Density Function of the Wakeby Distribution
pdfweiProbability Density Function of the Weibull Distribution
pfactor.bernsteinEstimation of Optimal p-factor of Distributional Support...
plmomcoCumulative Distribution Function of the Distributions
plotlmrdiaPlot L-moment Ratio Diagram (Tau3 and Tau4)
plotlmrdia46Plot L-moment Ratio Diagram (Tau4 and Tau6)
plotradarlmrPlot L-moment Radar Plot (Chart) Graphic
pmfbenProbability Density Function of the Benford Distribution
pmomsThe Sample Product Moments: Mean, Standard Deviation, Skew,...
ppPlotting-Position Formula
pp.fQuantile Function of the Ranks of Plotting Positions
pp.medianQuantile Function of the Ranks of Plotting Positions
prettydistA Pretty List of Distribution Names
prob2grvConvert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to...
prob2lrvConvert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to...
prob2TConvert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to...
pwmUnbiased Sample Probability-Weighted Moments
pwm2lmomProbability-Weighted Moments to L-moments
pwm2vecConvert Probability-Weighted Moment object to a Vector
pwm.beta2alphaConversion of Beta to Alpha Probability-Weighted Moments...
pwm.gevGeneralized Extreme Value Plotting-Position...
pwmLCSample Probability-Weighted Moments for Left-Tail Censoring
pwm.ppPlotting-Position Sample Probability-Weighted Moments
pwmRCSample Probability-Weighted Moments for Right-Tail Censoring
pwm.ubUnbiased Sample Probability-Weighted Moments
qlmomcoQuantile Function of the Distributions
qua2ci.covEstimate a Confidence Interval for Quantiles of a Parent...
qua2ci.simpleEstimate a Confidence Interval for a Single Quantile of a...
quaaep4Quantile Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential...
quaaep4kapmixQuantile Function Mixture Between the 4-Parameter Asymmetric...
quabenQuantile Function of the Benford Distribution
quacauQuantile Function of the Cauchy Distribution
quaemuQuantile Function of the Eta-Mu Distribution
quaexpQuantile Function of the Exponential Distribution
quagamQuantile Function of the Gamma Distribution
quagddQuantile Function of the Gamma Difference Distribution
quagepQuantile Function of the Generalized Exponential Poisson...
quagevQuantile Function of the Generalized Extreme Value...
quagldQuantile Function of the Generalized Lambda Distribution
quagloQuantile Function of the Generalized Logistic Distribution
quagnoQuantile Function of the Generalized Normal Distribution
quagovQuantile Function of the Govindarajulu Distribution
quagpaQuantile Function of the Generalized Pareto Distribution
quagumQuantile Function of the Gumbel Distribution
quakapQuantile Function of the Kappa Distribution
quakmuQuantile Function of the Kappa-Mu Distribution
quakurQuantile Function of the Kumaraswamy Distribution
qualapQuantile Function of the Laplace Distribution
qualmrqQuantile Function of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile...
qualn3Quantile Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distribution
quanorQuantile Function of the Normal Distribution
qua.ostatCompute the Quantiles of the Distribution of an Order...
quapdq3Quantile Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3...
quapdq4Quantile Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4...
quape3Quantile Function of the Pearson Type III Distribution
quarayQuantile Function of the Rayleigh Distribution
quarevgumQuantile Function of the Reverse Gumbel Distribution
quariceQuantile Function of the Rice Distribution
quaslaQuantile Function of the Slash Distribution
quasmdQuantile Function of the Singh-Maddala Distribution
quast3Quantile Function of the 3-Parameter Student t Distribution
quatexpQuantile Function of the Truncated Exponential Distribution
quatriQuantile Function of the Asymmetric Triangular Distribution
quawakQuantile Function of the Wakeby Distribution
quaweiQuantile Function of the Weibull Distribution
ralmomcoAlpha-Percentile Residual Quantile Function of the...
reslife.lmomsL-moments of Residual Life
riglmomcoIncome Gap Ratio Quantile Function for the Distributions
rlmomcoRandom Variates of a Distribution
rmlmomcoMean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions
rmvarlmomcoVariance Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions
rralmomcoReversed Alpha-Percentile Residual Quantile Function of the...
rreslife.lmomsL-moments of Reversed Residual Life
rrmlmomcoReversed Mean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributions
rrmvarlmomcoReversed Variance Residual Quantile Function of the...
sen.meanSen Weighted Mean Statistic
sentiv.curveCompute the Sensitivity Curve for a Single Quantile
slmomcoReversed Cumulative Distribution Function (Survival Function)...
stttlmomcoScaled Total Time on Test Transform of Distributions
supdistThe Support of a Distribution based on the Parameters
T2probConvert a Vector of T-year Return Periods to Annual...
tau34sq.normtestThe Tau34-squared Test: A Normality Test based on L-skew and...
theoLmomsThe Theoretical L-moments and L-moment Ratios using...
theoLmoms.max.ostatCompute the Theoretical L-moments of a Distribution...
theopwmsThe Theoretical Probability-Weighted Moments using...
theoTLmomsThe Theoretical Trimmed L-moments and TL-moment Ratios using...
TLmomA Sample Trimmed L-moment
TLmomsThe Sample Trimmed L-moments and L-moment Ratios
tlmr2parSample Trimmed L-moments to Fitted Distribution
tlmrcauCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Cauchy Distribution
tlmrexpCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Exponential...
tlmrgevCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Extreme...
tlmrgloCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Logistic...
tlmrgnoCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Normal...
tlmrgpaCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Pareto
tlmrgumCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Gumbel Distribution
tlmrln3Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal...
tlmrnorCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Normal Distribution
tlmrpe3Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Pearson Type III
tlmrrayCompute Select TL-moment ratios of the Rayleigh Distribution
tttlmomcoTotal Time on Test Transform of Distributions
tulia6EprecipAnnual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia 6E, Texas
tuliaprecipAnnual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia, Texas
TX38lgtrmFlowFirst six L-moments of logarithms of annual mean streamflow...
USGSsta01515000peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta02366500peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta05405000peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta06766000dvsDaily Mean Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta08151500peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta08167000peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta08190000peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta09442000peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
USGSsta14321000peaksAnnual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey...
vec2lmomConvert a Vector of L-moments to a L-moment Object
vec2parConvert a Vector of Parameters to a Parameter Object of a...
vec2pwmConvert a Vector of Probability-Weighted Moments to a...
vec2TLmomConvert a Vector of TL-moments to a TL-moment Object
vegaprecipAnnual Maximum Precipitation Data for Vega, Texas
x2parsEstimate an Ensemble of Parameters from Three Different...
x2xloConversion of a Vector through a Left-Hand Threshold to Setup...
xlo2quaConversion of a Vector through a Left-Hand Threshold to Setup...
z.par2cdfBlipping Cumulative Distribution Functions
z.par2quaBlipping Quantile Functions
wasquith/lmomco documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 10:15 a.m.