
Defines functions GetMaxAnova2Inx GetAnova2Cmpds GetAnova2LnMat GetAnova2DnMat GetAnova2UpMat GetSigTable.Aov2 GetAov2SigColNames GetAov2SigRowNames GetAov2SigMat GetAov2SigFileName plotVennDiagram PlotVerticalCmpdSummary iPCA.Anal PlotANOVA2 ANOVA2.Anal aov.between.type3 aov.between aov.repeated aov.within.wo aov.within

Documented in ANOVA2.Anal aov.between aov.repeated aov.within GetSigTable.Aov2 iPCA.Anal PlotANOVA2

#'Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'@description Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'Perform within-subjects anova
#'@param x Input the data
#'@param time.fac Input the time factor
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

aov.within <- function(x, time.fac){
  unlist(summary(aov(x ~ (aov.facA*aov.facB) + Error(aov.sbj/time.fac))), use.names=F)[c(7,20,21,9,23,24)];

aov.within.wo <- function(x, time.fac){
  unlist(summary(aov(x ~ (aov.facA+aov.facB))), use.names=F)[c(10,11,13,14)];

#'Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'@description Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'Perform repeated measure one-way anova
#'@param x Input the data 
#'@param time.fac Input the time factor 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
aov.repeated <- function(x, time.fac){
  unlist(summary(aov(x ~ time.fac + Error(aov.sbj/time.fac))), use.names=F)[c(12,14)];

#'Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'@description Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'Perform between-subjects anova
#'@param x Input data to perform 2-way ANOVA
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

aov.between <- function(x){
  unlist(summary(aov(x ~ aov.facA*aov.facB)), use.names=F)[c(13,14,15,17,18,19)];

aov.between.type3 <- function(x){
  unlist(car::Anova(lm(x ~ aov.facA*aov.facB), type="3"))[c(12,13,14,17,18,19)];

#'Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'@description Perform Two-way ANOVA 
#'@usage ANOVA2.Anal(mSetObj=NA, thresh=0.05, p.cor="fdr", type="time0", aov.type=1, use.interact=1)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param thresh Input the p-value threshold 
#'@param p.cor Select method for p-value correction, bonferroni, holm or fdr
#'@param type Select b to perform between-subjects ANOVA, and w for within-subjects ANOVA 
#'@param aov.type Specify 1 for ANOVA type 1, or 3 for ANOVA type 3
#'@param use.interact Numeric, whether to consider interaction in two-way repeated ANOVA (1) or not (0).
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
ANOVA2.Anal <-function(mSetObj=NA, thresh=0.05, p.cor="fdr", type="time0", aov.type=1, use.interact=1){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(type == "time0"){
    time.fac <- mSetObj$dataSet$time.fac;
    mSetObj$dataSet$sbj <- as.factor(mSetObj$dataSet$exp.fac);
    # first create the subjects that being measured under different time
    # points (under same phenotype/ exp. condition). The design must be balanced
    # first check if balanced
    res <- table (time.fac, mSetObj$dataSet$sbj);
    res.mean <- apply(res, 2, mean);
    all.res <- res/res.mean;
    if(sum(all.res != 1) > 0){
      AddErrMsg("Experiment design is not balanced!");
    aov.sbj <<- mSetObj$dataSet$sbj
    aov.mat<-t(apply(as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm), 2, aov.repeated, time.fac));
    rm(aov.sbj, pos=".GlobalEnv")
    fileName <- "oneway_anova_repeated.csv";
    aov.mat <- cbind(aov.mat, p.adjust(aov.mat[,2], p.cor));
    colnames(aov.mat) <- c("F-value", "Raw P-val", "Adjusted P-val");
    p.value <- aov.mat[,3];
    inx.imp <-aov.mat[,3] <= thresh;
    aov.mat <- aov.mat[inx.imp, ,drop=F];
    vennC <- NULL;
    # default sort first by main effect: treatment, then by ...
    ord.inx <- order(aov.mat[,2], decreasing = FALSE);
      # first create the subjects that being measured under different time
      # points (under same phenotype/ exp. condition). The design must be balanced
      # first check if balanced
      res <- table(mSetObj$dataSet$facA, mSetObj$dataSet$facB);
      res.mean <- apply(res, 2, mean);
      all.res <- res/res.mean;
      if(sum(all.res != 1) > 0){
        AddErrMsg("Experiment design is not balanced!");
      time.fac <- mSetObj$dataSet$time.fac;
      exp.fac <- mSetObj$dataSet$exp.fac;
      sbj <- vector(mode="character", length=nrow(mSetObj$dataSet$norm));
      k = 1;
      len = 0;
      for(lv1 in levels(exp.fac)){
        # same subjects must in the same exp. condition
        inx1 <- exp.fac == lv1;
        for(lv2 in levels(time.fac)){
          inx2 <- time.fac == lv2;
          len <- sum(inx1 & inx2);
          # same subjects must not in the same time points
          # so in a balanced design and ordered by the time points
          # all samples in each time points will sweep all subjects (one go)
          sbj[inx1 & inx2] <- paste("S", k:(k+len-1), sep="");
        k = k + len;
      mSetObj$dataSet$sbj <- as.factor(sbj);  
      aov.facA <<- mSetObj$dataSet$facA;
      aov.facB <<- mSetObj$dataSet$facB;
      aov.sbj <<- mSetObj$dataSet$sbj;
        aov.mat<-t(apply(as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm), 2, aov.within, time.fac));
        aov.mat<-t(apply(as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm), 2, aov.within.wo, time.fac));
      rm(aov.facA, aov.facB, aov.sbj, pos=".GlobalEnv");
      fileName <- "anova_within_sbj.csv";
    }else{ # g2 (two-factor analysis)
      aov.facA <<- mSetObj$dataSet$facA;
      aov.facB <<- mSetObj$dataSet$facB;
      if(aov.type == 1){
        aov.mat<-t(apply(as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm), 2, aov.between));
        aov.mat<-t(apply(as.matrix(mSetObj$dataSet$norm), 2, aov.between.type3));
      rm(aov.facA, aov.facB, pos=".GlobalEnv");
      fileName <- "anova_between_sbj.csv";
    rownames(aov.mat) <- colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
      if(p.cor != "none"){
        aov.mat2 <- cbind (aov.mat, p.adjust(aov.mat[,4], p.cor),
                          p.adjust(aov.mat[,5], p.cor),
                          p.adjust(aov.mat[,6], p.cor));
      sig.facA <-(aov.mat2[,7] <= thresh);
      sig.facB <-(aov.mat2[,8] <= thresh);
      sig.intr <-(aov.mat2[,9] <= thresh);
      all.match <- cbind(sig.facA, sig.facB, sig.intr);
      colnames(all.match) <- c(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl, "Interaction");
      colnames(aov.mat2) <- c(paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, "(F.val)", sep = ""), 
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl, "(F.val)", sep = ""),
                              paste("Interaction", "(F.val)", sep = ""),
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, "(raw.p)", sep = ""), 
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl, "(raw.p)", sep = ""),
                              paste("Interaction", "(raw.p)", sep = ""), 
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, "(adj.p)", sep = ""), 
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl, "(adj.p)", sep = ""), 
                              paste("Interaction", "(adj.p)", sep = ""))
      vennC <- getVennCounts(all.match);
      p.value <- aov.mat2[,7]; 
      inx.imp <- sig.facA | sig.facB | sig.intr;
      aov.mat2 <- aov.mat2[, c(1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9),drop=F] 
      if(p.cor != "none"){
        aov.mat2 <- cbind(aov.mat, p.adjust(aov.mat[,3], p.cor), p.adjust(aov.mat[,4], p.cor));
      sig.facA <-(aov.mat2[,5] <= thresh);
      sig.facB <-(aov.mat2[,6] <= thresh);
      all.match <- cbind(sig.facA, sig.facB);
      colnames(all.match) <- c(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl);
      colnames(aov.mat2) <- c(paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, "(F.val)", sep = ""), 
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl, "(F.val)", sep = ""),
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, "(raw.p)", sep = ""), 
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl, "(raw.p)", sep = ""),
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl, "(adj.p)", sep = ""), 
                              paste(mSetObj$dataSet$facB.lbl, "(adj.p)", sep = ""))
      vennC <- getVennCounts(all.match);
      p.value <- aov.mat2[,5]; 
      inx.imp <- sig.facA | sig.facB;
      aov.mat2 <- aov.mat2[, c(1,3,5,2,4,6),drop=F];
    # default sort first by main effect: treatment, then by ...
    aov.mat <- aov.mat2[inx.imp, ,drop=F];
    ord.inx <- order(aov.mat[,2], aov.mat[,3], decreasing = FALSE);
  aov.mat <- signif(aov.mat[ord.inx,,drop=F], 5);
  write.csv(aov.mat, file=fileName);
  aov2<-list (
    type = type,
    sig.nm = fileName,
    thresh = -log10(thresh),
    multi.c = p.cor,
    sig.mat = aov.mat,
    p.log = -log10(p.value),
    inx.imp = inx.imp,
    vennC = vennC
  mSetObj$analSet$aov2 <- aov2;

#'Plot Venn diagram of ANOVA results
#'@description Plot Venn diagram of ANOVA results
#'@usage PlotANOVA2(mSetObj, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param imgName Input a name for the plot
#'@param format Select the image format, "png", or "pdf". 
#'@param dpi Input the dpi. If the image format is "pdf", users need not define the dpi. For "png" images, 
#'the default dpi is 72. It is suggested that for high-resolution images, select a dpi of 300.  
#'@param width Input the width, there are 2 default widths, the first, width = NULL, is 10.5.
#'The second default is width = 0, where the width is 7.2. Otherwise users can input their own width.   
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PlotANOVA2 <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    w <- 7;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 7;
    w <- width;
  mSetObj$imgSet$anova2 <- imgName;
  if(mSetObj$dataSet$design.type == "time0"){
    w <- 9;
    h <- w*6/9;
    lod <- mSetObj$analSet$aov2$p.log;
    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    plot(lod, ylab="-log10(p)", xlab = "Index", main="One-way repeated measures ANOVA", type="n");
    red.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$aov2$inx.imp);
    blue.inx <- which(!mSetObj$analSet$aov2$inx.imp);
    points(red.inx, lod[red.inx], bg="red", cex=1.2, pch=21);
    points(blue.inx, lod[blue.inx], bg="green", pch=21);
    abline (h=mSetObj$analSet$aov2$thresh, lty=3);
    h <- w;
    title <- ifelse(mSetObj$analSet$aov2$type == "g2", "Two-way ANOVA (between subjects)", "Two-way ANOVA (within subject)");
    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    plotVennDiagram(mSetObj$analSet$aov2$vennC, circle.col=c("red", "blue", "green"), mar=c(0,0,2,0));
    mtext(title, NORTH<-3, line=0.25, cex=1.5);

#'Perform PCA analysis, prepare file for interactive liveGraphics3D
#'@description Perform PCA analysis, prepares a JSON file for interactive liveGraphics3D, as well as interactive 3D
#'PCA score and loading plots using the plotly R package. These plots are saved in the created mSetObj; to view these, 
#'type "mSetObj$imgSet$time$score3d" to view the interactive score plot, and "mSetObj$imgSet$time$load3d" to view
#'the interactive loading plot.  
#'@usage iPCA.Anal(mSetObj, fileNm)
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param fileNm select a file name
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
iPCA.Anal<-function(mSetObj=NA, fileNm){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  pca <- prcomp(mSetObj$dataSet$norm, center=T, scale=F);
  imp.pca <- summary(pca)$importance;
  pca3d <- list();
  pca3d$score$axis <- paste("PC", 1:3, " (", 100*round(imp.pca[2,][1:3], 3), "%)", sep="");
  coords <- data.frame(t(signif(pca$x[,1:3], 5)));
  colnames(coords) <- NULL; 
  pca3d$score$xyz <- coords;
  pca3d$score$name <- rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
  facA <- as.character(mSetObj$dataSet$facA);
    facA <- paste("Group", facA);
  pca3d$score$facA <- facA;
  facB <- as.character(mSetObj$dataSet$facB);
    facB <- paste("Group", facB);
  pca3d$score$facB <- facB;
  pca3d$loadings$axis <- paste("Loadings", 1:3);
  coords <- data.frame(t(signif(pca$rotation[,1:3], 5)));
  colnames(coords) <- NULL; 
  pca3d$loadings$xyz <- coords;
  pca3d$loadings$name <- colnames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
  # now set color for each group
  cols <- unique(GetColorSchema(mSetObj));
  rgbcols <- col2rgb(cols);
  cols <- apply(rgbcols, 2, function(x){paste("rgb(", paste(x, collapse=","), ")", sep="")});
  pca3d$score$colors <- cols;
  json.obj <- RJSONIO::toJSON(pca3d, .na='null');
    uniq.facA <- unique(facA)
    uniq.facB <- unique(facB)
    if(length(uniq.facA) > 3){
      col <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(uniq.pchs), "Set3")
      col <- c("#1972A4", "#FF7070")
    s.xlabel <- pca3d$score$axis[1]
    s.ylabel <- pca3d$score$axis[2]
    s.zlabel <- pca3d$score$axis[3]
    all.symbols <- c("circle", "cross", "diamond", "x", "square", "circle-open",
                     "square-open", "diamond-open")
    b.symbol <- all.symbols[1:length(uniq.facB)]
    # first, scores plot
    data.s <- data.frame(cbind(t(pca3d$score$xyz), as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$facB)))
    p.s <- plotly::plot_ly(x = data.s[, 1], y = data.s[, 2], z = data.s[, 3],
                         color = mSetObj$dataSet$facA, colors = col) 
    p.s <- plotly::add_markers(p.s, sizes = 5, symbol = data.s[,4], symbols = b.symbol)
    p.s <- plotly::layout(p.s, scene = list(xaxis = list(title = s.xlabel),
                                        yaxis = list(title = s.ylabel),
                                        zaxis = list(title = s.zlabel)))
    # second, loadings plot
    l.xlabel <- pca3d$loadings$axis[1]
    l.ylabel <- pca3d$loadings$axis[2]
    l.zlabel <- pca3d$loadings$axis[3]
    data.l <- data.frame(cbind(t(pca3d$loadings$xyz)))
    p.l <- plotly::plot_ly(x = data.l[, 1], y = data.l[, 2], z = data.l[, 3], colors = col[1]) 
    p.l <- plotly::add_markers(p.l, sizes = 5)
    p.l <- plotly::layout(p.l, scene = list(xaxis = list(title = l.xlabel),
                                        yaxis = list(title = l.ylabel),
                                        zaxis = list(title = l.zlabel)))
    mSetObj$imgSet$time$score3d <- p.s
    mSetObj$imgSet$time$load3d <- p.l
    print("Interactive scores and loading plots have been created, please find
          them in mSet$imgSet$time$score3d and mSet$imgSet$time$load3d.")

#vertically stacked boxplot
PlotVerticalCmpdSummary<-function(mSetObj=NA, cmpdNm, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  imgName <- gsub("\\/", "_",  cmpdNm);
  imgName <- paste(imgName, "_summary_dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
    h <- 9;
    h <- width;
    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height= w*5/9, type=format, bg="white");
    par(mar=c(4,4,2,2), mfrow = c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,2,0));
    # need to consider norm data were edited, different from proc
    smpl.nms <- rownames(mSetObj$dataSet$norm);
    mns <- by(as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$proc[smpl.nms, cmpdNm]), mSetObj$dataSet$cls, mean, na.rm=T);
    sds <- by(as.numeric(mSetObj$dataSet$proc[smpl.nms, cmpdNm]), mSetObj$dataSet$cls, sd, na.rm=T);
    ups <- mns + sds;
    dns <- mns - sds;
    # all concentration need start from 0
    y <- c(0, dns, mns, ups);
    rg <- range(y) + 0.05 * diff(range(y)) * c(-1, 1)
    pt <- pretty(y)
    axp=c(min(pt), max(pt[pt <= max(rg)]),length(pt[pt <= max(rg)]) - 1);
    # ymk <- pretty(c(0,ymax));
    x <- barplot(mns, col= unique(GetColorSchema(mSetObj)), las=2, yaxp=axp, ylim=range(pt));
    arrows(x, dns, x, ups, code=3, angle=90, length=.1);
    axis(1, at=x, col="white", col.tick="black", labels=F);
    mtext("Original Conc.", line=1);
    boxplot(mSetObj$dataSet$norm[, cmpdNm]~mSetObj$dataSet$cls,las=2, col= unique(GetColorSchema(mSetObj)));
    mtext("Normalized Conc.", line=1);
    title(main=cmpdNm, out=T);
  }else if(mSetObj$dataSet$design.type =="time0"){
    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=8, height= 6, type=format, bg="white");
    plotProfile(mSetObj, cmpdNm);
    if(mSetObj$dataSet$design.type =="time"){ # time trend within phenotype
      out.fac <- mSetObj$dataSet$exp.fac;
      in.fac <- mSetObj$dataSet$time.fac;
      xlab = "Time";
    }else{ # factor a split within factor b
      out.fac <- mSetObj$dataSet$facB;
      in.fac <- mSetObj$dataSet$facA;
      xlab = mSetObj$dataSet$facA.lbl;
    # two images per row
    img.num <- length(levels(out.fac));
    row.num <- ceiling(img.num/2);
    if(img.num > 2){
    if(row.num == 1){
      w <- h*5/9;
      w <- h*0.5*row.num;
    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
    groupNum <- length(levels(in.fac))
    pal12 = c("#A6CEE3", "#1F78B4", "#B2DF8A", "#33A02C",
              "#FB9A99", "#E31A1C", "#FDBF6F", "#FF7F00", 
              "#CAB2D6", "#6A3D9A", "#FFFF99", "#B15928");
    col.fun <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(pal12)
    group_colors <- col.fun(groupNum)
    p_all <- list()
    for(lv in levels(out.fac)){
      inx <- out.fac == lv;
      df.orig <- data.frame(facA = lv, value = mSetObj$dataSet$norm[inx, cmpdNm], name = in.fac[inx])
      p_all[[lv]] <- df.orig
    alldata <- do.call(rbind, p_all)
    p.time <- ggplot2::ggplot(alldata, aes(x=name, y=value, fill=name)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) + theme_bw() + geom_jitter(size=1) 
    p.time <- p.time + facet_wrap(~facA, ncol=col.num) + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")
    p.time <- p.time + scale_fill_manual(values=group_colors) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1)) 
    p.time <- p.time + ggtitle(cmpdNm) + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 11, hjust=0.5, face = "bold")) + ylab("Abundance")
    p.time <- p.time + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) # remove gridlines
    p.time <- p.time + theme(plot.margin = margin(t=0.15, r=0.25, b=0.15, l=0.25, "cm"), axis.text = element_text(size=10)) 

# Plot Venn diagram
# Capabilities for multiple counts and colors by Francois Pepin
# Gordon Smyth, James Wettenhall
# 4 July 2003.  Last modified 12 March 2010

plotVennDiagram <- function(object, include="both", names, mar=rep(0,4), cex=1.2, lwd=1, circle.col, counts.col, show.include,...){
  if (!is(object, "VennCounts")){
    if (length(include)>2) stop("Cannot plot Venn diagram for more than 2 sets of counts")
    if (length(include)==2) object.2 <- getVennCounts(object, include = include[2])
    object <- getVennCounts(object, include = include[1])
  else if(length(include==2)) include <- include[1]
  nsets <- ncol(object)-1
  if(nsets > 3) stop("Can't plot Venn diagram for more than 3 sets")
  if(missing(names)) names <- colnames(object)[1:nsets]
  counts <- object[,"Counts"]
  if(length(include)==2) counts.2 <- object.2[, "Counts"]
  if(missing(circle.col)) circle.col <- par('col')
  if(length(circle.col)<nsets) circle.col <- rep(circle.col,length.out=nsets)
  if(missing(counts.col)) counts.col <- par('col')
  if(length(counts.col)<length(include)) counts.col <- rep(counts.col,length.out=length(include))
  if(missing(show.include)) show.include <- as.logical(length(include)-1)
  theta <- 2*pi*(0:360)/360
  xcentres <- list(0,c(-1,1),c(-1,1,0))[[nsets]]
  ycentres <- list(0,c(0,0),c(1/sqrt(3),1/sqrt(3),-2/sqrt(3)))[[nsets]]
  r <- c(1.5,1.5,1.5)[nsets]
  xtext <- list(-1.2,c(-1.2,1.2),c(-1.2,1.2,0))[[nsets]]
  ytext <- list(1.8,c(1.8,1.8),c(2.4,2.4,-3))[[nsets]]
  old.par <- par(mar=mar)
  circle.col <- col2rgb(circle.col) / 255
  circle.col <- rgb(circle.col[1,], circle.col[2,], circle.col[3,], 0.3)
  for(i in 1:nsets) {
    polygon(xcentres[i] + r*cos(theta), ycentres[i] + r*sin(theta), col = circle.col[i], border = NULL)
           printing <- function(counts, cex, adj,col,leg){
             if(show.include) text(-2.3,-2.1,leg,cex=cex,col=col,adj=adj)
         }, {
           printing <- function(counts, cex, adj,col,leg){
             if(show.include) text(-2.3,-2.1,leg,cex=cex,col=col,adj=adj)
         }, {
           printing <- function(counts, cex, adj,col,leg){
             if(show.include) text(-2.5,-3,leg,cex=cex,col=col,adj=adj)
  adj <- c(0.5,0.5)
  if (length(include)==2)
    adj <- c(0.5,0)
  if (length(include)==2) printing(counts.2,cex,c(0.5,1),counts.col[2],include[2])

########## Utilities for web-server ##########

GetAov2SigFileName <-function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Sig table for AOV2
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  GetSigTable(mSetObj$analSet$aov2$sig.mat, "Significant features identified by advanced ANOVA", mSetObj$dataSet$type);

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  lod <- mSetObj$analSet$aov2$p.log;
  red.inx<- which(mSetObj$analSet$aov2$inx.imp);
  as.matrix(cbind(red.inx, lod[red.inx]));

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  lod <- mSetObj$analSet$aov$p.log;
  blue.inx <- which(!mSetObj$analSet$aov2$inx.imp);
  as.matrix(cbind(blue.inx, lod[blue.inx]));

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  lod <- mSetObj$analSet$aov2$p.log;
  as.matrix(rbind(c(0, mSetObj$analSet$aov2$thresh), c(length(lod)+1,mSetObj$analSet$aov2$thresh)));

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

GetMaxAnova2Inx <- function(mSetObj=NA){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR3.0 documentation built on May 6, 2020, 11:03 p.m.