
Defines functions GetMsetEvidence GetMsetPval GetHTMLMetSet GetCurrentImg getIdx color_scale overlap_ratio GetShortNames GetMsetReferences GetMsetMembers GetMsetNames GetORA.colorBar GetORA.mat GetORA.rowNames PlotEnrichNet.Overview SetTaxonSetLib PrepareEnrichNet GetFinalNameMap CalculateHyperScore SpeciesMappingExact CrossReferencing GetORATable Setup.MapData GetTseaCol GetTseaRowNames GetNameMapCol

Documented in CalculateHyperScore CrossReferencing GetFinalNameMap GetORATable PlotEnrichNet.Overview PrepareEnrichNet SetTaxonSetLib Setup.MapData


GetNameMapCol <-function(mbSetObj, colInx){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

GetTseaRowNames <- function(mbSetObj){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

GetTseaCol <-function(mbSetObj, colInx){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

#'Function to set up data for TSEA
#'@description This function sets up data for TSEA.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Setup.MapData<-function(mbSetObj, qvec){

  lines <- unlist(strsplit(qvec, "\r|\n|\r\n")[1]);
    lines <- lines[-1];
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  mbSetObj$dataSet$species <- lines;

#'Getter function
#'@description This function retrieves table from mbSetObj.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import xtable
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);  
  res <- mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat;
  print(xtable::xtable(res, caption="Result from Over Representation Analysis"),
        tabular.environment = "longtable", caption.placement="top", size="\\scriptsize");

#'Perform cross referencing.
#'@description This function performs cross referencing of user's data
#'with the MicrobiomeAnalyst database. Given a list of species names or ids, 
#'it finds matched names or ids from selected internal databases.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

CrossReferencing <- function(mbSetObj, q.type){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  # record all the data
  name.map <<- list();
  # distribute job
  mbSetObj$dataSet$q.type <- q.type;  
  qvec <- mbSetObj$dataSet$species;
  resTable <- SpeciesMappingExact(qvec, q.type);
  mbSetObj$analSet$resTable <- resTable;
  mbSetObj$analSet$mapTable <- cbind(Query=qvec, resTable[,2:ncol(resTable)]);

  # do some sanity check. note name.map is on global env.
  if(length(which(is.na(name.map$hit.inx)))/length(name.map$hit.inx) > 0.75){
    nmcheck.msg <<- c(1, "Over 3/4 of the IDs could not be matched to our database. Please make 
                        sure that correct taxonomy IDs or common taxa names are used.");        
    nmcheck.msg <<- c(1, "Name matching OK, please inspect (and manual correct) the results then proceed.");   

# Utility function
# Mapping from different metabolite IDs
# For compound names to other id, can do exact or approximate match
# For other IDs, except HMDB ID, all other may return multiple /non-unique hits
# multiple hits or non-unique hits will all users to manually select
SpeciesMappingExact<-function(qvec, q.type){
  # local variable to save memory
  species.db <- .read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("microbe_db_new.rds", "tsea")
  # variables to record results
  hit.inx = vector(mode='numeric', length=length(qvec)); # record hit index, initial 0
  match.values = vector(mode='character', length=length(qvec)); # the best matched values (hit names), initial ""
  match.state = vector(mode='numeric', length=length(qvec));  # match status - 0, no match; 1, exact match; initial 0 
  if(q.type == "gold"){
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(species.db$GOLD_ID));
    match.values <- species.db$GOLD_ID[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  }else if(q.type %in% c("mixed","species","strain")){
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(species.db$taxa));
    match.values <- species.db$taxa[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  }else if(q.type == "ncbitax"){
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(species.db$NCBITAX));
    match.values <- species.db$NCBITAX[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
    print(paste("Unknown species ID type:", q.type));
  # empty memory
  name.map$hit.inx <- hit.inx;
  name.map$hit.values <- match.values;
  name.map$match.state <- match.state;
  name.map <<- name.map;

  # style for highlighted background for unmatched names
  pre.style <- NULL;
  post.style <- NULL;

  # style for no matches
  no.prestyle <- "<strong style=\"background-color:yellow; font-size=125%; color=\"black\">";
  no.poststyle <- "</strong>";
  hit.inx <- name.map$hit.inx;
  hit.values <- name.map$hit.values;
  match.state <- name.map$match.state;

  # construct the result table with cells wrapped in html tags
  # the unmatched will be highlighted in different background
  html.res <- matrix("", nrow=length(qvec), ncol=6);
  colnames(html.res) <- c("Query", "Match", "Species", "Genus", "NCBI_Taxonomy_ID", "GOLDSTAMP_ID");

  for (i in 1:length(qvec)){
      pre.style <- "";
      post.style = "";
    }else{ # no matches
      pre.style <- no.prestyle;
      post.style <- no.poststyle;
    hit <- species.db[hit.inx[i], ,drop=F];

    html.res[i, ] <- c(paste(pre.style, qvec[i], post.style, sep=""),
                            paste(ifelse(match.state[i]==0, "", hit.values[i]), sep=""),
                            paste(ifelse(match.state[i]==0 || is.na(hit$species) ||is.null(hit$species) || hit$species=="" || hit$species=="NA","-",hit$species),sep=""),
                            paste(ifelse(match.state[i]==0 || is.na(hit$genus) ||is.null(hit$genus) || hit$genus=="" || hit$genus=="NA","-",hit$genus),  sep=""), 
                            paste(ifelse(match.state[i]==0 || is.na(hit$NCBITAX) ||is.null(hit$NCBITAX) || hit$NCBITAX=="" || hit$NCBITAX=="NA","-", paste("<a href=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?id=", hit$NCBITAX," target='_blank'>", hit$NCBITAX,"</a>", sep="")),  sep=""),
                            paste(ifelse(match.state[i]==0 || is.na(hit$GOLDMAPID) ||is.null(hit$GOLDMAPID) || hit$GOLDMAPID=="" || hit$GOLDMAPID=="NA", "-", paste("<a href=https://gold.jgi.doe.gov/project?id=", hit$GOLDMAPID," target='_blank'>", hit$GOLDMAPID,"</a>", sep="")), sep=""))


#'Calculate enrichment score.
#'@description This function calculates the enrichment score for TSEA.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
CalculateHyperScore <- function(mbSetObj){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

  nm.map <- GetFinalNameMap(mbSetObj);
  valid.inx <- !(is.na(nm.map$Strain)| duplicated(nm.map$Strain));
  ora.vec <- nm.map$Strain[valid.inx];

  q.size <- length(ora.vec);
  if(q.size==0) {
    print("Query taxa is missing!");

  if(all(is.na(ora.vec))) {
    print("Query taxa are all NA!");
  # total uniq cmpds in the current mset lib
  uniq.count <- length(unique(unlist(current.mset, use.names = FALSE)));
  if(set.size ==1){
    AddErrMsg("Cannot perform enrichment analysis on a single metabolite set!");

  hits <- lapply(current.mset, function(x){x[x %in% ora.vec]});
  hit.num <- unlist(lapply(hits, function(x) length(x)), use.names = FALSE);

    AddErrMsg("No matches were found in the selected taxon set library!");

      AddErrMsg("Species-level taxa set was selected: verify that your list contains species names!");
    }else if(mbSetObj$dataSet$tset.type=="host_int_strain"|mbSetObj$dataSet$tset.type=="env_strain"|mbSetObj$dataSet$tset.type=="mic_int_strain"){
      AddErrMsg("Strain-level taxa set was selected: verify that your list contains strain names!");
      AddErrMsg("Mixed-level taxa set was selected!");

  set.num<-unlist(lapply(current.mset, length), use.names = FALSE);

  # prepare for the result table
  res.mat<-matrix(NA, nrow=set.size, ncol=6);        
  colnames(res.mat)<-c("total", "expected", "hits", "Raw p", "Holm p", "FDR");

  res.mat[,4]<-phyper(hit.num-1, set.num, uniq.count-set.num, q.size, lower.tail=F);

  # adjust for multiple testing problems
  res.mat[,5] <- p.adjust(res.mat[,4], "holm");
  res.mat[,6] <- p.adjust(res.mat[,4], "fdr");

  res.mat <- res.mat[hit.num>0,];

  # fix error when only 1 hit (not sig), no longer a matrix
  if(!("matrix" %in% class(res.mat))){
    AddErrMsg("No significant hits found using enrichment analysis!");


  # download result
  mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat = signif(res.mat[ord.inx,],3);
  mbSetObj$analSet$ora.hits = hits;
  fast.write(mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat, file="tsea_ora_result.csv");


#'Getter to return final map
#'@description This function returns the final (after user selection) map as a dataframe.
#'Consists of two columns, original name and strain.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  enrtype <- mbSetObj$dataSet$q.type;
  qvec <- mbSetObj$dataSet$species;
  nm.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(qvec), ncol=2);
  colnames(nm.mat) <- c("query", "Strain");
    for (i in 1:length(qvec)){
      nm.mat[i, ]<-c(qvec[i],qvec[i]);
    hit.inx <- name.map$hit.inx;
    hit.values <- name.map$hit.values;
    match.state <- name.map$match.state;
    species.db <- .read.microbiomeanalyst.lib.rds("microbe_db_new.rds", "tsea");
    for (i in 1:length(qvec)){
      hit <-species.db[hit.inx[i], ,drop=F];
        kegg.hit <- NA;
        kegg.hit <- ifelse(nchar(hit$organism.name)==0, NA, hit$organism.name);
      nm.mat[i, ] <- c(qvec[i], kegg.hit);

#'Function to prepare data for enrichment network.
#'@description This function prepares data for enrichment network.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  #calculate the enrichment fold change
  folds <- mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat[,3]/mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat[,2];
  names(folds) <- GetShortNames(rownames(mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat));
  hits <- mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat[,3];
  pvals <- mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat[,4];
  PlotEnrichNet.Overview(hits, pvals);

#'Set the microbe set library
#'@description This function sets the microbe
#'set library for TSEA.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
SetTaxonSetLib <- function(mbSetObj, tset.type){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

  mbSetObj$dataSet$tset.type <- tset.type
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_int.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_ext"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_ext.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="env"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_environment.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="mic_int"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_microbiome_int.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="gene"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_snps_new.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_int_species") {
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_int_species.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="env_species"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_environment_species.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_ext_species"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_ext_species.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_int_strain"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_int_strain.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_diet"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_diet_lifestyle.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_drug"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_medication.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="mic_met"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/taxon_metabolite_tsea.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_diet_species"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_diet_lifestyle_species.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_drug_species"){
      libPath <- "../../lib/tsea/tsea_host_medication_species.csv";
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_host_int.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_ext"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_host_ext.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="env"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_environment.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="mic_int"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_microbiome_int.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="gene"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_host_snps_new.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_int_species") {
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_host_int_species.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="env_species"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_environment_species.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_ext_species"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_host_ext_species.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="host_int_strain"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_host_int_strain.csv";
    }else if(tset.type=="env_strain"){
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_environment_strain.csv";
      libPath <- "https://www.microbiomeanalyst.ca/MicrobiomeAnalyst/resources/lib/tsea/tsea_microbiome_int_strain.csv";
  current.msetlib <<- .readDataTable(libPath);
  ms.list <- strsplit(current.msetlib[,2],"; ");
  names(ms.list) <- current.msetlib[,1];
  current.mset <<- ms.list;
  # total uniq cmpds in the mset lib
  uniq.count <<- length(unique(unlist(current.mset, use.names = FALSE)));

#'Create network for enrichmnet overview
#'@description This function creates the plot
#'for the enrichent network overview.
#'@param mbSetObj Input the name of the mbSetObj.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
#'@import igraph
#'@import reshape
PlotEnrichNet.Overview<-function(hits, pvals){

  # due to space limitation, plot top 50 if more than 50 were given
  title <- "Taxon Set Enrichment Network Overview";
  if(length(hits) > 50){
    hits <- hits[1:50];
    pvals <- pvals[1:50];
    title <- "Enrichment Overview (top 50)";
  pvalue <- pvals;
  id <- names(pvalue);
  geneSets <- current.mset;
  n <- length(pvalue);
  w <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=n);
  colnames(w) <- rownames(w) <- id;

  for (i in 1:n) {
    for (j in i:n) {
      w[i,j] = overlap_ratio(geneSets[id[i]], geneSets[id[j]])

  wd <- melt(w);
  wd <- wd[wd[,1] != wd[,2],];
  wd <- wd[!is.na(wd[,3]),];
  g <- graph.data.frame(wd[,-3], directed=F);
  E(g)$width <- sqrt(wd[,3]*20);
  g <- delete.edges(g, E(g)[wd[,3] < 0.2]);
  idx <- unlist(sapply(V(g)$name, function(x) match(x,id)));
  pvalue <- pvalue[idx]
  cols <- color_scale("red", "#E5C494");
  V(g)$color <- cols[sapply(pvalue, getIdx, min(pvalue), max(pvalue))];

  cnt <- hits + 2;
  names(cnt) <- id;
  cnt2 <- cnt[V(g)$name];
  V(g)$size <- log(cnt2, base=10) * 10; ## cnt2/sum(cnt2) * 100;
  #V(g)$size <- cnt2/sum(cnt2) * 10;
  # layout
  pos.xy <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g);

  # now create the json object
  nodes <- vector(mode="list");
  node.nms <- V(g)$name;
  node.sizes <- V(g)$size;
  node.cols <- V(g)$color;
  for(i in 1:length(node.sizes)){
    nodes[[i]] <- list(id = node.nms[i],
                  x = pos.xy[i,1],
                  y = pos.xy[i,2]);
  edge.mat <- get.edgelist(g);
  edge.mat <- cbind(id=1:nrow(edge.mat), source=edge.mat[,1], target=edge.mat[,2]);

  # covert to json
  netData <- list(nodes=nodes, edges=edge.mat);

########## Utility Fx ###########

# Getter for ORA matrix
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  nms <- rownames(mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat);

# Getter
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);

# Getter
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  len <- nrow(mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat);
  if(len > 60){
    ht.col <- c(substr(heat.colors(50), 0, 7), rep("#FFFFFF", len-50));
    # reduce to hex by remove the last character so HTML understand
    ht.col <- substr(heat.colors(len), 0, 7);

  return (ht.col);

# methods to return the selected metset require to java for display



GetShortNames<-function(nm.vec, max.len= 45){
  new.nms <- vector(mode="character", length=length(nm.vec));
  for(i in 1:length(nm.vec)){
    nm <- nm.vec[i];
    if(nchar(nm) <= max.len){
      new.nms[i] <- nm;
      wrds <- strsplit(nm, "[[:space:]]+")[[1]];
      new.nm <- "";
        for(m in 1:length(wrds)){
          wrd <- wrds[m];
          if(nchar(new.nm)+4+nchar(wrd) <= max.len){
            new.nm <- paste(new.nm, wrd);
            new.nms[i] <- paste (new.nm, "...", sep="");
        new.nms[i] <- paste (substr(nm, 0, 21), "...", sep="");
  return (new.nms);

overlap_ratio <- function(x, y) {
  x <- unlist(x)
  y <- unlist(y)
  length(intersect(x, y))/length(unique(c(x,y)))

#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
color_scale <- function(c1="grey", c2="red") {
  pal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(c1, c2))
  colors <- pal(100)

getIdx <- function(v, MIN, MAX) {
  if ( MIN == MAX ) {
  intervals <- seq(MIN, MAX, length.out=100)
  max(which(intervals <= v))

GetCurrentImg <- function(){
  return (current.img);

# given a metset inx, return hmtl highlighted metset cmpds and references
GetHTMLMetSet<-function(mbSetObj, msetNm){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  hits <- mbSetObj$analSet$ora.hits;
  # highlighting with different colors
  mset <- current.mset[[msetNm]];
  red.inx <- which(mset %in% hits[[msetNm]]);
  mset[red.inx] <- paste("<font color=\"red\">", "<b>", mset[red.inx], "</b>", "</font>",sep="");

  grey.inx <- which(!(mset %in% current.mset[[msetNm]]));
  mset[grey.inx] <- paste("<font color=\"grey\">", "<b>", mset[grey.inx], "</b>", "</font>",sep="");

  # get references
  matched.inx <- match(tolower(msetNm), tolower(current.msetlib$name))[1];

  return(cbind(msetNm, paste(mset, collapse="; "), current.msetlib$reference[matched.inx]));

GetMsetPval<-function(mbSetObj, msetNm){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  return(mbSetObj$analSet$ora.mat[msetNm, "Raw p"]);

GetMsetEvidence <- function(mbSetObj, msetNm){
  mbSetObj <- .get.mbSetObj(mbSetObj);
  matched.inx <- match(tolower(msetNm), tolower(current.msetlib$name))[1];
xia-lab/MicrobiomeAnalystR documentation built on April 17, 2024, 7:45 p.m.