#' Logistical regression analysis for each region or each cytosine site.
#' @description This function tests each region or each cytosine site by logistical regression model to
#' achieve the P values and then be adjusted to Q values to account for multiple hypothesis testing.
#' @param genefeatureall_cpgfeature refers to the input file with methylation levels to be tested.
#' @param covariates refers to the extra covariates used in the model, with the default NULL.
#' @param adjustedmethod refers to the methods to adjust P values to Q values, with the default "fdr" method.
#' The adjustedmethod could be "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "none" methods as well.
#' @param diffgroup refers to methylation difference between two groups, with the default NULL, that is the max group - min group.
#' The two groups can be manually selected e.g., diffgroup = c("group1", "group2").
#' @return Outputs a data frame of region gene or region cpgi or those regions with different features or cytosine sites,
#' by accompanying with P values, Q values and methylation differences.
#' @examples
#' regiongeneall_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(regiongeneall)
#' regiongenealls_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(regiongenealls)
#' regioncpgall_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(regioncpgall , adjustedmethod = "fdr")
#' regiongenebodyall_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(regiongenebodyall, diffgroup = c("group1", "group2"))
#' regiongeneall_cpgfeature_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(regiongeneall_cpgfeature)
#' genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(genefeatureall_cpgfeature)
#' genefeatureall_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(genefeatureall, adjustedmethod = "bonferroni")
#' siteall_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(siteall, adjustedmethod = "fdr") # for each cytosine site #
#' siteall_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(siteall, adjustedmethod = "fdr", diffgroup = c("group1", "group2"))
#' covariateinfo <- data.frame(Timepoint = c("week3","week3","week12","week12","week12"), Diet = c("Low","High","Low","High","High")) # for environmental factors #
#' regiongeneall_Qvalue <- Logic_regression(regiongeneall, covariates = covariateinfo)
#' @export
Logic_regression <- function(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, covariates = NULL, adjustedmethod = "fdr", diffgroup = NULL){
# calculate the total feature and group number from input genefeatureall_cpgfeature #
featurenum <- length(grep("Methgroup1", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature)))
groupnum <- length(grep("group", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))) / (2*featurenum)
output <- data.frame(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, array(0,c(nrow(genefeatureall_cpgfeature), featurenum*3)))
colnames(output) <- c(colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature), paste("Pvalue",1:featurenum,sep = ""),
paste("Qvalue",1:featurenum,sep = ""), paste("Methdiff",1:featurenum,sep = ""))
# get the model matrix from treatment and (optional) covariates
grouplevel = 0:(groupnum - 1)
vars <- as.data.frame(cbind(grouplevel, covariates))
if(ncol(vars) == 1){
# get formula from model matrix
formula <- as.formula(paste("~ ", paste(colnames(vars), collapse= "+")))
# full model with all variables
modelMat <- model.matrix(formula, as.data.frame(vars))
# if there are more covariates #
fmlaCov <- as.formula(paste("~ ", paste(colnames(vars)[-1], collapse= "+")))
modelCov <- model.matrix(as.formula(fmlaCov), as.data.frame(vars[, -1, drop=FALSE]))
# test each region or site #
for(i in 1:nrow(output)){
# count the reading line #
message("The calculating line is 100,000 now")
message("The calculating line is 500,000 now")
message("The calculating line is 1,000,000 now")
# with gene or other regions without CpGisland and Shore #
if(length(grep("CpGisland", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))) == 0){
methtmp <- t(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[i, grep("Methgroup", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))])
readtmp <- t(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[i, grep("Read", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))])
# with CpGisland and Shore #
methtmp <- t(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[i, grep("Methgroup", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[1:groupnum]])
readtmp <- t(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[i, grep("Read", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[1:groupnum]])
tmpfile <- data.frame(group = row.names(methtmp), methylevel = methtmp[,1], readlevel = readtmp[,1])
if(tmpfile$methylevel[1] != "NaN"){
if(ncol(vars) == 1){
obj <- glm.fit(modelMat, tmpfile$methylevel, weights = tmpfile$readlevel, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
obj <- glm.fit(modelCov, tmpfile$methylevel, weights = tmpfile$readlevel, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
deviance <- obj$null.deviance - obj$deviance
if(deviance == 0){
warning("Null model does not deviate from Reduced model.")
# difference in degrees of freedom #
# assume no dispersion #
phi = 1
output[i, (ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 1)] <- pchisq(deviance/phi, ddf, lower.tail = FALSE)
output[i, (ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 1)] <- 1
# more cpg feature #
if(featurenum > 1){
tmpshore <- t(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[i, grep("Meth", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[(1 + groupnum):(2*groupnum)]])
readtmpshore <- t(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[i, grep("Read", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[(1 + groupnum):(2*groupnum)]])
tmpshorefile <- data.frame(group = row.names(tmpshore), methylevel = tmpshore[,1], readlevelshore = readtmpshore[1])
if(tmpshorefile$methylevel[1] != "NaN"){
if(ncol(vars) == 1){
objshore <- glm.fit(modelMat, tmpshorefile$methylevel, weights = tmpshorefile$readlevelshore, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
objshore <- glm.fit(modelCov, tmpshorefile$methylevel, weights = tmpshorefile$readlevelshore, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
devianceshore <- objshore$null.deviance - objshore$deviance
if(devianceshore == 0){
warning("Null model does not deviate from Reduced model.")
# difference in degrees of freedom #
# assume no dispersion #
phi = 1
output[i, (ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 2)] <- pchisq(devianceshore/phi, ddfshore, lower.tail = FALSE)
output[i, (ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 2)] <- 1
# round to 3 digitals for P values #
# output[, c((ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 1), (ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 2))] <-
# round(output[, c((ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 1), (ncol(genefeatureall_cpgfeature) + 2))], digits = 3)
# adjusted pvalue #
# adjustedmethod = c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none") #
adjustedoutput <- Pvalue_adjusted(output, adjustedmethod)
# add the methylation difference between two groups #
adjustedoutput_methdiff <- Meth_difference(adjustedoutput)
#' Internal Use Function
#' That adjusts the P values of logistical regression model.
#' @description This function adjust the P values of each region or each cytosine by logistical regression model.
#' @param output refers to the output of Methmean_match.
#' @param adjustedmethod refers to the P values adjusted methods, with the default fdr.
#' The adjustedmethod could be "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "none" as well.
#' @return Outputs the regiongene or regioncpg or of gene/cpg with different features with Q values.
#' @examples
#' output_Qvalue <- Pvalue_adjusted(output, adjustedmethod = "fdr")
#' output_Qvalue <- Pvalue_adjusted(output)
#' output_Qvalue <- Pvalue_adjusted(output, adjustedmethod = "bonferroni")
#' output_Qvalue <- Pvalue_adjusted(output, adjustedmethod = "BH")
#' @export
Pvalue_adjusted <- function(output, adjustedmethod = "fdr"){
# calculate the total feature #
pvaluenum <- length(grep("Pvalue", colnames(output)))
for(i in 1:pvaluenum){
# get the column number of Pvalue and Qvalue #
colnump <- grep("Pvalue", colnames(output))[i]
colnumq <- grep("Qvalue", colnames(output))[i]
# adjust P value #
tmpoutput <- output[order(output[, colnump]), ]
# assume P values of NaN = 1 #
validrow <- nrow(tmpoutput)
tmpoutput[, colnumq] <- p.adjust(tmpoutput[, colnump], method = adjustedmethod, n = validrow)
output <- tmpoutput
# arrange chromosome and postion (posi for cytosine or start for region) #
if(length(grep("start", colnames(output))) > 0){
tmpoutput <- arrange(tmpoutput, chr, start)
tmpoutput <- arrange(tmpoutput, chr, posi)
#' Internal Use Function
#' That calculates the methylation difference between groups.
#' @description This function calculate the methylation difference between groups of each region or each cytosine.
#' @param output refers to the output of Methmean_match.
#' @param diffgroup refers to methylation difference between two groups, with the default NULL that is the max group - min group.
#' The two groups can be manually select like diffgroup = c("group1", "group2").
#' @return Outputs methylation difference between groups.
#' @examples
#' output_methdiff <- Meth_difference(output)
#' adjustedoutput_methdiff <- Meth_difference(adjustedoutput, diffgroup = c("group1", "group2"))
#' @export
Meth_difference <- function(output, diffgroup = NULL){
# calculate the total feature and group number from input #
featurenum <- length(grep("Methgroup1", colnames(output)))
groupnum <- length(grep("group", colnames(output))) / (2*featurenum)
for(i in 1: featurenum){
# methylation difference column #
colnum_methydiff <- grep("Methdiff", colnames(output))[i]
# get the column number of Pvalue and Qvalue #
colnum_groupstart <- grep("Methgroup1", colnames(output))[i]
colnum_groupend <- grep(paste("Methgroup", groupnum, sep = ""), colnames(output))[i]
colnum_groupstart <- grep(paste("Meth", diffgroup[1], sep = ""), colnames(output))[i]
colnum_groupend <- grep(paste("Meth", diffgroup[2], sep = ""), colnames(output))[i]
# calculate the methylation difference #
output[, colnum_methydiff] <- output[, colnum_groupend] - output[, colnum_groupstart]
#' Filter the significant regions or cytosine sites.
#' @description This function filters significant regions or cytosine sites based on Q value and methylation difference.
#' @param genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue refers to the input file with Q values and methylation differences need to be filtered.
#' @param qvalue refers to the threshold of Q values that Q values larger than this will be discarded, with default 0.01.
#' @param methdiff refers to the threshold of methylation differences that methylation differences less than this will be discarded, with the default 0.
#' @param featureout refers to which feature will be filtered, with default 1. When featureout = 2, it means that the second feature will be filtered and outputted.
#' @return Outputs a data frame of the significant regions or cytosine sites.
#' @examples
#' genefeatureall_cpgfeature_significantcpgisland <- Significant_filter(genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue)
#' genefeatureall_cpgfeature_significantshore <- Significant_filter(genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue, featureout = 2)
#' genefeatureall_cpgfeature_significantcpgisland <- Significant_filter(genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue, qvalue = 0.001, methdiff = 0.01, featureout = 1)
#' regiongeneall_cpgfeature_significantcpgisland <- Significant_filter(regiongeneall_cpgfeature_Qvalue, methdiff = 0.05, featureout = 1)
#' regiongeneall_significant <- Significant_filter(regiongeneall_Qvalue)
#' regiongenealls_significant <- Significant_filter(regiongenealls_Qvalue, methdiff = 0.05)
#' siteall_significant <- Significant_filter(siteall_Qvalue)
#' siteall_significant <- Significant_filter(siteall_Qvalue, qvalue = 0.001, methdiff = 0.1)
#' @export
Significant_filter <- function(genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue, qvalue = 0.01, methdiff = 0, featureout = 1){
# get the column number of Qvalue and Methylation difference #
colnumq <- grep("Qvalue", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue))[featureout]
colnummeth <- grep("Methdiff", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue))[featureout]
# if one feature then output one and if one more features then output one more #
tmpsigni <- genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue[genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue[, colnumq] < qvalue &
abs(genefeatureall_cpgfeature_Qvalue[, colnummeth]) > methdiff, ]
# rename the row names #
rownames(tmpsigni) <- 1:nrow(tmpsigni)
#' Annotate the differentially methylated cytosine (DMC) to features.
#' @description This function annotates the differentially methylated cytosine (DMC) after statistical test Logic_regression() to gene body or CpG island features.
#' @param siteall_significant refers to the input file with DMC sites.
#' @param featureid refers to whether to include the feature id or not, with the default TRUE.
#' The feature id will output the id of first file of the featurefile list e.g., the id (gene name) of inputgenebodyfile.
#' @param featurefile refers to the input feature files e.g., inputgenebodyfile and inputcpgifeaturefile,
#' with default two files in a list as featurefile = list(inputgenebodyfile, inputcpgifeaturefile),
#' and it can also be one file without a list e.g., featurefile = inputgenebodyfile.
#' @return Outputs a data frame contains DMC sites with features.
#' @examples
#' siteall_significant_feature <- DMC_feature(siteall_significant, featurefile = list(inputgenebodyfile, inputcpgifeaturefile))
#' siteall_significant_feature <- DMC_feature(siteall_significant, featureid = FALSE, featurefile = list(inputgenebodyfile, inputcpgifeaturefile))
#' siteall_significant_feature <- DMC_feature(siteall_significant, featureid = TRUE, featurefile = inputgenebodyfile)
#' @export
DMC_feature <- function(siteall_significant, featureid = TRUE, featurefile = list(inputgenebodyfile, inputcpgifeaturefile)){
# judge featurefile is one file or more file in list #
if(is.null(nrow(featurefile)) == TRUE){
filenum <- length(featurefile)
filenum <- 1
# include feature id or not #
if(featureid == TRUE){
# if with feature id then add one column #
output <- data.frame(siteall_significant, array(0,c(nrow(siteall_significant), 1 + filenum)))
# rename #
colnames(output) <- c(colnames(siteall_significant), "Feature1_id", paste("Feature", 1:filenum, sep = ""))
# read the feature file #
for(i in 1:filenum){
# read the featurefile #
if(filenum == 1){
tmpfile <- featurefile
tmpfile <- featurefile[[i]]
# count the reading feature file #
message("The second feature file is reading now")
# locate the DMC to the region possibly with features #
for(j in 1:nrow(output)){
# filter the features #
tmpfeature <- filter(tmpfile, chr %in% as.vector(unlist(output[1]))[j], start <= output[j,2], end >= output[j,2])
if(nrow(tmpfeature) == 0){
# name the unannotated gene with "" only by reading first feature file #
if(i == 1){
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + 1)] <- ""
# name the unannotated region of genebody as intergenic #
if(names(tmpfile)[5] == "genebody"){
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + 1 + i)] <- "intergenic"
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + 1 + i)] <- "Others"
if(nrow(tmpfeature) == 1){
# name the annotated gene with NCBI id only by reading first feature file #
if(i == 1){
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + 1)] <- as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[1]))
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + 1 + i)] <- as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5]))
# sometimes one cytosine located in two features #
if(nrow(tmpfeature) > 1){
# how many genes included #
lentmp <- length(as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[1])))
# name the annotated gene with NCBI id only by reading first feature file #
if(i == 1){
# paste all the included genes #
tmpgenepaste <- as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[1]))[1]
for(k in 2:lentmp){
tmpgenepaste <- paste(tmpgenepaste, as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[1]))[k], sep = " & ")
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + 1)] <- tmpgenepaste
# if one cytosine is located in more than four unique features, it is duplicated #
if(length(unique(as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5])))) > 4){
message(paste("The line", j, "of inputfile in featurefile", i, "is duplicated", sep = " "))
# paste all the included gene bodies #
tmpgenebodypaste <- as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5]))[1]
for(k in 2:lentmp){
tmpgenebodypaste <- paste(tmpgenebodypaste, as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5]))[k], sep = " & ")
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + 1 + i)] <- tmpgenebodypaste
# if without feature id #
output <- data.frame(siteall_significant, array(0,c(nrow(siteall_significant), filenum)))
# rename #
colnames(output) <- c(colnames(siteall_significant), paste("Feature", 1:filenum, sep = ""))
# read the feature file #
for(i in 1:filenum){
# read the featurefile #
if(filenum == 1){
tmpfile <- featurefile
tmpfile <- featurefile[[i]]
# count the reading feature file #
message("The second feature file is reading now")
# locate the DMC to the region possibly with features #
for(j in 1:nrow(output)){
# filter the features #
tmpfeature <- filter(tmpfile, chr %in% as.vector(unlist(output[1]))[j], start <= output[j,2], end >= output[j,2])
if(nrow(tmpfeature) == 0){
# name the unannotated region of genebody as intergenic #
if(names(tmpfile)[5] == "genebody"){
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + i)] <- "intergenic"
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + i)] <- "Others"
if(nrow(tmpfeature) == 1){
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + i)] <- as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5]))
# sometimes one cytosine located in two features #
if(nrow(tmpfeature) > 1){
# how many genes included #
lentmp <- length(as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[1])))
# if one cytosine is located in more than four unique features, it is duplicated #
if(length(unique(as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5])))) > 4){
message(paste("The line", j, "of inputfile in featurefile", i, "is duplicated", sep = " "))
# paste all the included gene bodies #
tmpgenebodypaste <- as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5]))[1]
for(k in 2:lentmp){
tmpgenebodypaste <- paste(tmpgenebodypaste, as.vector(unlist(tmpfeature[5]))[k], sep = " & ")
output[j, (ncol(siteall_significant) + i)] <- tmpgenebodypaste
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