
Defines functions getMetaboliteIDformats initOmicsDataStructure rankFeatures getIDMappingDatabase getOrganisms mapIDType getMappedFeatures getMultiOmicsFeatures getMetaboliteMapping getGeneMapping getFeatures

Documented in getFeatures getGeneMapping getIDMappingDatabase getMappedFeatures getMetaboliteIDformats getMetaboliteMapping getMultiOmicsFeatures getOrganisms initOmicsDataStructure mapIDType rankFeatures

#' Wrapper to extract features (nodes) from given pathways.
#' Function to extract the features (nodes) from a given list of pathways. These
#' pathways have to be compiled with the
#' \code{\link[graphite:pathways]{pathways}} function. Features can only be
#' extracted for \'proteins\' or \'metabolites\'. Features will by default be
#' mapped to gene symbols.
#' @param pathway A pathway created with \code{\link[graphite:pathways]{pathways}} command.
#' @param which Mode to extract the features, either \'proteins\' or
#'   \'metabolites\'.
#' @param org String specifying the organism, which is necessary for featureID
#'   mapping. Default: human
#' @param returntype String that specifies the returning ID type. Default:
#'   Options (metabolites): HMDB, CAS, DTXCID, DTXSID, SID, CID, ChEBI, KEGG, Drugbank
#' @return Feature list with gene symbols (genes/proteins) or CHEBI IDs
#'   (metabolites)
#' @examples
#' pathways <- graphite::pathways("hsapiens", "kegg")[[1]]
#' getFeatures(pathways)
#' \donttest{
#' pathways <- graphite::pathways("mmusculus", "kegg")[[1]]
#' getFeatures(pathways, which = "metabolites", org = "mmusculus", returntype = "HMDB")
#' pathways <- graphite::pathways("mmusculus", "kegg")[[1]]
#' getFeatures(pathways, which = "proteins", org = "mmusculus", returntype = "SYMBOL")
#' }
#' @importFrom graphite nodes
#' @export
getFeatures <- function(pathway, which = "proteins", org = "hsapiens", returntype = "SYMBOL") {
  if (which != "proteins" && which != "metabolites") {
    stop("Only 'proteins' and 'metabolites' are supported for 'which'.",
      call. = FALSE

  org <- tolower(org)

  ## check for the correct organism
  if (!(org %in% getOrganisms())) {
    stop("Please insert a correct organism name! Use getOrganisms()
              to see all supported organisms.",
      call. = FALSE

  ## extract the features (genes/proteins/metabolites) from the pathway nodes.
  features <- graphite::nodes(pathway, which = which)

  if (length(features) == 0) {

  if (which == "proteins") {
    ## extract the keytype of the ID format
    kt <- gsub(":.*", "", features[1])
    mapped <- gsub("[A-Z]+:", "", features)

    ## get the mapping from the keytype to the user-specific type
    mapped <- getGeneMapping(
      features = mapped, keytype = kt,
      org = org, returntype = returntype

  ## its special for metabolites, because sometimes there are different
  ## identifiers used in the same pathway
  if (which == "metabolites") {
    chebi <- mapIDType(
      features = features, keytype = "CHEBI",
      maptype = "ChEBI", returntype = returntype

    kegg <- mapIDType(
      features = features, keytype = "KEGGCOMP",
      maptype = "KEGG", returntype = returntype

    pubchem <- mapIDType(
      features = features, keytype = "PUBCHEM",
      maptype = "CID", returntype = returntype

    cas <- mapIDType(
      features = features, keytype = "CAS",
      maptype = "CAS", returntype = returntype

    hmdb <- mapIDType(
      features = features, keytype = "HMDB",
      maptype = "HMDB", returntype = returntype

    mapped <- c(chebi, kegg, pubchem, cas, hmdb)


#' Mapping between pathway encoded genes/proteins and different ID formats.
#' Function to retrieve the gene/protein identifier mapping. Ongoing from
#' genes/proteins retrieved from pathway definitions, which often include two or
#' more ID formats or a format that is not present in your omics measurement,
#' this function maps those IDs to a given format. Depending on the organism,
#' additional packages have to be installed.
#' @param features List of identifiers to be mapped.
#' @param keytype String specifying the ID type, e.g., "ENTREZID" or "UNIPROT".
#' @param org String that defines the organism. Default: hsapiens
#'   Options: see \code{\link[multiGSEA]{getOrganisms}}
#' @param returntype String that specifies the returning ID type. Default:
#' @return List containing mapped gene/protein IDs.
#' @examples
#' features <- graphite::nodes(graphite::pathways("hsapiens", "kegg")[[1]])
#' features <- gsub("ENTREZID:", "", features)
#' keytype <- "ENTREZID"
#' getGeneMapping(features, keytype)
#' getGeneMapping(features, keytype, returntype = "UNIPROT")
#' \donttest{
#' features <- graphite::nodes(graphite::pathways("rnorvegicus", "reactome")[[1]])
#' features <- gsub("UNIPROT:", "", features)
#' getGeneMapping(features, keytype = "UNIPROT", org = "rnorvegicus")
#' getGeneMapping(features,
#'   keytype = "UNIPROT",
#'   org = "rnorvegicus",
#'   returntype = "ENSEMBL"
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi select
#' @export
getGeneMapping <- function(features, keytype, org = "hsapiens", returntype = "SYMBOL") {
  org <- tolower(org)

  ## check for the correct organism
  if (!(org %in% getOrganisms())) {
    stop("Please insert a correct organism name! Use getOrganisms()
              to see all supported organisms.",
      call. = FALSE

  db <- getIDMappingDatabase(org)

  supportedIDs <- c("SYMBOL", "ENTREZID", "UNIPROT", "ENSEMBL", "REFSEQ")
  if (org != "dmelanogaster" && !returntype %in% supportedIDs) {
    stop("Insert one of the following IDs to be returned (returntype):
      call. = FALSE

  supportedIDs <- c(supportedIDs, "FLYBASE", "FLYBASECG")
  if (org == "dmelanogaster" && !returntype %in% supportedIDs) {
    stop("Insert one of the following IDs to be returned (returntype):
      call. = FALSE

  ## design the columns field such that we create a triple ID mapping between
  ## ENTREZIDs, UNIPROT, and gene symbols
  if (keytype == "UNIPROT") {
    col <- unique(c("SYMBOL", "ENTREZID", returntype))
  } else {
    col <- unique(c("SYMBOL", "UNIPROT", returntype))

  ## run the actual mapping of IDS and return a list of the user-given type
  map <- tryCatch(
      map <- AnnotationDbi::select(db,
        keys = features,
        columns = col, keytype = keytype
      m <- match(unique(map[[keytype]]), map[[keytype]])
      map <- map[m, ]
    error = function(cond) {


#' Mapping between pathway encoded metabolites and different metabolite ID
#' formats.
#' Function to retrieve the metabolite identifier mapping. Ongoing from
#' metabolites retrieved from pathway definitions, which often include two or
#' more ID formats, this function maps those IDs to a given format. The complete
#' mapping table based on \href{https://comptox.epa.gov/dashboard}{Comptox
#' Dashboard}, \href{https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/}{PubChem},
#' \href{https://hmdb.ca/}{HMDB}, and \href{https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi}{ChEBI}
#' is provided in the AnnotationHub package metaboliteIDmapping.
#' @param features List of identifiers to be mapped.
#' @param keytype String specifying the ID type, e.g., "ChEBI" or "KEGGCOMP".
#' @param returntype String that specifies the returning ID type.
#'        Default: HMDB
#'        Options: HMDB, CAS, DTXCID, DTXSID, SID, CID, ChEBI, KEGG, Drugbank
#' @return List containing mapped gene/protein IDs.
#' @examples
#' features <- graphite::nodes(graphite::pathways("hsapiens", "kegg")[[1]], which = "metabolites")
#' features <- gsub("KEGGCOMP:", "", features)
#' keytype <- "KEGG"
#' getMetaboliteMapping(features, keytype)
#' getMetaboliteMapping(features, keytype = "KEGG", returntype = "CID")
#' @importFrom dplyr pull filter distinct
#' @importFrom metaboliteIDmapping metabolitesMapping
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
getMetaboliteMapping <- function(features, keytype, returntype = "HMDB") {
  ## check for the correct metabolite mapping format
  supportedIDs <- c(
    "HMDB", "ChEBI", "KEGG", "CAS", "DTXCID",
    "DTXSID", "SID", "CID", "Drugbank"
  if (!returntype %in% supportedIDs) {
    stop("Insert one of the following IDs to be returned (returntype):
              HMDB, CAS, ChEBI, KEGG, SID, CID, DTXCID, DTXSID, Drugbank, Name",
      call. = FALSE

  ## load the mapping table which is deposited in the
  ## metaboliteIDmapping package.
  if (!requireNamespace("metaboliteIDmapping", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The necessary package metaboliteIDmapping is not installed.",
      call. = FALSE

  ## run the actual mapping of IDS and return a list of the user-given type
  map <- tryCatch(
      ## to speed up the mapping, we need to subest the whole
      ## metabolitesIDmapping table in the first place to contain
      ## only thoses entries that match the given feature list
      SUBmappingTable <- metaboliteIDmapping::metabolitesMapping %>%
        dplyr::select(!!as.name(keytype), !!as.name(returntype)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!!as.name(keytype) %in% unique(features)) %>%
      colnames(SUBmappingTable) <- c("Original", "Mapped")

      SUBmappingTable %>% dplyr::pull("Mapped")
    error = function(cond) {
        rep("NA", length(features))

  map <- map[!is.na(map)]

#' Collect feature mapping for user given databases and omics layer.
#' The functions makes use of the graphite R package to collect pathways from
#' user specified databases. Depending on the omics layer specified, the
#' function extracts either annotated genes/proteins (for transcriptome,
#' proteome layer) or metabolites (for metabolite layer). The data structure
#' that is returned is mandatory to calculate the multi-omics pathway
#' enrichment.
#' @param dbs List of databases that should be queried for pathways. Default:
#'   all available databases
#' @param layer List of omics layer that should be addressed. Default: all three
#'   layer (transcriptome, proteome, metabolome)
#' @param returnTranscriptome String specifying the returned gene ID format.
#' @param returnProteome String specifying the returned protein ID format.
#' @param returnMetabolome String specifying the returned metabolite ID format.
#'   Default: HMDB Options: HMDB, CAS, DTXCID, DTXSID, SID, CID, ChEBI, KEGG, Drugbank
#' @param organism String specifying the organism of interest. This has direct
#'   influence on the available pathway databases. Default: "hsapiens"
#'   Options: see \code{\link[multiGSEA]{getOrganisms}}
#' @param useLocal Boolean to use local pathway/feature descriptions. In case
#'   useLocal is set to FALSE, pathway definitions and feature extraction
#'   will be recalculated. This could take several minutes depending on the
#'   database used. Pathbank, for example, contains nearly 50000 pathway
#'   definition that have to be re-mapped. useLocal has no effect when
#'   pathway definitions are retrieved for the first time. Default: TRUE
#' @return Nested list with extracted and mapped pathway features.
#' @examples
#' getMultiOmicsFeatures(
#'   dbs = c("kegg"),
#'   layer = c("transcriptome", "proteome"),
#'   organism = "hsapiens"
#' )
#' \donttest{
#' getMultiOmicsFeatures(
#'   dbs = c("kegg", "reactome"),
#'   layer = c("transcriptome", "metabolome"),
#'   organism = "mmusculus"
#' )
#' getMultiOmicsFeatures(
#'   dbs = c("reactome"),
#'   layer = c("proteome"),
#'   organism = "rnorvegicus",
#'   returnProteome = "ENTREZID"
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom graphite pathwayDatabases pathways
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
getMultiOmicsFeatures <- function(dbs = c("all"), layer = c("all"),
                                  returnTranscriptome = "SYMBOL",
                                  returnProteome = "SYMBOL",
                                  returnMetabolome = "HMDB",
                                  organism = "hsapiens",
                                  useLocal = TRUE) {
  layers <- c("all", "metabolome", "proteome", "transcriptome")
  organism <- tolower(organism)

  returnTranscriptome <- toupper(returnTranscriptome)
  returnProteome <- toupper(returnProteome)
  returnMetabolome <- toupper(returnMetabolome)

  ## check for the correct transcriptome mapping format
  supportedIDs <- c("SYMBOL", "ENTREZID", "UNIPROT", "ENSEMBL", "REFSEQ")
  if (!returnTranscriptome %in% supportedIDs) {
    stop("Insert one of the following IDs to be returned (returnTranscriptome):
      call. = FALSE

  ## check for the correct proteome mapping format
  if (!returnProteome %in% supportedIDs) {
    stop("Insert one of the following IDs to be returned (returnProteome):
      call. = FALSE

  ## check for the correct metabolite mapping format
  supportedIDs <- c(
    "HMDB", "ChEBI", "KEGG", "CAS", "DTXCID",
    "DTXSID", "SID", "CID", "Drugbank"
  if (!returnMetabolome %in% supportedIDs) {
    stop("Insert one of the following IDs to be returned (returnMetabolome):
              HMDB, CAS, ChEBI, KEGG, SID, CID, DTXCID, DTXSID, Drugbank",
      call. = FALSE

  ## check if the given organism is supported
  if (!(organism %in% getOrganisms())) {
    stop("You entered an organism that is not supported!
              Use getOrganisms() to get a list of all suported organisms.",
      call. = FALSE

  if (sum(tolower(layer) %in% layers) != length(layer)) {
    stop("You entered wrong input for the omics layer specification.
              Options are: all, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, or a combination thereof.",
      call. = FALSE

  pDBs <- graphite::pathwayDatabases()
  dbs0 <- pDBs %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$species == organism) %>%
  databases <- c("all", as.vector(dbs0))

  if (sum(tolower(dbs) %in% databases) != length(dbs)) {
    stop(paste0("You entered wrong input for the omics layer specification.
              Options are: ", paste(databases, collapse = " "), " or a combination thereof."),
      call. = FALSE

  if ("all" %in% dbs) dbs <- as.vector(dbs0)

  if ("all" %in% layer) {
    layer <- c("transcriptome", "proteome", "metabolome")

  pathways <- lapply(dbs, function(x) {
    graphite::pathways(organism, x)
  names(pathways) <- dbs

  features <- list()
  if ("transcriptome" %in% layer) {
    features$transcriptome <- getMappedFeatures(
      pathways = pathways,
      organism = organism,
      returnID = returnTranscriptome,
      useLocal = useLocal

    ## adapt for duplicated pathways
    names(features$transcriptome) <- rename_duplicates(names(features$transcriptome))

  if ("proteome" %in% layer) {
    if ("transcriptome" %in% layer && returnProteome == returnTranscriptome) {
      features$proteome <- features$transcriptome
    } else {
      features$proteome <- getMappedFeatures(
        pathways = pathways,
        organism = organism,
        returnID = returnProteome,
        useLocal = useLocal

      ## adapt for duplicated pathways
      names(features$proteome) <- rename_duplicates(names(features$proteome))

  if ("metabolome" %in% layer) {
    features$metabolome <- getMappedFeatures(
      pathways = pathways,
      organism = organism,
      returnID = returnMetabolome,
      which = "metabolites",
      useLocal = useLocal

    ## adapt for duplicated pathways
    names(features$metabolome) <- rename_duplicates(names(features$metabolome))


#' Wrapper to get feature mappings.
#' Feature mappings will be used from hard disk in case they have been
#' mapped before and `useLocal` is not set to be FALSE.
#' In other cases, a feature extraction will be done and the results are
#' stored for a following occasion.
#' @param pathways List of pathway definitions.
#' @param returnID String specifying the returned ID format.
#' @param organism String defining the organism of analysis.
#' @param which Mode to extract the features, either \'proteins\' or
#'   \'metabolites\'.
#' @param useLocal Boolean specifying whether or not to use the local
#'              preprocessed mapping.
#' @return List of mapped features for an omics layer.
getMappedFeatures <- function(pathways, returnID = "SYMBOL", organism = "hsapiens", which = "proteins", useLocal = TRUE) {
  feat <- unlist(lapply(names(pathways), function(db) {
    ap <- archivePath(paste0(organism, "_", db, "_", returnID))

    if (file.exists(ap) && useLocal) {
    } else {
      tmp <- lapply(pathways[[db]], function(p) {
          pathway = p, org = organism,
          which = which,
          returntype = returnID

      header <- rep(paste0("(", toupper(db), ") "), length(pathways[[db]]))
      names(tmp) <- paste0(header, names(tmp))
      saveRDS(tmp, file = ap)
  }), recursive = FALSE)


#' Helper function to map only a subset of metabolite IDs
#' This helper function becomes necessary since there are sometimes multiple ID
#' formats used in a single pathway definition.
#' @param features List of metabolite feature IDs of the pathway.
#' @param keytype String specifying the ID format in pathway definition.
#' @param maptype String specifying the corresponding ID format in multiGSEA.
#' @param returntype String identifying the ID type that should be mapped.
#' @return List of mapped metabolite IDs.
mapIDType <- function(features, keytype = "CHEBI", maptype = "ChEBI", returntype = "HMDB") {
  mapped <- c()
  ids <- gsub(paste0(keytype, ":"), "", features[grep(keytype, features)])

  if (returntype != maptype) {
    mapped <- getMetaboliteMapping(
      features = ids,
      keytype = maptype,
      returntype = returntype
  } else {
    mapped <- ids


#' Get list of supported organisms
#' Get a list of organisms that are covered in our workflow through a supporting
#' `AnnotationDBi` package. Without such a package we would not be able to map
#' transcript and protein identifier between different formats. All the
#' organisms that are listed here have at lest kegg and or reactome pathway
#' annotation that can be queried by `graphite`.
#' @return List of supported organisms
#' @examples
#' getOrganisms()
#' @export
getOrganisms <- function() {
  orglist <- c(
    "hsapiens", "rnorvegicus", "mmusculus", "sscrofa",
    "btaurus", "celegans", "dmelanogaster", "drerio",
    "ggallus", "xlaevis", "cfamiliaris"


#' Get the correct ID mapping database
#' Check by means of the given organism name if the required `AnnotationDbi`
#' package is installed. Select the ID mapping table based on the organism name
#' and return it.
#' @param organism String that defines the organism.
#' @return AnnotationDbi database for ID mapping.
getIDMappingDatabase <- function(organism) {
  map <- c(
    hsapiens = "org.Hs.eg.db", rnorvegicus = "org.Rn.eg.db",
    mmusculus = "org.Mm.eg.db", sscrofa = "org.Ss.eg.db",
    btaurus = "org.Bt.eg.db", celegans = "org.Ce.eg.db",
    dmelanogaster = "org.Dm.eg.db", drerio = "org.Dr.eg.db",
    ggallus = "org.Gg.eg.db", xlaevis = "org.Xl.eg.db",
    cfamiliaris = "org.Cf.eg.db"

  stopifnot(organism %in% names(map))
  pkg <- map[[organism]]

  if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(paste0("The necessary package ", pkg, " is not installed."),
      call. = FALSE

  return(get(pkg, envir = getNamespace(pkg)))

#' Pre-rank features prior to calculating enrichment scores.
#' Rank features based on the direction of their fold change and their magnitude
#' implicated through their assigned p-value.
#' @param logFC Vector containing the log-transformed fold changes of features.
#' @param pvalues Vector containing the p-values associated with those logFCs.
#' @param base Integer specifying the base of the logarithm. Default: 10
#' @return Vector of pre-ranked features, still unsorted
#' @examples
#' logFC <- rnorm(10)
#' pvalues <- runif(10)
#' rankFeatures(logFC, pvalues)
#' @export
rankFeatures <- function(logFC, pvalues, base = 10) {
  return(sign(logFC) * -log(pvalues, base = base))

#' Create an empty data structure for measured omics features
#' This function creates a data structure of nested but empty lists. One list
#' for each omics layer. By default all three supported omics layer are used to
#' create a data structures with three empty sublists: transcriptome, proteome,
#' and metabolome.
#' @param layer List specifying the omics layer which should be created
#' @return List with length(layer) empty sublists
#' @examples
#' initOmicsDataStructure()
#' initOmicsDataStructure(c("transcriptome", "proteome"))
#' initOmicsDataStructure(c("Transcriptome", "Metabolome"))
#' @export
initOmicsDataStructure <- function(layer = c("transcriptome", "proteome", "metabolome")) {
  l <- c()
  layer <- tolower(layer)
  if (length(grep("trans*", layer)) > 0) l <- c(l, "transcriptome")
  if (length(grep("prote*", layer)) > 0) l <- c(l, "proteome")
  if (length(grep("metabo*", layer)) > 0) l <- c(l, "metabolome")

  if (length(l) != length(layer)) {
    stop("Not all your omics layer could be mapped to
              'transcriptome', 'proteome', or 'metabolome'. ",
      call. = TRUE

  empty_structure <- rep(list(list()), length(l))
  names(empty_structure) <- l


#' Helper function to get all different metabolite ID formats
#' This helper function extracts all used ID formats in all pathways
#' and returns a nested list for each pathway database.
#' @param pathways List of pathway databases and their pathway definition.
#' @return List of metabolite ID formats.
#' @importFrom graphite nodes
getMetaboliteIDformats <- function(pathways) {
  n1 <- lapply(names(pathways), function(dbs) {
    n2 <- lapply(pathways[[dbs]], function(p) {
      unique(gsub(":.*", "", graphite::nodes(p, which = "metabolites")))


  names(n1) <- names(pathways)
yigbt/multiGSEA documentation built on Aug. 24, 2024, 5:48 p.m.