
Defines functions .validate_PEM_input highlightMismatch countMismatch selectVariants kmer as.Coefficients SeqToMethylByte SeqToByte getSeqFromUCSC

Documented in as.Coefficients countMismatch getSeqFromUCSC highlightMismatch kmer selectVariants SeqToByte SeqToMethylByte

#' Get DNA sequences from UCSC genome database directly through REST API
#' @param genome genome assembly name, hg38, mm10, panPan3, etc
#' @param names either a GRanges object or a character of the chromosome name
#' @param start,end Vector of integers (eventually with NAs) specifying the locations of the subsequences to extract
#' @param strand Vector of integers (eventually with NAs) specifying the locations of the subsequences to extract
#' @examples
#' getSeqFromUCSC("hg38", "chr1", start=55, end=65, strand="-")
#' ranges = GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = "chrM", ranges = IRanges::IRanges(15466, 15555), strand="+")
#' getSeqFromUCSC("panPan3", names=ranges)

getSeqFromUCSC <- function(genome, names, start=NA, end=NA, strand="+"){
    response = httr::GET(url=paste0("https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/getData/sequence?genome=",genome,
                         ";end=",  end))
    if (httr::status_code(response)==200){
      message(paste0(names," ",start, " ", end, " retrived."))
  else if(class(names)=="GRanges"){
                    function(seqnames, start, end, strand, ...)
                      getSeqFromUCSC(genome=genome, names = as.character(seqnames), start=start, end=end, strand=strand)) %>%

#' Convert DNA sequences to binary code based on various encoding schemes
#' @param sequences List of sequences.
#' @param encoding The encoding scheme used to convert sequences to binary vector, including 3L+1, 4L+1, 5L+1. 3L+1 as default.
#' @return Binary codes converted from sequences
#' @examples
#' SeqToByte("GTAC")
#' SeqToByte("GTAAN", encoding = "3L+1“)
SeqToByte <- function(sequences, encoding = "3L+1"){
  seqs = strsplit(sequences, "")

  if(encoding == "3L+1"){
    Bases=cbind('A', 'C', "G", "T", "N", "-")
    Codes=cbind("0 1 0 ", "0 0 0 ", "1 0 0 ", "0 0 1 ", "0.25 0.25 0.25 ", "0 0 0 ")}
  else if(encoding == "5L+1"){
    Bases=cbind('A', 'C', "G", "T", "M", "W", "N", "-")
    Codes=cbind("0 1 0 0 0 ", "0 0 0 0 0 ", "1 0 0 0 0 ", "0 0 1 0 0 ", "0 0 0 1 0 ", "1 0 0 0 1 ", "0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 ", "0 0 0 0 0 ")
  else if(encoding == "4L+1"){
    Bases=cbind('A', 'C', "G", "T", "M", "W", "N", "-")
    Codes=cbind("0 1 0 0 ", "0 0 0 0 ", "1 0 0 0 ", "0 0 1 0 ", "0 0 0 1 ", "1 0 0 0 ", "0.25 0.25 0.25 0 ", "0 0 0 0 ")
                   Codes[match(seq, Bases)] %>%
                     stringr::str_c(collapse = "")

#' Convert DNA sequences to binary code only including methylation-related bytes
#' @param sequences List of sequences.
#' @param encoding Either (3+1)L+1 or (3+1)L+1
#' @return Binary codes converted from sequences, only M or W positions have non-zero bytes.
#' @examples
#' SeqToMethylByte("GTAMW")
#' SeqToByte("GTAMWCGN", encoding = "(3+2)L+1“)
SeqToMethylByte <- function(sequences, encoding = "(3+2)L+1"){
  seqs = strsplit(sequences, "")
  if(encoding == "(3+2)L+1"){
    Bases=cbind("M", "W", "A", "C", "G", "T", "N", "-")
    Codes=cbind("1 0 ", "0 1 ", "0 0 ", "0 0 ", "0 0 ", "0 0 ", "0 0 ", "0 0 ")
  else if(encoding == "(3+1)L+1"){
    Bases=cbind("M", "W", "A", "C", "G", "T", "N", "-")
    Codes=cbind("1 ", "0 ", "0 ", "0 ", "0 ", "0 ", "0 ", "0 ")
                   Codes[match(seq, Bases)] %>%
                     stringr::str_c(collapse = "")

#' Convert energy matrix to energy model coefficients
#' Encoding scheme: 3L+1
#' @param PEM
#' @return 3L+1 energy model coefficients
#' @examples
#' as.Coefficients(PEM)
as.Coefficients <- function(PEM) {
  PEM = .validate_PEM_input(PEM)
  coeff <- array(0L, dim = 3 * ncol(PEM))
  names(coeff) <- paste0(rep(1:ncol(PEM), each = 3), c("CG", "CA", "CT"))

  for (i in 1:ncol(PEM)) {
    coeff[paste0(i, "CG")] <- PEM["G", i] - PEM["C", i]
    coeff[paste0(i, "CA")] <- PEM["A", i] - PEM["C", i]
    coeff[paste0(i, "CT")] <- PEM["T", i] - PEM["C", i]


#' Enumerate all k-mer sequences
#' @param k
#' @return all \code{k}-mer sequences
#' @examples
#' kmer(6)
kmer <- function(k){
    return(c("A", "C", "G", "T"))
                  cbind(rep("A", 4^(k-1)), rep("C", 4^(k-1)), rep("G", 4^(k-1)), rep("T", 4^(k-1))

#' Select sequence variants based on the max number of mismatches to some reference site
#' @param data The data frame includes Sequence variable
#' @param reference Reference site
#' @param maxMismatches The max number of mismatches of each sequence to the reference site
#' @return The data frame containing all sequences with no more than \code{maxMismatches} to the reference
#' @examples
#' selectVariants(data, "GTACGAC", maxMismatches=1)
selectVariants <- function(data, reference, maxMismatches = 1) {
    return(dplyr::filter(data, countMismatch(Sequence, reference) <= maxMismatches))
    sequences = kmer(nchar(reference))
    return(sequences[countMismatch(sequences, reference) <= maxMismatches])

#' Count the number of mismatches of sequence(s) to some reference site
#' @param sequences List of sequences.
#' @param reference Reference sequence.
#' @return The number of mismatches between \code{sequences} and \code{reference}.
#' @examples
#' countMismatch("GTAC", "GAAC")
#' countMismatch(c("GTAC", "GAAC"), "GAAC")
countMismatch <- function(sequences, reference){
  seqs = strsplit(sequences, "")
  ref  = strsplit(reference, "")[[1]]
                 function(seq) {sum(seq!=ref, na.rm=TRUE)})

#' Highlight the mismatches of sequence(s) to some reference site with '-'
#' @param sequences List of sequences.
#' @param reference Reference sequence.
#' @return Sequences with those mismatched portions to reference changed to '-'
#' @examples
#' highlightMismatch("GTAC", "GAAC")
#' highlightMismatch(c("GTAC", "GAAC"), "GAAC")
highlightMismatch<- function(sequences, reference){
  seqs = strsplit(sequences, "")
  ref  = strsplit(reference, "")[[1]]
                   seq[seq==ref] <- '-'
                   stringr::str_c(seq,collapse = "")

## validate PEM input
.validate_PEM_input <- function(PEM){
    stop("The input is not a matrix")
  if(!all(c("A", "C", "G", "T") %in% rownames(PEM)))
    stop("The matrix should contain all the rownames corresponding to nucleotides (A, C, G, T)")

## validate genome input
           function(genome) standardGeneric(".validate_genome_input"))

setMethod(".validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "BSgenome"),
          function(genome) {

setMethod(".validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "DNAStringSet"),
          function(genome) {

setMethod(".validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "character"),
          function(genome) {
            if (any(is.na(genome)))
              stop("No genome provided")
            if (length(genome) > 1){
              stopifnot(all(genome == genome[[1]]))
              genome <- genome[[1]]

setMethod(".validate_genome_input", signature(genome = "ANY"),
          function(genome) {
            stop("genome input must be a BSgenome, DNAStringSet, or FaFile",
                 "object or a string recognized by getBSgenome")
zeropin/TFCookbook documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:59 p.m.