
Defines functions kda2himmeli kda2himmeli.exec kda2himmeli.drivers kda2himmeli.edges kda2himmeli.colorize kda2himmeli.colormap kda2himmeli.identify kda2cytoscape kda2cytoscape.exec kda2cytoscape.drivers kda2cytoscape.edges kda2cytoscape.colorize kda2cytoscape.colormap kda2cytoscape.identify kda.analyze kda.analyze.exec kda.analyze.simulate kda.analyze.test kda.configure kda.finish kda.finish.estimate kda.finish.save kda.finish.trim kda.finish.summarize kda.prepare kda.prepare.screen kda.prepare.overlap kda.start kda.start.edges kda.start.modules kda.start.identify ssea2kda ssea2kda.import ssea2kda.analyze ssea.analyze ssea.analyze.simulate ssea.analyze.observe ssea.analyze.randgenes ssea.analyze.randloci ssea.analyze.statistic ssea.control ssea.finish ssea.finish.genes ssea.finish.fdr ssea.finish.details ssea.meta ssea.prepare ssea.prepare.structure ssea.prepare.counts ssea.start ssea.start.configure ssea.start.relabel ssea.start.identify tool.aggregate tool.cluster tool.cluster.static tool.coalesce tool.coalesce.exec tool.coalesce.find tool.coalesce.merge tool.fdr tool.fdr.bh tool.fdr.empirical tool.graph tool.graph.list tool.graph.degree tool.metap tool.normalize tool.normalize.quality tool.overlap tool.read tool.save tool.subgraph tool.subgraph.search tool.subgraph.find tool.subgraph.stats tool.translate tool.unify

Documented in kda2cytoscape kda2cytoscape.colorize kda2cytoscape.colormap kda2cytoscape.drivers kda2cytoscape.edges kda2cytoscape.exec kda2cytoscape.identify kda2himmeli kda2himmeli.colorize kda2himmeli.colormap kda2himmeli.drivers kda2himmeli.edges kda2himmeli.exec kda2himmeli.identify kda.analyze kda.analyze.exec kda.analyze.simulate kda.analyze.test kda.configure kda.finish kda.finish.estimate kda.finish.save kda.finish.summarize kda.finish.trim kda.prepare kda.prepare.overlap kda.prepare.screen kda.start kda.start.edges kda.start.identify kda.start.modules ssea2kda ssea2kda.analyze ssea2kda.import ssea.analyze ssea.analyze.observe ssea.analyze.randgenes ssea.analyze.randloci ssea.analyze.simulate ssea.analyze.statistic ssea.control ssea.finish ssea.finish.details ssea.finish.fdr ssea.finish.genes ssea.meta ssea.prepare ssea.prepare.counts ssea.prepare.structure ssea.start ssea.start.configure ssea.start.identify ssea.start.relabel tool.aggregate tool.cluster tool.cluster.static tool.coalesce tool.coalesce.exec tool.coalesce.find tool.coalesce.merge tool.fdr tool.fdr.bh tool.fdr.empirical tool.graph tool.graph.degree tool.graph.list tool.metap tool.normalize tool.normalize.quality tool.overlap tool.read tool.save tool.subgraph tool.subgraph.find tool.subgraph.search tool.subgraph.stats tool.translate tool.unify

# Generate input files for Himmeli. The network visualization
# is a streamlined depiction of the module enrichment in hub
# neighborhoods. For instance, only links that connect a key
# driver to another node are depicted.
# Input:
#   job               KDA data list as returned by kda.finish()
# Optional input:
#   modules           array of module names to be visualized
#   ndrivers          maximum number of drivers per module
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda2himmeli <- function(job, modules=NULL, ndrivers=5) {
    # Import node values.
    cat("\nImporting node data...\n")
    valdata <- tool.read(job$nodfile)
    # Set node sizes.
    z <- as.double(valdata$VALUE)
    z <- (z/quantile(z, 0.95) + rank(z)/length(z))
    valdata$SIZE <- pmin(4.0, z)
    # Select subset of genes.
    valdata <- kda2himmeli.identify(valdata, "NODE", job$graph$nodes)
    # Select top scoring modules.
    cat("\nForwarding KDA results to Himmeli...\n")
    if(is.null(modules) & (is.null(job$ssearesults) == FALSE)) {
        tmp <- job$ssearesults
        tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$P),]
        modules <- tmp$modules
        if(length(modules) > 8) modules <- modules[1:8]
    # Convert module names to indices.
    if(is.null(modules) == FALSE) {
        modules <- match(modules, job$modules)
        modules <- modules[which(modules > 0)]
        if(length(modules) < 1) 
        stop("Unknown module names.")
    # Select top key drivers from each module.
    drivers <- kda2himmeli.drivers(job$results, modules, ndrivers)
    mods <- unique(drivers$MODULE)
    palette <- kda2himmeli.colormap(length(mods))
    # Process each module separately.
    edgdata <- data.frame()
    noddata <- data.frame()
    for(i in 1:length(mods)) {
        rows <- which(drivers$MODULE == mods[i])
        tmp <- kda2himmeli.exec(job, valdata, drivers[rows,], mods, palette)
        edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp$edat)
        noddata <- rbind(noddata, tmp$vdat)
    # Create work folder.
    dpath <- file.path(job$folder, "himmeli")
    if(file.exists(dpath) == FALSE)
        dir.create(path=dpath, recursive=TRUE)
    # Save data files.
    edgfile <- file.path(job$folder, "kda2himmeli.edges.txt")
    nodfile <- file.path(job$folder, "kda2himmeli.nodes.txt")
    tool.save(frame=edgdata, file=edgfile)
    tool.save(frame=noddata, file=nodfile)
    # Configuration data.
    gname <- file.path(dpath, job$label)
    instr <- paste("GraphName", gname, sep="\t")
    instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeFile", edgfile, sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeTailVariable", "TAIL", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeHeadVariable", "HEAD", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeWeightVariable", "WEIGHT", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("EdgeColorVariable", "COLOR", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexFile", nodfile, sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexNameVariable", "NODE", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexColorVariable", "COLOR", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexLabelVariable", "LABEL", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexShapeVariable", "SHAPE", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexSectorVariable", "SECTOR", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("VertexSizeVariable", "SIZE", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("DistanceUnit", "1.1", sep="\t"))
    instr <- c(instr, paste("ChassisMode", "on", "2.0", sep="\t"))
    # Color info.
    modnames <- job$modules[mods]
    for(j in 1:ncol(palette)) {
        c <- palette[,j]
        value <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
        value <- paste("VertexColorInfo", modnames[j], value, sep="\t")
        instr <- c(instr, value)
    # Save configuration data.
    fname <- file.path(job$folder, "kda2himmeli.config.txt")
    write.table(x=instr, sep="\t", file=fname, na="",
    row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
    cat("\rSaved ", length(instr), " rows in '", fname, "'.\n", sep="")


kda2himmeli.exec <- function(job, valdata, drivers, modpool, palette) {
    # Create star topology.
    edgdata <- data.frame()
    for(i in unique(drivers$NODE)) {
        tmp <- kda2himmeli.edges(job$graph, i, job$depth, job$direction)
        edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp)
    # Select affected nodes.
    tmp <- c(edgdata$TAIL, edgdata$HEAD)
    pos <- match(valdata$NODE, tmp)
    valdata <- valdata[which(pos > 0),]
    # Assign node shapes.
    valdata$SHAPE <- "circle"
    pos <- match(valdata$NODE, drivers$NODE)
    valdata[which(pos > 0),"SHAPE"] <- "star"
    # Trace module memberships.
    noddata <- kda2himmeli.colorize(valdata, job$moddata, modpool, palette)
    # Trim edge dataset.
    edgdata <- edgdata[which(edgdata$TAIL != edgdata$HEAD),]
    edgdata <- unique(edgdata[,c("TAIL", "HEAD", "WEIGHT")])
    edgdata$COLOR <- "808080"
    # Restore original identities.
    edgdata$TAIL <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$TAIL]
    edgdata$HEAD <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$HEAD]
    noddata$NODE <- job$graph$nodes[noddata$NODE]
    noddata$LABEL <- noddata$NODE
    # Make identities unique for the current module.
    modtag <- job$modules[drivers[1,"MODULE"]]
    for(i in 1:nrow(noddata)) 
        noddata[i,"NODE"] <- paste(noddata[i,"NODE"], modtag, sep="@")
    for(i in 1:nrow(edgdata)) {
        edgdata[i,"TAIL"] <- paste(edgdata[i,"TAIL"], modtag, sep="@")
        edgdata[i,"HEAD"] <- paste(edgdata[i,"HEAD"], modtag, sep="@")
    # Return results.
    res <- list(edat=edgdata, vdat=noddata)


kda2himmeli.drivers <- function(data, modules, ndriv) {
    nmods <- 8 # optimal number of colors
    # Select modules.
    if(is.null(modules) == FALSE) {
        nmods <- length(unique(modules))
        pos <- match(data$MODULE, modules)
        data <- data[which(pos > 0),]
        if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No data on target modules.")
    # Include only significant key drivers.
    rows <- which(data$FDR < 0.05)
    data <- data[rows,]
    if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No key drivers for target modules.")
    # Separate modules.
    st <- tool.aggregate(data$MODULE)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    # Collect top drivers.
    peaks <- double()
    scores <- data$P
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]  
        peaks[k] <- min(scores[rows])
    # Collect drivers from top modules.
    ind <- integer()
    mask <- order(peaks)
    mask <- mask[1:min(length(mask),nmods)]
    for(k in mask) { 
        rows <- blocks[[k]]  
        rows <- rows[order(scores[rows])]
        rows <- rows[1:min(length(rows),ndriv)]
        ind <- c(ind, rows)


kda2himmeli.edges <- function(graph, center, depth, direction) {
    g <- tool.subgraph.search(graph, center, depth, direction)
    if(direction >= 0) {
        g$HEAD <- g$RANK
        g$TAIL <- center
    } else {
        g$TAIL <- g$RANK
        g$HEAD <- center
    g$WEIGHT <- (g$STRENG)/(1.0 + g$LEVEL)

kda2himmeli.colorize <- function(noddata, moddata, modpool, palette) {
    # Collect module memberships.
    pos <- match(moddata$NODE, noddata$NODE)
    moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),c("MODULE","NODE")]
    moddata <- unique(moddata)
    # Merge duplicate rows.
    st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$NODE)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    colors <- rep(NA, length(blocks))
    sectors <- rep("", length(blocks))
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        mods <- moddata[rows,"MODULE"]
        mods <- intersect(mods, modpool)
        mods <- sort(unique(mods))
        n <- length(mods)
        if(n < 1) next
        if(n < 2) {
            c <- palette[,which(modpool == mods[1])]
            colors[k] <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
        for(i in 1:n) {
            c <- palette[,which(modpool == mods[i])]
            c <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
            if(i < 2) {
                sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], "1:", c, sep="")
            } else {
                sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], ",1:", c, sep="")
    # Combine results.
    res <- data.frame(NODE=as.integer(st$labels), COLOR=colors,
    SECTOR=sectors, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    res <- merge(noddata, res, all.x=TRUE)
    # Fill in missing values.
    rows <- which(is.na(res$COLOR))
    res[rows,"COLOR"] <- "909090"


kda2himmeli.colormap <- function(ncolors) {
    palette <- rainbow(n=(ncolors + 2))
    palette <- (col2rgb(palette)/255)
    # Dampen raw colors.
    kappa <- pmax(0.25*palette[1,], 0.25*palette[2,], 0.4*palette[3,])
    palette[1,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[1,] + kappa)
    palette[2,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[2,] + kappa)
    palette <- round(99*palette)
    # Remove strongest greens (easy to confuse on screen).
    while(ncol(palette) > ncolors) {
        rb <- (palette[1,] + palette[3,]) 
        palette <- palette[,order(rb)]
        ind <- which.max(palette[,2])
        mask <- setdiff(1:ncol(palette), ind)
        palette <- palette[,mask]
    # Sort by components.
    x <- (10000*palette[1,] + 100*palette[2,] + palette[3,])


kda2himmeli.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
    if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
    # Find matching identities.
    pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
    rows <- which(pos > 0)
    # Select subset.
    dat[,varname] <- pos
    res <- dat[rows,]

# Generate input files for cytoscape. The network visualization
# is a streamlined depiction of the module enrichment in hub
# neighborhoods. Hence, only links that connect a key
# driver to another node are depicted within a particular depth.
# Input:
#   job               KDA data list as returned by kda.finish()
# Optional input:
#   modules           array of module names to be visualized
#   ndrivers          maximum number of drivers per module
#   depth             search depth of subgraphs
# Written by Zeyneb Kurt 2015
kda2cytoscape <- function(job, node.list=NULL, modules=NULL, ndrivers=5, 
depth=1) {
    # Select top scoring modules.
    cat("\nForwarding KDA results to Cytoscape...\n")
    if(is.null(modules) )  # if module names were not provided by user,
        # take module names from kda results
        modules <- job$modules[unique(job$results$MODULE)]
    # Convert module names to indices.
    if(!is.null(modules)) {
        modules <- match(modules, job$modules)
        modules <- modules[which(modules > 0)]
        if(length(modules) < 1) stop("Unknown module names.")
    # Select top key drivers from each module.
    drivers <- kda2cytoscape.drivers(job$results, modules, ndrivers)
    mods <- unique(drivers$MODULE)
    modnames <- job$modules[mods] 
    modnames[which(mods == 0)] <- "NON.MODULE"
    palette <- kda2cytoscape.colormap(length(mods)) 
    palette[,which(mods == 0)] <- c(90,90,90)
        if (all(is.na(match(node.list, job$graph$nodes))) )
            stop("These nodes are not in the provided graph")
            drivers <- c()
            nds <- which(!is.na(match(job$graph$nodes, node.list)))
            for(ii in 1:length(nds)){
                if (length(which(job$results$NODE == nds[ii])) > 0 ){
                    mdls <- job$results$MODULE[which(job$results$NODE == 
                    drivers <- rbind(drivers, cbind(mdls, nds[ii]))
                    drivers <- rbind(drivers, cbind(0, nds[ii]))
    drivers <- as.data.frame(drivers)
    colnames(drivers) <- c("MODULE" , "NODE")
    # Create work folder.
    dpath <- file.path(job$folder, "cytoscape")
    if(file.exists(dpath) == FALSE)
        dir.create(path=dpath, recursive=TRUE)
    # Save top KDAs into file
    drivers$MODNAMES <- modnames[match(drivers$MODULE, mods)]
    drivers$NODNAMES <- job$graph$nodes[drivers$NODE] 
    for(i in 1:nrow(drivers))
        drivers$COLOR[i] <- sprintf("#%02d%02d%02d", 
        palette[1, match(drivers$MODULE[i], mods)],
        palette[2, match(drivers$MODULE[i], mods)],
        palette[3, match(drivers$MODULE[i], mods)])
    kdafile <- file.path(dpath, "kda2cytoscape.top.kds.txt")
    tool.save(frame=drivers, file=kdafile) 
    # Process each module separately.
    edgdata <- data.frame()
    noddata <- data.frame()
    for(i in 1:length(mods)) {
        rows <- which(drivers$MODULE == mods[i])
        if(length(rows) > 0){
            tmp <- kda2cytoscape.exec(job, drivers[rows,], mods, palette, 
            if (!is.null(tmp)){
                edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp$edat)
                noddata <- rbind(noddata, tmp$vdat)
    noddata[which(noddata[,5] == "") , 5] <- NA
    keep.list <- c()
    unq.nodes <- unique(noddata$NODE)
    for ( i in 1:length(unq.nodes) ) {
        rws <- which(noddata[,1] == unq.nodes[i])
        if (any(is.na(noddata[rws, 5])) ) {
            nn <- which(as.integer(noddata[rws, 3]) == 100) 
            if (length(nn) >0) keep.list <- c(keep.list, rws[nn[1]])
            else keep.list <- c(keep.list, rws[1])
        else {
            keep.list <- c(keep.list, rws[1])
            lenlen <- length(strsplit(noddata[rws[1], "SECTOR"], "1:")[[1]])
            noddata[rws, "COLOR"] <- 
            strsplit(noddata[rws[1], "SECTOR"], "1:")[[1]][lenlen]
            noddata[rws, "COLOR"] <- paste0("#", noddata[rws[1], "COLOR"])
    noddata <- noddata[keep.list, ]
    noddata$MODULE <- NULL
    # Save data files.
    edgfile <- file.path(dpath, "kda2cytoscape.edges.txt")
    nodfile <- file.path(dpath, "kda2cytoscape.nodes.txt")
    if (!is.null(edgdata)) tool.save(frame=edgdata, file=edgfile)
    if (!is.null(noddata)) 
        tool.save(frame=noddata[, c("NODE", "LABEL", "COLOR", "SIZE", 
        "SHAPE", "SECTOR", "URL", "LABELSIZE")], file=nodfile)
    # Color info.
    instr <- NULL
    instr <- paste("MODULES", "COLOR", sep="\t")
    for(j in 1:ncol(palette)) {
        c <- palette[,j]
        value <- sprintf("#%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
        value <- paste(modnames[j], value, sep="\t")
        instr <- c(instr, value)
    fname <- file.path(dpath, "module.color.mapping.txt")
    write.table(instr, sep="\t", file=fname, na="", row.names=FALSE, 
    quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
    cat("\rInformation is stored into relevant files.\n", sep="")


kda2cytoscape.exec <- function(job, drivers, modpool, palette, graph.depth=1){
    # Create star topology.
    edgdata <- data.frame()
    for(j in unique(drivers$NODE)) {
        tmp <- kda2cytoscape.edges(job$graph, j, graph.depth, job$direction)
        edgdata <- rbind(edgdata, tmp)
    # Select affected nodes.
    tmp <- data.frame(unique(c(edgdata$TAIL, edgdata$HEAD)),
    names(tmp) <- "NODE"
    # Assign node shapes.
    shapes <- rep("Ellipse", length(tmp))
    sizes <- rep(50, length(tmp))
    tmp$SHAPE <- shapes
    tmp$SIZE <- sizes
    pos <- match(tmp$NODE, drivers$NODE)
    tmp[which(pos > 0),"SHAPE"] <- "Diamond"
    tmp[which(pos > 0),"SIZE"] <- 100
    # Trace module memberships.
    noddata <- kda2cytoscape.colorize(tmp, job$moddata, modpool, palette)
        # Trim edge dataset.
        edgdata <- edgdata[which(edgdata$TAIL != edgdata$HEAD),]
        edgdata <- unique(edgdata[,c("TAIL", "HEAD", "WEIGHT")])
        edgdata$COLOR <- "#808080"
        # Restore original identities.
        edgdata$TAIL <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$TAIL]
        edgdata$HEAD <- job$graph$nodes[edgdata$HEAD]
        modtag <- job$modules[drivers[1,"MODULE"]]
        if(length(modtag) == 0) modtag <- "NON.MODULE"
        noddata$NODE <- job$graph$nodes[as.numeric(noddata$NODE)]
        noddata$LABEL <- noddata$NODE
        # Make identities unique for the current module.
        noddata[1:nrow(noddata), "MODULE"] <- modtag
        edgdata[1:nrow(edgdata), "MODULE"] <- modtag
        # Return results.
        res <- list(edat=edgdata, vdat=noddata)
    else res=NULL


kda2cytoscape.drivers <- function(data, modules, ndriv) {
    nmods <- length(unique(data$MODULE))
    # Select modules.
    if(!is.null(modules)) {
        nmods <- length(unique(modules))
        pos <- match(data$MODULE, modules)
        data <- data[which(pos > 0),]
        if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No data on target modules.")
    # Include only significant key drivers.
    rows <- which(data$FDR < 0.05)
    data <- data[rows,]
    if(nrow(data) < 1) stop("No key drivers for target modules.")
    # Separate modules.
    st <- tool.aggregate(data$MODULE)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    # Collect top drivers.
    peaks <- double()
    scores <- data$P
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]  
        peaks[k] <- min(scores[rows])
    # Collect drivers from modules.
    ind <- integer()
    mask <- order(peaks)
    mask <- mask[1:min(length(mask),nmods)]
    for(k in mask) { 
        rows <- blocks[[k]]  
        rows <- rows[order(scores[rows])]
        rows <- rows[1:min(length(rows),ndriv)]
        ind <- c(ind, rows)


kda2cytoscape.edges <- function(graph, center, depth, direction) {
    global.HEAD <- c()
    global.TAIL <- c()
    centeri <- center
    for(i in 1:depth){
        new.cent <- c()
        for(j in centeri){
            gi <- tool.subgraph.search(graph, j, depth=1, direction)
            if(direction >= 0) {
                global.HEAD <- c(global.HEAD, gi$RANK)
                global.TAIL <- c(global.TAIL, rep(j, length(gi$RANK)) )
            } else {
                global.TAIL <- c(global.TAIL, gi$RANK)
                global.HEAD <- c(global.HEAD, rep(j, length(gi$RANK)) )
            new.cent <- unique(c(new.cent, gi$RANK))
        centeri <- new.cent[which(!(new.cent %in% centeri))] 
    g <- unique(data.frame(cbind(HEAD=global.HEAD, TAIL=global.TAIL, 


kda2cytoscape.colorize <- function(noddata, moddata, modpool, palette) {
    # Google chart service.
    urlbase <- "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p&chs=200x200"
    urlbase <- paste(urlbase, "chf=bg,s,00000000", sep="&")
    # Collect module memberships.
    pos <- match(moddata$NODE, noddata$NODE)
    moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),c("MODULE","NODE")]
    moddata <- unique(moddata)
    # moddata <- moddata[which(!is.na(match(moddata$MODULE, modpool))), ] 
    # Merge duplicate rows.
    if(length(moddata$NODE) > 0){
        st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$NODE)
        blocks <- st$blocks
        colors <- rep(NA, length(blocks))
        sectors <- rep("", length(blocks))
        urls <- rep("", length(blocks))
        for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
            chd <- ""
            chco <- ""
            rows <- blocks[[k]]
            mods <- moddata[rows,"MODULE"]
            mods <- intersect(mods, modpool)
            mods <- sort(unique(mods))
            n <- length(mods)
            if(n < 1) next
            for(i in 1:n) {
                c <- palette[,which(modpool == mods[i])]
                c <- sprintf("%02d%02d%02d", c[1], c[2], c[3])
                if(i < 2) {
                    chd <- "chd=t:1"
                    chco <- paste("chco=", c, sep="") 
                    cc <- paste("#", c, sep="")
                    colors[k] <- cc
                    sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], "1:", c, sep="")
                } else {
                    chd <- paste(chd, 1, sep=",")
                    chco <- paste(chco, c, sep="|")
                    sectors[k] <- paste(sectors[k], ",1:", c, sep="")
            urls[k] <- paste(urlbase, chd, chco, sep="&")
        label.size <- rep(12, length(blocks))
        # keep 1st clr in colors, keep all sectors in sectors
        res <- data.frame(NODE=as.integer(st$labels), COLOR=colors, 
        SECTOR=sectors, URL=urls, LABELSIZE=label.size, 
        res <- merge(noddata, res, all.x=TRUE)
        # Fill in missing values.
        rows <- which(is.na(res$COLOR))
        res[rows,"COLOR"] <- "#909090"
        res[which(as.integer(res$SIZE) == 100), "LABELSIZE"] <- 20
    else res <- NULL
    return (res)


kda2cytoscape.colormap <- function(ncolors) {
    palette <- rainbow(n=(ncolors + 2))
    palette <- (col2rgb(palette)/255)
    # Dampen raw colors.
    kappa <- pmax(0.25*palette[1,], 0.25*palette[2,], 0.4*palette[3,])
    palette[1,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[1,] + kappa)
    palette[2,] <- ((1.0 - kappa)*palette[2,] + kappa)
    palette <- round(99*palette)
    # Remove strongest greens (easy to confuse on screen).
    if (ncolors == 1){
        rb <- (palette[1,] + palette[3,]) 
        palette <- palette[,order(rb)]
        ind <- which.max(palette[,2])
        mask <- setdiff(1:ncol(palette), ind)
        palette <- palette[,mask]
    else {
        while(ncol(palette) > ncolors) {
            rb <- (palette[1,] + palette[3,]) 
            palette <- palette[,order(rb)]
            ind <- which.max(palette[,2])
            mask <- setdiff(1:ncol(palette), ind)
            palette <- palette[,mask]
    # Sort by components.
    x <- (10000*palette[1,] + 100*palette[2,] + palette[3,])


kda2cytoscape.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
    if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
    # Find matching identities.
    pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
    rows <- which(pos > 0)
    # Select subset.
    dat[,varname] <- pos
    res <- dat[rows,]

# Determine statistical significance of key driver genes.
# Input:
#   job$graph            see tool.graph()
#   job$graph$hubs       nodes considered hubs (indexed)
#   job$graph$hubnets    lists of neighboring nodes (indexed)
#   job$graph$cohubsets  lists of overlapping hubs (indexed)
#   job$module2nodes     lists of node indices for each module
# Output:
#   job$results          data frame of results (indexed)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda.analyze <- function(job) {
    cat("\nAnalyzing network...\n")
    nmods <- length(job$modules)
    # Analyze modules.
    res <- data.frame()
    hubs <- job$graph$hubs
    for(i in 1:nmods) {
        members <- job$module2nodes[[i]]
        p <- kda.analyze.exec(members, job$graph, job$nperm)
        mask <- which(p >= 0.0)
        if(length(mask) < 1) next
        # Find top hit.
        tmp <- data.frame(MODULE=i, NODE=hubs[mask], P=p[mask])
        pmin <- min(tmp$P)
        hit <- which(tmp$P == pmin)
        hit <- tmp$NODE[hit[1]]
        # Update results.
        nmemb <- length(members)
        name <- job$graph$nodes[hit]
        kd <- sprintf("%s, n=%d, p=%.2e", name, nmemb, pmin)
        cat(job$modules[i], ": ", kd, "\n", sep="")
        res <- rbind(res, tmp)
    # Estimate false discovery rates.
    res$FDR <- p.adjust(res$P, method="fdr")
    job$results <- res


kda.analyze.exec <- function(memb, graph, nsim) {
    hubs <- graph$hubs
    hubnets <- graph$hubnets
    nhubs <- length(hubs)
    nnodes <- length(graph$nodes)
    nmemb <- length(memb)
    # Observed enrichment scores.
    obs <- rep(NA, nhubs)
    for(k in 1:nhubs) {
        g <- hubnets[[hubs[k]]]
        obs[k] <- kda.analyze.test(g$RANK, g$STRENG, memb, nnodes)
    # Estimate P-values.
    pvals <- rep(NA, nhubs)
    for(k in which(obs > 0)) {
        g <- hubnets[[hubs[k]]]
        # First pass.
        x <- kda.analyze.simulate(obs[k], g, nmemb, nnodes, 200)
        # Estimate preliminary P-value.
        param <- tool.normalize(x)
        z <- tool.normalize(obs[k], param)
        p <- pnorm(z, lower.tail=FALSE)
        if(p*nhubs > 2.0) next
        # Estimate final P-value.
        n <- min(nsim, abs(nsim - length(x))+1) # it was: (nsim - length(x))
        y <- kda.analyze.simulate(obs[k], g, nmemb, nnodes, n)
        param <- tool.normalize(c(x, y))
        z <- tool.normalize(obs[k], param)
        p <- pnorm(z, lower.tail=FALSE)
        p <- max(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
        if(p*nhubs > 1.0) next
        # Apply Bonferroni adjustment.
        pvals[k] <- p*nhubs


kda.analyze.simulate <- function(o, g, nmemb, nnodes, nsim) {
    neigh <- as.integer(g$RANK)
    w <- as.double(g$STRENG)
    # Simulate null distribution.
    nfalse <- 0
    x <- rep(NA, nsim)
    for(n in 1:nsim) {
        if(nfalse > 10) break
        memb <- sample.int(nnodes, nmemb) 
        x[n] <- kda.analyze.test(neigh, w, memb, nnodes)
        if(is.na(x[n])) x[n] <- rnorm(1)
        nfalse <- (nfalse + as.integer(x[n] >= o))
    # Trim results.
    x <- x[which(0*x == 0)]


#kda.analyze.test <- function(ind, w, members, nnodes) {
#  shared <- which(match(ind, members) > 0)
#  obsmass <- sum(w[shared])
#  return(obsmass)


kda.analyze.test <- function(neigh, w, members, nnodes) {
    # Check if enough neighbors.
    nneigh <- length(neigh)
    if(nneigh < 3) return(0.0) 
    # Find member nodes.
    nmemb <- length(members)
    pos <- match(neigh, members)
    shared <- which(pos > 0)
    # Background edge mass.
    totmass <- sum(w)
    # Edge mass captured by members.
    obsmass <- sum(w[shared])
    # Effective number of shared nodes.
    rho <- (obsmass/totmass)
    nobserv <- rho*nneigh
    # Expected number of shared nodes.
    nexpect <- (nmemb/nnodes)*nneigh
    # Calculate enrichment score.
    if(nobserv < 1.0) 
    z <- (nobserv - nexpect)/(sqrt(nexpect) + 1.0)
# Set parameters for a weighted key driver analysis
# Input:
#   plan$label        unique identifier for the analysis
#   plan$folder       parent folder for results
#   plan$netfile      path to network file
#                     columns: TAIL HEAD WEIGHT
#   plan$modfile      path to module file
#                     columns: MODULE NODE
# Optional:
#   plan$inffile      path to module info file
#                     columns: MODULE DESCR
#   plan$nodfile      path to node selection file
#                     columns: NODE
#   plan$depth        search depth for subgraph search
#   plan$direction    use zero for undirected, negative for
#                     downstream and positive for upstream
#   plan$maxoverlap   maximum allowed overlap between two
#                     key driver neighborhoods
#   plan$minsize      minimum module size
#   plan$mindegree    minimum node degree to qualify as a hub
#   plan$maxdegree    maximum node degree to include
#   plan$edgefactor   influence of node strengths:
#                     0.0 no influence, 1.0 full influence
#   plan$seed         seed for random number generator
# Output:
#   job               data structure for KDA
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda.configure <- function(plan) {
    cat("\nKDA Version:12.7.2015\n")
    plan$stamp <- Sys.time()
    if(is.null(plan$folder)) stop("No parent folder.")
    if(is.null(plan$label)) stop("No job label.")
    if(is.null(plan$netfile)) stop("No network file.")
    if(is.null(plan$modfile)) stop("No module file.")
    if(is.null(plan$depth)) plan$depth <- 1
    plan$depth <- round(plan$depth)
    if(plan$depth < 1) stop("Unusable search depth.")
    cat("  Search depth: ", plan$depth, "\n", sep="")
    if(is.null(plan$direction)) plan$direction <- 0
    plan$direction <- round(plan$direction)
    if(abs(plan$direction) > 1) stop("Unusable search direction.")
    cat("  Search direction: ", plan$direction, "\n", sep="")
    if(is.null(plan$maxoverlap)) plan$maxoverlap <- 0.33
    if(plan$maxoverlap > 1) stop("Unusable overlap limit.")
    if(plan$maxoverlap < 0) stop("Unusable overlap limit.")
    cat("  Maximum overlap: ", plan$maxoverlap, "\n", sep="")
    if(is.null(plan$minsize)) plan$minsize <- 20
    if(plan$minsize < 1) stop("Unusable size limit.")
    cat("  Minimum module size: ", plan$minsize, "\n", sep="")
    if(is.null(plan$mindegree)) plan$mindegree <- "automatic"
    if(is.null(plan$maxdegree)) plan$maxdegree <- "automatic"
    cat("  Minimum degree: ", plan$mindegree, "\n", sep="")
    cat("  Maximum degree: ", plan$maxdegree, "\n", sep="")
    if(is.null(plan$edgefactor)) plan$edgefactor <- 0.5
    if(plan$edgefactor > 1) stop("Unusable edge factor.")
    if(plan$edgefactor < 0) stop("Unusable edge factor.")
    cat("  Edge factor: ", plan$edgefactor, "\n", sep="")
    if(is.null(plan$nperm)) plan$nperm <- 2000
    if(is.null(plan$seed)) plan$seed <- 1
    cat("  Random seed: ", plan$seed, "\n", sep="")
# Organize and save results.
# Input:
#   job$label      unique identifier for the analysis
#   job$folder     output folder for results
# Results are also saved in tab-delimited text files.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
kda.finish <- function(job) {
    cat("\nFinishing results...\n")
    if (nrow(job$results)==0){
        cat("No Key Driver Found!!!!")
        # Estimate additional measures.
        res <- kda.finish.estimate(job)
        # Save full results.
        res <- kda.finish.save(res, job)
        # Create a simpler file for viewing.
        res <- kda.finish.trim(res, job)
        # Create a summary file of top hits.
        res <- kda.finish.summarize(res, job)


kda.finish.estimate <- function(job) {
    res <- job$results
    # Collect module sizes.
    sizes <- rep(0, nrow(res))
    modnames <- res$MODULE
    mod2nod <- job$module2nodes
    for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
        key <- modnames[i]
        sizes[i] <- length(mod2nod[[key]])
    res$N.mod <- sizes
    # Collect overlaps with hub neighborhoods.
    nnodes <- length(job$graph$nodes)
    hubnets <- job$graph$hubnets
    sizes <- matrix(nrow=nrow(res), ncol=4)
    nodenames <- res$NODE
    for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
        key <- modnames[i]
        node <- nodenames[i]
        memb <- mod2nod[[key]]
        g <- hubnets[[node]]
        sizes[i,1] <- nrow(g)
        sizes[i,2] <- length(intersect(g$RANK, memb))
        sizes[i,3] <- nrow(g)*length(memb)/nnodes
        sizes[i,4] <- sum(node == memb)
    # Update data frame.
    res$N.neigh <- sizes[,1]
    res$N.obsrv <- sizes[,2]
    res$N.expct <- sizes[,3]
    res$MEMBER <- (sizes[,4] > 0)
    res$FILL <- (res$N.obsrv)/(res$N.neigh + 1e-20)
    res$FOLD <- (res$N.obsrv)/(res$N.expct + 1e-20)


kda.finish.save <- function(res, job) {
    # Collect co-hubs.
    mtx <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0)
    nodes <- job$graph$nodes
    masters <- unique(res$NODE)
    cohubsets <- job$graph$cohubsets
    for(key in masters) {
        cohubs <- cohubsets[[key]]
        cohubs <- unique(c(key, cohubs))
        tmp <- matrix(key, nrow=length(cohubs), ncol=2)
        tmp[,2] <- cohubs
        if(ncol(mtx) < 2) mtx <- tmp
        else mtx <- rbind(mtx, tmp)
    # Convert indices to identities.
    dat <- data.frame(HUB=mtx[,1], NODE=mtx[,2])
    dat$NODE <- nodes[dat$NODE]
    dat$HUB <- nodes[dat$HUB]
    # Save co-hub information.
    jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "kda")
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".hubs.txt", sep="")
    tool.save(frame=dat, file=fname, directory=jdir)
    # Merge with module info.
    if(nrow(job$modinfo) > 0) res <- merge(res, job$modinfo, all.x=TRUE)

    # Convert indices to identities.
    res$MODULE <- job$modules[res$MODULE]
    res$NODE <- job$graph$nodes[res$NODE]

    # Sort and save results.
    res <- res[order(res$P),]
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".results.txt", sep="")
    tool.save(frame=res, file=fname, directory=jdir)


kda.finish.trim <- function(res, job) {
    # Select columns.
    header <- c("MODULE", "NODE", "P", "FDR", "FOLD")
    if(is.null(res$DESCR) == FALSE) header <- c(header, "DESCR")
    res <- res[,header]
    # Make numbers nicer to look at.
    preals <- res$P
    pvals <- rep("", nrow(res))
    fdreals <- res$FDR
    fdrates <- rep("", nrow(res))
    ldreals <- res$FOLD
    folds <- rep("", nrow(res))
    for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
        pvals[i] <- sprintf("%.2e", preals[ i])
            fdrates[i] <- ""
            fdrates[i] <- sprintf("%.4f", fdreals[i])
        folds[i] <- sprintf("%.2f", ldreals[i])
    # Update results.
    res$P <- pvals
    res$FDR <- fdrates
    res$FOLD <- folds
    # Rename columns for post-processing.
    trimres <- res
    header[[3]] <- paste("P.", job$label, sep="")
    header[[4]] <- paste("FDR.", job$label, sep="")
    names(trimres) <- header
    # Save P-values.
    jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "kda")
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".pvalues.txt", sep="")
    tool.save(frame=trimres, file=fname, directory=jdir)  


kda.finish.summarize <- function(res, job) {
    # Determine ranking scores.
    nres <- nrow(res)
    rA <- rank(as.double(res$P))
    rB <- (nres - rank(as.double(res$FOLD)))
    scores <- (rA*nrow(res) + rB)
    # Determine blocks of modules.
    struct <- tool.aggregate(res$MODULE)
    blocks <- struct$blocks
    # Find the top node for each block.
    tops <- rep(0, length(blocks))
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        tmp <- scores[rows]
        pos <- which(tmp == min(tmp))
        tops[k] <- rows[pos]
    # Select top drivers.
    scores <- scores[tops]
    res <- res[tops,]
    # Save P-values.
    res <- res[order(scores),]
    jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "kda")
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".tophits.txt", sep="")
    tool.save(frame=res, file=fname, directory=jdir)  
# Prepare graph topology for weighted key driver analysis.
# Input:
#   job$graph         see tool.graph()
#   job$depth         search depth for subgraph search
#   job$direction     use zero for undirected, negative for
#                     downstream and positive for upstream
#   job$maxoverlap    maximum allowed overlap between two
#                     key driver neighborhoods
#   job$mindegree     minimum hub degree to include
#   job$edgefactor    influence of node strengths:
#                     0.0 no influence, 1.0 full influence
# Output:
#   job$graph$hubs       nodes considered hubs (indexed)
#   job$graph$hubnets    lists of neighboring nodes (indexed)
#   job$graph$cohubsets  lists of overlapping hubs (indexed)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
kda.prepare <- function(job) {
    # Determine minimum hub degree.
    nnodes <- length(job$graph$nodes)
    #if(job$mindegree == "automatic") {
    #  dmin <- nnodes/median(job$modulesizes)
    #  job$mindegree <- round(0.1*dmin)
    if (job$mindegree == "automatic") {
        dmin <- as.numeric(quantile(job$graph$stats$DEGREE,0.75))
        job$mindegree <- dmin
        cat("\nMinimum degree set to", dmin,"\n")
    if (job$maxdegree == "automatic") {
        dmax <- as.numeric(quantile(job$graph$stats$DEGREE,1))
        job$maxdegree <- dmax
        cat("\nMaximum degree set to", dmax,"\n")
    # Collect neighbors.
    cat("\nCollecting hubs...\n")
    job$graph <- kda.prepare.screen(job$graph, job$depth, job$direction,
    job$edgefactor, job$mindegree, job$maxdegree)
    if(length(job$graph$hubs) < 1) stop("No usable hubs detected.")
    # Collect overlapping co-hubs.
    job$graph <- kda.prepare.overlap(job$graph, job$direction,
    # Print report.
    nhubs <- length(job$graph$hubs)
    nmem <- (object.size(job$graph))*(0.5^20)
    cat(sprintf("%d hubs (%.2f%%)\n", nhubs, 100*nhubs/nnodes))
    cat("Graph: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")


kda.prepare.screen <- function(graph, depth, direction, efactor, dmin, dmax) {
    stamp <- Sys.time()
    hubnets <- list()  
    accepted <- integer()
    nnodes <- length(graph$nodes)
    # Determine strength cutoff.
    stren <- rep(0, nnodes)
    if(direction <= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$outstats$STRENG)
    if(direction >= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$instats$STRENG)
    slimit <- quantile(stren, 0.75)
    degr <- graph$stats$DEGREE
    # Select hubs.
    accepted <- integer()
    for(i in which(degr >= dmin & degr <= dmax)) {
        g <- tool.subgraph.search(graph, i, depth, direction)
        # Apply edge factor.
        g$STRENG <- (g$STRENG)^efactor
        # Use average strength for hub itself (by definition, the hub
        # typically has huge strength within its neighborhood).
        mask <- which(g$LEVEL < 1)
        g[mask,"STRENG"] <- median(g$STRENG)
        # Progress report.
        delta <- as.double(Sys.time() - stamp)
        if((delta >= 10.0) & (i > 1)) {
            cat(sprintf("%d hubs (%d nodes)\n", length(accepted), i))
            stamp <- Sys.time()
        # Exclude extreme neighborhoods.
        #if(nrow(g) > nnodes/3) next
        #if(nrow(g) < dmin) next
        # Store subnetwork.
        hubnets[[i]] <- g[,c("RANK", "STRENG")]
        accepted <- c(accepted, i)
    # Return results.
    graph$hubs <- accepted
    graph$hubnets <- hubnets


kda.prepare.overlap <- function(graph, direction, rmax) {
    hubs <- graph$hubs
    nhubs <- length(hubs)
    hubnets <- graph$hubnets
    stamp <- Sys.time()
    # Determine node strengths.
    nnodes <- length(graph$nodes)
    stren <- rep(0.0, nnodes)
    if(direction <= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$outstats$STRENG)
    if(direction >= 0) stren <- (stren + graph$instats$STRENG)
    # Sort hubs according to strength.
    mask <- order(stren[hubs], decreasing=TRUE)
    hubs <- hubs[mask]
    # Collect overlapping co-hubs.
    cohubsets <- list()
    for(i in 1:nhubs) {
        key <- hubs[i]
        # Progress report.
        delta <- as.double(Sys.time() - stamp)
        if((delta >= 10.0) & (i > 1)) {
            cat(sprintf("%d/%d co-hub sets\n", i, nhubs))
            stamp <- Sys.time()
        # Neibhgorhood topology.
        g <- hubnets[[key]]
        neighbors <- g$RANK
        locals <- intersect(neighbors, hubs)
        locals <- setdiff(locals, key)
        strenA <- g$STRENG
        # Calculate overlaps.
        cohubs <- integer()
        overlaps <- double()
        for(k in locals) {
            w <- hubnets[[k]]
            strenB <- w$STRENG
            # Find overlapping nodes.
            posA <- match(neighbors, w$RANK)
            posB <- match(w$RANK, neighbors)
            sharedA <- which(posA > 0)
            sharedB <- which(posB > 0)
            uniqA <- which(is.na(posA))
            uniqB <- which(is.na(posB))
            # Calculate strength sums.
            wsharedA <- sum(strenA[sharedA])
            wsharedB <- sum(strenB[sharedB])
            wuniqA <- sum(strenA[uniqA])
            wuniqB <- sum(strenB[uniqB])
            # Average symmetric sum.
            wshared <- 0.5*(wsharedA + wsharedB)
            # Overlap ratio.
            r <- wshared/(wuniqA + wuniqB + wshared)
            if(r < rmax) next
            # Update data structures.
            cohubs <- c(cohubs, k)
        # Store results.
        mask <- order(stren[cohubs], decreasing=TRUE)
        cohubsets[[key]] <- cohubs[mask]
    # Return results.
    graph$cohubsets <- cohubsets
# Import data for weighted key driver analysis.
# Input:
#   job               data structure for wKDA
# Output:
#   job$graph         indexed topology, see tool.graph()
#   job$modules       module identities
#   job$modinfo       module descriptions (indexed)
#   job$moddata       module data (indexed)
#                     columns: MODULE NODE
#   job$module2nodes  lists of node indices for each module
#   job$modulesizes   module sizes
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
kda.start <- function(job) {
    # Import topology.
    edgdata <- kda.start.edges(job)
    moddata <- kda.start.modules(job, edgdata)
    # Import module descriptions.
    modinfo <- tool.read(job$inffile, c("MODULE", "DESCR"))
    modinfo <- unique(modinfo)
    if(nrow(modinfo) > 0) print(summary(modinfo))
    # Create an indexed graph structure.
    job$graph <- tool.graph(edgdata)
    nmem <- (object.size(job$graph))*(0.5^20)
    cat("Graph: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
    # Convert identities to indices.
    modules <- unique(moddata$MODULE)
    modinfo <- kda.start.identify(modinfo, "MODULE", modules)
    moddata <- kda.start.identify(moddata, "MODULE", modules)
    moddata <- kda.start.identify(moddata, "NODE", job$graph$nodes)
    # Collect module members.
    st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    members <- as.integer(moddata$NODE)
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        mask <- blocks[[k]]
        blocks[[k]] <- members[mask]
    # Finish results.
    job$modules <- modules
    job$modinfo <- modinfo
    job$moddata <- moddata
    job$module2nodes <- blocks
    job$modulesizes <- st$lengths


kda.start.edges <- function(job) {
    # Import edge data.
    cat("\nImporting edges...\n")
    varnames <- c("TAIL", "HEAD", "WEIGHT")
    edgdata <- tool.read(file=job$netfile, vars=varnames)
    edgdata$WEIGHT <- suppressWarnings(as.double(edgdata$WEIGHT))
    edgdata <- edgdata[which(edgdata$WEIGHT > 0),]
    # Collect node names.
    nodes <- character()
    if(job$direction >= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$TAIL)
    if(job$direction <= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$HEAD)
    # Select nodes.
    if(is.null(job$nodfile) == FALSE) {
        cat("Selecting nodes...\n")
        symdata <- tool.read(file=job$nodfile, vars=c("NODE"))
        nodes <- intersect(as.character(symdata), nodes)
    # Calculate node degrees.
    struct <- tool.aggregate(nodes)
    degrees <- struct$lengths
    nodes <- struct$labels
    # Automatic maximum degree.
    #if(job$maxdegree == "automatic") {
    #  dmax <- floor(0.05*length(nodes))
    #  mask <- which(degrees <= dmax)
    #  degrees <- degrees[mask]
    #  nodes <- nodes[mask]
    #  job$maxdegree <- dmax
    # Filter edges.
    posT <- match(edgdata$TAIL, nodes)
    posH <- match(edgdata$HEAD, nodes)
    rows <- which(posT*posH > 0)
    edgdata <- edgdata[rows,]
    # Print report.


kda.start.modules <- function(job, edgdata) {
    # Import module data.
    cat("\nImporting modules...\n")
    moddata <- tool.read(file=job$modfile, vars=c("MODULE", "NODE"))
    moddata <- unique(moddata)
    # Collect node names.
    nodes <- character()
    if(job$direction >= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$TAIL)
    if(job$direction <= 0) nodes <- c(nodes, edgdata$HEAD)
    # Filter module members.
    pos <- match(moddata$NODE, nodes)
    moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),]
    # Remove small modules.
    st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
    mask <- which(st$lengths >= job$minsize)
    mods <- as.character(st$labels[mask])
    pos <- match(moddata$MODULE, mods)
    moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),]
    # Print report.


kda.start.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
    if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
    # Find matching identities.
    pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
    rows <- which(pos > 0)
    # Select subset.
    dat[,varname] <- pos
    res <- dat[rows,]
# Generate inputs for weighted key driver analysis.
# Input:
#   job               MSEA data list as returned by ssea.finish().
# Optional input:
#   symbols           data.frame for translating gene symbols
#                     columns: FROM TO
#   rmax              maximum allowed overlap between gene sets
# Output:
#   plan$label        unique identifier for the analysis
#   plan$parent       parent folder for results
#   plan$modfile      path to module file
#                     columns: MODULE NODE
#   plan$inffile      path to module info file
#                     columns: MODULE DESCR
#   plan$nodfile      path to node selection file
#                     columns: NODE
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea2kda <- function(job, symbols=NULL, rmax=NULL, min.module.count=NULL) {
    cat("\nForwarding MSEA results to KDA...\n")
    if(is.null(rmax)) rmax <- 0.33
    # Collect genes and top markers from original files.
    noddata <- ssea2kda.import(job$genfile, job$locfile)
    # Select candidate modules.
    res <- job$results
    res <- res[order(res$P),]
    rows <- which(res$FDR < 0.25)
        if(length(rows) < min.module.count) rows <- (1:min.module.count)
    if(length(rows) < nrow(res)) res <- res[rows,]
    # Collect member genes.
    moddata <- job$moddata
    pos <- match(moddata$MODULE, res$MODULE)
    moddata <- moddata[which(pos > 0),]
    # Restore original identities.
    modinfo <- job$modinfo
    modinfo$MODULE <- job$modules[modinfo$MODULE]
    moddata$MODULE <- job$modules[moddata$MODULE]
    moddata$GENE <- job$genes[moddata$GENE]
    # Merge and trim overlapping modules.
    moddata$OVERLAP <- moddata$MODULE
    moddata <- tool.coalesce(items=moddata$GENE, groups=moddata$MODULE,
    moddata$MODULE <- moddata$CLUSTER
    moddata$GENE <- moddata$ITEM
    moddata$OVERLAP <- moddata$GROUPS
    moddata <- moddata[,c("MODULE", "GENE", "OVERLAP")]
    moddata <- unique(moddata)
    # Calculate enrichment scores for merged modules.
    tmp <- unique(moddata[,c("MODULE","OVERLAP")])
    res <- ssea2kda.analyze(job, moddata)
    res <- merge(res, tmp)
    res <- merge(res, modinfo, all.x=TRUE)    
    # Mark modules with overlaps.
    for(i in which(moddata$MODULE != moddata$OVERLAP))
        moddata[i,"MODULE"] <- paste(moddata[i,"MODULE"], "..", sep=",")
    for(i in which(res$MODULE != res$OVERLAP))
        res[i,"MODULE"] <- paste(res[i,"MODULE"], "..", sep=",")
    # Separate merged genes.
    nodes <- character()
    genenames <- job$genes
    for(i in 1:length(genenames)) {
        segm <- strsplit(genenames[i], ",", fixed=TRUE)
        nodes <- c(nodes, segm[[1]])
    # Expand rows with merged genes.
    tmp <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    for(i in 1:nrow(moddata)) {
        segm <- strsplit(moddata[i,"GENE"], ",", fixed=TRUE)
        segm <- segm[[1]]
        if(length(segm) < 2) next
        batch <- data.frame(MODULE=moddata[i,"MODULE"], GENE=segm,
        tmp <- rbind(tmp, batch)
        moddata[i,] <- NA
    moddata <- na.omit(moddata[,c("MODULE","GENE")])
    moddata <- unique(rbind(moddata, tmp))
    # Translate gene symbols.
    moddata$NODE <- moddata$GENE
    noddata$NODE <- noddata$GENE
    if(is.null(symbols) == FALSE) {
        moddata$NODE <- tool.translate(words=moddata$NODE, from=symbols$FROM,
        noddata$NODE <- tool.translate(words=noddata$NODE, from=symbols$FROM,
        moddata <- na.omit(moddata)
        noddata <- na.omit(noddata)
    # Save module info for KDA.
    res <- res[order(res$P),]
    names(res)[5] = "NMARKER"
    inffile <- "msea2kda.info.txt"
    tool.save(frame=res, file=inffile, directory=job$folder)  
    # Save modules for KDA.
    modfile <- "msea2kda.modules.txt"
    tool.save(frame=unique(moddata[,c("MODULE", "NODE", "GENE")]),
    file=modfile, directory=job$folder)  
    # Save nodes for KDA.
    nodfile <- "msea2kda.nodes.txt"
    out_node = unique(noddata[,c("NODE", "GENE", "LOCUS", "VALUE")])
    names(out_node)[3] = "MARKER"
    tool.save(frame=out_node, file=nodfile, directory=job$folder)  
    # Return KDA plan template.
    plan <- list()
    plan$label <- job$label
    plan$folder <- job$folder
    plan$inffile <- file.path(job$folder, inffile)
    plan$modfile <- file.path(job$folder, modfile)
    plan$nodfile <- file.path(job$folder, nodfile)
    plan$ssearesults <- res


ssea2kda.import <- function(genfile, locfile) {
    # Import marker values.
    cat("\nImporting marker values...\n")
    locdata <- tool.read(locfile, c("LOCUS", "VALUE"))
    locdata$VALUE <- as.double(locdata$VALUE)
    rows <- which(0*(locdata$VALUE) == 0)
    locdata <- unique(na.omit(locdata[rows,]))
    locdata_ex <- locdata
    names(locdata_ex) <- c("MARKER","VALUE")
    # Import mapping data. 
    cat("\nImporting mapping data...\n")
    gendata <- tool.read(genfile, c("GENE", "LOCUS"))
    gendata <- unique(na.omit(gendata))
    gendata_ex <- gendata
    names(gendata_ex) <- c("GENE","MARKER")
    # Merge datasets.
    data <- merge(gendata, locdata)
    # Find top marker.
    mask <- integer()
    st <- tool.aggregate(data$GENE)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        ind <- which.max(data[rows,"VALUE"])
        mask <- c(mask, rows[ind])


ssea2kda.analyze <- function(job, moddata) {
    # Convert identities to indices.
    moddata <- ssea.start.identify(moddata, "MODULE", job$modules)
    moddata <- ssea.start.identify(moddata, "GENE", job$genes)
    # Collect row indices for each module.
    st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
    keys <- as.integer(st$labels)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    nmods <- length(blocks)
    # Prepare gene lists.
    genlists <- list()
    for(k in 1:nmods) genlists[[k]] <- integer()
    # Collect gene sets.
    modsizes <- rep(0, nmods)
    genes <- as.integer(moddata$GENE)
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        key <- keys[k]
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        members <- unique(genes[rows])
        genlists[[key]] <- as.integer(members)
        modsizes[[key]] <- length(members)
    # Determine marker set sizes.
    modlengths <- rep(0, nmods)
    moddensities <- rep(0.0, nmods)
    loclists <- job$database$gene2loci
    for(k in 1:length(genlists)) {
        locset <- integer()
        for(i in genlists[[k]])
            locset <- c(locset, loclists[[i]])
        modlengths[[k]] <- length(unique(locset))
        moddensities[[k]] <- modlengths[[k]]/length(locset)
    # Update database.
    job$database$modulesizes <- modsizes
    job$database$modulelengths <- modlengths
    job$database$moduledensities <- moddensities
    job$database$module2genes <- genlists
    # Run enrichment analysis.
    job <- ssea.analyze(job)
    res <- job$results
    # Restore module identities.
    res$NGENES <- modsizes[res$MODULE]
    res$NLOCI <- modlengths[res$MODULE]
    res$DENSITY <- moddensities[res$MODULE]
    res$MODULE <- job$modules[res$MODULE]
# Marker set enrichment analysis with gene-level permutations.
# Input:
#   job$seed       seed for random number generator
#   job$permtype   random permutation algorithm
#   job$nperm      maximum nubmer of permutations
#   job$database   see ssea.prepare()
# Output:
#   job$results    data frame:
#                  MODULE    module identity (indexed)
#                  P         enrichment P-values
#                  FREQ      enrichment P-values (raw frequencies)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2016
ssea.analyze <- function(job, trim_start=0.002, trim_end=0.998) {
    cat("\nEstimating enrichment...\n")  
    # Observed enrichment scores.
    db <- job$database
    scores <- ssea.analyze.observe(db)
    nmods <- length(scores)
    # Simulated scores.
    nperm <- job$nperm
    nullsets <- ssea.analyze.simulate(db, scores, nperm, job$permtype, trim_start, trim_end)
    # Estimate scores based on Gaussian distribution.
    cat("\nNormalizing scores...\n")
    znull <- double()
    zscores <- NA*scores
    for(i in which(0*scores == 0)) {
        x <- nullsets[[i]]    
        x <- x[which(0*x == 0)]
        param <- tool.normalize(x)
        z <- tool.normalize(x, param)
        zscores[i] <- tool.normalize(scores[i], param)
        znull <- c(znull, z)
    # Estimate hit frequencies.
    freq <- NA*scores
    nnull <- length(znull)
    for(i in which(0*scores == 0))
        freq[i] <- sum(zscores[i] <= znull)/nnull
    # Estimate scores based on frequencies.
    hscores <- NA*freq
    rows <- which(freq > 5.0/nnull)
    hscores[rows] <- qnorm(freq[rows], lower.tail=FALSE)
    # Fill in scores for low frequencies.
    if(length(rows) < length(freq)) {
        omega <- which.max(zscores)
        hscores[omega] <- zscores[omega]
        rows <- c(rows, omega)
        pt <- approx(x=zscores[rows], y=hscores[rows], xout=zscores)
        hscores <- pt$y
    # Estimate statistical significance.
    z <- 0.5*(zscores + hscores)
    pvalues <- pnorm(z, lower.tail=FALSE)
    # Collect results.
    res <- data.frame(MODULE=(1:nmods), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    res$P <- pvalues
    res$FREQ <- freq
    # Remove missing scores.
    targets <- which(0*scores == 0)
    job$results <- res[targets,]


ssea.analyze.simulate <- function(db, observ, nperm, permtype, trim_start, trim_end) {

	#####This is an additional process to trim genes with exceptionally high value####
	gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
	locus2row <- db$locus2row
	observed <- db$observed
    #Calcuate individual gene enrichment score
	trim_scores <- rep(NA, length(gene2loci))
	for(k in 1:length(trim_scores)) {
        genes <- k
        # Collect markers.
        loci <- integer()
        for(i in genes) 
            loci <- c(loci, gene2loci[[i]])
        # Determine data rows.
        loci <- unique(loci)
        rows <- locus2row[loci]
        nloci <- length(rows)
        # Calculate total counts.
        e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
        o <- observed[rows,]
        if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
        # Estimate enrichment.
        trim_scores[k] <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
    # Include only non-empty modules for simulation.
    nmods <- length(db$modulesizes)
    targets <- which(db$modulesizes > 0)
    hits <- rep(NA, nmods)
    hits[targets] <- 0
    # Prepare data structures to hold null samples.
    keys <- rep(0, nperm)
    scores <- rep(NA, nperm)
    scoresets <- list()
    for(i in 1:nmods)
        scoresets[[i]] <- double()
    # Simulate random scores.
    nelem <- 0
    snull <- double()
    stamp <- Sys.time()
    for(k in 1:nperm) {
        if(permtype == "gene") snull <- ssea.analyze.randgenes(db, targets, gene_sel)
        if(permtype == "locus") snull <- ssea.analyze.randloci(db, targets)
        if(length(snull) < 1) stop("Unknown permutation type.")
        # Check data capacity.
        ntarg <- length(targets)
        if((nelem + ntarg) >= length(keys)) {
            keys <- c(keys, rep(0, nelem))
            scores <- c(scores, rep(NA, nelem))
        # Collect scores.
        for(i in 1:ntarg) {
            nelem <- (nelem + 1)
            t <- targets[i]
            keys[nelem] <- t
            scores[nelem] <- snull[i]
            hits[t] <- (hits[t] + (snull[i] > observ[t]))
        # Drop less significant modules.
        hmax <- min(sqrt(nperm/k), 10)
        targets <- which(hits < hmax)
        if(length(targets) < 1) break
        # Progress report.
        delta <- as.double(Sys.time() - stamp)
        if((delta < 10.0) & (k < nperm)) next
        cat(sprintf("%d/%d cycles\n", k, nperm))
        stamp <- Sys.time()
    # Remove missing entries.
    scores <- scores[1:nelem]
    keys <- keys[1:nelem]
    # Organize null scores into lists.
    st <- tool.aggregate(keys)
    labels <- as.integer(st$labels)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    for(i in 1:length(blocks)) {
        key <- labels[i]
        rows <- blocks[[i]]
        scoresets[[key]] <- scores[rows]


ssea.analyze.observe <- function(db) {
    mod2gen <- db$module2genes
    gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
    locus2row <- db$locus2row
    observed <- db$observed
    expected <- db$expected
    nmods <- length(mod2gen)  
    # Test every module.
    scores <- rep(NA, nmods)
    for(k in 1:nmods) {
        genes <- mod2gen[[k]]
        # Collect markers.
        loci <- integer()
        for(i in genes) 
            loci <- c(loci, gene2loci[[i]])
        # Determine data rows.
        loci <- unique(loci)
        rows <- locus2row[loci]
        nloci <- length(rows)    
        # Calculate total counts.
        #e <- nloci*expected
		e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
        o <- observed[rows,]
        if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
        # Estimate enrichment.
        scores[k] <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)


ssea.analyze.randgenes <- function(db, targets, gene_sel) {
    mod2gen <- db$module2genes
    modsizes <- db$modulesizes
    modlengths <- db$modulelengths
    gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
    locus2row <- db$locus2row
    observed <- db$observed
    expected <- db$expected
    # Test target modules.
    scores <- double()
    nrows <- length(locus2row)
    #npool <- length(gene2loci)
    for(k in targets) {
        msize <- modsizes[[k]]
        nloci <- modlengths[[k]]
        # Collect pre-defined number of markers from random genes.
        loci <- integer()
        #genes <- sample.int(npool, (msize + 10))
		genes <- sample(gene_sel, (msize + 10))
        while(length(loci) < nloci) {
            for(i in genes) {
                tmp <- gene2loci[[i]]
                loci <- c(loci, tmp)
            loci <- unique(loci)
            genes <- sample(gene_sel, (msize + 10))
        # Determine data rows.
        loci <- loci[1:nloci]
        rows <- locus2row[loci]
        # Calculate total counts.
        #e <- nloci*expected
		e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
        o <- observed[rows,]
        if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
        # Estimate enrichment.
        z <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
        scores <- c(scores, z)


ssea.analyze.randloci <- function(db, targets) {
    modlengths <- db$modulelengths
    locus2row <- db$locus2row
    observed <- db$observed
    expected <- db$expected
    # Test target modules.
    scores <- double()
    nrows <- length(locus2row)
    for(k in targets) {
        nloci <- modlengths[[k]]
        # Determine data rows.
        loci <- sample.int(nrows, nloci)
        rows <- locus2row[loci]
        # Calculate total counts.
        #e <- nloci*expected
		e <- (nloci/length(locus2row))*colSums(observed)
        o <- observed[rows,]
        if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
        # Estimate enrichment.
        z <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
        scores <- c(scores, z)
    # Return results.


ssea.analyze.statistic <- function(o, e) {
    z <- (o - e)/(sqrt(e) + 1.0)
# Add internal positive control modules.
# Input:
#   job$modules      module identities as characters
#   job$genes        gene identities as characters
#   job$moddata      preprocessed module data (indexed identities)
#   job$database     see ssea.prepare()
# Output:
#   job$modules      augmented module names
#   job$moddata      augmented module data
#   job$database     augmented database
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea.control <- function(job) {
    cat("\nAdding positive controls...\n")
    db <- job$database
    gene2loci <- db$gene2loci
    locus2row <- db$locus2row
    observed <- db$observed
    expected <- db$expected
    # Find slots for control module.
    modules <- job$modules
    slotA <- which(modules == "_ctrlA")
    slotB <- which(modules == "_ctrlB")
    if(length(slotA) != 1) stop("No control slot A.")
    if(length(slotB) != 1) stop("No control slot B.")
    # Calculate gene scores.
    ngens <- length(gene2loci)
    scores <- rep(NA, ngens)
    for(k in 1:ngens) {
        loci <- gene2loci[[k]]
        nloci <- length(loci)
        if(nloci < 1) next
        # Calculate total counts.
        rows <- locus2row[loci]
        e <- nloci*expected
        o <- observed[rows,]
        if(nloci > 1) o <- colSums(o)
        # Estimate enrichment score.
        scores[k] <- ssea.analyze.statistic(o, e)
    # Select top genes.
    sizes <- db$modulesizes
    sizes <- sizes[which(sizes > 0)]
    ntop <- floor(median(sizes))
    genesA <- order(scores, decreasing=TRUE)
    genesA <- genesA[1:ntop]
    # Collect genes within modules.
    members <- integer()
    mod2gen <- db$module2genes
    for(k in 1:length(mod2gen))
        members <- c(members, mod2gen[[k]])
    members <- unique(members)
    # Select top genes among module members.
    genesB <- order(scores[members], decreasing=TRUE)
    genesB <- members[genesB[1:ntop]]
    # Collect markers.
    locsetA <- integer()
    locsetB <- integer()
    for(k in genesA)
        locsetA <- c(locsetA, gene2loci[[k]])
    for(k in genesB)
        locsetB <- c(locsetB, gene2loci[[k]])
    locsetA <- unique(locsetA)
    locsetB <- unique(locsetB)
    # Force matching number of markers.
    modlen <- min(length(locsetA), length(locsetB))
    # Create new modules.
    db$genescores <- scores
    db$modulesizes[[slotA]] <- ntop
    db$modulesizes[[slotB]] <- ntop
    db$modulelengths[[slotA]] <- modlen
    db$modulelengths[[slotB]] <- modlen
    db$moduledensities[[slotA]] <- length(locsetA)/sum(db$genesizes[genesA])
    db$moduledensities[[slotB]] <- length(locsetB)/sum(db$genesizes[genesB])
    db$module2genes[[slotA]] <- genesA
    db$module2genes[[slotB]] <- genesB
    # Update module data.
    tmpA <- data.frame(MODULE=slotA, GENE=genesA)
    tmpB <- data.frame(MODULE=slotB, GENE=genesB)
    job$moddata <- rbind(job$moddata, tmpA, tmpB)
    # Return results.
    job$database <- db
    nmem <- (object.size(job))*(0.5^20)
    cat("Job: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
# Organize and save results.
# Input:
#   job$label      unique identifier for the analysis
#   job$folder     output folder for results
#   job$results    data frame:
#                  MODULE    module identity (indexed)
#                  P         enrichment P-values
#   job$database   see ssea.prepare()
# Output:
#   job$results       updated columns in data frame:
#                     NGENES   number of distinct member genes
#                     NMARKER    number of distinct member markers
#                     DENSITY  ratio of distinct to non-distinct markers
#                     FDR      false discovery rates
#   job$generesults   data frame:
#                     GENE     gene identity (indexed)
#                     NMARKER    gene size
#                     SCORE    unadjusted enrichment score
#                     MARKER    marker with maximum value
#                     VALUE    marker value
# Results are also saved in tab-delimited text files.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea.finish <- function(job) {
    cat("\nPostprocessing results...\n")
    job <- ssea.finish.fdr(job)
    job <- ssea.finish.genes(job)
    job <- ssea.finish.details(job)


ssea.finish.genes <- function(job) {
    db <- job$database
    gen2loci <- db$gene2loci
    loc2row <- db$locus2row
    values <- job$locdata$VALUE
    # Collect top loci within genes.
    toploci <- integer()
    topvals <- double()
    ngenes <- length(gen2loci)
    for(k in 1:ngenes) {
        locset <- gen2loci[[k]]
        locvals <- values[loc2row[locset]]
        ind <- which.max(locvals)
        toploci[k] <- locset[ind]
        topvals[k] <- locvals[ind]
    # Create data frame.
    res <- data.frame(GENE=(1:ngenes))
    res$SCORE <- db$genescores
    res$NLOCI <- db$genesizes
    res$LOCUS <- toploci
    res$VALUE <- topvals
    job$generesults <- res
    # Restore original identities.
    res$GENE <- job$genes[res$GENE]
    res$LOCUS <- job$loci[res$LOCUS]
    # Save results.
    jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "msea")
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".genes.txt", sep="")
    names(res)[3:4] = c("NMARKER","MARKER")
    tool.save(frame=res, file=fname, directory=jdir)


ssea.finish.fdr <- function(job) {
    res <- job$results
    # Add module statistics.
    db <- job$database
    res$NGENES <- db$modulesizes[res$MODULE]
    res$NLOCI <- db$modulelengths[res$MODULE]
    res$DENSITY <- db$moduledensities[res$MODULE]
    # Estimate false discovery rates.
    res$FDR <- tool.fdr(res$P)
    job$results <- res
    # Merge with module info.
    res <- merge(res, job$modinfo, all.x=TRUE)
    # Sort according to significance.
    res <- res[order(res$P),]
    # Restore module names.
    res$MODULE <- job$modules[res$MODULE]
    # Save full results.
    jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "msea")
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".results.txt", sep="")
    names(res)[5] = "NMARKER"
    tool.save(frame=res, file=fname, directory=jdir)
    # Prepare results for post-processing.
    header <- rep("MODULE", 4)
    header[[2]] <- paste("P.", job$label, sep="")
    header[[3]] <- paste("FDR.", job$label, sep="")
    header[[4]] <- "DESCR"
    res <- res[,c("MODULE", "P", "FDR", "DESCR")]
    names(res) <- header
    # Make numbers nicer to look at.
    pvals <- character()
    fdrates <- character()
    for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
        pvals[i] <- sprintf("%.2e", res[i,2])
        fdrates[i] <- sprintf("%.4f", res[i,3])
    res[,2] <- pvals
    res[,3] <- fdrates
    # Save P-values.
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".pvalues.txt", sep="")
    tool.save(frame=res, file=fname, directory=jdir)


ssea.finish.details <- function(job) {
    # Find signficant modules.
    res <- job$results
    mask <- which(res$FDR < 0.25)
    if(length(mask) < 5) {
        mask <- order(res$P)
        mask <- mask[1:min(5,length(mask))]
    # Collect gene members of top modules.
    dtl <- data.frame()
    mod2genes <- job$database$module2genes
    for(k in res[mask,"MODULE"]) {
        genset <- mod2genes[[k]]
        tmp <- data.frame(MODULE=k, GENE=genset)
        dtl <- rbind(dtl, tmp)
    # Merge with gene results.
    dtl <- merge(dtl, job$generesults, all.x=TRUE)
    # Merge with module info.
    if(nrow(job$modinfo) > 0)
        dtl <- merge(dtl, job$modinfo, all.x=TRUE)
        dtl$DESCR = ""
    # Merge with module statistics.
    dtl <- merge(res[,c("MODULE", "P", "FDR")], dtl, all.y=TRUE)
    # Sort according to enrichment and marker value.
    scores <- 1000*rank(-(dtl$P))
    gscores <- tool.unify(dtl$VALUE)  
    rows <- order((scores + gscores), decreasing=TRUE)
    dtl <- dtl[rows,]
    # Restore names and sort columns.
    dtl$MODULE <- job$modules[dtl$MODULE]
    dtl$GENE <- job$genes[dtl$GENE]
    dtl$LOCUS <- job$loci[dtl$LOCUS]
    dtl <- dtl[,c("MODULE", "FDR", "GENE", "NLOCI", "LOCUS", "VALUE", 
    # Make numbers look nicer.
    values <- character()
    fdrates <- character()
    for(i in 1:nrow(dtl)) {
        values[i] <- sprintf("%.2f", dtl[i,"VALUE"])
        fdrates[i] <- sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*dtl[i,"FDR"])
    dtl$FDR <- fdrates
    dtl$VALUE <- values
    # Save contents.
    jdir <- file.path(job$folder, "msea")
    fname <- paste(job$label, ".details.txt", sep="")
    names(dtl) = c("MODULE","FDR","GENE","NMARKER","MARKER","VALUE","DESCR")
    tool.save(frame=dtl, file=fname, directory=jdir)
# Merge multiple MSEA results into meta MSEA.
# Input:
#   jobs    MSEA list objects
#   label   label for meta job
#   folder  parent folder for meta job
# Output:
#   meta    MSEA list object
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
ssea.meta <- function(jobs, label, folder) {
    # Create meta job.
    #cat("\nMerging jobs...\n")
    meta <- list()
    meta$label <- label
    meta$folder <- folder 
    meta$modfile <- "undefined"
    meta$genfile <- "undefined"
    meta$marfile <- "undefined"
    meta <- ssea.start.configure(meta)
    # Collect data.
    meta$results <- data.frame()
    meta$modinfo <- data.frame()
    meta$moddata <- data.frame()
    meta$gendata <- data.frame()
    meta$locdata <- data.frame()
    for(k in 1:length(jobs)) {
        job <- jobs[[k]]
        results <- job$results
        modinfo <- job$modinfo
        moddata <- job$moddata
        gendata <- job$gendata
        locdata <- job$locdata
        # Restore original identities.
        results$MODULE <- job$modules[results$MODULE]
        modinfo$MODULE <- job$modules[modinfo$MODULE]
        moddata$MODULE <- job$modules[moddata$MODULE]
        moddata$GENE <- job$genes[moddata$GENE]
        gendata$GENE <- job$genes[gendata$GENE]
        gendata$LOCUS <- job$loci[gendata$LOCUS]
        locdata$LOCUS <- job$loci[locdata$LOCUS]
        # Update meta sets.
        meta$results <- rbind(meta$results, results)
        meta$modinfo <- rbind(meta$modinfo, modinfo)
        meta$moddata <- rbind(meta$moddata, moddata)
        meta$gendata <- rbind(meta$gendata, gendata)
        meta$locdata <- rbind(meta$locdata, locdata)
    # Remove duplicate rows (non-numeric values only).
    meta$modinfo <- unique(meta$modinfo)
    meta$moddata <- unique(meta$moddata)
    meta$gendata <- unique(meta$gendata)
    # Determine identities.
    meta$modules <- unique(meta$moddata$MODULE)
    meta$genes <- unique(meta$gendata$GENE)
    meta$loci <- unique(meta$gendata$LOCUS)
    # Convert identities to indices.
    meta$results <- ssea.start.identify(meta$results, "MODULE", meta$modules)
    meta$modinfo <- ssea.start.identify(meta$modinfo, "MODULE", meta$modules)
    meta$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$moddata, "MODULE", meta$modules)
    meta$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$moddata, "GENE", meta$genes)
    meta$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$gendata, "GENE", meta$genes)
    meta$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$gendata, "LOCUS", meta$loci)
    meta$locdata <- ssea.start.identify(meta$locdata, "LOCUS", meta$loci)
    # Convert marker values to z-scores.
    values <- meta$locdata$VALUE
    qvals <- tool.unify(values)
    qvals <- pmax(qvals, .Machine$double.xmin)
    qvals <- pmin(qvals, (1.0 - .Machine$double.eps))
    zvals <- qnorm(qvals)
    # Merge matching markers.
    st <- tool.aggregate(meta$locdata$LOCUS)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        z <- sum(zvals[rows])
        zvals[rows] <- z/sqrt(length(rows))
    # Convert back to original data space.
    meta$locdata$VALUE <- quantile(values, pnorm(zvals))
    meta$locdata <- unique(meta$locdata)
    # Construct hierarchical representation.
    cat("\nPreparing data structures...\n")
    ngens <- length(meta$genes) 
    nmods <- length(meta$modules)
    meta$database <- ssea.prepare.structure(meta$moddata, meta$gendata,
    nmods, ngens)
    # Determine test cutoffs.
    lengths <- meta$database$modulelengths
    mu <- median(lengths[which(lengths > 0)])
    meta$quantiles <- seq(0.5, (1.0 - 1.0/mu), length.out=10)
    # Calculate hit counts.
    nloci <- length(meta$loci)
    hits <- ssea.prepare.counts(meta$locdata, nloci, meta$quantiles)
    meta$database <- c(meta$database, hits)
    # Check result values.
    meta$results <- meta$results[,c("MODULE", "P")]
    pvalues <- pmax(meta$results$P, .Machine$double.xmin)
    pvalues <- pmin(pvalues, (1.0 - .Machine$double.eps))
    meta$results$P <- pvalues
    # Calculate meta P-values.
    cat("\nPostprocessing meta results...\n")
    st <- tool.aggregate(meta$results$MODULE)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        tmp <- meta$results[rows,]
        z <- qnorm(tmp$P)
        z <- sum(z)/sqrt(length(z))
        meta$results[rows,"P"] <- NA
        meta$results[rows[1],"P"] <- pnorm(z)
    # Finish and save statistics.
    meta$results <- na.omit(meta$results)
    meta <- ssea.finish.fdr(meta)
    #meta <- ssea.finish.details(meta)
# Prepare an indexed database for Marker set enrichment analysis.
# Input:
#   job$modules      module identities as characters
#   job$genes        gene identities as characters
#   job$loci         marker identities as characters
#   job$moddata      preprocessed module data (indexed identities)
#   job$gendata      preprocessed mapping data (indexed identities)
#   job$locdata      preprocessed marker data (indexed identities)
#   job$mingenes     minimum module size allowed
#   job$maxgenes     maximum module size allowed
#   job$maxoverlap   maximum module overlap allowed (use 1.0 to skip)
# Optional input:
#   job$quantiles    quantile points for test statistic
# Output:
#   job$modules      finalized module names
#   job$moddata      finalized module data
#   job$gendata      finalized mapping data
#   job$locdata      finalized marker data
#   job$quantiles    verified quantile points
#   job$database$modulesizes
#                    gene counts for modules
#   job$database$modulelengths
#                    distinct marker counts for modules
#   job$database$moduledensities
#                    ratio between distinct and non-distinct markers
#   job$database$genesizes
#                    marker count for each gene
#   job$database$module2genes
#                    gene lists for each module
#   job$database$gene2loci
#                    marker lists for each gene 
#   job$database$locus2row
#                    row indices in the marker data frame for each marker
#   job$database$observed
#                    matrix of observed counts of values that exceed each
#                    quantile point for each marker
#   job$database$expected
#                    1.0 - quantile points
# The database uses indexed identities for modules, genes and marker.
# Output also includes all the other items from input list.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
ssea.prepare <- function(job) {
    cat("\nPreparing data structures...\n")
    # Remove extreme modules.
    st <- tool.aggregate(job$moddata$MODULE)
    mask <- which((st$lengths >= job$mingenes) & (st$lengths <= job$maxgenes))
    pos <- match(job$moddata$MODULE, st$labels[mask])
    job$moddata <- job$moddata[which(pos > 0),]
    # Construct hierarchical representation.
    ngens <- length(job$genes) 
    nmods <- length(job$modules)
    db <- ssea.prepare.structure(job$moddata, job$gendata, nmods, ngens)
    # Determine test cutoffs.
    if(is.null(job$quantiles)) {
        lengths <- db$modulelengths
        mu <- median(lengths[which(lengths > 0)])
        job$quantiles <- seq(0.5, (1.0 - 1.0/mu), length.out=10)
    # Calculate hit counts.
    nloci <- length(job$loci)
    hits <- ssea.prepare.counts(job$locdata, nloci, job$quantiles)
    db <- c(db, hits)
    # Return results.
    job$database <- db
    nmem <- (object.size(job))*(0.5^20)
    cat("Job: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")


ssea.prepare.structure <- function(moddata, gendata, nmods, ngens) {
    # Prepare list structures. 
    genlists <- list()
    loclists <- list()
    for(k in 1:nmods) genlists[[k]] <- integer()
    for(k in 1:ngens) loclists[[k]] <- integer()
    modsizes <- rep(0, nmods)
    modlengths <- rep(0, nmods)
    moddensities <- rep(0.0, nmods)
    gensizes <- rep(0, ngens)
    # Collect row indices for each module.
    st <- tool.aggregate(moddata$MODULE)
    keys <- as.integer(st$labels)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    # Collect gene lists.
    genes <- as.integer(moddata$GENE)
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        key <- keys[k]
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        members <- unique(genes[rows])
        genlists[[key]] <- as.integer(members)
        modsizes[[key]] <- length(members)
    # Collect row indices for each gene.
    st <- tool.aggregate(gendata$GENE)
    keys <- as.integer(st$labels)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    # Collect marker lists.
    loci <- as.integer(gendata$LOCUS)
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        key <- keys[k]
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        members <- unique(loci[rows])
        loclists[[key]] <- as.integer(members)
        gensizes[[key]] <- length(members)
    # Count distinct markers in each module.
    for(k in which(modsizes > 0)) {
        locset <- integer()
        genset <- genlists[[k]]
        for(i in genset)
            locset <- c(locset, loclists[[i]])
        modlengths[[k]] <- length(unique(locset))
        moddensities[[k]] <- modlengths[[k]]/length(locset)
    # Check data integrity.
    if(sum(gensizes == 0) > 0) stop("Incomplete locus data.")
    if(length(gensizes) != ngens) stop("Inconsistent gene data.")
    if(length(modsizes) != nmods) stop("Inconsistent module data.")
    # Return results.
    res <- list()
    res$modulesizes <- modsizes
    res$modulelengths <- modlengths
    res$moduledensities <- moddensities
    res$genesizes <- gensizes
    res$module2genes <- genlists
    res$gene2loci <- loclists


ssea.prepare.counts <- function(locdata, nloci, quantiles) {
    # Make sure there are at least two points to prevent
    # R automagic on matrices to mess things up.
    if(length(quantiles) < 2) quantiles <- rep(quantiles, 2)
    # Create mapping table.
    nrows <- nrow(locdata)
    locmap <- rep(0, nloci)
    locmap[locdata$LOCUS] <- (1:nrows)
    # Convert values to standardized range.
    values <- tool.unify(locdata$VALUE)
    # Create bit matrix of values above quantiles.
    nquant <- length(quantiles)
    bits <- matrix(data=FALSE, nrow=nrows, ncol=nquant)
    for(i in 1:nrows)
        bits[i,] <- (values[i] > quantiles)
    # Return results.
    res <- list()
    res$locus2row <- locmap
    res$observed <- bits
    res$expected <- (1.0 - quantiles)
# Create a job for Marker set enrichment analysis
# Input:
#   plan$label       unique identifier for the analysis
#   plan$folder      output folder for results
#   plan$modfile     path to module file
#                    columns: MODULE GENE
#   plan$marfile     path to marker file
#                    columns: MARKER VALUE
#   plan$genfile     path to gene file
#                    columns: GENE MARKER
# Optional input:
#   plan$inffile     path to module info file
#                    columns: MODULE DESCR
#   plan$seed        seed for random number generator
#   plan$permtype    'gene' for gene-level, 'marker' for marker-level    
#   plan$nperm       maximum number of random permutations
#   plan$mingenes    minimum number of genes per module (after merging)
#   plan$maxgenes    maximum number of genes per module
#   plan$quantiles   cutoffs for test statistic
#   plan$maxoverlap  maximum overlap allowed between genes
# Output:
#   job$modules       module identities as characters
#   job$genes         gene identities as characters
#   job$loci          marker identities as characters
#   job$moddata       preprocessed module data (indexed identities)
#   job$modinfo       preprocessed module info (indexed identities)
#   job$gendata       preprocessed mapping data (indexed identities)
#   job$locdata       preprocessed marker data (indexed identities)
#   job$geneclusters  genes with shared markers
#  Output also includes the items from input list.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013, Modified by Le Shu 2015
ssea.start <- function(plan) {
    cat("\nMSEA Version:01.04.2016\n")
    # Check parameters.
    job <- ssea.start.configure(plan)
    # Create output folder.
    dir.create(path=job$folder, recursive=FALSE, showWarnings=FALSE)
    if(file.access(job$folder, 2) != 0)
        stop("Cannot access '" + job$folder + "'.")
    # Import gene sets.
    cat("\nImporting modules...\n")
    modinfo <- tool.read(plan$inffile, c("MODULE", "DESCR"))
    moddata <- tool.read(plan$modfile, c("MODULE", "GENE"))
    moddata <- unique(na.omit(moddata))
    modinfo <- unique(na.omit(modinfo))
    if(nrow(modinfo) > 0) print(summary(modinfo))
    # Add slots for control modules.
    modules <- unique(moddata$MODULE)
    if((sum(modules == "_ctrlA") > 0) | (sum(modules == "_ctrlA") > 0))
        stop("Module names '_ctrlA' and '_ctrlB' are reserved.")
    modules <- c(modules, "_ctrlA", "_ctrlB")
    tmp <- data.frame(MODULE=c("_ctrlA", "_ctrlB"),
    DESCR=c("Top genes", "Top genes (module members)"))
    modinfo <- rbind(modinfo, tmp)
    # Import marker values.
    cat("\nImporting marker values...\n")
    locdata <- tool.read(job$locfile, c("LOCUS", "VALUE"))
    locdata$VALUE <- as.double(locdata$VALUE)
    rows <- which(0*(locdata$VALUE) == 0)
    locdata <- unique(na.omit(locdata[rows,]))
    locdata_ex <- locdata
    names(locdata_ex) <- c("MARKER","VALUE")
    # Import mapping data. 
    cat("\nImporting mapping data...\n")
    gendata <- tool.read(job$genfile, c("GENE", "LOCUS"))
    gendata <- unique(na.omit(gendata))
    gendata_ex <- gendata
    names(gendata_ex) <- c("GENE","MARKER")
    # Remove genes with no marker values.
    pos <- match(gendata$LOCUS, locdata$LOCUS)
    gendata <- gendata[which(pos > 0),]
    # Merge overlapping genes.
    cat("\nMerging genes containing shared markers...\n")
    gendata <- tool.coalesce(items=gendata$LOCUS, groups=gendata$GENE,
    job$geneclusters <- gendata[,c("CLUSTER","GROUPS")]
    job$geneclusters <- unique(job$geneclusters)
    # Update gene symbols.
    moddata <- ssea.start.relabel(moddata, gendata)  
    gendata <- unique(gendata[,c("GROUPS", "ITEM")])
    names(gendata) <- c("GENE", "LOCUS")
    # Collect identities.
    job$modules <- modules
    job$loci <- intersect(gendata$LOCUS, locdata$LOCUS)
    pos <- match(gendata$LOCUS, job$loci)
    job$genes <- gendata[which(pos > 0), "GENE"]
    job$genes <- unique(job$genes)
    # Exclude missing data and factorize identities.
    job$modinfo <- ssea.start.identify(modinfo, "MODULE", job$modules)
    job$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(moddata, "MODULE", job$modules)
    job$moddata <- ssea.start.identify(job$moddata, "GENE", job$genes)
    job$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(gendata, "GENE", job$genes)
    job$gendata <- ssea.start.identify(job$gendata, "LOCUS", job$loci)
    job$locdata <- ssea.start.identify(locdata, "LOCUS", job$loci)
    # Show job size.
    nmem <- (object.size(job))*(0.5^20)
    cat("Job: ", nmem, " Mb\n", sep="")
    # Clean-up.


ssea.start.configure <- function(plan) {
    #bypass if running Meta-MSEA
    if (!is.null(plan$folder) & !is.null(plan$label) & 
    plan$marfile == "undefined" & plan$genfile == "undefined" & 
    plan$modfile == "undefined"){
        plan$permtype <- "gene"
        plan$nperm <- 20000
        plan$seed <- 1
        plan$mingenes <- 10
        plan$maxgenes <- 500
        plan$maxoverlap <- 0.33
        cat("\nRunning Meta-MSEA...\n")
        plan$stamp <- Sys.time()
        if(is.null(plan$folder)) stop("No output folder.")
        if(is.null(plan$label)) stop("No job label.")
        if(is.null(plan$modfile)) stop("No module file.")
        if(is.null(plan$genfile)) stop("No gene file.")
        if(is.null(plan$marfile)) stop("No marker file.")
        if(is.null(plan$permtype)) plan$permtype <- "gene"
        cat("  Permutation type: ", plan$permtype, "\n", sep="")
        if(is.null(plan$nperm)) plan$nperm <- 20000
        cat("  Permutations: ", plan$nperm, "\n", sep="")
        if(is.null(plan$seed)) plan$seed <- 1
        cat("  Random seed: ", plan$seed, "\n", sep="")
        if(is.null(plan$mingenes)) plan$mingenes <- 10
        if(is.null(plan$maxgenes)) plan$maxgenes <- 500
        cat("  Minimum gene count: ", plan$mingenes, "\n", sep="")
        cat("  Maximum gene count: ", plan$maxgenes, "\n", sep="")
        if(is.null(plan$maxoverlap)) plan$maxoverlap <- 0.33
        #if(plan$permtype == "locus") plan$maxoverlap <- 1.0 # no effect
        cat("  Maximum overlap between genes: ", plan$maxoverlap, "\n", 
        if(is.null(plan$quantiles) == FALSE) {
            cat("  Test quantiles:");
            for(q in plan$quantiles)
                cat(sprintf(" %.2f", 100*q), "%", sep="")
        #Resolve inconsistencies
        if(plan$permtype == "marker") plan$permtype = "locus"
        dir.create("tmp", showWarnings = FALSE)
        write.table(tmploci,"tmp/loci.txt",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,
        sep = "\t")
        write.table(tmpgene,"tmp/gene.txt",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,
        sep = "\t")
        plan$locfile = "tmp/loci.txt"
        plan$genfile = "tmp/gene.txt"


ssea.start.relabel <- function(dat, grp) {
    # New gene group symbols.
    oldgenes <- character()
    newgenes <- character()
    syms <- unique(grp[,c("CLUSTER","GROUPS")])
    rows <- which(syms$CLUSTER != syms$GROUPS)
    for(i in rows) {
        g <- syms[i,"GROUPS"]
        a <- strsplit(g, ",", fixed=TRUE)
        a <- a[[1]]
        b <- rep(g, length(a))
        oldgenes <- c(oldgenes, a)
        newgenes <- c(newgenes, b)
    # Update dataset.
    if(length(newgenes) < 1) return(dat)
    pos <- match(dat$GENE, oldgenes)
    rows <- which(pos > 0)
    dat[rows,"GENE"] <- newgenes[pos[rows]]


ssea.start.identify <- function(dat, varname, labels) {
    if(nrow(dat) < 1) return(dat)
    # Find matching identities.
    pos <- match(dat[,varname], labels)
    rows <- which(pos > 0)
    # Select subset.
    dat[,varname] <- pos
    res <- dat[rows,]

# Sort an array and find the indices of blocks with the same values.
# The second argument sets the minimum block size to be included.
# Output list:
#   res$labels     shared values within blocks
#   res$lengths    numbers of entries in blocks
#   res$blocks     integer arrays of entry positions within blocks
#   res$ranks      entry positions included in blocks
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.aggregate <- function(entries, limit=1) {
    res <- list()
    res$blocks <- list()
    # Check input size.
    nelem <- length(entries)
    if(nelem < 1) stop("Unusable input.")
    # Factorize entries.
    entries <- as.factor(entries)
    # Convert factors to integers.
    elevels <- levels(entries)
    entries <- as.integer(entries)
    # Sort entries.
    mask <- order(entries)
    # Remove missing entries.  
    rows <- which(entries > 0)
    mask <- intersect(mask, rows)
    if(length(mask) < 1) stop("Unusable input.")
    # Single entry.
    if(length(mask) < 2) {
        label <- na.omit(elevels)
        res$labels <- label
        res$lengths <- 1
        res$blocks[[1]] <- 1
        res$ranks <- 1
    # Starting point.
    nstack <- 1
    stack <- integer(length=nelem)
    stack[nstack] <- mask[1]
    prev <- entries[mask[1]]
    mask <- mask[2:nelem]
    # Find segments of identical entries.
    buffer <- list()
    subsets <- list()
    for(i in mask) {
        if(entries[i] != prev) {
            # Clear stack.
            if(nstack >= limit) {
                ind <- (length(buffer) + 1)
                buffer[[ind]] <- stack[1:nstack]
            nstack <- 0
            # Buffering for speed-up.
            if(length(buffer) > 120) {
                subsets <- c(subsets, buffer)
                buffer <- list()
        # Add item to stack.
        nstack <- (nstack + 1)
        stack[nstack] <- i
        prev <- entries[i]
    # Clear last item(s).
    if(nstack >= limit) {
        ind <- (length(buffer) + 1)
        buffer[[ind]] <- stack[1:nstack]
    # Clear buffer.
    if(length(buffer) > 0)
        subsets <- c(subsets, buffer)
    # Check if any subsets.
    nuniq <- length(subsets)
    if(nuniq < 1) return(NULL)
    # Determine additional attributes.
    loci <- rep(NA, nelem)
    sizes <- integer(nuniq)
    identities <- integer(nuniq)
    for(k in 1:nuniq) {
        mask <- as.integer(subsets[[k]])
        identities[k] <- entries[mask[1]]
        sizes[k] <- length(mask)
        loci[mask] <- mask
    # Finish.
    res$labels <- elevels[identities]
    res$lengths <- sizes
    res$blocks <- subsets
    res$ranks <- na.omit(loci)
# Use hierarchical clustering to assign nodes into clusters.
# Input:
#   edges    data.frame:
#            A        item name
#            B        item name
#            POSa     item name rank
#            POSb     item name rank
#            R        overlap between A and B
#  cutoff    maximum overlap not considered clustered
# Output:
#   res      data frame
#            CLUSTER  cluster rank
#            NODE     item name
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.cluster <- function(edges, cutoff=NULL) {
    # Default output.
    a <- edges$A
    b <- edges$B
    labels <- unique(c(a, b))
    res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=labels, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    res$NODE <- labels
    # Check if clustering is needed.
    r <- as.double(edges$R)
    posA <- as.integer(edges$POSa)
    posB <- as.integer(edges$POSb)
    ndim <- max(c(posA, posB))
    if(sum(posA != posB) < 1) return(res)
    if(max(r) <= 0.0) return(res)
    # Allocate distance matrix.
    mtx <- matrix(data=0.0, nrow=ndim, ncol=ndim)
    labels <- rep(NA, ndim)
    # Collect group labels.
    for(k in 1:nrow(edges)) {
        labels[posA[k]] <- a[k]
        labels[posB[k]] <- b[k]
    # Recreate matrix form.
    for(k in 1:nrow(edges)) {
        i <- posA[k]
        j <- posB[k]
        mtx[i,j] <- r[k]
        mtx[j,i] <- r[k]
    # Hierarchical clustering.
    d <- as.dist(1 - mtx)
    tree <- hclust(d)
    # Height cutoff.
    hlim <- max(tree$height)
    if(is.null(cutoff) == FALSE) hlim <- (1.0 - cutoff)
    # Find clusters.
    clusters <- tool.cluster.static(tree, hlim)
    # Enumerate clusters with singletons included.
    mask <- which(clusters == 0)
    clusters[mask] <- -mask
    clusters <- as.factor(clusters)
    clusters <- as.integer(clusters)
    # Create supergroups.
    res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=clusters, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    res$NODE <- labels[1:length(clusters)]


tool.cluster.static <- function(dendro, hlim) {
    merged <- dendro$merge
    heights <- dendro$height
    ndim <- (length(heights) + 1)
    # Assign clusters by static cut.
    clusters <- rep(0, ndim)
    for(i in which(heights <= hlim)) {
        a <- as.integer(merged[i, 1])
        b <- as.integer(merged[i, 2])
        # Put previous cluster (if any) in A.
        if(a < 0) {
            tmp <- a
            a <- b
            b <- tmp
        # De novo merging.
        if(a < 0) {
            clusters[-a] <- i
            clusters[-b] <- i
        # Merge with previous cluster.
        if(b < 0) {
            mask <- which(clusters == a)
            mask <- c(mask, -b)
            clusters[mask] <- i
        # Merge two clusters.
        mask <- which((clusters == a) | (clusters == b))
        clusters[mask] <- i
# Calculate overlaps between groups of items.
# Input:
#   items     array of item identities
#   groups    array of group identities for items
# Optional input:
#   rcutoff   maximum overlap not coalesced
#   ncore     minimum number of items required for trimming
# Output:
#   res       data frame:
#             CLUSTER  cluster identities
#             ITEM     item identities
#             GROUPS   comma separated group identities
# Due to trimming, output may contain fewer distinct items.
# Cluster identities are a subset of group identities.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.coalesce <- function(items, groups, rcutoff=0.0, ncore=NULL) {
    # Check arguments.
    if(length(items) != length(groups))
        stop("Incompatible inputs.")
    # Default output.
    res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=groups, GROUPS=groups, ITEM=items, 
    if(rcutoff >= 1.0) return(res)
    # Check that group names are usable.  
    grlabels <- unique(groups)
    if(is.character(grlabels)) {
        for(s in grlabels) {
            segm <- strsplit(s, ",", fixed=TRUE)
            if(length(segm[[1]]) < 2) next
            stop("Group labels must not contain ','.")
    # Determine core item set size.
    nitems <- length(items)
    if(is.null(ncore)) {
        ncore <- nitems/length(unique(groups))
        ncore <- round(ncore)
    # Convert to integers.
    itemlev <- as.factor(items)
    grouplev <- as.factor(groups)
    members <- as.integer(itemlev)
    modules <- as.integer(grouplev)
    itemlev <- levels(itemlev)
    grouplev <- levels(grouplev)
    # Determine item freguencies.
    freq <- table(members)
    labels <- as.integer(names(freq))
    freq <- as.integer(freq)
    # Limit the number of comparisons.
    kappa <- 0
    while(TRUE) {
        kappa <- (kappa + 1)
        shared <- which(freq > kappa)
        shared <- labels[shared]
        # Determine groups with overlaps.
        pos <- match(members, shared)
        rows <- which(pos > 0)
        mods <- unique(modules[rows])
        if(length(mods) < 2000) break
    # Show warning if overlaps too extensive.
    if(kappa > 1) {
        cat("WARNING! Limited overlap analysis due ")
        cat("to large number of groups.\n")
    # Determine subset with shared items.
    pos <- match(modules, mods)
    incl <- which(pos > 0)
    excl <- setdiff((1:nitems), incl)
    # Find and trim clusters.
    res <- tool.coalesce.exec(members[incl], modules[incl], rcutoff, ncore)
    res <- rbind(res, tool.coalesce.exec(members[excl], modules[excl], 1.0))
    # Convert identities back to original.
    res$ITEM <- itemlev[res$ITEM]
    res$CLUSTER <- grouplev[res$CLUSTER]
    groupdat <- rep("", nrow(res))
    groupsets <- as.character(res$GROUPS)  
    for(i in 1:nrow(res)) {
        gset <- strsplit(groupsets[i], ",", fixed=TRUE)
        gset <- as.integer(gset[[1]])
        groupdat[i] <- paste(grouplev[gset], collapse=",")
    res$GROUPS <- groupdat


tool.coalesce.exec <- function(items, groups, rcutoff, ncore) {
    if(is.numeric(items) == FALSE) stop("Unusable input.")
    if(is.numeric(groups) == FALSE) stop("Unusable input.")
    # Default output.
    res <- data.frame(CLUSTER=groups, GROUPS=groups, ITEM=items,
    if(rcutoff >= 1.0) return(res)
    # Iterative merging and trimming.
    res$COUNT <- 0.0
    while(TRUE) {
        clust <- tool.coalesce.find(res, rcutoff)    
        if(is.null(clust)) break
        res <- tool.coalesce.merge(clust, ncore)
    # Select columns.
    res$COUNT <- NULL
    res$CLUSTER <- 0
    itemdat <- res$ITEM
    clustdat <- res$CLUSTER
    groupdat <- res$GROUPS
    # Select representative label for clusters.
    st <- tool.aggregate(res$GROUP)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    labels <- st$labels
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]]
        locals <- itemdat[rows]
        nodes <- strsplit(labels[[k]], ",", fixed=TRUE)
        nodes <- as.numeric(nodes[[1]])
        overlaps <- rep(0, length(nodes))
        for(i in 1:length(nodes)) {
            mask <- which(groups == nodes[i])
            shared <- intersect(items[mask], locals)
            overlaps[i] <- length(shared)
        mask <- order(overlaps, decreasing=TRUE)
        clustdat[rows] <- nodes[mask[1]]
        groupdat[rows] <- paste(nodes[mask], collapse=",")
    # Finish results.
    res$CLUSTER <- clustdat
    res$GROUPS <- groupdat


tool.coalesce.find <- function(data, rmax) {
    # Harmonize column names.
    data <- data[,c("GROUPS", "ITEM", "COUNT")]
    names(data) <- c("NODE", "ITEM", "COUNT")
    # Find clusters.
    edges <- tool.overlap(items=data$ITEM, groups=data$NODE)
    clustdat <- tool.cluster(edges, cutoff=rmax)
    nclust <- length(unique(clustdat$CLUSTER))
    nnodes <- length(unique(clustdat$NODE))
    if(nclust >= nnodes) return(NULL)
    # Merge with original dataset.
    res <- merge(clustdat, data)


tool.coalesce.merge <- function(data, ncore) {
    # Determine item clusters.
    st <- tool.aggregate(data$CLUSTER)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    # Trim clusters.
    res <- data.frame()
    for(k in 1:length(blocks)) {
        rows <- blocks[[k]] 
        batch <- data[rows,]
        # Item hit counts.
        st <- tool.aggregate(batch$ITEM)
        counts <- as.integer(st$lengths)
        labels <- as.integer(st$labels)
        segm <- st$blocks
        # Add hit counts from previous round.
        for(j in 1:length(segm)) {
            mask <- segm[[j]]
            nj <- mean(batch[mask,"COUNT"])
            counts[j] <- sqrt(counts[j] + nj)
        # Remove rarest items.
        levels <- sort(unique(counts))
        for(kappa in levels) {
            mask <- which(counts > kappa)
            nmask <- length(mask)
            if(nmask < ncore) break
            counts <- counts[mask]
            labels <- labels[mask]
        # Collect groups.
        nodeset <- unique(batch$NODE)
        nodeset <- paste(nodeset, collapse=",")
        # Update results.
        tmp <- data.frame(GROUPS=nodeset, ITEM=labels, COUNT=counts, 
        res <- rbind(res, tmp)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.fdr <- function(p, f=NULL) {
    if(length(p) < 5) return(NA*p)
    if(is.null(f)) return(tool.fdr.bh(p))
    return(tool.fdr.empirical(p, f))


tool.fdr.bh <- function(p) {
    nelem <- length(p)
    # Revert to z-scores.
    pvals <- pmax(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
    pvals <- pmin(pvals, (1 - .Machine$double.eps))
    z <- qnorm(pvals)
    # Benjamini Hochberg (1995) false discovery rate.
    fdr <- p.adjust(pvals, method="fdr")
    fdr <- pmax(fdr, .Machine$double.xmin)
    # Sort data points.
    mask <- order(z)
    xcoord <- z[mask]
    ycoord <- fdr[mask]
    # Remove steps in FDR values.
    prev <- 1
    for(i in 2:nelem) {
        if(ycoord[i] == ycoord[prev]) {
            ycoord[i] = NA
        window <- prev:(i-1)
        xcoord[prev] <- mean(xcoord[window])
        prev <- i
    # Select distinct points.
    rows <- which(0*ycoord == 0)
    xcoord <- xcoord[rows]
    ycoord <- ycoord[rows]
    # Add sentinels.
    xcoord <- c((min(z) - 1.0), xcoord, (max(z) + 1.0))
    ycoord <- c(0.0, ycoord, 1.0)
    # Interpolate missing points.
    points <- approx(xcoord, ycoord, xout=z)


tool.fdr.empirical <- function(p, f0) {
    # Estimate raw false discovery rates.
    f <- rank(p)/length(p)
    fdr <- pmin(pmax(f0/f, p), 1)
    # Pre-defined sections for sampling the FDR curve.
    p <- pmin(p, (1.0 - .Machine$double.eps))
    p <- pmax(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
    z <- qnorm(p, lower.tail=TRUE)
    alpha <- sort(unique(floor(z)))
    # Estimate pivot points.
    xcoord <- (min(z) - 1.0)
    ycoord <- 0.0
    for(a in alpha) {
        o <- (a + 1.0)
        elem <- which((z >= a) & (z < o))
        xcoord <- c(xcoord, mean(z[elem]))
        ycoord <- c(ycoord, mean(fdr[elem]))
    # Interpolate back to the original resolution.
    points <- approx(xcoord, ycoord, xout=z)
# Convert an edge dataset into indexed graph representation.
# The input is a data frame with three columns TAIL, HEAD and WEIGHT
# for the edge end-points.
# Return value:
#   res$nodes      - N-element array of node names
#   res$tails      - K-element array of node indices
#   res$heads      - K-element array of node indices
#   res$weights    - K-element array of edge weights
#   res$tail2edge  - N-element list of adjacent edge indices
#   res$head2edge  - N-element list of adjacent edge indices
#   res$outstats   - N-row data frame of node statistics
#   res$instats    - N-row data frame of node statistics
#   res$stats      - N-row data frame of node statistics
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.graph <- function(edges) {
    tails <- as.character(edges$TAIL)
    heads <- as.character(edges$HEAD)
    wdata <- as.double(edges$WEIGHT)
    # Remove empty end-points and non-positive weights.
    mask <- which((tails != "") & (heads != "") & 
    (tails != heads) & (wdata > 0))
    tails <- tails[mask]
    heads <- heads[mask]
    wdata <- wdata[mask]
    nedges <- length(mask)
    # Create factorized representation.
    labels <- as.character(c(tails, heads))
    labels <- as.factor(labels)
    labelsT <- as.integer(labels[1:nedges])
    labelsH <- as.integer(labels[(nedges+1):(2*nedges)])
    # Create edge lists.
    nodnames <- levels(labels)
    nnodes <- length(nodnames)
    elistT <- tool.graph.list(labelsT, nnodes)
    elistH <- tool.graph.list(labelsH, nnodes)
    # Collect results.
    res <- list()
    res$nodes <- as.character(nodnames)
    res$outstats <- tool.graph.degree(elistT, wdata)
    res$instats <- tool.graph.degree(elistH, wdata)
    res$stats <- (res$outstats + res$instats)
    res$tail2edge <- elistT
    res$head2edge <- elistH
    res$tails <- as.integer(labelsT)
    res$heads <- as.integer(labelsH)
    res$weights <- wdata


tool.graph.list <- function(entries, nnodes) {
    # Allocate list.
    groups <- list()
    for(i in 1:nnodes)
        groups[[i]] <- integer()
    # Find entry groups.
    st <- tool.aggregate(entries)
    labels <- as.integer(st$labels)
    blocks <- st$blocks
    # Reorganize according to node indices.
    nblocks <- length(blocks)
    for(k in 1:nblocks) {
        ind <- labels[[k]]
        groups[[ind]] <- blocks[[k]]
    # Return edge lists.


tool.graph.degree <- function(node2edge, weights) {
    nnodes <- length(node2edge)
    stren <- rep(0.0, nnodes)
    degrees <- rep(0, nnodes)
    for(i in 1:nnodes) {
        rows <- node2edge[[i]]
        degrees[i] <- length(rows)
        if(degrees[i] < 1) next
        stren[i] <- sum(weights[rows])
    res <- data.frame(DEGREE=degrees, STRENG=stren)
tool.metap <- function(datasets, idcolumn, pcolumn, weights=NULL) {
    # Collect identities.
    id <- character()
    nsets <- length(datasets)
    for(i in 1:nsets) {
        dat <- datasets[[i]]
        id <- as.character(dat[,idcolumn])
    # Remove duplicates.
    id <- unique(id[which(id != "")])
    # Check weights.
    if(is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nsets)
    if(length(weights) != nsets) stop("Incompatible weights.")
    if(sum(weights <= 0.0) > 0) stop("Non-positive weights.")
    weights <- nsets*(weights/sum(weights))
    # Calculate meta scores.
    h <- rep(0, length(id))
    z <- rep(0.0, length(id))
    for(i in 1:nsets) {
        dat <- datasets[[i]]
        pos <- match(dat[,idcolumn], id)  
        rows <- which(pos > 0)
        pos <- pos[rows]
        p <- as.double(dat[rows,pcolumn])
        p <- pmax(p, .Machine$double.xmin)
        p <- pmin(p, (1 - .Machine$double.eps))
        z[pos] <- (z[pos] + weights[i]*qnorm(p))
        h[pos] <- (h[pos] + (weights[i])^2)
    # Estimate meta P-values.
    rows <- which(h > 0.0)
    z[rows] <- z[rows]/sqrt(h[rows])
    pmeta <- pnorm(z)
    # Return results.
    res <- data.frame(ID=id, P=pmeta)
    names(res) <- c(idcolumn, pcolumn)
    res <- res[order(res$P),]
# One-sided.
tool.normalize <- function(x, prm=NULL, inverse=FALSE) {
    # Apply transform.
    if(is.null(prm) == FALSE) {
        if(inverse == TRUE) {
            if(is.na(prm$mu)) {
                y <- (x*(prm$scale) + prm$offset)
            z <- (x*(prm$sigma) + prm$mu)
            z <- (exp(z) - 1.0)/(prm$scale)
            z <- (z + prm$offset)
        } else {
            z <- (x - prm$offset)*(prm$scale)
            if(is.na(prm$mu)) return(z)
            mask <- which(z < 0.0)
            z[mask] <- z[mask]/(1.0 - z[mask])
            z <- (log(z + 1.0) - prm$mu)/(prm$sigma)
    # Remove unusable values.
    x <- x[which(0*x == 0)]
    # Default parameters.
    prm$offset <- mean(x)
    prm$scale <- sd(x)
    prm$mu <- NA
    prm$sigma <- NA
    prm$quality <- 0.0
    if(length(x) < 10) return(prm)
    # Disable warnings.
    prev <- getOption("warn")
    # Ensure positivity and check size.
    xmin <- min(x)
    z <- (x[which(x > xmin)] - xmin)
    if(length(z) < 10) return(prm)
    # Scale by median.
    zmed <- median(z)
    z <- z/zmed
    # Find the best log transform.
    ctrl <- list(reltol=1e-3)
    gamma <- optim(par=1.0, fn=tool.normalize.quality, gr=NULL, z,
    lower=-9, upper=9, control=ctrl)
    # Apply transform.
    z <- log(exp(gamma$par)*z + 1.0)
    # Evaluate fit quality.
    mu <- mean(z)
    sigma <- sd(z)
    z <- (z - mu)/sigma
    kappa <- ks.test(x=z, y="pnorm", exact=FALSE)
    # Enable warnings.
    # Collect transformation parameters.
    prm$offset <- xmin
    prm$scale <- exp(gamma$par)/zmed
    prm$quality <- kappa$p.value
    prm$mu <- mu
    prm$sigma <- sigma  


tool.normalize.quality <- function(g, z) {
    t <- log(exp(g)*z + 1.0)
    t <- (t - mean(t))/(sd(t) + 1e-20)
    if(length(t) < 1) return(0)
    suppressWarnings(res <- ks.test(x=t, y="pnorm", exact=FALSE))
# Calculate overlaps between groups of items.
# Input:
#   items     array of item identities
#   groups    array of group identities for items
#  Optional input:
#   nbackground   total number of items
#  Output:
#   res       data frame:
#             A      group name
#             B      group name
#             POSa   group name rank
#             POSb   group name rank
#             Na     group A size
#             Nb     group B size
#             Nab    shared items
#             R      overlap ratio
#             F      fold change to null expectation
#             P      overlap P-value (Fisher's test)
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.overlap <- function(items, groups, nbackground=NULL) {
    # Check arguments.
    if(length(items) != length(groups))
        stop("Incompatible inputs.")
    # Remove duplicate entries.
    data <- data.frame(ITEM=items, GROUP=groups, stringAsFactors=FALSE)
    data <- unique(data)
    # Convert to integers.
    items <- as.integer(as.factor(data$ITEM))
    groups <- as.factor(data$GROUP)
    grouplevs <- levels(groups)
    groups <- as.integer(groups)
    # Determine block structure.
    modules <- tool.aggregate(groups)
    labels <- modules$labels
    blocks <- modules$blocks
    # Convert labels to original identities.
    labels <- as.integer(labels)
    labels <- grouplevs[labels]
    # Default background size.
    nitems <- length(unique(items))
    if(is.null(nbackground)) nbackground <- nitems
    if(nbackground < nitems)
        stop("tool.overlap: Invalid background size.")
    # Number of shared items for each pair of blocks.
    row <- 1
    stamp <- Sys.time()
    nblocks <- length(blocks)
    nrows <- (nblocks + 1)*nblocks/2
    mtx <- matrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=5)
    for(a in 1:nblocks) {
        maskA <- blocks[[a]]
        setA <- items[maskA]
        nA <- length(maskA)
        for(b in a:nblocks) {
            maskB <- blocks[[b]]
            setB <- items[maskB]
            nB <- length(setB)
            ind <- intersect(setA, setB)
            nAB <- length(ind)
            mtx[row,] <- c(a, b, nA, nB, nAB)
            row <- (row + 1)
            # Progress report.
            if(as.double(Sys.time() - stamp) < 10.0) next
            cat(sprintf("\r%d/%d ", row, nrows))
            stamp <- Sys.time()
    cat(sprintf("\r%d comparisons\n", nrows))
    # Calculate fold enrichment.
    numA <- mtx[,3]
    numB <- mtx[,4]
    numAB <- mtx[,5]
    fAB <- (sqrt(numAB)*sqrt(nbackground)/sqrt(numA)/sqrt(numB))^2
    # Estimate statistical significance.
    pAB <- phyper(numAB, numB, (nbackground - numB), numA, lower.tail=FALSE)
    pAB <- (pAB + .Machine$double.xmin)
    # Fix diagonal values.
    mask <- which(mtx[,1] == mtx[,2])
    fAB[mask] <- 1.0
    pAB[mask] <- 1.0
    # Fix P-values for small fold changes.
    mask <- which(fAB < 1.0)
    pAB[mask] <- 1.0
    # Collect results.
    res <- data.frame(A=labels[mtx[,1]], B=labels[mtx[,2]],
    POSa=as.integer(mtx[,1]), POSb=as.integer(mtx[,2]),
    Na=numA, Nb=numB, Nab=numAB,
    R=numAB/(numA + numB - numAB),
    F=fAB, P=pAB, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Read a data frame from a file. All lines with NAs are excluded.
# The second argument selects a subset of columns.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.read <- function(file, vars=NULL) {
    if(is.null(file)) return(data.frame())
    if(file == "") return(data.frame())
    dat <- read.delim(file=file, header=TRUE,
    na.strings=c("NA", "NULL", "null", ""),
    colClasses="character", comment.char="",
    if(is.null(vars) == FALSE) dat <- dat[,vars]
    dat <- na.omit(dat)
# Save a data frame in tab-delimited file. Compression
# only works on UNIX-family systems with gzip.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.save <- function(frame, file, directory=NULL, verbose=TRUE,
compression=FALSE) {
    if(verbose) cat("\rWriting to file... ")
    # Concatenate directory prefix.
    fname <- file
    if(is.null(directory) == FALSE) {
        if(file.exists(directory) == FALSE)
            dir.create(path=directory, recursive=TRUE)
        fname <- file.path(directory, file)
    # Write data to file.
    write.table(x=frame, sep="\t", file=fname, na="",
    row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
    # Compress file.
    if(compression) {
        if(verbose) cat("\rCompressing file... ")
        system(paste("gzip -f \"", fname, "\"", sep=""))
        fname <- paste(fname, ".gz", sep="")
    # Print report.
    n <- nrow(frame)
    if(verbose) cat("\rSaved ", n, " rows in '", fname, "'.\n", sep="")
# Determine the network neighbors for a set of nodes. The first
# argument is the indexed graph structure from tool.graph().
# The second argument is the list of seed node names and the third
# indicates the maximum number of links to connect neighbors.
# The fourth input sets the directionality: use a negative value
# for dowstream, positive for upstream or zero for undirected.
# Output:
#   res$RANK    - indices of neighboring nodes (including seeds)
#   res$LEVEL   - num of edges away from seed 
#   res$STRENG  - sum of adjacent edge weights within neighborhood
#   res$DEGREE  - number of adjacent edges within neighborhood
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.subgraph <- function(graph, seeds, depth=1, direction=0) {
    depth <- as.integer(depth[[1]])
    direction <- as.integer(direction[[1]])
    # Convert seed names to indices.
    nodes <- graph$nodes
    ranks <- match(seeds, nodes)
    ranks <- ranks[which(ranks > 0)]
    ranks <- as.integer(ranks)
    # Find neighbors.
    res <- tool.subgraph.search(graph, ranks, depth[1], direction)


tool.subgraph.search <- function(graph, seeds, depth, direction) {
    tails <- graph$tails
    heads <- graph$heads
    weights <- graph$weights
    tail2edge <- list()
    head2edge <- list()
    # Downstream and upstream searches.
    if(direction <= 0) tail2edge <- graph$tail2edge
    if(direction >= 0) head2edge <- graph$head2edge
    # Collect neighboring nodes.
    visited <- seeds
    levels <- 0*seeds
    for(i in 1:depth) {
        # Find edges to adjacent nodes.
        foundT <- tool.subgraph.find(seeds, tail2edge, heads, visited)
        foundH <- tool.subgraph.find(seeds, head2edge, tails, visited)
        # Expand neighborhood.
        seeds <- unique(c(foundT, foundH))
        visited <- c(visited, seeds)
        levels <- c(levels, (0*seeds + i))
        if(length(seeds) < 1) break
    # Calculate node degrees and strengths.
    res <- data.frame(RANK=visited, LEVEL=levels, DEGREE=0,
    STRENG=0.0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    res <- tool.subgraph.stats(res, tail2edge, heads, weights)
    res <- tool.subgraph.stats(res, head2edge, tails, weights)


tool.subgraph.find <- function(seeds, edgemap, heads, visited) {
    if(length(edgemap) < 1) return(integer())
    # Collect all neighboring nodes.
    nneigh <- length(seeds)
    neighbors <- seeds
    for(i in seeds) {
        # Edges adjacent to the seed.
        mask <- edgemap[[i]]
        nmask <- length(mask)
        if(nmask < 1) next
        # Check capacity.
        if((length(neighbors) - nneigh) < nmask)
            neighbors <- c(neighbors, 0*neighbors, 0*mask)
        # Store node indices.
        neighbors[nneigh+(1:nmask)] <- heads[mask]
        nneigh <- (nneigh + nmask)
    # Remove nodes already visited.
    neighbors <- unique(neighbors[1:nneigh])
    neighbors <- setdiff(neighbors, visited)


tool.subgraph.stats <- function(frame, edgemap, heads, weights) {
    if(length(edgemap) < 1) return(frame)
    nmemb <- nrow(frame)
    wcounts <- frame$DEGREE
    wsums <- frame$STRENG
    members <- frame$RANK
    for(i in members) {
        edges <- edgemap[[i]]
        pos <- match(heads[edges], members)
        edges <- edges[which(pos > 0)]
        if(length(edges) < 1) next
        rows <- match(heads[edges], members)
        wcounts[rows] <- (wcounts[rows] + 1)
        wsums[rows] <- (wsums[rows] + weights[edges])
    frame$DEGREE <- wcounts
    frame$STRENG <- wsums
# Translate words.
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.translate <- function(words, from, to) {
    # Check translation table.
    if(length(from) != length(to)) stop("Incompatible inputs.")
    rows <- which((is.na(from) == FALSE) & (is.na(to) == FALSE))
    from <- as.character(from[rows])
    to <- as.character(to[rows])
    # Find words that can be translated.
    pos <- match(words, from)
    words[which(is.na(pos))] <- NA
    # Translate words.
    rows <- which(pos > 0)
    pos <- pos[rows]
    words[rows] <- to[pos]
# Convert a distribution to uniform ranks ]0,1[ with respect
# to a background distribution (or self if no
# background available).
# Written by Ville-Petteri Makinen 2013
tool.unify <- function(xtrait, xnull=NULL) {
    if(is.null(xnull)) xnull <- xtrait
    nt <- length(xtrait)
    n0 <- length(xnull)
    # Enforce distinct values.
    xmin <- min(xnull)
    sigma <- (max(xnull) - xmin)
    amp <- 0.001*sd(xnull)
    jitter <- seq(-amp/2, amp/2, length.out=n0)
    xnull <- (xnull + jitter)
    xnull <- (xnull - min(xnull))
    xnull <- xnull/max(xnull)
    xnull <- (xmin + xnull*sigma)
    # Cumulative reference distribution.
    f0 <- seq(0, 1, length.out=n0)
    q0 <- quantile(xnull, f0)
    q0 <- as.double(q0)
    # Make sure null range contains trait values.
    xmin <- min(xtrait)
    xmax <- max(xtrait)  
    if(xmin < q0[1]) q0[1] <- xmin
    if(xmax > q0[n0]) q0[n0] <- xmax
    # Map observations on null cumulative axis.
    out <- approx(x=q0, y=f0, xout=xtrait)
zeynebkurtUCLA/Mergeomics documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:59 a.m.