
Defines functions contractICD contractCodelist expandICD expandCodelist isExpandedCodelist isContractedCodelist findICDhead

Documented in contractCodelist expandCodelist

# Functions for expanding or contracting ICD10 codelists

contractICD <- function(icdCodes, whichicd = 'icd10'){
	# Returns a vector of ICD codes with 3+ characters, choosing
	# the smallest possible codes e.g. I21 encompassing I210, I211, ...
	# Arguments: icdCodes = a unique set of ICD9 or ICD10 codes
	#                       (ALT_CODE format)
	#            dict = 'icd10' or 'icd9'
	# First remove blank ICD codes
	icdCodes <- icdCodes[!is.na(icdCodes)]
	icdCodes <- unique(icdCodes[icdCodes != ''])
	# Can make some changes find codes more quickly - use binary
	# search instead of grep
	# selectedICDcodes are ALT_CODE codes that actually exist.
	# allow for incorrect X or A or D at the end of codes
	# include any 5-character codes under a 4-character code
	selectedICDcodes <- unique(unlist(lapply(icdCodes, function(x){
		out <- CALIBER_DICT[dict==whichicd][grepl('^' %&% x, code), code]
		if (length(out)==0){
			# try without terminal A, D or X
			temp <- CALIBER_DICT[dict==whichicd & 
				grepl(sub('[ADX]$', '', x), code), code]
			if (length(temp)==1){
				out <- temp
	# These are all four letter codes
	# Use the first 3 or 4 characters of the codes
	strip4 <- unique(substr(selectedICDcodes, 1, 4))
	strip3 <- unique(substr(selectedICDcodes, 1, 3))
	# Now find out whether the same set of codes is selected
	# by any of the stripped codes (level 4).
	# Select using the main dictionary, and select on the codes we have
	# and see if they are the same.
	checkCodes <- function(x){
		main <- CALIBER_DICT[dict==whichicd][grepl('^' %&% x, code), code]
		our <- selectedICDcodes[grepl('^' %&% x, selectedICDcodes)]
		# All 4 character codes have to match up exactly
		# You are allowed extra 5 character codes in 'main' because if the
		# 4 character codes match up, all the 5 character codes are included
		# However if 'x' is a 5 character code, the match must be exact
		if (nchar(x)>4){
			if (length(main)==length(our)){
				return (all(sort(main)==sort(our)))
			} else {
		} else {
			if (all(our[nchar(our)>4] %in% main[nchar(main)>4])){
				if (sum(nchar(our)==4) == sum(nchar(main)==4)){
					return (all(sort(main[nchar(main)==4]) == 
				} else {
			} else {
	useStrip4 <- sapply(strip4, checkCodes)
	# Use all terms in strip4 and all terms not selected by any term in strip4
	useThisCode <- rep(TRUE, length(selectedICDcodes))
	if (any(useStrip4)){
		# no need to include terms which are selected by strip4
		for (parent in strip4[useStrip4]){
			useThisCode[grepl('^' %&% parent, selectedICDcodes)] <- FALSE
		selectedICDcodes <- sort(unique(c(selectedICDcodes[useThisCode],
	# Now consider strip3
	useStrip3 <- sapply(strip3, checkCodes)
	useThisCode <- rep(TRUE, length(selectedICDcodes))
	if (any(useStrip3)){
		# no need to include terms which are selected by strip4
		for (parent in strip3[useStrip3]){
			useThisCode[grepl('^' %&% parent, selectedICDcodes)] <- FALSE
		selectedICDcodes <- sort(unique(c(selectedICDcodes[useThisCode],


contractCodelist <- function(codelist){
	# Returns a codelist with ICD9 or ICD10 codes grouped into category
	# headings if possible.
	# Argument: a codelist in the expanded format

	if (!is.codelist(codelist)) stop('Not a codelist')
	whichicd <- SOURCEDICTS[Source == attr(codelist, 'Source'), dict]
	if (length(whichicd) == 0){
		stop('Argument must be a ICD codelist')
	whichicdhead <- ifelse(whichicd == 'icd10', 'icdhead', 'icd9head')

	# Remove rows with missing ICD code
	if (any(is.na(codelist$code))){
		codelist <- subset(codelist, !is.na(code))
	if (any(codelist$code=='')){
		codelist <- subset(codelist, code!='')

	if (nrow(codelist) > 0){
		# Save attributes, in order to restore them later
		metadata <- extractMetadataFromCodelist(codelist)
		# Encode NA as -2
		codelist[is.na(category), category:=-2L]
		out <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', lapply(
			as.list(sort(unique(codelist$category))), function(x){
				codes <- contractICD(codelist[category==x, code], whichicd = whichicd)
				# Include all combinations of dict and code
				if (length(codes) > 0){
					tmp2 <- data.table(dict=c(rep(whichicd, length(codes)),
						rep(whichicdhead, length(codes))), code=rep(codes, 2))
					setkey(tmp2, 'dict', 'code')
					tmp <- merge(CALIBER_DICT, tmp2)[, list(code, term)]
					# Remove duplicates
					tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(tmp)]
					# Set category for this chunk of codes
					tmp$category <- x
				} else {
		names(out) <- c('code', 'term', 'category')
		out <- data.table(out)
		# Restore NA
		codelist[category==-2, category:=NA_integer_]
		out[category==-2, category:=NA_integer_]	
		# Restore attributes
		out <- addAttributesToCodelist(out, metadata)
		setattr(out, 'class', c('codelist', 'data.table', 'data.frame'))
		setattr(out, 'Expanded', FALSE) 
	} else {
		# if the codelist is empty, don't do anything
		message('Codelist has no terms')
		setattr(codelist, 'Expanded', FALSE) 


expandICD <- function(icdCodes, allow5char = FALSE,
	whichicd = 'icd10'){
	# Expands a contracted ICD-10 code list to include
	# all terms mapped to by these codes. Returns a vector of ICD-10 or
	# ICD-9 codes, with the attribute 'hierarchy' stating whether the
	# code is parent, child or normal
	# Arguments: icdCodes - character vector of ICD-10 or ICD-9 codes
	#            allow5char - whether to ignore 5-letter ICD-10 codes
	#                    (e.g. body regions affected by musculoskeletal
	#                    disorders), default is not to expand all these terms.
	#            whichicd - 'icd10' to use ICD-10, 'icd9' for ICD-9.
	# First remove blank ICD codes
	icdCodes <- icdCodes[!is.na(icdCodes)]
	icdCodes <- unique(icdCodes[icdCodes != ''])
	expanded <- sort(unique(c(unlist(lapply(as.list(icdCodes), function(x){
		out <- CALIBER_DICT[dict== whichicd & (allow5char | nchar(code)<=4)][
			grepl('^' %&% x, code), code]
		if (length(out)==0){
			# try without terminal x
			temp <- CALIBER_DICT[dict== whichicd & (allow5char | nchar(code)<=4)][
				grepl(sub('X$', '', x), code), code]
			if (length(temp)==1){ # i.e. only allow if it is a unique match
				out <- temp
	})), icdCodes)))

	# Find out which are children, parents, headers etc.
	# Assuming that the original list was the 'contracted' form

	# Parents must have more than one match
	if (length(icdCodes) > 0){
		parent <- expanded %in% icdCodes[sapply(icdCodes, function(x){
			sum(grepl('^' %&% x, expanded), na.rm=TRUE) > 1
		child <- !(expanded %in% icdCodes) & !parent
		hierarchy <- ifelse(parent, 'parent', ifelse(child, 'child', 'normal'))
	} else {
		hierarchy <- character(0)
	attr(expanded, 'hierarchy') <- hierarchy


expandCodelist <- function(codelist, ...){
	# Generate a table code, term, category with contracted
	# codelist, based on currently selected terms in icd10
	# If the codelist is not in the 'contracted' format, it is
	# contracted before being expanded, in order to include
	# ICD10 headings. The 'parent' terms in the output
	# hierarchy can be ignored in the output when mathing to 
	# actual terms in e.g. HES.
	# Arguments: codelist - ICD9 or ICD10 codelist to contract
	#            allow5char - whether to expand 5-character ICD codes
	#                    default to only expand to 4 character codes

	if (!is.null(attr(codelist, 'Source'))){
		if (!(attr(codelist, 'Source') %in%
			SOURCEDICTS[dict %in% c('icd9', 'icd10'), Source])){
			stop('Codelist has must have the Source attribute set to ' %&%
				paste(SOURCEDICTS[dict %in% c('icd9', 'icd10'), Source],
				collapse = ', '))
		whichicd <- SOURCEDICTS[Source == attr(codelist, 'Source'), dict]
	} else {
		# Guess on the basis of codes
		if (any(is.na(as.numeric(codelist$code)))){
			# assume ICD10
			whichicd <- 'icd9'
	whichicdhead <- ifelse(whichicd == 'icd10', 'icdhead', 'icd9head')

	# Remove rows with missing ICD code
	if (any(is.na(codelist$code))){
		codelist <- subset(codelist, !is.na(code))
	if (any(codelist$code == '')){
		codelist <- subset(codelist, code != '')

	if (nrow(codelist) > 0){
		# Save attributes
		metadata <- extractMetadataFromCodelist(codelist)
		# Encode NA as -2
		codelist[is.na(category), category := -2L]
		# Encode no category as -3
		if (!('category' %in% names(codelist))){
			codelist[, category := -3L]
		# Remove any missing ICDcodes
		if (!identical(key(CALIBER_DICT), c('dict', 'code'))){
			setkey(CALIBER_DICT, 'dict', 'code')
		mylist <- lapply(
			as.list(sort(unique(codelist$category))), function(x){
				codes <- codelist[category == x, code]
				if (isContractedCodelist(codelist)){
					codes <- expandICD(codes, whichicd = whichicd, ...)
				} else {
					codes <- expandICD(contractICD(codes,
						whichicd = whichicd), whichicd = whichicd, ...)
				hierarchy <- attr(codes, 'hierarchy')
				tempdt <- data.table(dict = c(rep(whichicd, length(codes)),
					rep(whichicdhead, length(codes))), code = rep(codes, 2),
					hierarchy = rep(hierarchy, 2))
				setkey(tempdt, 'dict', 'code')
				tmp <- merge(CALIBER_DICT, tempdt)[, list(code, term, hierarchy)]
				if (nrow(tmp) == 0){
					tmp$category <- integer(0)
				} else {
					tmp$category <- x
				# ignore duplicates
		out <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', mylist))
		if (ncol(out) == 4){
			names(out) <- c('code', 'term', 'hierarchy', 'category')
			out <- data.table(out)
			out[category == -2, category := NA_integer_]	
		} else {
			out <- data.table(code = character(0),
				term = character(0), hierarchy = character(0),
				category = integer(0))
		# Restore NA in original codelist
		if (nrow(codelist) > 0){
			codelist[category == -2, category := NA_integer_]
		# Remove category if it didn't exist before
		if (all(codelist$category==-3)){
			codelist[, category:=NULL]
		# Restore attributes
		out <- addAttributesToCodelist(out, metadata)
		class(out) <- c('codelist', 'data.table', 'data.frame')
		setattr(out, 'Expanded', TRUE) 
	} else {
		message('Codelist has no terms')
		codelist[, hierarchy:=character(0)]
		setattr(codelist, 'Expanded', TRUE) 

isExpandedCodelist <- function(codelist){
	# Whether a codelist is an expanded ICD10 codelist
	# Returns TRUE or FALSE
	# Argument: codelist to check
	if (is.codelist(codelist)){
		if (!(attr(codelist, 'Source') %in%
			SOURCEDICTS[dict %in% c('icd9', 'icd10'), Source])){
			if (is.null(attr(codelist, 'Expanded'))){
			} else if (attr(codelist, 'Expanded')==TRUE){
			} else {
		} else {
	} else {

isContractedCodelist <- function(codelist){
	# Whether a codelist is a contracted ICD10 codelist
	# Returns TRUE or FALSE
	# Argument: codelist to check
	if (is.codelist(codelist)){
		if (attr(codelist, 'Source') %in%
			SOURCEDICTS[dict %in% c('icd9', 'icd10'), Source]){
			if (is.null(attr(codelist, 'Expanded'))){
			} else if (attr(codelist, 'Expanded')==FALSE){
			} else {
		} else {
	} else {

findICDhead <- function(icdCodes, icdheader = 'icdhead'){
	tmp <- sapply(icdCodes, function(icdCode){
		CALIBER_DICT[dict == icdheader & code == icdCode, term][1]
	tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- ''

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CALIBERcodelists documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 3:01 a.m.