
Defines functions listDataSets listLinearModels listAOVModels listGeneralizedLinearModels listMultinomialLogitModels listProportionalOddsModels listAllModels activeDataSet activeModel listVariables listFactors listTwoLevelFactors listNumeric trim.blanks is.valid.name colPercents rowPercents totPercents reliability print.reliability partial.cor print.partial.cor Confint Confint.default Confint.multinom numSummary print.numSummary stepwise Hist plotMeans lineplot indexplot rcorr.adjust print.rcorr.adjust helpCommander helpAboutCommander browseManual browseRcmdrWebsite browseRWebsite browseRMarkdown defmacro checkActiveDataSet checkActiveModel checkFactors checkTwoLevelFactors checkNumeric checkVariables variableListBox getSelection getSelection.listbox getFrame getFrame.listbox checkReplace exists.method isS4object RcmdrEnv putRcmdr getRcmdr RcmdrTclSet Variables Numeric Factors TwoLevelFactors ActiveDataSet ActiveModel GrabFocus UpdateModelNumber CommanderWindow LogWindow RmdWindow OutputWindow MessagesWindow activeDataSetP dataSetsP numericP factorsP twoLevelFactorsP modelsP activeModelP lmP glmP aicP polrP multinomP hclustSolutionsP MacOSXP packageAvailable rglLoaded activateMenus gettextRcmdr gettextMenus English RcmdrTkmessageBox trim.col.na packagesAvailable insertRows listPlugins loadPlugins whitespaceonly is.model tclvalue splitCmd sortVarNames Library mergeRows mergeRows.data.frame startHelp getDialog varPosn flushDialogMemory gassign tkfocus tkspinbox WindowsP X11P suppressMarkdown

Documented in activateMenus activeDataSet ActiveDataSet activeDataSetP activeModel ActiveModel activeModelP aicP checkActiveDataSet checkActiveModel checkFactors checkNumeric checkReplace checkTwoLevelFactors checkVariables colPercents CommanderWindow Confint dataSetsP defmacro exists.method Factors factorsP flushDialogMemory gassign getDialog getFrame getFrame.listbox getRcmdr getSelection getSelection.listbox gettextRcmdr glmP GrabFocus hclustSolutionsP Hist indexplot is.valid.name Library lineplot listAllModels listAOVModels listDataSets listFactors listGeneralizedLinearModels listLinearModels listMultinomialLogitModels listNumeric listPlugins listProportionalOddsModels listTwoLevelFactors listVariables lmP LogWindow MacOSXP mergeRows mergeRows.data.frame MessagesWindow modelsP multinomP Numeric numericP numSummary OutputWindow packageAvailable partial.cor plotMeans polrP print.numSummary print.rcorr.adjust print.reliability putRcmdr RcmdrTclSet RcmdrTkmessageBox rcorr.adjust reliability rglLoaded RmdWindow rowPercents sortVarNames stepwise suppressMarkdown tclvalue tkfocus tkspinbox totPercents trim.blanks TwoLevelFactors twoLevelFactorsP UpdateModelNumber variableListBox Variables varPosn WindowsP X11P

# last modified 2013-04-24 by J. Fox
#  applied patch to improve window behaviour supplied by Milan Bouchet-Valat 2011-09-22
#  slight changes 12 Aug 04 by Ph. Grosjean

# utility functions

# listing objects etc.

listDataSets <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	Vars <- ls(envir = envir, all.names = TRUE) # + PhG
	if (length(Vars) == 0) return(Vars) # + PhG
	names(which(sapply(Vars, function(.x) is.data.frame(get(.x, envir=envir)))))

listLinearModels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects,
						function(.x) "lm" == (class(get(.x, envir=envir))[1]))]

listAOVModels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects,
						function(.x) "aov" == (class(get(.x, envir=envir))[1]))]

listGeneralizedLinearModels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects,
						function(.x) "glm" == (class(get(.x, envir=envir))[1]))]

listMultinomialLogitModels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects,
						function(.x) "multinom" == (class(get(.x, envir=envir))[1]))]

listProportionalOddsModels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects,
						function(.x) "polr" == (class(get(.x, envir=envir))[1]))]

listAllModels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects,
						function(.x) (class(get(.x, envir=envir))[1])) %in% getRcmdr("modelClasses")]

activeDataSet <- function(dsname, flushModel=TRUE, flushDialogMemory=TRUE){
	.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
	if (missing(dsname)) {
		if (is.null(.activeDataSet)){
			Message(message=gettextRcmdr("There is no active data set."), type="error")
		else return(.activeDataSet)
	if (!is.data.frame(ds <- get(dsname, envir=.GlobalEnv))){
		if (!exists.method("as.data.frame", ds, default=FALSE)){
			Message(message=paste(dsname, gettextRcmdr(" is not a data frame and cannot be attached."),
							sep=""), type="error")
		command <- paste(dsname, " <- as.data.frame(", dsname, ")", sep="")
		Message(message=paste(dsname, gettextRcmdr(" has been coerced to a data frame"), sep=""),
	varnames <- names(get(dsname, envir=.GlobalEnv))
	newnames <- make.names(varnames)
	badnames <- varnames != newnames
	if (any(badnames)){
		command <- paste("names(", dsname, ") <- make.names(names(",
				dsname, "))", sep="")
	if (!is.null(.activeDataSet) && getRcmdr("attach.data.set")
			&& (length(grep(.activeDataSet, search())) !=0)) {
		detach(pos = match(.activeDataSet, search()))
		logger(paste("detach(", .activeDataSet, ")", sep=""))
	if (flushModel) {
		putRcmdr(".activeModel", NULL)
		RcmdrTclSet("modelName", gettextRcmdr("<No active model>"))
	    tkconfigure(getRcmdr("modelLabel"), foreground="red")
	if (flushDialogMemory) putRcmdr("dialog.values", list())
	Message(sprintf(gettextRcmdr("The dataset %s has %d rows and %d columns."), dsname,
					nrow(get(dsname, envir=.GlobalEnv)), ncol(get(dsname, envir=.GlobalEnv))), type="note")
	if (any(badnames)) Message(message=paste(dsname, gettextRcmdr(" contains non-standard variable names:\n"),
						paste(varnames[badnames], collapse=", "),
						gettextRcmdr("\nThese have been changed to:\n"), paste(newnames[badnames], collapse=", "),
						sep=""), type="warning")
	RcmdrTclSet("dataSetName", paste(" ", dsname, " "))
    tkconfigure(getRcmdr("dataSetLabel"), foreground="blue")

activeModel <- function(model){
	if (missing(model)) {
		.activeModel <- ActiveModel()
		if (is.null(.activeModel)){
			Message(message=gettextRcmdr("There is no active model."), type="error")
		else return(.activeModel)
	RcmdrTclSet("modelName", paste(" ", model, " "))
    tkconfigure(getRcmdr("modelLabel"), foreground="blue")

listVariables <- function(dataSet=ActiveDataSet()) {
	vars <- names(get(dataSet, envir=.GlobalEnv))
	if (getRcmdr("sort.names")) sortVarNames(vars) else vars

listFactors <- function(dataSet=ActiveDataSet()) {
	variables <- if (exists("variables", envir=RcmdrEnv())) getRcmdr("variables") else listVariables(dataSet)
	variables[sapply(variables, function(.x)
						is.factor(eval(parse(text=.x), envir=get(dataSet, envir=.GlobalEnv))))]

listTwoLevelFactors <- function(dataSet=ActiveDataSet()){
	factors <- listFactors(dataSet)
	if(length(factors) == 0) return(NULL)
	factors[sapply(factors, function(.x)
						2 == length(levels(eval(parse(text=.x), envir=get(dataSet, envir=.GlobalEnv)))))]

listNumeric <- function(dataSet=ActiveDataSet()) {
	variables <- if (exists("variables", envir=RcmdrEnv())) getRcmdr("variables") else listVariables(dataSet)
						is.numeric(eval(parse(text=.x), envir=get(dataSet, envir=.GlobalEnv))))]

trim.blanks <- function(text){
	gsub("^\ *", "", gsub("\ *$", "", text))

is.valid.name <- function(x){
	length(x) == 1 && is.character(x) && x == make.names(x)

# statistical

colPercents <- function(tab, digits=1){
	dim <- length(dim(tab))
	if (is.null(dimnames(tab))){
		dims <- dim(tab)
		dimnames(tab) <- lapply(1:dim, function(i) 1:dims[i])
	sums <- apply(tab, 2:dim, sum)
	per <- apply(tab, 1, function(x) x/sums)
	dim(per) <- dim(tab)[c(2:dim,1)]
	per <- aperm(per, c(dim, 1:(dim-1)))
	dimnames(per) <- dimnames(tab)
	per <- round(100*per, digits)
	result <- abind(per, Total=apply(per, 2:dim, sum), Count=sums, along=1)
	names(dimnames(result)) <- names(dimnames(tab))

rowPercents <- function(tab, digits=1){
	dim <- length(dim(tab))
	if (dim == 2) return(t(colPercents(t(tab), digits=digits)))
	tab <- aperm(tab, c(2,1,3:dim))
	aperm(colPercents(tab, digits=digits), c(2,1,3:dim))

totPercents <- function(tab, digits=1){
	dim <- length(dim(tab))
	if (is.null(dimnames(tab))){
		dims <- dim(tab)
		dimnames(tab) <- lapply(1:dim, function(i) 1:dims[i])
	tab <- 100*tab/sum(tab)
	tab <- cbind(tab, rowSums(tab))
	tab <- rbind(tab, colSums(tab))
	rownames(tab)[nrow(tab)] <- "Total"
	colnames(tab)[ncol(tab)] <- "Total"
	round(tab, digits=digits)

reliability <- function(S){
	reliab <- function(S, R){
		k <- dim(S)[1]
		ones <- rep(1, k)
		v <- as.vector(ones %*% S %*% ones)
		alpha <- (k/(k - 1)) * (1 - (1/v)*sum(diag(S)))
		rbar <- mean(R[lower.tri(R)])
		std.alpha <- k*rbar/(1 + (k - 1)*rbar)
		c(alpha=alpha, std.alpha=std.alpha)
	result <- list()
	if ((!is.numeric(S)) || !is.matrix(S) || (nrow(S) != ncol(S))
			|| any(abs(S - t(S)) > max(abs(S))*1e-10) || nrow(S) < 2)
		stop(gettextRcmdr("argument must be a square, symmetric, numeric covariance matrix"))
	k <- dim(S)[1]
	s <- sqrt(diag(S))
	R <- S/(s %o% s)
	rel <- reliab(S, R)
	result$alpha <- rel[1]
	result$st.alpha <- rel[2]
	if (k < 3) {
		warning(gettextRcmdr("there are fewer than 3 items in the scale"))
	rel <- matrix(0, k, 3)
	for (i in 1:k) {
		rel[i, c(1,2)] <- reliab(S[-i, -i], R[-i, -i])
		a <- rep(0, k)
		b <- rep(1, k)
		a[i] <- 1
		b[i] <- 0
		cov <- a %*% S %*% b
		var <- b %*% S %*% b
		rel[i, 3] <- cov/(sqrt(var * S[i,i]))
	rownames(rel) <- rownames(S)
	colnames(rel) <- c("Alpha", "Std.Alpha", "r(item, total)")
	result$rel.matrix <- rel
	class(result) <- "reliability"

print.reliability <- function(x, digits=4, ...){
	cat(paste("Alpha reliability = ", round(x$alpha, digits), "\n"))
	cat(paste("Standardized alpha = ", round(x$st.alpha, digits), "\n"))
	cat("\nReliability deleting each item in turn:\n")
	print(round(x$rel.matrix, digits))

partial.cor <- function(X, tests=FALSE, use=c("complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs")){
    countValid <- function(X){
        X <- !is.na(X)
        t(X) %*% X
    use <- match.arg(use)
    if (use == "complete.obs"){
        X <- na.omit(X)
        n <- nrow(X)
    else n <- countValid(X) 
    R <- cor(X, use=use)
    RI <- solve(R)
    D <- 1/sqrt(diag(RI))
    R <- - RI * (D %o% D)
    diag(R) <- 0
    rownames(R) <- colnames(R) <- colnames(X)
    result <- list(R=R, n=n, P=NULL, P.unadj=NULL)
    if (tests){
        opt <- options(scipen=5)
        df <- n - ncol(X)
        f <- (R^2)*df/(1 - R^2)
        P <- P.unadj <- pf(f, 1, df, lower.tail=FALSE)
        p <- P[lower.tri(P)]
        adj.p <- p.adjust(p, method="holm")
        P[lower.tri(P)] <- adj.p
        P[upper.tri(P)] <- 0
        P <- P + t(P)
        P <- ifelse(P < 1e-04, 0, P)
        P <- format(round(P, 4))
        diag(P) <- ""
        P[grep("0.0000", P)] <- "<.0001"
        P.unadj <- ifelse(P.unadj < 1e-04, 0, P.unadj)
        P.unadj <- format(round(P.unadj, 4))
        diag(P.unadj) <- ""
        P.unadj[grep("0.0000", P.unadj)] <- "<.0001"
        result$P <- P
        result$P.unadj <- P.unadj
    class(result) <- "partial.cor"

print.partial.cor <- function(x, digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), ...){
    cat("\n Partial correlations:\n")
    print(round(x$R, digits, ...))
    cat("\n Number of observations: ")
    n <- x$n
    if (all(n[1] == n)) cat(n[1], "\n")
    if (!is.null(x$P)){
        cat("\n Pairwise two-sided p-values:\n")
        print(x$P.unadj, quote=FALSE)
        cat("\n Adjusted p-values (Holm's method)\n")
        print(x$P, quote=FALSE)

Confint <- function(object, parm, level=0.95, ...) UseMethod("Confint")

Confint.default <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) {
	ci <- confint(object, parm, level, ...)
	ci <- cbind(coef(object), ci)
	colnames(ci)[1] <- "Estimate"

Confint.glm <- function (object, parm, level=0.95, type=c("LR", "Wald"), ...){
	# adapted from stats:::confint.lm
	type <- match.arg(type)
	cf <- coef(object)
	pnames <- names(cf)
	if (type == "LR") 
		ci <- confint.glm(object, parm, level, ...)
	else {
		if (missing(parm))
			parm <- seq(along = pnames)
		else if (is.character(parm))
			parm <- match(parm, pnames, nomatch = 0)
		a <- (1 - level)/2
		a <- c(a, 1 - a)
		pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
		ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2), dimnames = list(pnames[parm],
		ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))[parm]
		fac <- qnorm(a)
		ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac
	ci <- cbind(cf, ci)
	colnames(ci)[1] <- "Estimate"
	fam <- family(object)
	if (fam$family == "binomial" && fam$link == "logit"){
		expci <- exp(ci)
		colnames(expci)[1] <- "exp(Estimate)"
		ci <- cbind(ci, expci)

confint.polr <- function (object, parm, level=0.95, ...){
	# adapted from stats:::confint.lm
	cf <- coef(object)
	pnames <- names(cf)
	if (missing(parm))
		parm <- seq(along = pnames)
	else if (is.character(parm))
		parm <- match(parm, pnames, nomatch = 0)
	a <- (1 - level)/2
	a <- c(a, 1 - a)
	pct <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
	ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2), dimnames = list(pnames[parm],
	ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))[parm]
	fac <- qnorm(a)
	ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac

confint.multinom <- function (object, parm, level=0.95, ...){
	# adapted from stats:::confint.lm
	cf <- coef(object)
	if (is.vector(cf)) cf <- matrix(cf, nrow=1,
				dimnames=list(object$lev[2], names(cf)))
	pnames <- colnames(cf)
	if (missing(parm))
		parm <- seq(along = pnames)
	else if (is.character(parm))
		parm <- match(parm, pnames, nomatch = 0)
	a <- (1 - level)/2
	a <- c(a, 1 - a)
	ses <- matrix(sqrt(diag(vcov(object))),
			ncol=ncol(cf), byrow=TRUE)[,parm, drop=FALSE]
	cf <- cf[,parm, drop=FALSE]
	fac <- qnorm(a)
	ci <- abind(cf + fac[1]*ses, cf + fac[2]*ses, along=3)
	dimnames(ci)[[3]] <- paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
	aperm(ci, c(2,3,1))

Confint.multinom <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) confint (object, parm=parm, level=0.95, ...)

numSummary <- function(data, 
                       statistics=c("mean", "sd", "IQR", "quantiles", "cv", "skewness", "kurtosis"),
                       type=c("2", "1", "3"),
                       quantiles=c(0, .25, .5, .75, 1), groups){
    sd <- function(x, type, ...){
        apply(as.matrix(x), 2, stats::sd, na.rm=TRUE)
    IQR <- function(x, type, ...){
        apply(as.matrix(x), 2, stats::IQR, na.rm=TRUE)
    cv <- function(x, ...){
        x <- as.matrix(x)
        mean <- colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
        sd <- sd(x)
        if (any(x <= 0, na.rm=TRUE)) warning("not all values are positive")
        cv <- sd/mean
        cv[mean <= 0] <- NA
    skewness <- function(x, type, ...){
        if (is.vector(x)) return(e1071::skewness(x, type=type, na.rm=TRUE))
        apply(x, 2, skewness, type=type)
    kurtosis <- function(x, type, ...){
        if (is.vector(x)) return(e1071::kurtosis(x, type=type, na.rm=TRUE))
        apply(x, 2, kurtosis, type=type)
    if(!require(abind)) stop("abind package missing")
    if(!require(e1071)) stop("e1071 package missing")
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    if (!missing(groups)) groups <- as.factor(groups)
    variables <- names(data)
    if (missing(statistics)) statistics <- c("mean", "sd", "quantiles", "IQR")
    statistics <- match.arg(statistics, c("mean", "sd", "IQR", "quantiles", "cv", "skewness", "kurtosis"),
    type <- match.arg(type)
    type <- as.numeric(type)
    ngroups <- if(missing(groups)) 1 else length(grps <- levels(groups))
    quantiles <- if ("quantiles" %in% statistics) quantiles else NULL
    quants <- if (length(quantiles) > 1) paste(100*quantiles, "%", sep="") else NULL
#    quants <- paste(100*quantiles, "%", sep="")
    nquants <- length(quants)
    stats <- c(c("mean", "sd", "IQR", "cv", "skewness", "kurtosis")[c("mean", "sd", "IQR", "cv", "skewness", "kurtosis") %in% statistics], quants)
    nstats <- length(stats)
    nvars <- length(variables)
    result <- list()
    if ((ngroups == 1) && (nvars == 1) && (length(statistics) == 1)){
        if (statistics == "quantiles")
            table <- quantile(data[,variables], probs=quantiles, na.rm=TRUE)
        else {
            table <- do.call(statistics, list(x=data[,variables], na.rm=TRUE, type=type))
            names(table) <- statistics
        NAs <- sum(is.na(data[,variables]))
        n <- nrow(data) - NAs
        result$type <- 1
    else if ((ngroups > 1)  && (nvars == 1) && (length(statistics) == 1)){
        if (statistics == "quantiles"){
            table <- matrix(unlist(tapply(data[, variables], groups,
                                          quantile, probs=quantiles, na.rm=TRUE)), ngroups, nquants,
            rownames(table) <- grps
            colnames(table) <- quants
        else table <- tapply(data[,variables], groups, statistics,
                             na.rm=TRUE, type=type)
        NAs <- tapply(data[, variables], groups, function(x)
        n <- table(groups) - NAs
        result$type <- 2
    else if ((ngroups == 1) ){
        X <- as.matrix(data[, variables])
        table <- matrix(0, nvars, nstats)
        rownames(table) <- if (length(variables) > 1) variables else ""
        colnames(table) <- stats
        if ("mean" %in% stats) table[,"mean"] <- colMeans(X, na.rm=TRUE)
        if ("sd" %in% stats) table[,"sd"] <- sd(X)
        if ("IQR" %in% stats) table[, "IQR"] <- IQR(X)
        if ("cv" %in% stats) table[,"cv"] <- cv(X)
        if ("skewness" %in% statistics) table[, "skewness"] <- skewness(X, type=type)
        if ("kurtosis" %in% statistics) table[, "kurtosis"] <- kurtosis(X, type=type)
        if ("quantiles" %in% statistics){
            table[,quants] <- t(apply(data[, variables, drop=FALSE], 2, quantile,
                                      probs=quantiles, na.rm=TRUE))
        NAs <- colSums(is.na(data[, variables, drop=FALSE]))
        n <- nrow(data) - NAs
        result$type <- 3
    else {
        table <- array(0, c(ngroups, nstats, nvars),
                       dimnames=list(Group=grps, Statistic=stats, Variable=variables))
        NAs <- matrix(0, nvars, ngroups)
        rownames(NAs) <- variables
        colnames(NAs) <- grps
        for (variable in variables){
            if ("mean" %in% stats)
                table[, "mean", variable] <- tapply(data[, variable],
                                                    groups, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
            if ("sd" %in% stats)
                table[, "sd", variable] <- tapply(data[, variable],
                                                  groups, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
            if ("IQR" %in% stats)
                table[, "IQR", variable] <- tapply(data[, variable],
                                                   groups, IQR, na.rm=TRUE)
            if ("cv" %in% stats)
                table[, "cv", variable] <- tapply(data[, variable],
                                                  groups, cv)
            if ("skewness" %in% stats)
                table[, "skewness", variable] <- tapply(data[, variable],
                                                        groups, skewness, type=type)
            if ("kurtosis" %in% stats)
                table[, "kurtosis", variable] <- tapply(data[, variable],
                                                        groups, kurtosis, type=type)
            if ("quantiles" %in% statistics) {
                res <- matrix(unlist(tapply(data[, variable], groups,
                                            quantile, probs=quantiles, na.rm=TRUE)), ngroups, nquants,
                table[, quants, variable] <- res
            NAs[variable,] <- tapply(data[, variable], groups, function(x)
        if (nstats == 1) table <- table[,1,]
        if (nvars == 1) table <- table[,,1]
        n <- table(groups)
        n <- matrix(n, nrow=nrow(NAs), ncol=ncol(NAs), byrow=TRUE)
        n <- n - NAs
        result$type <- 4
    result$table <- table
    result$statistics <- statistics
    result$n <- n
    if (any(NAs > 0)) result$NAs <- NAs
    class(result) <- "numSummary"

print.numSummary <- function(x, ...){
	NAs <- x$NAs
	table <- x$table
	n <- x$n
	statistics <- x$statistics
			"1" = {
				if (!is.null(NAs)) {
					table <- c(table, n, NAs)
					names(table)[length(table) - 1:0] <- c("n", "NA")
			"2" = {
				if (statistics == "quantiles") {
					table <- cbind(table, n)
					colnames(table)[ncol(table)] <- "n"
					if (!is.null(NAs)) {
						table <- cbind(table, NAs)
						colnames(table)[ncol(table)] <- "NA"
				else {
					table <- rbind(table, n)
					rownames(table)[c(1, nrow(table))] <- c(statistics, "n")
					if (!is.null(NAs)) {
						table <- rbind(table, NAs)
						rownames(table)[nrow(table)] <- "NA"
					table <- t(table)
			"3" = {
				table <- cbind(table, n)
				colnames(table)[ncol(table)] <- "n"
				if (!is.null(NAs)) {
					table <- cbind(table, NAs)
					colnames(table)[ncol(table)] <- "NA"
			"4" = {
				if (length(dim(table)) == 2){
					n <- t(n)
					nms <- colnames(n)
					colnames(n) <- paste(nms, ":n", sep="")
					table <- cbind(table, n)
					if (!is.null(NAs)) {
						NAs <- t(NAs)
						nms <- colnames(NAs)
						colnames(NAs) <- paste(nms, ":NA", sep="")
						table <- cbind(table, NAs)
				else {
					table <- abind(table, t(n), along=2)
					dimnames(table)[[2]][dim(table)[2]] <- "n"
					if (!is.null(NAs)) {
						table <- abind(table, t(NAs), along=2)
						dimnames(table)[[2]][dim(table)[2]] <- "NA"
					nms <- dimnames(table)[[3]]
					for (name in nms){
						cat("\nVariable:", name, "\n")

stepwise <- function(mod, 
		direction=c("backward/forward", "forward/backward", "backward", "forward"), 
		criterion=c("BIC", "AIC"), ...){
	if (!require(MASS)) stop("MASS package not available")
	criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
	cat("\nDirection: ", direction)
	cat("\nCriterion: ", criterion, "\n\n")
	k <- if (criterion == "BIC") log(nrow(model.matrix(mod))) else 2
	rhs <- paste(c("~", deparse(formula(mod)[[3]])), collapse="")
	rhs <- gsub(" ", "", rhs)
	if (direction == "forward" || direction == "forward/backward")
		mod <- update(mod, . ~ 1)
	if (direction == "backward/forward" || direction == "forward/backward") direction <- "both"
	lower <- ~ 1
	upper <- eval(parse(text=rhs))   
	stepAIC(mod, scope=list(lower=lower, upper=upper), direction=direction, k=k, ...)

# wrapper function for histograms

Hist <- function(x, scale=c("frequency", "percent", "density"), xlab=deparse(substitute(x)), 
		ylab=scale, main="", ...){
	xlab # evaluate
	x <- na.omit(x)
	scale <- match.arg(scale)
	if (scale == "frequency") hist(x, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
	else if (scale == "density") hist(x, freq=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
	else {
		n <- length(x)
		hist(x, axes=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
		max <- ceiling(10*par("usr")[4]/n)
		at <- if (max <= 3) (0:(2*max))/20
				else (0:max)/10
		axis(2, at=at*n, labels=at*100)

plotMeans <- function(response, factor1, factor2, error.bars = c("se", "sd", "conf.int", "none"),
		level=0.95, xlab=deparse(substitute(factor1)), ylab=paste("mean of", deparse(substitute(response))),
		legend.lab=deparse(substitute(factor2)), main="Plot of Means",
		pch=1:n.levs.2, lty=1:n.levs.2, col=palette(), ...){
	if (!is.numeric(response)) stop(gettextRcmdr("Argument response must be numeric."))
	xlab # force evaluation
	error.bars <- match.arg(error.bars)
	if (missing(factor2)){
		if (!is.factor(factor1)) stop(gettextRcmdr("Argument factor1 must be a factor."))
		valid <- complete.cases(factor1, response)
		factor1 <- factor1[valid]
		response <- response[valid]
		means <- tapply(response, factor1, mean)
		sds <- tapply(response, factor1, sd)
		ns <- tapply(response, factor1, length)
		if (error.bars == "se") sds <- sds/sqrt(ns)
		if (error.bars == "conf.int") sds <- qt((1 - level)/2, df=ns - 1, lower.tail=FALSE) * sds/sqrt(ns)
		sds[is.na(sds)] <- 0
		yrange <-  if (error.bars != "none") c( min(means - sds, na.rm=TRUE), max(means + sds, na.rm=TRUE)) else range(means, na.rm=TRUE)
		levs <- levels(factor1)
		n.levs <- length(levs)
		plot(c(1, n.levs), yrange, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, axes=FALSE, main=main, ...)
		points(1:n.levs, means, type="b", pch=16, cex=2)
		axis(1, at=1:n.levs, labels=levs)
		if (error.bars != "none") arrows(1:n.levs, means - sds, 1:n.levs, means + sds,
					angle=90, lty=2, code=3, length=0.125)
	else {
		if (!(is.factor(factor1) | is.factor(factor2))) stop(gettextRcmdr("Arguments factor1 and factor2 must be factors."))
		valid <- complete.cases(factor1, factor2, response)
		factor1 <- factor1[valid]
		factor2 <- factor2[valid]
		response <- response[valid]
		means <- tapply(response, list(factor1, factor2), mean)
		sds <- tapply(response, list(factor1, factor2), sd)
		ns <- tapply(response, list(factor1, factor2), length)
		if (error.bars == "se") sds <- sds/sqrt(ns)
		if (error.bars == "conf.int") sds <- qt((1 - level)/2, df=ns - 1, lower.tail=FALSE) * sds/sqrt(ns)
		sds[is.na(sds)] <- 0
		yrange <-  if (error.bars != "none") c( min(means - sds, na.rm=TRUE), max(means + sds, na.rm=TRUE)) else range(means, na.rm=TRUE)
		levs.1 <- levels(factor1)
		levs.2 <- levels(factor2)
		n.levs.1 <- length(levs.1)
		n.levs.2 <- length(levs.2)
		if (length(pch) == 1) pch <- rep(pch, n.levs.2)
		if (length(col) == 1) col <- rep(col, n.levs.2)
		if (length(lty) == 1) lty <- rep(lty, n.levs.2)
		if (n.levs.2 > length(col)) stop(sprintf(gettextRcmdr("Number of groups for factor2, %d, exceeds number of distinct colours, %d."), n.levs.2, length(col)))		
		plot(c(1, n.levs.1 * 1.4), yrange, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, axes=FALSE, main=main, ...)
		axis(1, at=1:n.levs.1, labels=levs.1)
		for (i in 1:n.levs.2){
			points(1:n.levs.1, means[, i], type="b", pch=pch[i], cex=2, col=col[i], lty=lty[i])
			if (error.bars != "none") arrows(1:n.levs.1, means[, i] - sds[, i],
						1:n.levs.1, means[, i] + sds[, i], angle=90, code=3, col=col[i], lty=lty[i], length=0.125)
		x.posn <- n.levs.1 * 1.1
		y.posn <- sum(c(0.1, 0.9) * par("usr")[c(3,4)])
		text(x.posn, y.posn, legend.lab, adj=c(0, -.5))
		legend(x.posn, y.posn, levs.2, pch=pch, col=col, lty=lty)

lineplot <- function(x, ..., legend){
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))
    y <- cbind(...)
    m <- ncol(y)
    legend <- if (missing(legend)) m > 1
    if (legend && m > 1) {
        mar <- par("mar")
        top <- 3.5 + m
        old.mar <- par(mar=c(mar[1:2], top, mar[4]))
    if (m > 1) matplot(x, y, type="b", lty=1, xlab=xlab, ylab="")
    else plot(x, y, type="b", pch=16, xlab=xlab, ylab=colnames(y))
    if (legend && ncol(y) > 1){
        xpd <- par(xpd=TRUE)
        on.exit(par(xpd), add=TRUE)
        ncols <- length(palette())
        cols <- rep(1:ncols, 1 + m %/% ncols)[1:m]
        usr <- par("usr")
        legend(usr[1], usr[4] + 1.2*top*strheight("x"), 
            legend=colnames(y), col=cols, lty=1, pch=as.character(1:m))

indexplot <- function(x, labels=seq_along(x), id.method="y", type="h", id.n=0, ylab, ...){
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- deparse(substitute(x))
    plot(x, type=type, ylab=ylab, xlab="Observation Index", ...)
    if (par("usr")[3] <= 0) abline(h=0, col='gray')
    ids <- showLabels(seq_along(x), x, labels=labels, id.method=id.method, id.n=id.n)
    if (is.null(ids)) return(invisible(NULL)) else return(ids)

bin.var <- function (x, bins=4, method=c("intervals", "proportions", "natural"), labels=FALSE){
    method <- match.arg(method)
    # Author: Dan Putler (revision by J. Fox, 5 Dec 04 & 5 Mar 13)
    if(length(x) < bins) {
        stop(gettextRcmdr("The number of bins exceeds the number of data values"))
    x <- if(method == "intervals") cut(x, bins, labels=labels)
    else if (method == "proportions") cut(x, quantile(x, probs=seq(0,1,1/bins), na.rm=TRUE),
        include.lowest = TRUE, labels=labels)
    else {
        xx <- na.omit(x)
        breaks <- c(-Inf, tapply(xx, KMeans(xx, bins)$cluster, max))
        cut(x, breaks, labels=labels)

# the following function is adapted from a suggestion by Robert Muenchen

rcorr.adjust <- function(x, type=c("pearson", "spearman"), 
    use=c("complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs")){
    opt <- options(scipen=5)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    use <- match.arg(use)
    x <- if (use == "complete.obs") as.matrix(na.omit(x)) else as.matrix(x)
    R <- rcorr(x, type=type)
    P <- P.unadj <- R$P
    p <- P[lower.tri(P)]
    adj.p <- p.adjust(p, method="holm")
    P[lower.tri(P)] <- adj.p
    P[upper.tri(P)] <- 0
    P <- P + t(P)
    P <- ifelse(P < 1e-04, 0, P)
    P <- format(round(P, 4))
    diag(P) <- ""
    P[grep("0.0000", P)] <- "<.0001"
    P.unadj <- ifelse(P.unadj < 1e-04, 0, P.unadj)
    P.unadj <- format(round(P.unadj, 4))
    diag(P.unadj) <- ""
    P.unadj[grep("0.0000", P.unadj)] <- "<.0001"
    result <- list(R=R, P=P, P.unadj=P.unadj, type=type)
    class(result) <- "rcorr.adjust"

print.rcorr.adjust <- function(x, ...){
    cat("\n", if (x$type == "pearson") "Pearson" else "Spearman", "correlations:\n")
    print(round(x$R$r, 4))
    cat("\n Number of observations: ")
    n <- x$R$n
    if (all(n[1] == n)) cat(n[1], "\n")
    cat("\n Pairwise two-sided p-values:\n")
    print(x$P.unadj, quote=FALSE)
    cat("\n Adjusted p-values (Holm's method)\n")
    print(x$P, quote=FALSE)

# Pager

# this is slightly modified from tkpager to use the Rcmdr monospaced font
#   and a white background

RcmdrPager <- function (file, header, title, delete.file)
	title <- paste(title, header)
	for (i in seq(along = file)) {
		zfile <- file[[i]]
		tt <- tktoplevel()
		if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") tkwm.iconbitmap(tt, system.file("etc", "R-logo.ico", package="Rcmdr2"))
		tkwm.title(tt, if (length(title))
							title[(i - 1)%%length(title) + 1]
						else "")
		txt <- tktext(tt, bg = "white", font = getRcmdr("logFont"))
		scr <- ttkscrollbar(tt, command = function(...) tkyview(txt,
		tkconfigure(txt, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(scr,
		tkpack(txt, side = "left", fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
		tkpack(scr, side = "right", fill = "y")
		chn <- tcl("open", zfile)
		tkinsert(txt, "end", gsub("_\b", "", tclvalue(tcl("read",
		tcl("close", chn)
		tkconfigure(txt, state = "disabled")
		tkmark.set(txt, "insert", "0.0")
		if (delete.file)
			tcl("file", "delete", zfile)

# help functions

helpCommander <- function() {
	PDF <- file.access(paste(file.path(path.package(package="Rcmdr2")[1], "doc"), 
					"/", gettextRcmdr("Commander"), ".pdf", sep=""), mode=4)
	if (PDF == 0){
		browseURL(paste(file.path(path.package(package="Rcmdr2")[1], "doc"),
						"/", gettextRcmdr("Commander"), ".pdf", sep=""))
	else if (as.numeric(R.Version()$major) >= 2) print(help(gettextRcmdr("Commander")))
	else help(gettextRcmdr("Commander"))

helpAboutCommander <- function() {
	if (as.numeric(R.Version()$major) >= 2) print(help("Rcmdr"))
	else help("Rcmdr")

browseManual <- function() {
	browseURL(paste(file.path(path.package(package="Rcmdr2")[1], "doc"),
					"/", gettextRcmdr("Getting-Started-with-the-Rcmdr"), ".pdf", sep=""))

browseRcmdrWebsite <- function() browseURL("http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Misc/Rcmdr/")

browseRWebsite <- function() browseURL("http://www.r-project.org/")

browseRMarkdown <- function() browseURL("http://www.rstudio.com/ide/docs/authoring/using_markdown")

# functions for building dialog boxes

# the following function is slightly modified from Thomas Lumley,
#   "Programmer's Niche: Macros in R," R-News, Sept. 2001, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.11-13.
defmacro <- function(..., expr){
	expr <- substitute(expr)
	len <- length(expr)
	expr[3:(len+1)] <- expr[2:len]
	## delete "macro" variables starting in ..
	expr[[2]] <- quote(on.exit(remove(list=objects(pattern="^\\.\\.", all.names=TRUE))))
	a <- substitute(list(...))[-1]
	## process the argument list
	nn <- names(a)
	if (is.null(nn)) nn <- rep("", length(a))
	for (i in seq(length.out=length(a))){
		if (nn[i] == "") {
			nn[i] <- paste(a[[i]])
			msg <- paste(a[[i]], gettext("not supplied", domain="R-Rcmdr2"))
			a[[i]] <- substitute(stop(foo), list(foo = msg))
	names(a) <- nn
	a <- as.list(a)
	ff <- eval(substitute(
						tmp <- substitute(body)
						eval(tmp, parent.frame())
					list(body = expr)))
	## add the argument list
	formals(ff) <- a
	## create a fake source attribute
	mm <- match.call()
	mm$expr <- NULL
	mm[[1]] <- as.name("macro")
	expr[[2]] <- NULL # get "local" variable removal out of source
	attr(ff, "source") <- c(deparse(mm), deparse(expr))
	## return the macro

OKCancelHelp <- defmacro(window=top, helpSubject=NULL,  model=FALSE, reset=NULL, apply=NULL,
        memory <- getRcmdr("retain.selections")
        buttonsFrame <- tkframe(window)
        leftButtonsBox <- tkframe(buttonsFrame)
        rightButtonsBox <- tkframe(buttonsFrame)
        OKbutton <- buttonRcmdr(rightButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("OK"), foreground="darkgreen", width="12", command=onOK, default="active",
            image="::image::okIcon", compound="left")
        onCancel <- function() {
            if (model) putRcmdr("modelNumber", getRcmdr("modelNumber") - 1)
            if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(window)
        cancelButton <- buttonRcmdr(rightButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("Cancel"), foreground="red", width="12", command=onCancel, # borderwidth=3,
            image="::image::cancelIcon", compound="left")
        if (!is.null(helpSubject)){
            onHelp <- function() {
                if (GrabFocus() && .Platform$OS.type != "windows") tkgrab.release(window)
                if (as.numeric(R.Version()$major) >= 2) print(help(helpSubject))
                else help(helpSubject)
            helpButton <- buttonRcmdr(leftButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("Help"), width="12", command=onHelp, # borderwidth=3,
                image="::image::helpIcon", compound="left")
        if (!is.null(reset) && memory){
            onReset <- function(){
                ID <- window$ID
                putRcmdr("open.dialog.here", as.character(.Tcl(paste("winfo geometry", ID))))
                if (model) putRcmdr("modelNumber", getRcmdr("modelNumber") - 1)
                putDialog(reset, NULL)
                putDialog(reset, NULL, resettable=FALSE)
                eval(parse(text=paste(reset, "()")))
                putRcmdr("open.dialog.here", NULL)
            resetButton <- buttonRcmdr(leftButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("Reset"), width=12, command=onReset,
                image="::image::resetIcon", compound="left")
        if (!is.null(apply)){
            onApply <- function(){
                ID <- window$ID
                putRcmdr("open.dialog.here", as.character(.Tcl(paste("winfo geometry", ID))))
                eval(parse(text=paste(apply, "()")))
                putRcmdr("open.dialog.here", NULL)
            applyButton <- buttonRcmdr(rightButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("Apply"), foreground="yellow", width="12", command=onApply,
                image="::image::applyIcon", compound="left")
        if(!WindowsP()) {
            if (!is.null(apply)){
                tkgrid(cancelButton, OKbutton, applyButton, sticky="w")
                tkgrid.configure(applyButton, padx=c(6, 0))
                tkgrid(cancelButton, OKbutton, sticky="w")
            tkgrid.configure(OKbutton, padx=c(6, 0))
        else {
            if (!is.null(apply)){
                tkgrid(OKbutton, cancelButton, applyButton, sticky="w")
                tkgrid.configure(applyButton, padx=c(6, 0))
                tkgrid(OKbutton, cancelButton, sticky="w")
            tkgrid.configure(OKbutton, padx=c(6, 6))
        if (!is.null(reset) && memory) {
            if (! is.null(helpSubject)){
                tkgrid (helpButton, resetButton, pady=6)
            else tkgrid (resetButton, pady=6)
            if (!WindowsP()) tkgrid.configure(resetButton, padx=c(0, 6))
        else if (! is.null(helpSubject)){
            tkgrid(helpButton, pady=6)
        tkgrid(leftButtonsBox, rightButtonsBox, pady=6, sticky="ew")
        if (!is.null(helpSubject)) tkgrid.configure(helpButton, padx=c(0, 18))
        else if (!is.null(reset) && memory) tkgrid.configure(reset, padx=c(0, 18))
        tkgrid.columnconfigure(buttonsFrame, 0, weight=1)
        tkgrid.columnconfigure(buttonsFrame, 1, weight=1)
        tkgrid.configure(leftButtonsBox, sticky="w")
        tkgrid.configure(rightButtonsBox, sticky="e")

subOKCancelHelp <- defmacro(window=subdialog, helpSubject=NULL,
		    subButtonsFrame <- tkframe(window)
		    subLeftButtonsBox <- tkframe(subButtonsFrame)
		    subRightButtonsBox <- tkframe(subButtonsFrame)
			subOKbutton <- buttonRcmdr(subRightButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("OK"), foreground="darkgreen", width="12", command=onOKsub, default="active",
					image="::image::okIcon", compound="left")
			onCancelSub <- function() {
				if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(window)
			subCancelButton <- buttonRcmdr(subRightButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("Cancel"), foreground="red", width="12", command=onCancelSub,
					image="::image::cancelIcon", compound="left") # borderwidth=3, 
			if (!is.null(helpSubject)){
				onHelpSub <- function(){
					if (GrabFocus() && .Platform$OS.type != "windows") tkgrab.release(window)
					if (as.numeric(R.Version()$major) >= 2) print(help(helpSubject))
					else help(helpSubject)
				subHelpButton <- buttonRcmdr(subLeftButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("Help"), width="12", command=onHelpSub, 
						image="::image::helpIcon", compound="left")
		    if(!WindowsP()) {
		        tkgrid(subCancelButton, subOKbutton, sticky="w")
		        tkgrid.configure(subOKbutton, padx=c(6, 0))
		    else {
		        tkgrid(subOKbutton, subCancelButton, sticky="w")
		        tkgrid.configure(subOKbutton, padx=c(0, 6))
		    if (! is.null(helpSubject)){
		        tkgrid(helpButton, pady=6, padx=c(0, 18))
		    tkgrid(subLeftButtonsBox, subRightButtonsBox, pady=6, sticky="ew")
		    tkgrid.columnconfigure(subButtonsFrame, 0, weight=1)
		    tkgrid.columnconfigure(subButtonsFrame, 1, weight=1)
		    tkgrid.configure(subLeftButtonsBox, sticky="w")
		    tkgrid.configure(subRightButtonsBox, sticky="e")

checkActiveDataSet <- function(){
	if (activeDataSet() == FALSE) {
	else TRUE

checkActiveModel <- function(){
	if (activeModel() == FALSE) {
	else TRUE

checkFactors <- function(n=1){
	if (length(Factors()) < n){
		if (n > 1)
			Message(message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("There fewer than %d factors in the active data set."), n),
		else Message(message=gettextRcmdr("There are no factors in the active data set."),
	else TRUE

checkTwoLevelFactors <- function(n=1){
	if (length(TwoLevelFactors()) < n){
		if (n > 1)
			Message(message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("There fewer than %d two-level factors in the active data set."), n),
		else Message(message=gettextRcmdr("There are no two-level factors in the active data set."),
	else TRUE

checkNumeric <- function(n=1){
	if (length(Numeric()) < n){
		if (n > 1)
			Message(message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("There fewer than %d numeric variables in the active data set."), n),
		else Message(message=gettextRcmdr("There are no numeric variables in the active data set."),
	else TRUE

checkVariables <- function(n=1){
	if (length(Variables()) < n){
		if (n > 1)
			Message(message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("There fewer than %d variables in the active data set."), n),
		else Message(message=gettextRcmdr("There are no variables in the active data set."),
	else TRUE

commanderPosition <- function (){
	ID <- CommanderWindow()$ID
	as.numeric(c(tclvalue(.Tcl(paste("winfo rootx", ID))),
					tclvalue(.Tcl(paste("winfo rooty", ID)))))

initializeDialog <- defmacro(window=top, title="", offset=10, preventCrisp=FALSE,
        if ((!preventCrisp) && getRcmdr("crisp.dialogs")) tclServiceMode(on=FALSE)
        window <- tktoplevel(borderwidth=10)
        tkwm.title(window, title)
        location <- getRcmdr("open.dialog.here")
        position <- if (!is.null(location)) location
                    else {
                        pos <- offset + commanderPosition() 
                        if (any(pos < 0)) "-50+50"
                        else paste("+", paste(pos, collapse="+"), sep="")
        tkwm.geometry(window, position)
        tkwm.transient(window, CommanderWindow())

closeDialog <- defmacro(window=top, release=TRUE,
			if (release && GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(window)

dialogSuffix <- defmacro(window=top, onOK=onOK, onCancel=onCancel, rows=1, columns=1, focus=top,
    bindReturn=TRUE, preventGrabFocus=FALSE, preventDoubleClick=FALSE,
        #         for (row in 0:(rows-1)) tkgrid.rowconfigure(window, row, weight=0)
        #         for (col in 0:(columns-1)) tkgrid.columnconfigure(window, col, weight=0)
        .Tcl("update idletasks")
        tkwm.resizable(window, 0, 0)
        if (bindReturn) tkbind(window, "<Return>", onOK)
        tkbind(window, "<Escape>", onCancel)
        if (getRcmdr("double.click") && (!preventDoubleClick)) tkbind(window, "<Double-ButtonPress-1>", onOK)
        # focus grabs appear to cause problems for some dialogs
        if (GrabFocus() && (!preventGrabFocus)) tkgrab.set(window)
        if ((!preventCrisp) && getRcmdr("crisp.dialogs")) tclServiceMode(on=TRUE)

variableListBox <- function(parentWindow, variableList=Variables(), bg="white",
    selectmode="single", export="FALSE", initialSelection=NULL, listHeight=getRcmdr("variable.list.height"), title){
    if (selectmode == "multiple") selectmode <- getRcmdr("multiple.select.mode")
    if (length(variableList) == 1 && is.null(initialSelection)) initialSelection <- 0
    frame <- tkframe(parentWindow)
    minmax <- getRcmdr("variable.list.width")
    listbox <- tklistbox(frame, height=min(listHeight, length(variableList)),
        selectmode=selectmode, background=bg, exportselection=export, 
        width=min(max(minmax[1], nchar(variableList)), minmax[2]))
    scrollbar <- ttkscrollbar(frame, command=function(...) tkyview(listbox, ...))
    tkconfigure(listbox, yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(scrollbar, ...))
    for (var in variableList) tkinsert(listbox, "end", var)
    if (is.numeric(initialSelection)) for (sel in initialSelection) tkselection.set(listbox, sel)
    firstChar <- tolower(substr(variableList, 1, 1))
    len <- length(variableList)
    onLetter <- function(letter){
        letter <- tolower(letter)
        current <- 1 + round(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(tkyview(listbox) ), " "))[1])*len)
        mat <- match(letter, firstChar[-(1:current)])
        if (is.na(mat)) return()
        tkyview.scroll(listbox, mat, "units")
    onA <- function() onLetter("a")
    onB <- function() onLetter("b")
    onC <- function() onLetter("c")
    onD <- function() onLetter("d")
    onE <- function() onLetter("e")
    onF <- function() onLetter("f")
    onG <- function() onLetter("g")
    onH <- function() onLetter("h")
    onI <- function() onLetter("i")
    onJ <- function() onLetter("j")
    onK <- function() onLetter("k")
    onL <- function() onLetter("l")
    onM <- function() onLetter("m")
    onN <- function() onLetter("n")
    onO <- function() onLetter("o")
    onP <- function() onLetter("p")
    onQ <- function() onLetter("q")
    onR <- function() onLetter("r")
    onS <- function() onLetter("s")
    onT <- function() onLetter("t")
    onU <- function() onLetter("u")
    onV <- function() onLetter("v")
    onW <- function() onLetter("w")
    onX <- function() onLetter("x")
    onY <- function() onLetter("y")
    onZ <- function() onLetter("z")
    for (letter in c(letters, LETTERS)){
        tkbind(listbox, paste("<", letter, ">", sep=""),
            get(paste("on", toupper(letter), sep="")))
    onClick <- function() tkfocus(listbox)
    toggleSelection <- function(){
        active <- tclvalue(tkindex(listbox, "active"))
        selected <- tclvalue(tkcurselection(listbox))
        if (selected == active) tkselection.clear(listbox, "active") else tkselection.set(listbox, "active")
    tkbind(listbox, "<ButtonPress-1>", onClick)
    if (selectmode == "single") tkbind(listbox, "<Control-ButtonPress-1>", toggleSelection)
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(frame, text=title, fg=getRcmdr("title.color")), columnspan=2, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(listbox, scrollbar, sticky="nw")
    tkgrid.configure(scrollbar, sticky="wns")
    tkgrid.configure(listbox, sticky="ewns")
    result <- list(frame=frame, listbox=listbox, scrollbar=scrollbar,
        selectmode=selectmode, varlist=variableList)
    class(result) <- "listbox"

getSelection <- function(object) UseMethod("getSelection")

getSelection.listbox <- function(object){
	object$varlist[as.numeric(tkcurselection(object$listbox)) + 1]

getFrame <- function(object) UseMethod("getFrame")

getFrame.listbox <- function(object){

# This function modified based on code by Liviu Andronic (13 Dec 09) and on code by Milan Bouchet-Valat (29 Jun 12):
radioButtons <- defmacro(window=top, name, buttons, values=NULL, initialValue=..values[1], labels, 
                         title="", title.color=getRcmdr("title.color"), right.buttons=TRUE, command=function(){},
                             ..values <- if (is.null(values)) buttons else values
                             ..frame <- paste(name, "Frame", sep="")
                             assign(..frame, tkframe(window))
                             ..variable <- paste(name, "Variable", sep="")
                             assign(..variable, tclVar(initialValue))
                             if(title != ""){
                                 tkgrid(labelRcmdr(eval(parse(text=..frame)), text=title, foreground=title.color), columnspan=2, sticky="w")
                             for (i in 1:length(buttons)) {
                                 ..button <- paste(buttons[i], "Button", sep="")
                                 if (right.buttons) {
                                     assign(..button, ttkradiobutton(eval(parse(text=..frame)), variable=eval(parse(text=..variable)), 
                                                                     value=..values[i], command=command))
                                     tkgrid(labelRcmdr(eval(parse(text=..frame)), text=labels[i], justify="left"), eval(parse(text=..button)), sticky="w")
                                     assign(..button, ttkradiobutton(eval(parse(text=..frame)), variable=eval(parse(text=..variable)), 
                                                                     value=..values[i], text=labels[i], command=command))
                                     tkgrid(eval(parse(text=..button)), sticky="w")

checkBoxes <- defmacro(window=top, frame, boxes, initialValues=NULL, labels, title=NULL, ttk=FALSE,
        ..initialValues <- if (is.null(initialValues)) rep("1", length(boxes)) else initialValues
        assign(frame, if (ttk) ttklabelframe(window, text=title) else tkframe(window))
        if (!is.null(title) && !ttk) tkgrid(labelRcmdr(eval(parse(text=frame)), text=title, fg=getRcmdr("title.color")), sticky="w")
        ..variables <- paste(boxes, "Variable", sep="")
        for (i in 1:length(boxes)) {
            assign(..variables[i], tclVar(..initialValues[i]))
            ..checkBox <- paste(boxes[i], "CheckBox", sep="")
                #    	tkcheckbutton(eval(parse(text=frame)), variable=eval(parse(text=..variables[i]))))
                # tkgrid(labelRcmdr(eval(parse(text=frame)), text=labels[i]), eval(parse(text=..checkBox)), sticky="w")
                ttkcheckbutton(eval(parse(text=frame)), variable=eval(parse(text=..variables[i])), text=labels[i]))
            tkgrid(eval(parse(text=..checkBox)), sticky="w")

checkReplace <- function(name, type=gettextRcmdr("Variable")){
	RcmdrTkmessageBox(message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("%s %s already exists.\nOverwrite %s?"),
					type, name, tolower(type)), icon="warning", type="yesno", default="no")

errorCondition <- defmacro(window=top, recall=NULL, message, model=FALSE,
			if (model) putRcmdr("modelNumber", getRcmdr("modelNumber") - 1)
			if (!is.null(window)){
				if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(window)
			Message(message=message, type="error")
			if (!is.null(recall)) recall()
			else tkfocus(CommanderWindow())

subsetBox <- defmacro(window=top, subset.expression=NULL, model=FALSE,
        subsetVariable <- if (!is.null(subset.expression)) tclVar(gettextRcmdr(subset.expression))
        else if (model){
            if (currentModel && currentFields$subset != "")
                tclVar(currentFields$subset) else tclVar(gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>"))
        else tclVar(gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>"))
        subsetFrame <- tkframe(window)
        subsetEntry <- ttkentry(subsetFrame, width="20", textvariable=subsetVariable)
        subsetScroll <- ttkscrollbar(subsetFrame, orient="horizontal",
            command=function(...) tkxview(subsetEntry, ...))
        tkconfigure(subsetEntry, xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(subsetScroll, ...))
        tkgrid(labelRcmdr(subsetFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Subset expression"), fg=getRcmdr("title.color")), sticky="w")
        tkgrid(subsetEntry, sticky="ew")
        tkgrid(subsetScroll, sticky="ew")
        tkgrid.columnconfigure(subsetFrame, 0, weight=1)

groupsBox <- defmacro(recall=NULL, label=gettextRcmdr("Plot by:"), initialLabel=gettextRcmdr("Plot by groups"),
    plotLinesByGroup=FALSE, positionLegend=FALSE, plotLinesByGroupsText=gettextRcmdr("Plot lines by group"),
    initialGroup=NULL, initialLinesByGroup=1, window=top,
        env <- environment()
        .groups <- if (is.null(initialGroup)) FALSE else initialGroup
        .linesByGroup <- initialLinesByGroup == 1
        .groupsLabel <- tclVar(if (!is.null(initialGroup)) initialLabel else paste(initialLabel, "...", sep=""))
        .factors <- Factors()
        onGroups <- function(){
            if (length(.factors) == 0){
                errorCondition(recall=recall, message=gettextRcmdr("There are no factors in the active data set."))
            initializeDialog(subdialog, title=gettextRcmdr("Groups"))
            groupsBox <- variableListBox(subdialog, .factors, title=gettextRcmdr("Groups variable (pick one)"),
                initialSelection=varPosn(initialGroup, "factor"))
            if (plotLinesByGroup){
                linesByGroupFrame <- tkframe(subdialog)
                linesByGroup <- tclVar(if(initialLinesByGroup == 1) "1" else "0")
                linesCheckBox <- ttkcheckbutton(linesByGroupFrame, variable=linesByGroup)
                tkgrid(labelRcmdr(linesByGroupFrame, text=plotLinesByGroupsText), linesCheckBox, sticky="w")
            onOKsub <- function() {
                groups <- getSelection(groupsBox)
                if (length(groups) == 0){
                    assign(".groups", FALSE, envir=env)
                    tclvalue(.groupsLabel) <- paste(gettextRcmdr("Plot by groups"), "...", sep="")
                    tkconfigure(groupsButton, foreground="black")
                    if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(subdialog)
                    if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.set(top)
                assign(".groups", groups, envir=env)
                tclvalue(.groupsLabel) <- paste(label, groups)
                tkconfigure(groupsButton, foreground=getRcmdr("title.color"))
                if (plotLinesByGroup) {
                    lines <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(linesByGroup))
                    assign(".linesByGroup", lines, envir=env)
                if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(subdialog)
                if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.set(top)
            tkgrid(getFrame(groupsBox), sticky="nw")
            if (plotLinesByGroup) tkgrid(linesByGroupFrame, sticky="w")
            tkgrid(subButtonsFrame, sticky="ew")
            if (positionLegend) tkgrid(labelRcmdr(subdialog, text=gettextRcmdr("Position legend with mouse click"), fg=getRcmdr("title.color")))
            dialogSuffix(subdialog, onOK=onOKsub, rows=3+plotLinesByGroup+positionLegend, columns=2, focus=subdialog)
        groupsFrame <- tkframe(window)
        groupsButton <- tkbutton(groupsFrame, textvariable=.groupsLabel, command=onGroups)
        if (!is.null(initialGroup)) tkconfigure(groupsButton, foreground=getRcmdr("title.color"))
        tkgrid(groupsButton, sticky="we")
        tkgrid.columnconfigure(groupsFrame, 0, weight=1)

groupsLabel <- defmacro(frame=top, groupsBox=groupsBox, columnspan=1, initialText=NULL,
			groupsFrame <- tkframe(frame)
			.groupsLabel <- if (is.null(initialText)) gettextRcmdr("<No groups selected>") else initialText
			groupsLabel <- labelRcmdr(groupsFrame, text=.groupsLabel)
			tkgrid(labelRcmdr(groupsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Difference: "), fg=getRcmdr("title.color")), groupsLabel, sticky="w")
			tkgrid(groupsFrame, sticky="w", columnspan=columnspan)
			onSelect <- function(){
				group <- getSelection(groupsBox)
				levels <- eval(parse(text=paste("levels(", ActiveDataSet(), "$", group, ")", sep="")))
				.groupsLabel <<- paste(levels[1], "-", levels[2])
				tkconfigure(groupsLabel, text=.groupsLabel)
			tkbind(groupsBox$listbox, "<ButtonRelease-1>", onSelect)

modelFormula <- defmacro(frame=top, hasLhs=TRUE, expr={
			checkAddOperator <- function(rhs){
				rhs.chars <- rev(strsplit(rhs, "")[[1]])
				if (length(rhs.chars) < 1) return(FALSE)
				check.char <- if ((rhs.chars[1] != " ") || (length(rhs.chars) == 1))
							rhs.chars[1] else rhs.chars[2]
				!is.element(check.char, c("+", "*", ":", "/", "-", "^", "(", "%"))
			.variables <- Variables()
			word <- paste("\\[", gettextRcmdr("factor"), "\\]", sep="")
			variables <- paste(.variables,
					ifelse(is.element(.variables, Factors()), paste("[", gettextRcmdr("factor"), "]", sep=""), ""))
			xBox <- variableListBox(frame, variables, selectmode="multiple", title=gettextRcmdr("Variables (double-click to formula)"))
			onDoubleClick <- if (!hasLhs){
							var <- getSelection(xBox)
							tkselection.clear(xBox$listbox, "0", "end")					
							if (length(grep(word, var)) == 1) var <- sub(word, "",  var)
							rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
							rhs.chars <- rev(strsplit(rhs, "")[[1]])
							check.char <- if (length(rhs.chars) > 0){
										if ((rhs.chars[1] != " ") || (length(rhs.chars) == 1))
											rhs.chars[1] else rhs.chars[2]
									else ""
							tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- if (rhs == "" ||
											is.element(check.char, c("+", "*", ":", "/", "-", "^", "(", "%")))
										paste(rhs, var, sep="")
									else paste(rhs, "+", var)
							tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
							tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
							var <- getSelection(xBox)
							which <- tkcurselection(xBox$listbox)
							tkselection.clear(xBox$listbox, "0", "end")
							if (length(grep(word, var)) == 1) var <- sub(word, "",  var)
							lhs <- tclvalue(lhsVariable)
							if (lhs == "" || tclvalue(tkselection.present(lhsEntry)) == "1"){
								tclvalue(lhsVariable) <- var
							else {
								rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
								rhs.chars <- rev(strsplit(rhs, "")[[1]])
								check.char <- if (length(rhs.chars) > 0){
											if ((rhs.chars[1] != " ") || (length(rhs.chars) == 1))
												rhs.chars[1] else rhs.chars[2]
										else ""
								tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- if (rhs == "" ||
												is.element(check.char, c("+", "*", ":", "/", "-", "^", "(", "%")))
											paste(rhs, var, sep="")
										else paste(rhs, "+", var)
							tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
							tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			tkbind(xBox$listbox, "<Double-ButtonPress-1>", onDoubleClick)
			onPlus <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				var <- getSelection(xBox)
				tkselection.clear(xBox$listbox, "0", "end")										
				if ((check <- !checkAddOperator(rhs)) && length(var) == 0) return()
				if (length(var) > 1){
					if (length(grep(word, var)) > 0) var <- sub(word, "",  var)
					if (length(var) > 1) var <- paste(var, collapse=" + ")
				tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, if (!check) " + ", var, sep="")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onTimes <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				var <- getSelection(xBox)
				tkselection.clear(xBox$listbox, "0", "end")						
				if ((check <- !checkAddOperator(rhs)) && length(var) == 0) return()
				if (length(var) > 1){
					if (length(grep(word, var)) > 0) var <- sub(word, "",  var)
					var <- trim.blanks(var)
					if (length(var) > 1) var <- paste(var, collapse="*")
					tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, if (!check) " + ", var, sep="")
				else tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, if (!check) "*", sep="")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onColon <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				var <- getSelection(xBox)
				tkselection.clear(xBox$listbox, "0", "end")						
				if ((check <- !checkAddOperator(rhs)) && length(var) == 0) return()
				if (length(var) > 1){
					if (length(grep(word, var)) > 0) var <- sub(word, "",  var)
					var <- trim.blanks(var)
					if (length(var) > 1) var <- paste(var, collapse=":")
					tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, if (!check) " + ", var, sep="")
				else tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, if (!check) ":", sep="")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onSlash <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				if (!checkAddOperator(rhs)) return()
				tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, "/",  sep="")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onIn <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				if (!checkAddOperator(rhs)) return()
				tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, "%in% ")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onMinus <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				if (!checkAddOperator(rhs)) return()
				tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, "- ")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onPower <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				if (!checkAddOperator(rhs)) return()
				tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, "^", sep="")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onLeftParen <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, "(", sep="")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			onRightParen <- function(){
				rhs <- tclvalue(rhsVariable)
				if (!checkAddOperator(rhs)) return()
				tclvalue(rhsVariable) <- paste(rhs, ")", sep="")
				tkicursor(rhsEntry, "end")
				tkxview.moveto(rhsEntry, "1")
			outerOperatorsFrame <- tkframe(frame)
			operatorsFrame <- tkframe(outerOperatorsFrame)
			plusButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text="+", width="3", command=onPlus)
			timesButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text="*", width="3", command=onTimes)
			colonButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text=":", width="3", command=onColon)
			slashButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text="/", width="3", command=onSlash)
			inButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text="%in%", width="5", command=onIn)
			minusButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text="-", width="3", command=onMinus)
			powerButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text="^", width="3", command=onPower)
			leftParenButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text="(", width="3", command=onLeftParen)
			rightParenButton <- buttonRcmdr(operatorsFrame, text=")", width="3", command=onRightParen)
			tkgrid(plusButton, timesButton, colonButton, slashButton, inButton, minusButton,
					powerButton, leftParenButton, rightParenButton, sticky="w")
			formulaFrame <- tkframe(frame)
			if (hasLhs){
				tkgrid(labelRcmdr(outerOperatorsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Model Formula:     "), fg=getRcmdr("title.color")), operatorsFrame)
				lhsVariable <- if (currentModel) tclVar(currentFields$lhs) else tclVar("")
				rhsVariable <- if (currentModel) tclVar(currentFields$rhs) else tclVar("")
				rhsEntry <- ttkentry(formulaFrame, width="50", textvariable=rhsVariable)
				rhsXscroll <- ttkscrollbar(formulaFrame,
						orient="horizontal", command=function(...) tkxview(rhsEntry, ...))
				tkconfigure(rhsEntry, xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(rhsXscroll, ...))
				lhsEntry <- ttkentry(formulaFrame, width="10", textvariable=lhsVariable)
				lhsScroll <- ttkscrollbar(formulaFrame,
						orient="horizontal", command=function(...) tkxview(lhsEntry, ...))
				tkconfigure(lhsEntry, xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(lhsScroll, ...))
				tkgrid(lhsEntry, labelRcmdr(formulaFrame, text=" ~    "), rhsEntry, sticky="w")
				tkgrid(lhsScroll, labelRcmdr(formulaFrame, text=""), rhsXscroll, sticky="w")
				tkgrid.configure(lhsScroll, sticky="ew")
				rhsVariable <- if (currentModel) tclVar(currentFields$rhs) else tclVar("")
				rhsEntry <- ttkentry(formulaFrame, width="50", textvariable=rhsVariable)
				rhsXscroll <- ttkscrollbar(formulaFrame,
						orient="horizontal", command=function(...) tkxview(rhsEntry, ...))
				tkconfigure(rhsEntry, xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(rhsXscroll, ...))
				tkgrid(labelRcmdr(formulaFrame, text="   ~ "), rhsEntry, sticky="w")
				tkgrid(labelRcmdr(formulaFrame, text=""), rhsXscroll, sticky="w")
			tkgrid.configure(rhsXscroll, sticky="ew")

exists.method <- function(generic, object, default=TRUE, strict=FALSE){
	classes <- class(object)
	if (default) classes <- c(classes, "default")
	if (strict) classes <- classes[1]
	any(paste(generic, ".", classes, sep="") %in%

checkMethod <- defmacro(generic, object, message=NULL, default=FALSE, strict=FALSE, reportError=TRUE,
			msg <- if (is.null(message)) sprintf(gettextRcmdr("No appropriate %s method exists\nfor a model of this class."), generic)
					else message
			method <- exists.method(generic, get(object), default=default, strict=strict)
			if ((!method) && reportError) Message(message=msg, type="error")

checkClass <- defmacro(object, class, message=NULL,
			msg <- if (is.null(message)) sprintf(gettextRcmdr('The model is not of class "%s".'), class)
					else message
			properClass <- class(get(object))[1] == class
			if (!properClass) Message(message=msg, type="error")

# the following function is from John Chambers (plus new test for R 2.4.0)

isS4object <- function(object) {
	if (getRversion() < "2.4.0"){
		if (length(attr(object, "class"))!= 1)
		!isVirtualClass(getClass(class(object), TRUE))
	else isS4(object)
.RcmdrEnv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

# putRcmdr <- function(x, value) assign(x, value, envir=.RcmdrEnv)
# getRcmdr <- function(x, mode="any") get(x, envir=.RcmdrEnv, mode=mode, inherits=FALSE)

RcmdrEnv <- function() .RcmdrEnv

putRcmdr <- function(x, value) assign(x, value, envir=RcmdrEnv())

# getRcmdr <- function(x, mode="any") get(x, envir=RcmdrEnv(), mode=mode, inherits=FALSE)

getRcmdr <- function(x, mode="any", fail=TRUE){
    if ((!fail) && (!exists(x, mode=mode, envir=RcmdrEnv(), inherits=FALSE))) return(NULL)
    get(x, envir=RcmdrEnv(), mode=mode, inherits=FALSE)

RcmdrTclSet <- function(name, value){
	name <- ls(unclass(getRcmdr(name))$env)
	tcl("set", name, value)

# functions to store or retrieve Rcmdr state information

Variables <- function(names){
	if (missing(names)) getRcmdr("variables")
	else putRcmdr("variables", names)

Numeric <- function(names){
	if (missing(names)) getRcmdr("numeric")
	else putRcmdr("numeric", names)

Factors <- function(names){
	if (missing(names)) getRcmdr("factors")
	else putRcmdr("factors", names)

TwoLevelFactors <- function(names){
	if (missing(names)) getRcmdr("twoLevelFactors")
	else putRcmdr("twoLevelFactors", names)

# The following two functions were modified by Erich Neuwrith
#  and subsequently by John Fox (23 July 07)

ActiveDataSet <- function(name){
    if (missing(name)) {
        temp <- getRcmdr(".activeDataSet")
        if (is.null(temp))
            if (!exists(temp) || !is.data.frame(get(temp,envir=.GlobalEnv))) {
                Message(sprintf(gettextRcmdr("the dataset %s is no longer available"),
                    temp), type="error")
                putRcmdr(".activeDataSet", NULL)
                RcmdrTclSet("dataSetName", gettextRcmdr("<No active dataset>"))
                putRcmdr(".activeModel", NULL)
                RcmdrTclSet("modelName", gettextRcmdr("<No active model>"))
                tkconfigure(getRcmdr("dataSetLabel"), foreground="red") 
                tkconfigure(getRcmdr("modelLabel"), foreground="red") 
                if (getRcmdr("suppress.menus") && RExcelSupported()) return(NULL)
    else putRcmdr(".activeDataSet", name)

ActiveModel <- function(name){
    if (missing(name)) {
        temp <- getRcmdr(".activeModel")
        if (is.null(temp))
            if (!exists(temp) || !is.model(get(temp,envir=.GlobalEnv))) {
                Message(sprintf(gettextRcmdr("the model %s is no longer available"),
                    temp), type="error")
                putRcmdr(".activeModel", NULL)
                RcmdrTclSet("modelName", gettextRcmdr("<No active model>"))
                tkconfigure(getRcmdr("modelLabel"), foreground="red")
        else return(temp)
    else putRcmdr(".activeModel", name)

GrabFocus <- function(value){
	if (missing(value)) getRcmdr("grab.focus")
	else putRcmdr("grab.focus", value)

UpdateModelNumber <- function(increment=1){
	modelNumber <- getRcmdr("modelNumber")
	modelNumber <- modelNumber + increment
	if (modelNumber < 1) modelNumber <- 1 # sanity check
	putRcmdr("modelNumber", modelNumber)

CommanderWindow <- function() getRcmdr("commanderWindow")

LogWindow <- function() getRcmdr("logWindow")

RmdWindow <- function() getRcmdr("RmdWindow")

OutputWindow <- function() getRcmdr("outputWindow")

MessagesWindow <- function() getRcmdr("messagesWindow")

# some predicates for the menu system

activeDataSetP <- function() !is.null(ActiveDataSet())

dataSetsP <- function(n=1){
	datasets <- listDataSets()
	(!is.null(datasets)) && length(datasets) >= n

numericP <- function(n=1) activeDataSetP() && length(listNumeric()) >= n

factorsP <- function(n=1) activeDataSetP() && length(listFactors()) >= n

twoLevelFactorsP <- function(n=1) activeDataSetP() && length(listTwoLevelFactors()) >= n

modelsP <- function(n=1) activeDataSetP() && length(listAllModels()) >= n

activeModelP <- function() !is.null(ActiveModel())

lmP <- function() activeModelP() && any(class(get(ActiveModel()))[1] == c('lm', 'aov'))

glmP <- function() activeModelP() && class(get(ActiveModel()))[1] == 'glm'

aicP <- function() activeModelP() && exists.method("extractAIC", get(ActiveModel()))

polrP <- function() activeModelP() && class(get(ActiveModel()))[1] == 'polr'

multinomP <- function() activeModelP() && class(get(ActiveModel()))[1] == 'multinom'

hclustSolutionsP <- function() length(listHclustSolutions()) > 0

MacOSXP <- function() {
	sys <- Sys.info()
	!is.null(sys) && length(grep("[Dd]arwin", sys["sysname"]) > 0)

packageAvailable <- function(name) 0 != length(find.package(name, quiet=TRUE))

rglLoaded <- function() 0 != length(grep("^rgl", loadedNamespaces()))

activateMenus <- function(){
	if (getRcmdr("suppress.menus")) return()
	for (item in getRcmdr("Menus")){
		if (item$activation()) .Tcl(paste(item$ID, " entryconfigure ", item$position - 1," -state normal", sep=""))
		else .Tcl(paste(item$ID, " entryconfigure ", item$position - 1," -state disabled", sep=""))

# for internationalization

gettextRcmdr <- function(...) gettext(..., domain="R-Rcmdr2")

gettextMenus <- function(...){
	text <- gettextRcmdr(...)
	plugins <- getOption("Rcmdr")$plugins
	if (is.null(plugins)) return(text)
	plugins <- paste("R-", plugins, sep="")
	for (plugin in plugins){
		text <- gettext(text, domain=plugin)

English <- function() {
	env <- Sys.getenv()
	names(env) <- toupper(names(env))
	LANG <- env["LANGUAGE"]
	LC_CTYPE <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
	if (!is.na(LANG)) length(grep("^en", LANG, ignore.case=TRUE)) > 0
	else LC_CTYPE == "C" || length(grep("^en", LC_CTYPE, ignore.case=TRUE)) > 0

# to replace tkmessageBox on non-English Windows systems,
#  to allow for translation of button text

RcmdrTkmessageBox <- function(message, icon=c("info", "question", "warning",
				"error"), type=c("okcancel", "yesno", "ok"), default, title="") {
	if ( (English()) || (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") ){
		if (missing(default)){
			default <- switch(type,
		return(tkmessageBox(message=message, icon=icon, type=type,
						default=default, title=title))
	icon <- match.arg(icon)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	initializeDialog(messageBox, title=title)
	messageFrame <- tkframe(messageBox, borderwidth=5)
	buttonFrame <- tkframe(messageBox,  borderwidth=5)
	if (icon != "question") tkbell()
	result <- tclVar()
	iconColor <- switch(icon, info=getRcmdr("title.color"), question=getRcmdr("title.color"), warning="black",
	onOK <- function() {
		if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(messageBox)
		tclvalue(result) <- "ok"
	OKbutton <- buttonRcmdr(buttonFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("OK"),
			foreground="darkgreen", width="12", command=onOK, borderwidth=3,
			default=if (missing(default)) "active"
					else if (default == "ok") "active" else "normal")
	onCancel <- function() {
		if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(messageBox)
		tclvalue(result) <- "cancel"
	cancelButton <- buttonRcmdr(buttonFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Cancel"),
			foreground="red", width="12", command=onCancel, borderwidth=3,
			default=if (missing(default)) "normal"
					else if (default == "cancel") "active" else "normal")
	onYes <- function() {
		if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(messageBox)
		tclvalue(result) <- "yes"
	yesButton <- buttonRcmdr(buttonFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Yes"),
			foreground="darkgreen", width="12", command=onYes, borderwidth=3,
			default=if (missing(default)) "active"
					else if (default == "yes") "active" else "normal")
	onNo <- function() {
		if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(messageBox)
		tclvalue(result) <- "no"
	noButton <- buttonRcmdr(buttonFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("No"),
			foreground="red", width="12", command=onNo, borderwidth=3,
			default=if (missing(default)) "normal"
					else if (default == "no") "active" else "normal")
	## FIXME -- left in old style
	tkgrid(tklabel(messageFrame, bitmap=icon, fg=iconColor),
			tklabel(messageFrame, text="    "),
			tklabel(messageFrame, text=message))
			okcancel = {
				tkgrid(OKbutton, labelRcmdr(buttonFrame, text="    "), cancelButton)
				if (missing(default) || default == "ok") tkbind(messageBox, "<Return>",
				else if (default == "cancel") tkbind(messageBox, "<Return>", onCancel)
			yesno =  {
				tkgrid(yesButton, labelRcmdr(buttonFrame, text="    "), noButton)
				if (missing(default) || default == "yes") tkbind(messageBox, "<Return>",
				else if (default == "no") tkbind(messageBox, "<Return>", onNo)
			ok = {
				if (missing(default) || default == "ok") tkbind(messageBox, "<Return>",
	dialogSuffix(messageBox, rows=2, focus=messageBox, bindReturn=FALSE)

# The following function was contributed by Matthieu Lesnoff (added 20 July 06)

trim.col.na <- function(dat){
# Remove variables with only missing values (occurs sometimes with modified Excel file)
	colsup <- NULL
	for (i in 1:ncol(dat))
		if (length(dat[is.na(dat[,i])==T,i]) ==length(dat[,i]))
			colsup <- c(colsup,i)
	if (length(colsup) > 0)
		dat <- dat[,-colsup]

# check whether packages are available

packagesAvailable <- function(packages){
	sapply(sapply(packages, find.package, quiet=TRUE),
			function(x) length(x) != 0)

# insert a row (or rows) in a matrix or data frame

insertRows <- function(object1, object2, where=NULL, ...){
	if (ncol(object1) != ncol(object2))
		stop(gettextRcmdr("objects have different numbers of columns"))
	if (!(TRUE == all.equal(colnames(object1), colnames(object2))))
		stop(gettextRcmdr("objects have different column names"))
	n <- nrow(object1)
	if (is.null(where) || where >= n) rbind(object1, object2)
	else if (where < 1) rbind(object2, object1)
	else rbind(object1[1:floor(where),], object2,
				object1[(floor(where) + 1):n,])

# functions for handling Rcmdr plug-in packages

# the following function based on a suggestion by Brian Ripley

listPlugins <- function(loaded=FALSE){
	plugins <- unlist(lapply(.libPaths(),
					function(x) Sys.glob(file.path(x, "*/etc/menus.txt"))))
	plugins <- sub(".*/([^/]*)/etc/menus.txt", "\\1", plugins)
	if (loaded) plugins else sort(setdiff(plugins, .packages()))

loadPlugins <- function(){
	plugins <- listPlugins()
	initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Load Plug-ins"))
	packagesBox <- variableListBox(top, plugins, title=gettextRcmdr("Plug-ins (pick one or more)"),
			selectmode="multiple", listHeight=10)
	onOK <- function(){
		plugins <- getSelection(packagesBox)
		if (length(plugins) == 0){
			errorCondition(recall=loadPlugins, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select at least one plug-in."))
		opts <- options("Rcmdr")
		opts$Rcmdr$plugins <- c(plugins, opts$Rcmdr$plugins)
		for (plugin in plugins) {
			command <- paste('library("', plugin, '", character.only=TRUE)', sep="")
		Message(paste(gettextRcmdr("Plug-ins loaded:"), paste(plugins, collapse=", ")), type="note")
		response <- tkmessageBox(message=paste(gettextRcmdr(
								"The plug-in(s) will not be available until the Commander is restarted.\nRestart now?")),
				icon="question", type="yesno")
		if (tclvalue(response) == "yes") {
			putRcmdr("autoRestart", TRUE)
	tkgrid(getFrame(packagesBox), sticky="nw")
	tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w")
	dialogSuffix(rows=1, columns=1)

# the following two functions contributed by Erich Neuwirth (added 22 July 07)

whitespaceonly <- function(str) sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', str) == ''

is.model <- function(object) {
	any(class(object) %in% getRcmdr("modelClasses"))

# the following lines, adding support for ttk widgets, adapted from code by Brian Ripley
if (!(as.character(tcl("info", "tclversion")) >= "8.5" && getRversion() >= "2.7.0")){
	buttonRcmdr <- tkbutton
	labelRcmdr <- tklabel
	ttkentry <- function(parent, ...) tkentry(parent, ...)
	ttkframe <- tkframe
	ttkradiobutton <- tkradiobutton
	ttkscrollbar <- function(...) tkscrollbar(..., repeatinterval=5)
} else {
	buttonRcmdr <- function(..., borderwidth, fg, foreground, relief) ttkbutton(...)
	labelRcmdr <- function(..., fg)
		if(missing(fg)) ttklabel(...) else ttklabel(..., foreground=fg)

# the following function alters the default behaviour of tclvalue() by trimming leading and trailing blanks

tclvalue <- function(x) trim.blanks(tcltk::tclvalue(x))

# the following function splits a character string at blanks and commas according to width

splitCmd <- function(cmd, width=getOption("width") - 4, at="[ ,]"){
	if (nchar(cmd) <= width) return(cmd)
	where <- gregexpr(at, cmd)[[1]]
	if (where[1] < 0) return(cmd)
	singleQuotes <- gregexpr("'", cmd)[[1]]
	doubleQuotes <- gregexpr('"', cmd)[[1]]
	comment <- regexpr("#", cmd)
	if (singleQuotes[1] > 0 && (singleQuotes[1] < doubleQuotes[1] || doubleQuotes[1] < 0 ) && (singleQuotes[1] < comment[1] || comment[1] < 0 )){
		nquotes <- length(singleQuotes)
		if (nquotes < 2) stop("unbalanced quotes")
#		where[(where > singleQuotes[1]) & (where < singleQuotes[2])] <- NA
		for(i in seq(nquotes/2))
		    where[(where > singleQuotes[2 * i - 1]) & (where < singleQuotes[2 * i])] <- NA
		where <- na.omit(where)
	else if (doubleQuotes[1] > 0 && (doubleQuotes[1] < singleQuotes[1] || singleQuotes[1] < 0) && (doubleQuotes[1] < comment[1] || comment[1] < 0 )){
		nquotes <- length(doubleQuotes)
		if (nquotes < 2) stop("unbalanced quotes")
#		where[(where > doubleQuotes[1]) & (where < doubleQuotes[2])] <- NA
		for(i in seq(nquotes/2))
		    where[(where > doubleQuotes[2 * i - 1]) & (where < doubleQuotes[2 * i])] <- NA
		where <- na.omit(where)
	else if (comment > 0){
		where[where > comment] <- NA
		where <- na.omit(where)
	if (length(where) == 0) return(cmd)
	where2 <- where[where <= width]
	where2 <- if (length(where2) == 0) where[1]
			else where2[length(where2)]
	paste(substr(cmd, 1, where2), "\n  ", 
			Recall(substr(cmd, where2 + 1, nchar(cmd)), width, at), sep="")

# the following function sorts names containing numerals "more naturally" than does sort()

sortVarNames <- function(x){
	sort.helper <- function(x){
		prefix <- strsplit(x, "[0-9]+")
		prefix <- sapply(prefix, "[", 1)
		prefix[is.na(prefix)] <- ""
		suffix <- strsplit(x, "[^0-9]+")
		suffix <- as.numeric(sapply(suffix, "[", 2))
		suffix[is.na(suffix)] <- -Inf
		remainder <- sub("[^0-9]+", "", x)
		remainder <- sub("[0-9]+", "", remainder)
		if (all (remainder == "")) list(prefix, suffix)
		else c(list(prefix, suffix), Recall(remainder))
	ord <- do.call("order", sort.helper(x))

# to load packages

Library <- function(package, pos=4){
	loaded <- search()
	loaded <- loaded[grep("^package:", loaded)]
	loaded <- sub("^package:", "", loaded)
	if (!getRcmdr("suppress.X11.warnings")){
		messages.connection <- file(open="w+")
		sink(messages.connection, type="message")
	if (!(package %in% loaded)){
		command <- paste("library(", package, ", pos=", pos, ")", sep="")
		result <- try(eval(parse(text=command), envir=.GlobalEnv), silent=TRUE)
		if (class(result)[1] ==  "try-error"){
			Message(message=paste(strsplit(result, ":")[[1]][2]), type="error")
	else return(invisible(NULL))

# to merge data frames by rows

mergeRows <- function(X, Y, common.only=FALSE, ...){

mergeRows.data.frame <- function(X, Y, common.only=FALSE, ...){
	cols1 <- names(X)
	cols2 <- names(Y)
	if (common.only){
		common <- intersect(cols1, cols2)
		rbind(X[, common], Y[, common])
	else {
		all <- union(cols1, cols2)
		miss1 <- setdiff(all, cols1)
		miss2 <- setdiff(all, cols2)
		X[, miss1] <- NA
		Y[, miss2] <- NA
		rbind(X, Y)

# start help system

startHelp <- function(){

# dialog memory support

putDialog <- function (dialog, values=NULL, resettable=TRUE){
	if (resettable){
		dialog.values <- getRcmdr("dialog.values")
		dialog.values[[dialog]] <- values
		putRcmdr("dialog.values", dialog.values)
		dialog.values <- getRcmdr("dialog.values.noreset")
		dialog.values[[dialog]] <- values
		putRcmdr("dialog.values.noreset", dialog.values)

getDialog <- function(dialog, defaults=NULL){
	values <- getRcmdr("dialog.values.noreset")[[dialog]]
	if (getRcmdr("retain.selections") && !is.null(values)) return(values)
	values <- getRcmdr("dialog.values")[[dialog]]
	if (!getRcmdr("retain.selections") || is.null(values)) return(defaults)
	else return (values)

varPosn <- function(variables, type=c("all", "factor", "numeric", "nonfactor", "twoLevelFactor")){
	if (is.null(variables)) return(NULL)
	type <- match.arg(type)
	vars <- switch(type,
			all = Variables(),
			factor = Factors(),
			numeric = Numeric(),
			nonfactor = setdiff(Variables(), Factors()),
			twoLevelFactor = TwoLevelFactors()
	if (any(!variables %in% vars)) NULL
	else apply(outer(variables, vars, "=="), 1, which) - 1

flushDialogMemory <- function(what){
	if (missing(what)) putRcmdr("dialog.values", list())
		dialog.values <- getRcmdr("dialog.values")
		dialog.values.noreset <- getRcmdr("dialog.values.noreset")
		for (dialog in what){
			dialog.values[dialog] <- NULL
			dialog.values.noreset[dialog] <- NULL
		putRcmdr("dialog.values", dialog.values)
		putRcmdr("dialog.values.noreset", dialog.values.noreset)

# for assignments to the global environment

gassign <- function(x, value){
    if (!(is.valid.name(x))) stop("argument x not a valid R name")
    G <- .GlobalEnv
    assign(x, value, envir=G)

# because it's no longer possible to access these functions from their packages:

# from car:

coef.multinom <- function (object, ...) 
    # the following from nnet:
    cf <- function (object, ...) 
        r <- length(object$vcoefnames)
        if (length(object$lev) == 2L) {
            coef <- object$wts[1L + (1L:r)]
            names(coef) <- object$vcoefnames
        else {
            coef <- matrix(object$wts, nrow = object$n[3L], byrow = TRUE)[, 
                                                                          1L + (1L:r), drop = FALSE]
            if (length(object$lev)) 
                dimnames(coef) <- list(object$lev, object$vcoefnames)
            if (length(object$lab)) 
                dimnames(coef) <- list(object$lab, object$vcoefnames)
            coef <- coef[-1L, , drop = FALSE]
    b <- cf(object, ...)
    cn <- colnames(b)
    rn <- rownames(b)
    b <- as.vector(t(b))
    names(b) <- as.vector(outer(cn, rn, function(c, r) paste(r, 
                                                             c, sep = ":")))

# from MASS:

confint.glm <- function (object, parm, level = 0.95, trace = FALSE, ...) 
    pnames <- names(coef(object))
    if (missing(parm)) 
        parm <- seq_along(pnames)
    else if (is.character(parm)) 
        parm <- match(parm, pnames, nomatch = 0L)
    message("Waiting for profiling to be done...")
    object <- profile(object, which = parm, alpha = (1 - level)/4, 
                      trace = trace)
    confint(object, parm = parm, level = level, trace = trace, 

tkfocus <- function(...) tcl("focus", ...)

tkspinbox <- function(parent, ...) tkwidget(parent, "spinbox", ...)

# the following two functions adapted from Milan Bouchet-Valat

WindowsP <- function() {
    .Platform$OS.type == "windows"

X11P <- function(){
    .Platform$GUI == "X11"

suppressMarkdown <- function(command){
    attr(command, "suppressRmd") <- TRUE

Try the Rcmdr2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Rcmdr2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 p.m.