
## ##############################################################################

sample.variogram <- 
    xy.angle.def = c( 0., 180. ),
    xz.angle.def = c( 0., 180. ),
    max.lag = Inf,
    estimator = c( "qn", "mad", "matheron", "ch" ),
    mean.angle = TRUE
  # purpose:          function computes the sample variogram of response
  #                   by various (non-)robust estimators
  # author:           A. Papritz
  # date:             2012-04-13
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  estimator <- match.arg( estimator )
  # pad missing coordinates
  if( ( ndim <- NCOL( locations ) ) < 3 ){
    locations <- cbind( 
      matrix( 0., nrow = NROW( locations ), ncol = 3 - NCOL( locations ) )
  colnames( locations ) <- c( "x", "y", "z" )
  # compute lag vectors for all pairs of coordinates
  indices.pairs <- combn( NROW( locations ), 2 )
  lag.vectors <- locations[ indices.pairs[2,], ] - locations[ indices.pairs[1,], ]
  # reflect lag vectors onto half circle
  neg.x <- lag.vectors[, 1] < 0.
  lag.vectors[neg.x, 1] <- -lag.vectors[neg.x, 1]
  lag.vectors[neg.x, 2] <- -lag.vectors[neg.x, 2]
  lag.vectors[neg.x, 3] <- -lag.vectors[neg.x, 3]
  # compute pairwise differences of responses
  t.diff <- response[indices.pairs[2,]] - response[indices.pairs[1,]]
  # compute Euclidean distances
  t.dist <- sqrt( rowSums( lag.vectors^2 ) )
  # compute angles in xy- and xz-planes
  xy.angle <- -( atan2( lag.vectors[,2], lag.vectors[,1] ) - pi/2. ) / pi * 180.
  xz.angle <- -( atan2( lag.vectors[,3], lag.vectors[,1] ) - pi/2. ) / pi * 180.

  # define lag class upper limits
  if( length( lag.class.def ) == 1 ) {
    t.lag.limits <- seq( 0, max( c( t.dist ) ) + lag.class.def, by = lag.class.def )
  } else {
    t.lag.limits <- lag.class.def
  # group the lag vectors into classes
  t.lag.class <- cut( t.dist, breaks = t.lag.limits, include.lowest = TRUE )
  xy.angle.class <- cut( xy.angle, breaks = xy.angle.def, include.lowest = TRUE )
  xz.angle.class <- cut( xz.angle, breaks = xz.angle.def, include.lowest = TRUE )
  # join first and last angle classes if end points match and there is
  # more than one angle
  # xy-plane
  n <- length( xy.angle.def )
  d <- diff( xy.angle.def )
  xy.angle.mid.class <- 0.5 * ( xy.angle.def[-1] + xy.angle.def[-n] )
    n > 2 &&
    identical( xy.angle.def[1], 0. ) && 
    identical( xy.angle.def[n], 180. ) &&
    !all( d[1] == d[-1] )
    nb <- 2
    right <- TRUE
    include.lowest <- TRUE
    dig.lab <- 3
    breaks <- c( -diff( xy.angle.def[(n-1):n] ), xy.angle.def[2] )
    for (dig in dig.lab:max(12, dig.lab)) {
      ch.br <- formatC(breaks, digits = dig, width = 1)
      if (ok <- all(ch.br[-1L] != ch.br[-nb])) 
    labels <- if(ok){
        } else {
        }, ch.br[-nb], ",", ch.br[-1L], 
        if (right){ 
        } else {
        }, sep = ""
    } else {
      paste( "Range", seq_len(nb - 1L), sep = "_")
      if( ok && include.lowest ){
        if (right)  substr(labels[1L], 1L, 1L) <- "["
        else substring( labels[nb - 1L], nchar(labels[nb - 1L], "c")) <- "]"
    levels( xy.angle.class )[c( 1, nlevels( xy.angle.class )) ] <- labels
    xy.angle.mid.class[1] <- xy.angle.mid.class[1] - (180 - xy.angle.mid.class[n-1])
    xy.angle.mid.class <- xy.angle.mid.class[-(n-1)]
  # xz-plane
  n <- length(xz.angle.def)
  d <- diff( xz.angle.def )
  xz.angle.mid.class <- 0.5 * ( xz.angle.def[-1] + xz.angle.def[-n] )
    n > 2 &&
    identical( xz.angle.def[1], 0. ) && 
    identical( xz.angle.def[n], 180. ) &&
    !all( d[1] == d[-1] )
    nb <- 2
    right <- TRUE
    include.lowest <- TRUE
    dig.lab <- 3
    breaks <- c( -diff( xz.angle.def[(n-1):n] ), xz.angle.def[2] )
    for (dig in dig.lab:max(12, dig.lab)) {
      ch.br <- formatC(breaks, digits = dig, width = 1)
      if (ok <- all(ch.br[-1L] != ch.br[-nb])) 
    labels <- if(ok){
        } else {
        }, ch.br[-nb], ",", ch.br[-1L], 
        if (right){ 
        } else {
        }, sep = ""
    } else {
      paste( "Range", seq_len(nb - 1L), sep = "_")
      if( ok && include.lowest ){
        if (right)  substr(labels[1L], 1L, 1L) <- "["
        else substring( labels[nb - 1L], nchar(labels[nb - 1L], "c")) <- "]"
    levels( xz.angle.class )[c( 1, nlevels( xz.angle.class )) ] <- labels
    xz.angle.mid.class[1] <- xz.angle.mid.class[1] - (180 - xz.angle.mid.class[n-1])
    xz.angle.mid.class <- xz.angle.mid.class[-(n-1)]
  t.classes <- list( t.lag.class, xy.angle.class, xz.angle.class )
  # compute mean distance, mean lag vector, angle classes and and number of
  # pairs per class
  lag.mean <- as.vector( tapply(
  xy.angle.mean <- as.vector( tapply(
  xz.angle.mean <- as.vector( tapply(
  xy.angle.centre <- as.vector( tapply(
      function( x ) unique( x )
  xz.angle.centre <- as.vector( tapply(
      function( x ) unique( x )
  xy.angle.centre[!is.na(xy.angle.centre)] <- 
    levels( xy.angle.class )[xy.angle.centre[!is.na(xy.angle.centre)]]
  xz.angle.centre[!is.na(xz.angle.centre)] <- 
    levels( xz.angle.class )[xz.angle.centre[!is.na(xz.angle.centre)]]
  t.lag.npairs <- as.vector( table( t.classes ) )
  t.lag.select <- lag.mean <= max.lag
  # compute semivariance per class
  if( estimator %in% c( "mad", "qn" ) ) {
    if( estimator == "mad" ) { 
      t.gamma <- as.vector( tapply( 
          mad, center = 0 
    } else {
      t.gamma <- as.vector( tapply( 
          Qn, finite.corr = TRUE
    t.gamma <- 0.5 * c( t.gamma )^2
  } else if ( estimator == "ch" ) {
    t.gamma <- as.vector( tapply( 
        function( x ) 0.5 * mean( sqrt(abs(x)) )^4 / ( 0.457+0.494/length(x) )
  } else if( estimator == "matheron" ) {
    t.gamma <- as.vector( tapply( 
        function( x ) 0.5 * mean( x^2 )
  # collect results
  t.sel <- t.lag.npairs > 0 & lag.mean <= max.lag
  r.result <- data.frame(
    lag.dist = lag.mean[ t.sel],
    xy.angle = factor( xy.angle.centre[ t.sel ], levels = levels( xy.angle.class ) ),
    xz.angle = factor( xz.angle.centre[ t.sel ], levels = levels( xz.angle.class ) ),
    gamma = t.gamma[ t.sel ],
    npairs = t.lag.npairs[ t.sel ]
  # compute lag vectors
  # center of circle sectors
  if( mean.angle ){
    # mean angle of lag pairs
    t.aux <- r.result[["lag.dist"]] * sin( xz.angle.mean[t.sel] / 180. * pi )
    r.result[["lag.x"]] <- t.aux * sin( xy.angle.mean[t.sel] / 180. * pi )
    r.result[["lag.y"]] <- t.aux * cos( xy.angle.mean[t.sel] / 180. * pi )
    r.result[["lag.z"]] <- r.result[["lag.dist"]] * cos( xz.angle.mean[t.sel] / 180. * pi )
  } else {
    t.aux <- r.result[["lag.dist"]] * sin( xz.angle.mid.class[ as.integer( r.result[["xz.angle"]] ) ] / 180. * pi )
    r.result[["lag.x"]] <- t.aux * sin( xy.angle.mid.class[ as.integer( r.result[["xy.angle"]] ) ] / 180. * pi )
    r.result[["lag.y"]] <- t.aux * cos( xy.angle.mid.class[ as.integer( r.result[["xy.angle"]] ) ] / 180. * pi )
    r.result[["lag.z"]] <- r.result[["lag.dist"]] * 
      cos( xz.angle.mid.class[ as.integer( r.result[["xz.angle"]] ) ] / 180. * pi )
  class( r.result) <-  c( "sample.variogram", "data.frame" )
  attr( r.result, "ndim")                <- ndim
  attr( r.result, "lag.class.def")       <- lag.class.def
  attr( r.result, "xy.angle.mid.class")  <- xy.angle.mid.class
  attr( r.result, "xz.angle.mid.class")  <- xz.angle.mid.class
  attr( r.result, "estimator" )          <- estimator
  return( r.result )  

## ##############################################################################

summary.sample.variogram <- 
  function( object, ... )
  ## Summary method for class summary.sample.variogram
  ## 2012-11-12 A. Papritz
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  ans <- object[c( "lag.dist", "npairs", "xy.angle", "xz.angle" ) ]
  attr( ans, "estimator" ) <- attr( object, "estimator" )
  class( ans ) <- "summary.sample.variogram"
  return( ans )

## ##############################################################################

print.summary.sample.variogram <- 
    x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...
  ## Print method for class summary.sample.variogram
  ## 2012-11-12 A. Papritz
  ## 2012-12-18 AP invisible(x)
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  cat( "\nSample variogram estimator:", attr( x, "estimator" ), "\n" )
  cat( "\nSummary of lag distances\n" )
  print( summary( x[["lag.dist"]] ) )
  cat( "\nSummary of number of pairs per lag and distance classes\n" )
  print( summary( x[["npairs"]] ) )
  cat( "\nAngle classes in xy-plane:", levels( x[["xy.angle"]] ), "\n" )
  cat( "Angle classes in xz-plane:", levels( x[["xz.angle"]] ), "\n" )
  invisible( x )

## ##############################################################################

plot.sample.variogram <- 
    type = "p", add = FALSE, 
    xlim = c( 0., max( x[["lag.dist"]] ) ),
    ylim = c( 0, 1.1 * max( x[["gamma"]] ) ),
    cex = 0.8,
    xlab = "lag distance", ylab = "semivariance",
    annotate.npairs = FALSE,
    npairs.pos = 3, npairs.cex = 0.7,
    legend = nlevels( x[["xy.angle"]] ) > 1 || nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) > 1,
    legend.pos = "topleft",
  ## Plot method for class sample.variogram
  ## 2012-12-12 A. Papritz
  ## 2012-12-21 AP correction for using col and pch
  ## 2013-05-12 AP correction for using ...
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  if( !add ) plot( 
    gamma ~ lag.dist, x, type = "n",
    xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...
  if( missing( col ) ){
    col <- 1:nlevels( x[["xy.angle"]] )
  } else if( length( col ) < nlevels( x[["xy.angle"]] ) ) stop(
    "number of colors less than number of directions in x-y-plane for which semivariances were computed"
  if( missing( pch ) ){
    pch <- 1:nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] )
  } else if( length( pch ) < nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) ) stop(
    "number of colors less than number of directions in x-z-plane for which semivariances were computed"
    1:nrow( x ),
    list( x[["xy.angle"]], x[["xz.angle"]] ),
    function( i, x, type, col, pch, cex ){
        gamma ~ lag.dist, x, subset = i, 
        type = type,
        col = col[as.numeric(x[i, "xy.angle"])],
        pch = pch[as.numeric(x[i, "xz.angle"])], 
        cex = cex
    x = x, type = type, col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex
  if( annotate.npairs ){
      text( lag.dist, gamma, npairs, pos = npairs.pos, cex = npairs.cex, col = col ) 
  if( legend ){
      x = legend.pos, bty = "n", 
      col = c( 
        1:nlevels( x[["xy.angle"]] ), 
        if( nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) > 1 ) rep( 1, nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) ) 
      pch = c( 
        rep( 1, nlevels( x[["xy.angle"]] ) ), 
        if( nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) > 1 ) 1:nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) 
      legend = c( 
        paste( "xy.angle:", levels( x[["xy.angle"]] ) ), 
        if( nlevels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) > 1 ) paste( "xz.angle:", levels( x[["xz.angle"]] ) )
      pt.cex = cex
  invisible( x )

## ##############################################################################

fit.variogram.model <-
    variogram.model = c( "RMexp", "RMbessel", "RMcauchy", 
      "RMcircular", "RMcubic", "RMdagum", "RMdampedcos", "RMdewijsian", "RMfbm",
      "RMgauss", "RMgenfbm", "RMgencauchy", "RMgengneiting", "RMgneiting", "RMlgd",
      "RMmatern", "RMpenta", "RMaskey", "RMqexp", "RMspheric", "RMstable",
      "RMwave", "RMwhittle"
    fit.param = c( 
      variance = TRUE, snugget = FALSE, nugget = TRUE, scale = TRUE, 
      alpha = FALSE, beta = FALSE, delta = FALSE, 
      gamma = FALSE, kappa = FALSE, lambda = FALSE, mu = FALSE, nu = FALSE
    )[ names(param) ],
    aniso = c( f1 = 1., f2 = 1., omega = 90., phi = 90., zeta = 0. ),
    fit.aniso = c( f1 = FALSE, f2 = FALSE, omega = FALSE, phi = FALSE, zeta = FALSE ),
    max.lag = max( sv[["lag.dist"]] ),
    min.npairs = 30,
    weighting.method = c(  "cressie", "equal", "npairs"),
    hessian = TRUE,
    verbose = 0,
  ## Function to fit a variogram model to a sample variogram generated by
  ## sample.variogram
  ## 2012-12-10 A. Papritz
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  ## 2014-05-15 AP changes for version 3 of RandomFields
  ## auxiliary function called by optim to compute objective function
  f.aux <- 
      adjustable.param, envir, variogram.model, fixed.param, param.name, aniso.name,
      isotropic, param.tf, bwd.tf, lag.vectors, gamma, npairs, 
      weighting.method, verbose
    ## transform variogram and anisotropy parameters back to original scale
    param <- c( adjustable.param, fixed.param )[param.name]
    param <- sapply(
      function( x, param.tf, param ) bwd.tf[[param.tf[x]]]( param[x] ),
      param.tf = param.tf,
      param = param
    names( param ) <- param.name
    aniso <- c( adjustable.param, fixed.param )[aniso.name]
    aniso <- sapply(
      function( x, param.tf, param ) bwd.tf[[param.tf[x]]]( param[x] ),
      param.tf = param.tf,
      param = aniso
    names( aniso ) <- aniso.name
    ## check whether extra variogram parameters are within allowed bounds and
    ## return an error otherwise
    ep <- param.names( model = variogram.model )
    param.bounds <- param.bounds( variogram.model, NCOL( lag.vectors ) )
    ep.param <- param[ep]
    if( !is.null( param.bounds ) ) t.bla <- sapply(
      1:length( ep.param ),
      function( i, param, bounds ){
        if( param[i] < bounds[[i]][1] || param[i] > bounds[[i]][2] ) cat(
          "value of parameter '", names( param[i] ), "' outside of allowed range", sep = "" 
        return( NA_real_ )
      param = ep.param,
      bounds = param.bounds
    ## update param.aniso.item
    param.aniso.item <- get( "param.aniso.item", pos = as.environment( envir ) )
    param.aniso.item[["param"]] <- param
    param.aniso.item[["aniso"]][["aniso"]] <- aniso
    param.aniso.item[["aniso"]][["sincos"]] <- list(
      co = unname( cos( aniso["omega"] ) ),
      so = unname( sin( aniso["omega"] ) ),
      cp = unname( cos( aniso["phi"] ) ),
      sp = unname( sin( aniso["phi"] ) ),
      cz = unname( cos( aniso["zeta"] ) ),
      sz = unname( sin( aniso["zeta"] ) )
    param.aniso.item[["aniso"]][["rotmat"]] <- with( 
        c(             sp*so,             sp*co,       cp ),
        c( -cz*co + sz*cp*so,  co*sz*cp + cz*so,   -sp*sz ),
        c( -co*sz - cz*cp*so, -cz*co*cp + sz*so,    cz*sp )
    param.aniso.item[["aniso"]][["sclmat"]] <- with(
      1. / c( 1., aniso[ c("f1", "f2") ] )
    ## output parameters
    t.param <- param
    if( !isotropic ) t.param <- c( t.param, param.aniso.item[["aniso"]][["aniso"]] )
    if( verbose > 0 ) {
          signif( t.param[names( adjustable.param)], digits = 7 ),
          scientific = TRUE, width = 14 ),
        sep = ""
    ## compute the semivariance
    t.model <- compute.semivariance(
      variogram.model, param, param.aniso.item[["aniso"]] 
    if( identical( class( t.model ), "try-error" ) || any( is.na( t.model ) ) ){
      if( verbose > 1 ) cat( "\nan error occurred when computing semivariances\n" )
      return( NA )
    ## compute weights
    t.weights <- rep( 1., nrow( lag.vectors ) )
    if( weighting.method != "equal" ) t.weights <- npairs
    if( weighting.method == "cressie" ) t.weights <- t.weights / t.model^2
    ##  ... and compute the objective function that is minimized
    t.res <- gamma - t.model
    sse <- sum( t.weights * t.res^2 )
    if( verbose > 0 ) cat(
        signif( sse, digits = 7 ),
        scientific = TRUE, width = 14
      ), "\n", sep = ""
    ## store copies of model semivariance, residuals and weights
    param.aniso.item[["fitted"]] <- t.model
    param.aniso.item[["residuals"]] <- t.res
    param.aniso.item[["weights"]] <- t.weights
    ## store param.aniso.item
    assign( "param.aniso.item", param.aniso.item, pos = as.environment( envir ) )
    return( sse )
  ## match arguments
  cl <- match.call()

  variogram.model <- match.arg( variogram.model )  
  weighting.method = match.arg( weighting.method )
  ## set snugget to zero if snugget has not been specified or if there are
  ## no replicated observations
  if( !"snugget" %in% names( param ) ){
    param["snugget"] <- 0.
    fit.param["snugget"] <- FALSE
  ##  check whether fitting of chosen variogram model is implemented and
  ##  return names of extra parameters (if any)
  ep <- param.names( model = variogram.model )
  ## check names of initial variogram parameters and flags for fitting
  param.name <- c( "variance", "snugget", "nugget", "scale", ep )
  if( !all( names( param ) %in% param.name ) ) stop( 
    "error in names of initial values of variogram parameters" 
  if( !all( param.name  %in% names( param ) ) ) stop( 
    "no initial values provided for parameter(s) '", 
    param.name[ !param.name %in% names( param ) ], "'"
  if( !all( names( fit.param ) %in% param.name ) ) stop( 
    "error in names of control flags for fitting variogram parameters" 
  if( length( param ) != length( fit.param ) || 
    !all( names( fit.param ) %in% names( param ) )
  ) stop( 
    "names of variogram parameters and control flags for fitting do not match" 
  if( !all( is.numeric( param ) ) ) stop(
    "initial values of variogram parameters must be of mode 'numeric'"
  if( !all( is.logical( fit.param ) ) ) stop(
    "fitting control flags of variogram parameters must be of mode 'logical'"
  ##  rearrange initial variogram parameters
  param <- param[param.name]
  ## check whether intitial values of variogram parameters are valid
  if( param["variance"] < 0. ) stop("initial value of 'variance' must be positive" )
  if( param["snugget"] < 0. )  stop("initial value of 'snugget' must be positive" )
  if( param["nugget"] < 0. ) stop("initial value of 'nugget' must be positive" )
  if( param["scale"] <= 0. ) stop("initial value of 'scale' must be positive" )
  param.bounds <- param.bounds( variogram.model, attr( sv, "ndim" ) )
  ep.param <- param[ep]
  if( !is.null( param.bounds ) ) t.bla <- sapply(
    1:length( ep.param ),
    function( i, param, bounds ){
      if( param[i] < bounds[[i]][1] || param[i] > bounds[[i]][2] ) stop(
        "initial value of parameter '", names( param[i] ), "' outside of allowed range" 
    param = ep.param,
    bounds = param.bounds
  ##  rearrange and check flags controlling variogram parameter fitting 
  fit.param <- fit.param[param.name]
    variogram.model %in% (t.models <- c( "RMfbm" ) ) && 
      all( fit.param[c( "variance", "snugget", "scale" ) ] ) ||
      all( fit.param[c( "variance", "scale" ) ] ) 
  ) stop( 
    "'variance', 'scale' (and 'snugget') cannot be fitted simultaneously for variograms ",
    paste( t.models, collapse = " or "), "; \n  'scale' parameter must be fixed"
  ##  preparation for variogram parameter transformations
  all.param.tf <- param.transf()
  fwd.tf       <- fwd.transf()  
  bwd.tf       <- bwd.transf()  
  t.sel <- match( param.name, names( all.param.tf ) )
  if( any( is.na( t.sel ) ) ){
    stop( "transformation undefined for some variogram parameters" )
  } else {
    param.tf <- all.param.tf[t.sel]
  ##  transform initial variogram parameters
  transformed.param <- sapply(
    function( x, param.tf, param ) fwd.tf[[param.tf[x]]]( param[x] ),
    param.tf = param.tf,
    param = param
  names( transformed.param ) <- param.name 
  ## check whether isotropic variogram is fitted
  isotropic <- missing( aniso ) && missing( fit.aniso )
  ## check names of initial anisotropy parameters and flags for fitting
  aniso.name <- c( "f1", "f2", "omega", "phi", "zeta" )
  if( !all( names( aniso ) %in% aniso.name ) ) stop( 
    "error in names of initial values of anisotropy parameters" 
  if( !all( aniso.name  %in% names( aniso ) ) ) stop( 
    "no initial values provided for parameter(s) '", 
    aniso.name[ !aniso.name %in% names( aniso ) ], "'"
  if( !all( names( fit.aniso ) %in% aniso.name ) ) stop( 
    "error in names of control flags for fitting  anisotropy parameters"
  if( length( aniso ) != length( fit.aniso ) || 
    !all( names( fit.aniso ) %in% names( aniso ) )
  ) stop( 
    "names of anisotropy parameters and control flags for fitting do not match" 
  if( !all( is.numeric( aniso ) ) ) stop(
    "initial values of anisotropy parameters must be of mode 'numeric'"
  if( !all( is.logical( fit.aniso ) ) ) stop(
    "fitting control flags of anisotropy parameters must be of mode 'logical'"
  ##  rearrange initial anisotropy parameters
  aniso <- aniso[aniso.name]
  ## check whether intitial values of anisotropy parameters are valid
  if( aniso["f1"] < 0. ||  aniso["f1"] > 1. ) stop(
    "initial value of parameter 'f1' must be in [0, 1]" 
  if( aniso["f2"] < 0. ||  aniso["f1"] > 1. ) stop(
    "initial value of parameter 'f2' must be in [0, 1]" 
  if( aniso["omega"] < 0. ||  aniso["omega"] > 180. ) stop(
    "initial value of parameter 'omega' must be in [0, 180]" 
  if( aniso["phi"] < 0. ||  aniso["phi"] > 180. ) stop(
    "initial value of parameter 'phi' must be in [0, 180]" 
  if( aniso["zeta"] < -90. ||  aniso["zeta"] > 90. ) stop(
    "initial value of parameter 'zeta' must be in [-90, 90]" 

  ##  rearrange and check flags controlling anisotropy parameter fitting 
  fit.aniso <- fit.aniso[aniso.name]
  ##  preparation for anisotropy parameter transformations
  t.sel <- match( aniso.name, names( all.param.tf ) )
  if( any( is.na( t.sel ) ) ){
    stop( "transformation undefined for some anisotropy parameters" )
  } else {
    aniso.tf <- all.param.tf[t.sel]
  ##  convert angles to radian
  aniso[c("omega", "phi", "zeta" )] <- aniso[c("omega", "phi", "zeta" )] / 180 * pi
  ##  transform initial anisotropy parameters
  transformed.aniso <- sapply(
    function( x, param.tf, param ){
      fwd.tf[[param.tf[x]]]( param[x] )
    param.tf = aniso.tf,
    param = aniso
  names( transformed.aniso ) <- aniso.name 
  param.tf <- c( param.tf, aniso.tf )
  ## scaling factor for parameters
  ## select lag distances that are used for fitting
  t.lag.select <- sv[["lag.dist"]] <= max.lag & sv[["npairs"]] >= min.npairs
  if( verbose > 0 ) cat( 
      c( param.name[fit.param], aniso.name[fit.aniso], "sse" ),
      width = 14, justify= "right"
    ), "\n", sep = ""
  ##  create environment to store items required to compute likelihood and
  ##  estimating equations that are provided by
  ##  prepare.likelihood.calculations
  envir <- new.env()
  ##  initialize values of variogram parameters stored in the environment
  param.aniso.item <- list(
    param = rep( -1., length( param.name ) ),
    aniso = list(
      isotropic = isotropic,
      aniso = rep( -1., length( aniso.name ) ),
      fit.aniso = fit.aniso
  assign( "param.aniso.item", param.aniso.item, pos = as.environment( envir ) )
  ## fit the model
  r.fit <- optim(
    par = c( 
      transformed.param[ fit.param ], 
      transformed.aniso[ fit.aniso ] 
    fn = f.aux,
    hessian = hessian,
    envir = envir,
    variogram.model = variogram.model,
    fixed.param = c( 
      transformed.param[ !fit.param ], 
      transformed.aniso[ !fit.aniso ]
    param.name = param.name, 
    aniso.name = aniso.name,
    isotropic = isotropic,
    param.tf = param.tf,
    bwd.tf = bwd.tf,
    lag.vectors = as.matrix(
      sv[t.lag.select, c( "lag.x", "lag.y", "lag.z" )]
    gamma = sv[["gamma"]][t.lag.select],
    npairs = sv[["npairs"]][t.lag.select],
    weighting.method = weighting.method,
    verbose = verbose
  ## get param.aniso.item
  param.aniso.item <- get( "param.aniso.item", pos = as.environment( envir ) )
  param <- param.aniso.item[["param"]]
  aniso <- param.aniso.item[["aniso"]][["aniso"]]
  ## collect results
  r.result <- list(
    sse = r.fit[["value"]],
    variogram.model = variogram.model,
    param = param.aniso.item[["param"]], fit.param = fit.param,
    aniso = param.aniso.item[["aniso"]],
    param.tf = param.tf,
    fwd.tf = fwd.tf,
    bwd.tf = bwd.tf,
    converged = if( sum( c( fit.param, fit.aniso ) ) == 0 ){ 
    } else {
      r.fit[["convergence"]] == 0
    convergence.code = r.fit[["convergence"]],      
    iter = r.fit[["counts"]],
    call = cl,
    residuals = param.aniso.item[["residuals"]],
    fitted = param.aniso.item[["fitted"]],
    weights = param.aniso.item[["weights"]]
  if( hessian ) r.result[["hessian"]] <- r.fit[["hessian"]]
  class( r.result ) <- "fitted.variogram"
  attr( r.result, "lag.class.def" )      <- attr( sv, "lag.class.def" )
  attr( r.result, "xy.angle.mid.class" ) <- attr( sv, "xy.angle.mid.class" )
  attr( r.result, "xz.angle.mid.class" ) <- attr( sv, "xz.angle.mid.class" )
  return( r.result )

## ##############################################################################

print.fitted.variogram <- 
    x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...
  ## print method for fitted.variogram
  ## 2012-04-13 A. Papritz
  ## 2012-12-18 AP invisible(x)
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  cat( "Variogram: ", x[["variogram.model"]], "\n" )
  param <- x[["param"]]
  names( param ) <- ifelse(
    names( param ),
    paste( names( param ), "(fixed)", sep = "" )
    format( param, digits = digits ), print.gap = 2, 
    quote = FALSE
  ## print anisotropy parameters
  if( !x[["aniso"]][["isotropic"]] ){
    cat( "Anisotropy parameters: ", "\n" )
    aniso <- x[["aniso"]][["aniso"]] * c( rep(1, 2), rep( 180/pi, 3 ) )
    names( aniso ) <- ifelse(
      names( aniso ),
      paste( names( aniso ), "(fixed)", sep = "" )
      format( aniso, digits = digits ), print.gap = 2, 
      quote = FALSE
  invisible( x )

## ##############################################################################

summary.fitted.variogram <- 
  function (
    object, correlation = FALSE,
    signif = 0.95,
  ## summary method for fitted.variogram
  ## 2012-12-10 A. Papritz
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists

  ans <- object[c(
    "call", "residuals", "weights", "converged", "convergence.code", 
    "iter", "sse", "variogram.model", "fit.param"
  if( !object[["aniso"]][["isotropic"]] ) ans[["fit.param"]] <- c( 
    ans[["fit.param"]], object[["aniso"]][["fit.aniso"]]
  ans[["param"]] <- as.matrix( object[["param"]], ncol = 1 )
  if( !object[["aniso"]][["isotropic"]] ) ans[["param"]] <- rbind( 
    as.matrix( object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]], ncol = 1 ) * c( rep( 1, 2 ), rep( 180/pi, 3 ) )
  colnames( ans[["param"]] ) <- "Estimate"
  ## compute confidence intervals of variogram parameters from observed
  ## Fisher information matrix (Gaussian REML only)
  if( !is.null( object[["hessian"]] ) ){
    ## initialization
    cor.tf.param <- cov.tf.param <- matrix( 
      NA, nrow = nrow( object[["hessian"]] ), ncol = nrow( object[["hessian"]] ),
      dimnames = dimnames( object[["hessian"]] )
    se <- rep( NA, nrow( object[["hessian"]] ) )
    names( se ) <- rownames( object[["hessian"]])
    ci <- matrix( NA, nrow = nrow( ans[["param"]] ), ncol = 2 )
    colnames( ci ) <- c( "Lower", "Upper" )
    rownames( ci ) <- rownames( ans[["param"]] )
    ## select parameters that are not on boundary of parameter space
    sr  <- !apply( object[["hessian"]], 1, function( x ) all( is.na( x ) ) )
    if( sum( sr ) > 0 ){
      t.chol <- try( chol( object[["hessian"]][sr, sr] ), silent = TRUE )
      if( !identical( class( t.chol ), "try-error" ) ){
        ## compute covariance matrix of fitted transformed parameters
        cov.tf.param[sr, sr] <- chol2inv( t.chol )
        ## correlation matrix and standard errors of fitted transformed
        ## parameters
        cor.tf.param[sr, sr] <- cov2cor( cov.tf.param[sr, sr] )
        se[sr] <- sqrt( diag( cov.tf.param )[sr] )
        ## compute confidence interval on original scale of parameters
        sel.names <- names( object[["param"]][object[["fit.param"]]] )
        if( !object[["aniso"]][["isotropic"]] ) sel.names <- c( 
          names( object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]][object[["aniso"]][["fit.aniso"]]] )
        sel.names <- sel.names[sr]
        ff <- c( rep( 1, length( object[["param"]] ) + 2 ), rep( 180/pi, 3 ) )
        names( ff ) <- names( c( object[["param"]], object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]] ) )
        ci[sel.names, ] <- t( 
            function( x, param, f, se, param.tf, trafo.fct, inv.trafo.fct ){
                trafo.fct[[param.tf[x]]]( param[x] ) + 
                c(-1, 1) * se[x] * qnorm( (1-signif)/2, lower.tail = FALSE ) 
            param         = c( object[["param"]], object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]] ),
            f             = ff,
            se            = se,
            param.tf      = object[["param.tf"]],
            trafo.fct     = object[["fwd.tf"]],
            inv.trafo.fct = object[["bwd.tf"]]
        is.angle <- rownames( ci ) %in% c( "omega", "phi", "zeta" )
        if( sum(is.angle) > 0 ) ci[is.angle, ] <- ci[is.angle, ] * 180/pi
        ans[["param"]] <- cbind( ans[["param"]], ci )
        if( correlation ) ans[["cor.tf.param"]] <- cor.tf.param
      } else {
          "Hessian not positive definite:",
          "\nconfidence intervals of variogram parameters cannot be computed"        
  class( ans ) <- c( "summary.fitted.variogram" )

## ##############################################################################

print.summary.fitted.variogram <- 
  function (
    x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
    signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
  ## print.summary method for fitted.variogram
  ## 2012-04-13 A. Papritz
  ## 2012-12-18 AP invisible(x)
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  cat( paste( deparse(x[["call"]]), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),  "\n", sep = "" )
  if( is.na( x[["converged"]] ) ){
    cat( "\nEstimation with fixed variogram parameters\n" )
  } else {
    if(!(x[["converged"]])) {
        "\nAlgorithm did not converge, diagnostic code: ", 
        x[["convergence.code"]], "\n"
    } else {
        "\nConvergence in", x[["iter"]][1], "function and", 
        x[["iter"]][2], "Jacobian/gradient evaluations\n"
      "\nResidual Sum of Squares:", 
      x[["sse"]], "\n"
  resid <- x[["residuals"]]
  cat( "\nResiduals (epsilon):\n")
  nam <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
  rq <- structure( quantile(resid), names = nam )
  print( rq, digits = digits, ...)
  cat( "\nVariogram: ", x[["variogram.model"]], "\n" )
  rownames( x[["param"]] ) <- ifelse(
    rownames( x[["param"]] ),
    paste( rownames( x[["param"]] ), "(fixed)", sep = "" )
    x[["param"]], digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE, ...
  if( !is.null( x[["cor.tf.param"]] ) ){
    correl <- x[["cor.tf.param"]]
    p <- NCOL(correl)
    if( p > 1 ){
      cat("\nCorrelation of (transformed) variogram parameters:\n")
      correl <- format(round(correl, 2), nsmall = 2, 
        digits = digits)
      correl[!lower.tri(correl)] <- ""
      print(correl[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)
  invisible( x )

## ##############################################################################
plot.georob <- 
    x, type, what = c("variogram", "covariance", "correlation"),
    plot.sv = TRUE, add = FALSE,
    xy.angle.def = c( 0., 180. ),
    xz.angle.def = c( 0., 180. ),
    max.lag = Inf,
    estimator = c( "mad", "qn", "ch", "matheron" ),
    mean.angle = TRUE,
    col, pch, lty = "solid", ...    
  ## Function plots the graph of a variogram fitted by f.georob
  ## 2012-12-11 A. Papritz
  ## 2012-12-21 AP correction for using col and pch 
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  ## 2014-05-08 AP changes for plotting covariances and correlations
  x[["na.action"]] <- NULL
  estimator <- match.arg( estimator )
  what <- match.arg( what )
  if( what != "variogram" ) plot.sv <- FALSE
  ## compute sample variogram
  r.sv <- sample.variogram(
    response = residuals( x, level = 0 ), 
    locations = x[["locations.objects"]][["coordinates"]],
    lag.class.def = lag.class.def,
    xy.angle.def = xy.angle.def, 
    xz.angle.def = xz.angle.def,
    max.lag = max.lag,
    estimator = estimator,
    mean.angle = mean.angle
  ## plot sample variogram
  if( missing( type ) ){
    type <- if( plot.sv ){
    } else {
  if( missing( col ) ){
    col <- 1:nlevels( r.sv[["xy.angle"]] )
  } else if( length( col ) < nlevels( r.sv[["xy.angle"]] ) ) stop(
    "number of colors less than number of directions in x-y-plane for which semivariances are computed"
  if( missing( pch ) ){
    pch <- 1:nlevels( r.sv[["xz.angle"]] )
  } else if( length( pch ) < nlevels( r.sv[["xz.angle"]] ) ) stop(
    "number of colors less than number of directions in x-z-plane for which semivariances are computed"
    variogram = plot( 
      r.sv, add = add, type = type, col = col, pch = pch, ... 
    covariance = if( "ylab" %in% names(list(...)) ) plot( 
      r.sv, add = add, type = type, col = col, pch = pch, ... 
    ) else plot( 
      r.sv, add = add, type = type, col = col, pch = pch, ylab = "covariance", ... 
    correlation = if( "ylab" %in% names(list(...)) ) plot(
      r.sv, add = add, type = type, col = col, pch = pch, ylim = c(0, 1), ... 
    ) else plot(
      r.sv, add = add, type = type, col = col, pch = pch, ylim = c(0, 1),  
      ylab = "correlation", ... 
  ## add graph of fitted variogram model
    to = max( r.sv[["lag.dist"]] ),
    xy.angle = attr( r.sv, "xy.angle.mid.class" ),
    xz.angle = attr( r.sv, "xz.angle.mid.class" ),
    col = col, pch = pch, lty = lty
  invisible( r.sv )

#  ##############################################################################

lines.georob <- lines.fitted.variogram <- 
    what = c("variogram", "covariance", "correlation"),
    from = 1.e-6, to, n = 501, 
    xy.angle = 90,
    xz.angle = 90,
    col = 1:length( xy.angle ), pch = 1:length( xz.angle ), lty = "solid", ...
  ## Function plots the graph of a variogram fitted by f.georob
  ## 2012-12-12 A. Papritz
  ## 2013-06-12 AP substituting [["x"]] for $x in all lists
  ## 2014-05-08 AP changes for plotting covariances and correlations
  what <- match.arg( what )
  if( x$variogram.model == "RMfbm" && what != "variogram" ) stop(
    "stationary covarinance and correlation does not exist for intrinsic variogram model 'RMfbm'"  
  ## generate grid of angle classes
  angle <- expand.grid(
    xy = xy.angle / 180 * pi,
    xz = xz.angle / 180 * pi
  ## set up lag distances
  if( missing( to ) ){
    u <- par( "usr" )[1:2]
    to <- (u[2] + 0.04/1.04*u[1]) / (1.04 - 0.04^2/1.04)
  lag.class <- seq( from, to, length = n )
  ## determine number of dimensions
  if( identical( class( x ), "fitted.variogram" ) ){
    ndim <- 3
  } else {
    ndim <- NCOL( x[["locations.objects"]][["coordinates"]] )
  ## loop over all angles
  t.bla <- lapply(
    1:NROW( angle ),
      i, what, angle, lag.class, 
      variogram.model, param, aniso, 
      nxy, nxz, ndim, col, pch, lty 
      ## generate lag vectors
      t.aux <- lag.class * sin( angle[i, "xz"] )
      lag.vector <- cbind(
        t.aux * sin( angle[i, "xy"] ),
        t.aux * cos( angle[i, "xy"] ),
        lag.class * cos( angle[i, "xz"] )
      ## drop unneeded components
      lag.vector <- lag.vector[, 1:ndim, drop = FALSE ]
      ## compute semivariance
      r.gamma <- compute.semivariance(
        lag.vector, variogram.model, param, aniso
      ## plot semivariance
      sel.pch <- ((i-1) %/% nxy) + 1
      sel.col <- i - (sel.pch-1) * nxy
      type <- if( nxz > 1 ) "o" else "l"
      sill <- sum( param[c("variance", "snugget", "nugget")])
      r.gamma <- switch(
        variogram = r.gamma,
        covariance = sill - r.gamma,
        correlation = (sill - r.gamma ) / sill

        lag.class, r.gamma, 
        col = col[sel.col], pch = pch[sel.pch], 
        lty = lty, type = type )
    what = what,
    angle = angle,
    lag.class = lag.class,
    variogram.model = x[["variogram.model"]],
    param = x[["param"]],
    aniso = x[["aniso"]],
    nxy = length( xy.angle ),
    nxz = length( xz.angle ),
    ndim = ndim,
    col = col, pch = pch, lty = lty
  invisible( NULL )

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