
######## Methods for restricted System of Equations

## Constructor of restricted models

setMethod("restModel", signature("slinearGmm"),
          function(object, R, rhs=NULL)
                  parNames <- paste(rep(object@eqnNames, object@k), ".",
                                    do.call("c", object@parNames), sep = "")                 
                  if (is.character(R))
                          res <- .makeHypothesis(parNames, R, rhs)
                          R <- res$R
                          rhs <- res$rhs
                      } else if (is.list(R)) {
                          nrest <- sum(sapply(R, length))
                          R2 <- numeric()
                          rhs <- numeric()
                          done <- 0
                          for (i in 1:length(R))
                              if (length(R[[i]]) == 0)
                                  R2 <- cbind(R2, matrix(0, nrest, object@k[i]))
                              } else {
                                  tmp <- .makeHypothesis(object@parNames[[i]], R[[i]], NULL)
                                  rhs <- c(rhs, tmp$rhs)
                                  tmp2 <- matrix(0, nrest, object@k[i])
                                  tmp2[(done+1):(done+length(R[[i]])),] <- tmp$R
                                  done <- done+length(R[[i]])
                                  R2 <- cbind(R2, tmp2)
                          R <- R2
                      } else {
                          if (is.null(rhs))
                              rhs <- rep(0,nrow(R))
                  neqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
                  ind <- rbind(c(1, cumsum(object@k)[-neqn]+1),
                  chk <- sapply(1:nrow(R), function(i)
                      sapply(1:neqn, function(j) any(R[i,seq(ind[1,j],ind[2,j])]!=0)))
                  res <- try(.imposeRestrict(R,rhs,parNames), silent=TRUE)
                  if (any(class(res) == "try-error"))
                      stop("Failed to construct restricted model from the provided restrictions can you simplify it?")
                  res$crossEquRest <- any(colSums(chk)>1)
                  res$eqnSelect <- ind
                  isEndo <- object@isEndo
                  rtet <- res$theta
                  isEndo <- c(crossprod(do.call("c", isEndo), rtet)) != 0
                  if (!res$crossEquRest)
                          res$k <- sapply(object@eqnNames,
                                      function(en) length(grep(en, res$newParNames)))
                          res$newParNames <- lapply(object@eqnNames, function(en)
                              gsub(paste(en,".",sep=""), "",
                                   res$newParNames[grep(en, res$newParNames)]))
                          res$n <- object@n
                          res$q <- object@q
                          res$eqnNames <- object@eqnNames
                          res$isEndo <- .tetReshape(isEndo, res$eqnNames, res$newParNames)
                      } else {
                          res$n <- object@n*length(object@eqnNames)
                          res$q <- sum(object@q)
                          res$eqnNames <- "combinedEqns"
                          names(isEndo) <- res$newParNames
                          res$isEndo <- list(isEndo)
                          res$newParNames <- list(res$newParNames)
                          names(res$isEndo) <- names(res$newParNames) <- res$eqnNames 
                  res$originParNames <- object@parNames
                  new("rslinearGmm",  cstLHS=R, cstRHS=rhs,
                      cstSpec=res, object)

## coef

          function (object, theta) 
                  spec <- modelDims(object)
                  if (!is.list(theta))
                      stop("theta must be a list")
                  if (length(theta) != length(spec$eqnNames)) 
                      stop("Wrong number of coefficients")
                  if (!object@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                          tet <- lapply(1:length(theta), function(i)
                              coef(object[i], theta[[i]]))
                          names(tet) <- object@eqnNames
                  theta <- coef(as(object, "rlinearGmm"), theta[[1]])
                  theta <- .tetReshape(theta, object@eqnNames, object@parNames)

## modelDims

setMethod("modelDims", "rslinearGmm",
          function(object) {
              res <- object@cstSpec
              list(k = res$k, q = res$q, n = res$n, parNames = res$newParNames, 
                   momNames = object@momNames, eqnNames=res$eqnNames,

## printRestrict

setMethod("printRestrict", "rslinearGmm",
              parNames <- paste(rep(object@eqnNames, object@k), ".",
                                do.call("c", object@parNames), sep = "")
              cst <- .printHypothesis(object@cstLHS, object@cstRHS, parNames)
              for (i in 1:length(cst))
                  cat("\t", cst[i], "\n")

## print

setMethod("print", "rslinearGmm", 
          function (x, ...) {
              if (!x@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                      cat("**Equation by Equation restrictions**\n")
                      for (i in 1:length(x@eqnNames))
                              m <- x[i]
                              if (inherits(m, "rlinearGmm"))
                                      cat("**", x@eqnNames[i], "**\n", sep="")
                  } else {

## getRestrict

setMethod("getRestrict", "sysGmmModels",
          function(object, theta, R, rhs=NULL) {
              robject <- restModel(object, R, rhs)
              getRestrict(robject, theta)

setMethod("getRestrict", "rslinearGmm",
          function(object, theta) {
              theta <- do.call("c", theta)
              R <- c(object@cstLHS%*%theta)
              parNames <- paste(rep(object@eqnNames, object@k), ".",
                                do.call("c", object@parNames), sep = "")
              cst <- .printHypothesis(object@cstLHS, object@cstRHS, parNames)
              list(dR=object@cstLHS, R=R, q=object@cstRHS, hypo=cst,
                   orig.R=object@cstLHS, orig.rhs=object@cstRHS)

### Subset

setMethod("[", c("rslinearGmm", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j)
              i <- as.integer(i)
              if (length(i) > 1)
                  warning("You can only select one equation, the first element of i is used")
                  i <- i[1]
              if (x@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                      if (i !=1L)
                          stop("There is only one equation with cross-equation restrictions")
                      return(as(x, "rlinearGmm"))
              m <- as(x, "slinearGmm")[i]
              sel <- x@cstSpec$eqnSelect
              R <- x@cstLHS[, sel[1,i]:sel[2,i]]
              chk <- apply(R, 1, function(x) all(x==0))
              if (all(chk))
              R <- R[!chk,,drop=FALSE]
              rhs <- x@cstRHS[!chk]
              restModel(m, R, rhs)

### model.matrix

setMethod("model.matrix", "rslinearGmm",
          function (object, type = c("regressors", "instruments")) 
                  type <- match.arg(type)
                  if (!object@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                  if (type == "instruments")
                      mm <- model.matrix(as(object, "slinearGmm"), type="instruments")
                      mm <- list(model.matrix(as(object, "rlinearGmm")))
                  names(mm) <- modelDims(object)$eqnNames

## modelResponse

setMethod("modelResponse", "rslinearGmm",
          function(object) {
              if (!object@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
              mr <- list(modelResponse(as(object, "rlinearGmm")))
              names(mr) <- modelDims(object)$eqnNames

## evalMoment

setMethod("evalMoment", "rslinearGmm",
          function (object, theta) 
                  theta <- coef(object, theta)
                  evalMoment(as(object, "slinearGmm"), theta)

## evalDMoment

          function (object, theta) 
                  neqn <- length(object@eqnNames)
                  if (!object@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                      dgt <- lapply(1:neqn, function(i) evalDMoment(object[i]))
                      dgt <- list(neqn*evalDMoment(as(object, "rlinearGmm")))
                  names(dgt) <- modelDims(object)$eqnNames

## residuals

setMethod("residuals", "rslinearGmm",
          function (object, theta) 
                  theta <- coef(object, theta)
                  residuals(as(object, "slinearGmm"), theta)

## solveGmm

setMethod("solveGmm", c("rslinearGmm","sysGmmWeights"),
           function (object, wObj, theta0 = NULL) 
                   if (object@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                           res <- solveGmm(as(object, "rlinearGmm"), as(wObj, "gmmWeights"))
                           res$theta <- list(res$theta)
                           names(res$theta) <- modelDims(object)$eqnNames
                   if (wObj@type == "iid" && object@sameMom) 
                       return(ThreeSLS(object, Sigma = wObj@Sigma, qrZ = wObj@w, 
                                       coefOnly = TRUE))
                   spec <- modelDims(object)
                   Y <- modelResponse(object)
                   Z <- model.matrix(object, type = "instruments")
                   G <- evalDMoment(object)
                   Syz <- lapply(1:length(Y), function(i) colMeans(Y[[i]]*Z[[i]]))
                   Syz <- do.call("c", Syz)
                   G <- gmm4:::.GListToMat(G)
                   T1 <- quadra(wObj, G)
                   T2 <- quadra(wObj, G, Syz)
                   theta <- -solve(T1, T2)
                   spec <- modelDims(object)
                   theta <- gmm4:::.tetReshape(theta, object@eqnNames, spec$parNames)
                   list(theta = theta, convergence = NULL)

### Three Stage Least Squares

          function(model, coefOnly=FALSE, qrZ=NULL, Sigma=NULL) {
              if (!model@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                  stop("Systems with cross-equation restrictons are not considered system of equations and cannot be estimated by 3SLS")

## evalWeights, we just need to transform the model with cross-equation restrictions
## back to a system of equation first.

setMethod("evalWeights", "rslinearGmm",
          function(object, theta = NULL, w="optimal", wObj=NULL)
                  if (object@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                          if (!is.null(theta))
                              theta <- coef(object, theta)
                          return(evalWeights(as(object, "slinearGmm"), theta, w, wObj))

## modelFit. Almost like sysGmmModels method, bu we need to check a few things

setMethod("modelFit", signature("rslinearGmm"), valueClass="sgmmfit", 
          function(model, type=c("twostep", "iter","cue", "onestep"),
                   itertol=1e-7, initW=c("ident", "tsls", "EbyE"),
                   weights="optimal", itermaxit=100,
                   efficientWeights=FALSE, theta0=NULL, EbyE=FALSE, ...)
                  type <- match.arg(type)
                  initW <- match.arg(initW)
                  if (model@cstSpec$crossEquRest)
                          if (EbyE || initW=="EbyE")
                              stop("Models with cross-equation restrictions cannot be estimated equation by equation because it is not considered a system of equations")
                          if (initW == "tsls")
                              stop("Models with cross-equation restrictions cannot be initiated by an equation by equation 2SLS because it is not considered a system of equations")
                          if (type=="onestep" || (is.character(weights) && weights=="ident"))
                              wObj <- evalWeights(model, w="ident")
                              return(modelFit(model, w=wObj))

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