
Defines functions `estimate.lvm` estimate.formula

###{{{ estimate.lvm

##' Estimation of parameters in a Latent Variable Model (lvm)
##' Estimate parameters. MLE, IV or user-defined estimator.
##' A list of parameters controlling the estimation and optimization procedures
##' is parsed via the \code{control} argument. By default Maximum Likelihood is
##' used assuming multivariate normal distributed measurement errors. A list
##' with one or more of the following elements is expected:
##' \describe{
##' \item{start:}{Starting value. The order of the parameters can be shown by
##' calling \code{coef} (with \code{mean=TRUE}) on the \code{lvm}-object or with
##' \code{plot(..., labels=TRUE)}. Note that this requires a check that it is
##' actual the model being estimated, as \code{estimate} might add additional
##' restriction to the model, e.g. through the \code{fix} and \code{exo.fix}
##' arguments. The \code{lvm}-object of a fitted model can be extracted with the
##' \code{Model}-function.}
##' \item{starterfun:}{Starter-function with syntax
##' \code{function(lvm, S, mu)}.  Three builtin functions are available:
##' \code{startvalues}, \code{startvalues0}, \code{startvalues1}, ...}
##' \item{estimator:}{ String defining which estimator to use (Defaults to
##' ``\code{gaussian}'')}
##' \item{meanstructure}{Logical variable indicating
##' whether to fit model with meanstructure.}
##' \item{method:}{ String pointing to
##' alternative optimizer (e.g. \code{optim} to use simulated annealing).}
##' \item{control:}{ Parameters passed to the optimizer (default
##' \code{stats::nlminb}).}
##' \item{tol:}{ Tolerance of optimization constraints on lower limit of
##' variance parameters.  } }
##' @aliases estimate
##' @param x \code{lvm}-object
##' @param data \code{data.frame}
##' @param estimator String defining the estimator (see details below)
##' @param control control/optimization parameters (see details below)
##' @param weight Optional weights to used by the chosen estimator.
##' @param weightname Weight names (variable names of the model) in case
##' \code{weight} was given as a vector of column names of \code{data}
##' @param weight2 Optional additional dataset used by the chosen
##' estimator.
##' @param cluster Vector (or name of column in \code{data}) that identifies
##' correlated groups of observations in the data leading to variance estimates
##' based on a sandwich estimator
##' @param missing Logical variable indiciating how to treat missing data.
##' Setting to FALSE leads to complete case analysis. In the other case
##' likelihood based inference is obtained by integrating out the missing data
##' under assumption the assumption that data is missing at random (MAR).
##' @param index For internal use only
##' @param graph For internal use only
##' @param fix Logical variable indicating whether parameter restriction
##' automatically should be imposed (e.g. intercepts of latent variables set to
##' 0 and at least one regression parameter of each measurement model fixed to
##' ensure identifiability.)
##' @param quick If TRUE the parameter estimates are calculated but all
##' additional information such as standard errors are skipped
##' @param silent Logical argument indicating whether information should be
##' printed during estimation
##' @param param set parametrization (see \code{help(lava.options)})
##' @param \dots Additional arguments to be passed to the low level functions
##' @return A \code{lvmfit}-object.
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @seealso \code{score}, \code{information}, ...
##' @keywords models regression
##' @export
##' @method estimate lvm
##' @examples
##' dd <- read.table(header=TRUE,
##' text="x1 x2 x3
##' 1.0 2.0 1.4
##' 2.1 4.1 4.0
##' 3.1 3.4 7.0
##' 4.2 6.1 3.5
##' 5.3 5.2 2.3
##' 1.1 1.6 2.9")
##' e <- estimate(lvm(c(x1,x2,x3)~u),dd)
##' ## Simulation example
##' m <- lvm(list(y~v1+v2+v3+v4,c(v1,v2,v3,v4)~x))
##' covariance(m) <- v1~v2+v3+v4
##' dd <- sim(m,10000) ## Simulate 10000 observations from model
##' e <- estimate(m, dd) ## Estimate parameters
##' e
##' ## Using just sufficient statistics
##' n <- nrow(dd)
##' e0 <- estimate(m,data=list(S=cov(dd)*(n-1)/n,mu=colMeans(dd),n=n))
##' ## Multiple group analysis
##' m <- lvm()
##' regression(m) <- c(y1,y2,y3)~u
##' regression(m) <- u~x
##' d1 <- sim(m,100,p=c("u,u"=1,"u~x"=1))
##' d2 <- sim(m,100,p=c("u,u"=2,"u~x"=-1))
##' mm <- baptize(m)
##' regression(mm,u~x) <- NA
##' covariance(mm,~u) <- NA
##' intercept(mm,~u) <- NA
##' ee <- estimate(list(mm,mm),list(d1,d2))
##' ## Missing data
##' d0 <- makemissing(d1,cols=1:2)
##' e0 <- estimate(m,d0,missing=TRUE)
##' e0
`estimate.lvm` <-
  function(x, data=parent.frame(),
           weight, weightname,
           ...) { 
  if (length(exogenous(x)>0)) {
    catx <- categorical2dummy(x,data)
    x <- catx$x; data <- catx$data
  cl <- match.call()
  if (!missing(param)) {
    oldparam <- lava.options()$param

  optim <- list(

  defopt <- lava.options()[]
  defopt <- defopt[intersect(names(defopt),names(optim))]
  optim[names(defopt)] <- defopt
  if (length(control)>0) {
    optim[names(control)] <- control

  if (is.environment(data)) {
    innames <- intersect(ls(envir=data),vars(x))
    data <- as.data.frame(lapply(innames,function(x) get(x,envir=data)))
    names(data) <- innames
  if (!lava.options()$exogenous) exogenous(x) <- NULL
  ## Random-slopes:
  redvar <- intersect(intersect(parlabels(x),latent(x)),colnames(data))
  if (length(redvar)>0)
    warning(paste("Latent variable exists in dataset",redvar))
  xfix <- setdiff(colnames(data)[(colnames(data)%in%parlabels(x,exo=TRUE))],latent(x))
  if (missing(fix)) {
    fix <- ifelse(length(xfix)>0,FALSE,TRUE)

  if (!missing & (is.matrix(data) | is.data.frame(data))) {
    includelist <- c(manifest(x),xfix)
    if (!missing(weight) && is.character(weight)) includelist <- c(includelist,weight)
    if (!missing(weight2) && is.character(weight2)) includelist <- c(includelist,weight2)
    if (!missing(cluster) && is.character(cluster)) includelist <- c(includelist,cluster)    
    data <- na.omit(data[,intersect(colnames(data),includelist),drop=FALSE])
  ## Weights...
  if (!missing(weight)) {
    if (is.character(weight)) {
      weight <- data[,weight,drop=FALSE]
      if (!missing(weightname)) {
        colnames(weight) <- weightname
      } else {
        yvar <- index(x)$endogenous
        nw <- seq_len(min(length(yvar),ncol(weight)))
        colnames(weight)[nw] <- yvar[nw]
    weight <- cbind(weight)
  } else {
    weight <- NULL
  if (!missing(weight2)) {
    if (is.character(weight2)) {
      weight2 <- data[,weight2]
  } else {
    weight2 <- NULL
  ## Correlated clusters...
  if (!missing(cluster)) {
    if (is.character(cluster)) {
      cluster <- data[,cluster]
  } else {
    cluster <- NULL
  dd <- procdata.lvm(x,data=data)
  S <- dd$S; mu <- dd$mu; n <- dd$n
  ## Debug(list("n=",n))  
  ## Debug(list("S=",S))
  ## Debug(list("mu=",mu))

  ##  if (fix)
    var.missing <- setdiff(vars(x),colnames(S))
    if (length(var.missing)>0) {## Convert to latent:
      new.lat <- setdiff(var.missing,latent(x))
      if (length(new.lat)>0)
        x <- latent(x, new.lat)
  ## Run hooks (additional lava plugins)
  myhooks <- gethook()
  for (f in myhooks) {
    res <- do.call(f, list(x=x,data=data,weight=weight,weight2=weight2,estimator=estimator,optim=optim))
    if (!is.null(res$x)) x <- res$x
    if (!is.null(res$data)) data <- res$data
    if (!is.null(res$weight)) weight <- res$weight
    if (!is.null(res$weight2)) weight2 <- res$weight2
    if (!is.null(res$optim)) optim <- res$optim
    if (!is.null(res$estimator)) estimator <- res$estimator

  checkestimator <- function(x,...) {
    ffname <- paste(x,c("_objective","_gradient"),".lvm",sep="")
  if (!checkestimator(estimator)) { ## Try down/up-case version
    estimator <- tolower(estimator)
    if (!checkestimator(estimator)) {
      estimator <- toupper(estimator)
  ObjectiveFun  <- paste(estimator, "_objective", ".lvm", sep="")
  GradFun  <- paste(estimator, "_gradient", ".lvm", sep="")
  if (!exists(ObjectiveFun) & !exists(GradFun))
    stop("Unknown estimator.") 
  Method <-  paste(estimator, "_method", ".lvm", sep="")
  if (!exists(Method)) {
    Method <- "nlminb1"
  } else {
    Method <- get(Method)
  if (is.null(optim$method)) 
      optim$method <- if (missing) "nlminb1" else Method

  if (!quick & index) {
    ## Proces data and setup some matrices
    x <- fixsome(x, measurement.fix=fix, S=S, mu=mu, n=n,debug=!silent)
    if (!silent)
      message("Reindexing model...\n")
    if (length(xfix)>0) {
      index(x) <- reindex(x,sparse=optim$sparse,zeroones=TRUE,deriv=TRUE)
    } else {
      x <- updatelvm(x,sparse=optim$sparse,zeroones=TRUE,deriv=TRUE,mean=TRUE)
  if (is.null(estimator) || estimator==FALSE) {

  if (length(index(x)$endogenous)==0) stop("No observed outcome variables. Check variable names in model and data.")
  if (!optim$meanstructure) {
    mu <- NULL

  nparall <- index(x)$npar + ifelse(optim$meanstructure, index(x)$npar.mean+index(x)$npar.ex,0)
  ## Get starting values
  myparnames <- coef(x,mean=TRUE)
  paragree <- FALSE
  paragree.2 <- c()
  if (!is.null(optim$start)) {
    paragree <- myparnames%in%names(optim$start)
    paragree.2 <- names(optim$start)%in%myparnames
  if (sum(paragree)>=length(myparnames))
    optim$start <- optim$start[which(paragree.2)]

  if (! (length(optim$start)==length(myparnames) & sum(paragree)==0)) 
  if (is.null(optim$start) || sum(paragree)<length(myparnames)) {
      if (is.null(optim$starterfun) && lava.options()$param!="relative")
          optim$starterfun <- startvalues0
      start <- suppressWarnings(do.call(optim$starterfun, list(x=x,S=S,mu=mu,debug=lava.options()$debug,silent=silent)))
      if (!is.null(x$expar) && length(start)<nparall) {
          ii <- which(index(x)$e1==1)
          start <- c(start, structure(unlist(x$expar[ii]),names=names(x$expar)[ii]))
    ## Debug(list("start=",start))
    if (length(paragree.2)>0) {
      start[which(paragree)] <- optim$start[which(paragree.2)]
    optim$start <- start
  coefname <- coef(x,mean=optim$meanstructure,fix=FALSE);
  names(optim$start) <- coefname
  ## Missing data
  if (missing) {
      ##$start <- optim$start    

  ## Non-linear parameter constraints involving observed variables? (e.g. nonlinear regression)
  constr <- lapply(constrain(x), function(z)(attributes(z)$args))
  xconstrain <- intersect(unlist(constr), manifest(x))
  xconstrainM <- TRUE
  XconstrStdOpt <- TRUE
  if (length(xconstrain)>0) {
    constrainM <- names(constr)%in%unlist(x$mean)    
    for (i in seq_len(length(constr))) {    
      if (!constrainM[i]) {
        if (xconstrain%in%constr[[i]]) {
          xconstrainM <- FALSE          
    if (xconstrainM & ( (is.null(control$method) || optim$method=="nlminb0") & (lava.options()$test & estimator=="gaussian") ) ) {
      XconstrStdOpt <- FALSE
      optim$method <- "nlminb0"
      if (is.null(control$constrain)) control$constrain <- TRUE
  ## Setup optimization constraints
  lowmin <- -Inf
  lower <- rep(lowmin,length(optim$start))
  if (length(optim$constrain)==1 & optim$constrain)
    lower[variances(x)+index(x)$npar.mean] <- optim$tol
  if (any(optim$constrain)) {
    if (length(optim$constrain)!=length(lower))
      constrained <- is.finite(lower)
      constrained <- optim$constrain
    lower[] <- -Inf
      optim$constrain <- TRUE
    constrained <- which(constrained)
    nn <- names(optim$start)
    CS <- optim$start[constrained]
    CS[CS<0] <- 0.01
    optim$start[constrained] <- log(CS)
    names(optim$start) <- nn
  ## Fix problems with starting values? 
  optim$start[is.nan(optim$start)] <- 0  
  ## Debug(list("lower=",lower))

  ObjectiveFun  <- paste(estimator, "_objective", ".lvm", sep="")
  GradFun  <- paste(estimator, "_gradient", ".lvm", sep="")
  if (!exists(ObjectiveFun) & !exists(GradFun)) stop("Unknown estimator.")

  InformationFun <- paste(estimator, "_hessian", ".lvm", sep="")

  mymodel <- x  
  myclass <- "lvmfit"

  ## Random slopes?
  if (length(xfix)>0 | (length(xconstrain)>0 & XconstrStdOpt | !lava.options()$test)) { ## Yes
    x0 <- x
    if (length(xfix)>0) {
      myclass <- c("lvmfit.randomslope",myclass)
      nrow <- length(vars(x))
      xpos <- lapply(xfix,function(y) which(regfix(x)$labels==y))
      colpos <- lapply(xpos, function(y) ceiling(y/nrow))
      rowpos <- lapply(xpos, function(y) (y-1)%%nrow+1)
      myfix <- list(var=xfix, col=colpos, row=rowpos)
      x0 <- x
      for (i in 1:length(myfix$var)) 
        for (j in 1:length(myfix$col[[i]])) 
          regfix(x0, from=vars(x0)[myfix$row[[i]][j]],
                 to=vars(x0)[myfix$col[[i]][j]]) <-
      x0 <- updatelvm(x0,zeroones=TRUE,deriv=TRUE)
      x <- x0
      yvars <- endogenous(x0)
      ## Alter start-values/constraints:
      new.par.idx <- coef(mymodel,mean=TRUE,fix=FALSE)%in%coef(x0,mean=TRUE,fix=FALSE)
      if (length(optim$start)>sum(new.par.idx))
        optim$start <- optim$start[new.par.idx]
      lower <- lower[new.par.idx]
      if (optim$constrain) {
        constrained <- constrained[new.par.idx]
    mydata <- as.matrix(data[,manifest(x0)])

    myObj <- function(pp) {
      if (optim$constrain) {
        pp[constrained] <- exp(pp[constrained])
      myfun <- function(ii) {
        if (length(xfix)>0)
        for (i in 1:length(myfix$var)) {          
            x0$fix[cbind(rowpos[[i]],colpos[[i]])] <- index(x0)$A[cbind(rowpos[[i]],colpos[[i]])] <- data[ii,xfix[i]]
        if (is.list(weight2)) {
          res <- do.call(ObjectiveFun, list(x=x0, p=pp, data=mydata[ii,], n=1, weight=weight[ii,], weight2=weight2[ii,]))
        } else
          res <- do.call(ObjectiveFun, list(x=x0, p=pp, data=mydata[ii,], n=1, weight=weight[ii,], weight2=weight2))

    myGrad <- function(pp) {
      if (optim$constrain) {
        pp[constrained] <- exp(pp[constrained])
      myfun <- function(ii) {
        if (length(xfix)>0)
        for (i in 1:length(myfix$var)) {
          x0$fix[cbind(rowpos[[i]],colpos[[i]])] <- index(x0)$A[cbind(rowpos[[i]],colpos[[i]])] <- data[ii,xfix[i]]
        if (is.list(weight2)) {
          rr <- do.call(GradFun, list(x=x0, p=pp, data=mydata[ii,,drop=FALSE], n=1, weight=weight[ii,], weight2=weight2))
        } else
          rr <- do.call(GradFun, list(x=x0, p=pp, data=mydata[ii,,drop=FALSE], n=1, weight=weight[ii,], weight2=weight2[ii,]))
      ss <- rowSums(rbind(sapply(1:nrow(data),myfun)))
      if (optim$constrain) {
        ss[constrained] <- ss[constrained]*pp[constrained]

    myInfo <- function(pp) {
      myfun <- function(ii) {
        if (length(xfix)>0)
        for (i in 1:length(myfix$var)) {
          x0$fix[cbind(rowpos[[i]],colpos[[i]])] <- index(x0)$A[cbind(rowpos[[i]],colpos[[i]])] <- data[ii,xfix[i]]
        if (is.list(weight2)) {
          res <- do.call(InformationFun, list(p=pp, obj=myObj, x=x0, data=data[ii,],
                                              n=1, weight=weight[ii,], weight2=weight2))
        } else {
          res <- do.call(InformationFun, list(p=pp, obj=myObj, x=x0, data=data[ii,],
                                              n=1, weight=weight[ii,], weight2=weight2[ii,]))
      L <- lapply(1:nrow(data),function(x) myfun(x))
      val <- apply(array(unlist(L),dim=c(length(pp),length(pp),nrow(data))),c(1,2),sum)
      if (!is.null(attributes(L[[1]])$grad)) {
        attributes(val)$grad <- colSums (
                                          matrix( unlist(lapply(L,function(i) attributes(i)$grad)) , ncol=length(pp), byrow=TRUE)
  } else { ## No, standard model

    ## Non-linear parameter constraints involving observed variables? (e.g. nonlinear regression)
    xconstrain <- c()
    for (i in seq_len(length(constrain(x)))) {
      z <- constrain(x)[[i]]
      xx <- intersect(attributes(z)$args,manifest(x))
      if (length(xx)>0) {
        warg <- setdiff(attributes(z)$args,xx)
        wargidx <- which(attributes(z)$args%in%warg)
        exoidx <- which(attributes(z)$args%in%xx)
        parname <- names(constrain(x))[i]
        y <- names(which(unlist(lapply(intercept(x),function(x) x==parname))))
        el <- list(i,y,parname,xx,exoidx,warg,wargidx,z)      
        names(el) <- c("idx","endo","parname","exo","exoidx","warg","wargidx","func")
        xconstrain <- c(xconstrain,list(el))
    yconstrain <- unlist(lapply(xconstrain,function(x) x$endo))
    iconstrain <- unlist(lapply(xconstrain,function(x) x$idx))

    MkOffset <- function(pp,grad=FALSE) {
      if (length(xconstrain)>0) {
        Mu <- matrix(0,nrow(data),length(vars(x))); colnames(Mu) <- vars(x)
        M <- modelVar(x,p=pp,data=data)
        M$parval <- c(M$parval,  x$mean[unlist(lapply(x$mean,is.numeric))])
        for (i in seq_len(length(xconstrain))) {
          pp <- unlist(M$parval[xconstrain[[i]]$warg]);
          myidx <- with(xconstrain[[i]],order(c(wargidx,exoidx)))
          mu <- with(xconstrain[[i]],
                           function(x) func(
          Mu[,xconstrain[[i]]$endo] <- mu
        offsets <- Mu%*%t(M$IAi)[,endogenous(x)]

    myObj <- function(pp) {
      if (optim$constrain) {
        pp[constrained] <- exp(pp[constrained])
      offset <- MkOffset(pp)      
      mu0 <- mu; S0 <- S; x0 <- x
      if (!is.null(offset)) {
        x0$constrain[iconstrain] <- NULL        
        data0 <- data[,manifest(x0)]
        data0[,endogenous(x)] <- data0[,endogenous(x)]-offset        
        pd <- procdata.lvm(x0,data=data0)
        S0 <- pd$S; mu0 <- pd$mu
        x0$mean[yconstrain] <- 0
      do.call(ObjectiveFun, list(x=x0, p=pp, data=data, S=S0, mu=mu0, n=n, weight=weight
                                 ,weight2=weight2, offset=offset

    myGrad <- function(pp) {
      if (optim$constrain)
        pp[constrained] <- exp(pp[constrained])
      ##  offset <- MkOffset(pp)
      ##  mu0 <- mu; S0 <- S; x0 <- x
      ## if (!is.null(offset)) {
      ##   x0$constrain[iconstrain] <- NULL
      ##   data0 <- data[,manifest(x0)]
      ##   data0[,endogenous(x)] <- data0[,endogenous(x)]-offset
      ##   pd <- procdata.lvm(x0,data=data0)
      ##   S0 <- pd$S; mu0 <- pd$mu
      ## }
      S <- do.call(GradFun, list(x=x, p=pp, data=data, S=S, mu=mu, n=n, weight=weight
                                 , weight2=weight2##, offset=offset
      if (optim$constrain) {
        S[constrained] <- S[constrained]*pp[constrained]
      if (is.null(mu) & index(x)$npar.mean>0) {
      if (length(S)<length(pp))  S <- c(S,rep(0,length(pp)-length(S)))

    myInfo <- function(pp) {
      I <- do.call(InformationFun, list(p=pp,
                                        x=x, data=data,
                                        S=S, mu=mu,
                                        weight=weight, weight2=weight2,
      if (is.null(mu) && index(x)$npar.mean>0) {
  myHess <- function(pp) {
    p0 <- pp
    if (optim$constrain)
      pp[constrained] <- exp(pp[constrained])
    I0 <- myInfo(pp)
    attributes(I0)$grad <- NULL
    D <- attributes(I0)$grad
    if (is.null(D)) {
      D <- myGrad(p0)
      attributes(I0)$grad <- D
    if (optim$constrain) {
      I0[constrained,-constrained] <- apply(I0[constrained,-constrained,drop=FALSE],2,function(x) x*pp[constrained]);
      I0[-constrained,constrained] <- t(I0[constrained,-constrained])
      if (sum(constrained)==1) {
        I0[constrained,constrained] <- I0[constrained,constrained]*outer(pp[constrained],pp[constrained]) - D[constrained]
      } else {
        I0[constrained,constrained] <- I0[constrained,constrained]*outer(pp[constrained],pp[constrained]) - diag(D[constrained],ncol=length(constrained))
  if (is.null(tryCatch(get(InformationFun),error = function (x) NULL)))
    myInfo <- myHess <- NULL
  if (is.null(tryCatch(get(GradFun),error = function (x) NULL)))
    myGrad <- NULL
  if (!silent) message("Optimizing objective function...")
  if (optim$trace>0 & !silent) message("\n")
  ## Optimize with lower constraints on the variance-parameters
  if ((is.data.frame(data) | is.matrix(data)) && nrow(data)==0) stop("No observations")

  if (!is.null(optim$method)) {
    opt <- do.call(optim$method,
                   list(start=optim$start, objective=myObj, gradient=myGrad, hessian=myHess, lower=lower, control=optim, debug=debug))
    if (is.null(opt$estimate))
      opt$estimate <- opt$par
    if (optim$constrain) {
      opt$estimate[constrained] <- exp(opt$estimate[constrained])
    if (XconstrStdOpt & !is.null(myGrad))
      opt$gradient <- as.vector(myGrad(opt$par))
    else {
      opt$gradient <- numDeriv::grad(myObj,opt$par)
  } else {
    opt <- do.call(ObjectiveFun, list(x=x,data=data,control=control,...))
    opt$gradient <- rep(0,length(opt$estimate))
  if (!is.null(opt$convergence)) {
      if (opt$convergence!=0) warning("Lack of convergence. Increase number of iteration or change starting values.") 
  } else if (!is.null(opt$gradient) && mean(opt$gradient)^2>1e-3) warning("Lack of convergence. Increase number of iteration or change starting values.") 
  if (quick) {
  ## Calculate std.err:

  pp <- rep(NA,length(coefname)); names(pp) <- coefname
  if (!is.null(names(opt$estimate))) {
      pp[names(opt$estimate)] <- opt$estimate
      pp.idx <- na.omit(match(coefname,names(opt$estimate)))
  } else {
      pp[] <- opt$estimate
      pp.idx <- seq(length(pp))

  mom <- tryCatch(modelVar(x, pp, data=data),error=function(x)NULL)
  if (!silent) message("\nCalculating asymptotic variance...\n")
  asVarFun  <- paste(estimator, "_variance", ".lvm", sep="")

  if (!exists(asVarFun)) {
    if (is.null(myInfo)) {
      if (!is.null(myGrad))
        myInfo <- function(pp)
        myInfo <- function(pp)
    I <- myInfo(opt$estimate)
    asVar <- tryCatch(Inverse(I),
                      error=function(e) matrix(NA, length(opt$estimate), length(opt$estimate)))
  } else {
    asVar <- tryCatch(do.call(asVarFun,
                      error=function(e) matrix(NA, length(opt$estimate), length(opt$estimate)))

  if (any(is.na(asVar))) {warning("Problems with asymptotic variance matrix. Possibly non-singular information matrix!")                        }
  diag(asVar)[(diag(asVar)==0)] <- NA

  mycoef <- matrix(NA,nrow=nparall,ncol=4)
  mycoef[pp.idx,1] <- opt$estimate ## Will be finished during post.hooks
  ### OBS: v = t(A)%*%v + e
  res <- list(model=x, call=cl, coef=mycoef,
              vcov=asVar, mu=mu, S=S, ##A=A, P=P,
              model0=mymodel, ## Random slope hack
              estimator=estimator, opt=opt,expar=x$expar,
              data=list(model.frame=data, S=S, mu=mu,
                C=mom$C, v=mom$v, n=n,                
                m=length(latent(x)), k=length(index(x)$manifest), weight2=weight2),
              weight=weight, weight2=weight2,
              graph=NULL, control=optim)

  class(res) <- myclass

  myhooks <- gethook("post.hooks")
  for (f in myhooks) {
    res0 <- do.call(f,list(x=res))
    if (!is.null(res0))
      res <- res0
  if(graph) {
    res <- edgelabels(res,type="est")

###}}} estimate.lvm

###{{{ estimate.formula

##' @export
estimate.formula <- function(x,data=parent.frame(),pred.norm=c(),unstruct=FALSE,silent=TRUE,cluster=NULL,distribution=NULL,estimator="gaussian",...) {
  cl <- match.call()
  formulaId <- Specials(x,"cluster")
  formulaSt <- paste("~.-cluster(",formulaId,")",sep="")
  if (!is.null(formulaId)) {
    cluster <- formulaId
    x <- update(x,as.formula(formulaSt))  
  if (!is.null(cluster))
    x <- update(x,as.formula(paste(".~.+",cluster)))  
  varnames <- all.vars(x)
  mf <- model.frame(x,data)
  mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
  yvar <- names(mf)[1]
  y <- mf[,yvar]
  opt <- options(na.action="na.pass")
  mm <- model.matrix(x,data)
  covars <- colnames(mm)
  covars <- unlist(lapply(covars, function(x) gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9._]","",x)))
  colnames(mm) <- covars
  if (attr(terms(x),"intercept")==1) {
    covars <- covars[-1]
    int <- 1
  } else {
    int <- -1

  if (!is.null(cluster)) covars <- setdiff(covars,cluster)
  model <- lvm(toformula(yvar,c(int,covars)),silent=TRUE)
  if (!is.null(distribution)) {
    lava::distribution(model,yvar) <- distribution
    estimator <- "glm"
  mydata <- na.omit(as.data.frame(cbind(y,mm))); names(mydata)[1] <- yvar
   exogenous(model) <- setdiff(covars,pred.norm)
   if (unstruct) {    
     model <- covariance(model,pred.norm,pairwise=TRUE)

###}}} estimate.formula

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lava documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:49 p.m.