
Defines functions .to.wide .get.mandel.rowname rmandelh dmandelh pmandelh qmandelh rmandelk dmandelk pmandelk qmandelk boxplot.mandel.kh barplot.mandel.kh plot.mandel.kh mandel.k.ilab mandel.h.ilab mandel.k.default mandel.h.default mandel.k mandel.h mandel.kh.ilab mandel.kh.data.frame mandel.kh.matrix mandel.kh.array mandel.kh.default mandel.kh

Documented in barplot.mandel.kh boxplot.mandel.kh dmandelh dmandelk mandel.h mandel.h.default mandel.h.ilab mandel.k mandel.k.default mandel.kh mandel.kh.array mandel.kh.data.frame mandel.kh.default mandel.kh.ilab mandel.kh.matrix mandel.k.ilab plot.mandel.kh pmandelh pmandelk qmandelh qmandelk rmandelh rmandelk .to.wide

#Mandel's t
#Mandel's k

#Calculation of mandel's h or k together with Grouped plots

#This version (v1) defines mandel.khas a generic to simplify early reshaping
#Matrix and vector methods reshape to a data frame and 
#pass the result to the data frame method.

#The default takes a matrix or data frame.
#Most other forms package the input into a data frame and then call the 
#data.frame method.

mandel.kh <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, type=c("h", "k"), method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

mandel.kh.default <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, type=c("h", "k"), method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

        name.g <- .get.mandel.rowname(deparse(substitute(g)), rowname)
        #Unstack x if x is a vector and m is present
        if( is.vector(x) ) {
                if( !is.null(m) ) {
                        fm <- factor(m)
                        if( is.null(g) ) {
                                if( !all( (tm<-table(m)) == tm[1] ) ) {
                                        stop("g must be present if x is a vector and group sizes in m are unequal")
                                } else {
                                        #Dummy grouping factor for .to.wide
                                        #assuming one observation per subject
                                        g<-factor( ave(1:length(m), m, FUN=function(x) seq(length(x))) )
                                        xw <- .to.wide(x,g, m)
                        } else {
                                xw <- .to.wide(x, g, m)
                        x <- xw[ , 2:ncol(xw), drop=FALSE]
                        g <- xw$g
                } else {
                        x <- data.frame(x=x)
        } else {
                stop(sprintf("mandel.kh does not support objects of type %s", class(x)) )

        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=x, g=g, m=m, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type=type, method=method, n=n, ...)

        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g

mandel.kh.array <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, type=c("h", "k"), method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

        name.g <- .get.mandel.rowname(deparse(substitute(g)), rowname)

        #Convert to vector x if x is a 1-d array and m is present
        if( length(dim(as.array(x))) ==1 ) {
                x  <- as.vector(x)
        } else if( length(dim(as.array(x))) ==2 ){
                #Formally unnecessary, as a 2-d array has class 'matrix'
                x  <- as.data.frame(x)
        } else {
                stop("mandel.kh does not support arrays with more than 2 dimensons")

        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=x, g=g, m=m, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type=type, method=method, n=n, ...)

        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g


mandel.kh.matrix <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, type=c("h", "k"), method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=as.data.frame(x), g=g, m=m, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type=type, method=method, n=n, ...)

        name.g <- .get.mandel.rowname(deparse(substitute(g)), rowname)

        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g

mandel.kh.data.frame <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, type=c("h", "k"), method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {
        #x is a vector, data frame or matrix
        #If a matrix, x is coerced to a data frame
        #Columns are taken as variables, rows as cases
        #if x is a vector and m NULL, x is coerced to a single column data frame
        #if m and g are present, x is first reshaped to
        #a data frame with columns named for unique(m)

        #if g is present, x is aggregated by g
        #if not, x is taken as a matrix of means or sd's
        #If g is missing for type==k, n MUST be present. 
        #rowname is used as a row name prefix if g is unspecified.
        #m is ignored in the data frame method because the colums are expected
        #to correspond to m
        #if method=="robust" robust analogues are calculated

        method <- match.arg(method)
        h <- function(y, na.rm=T) {
                #y is a vector of means
                return( (y-mean(y, na.rm=na.rm))/sd(y, na.rm=na.rm) )
        k <- function(y,  na.rm=T) {
                #y is a vector of sd's
                pooled.sd <- sqrt(sum(y.omit^2)/length(y.omit))
                return( y/pooled.sd )

        #Simple robust h variant based on MASS hubers
        h.robust <- function(y, na.rm=T, ...) {
                #y is a vector of means
                y.omit<- if(na.rm) na.omit(y) else y
                H <- hubers(y.omit, ...)
                return( (y-H$mu)/H$s )
        #Robust k variant based on AlgS
        k.robust <- function(y,  degfree, na.rm=T) {
                #y is a vector of sd's
                y.omit<- if(na.rm) na.omit(y) else y
                pooled.sd <- algS(y.omit, degfree)
                return( y/pooled.sd )
        #Set the row name if g is missing
        name.g <- .get.mandel.rowname(deparse(substitute(g)), rowname)  
        if( is.null(g) ) { #Assume one group per row
                was.null.g <- TRUE
                if(is.null(rownames(x))) {
                        g <- paste(rowname, format(1:nrow(x)), sep="")
                        g<-factor(g, levels=g)
                } else {
                        g <- factor(rownames(x), levels=rownames(x))
                                #preserves row naming order if any
        } else {
                was.null.g <- FALSE
        #Check that n is specified if type=="k" and g is missing or one per group
        if(type[1]=="k" && is.na(n) ) {
                #Get n for each column in x
                if( !was.null.g ) {
                        n.all <- aggregate(x, by=list(g=g), 
                                FUN=function(x) sum(!is.na(x)) )
                                n.all <- stack(n.all[,2:ncol(n.all)])
                                names(n.all) <- c("g", "value") 
                                        #This guarantees presence of n.all$value
                        n <- median(n.all$value[n.all$value>0], na.rm=na.rm)
                if(is.na(n) || n <=1) {
                        stop("n must be specified and >1 with type=='k' and only one value per group" )

        if(type[1]=="h") {
                x <- aggregate(x, by=list(g=g), FUN=mean, na.rm=na.rm)
                mkh <- if(method=="robust") {
                                as.data.frame( lapply(x[,2:ncol(x), drop=FALSE], h.robust, na.rm=na.rm, ...) )
                        } else {
                                as.data.frame( lapply(x[,2:ncol(x), drop=FALSE], h, na.rm=na.rm) )
        } else if(type[1]=="k") {
                x <- aggregate(x, by=list(g=g), 
                        FUN=function(x, na.rm) {
                                else sd(x, na.rm=na.rm)
                            na.rm=na.rm )
                if(method=="robust") {
                        #NB: uses n-1 as degfree
                        mkh <- as.data.frame( lapply(x[,2:ncol(x), drop=FALSE], k.robust, na.rm=na.rm, degfree=n-1) )
                } else {
                        mkh <- as.data.frame( lapply(x[,2:ncol(x), drop=FALSE], k, na.rm=na.rm) )
        } else {
                stop("type must be one of 'h' or 'k'")
        row.names(mkh) <- as.character(x[[1]]) 
        attr(mkh, "mandel.type") <- type[1]

        attr(mkh, "mandel.method") <- method[1]
        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g

        attr(mkh, "n") <- n
        class(mkh) <- c("mandel.kh", class(mkh))

mandel.kh.ilab <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, type=c("h", "k"), method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

        if(missing(g)) {
                name.g <- if(is.null(rowname)) 
        } else {
                name.g <- if(is.null(rowname)) 
        if(missing(m)||is.null(m)) m <- x$data$measurand
        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=x$data$x, g=g, m=x$data$measurand, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type=type, method=method, n=n, ...)
        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g

#These convenience functions are generic to allow special handling for ilab grouped.by
mandel.h <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

mandel.k <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

mandel.h.default <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {
        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=x, g=g, m=m, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type="h", method=method, n=n, ...)

        name.g <- .get.mandel.rowname(deparse(substitute(g)), rowname)

        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g


mandel.k.default <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {
        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=x, g=g, m=m, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type="k", method=method, n=n, ...)

        name.g <- .get.mandel.rowname(deparse(substitute(g)), rowname)

        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g


#ilab methods
mandel.h.ilab <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

        if(missing(g)) {
                name.g <- if(is.null(rowname)) 
        } else {
                name.g <- if(is.null(rowname)) 
        if(missing(m)||is.null(m)) m <- x$data$measurand
        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=x$data$x, g=g, m=m, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type="h", method=method, n=n, ...)
        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g

mandel.k.ilab <- function(x, g=NULL, m=NULL, na.rm=T, rowname=NULL, method=c("classical", "robust"), n=NA, ...) {

        if(missing(g)) {
                name.g <- if(is.null(rowname)) 
        } else {
                name.g <- if(is.null(rowname)) 
        if(missing(m)||is.null(m)) m <- x$data$measurand

        mkh<-mandel.kh(x=x$data$x, g=g, m=m, na.rm=na.rm, rowname=rowname, type="k", method=method, n=n, ...)
        attr(mkh, "grouped.by") <- name.g

# Plot method

plot.mandel.kh <- function(x, probs=c(0.95, 0.99), main, 
                                xlab=attr(x, "grouped.by"), ylab= attr(x, "mandel.type") ,
                                ylim=NULL, las=1, axes=TRUE, cex.axis=1, frame.plot = axes,
                                lwd=1, lty=1,col=par("col"), 
                                col.ind=1, lty.ind=c(2,1), lwd.ind=1,
                                separators=TRUE, col.sep="lightgrey", lwd.sep=1, lty.sep=1,
                                zero.line=TRUE, lwd.zero=1, col.zero=1, lty.zero=1,
                                p.adjust="none", ...) {
                if(missing(main) ) 
                        main <- paste(  deparse(substitute(x)), " - Mandel's", 
                                        attr(x, "mandel.type"), 
                                        if(attr(x, "mandel.method") == "robust") "(Robust variant)" 
                #       #Number of items 
                ng <- nrow(x)
                #       #Number of groups

                mids <- gplot(x, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
                                ylim=ylim, las=las, axes=axes, cex.axis=cex.axis, 
                                frame.plot=frame.plot, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, col=col,
                                separators=separators, col.sep=col.sep, 
                                lwd.sep=lwd.sep, lty.sep=lty.sep,
                                zero.line=zero.line, lwd.zero=lwd.zero, 
                                col.zero=col.zero, lty.zero=lty.zero, ...)
                if( !is.na(probs[1]) ) {
                        if(p.adjust != "none" ) {
                                probs <- 1 - p.adjust(1-probs, method=p.adjust, n = ng * ncol(x))
                        if(attr(x, "mandel.type") == "h" ) {
                                #Mandel's h
                                #Use 2-sided intervals
                                probs <- 1 - (1 - probs)/2
                                probs <- c(probs, 1-probs)
                                if(attr(x, "mandel.method") == "classical" ) {
                                        abline(h=qmandelh(probs, ng), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                } else {
                                        #Robust: use qnorm indicators
                                        abline(h=qnorm(probs), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                        } else {
                                #Mandel's k
                                if(attr(x, "mandel.method") == "classical" ) {
                                        abline(h=qmandelk(probs, ng, attr(x, "n")), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                } else {
                                        #Robust: use f(n-1, Inf)
                                        abline(h=sqrt(qf(probs, attr(x, "n")-1, Inf)), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)

barplot.mandel.kh <- function(height, probs=c(0.95, 0.99), main, 
                                xlab=attr(height, "grouped.by"), ylab=attr(height, "mandel.type"),
                                separators=TRUE, zero.line=TRUE, ylim,  p.adjust="none", frame.plot = TRUE,
                                ... , 
                                col.ind=1, lty.ind=c(2,1), lwd.ind=1, 
                                col.sep="lightgrey", lwd.sep=1, lty.sep=1,
                                lwd.zero=1, col.zero=1, lty.zero=1) {
                if(missing(main) ) 
                        main <- paste(  deparse(substitute(height)), " - Mandel's", 
                                        attr(height, "mandel.type"), 
                                        if(attr(height, "mandel.method") == "robust") "(Robust variant)" 
                ng <- nrow(height)
                        #Number of groups
                if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(pretty(c(0, na.omit(stack(height))$values)))
                mids <- barplot(t(as.matrix(height)), beside=TRUE, 
                        ylim=ylim, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,   ...)
                if(separators) {
                        mid.max<-mids[nrow(mids), ]
                        abline(v=c(0.5, mid.max+1), col=col.sep, lty=lty.sep, lwd=lwd.sep)
                if(zero.line) abline(h=0, col=col.zero, lwd=lwd.zero, lty=lty.zero)
                if(frame.plot) box()
                if( !is.na(probs[1]) ) {
                        if(p.adjust != "none" ) {
                                probs <- 1 - p.adjust(1-probs, method=p.adjust, n = ng * ncol(height))
                        if(attr(height, "mandel.type") == "h" ) {
                                #Mandel's h
                                #Use 2-sided intervals
                                probs <- 1 - (1 - probs)/2
                                probs <- c(probs, 1-probs)
                                if(attr(height, "mandel.method") == "classical" ) {
                                        abline(h=qmandelh(probs, ng), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                } else {
                                        #Robust: use qnorm indicators
                                        abline(h=qnorm(probs), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                        } else {
                                #Mandel's k
                                if(attr(height, "mandel.method") == "classical" ) {
                                        abline(h=qmandelk(probs, ng, attr(height, "n")), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                } else {
                                        #Robust: use f(n-1, Inf)
                                        abline(h=qf(probs, attr(height, "n")-1, Inf), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)

boxplot.mandel.kh <- function(x, probs=c(0.95, 0.99), main,  
                                xlab=attr(x, "grouped.by"), ylab=attr(x, "mandel.type"),
                                separators=FALSE, zero.line=TRUE, ylim,  p.adjust="none", 
                                frame.plot = TRUE, horizontal=FALSE, at,
                                ... , 
                                col.ind=1, lty.ind=c(2,1), lwd.ind=1, 
                                col.sep="lightgrey", lwd.sep=1, lty.sep=1,
                                lwd.zero=1, col.zero=1, lty.zero=1,
                                outlier.labels=row.names(x), cex.lab=0.7, col.lab=1, 
                                adj=NULL, pos=NULL, srt=0 ) {
                if(missing(main) ) 
                        main <- paste(  deparse(substitute(x)), " - Mandel's", 
                                        attr(x, "mandel.type"), 
                                        if(attr(x, "mandel.method") == "robust") "(Robust variant)" 
                ng <- nrow(x)
                        #Number of groups
                if(missing(at)) at <- 1:ncol(x)
                if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(pretty(c(0, na.omit(stack(x))$values)))
                bx <- boxplot(as.matrix(x),  horizontal=horizontal, at=at,
                        ylim=ylim, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,   ...)
                if(separators) {
                        if(length(at)> 1 ) {
                                offset.at <- diff(at[1:2])/2
                                sep.at <-c(at[1]-offset.at, at[1]+offset.at, at[-1]+diff(at)/2)
                        } else {
                                sep.at <- at+c(-0.5,0.5)
                                abline(h=sep.at, col=col.sep, lty=lty.sep, lwd=lwd.sep)
                                abline(v=sep.at, col=col.sep, lty=lty.sep, lwd=lwd.sep)
                if(zero.line) abline(h=0, col=col.zero, lwd=lwd.zero, lty=lty.zero)
                if(frame.plot) box()
                if( !is.na(probs[1]) ) {
                        if(p.adjust != "none" ) {
                                probs <- 1 - p.adjust(1-probs, method=p.adjust, n = ng * ncol(x))
                        if(attr(x, "mandel.type") == "h" ) {
                                #Mandel's h
                                #Use 2-sided intervals
                                probs <- 1 - (1 - probs)/2
                                probs <- c(probs, 1-probs)
                                if(attr(x, "mandel.method") == "classical" ) {
                                                abline(v=qmandelh(probs, ng), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                                abline(h=qmandelh(probs, ng), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                } else {
                                        #Robust: use qnorm indicators
                                                abline(v=qnorm(probs), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                                abline(h=qnorm(probs), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                        } else {
                                #Mandel's k
                                if(attr(x, "mandel.method") == "classical" ) {
                                                abline(v=qmandelk(probs, ng, attr(x, "n")), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                                abline(h=qmandelk(probs, ng, attr(x, "n")), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                } else {
                                        #Robust: use f(n-1, Inf)
                                                abline(v=qf(probs, attr(x, "n")-1, Inf), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                                                abline(h=qf(probs, attr(x, "n")-1, Inf), lty=lty.ind, col=col.ind, lwd=lwd.ind)
                if( ifelse(is.logical(outlier.labels[1]),outlier.labels[1], !is.na(outlier.labels[1])  ) ) {
                        if(is.logical(outlier.labels[1])) {
                                #Names not specified and labelling is required by TRUE: get labels
                                outlier.labels <- row.names(x) 
                        #Now go find all those outlier locations in the grouped data:
                        out.index <- rep(NA, length(bx$out))
                        for(i in 1:length(bx$out)) {
                                out.index[i] <- which.min( abs( x[,bx$group[i]] - bx$out[i] ) ) 
                        if(is.null(pos) && is.null(adj)) pos <- 4
                                text(bx$out, at[bx$group], outlier.labels[out.index], 
                                        cex=cex.lab, col=col.lab, pos=pos, adj=adj, srt=srt)
                                text(at[bx$group], bx$out, outlier.labels[out.index], 
                                        cex=cex.lab, col=col.lab, pos=pos, adj=adj, srt=srt)

#Mandel statistic quantiles and probabilities
#Mandel's k
#Mandel's k has minimum 0 and maximum sqrt(g), where g is the number of groups

qmandelk <- function(p, g, n, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
        # p: Probability
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025),
        # n: number of replicates per group
        # Principle: k^2 / g is distributed as Beta((n-1)/2, (g-1)(n-1)/2)
        # This gives qk as sqrt( g * qbeta( (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2))

        sqrt( g * qbeta( p, (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p) )


pmandelk <- function(q, g, n, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
        # q: Quantile
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025)
        # n: number of replicates per group
        # Principle: k^2 / g is distributed as Beta((n-1)/2, (g-1)(n-1)/2)
        # This gives pk as pbeta( q^2 / g, (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2)

        pbeta( q^2 / g, (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)     


dmandelk <- function(x, g, n, log = FALSE) {
        # x: Quantile
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025)
        # n: number of replicates per group
        # Principle: k^2 / g is distributed as Beta((n-1)/2, (g-1)(n-1)/2)
        # This gives dk as 2k/g dbeta( q^2 / g, (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2)
        2 * x * dbeta( x^2 / g, (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2, log = FALSE) / g        

rmandelk <- function(B, g, n) {
        # B: number required (note B and not n, as n is usd in mandelk)
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025),
        # n: number of replicates per group
        # Principle: k^2 / g is distributed as Beta((n-1)/2, (g-1)(n-1)/2)
        # This gives qk as sqrt( g * qbeta( (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2))

        sqrt( g * rbeta( B, (n-1)/2, (g-1)*(n-1)/2) )


#Mandel's h distribution functions

qmandelh <- function(p, g, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
        # p: Probability
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025)
        #Principle: (1+h*sqrt(g)/(g-1))/2 is distributed as Beta((g-2)/2, (g-2)/2)
        ((g-1)/sqrt(g))*(2*qbeta(p, (g-2)/2, (g-2)/2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)-1)      

pmandelh <- function(q, g, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
        # q: Quantile
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025)
        #Principle: (1+h*sqrt(g)/(g-1))/2 is distributed as Beta((g-2)/2, (g-2)/2)
        #This gives  ph as pbeta( (1+h*sqrt(g)/(g-1))/2, (g-2)/2, (g-2)/2 )
        pbeta( (1+q*sqrt(g)/(g-1))/2, (g-2)/2, (g-2)/2, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)       

dmandelh <- function(x, g, log = FALSE) {
        # x: xuantile
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025)
        #Principle: (1+h*sqrt(g)/(g-1))/2 is distributed as Beta((g-2)/2, (g-2)/2)
        #This gives  dh as 
        dbeta( (1+x*sqrt(g)/(g-1))/2, (g-2)/2, (g-2)/2, log = FALSE) / (2*(g-1)/sqrt(g))        

rmandelh <- function(B, g) {
        # B: number required (note B and not n, as n is usd in mandelk)
        # g: Number of groups (labs (p), in ISO 17025)
        #Principle: (1+h*sqrt(g)/(g-1))/2 is distributed as Beta((g-2)/2, (g-2)/2)
        ((g-1)/sqrt(g))*(2*rbeta(B, (g-2)/2, (g-2)/2)-1)        

# Utility functions

.get.mandel.rowname <- function(g, rowname=NULL) {
        rv <- if(g=="NULL" | g=="") {
        } else {

.to.wide <- function(x, g, m) {
        #x is a vector grouped by g and m
        #where mandel's k will be calculated for 
        #all m and grouped by g. In interlab studies, g is usually the lab.
        #Generally there are n>=1 for all g:m
        #but the group size may not be constant
        #to.wide returns a data frame with colums named by m and a further grouping column g
        #that is, in a form usable by mandel.hk
        #reshape ought to be able to do this, but writing 
        #a custom routine was quicker than working out why 
        #reshape wasn't doing what I wanted. 
        if(!is.factor(g)) g <- factor(g)
        if(!is.factor(m)) g <- factor(m)
        #Count size of each group:
        n.per.g <- tapply(x, g:m, length)
        n <- max(n.per.g, na.rm=TRUE)
        d <- data.frame(g = factor(rep(levels(g), each=n), levels=levels(g)))
        row.names(d) <- paste(d$g, rep(1:n, along=d$g), sep=":")
        n.x <- paste(g, ave(x, g, m, FUN=function(x) 1:length(x)), sep=":")

        for(nn in levels(m) ) {
                subx <- x[m==nn]
                names(subx) <- n.x[m==nn]
                d[[nn]] <- subx[row.names(d)] 

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