
# Copyright (C) 2018 Markus Baaske. All Rights Reserved.
# This code is published under the GPL (>=3).
# File: 	qsOpt.R
# Date:  	14/03/2018
# Author: 	Markus Baaske
# Functions for simulated quasi-likelihood estimation,
# sampling candidates for evaluation, cross-validation,
# implements local and global search methods,
# quasi-scoring method 

.qleError <- function(subclass = NULL,
		        message = "", call = as.list(sys.call(-1))[[1]],
		 		error=NULL, ...) {
	 args <- list(...)
	 if(length(args) > 0L && any(is.null(names(args))))
	   stop("Additional arguments must have names.")
		message <- paste(message,":", error$message)
		list(message = .makeMessage(message), call = call),
	 class = c(subclass, c("error","condition")), error = error)

.isError <- function(x) {	
	( "error" %in% class(x) ||
	  !is.null(attr(x,"error")) || isTRUE(attr(x,"error")) ||
	  inherits(x, "error") || inherits(x, "try-error") 

# internal function to check the arguments `args` with of function `fun` 
.checkfun <- function(fun, args, hide.args = NULL, remove = NULL, check.default=TRUE) {	
	funname <- deparse(substitute(fun)) 
	if( !is.function(fun) )
	  stop(paste0(funname, " must be a function\n"))
	flist <- formals(fun)
	# remove `...`
	if("..." %in% names(formals(fun))) {
	  flist <- flist[-which(names(formals(fun))=="...")]
  	  if("..." %in% names(args))
	    args <- args[-which(names(args)=="...")]
    if ( length(flist) > 0L ) {		
		fnms  <- if(!is.null(remove)) names(flist)[-remove] else names(flist) 
		rnms  <- names(args)				
		m1 <- match(fnms, rnms)
		if(length(m1) == 0L && length(rnms) > 0L) {
		  for(i in 1:length(rnms)) {
			stop(paste0("Argument `",rnms, "` passed but not required in function `",
		if(anyNA(m1)) {
			mx1 <- which(is.na(m1))			
				mx1 <- mx1[!(mx1 %in% which(nzchar(flist)))]
			if(length(mx1) > 0L && !is.null(hide.args))
		      mx1 <- mx1[-which(mx1==pmatch(hide.args,fnms))]
		    if(length(mx1) > 0L) {
			 for( i in 1:length(mx1)){
				stop(paste0(funname, " requires argument `",
						fnms[mx1[i]], "` which has not been passed.\n"))
		m2 <- match(rnms, fnms)
			mx2 <- which(is.na(m2))
			for( i in 1:length(mx2)){
				stop(paste0("Argument `",rnms[mx2[i]], "` passed but not required in function `",

.checkOptions <- function(optlist, opts) {
		stop("Options should be a list of named arguments.")
	if (!is.list(opts) || "" %in% names(opts))
		stop("Argument 'opts' must be a list of named (character) elents.")
	optnames <- (names(opts) %in% names(optlist))
	if (!all(optnames)) {
		unames <- as.list(names(opts)[!(optnames)])
		stop(paste(c("Unknown arguments in 'opts': ",do.call("paste", c(unames, sep = ", "))), collapse=" "))
	return (0)

.qsOpts <- function(options = list(), xdim = 1L) {
	opts <- .addQscoreOptions(xdim)	
	if(length(options) > 0L) {
	 namc <- match.arg(names(options), choices = names(opts), several.ok = TRUE)
	 if (!is.null(namc))		 
		opts[namc] <- options[namc]
	# invert scaling constants
	txid <- which(opts$xscale != 1)
	 opts$xscale[txid] <- 1/opts$xscale[txid] 
	tfid <- which(opts$fscale != 1)
	 opts$fscale[tfid] <- 1/opts$fscale[tfid]

.addQscoreOptions <- function(xdim) {
	list( "ftol_stop" = .Machine$double.eps,	  
		  "step_tol"  = 1e-13,
		  "xtol_rel"  = 1e-11,								# see also steptol (Dennis & Schnabel)
		  "grad_tol"  = 1e-4,  
		  "ftol_abs"  = 1e-6,								# used if stepmin or grad_tol reached 
		  "ltol_rel"  = 1e-4,								# relative step length tolerance
		  "score_tol" = 1e-5,								# also used to select best roots		 
		  "slope_tol" = 1e-9,
		  "maxiter"   = 100,
		  "xscale" 	  = rep(1,xdim),						# scaling independent variables, e.i. parameter theta
		  "fscale" 	  = rep(1,xdim),						# scaling quasi-score components for 0.5*norm^2 of quasi-score only 
		  "restart"	  = TRUE,
		  "pl" = 0L)

.getDefaultGLoptions <- function(xdim) {
	list("stopval" = 0.0,							 		# global stopping value
		 "lam_rel" = 1e-2,									# relative change in maximum generalized eigenvalue
		 "xtol_rel" = 1e-3, 								# less restrictive for global search
		 "ftol_rel" = 1e-4, 								# less restrictive for global search		
		 "maxiter" = 100,									# max number of global iterations
		 "maxeval" = 100,									# max number of global and local iterations
		 "sampleTol" = 1e-4,								# minimum (euclidean) distance between samples		 
	 	 "weights" = c(100,50,25,10,8,4,2,1),		 
		 "nsample" = 1000*(xdim+1),							# number of global random samples
		 "NmaxRel" = 3,		 
		 "NmaxfRel" = 5,
		 "NmaxCV" = 3,		 
		 "NmaxSample" = 3,
		 "NmaxLam" = 3,
		 "NmaxQI" = 5,	 
		 "nstart" = 10*(xdim+1L),							# number of starting points for multistart version at global phase
		 "nextSample" = "ITPV",								# default selection criterion
		 "xdist_tol" = 1e-3) 								# trigger testing, indicating a local minimum

.getDefaultLOCoptions <- function(xdim) {
	list("ftol_abs"	= 1e-6,							   # whether local minimizer is numerically zero		 
		 "lam_max" = 1e-3,							   # quite restrictive
		 "pmin" = 0.05,								   # minimum accepted probability of coverage of sample points within search domain
		 "weights" = c(0.95,0.5,0.25,0.05),		   	   # sampling by criterion `LQS` corresponds to ML with weight equal to 0.5 of quasi-score 
		 "nsample" = 1000*(xdim+1),				  	   # number of local random samples
		 "ntotal" = 1000*(xdim+1),					   # number of local random samples for evaluation of sampling criterion 'VQS'
		 "perr_tol" = rep(0.1,xdim),				   # upper bound on the relative change of empirical error and predicted error (by inverse QI) 
		 "nobs"=100,								   # number of boottrap observations to generate (used for approximate root testing)
		 "alpha" = 0.05,							   # significance level testing a root		 
		 "eta" = c(0.025,0.05),						   # c("decrease"=0.05,"increase"=0.075) additive step size	
		 "nfail" = 3,								   # number of failed (not yet improved) iterations until next decrease of weights 
		 "nsucc" = 2,								   # number of successful iterations until next increase of weights 
		 "nextSample" = "LQS",					  	   # default selection criterion
		 "useWeights" = TRUE,						   # do not dynamically adjust weights and cycle through the weights							   
		 "test" = TRUE)							   	   # testing approximate root		 

.setControls <- function(globals,locals) {
	defaults <- c("lam_rel","lam_max","xtol_rel", "ftol_rel", "stopval","sampleTol",
	optlist <- c(globals,locals)
	namc <- match.arg(names(optlist), choices = defaults, several.ok = TRUE)
	ctls <- data.frame(cbind("cond" = unlist(optlist[namc]),
						     "val" = 0, "tmp"=0, "stop" = 0,
							 "count" = c(1,globals$NmaxCV,globals$NmaxRel,globals$NmaxfRel,1,1,
			row.names = namc, check.names = FALSE)
	# init some controls	
	ctls["sampleTol","val"] <- 1E100
	ctls[c("lam_rel","lam_max"),"val"] <- rep(1,2)	
	return (ctls)

#' @name getDefaultOptions
#' @title Print default options for optimization
#' @description Print default options for global and local optimization routines
#' for function \code{\link{qle}}
#' @param xdim 		dimension of the unknown model parameter
#' @return List of options.
#' @details The function returns a list of available options
#'  for functions \code{\link{qscoring}} and \code{\link{qle}}.
#' @examples
#' getDefaultOptions(xdim=2)
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname getDefaultOptions
#' @export
getDefaultOptions <- function(xdim) {
	  stop("`xdim` mus be a numeric value.")
	list("qscoring" = .addQscoreOptions(xdim),		 
		 "qle_local_opts" = .getDefaultLOCoptions(xdim),
		 "qle_global_opts" = .getDefaultGLoptions(xdim))

## Internal, not exported
## 'points' is best chosen as matrix
cverrorTx <- function(points, Xs, dataT, cvm, Y, type, cl = NULL) {	
	# extract full predictions	
	dfx <- as.data.frame(extract(Y,type="mean"))
	useMax <- (attr(cvm,"type") == "max")
	dfs2 <-
	 if(useMax) {
	 } else NULL
	# number of fitted cov models equals 
	# number of blocks for jackknife variance
	n <- length(cvm)
	np <- nrow(dfx)			

    # prediction function for CV
	statsCV <- function(covT,points,Xs,dataT) {				
		 id <- attr(covT,"id")
	L <- tryCatch(
		  doInParallel(cvm, statsCV, points=points, Xs=Xs, dataT=dataT, cl=cl)
			,error = function(e) {
				msg <- .makeMessage("Cross-validation prediction failed: ",
	# on error
	 lapply(1:length(L[[1]]), function(i) {
		##  index i (i=1,...,p) is over statistics
		##  index k is over prefitted covariance models with exactly (n-1) points
		y <- do.call(cbind,lapply(L,function(mod) mod[[i]]))
			"cve" =	{
				m.cvjack <- n*dfx[,i]-(n-1)*y
				cv <- apply(m.cvjack,1,
							function(x) {
								xn <- mean(x)
				if(useMax) {
				} else cv		
			 "scve" = { 										# standardized (by kriging variance) cross-validation error				 
				   stop("Standardized jackknife variance calculation only if number of samples equals number of models.")				   	
 					 sigK <- sapply(1:length(cvm),
							 function(k) {
								 mod <- cvm[[k]]
								 id <- attr(mod,"id")
								 varKM(mod[[i]],points[k,], Xs[-id,],dataT[-id,i])								 
			 "msd" = { rowMeans((y - dfx[,i])^2) },				# CV based mean squared deviation (prediction uncertainty)
	 		 "rmsd" = { sqrt(rowMeans((y - dfx[,i])^2)) },		# CV based root mean squared deviation (prediction uncertainty)
			 "acve" = {											# average CV errors at sample points (model validity) to assess the bias in estimation
				  stop("Average cross-validation error calculation only available if the number of sample points equals the number of CV models.")			  	 
				  # should be approximately zero for all statisitcs i=1,...,p
				  # for no systematic over- or under estimation of statistics
			 "mse" = {											# average mean squared CV errors at sample points (model validity)
				  stop("Cross-validation MSE calculation can be computed only if number of samples equals the number of CV models.")		  	 	
			 "ascve" = {											# standardized CV based mse by kriging variances 
				 if(n!=np)										    # at sample points (model validity)
				   stop("Standardized cross-validation MSE can be computed only if number of samples equals number of CV models.")			     	 
				   sigK <- sapply(1:length(cvm),
							 function(k) {
								mod <- cvm[[k]]
								id <- attr(mod,"id")
								varKM(mod[[i]],points[k,], Xs[-id,],dataT[-id,i])										
			 "sigK" = { 										# standardized (by kriging variance) cross-validation error				 
				 stop("Leave-one-out kriging variance is only available if the number of sample points equals the number of CV models.")				   	
						 function(k) {
							 mod <- cvm[[k]]
							 id <- attr(mod,"id")
							 varKM(mod[[i]],points[k,], Xs[-id,],dataT[-id,i])								 

#' @name crossValTx 
#' @title Prediction variances by cross-validation
#' @description The function estimates the prediction variances by a cross-validation approach (see vignette)
#'  applied to each sample means of summary statistics. 
#' @param qsd   	object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param cvm		list of prefitted covariance models obtained from function \code{\link{prefitCV}}
#' @param theta		optional, default \code{NULL}, list or matrix of points where to estimate prediction variances
#' @param type		name of type of prediction variance 
#' @param cl	    cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class \code{MPIcluster}, \code{SOCKcluster}, \code{cluster}
#' @return A matrix of estimated prediction variances for each point given by the argument \code{theta} (as rows)
#'  and for each statistic (as columns).  
#' @details	Other than the kriging prediction variance, which solely depends on interdistances of sample points
#'  and estimated covariance parameters of some assumed to be known spatial covariance model, the cross-validation
#'  based approach (see [4] and the vignette) even takes into account the predicted values at `\code{theta}` and thus can be thought of
#'  a more robust measure of variability between different spatial locations. By default, `\code{theta}` equals the current sampling set 
#'  stored in the object `\code{qsd}`.
#'  If we set the type of measure `\code{type}` equal to "\code{cve}", the impact on the level of accuracy (predicting at unsampled
#'  points) is measured by a \emph{delete-k jackknifed variance} of prediction errors. This approach does not require further
#'  simulation runs as a measure of uncertainty for predicting the sample means of statistics at new candidate points accross the parameter space.
#'  If \code{attr(cvm,"type")} equals "\code{max}", then the maximum of kriging and CV-based prediction variances is returned. 
#'  In addition, other measures of prediction uncertainty are available such as the \emph{root mean square deviation}
#'  (\code{rmsd}) and \emph{mean square deviation} (\code{msd}) or the \emph{standardized cross-validation error}
#'  (\code{scve}). The details are explained in the vignette. In order to assess the predictive quality of possibly
#'  different covariance models (also depending on the initial sample size), including the comparison of different
#'  sizes of initial sampling designs, the following measures [8] are available for covariance model validation and adapted
#'  to the cross-validation approach here by using an \emph{average cross-validation error} (\code{acve}), the \emph{mean square error} (\code{mse})
#'  or the \emph{average standardized cross-validation error} (\code{ascve}). These last measures can only be computed in case the total number
#'  of sample points equals the number of leave-one-out covariance models. This requires to fit each cross-validation
#'  covariance model by \code{\link{prefitCV}} using the option `\code{reduce}`=\code{FALSE} which is then based on exactly
#'  one left-out point. Also, we can calculate the kriging variance at the left-out sample points if we set the option `\code{type}`
#'  equal to "\code{sigK}". 
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' # design matrix and statistics
#' X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[,1:2])
#' Tstat <- qsd$qldata[grep("^mean[.]",names(qsd$qldata))]
#' # construct but do not re-estimate
#' # covariance parameters by REML for CV models
#' qsd$cv.fit <- FALSE
#' cvm <- prefitCV(qsd)
#' theta0 <- c("mu"=2,"sd"=1)
#' # get mean squared deviation using cross-validation at theta0 
#' crossValTx(qsd, cvm, theta0, type = "msd")
#' # and kriging variance  
#' varKM(qsd$covT,theta0,X,Tstat) 	 
#' @seealso \code{\link{prefitCV}}
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname crossValTx
#' @export
crossValTx <- function(qsd, cvm, theta = NULL, 
		          type = c("rmsd","msd","cve","scve","acve","mse","ascve","sigK"),
				    cl = NULL)
    type <- match.arg(type)
	dx <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	Xs <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(dx)])
	# set sample points as default
	# points to predict the CV error
	 theta <- Xs
	# dataT has to be list (of class data.frame)
	dataT <- qsd$qldata[(dx+1):(dx+length(qsd$covT))]
			Y <- estim(qsd$covT,theta,Xs,dataT,krig.type="var")
			# cross-validation variance/RMSE of statistics
			cv <- cverrorTx(theta,Xs,dataT,cvm,Y,type,cl)
		}, error = function(e) {
			msg <- .makeMessage("Could not calculate cross-validation variance: ",

## Internal
##	  i is numeric vector of indices of left out points
updateCV <- function(i, qsd, fit, ...) {
	covT <- qsd$covT
	qsd$qldata <- qsd$qldata[-i,]	# keep ith observations (k-fold CV)

	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	Xs <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
	fitit <- (fit && !(nrow(Xs) %% qsd$nfit))

	cvm <- lapply(1:length(covT),
			function(j) {
				xm <- covT[[j]]					
				xm$start <- xm$param[xm$free]				
				  xm$fix.nugget <- xm$fix.nugget[-i]
				if(fitit) {
				  xm$dataT <- qsd$qldata[[xdim+j]]
	if(fitit) {
	  res <- lapply(cvm, doREMLfit, Xs=Xs, ...)
	  if(!inherits(res,"error")) {
	  } else {		
		 msg <- message("Could not update covariance parameters because `REML` failed.")
    } else {

#' @name prefitCV 
#' @title Covariance parameter estimation for cross-validation 
#' @description The function constructs a list of covariance models of statistics in order to estimate the prediction error
#'  variances by a cross-validation approach at unsampled points. 
#' @param qsd   	  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param reduce	  if \code{TRUE} (default), reduce the number of covariance models to refit
#' @param type		  type of prediction variances, "\code{cv}" (default) and "\code{max}", see \code{\link{crossValTx}}
#' @param control	  control arguments for REML estimation, passed to \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}  	
#' @param cl	      cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class \code{MPIcluster}, \code{SOCKcluster}, \code{cluster}
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE}, print intermediate output
#' @return A list of certain length depending on the current sample size (number of evaluated points).
#'  Each list element corresponds to a (possibly reduced) number of sample points with at most \eqn{k} points
#'  (see details) left-out for fitting the corresponding covariance models. 
#' @details Using the cross-validation approach (see vignette) for estimating the prediction variances 
#' 	might require a refit of covariance parameters of each statistic based on the remaining sample points.
#'  The covariance models are refitted if `\code{fit}` equals \code{TRUE} and otherwise simply updated without fitting which
#'  saves some computational resources. The number of points left-out, if applicable, is dynamically adjusted depending on the number
#'  of sample points in order to prevent the main estimation algorithm to fit as many models as there are points already evaluated.  
#'  The number \eqn{n_c} of covariance models still to fit, that is, the number of partitioning sets of sample points, is limited by
#'  \eqn{n_c\leq n}, with maximum \eqn{k} sampling points deleted from the full sample set with overall \eqn{n} sample points such that
#'  \eqn{n=n_c k} (see also the vignette for further details). 
#' @examples 
#'   data(normal)
#'   # without re-estimation of covariance parameters, default is TRUE
#'   qsd$cv.fit <- FALSE  
#'   cvm <- prefitCV(qsd)
#' @seealso \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname prefitCV
#' @export
prefitCV <- function(qsd, reduce = TRUE, type = c("cv","max"),
		              control = list(),	cl = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
	N <- nrow(qsd$qldata)
	p <- if(reduce) {
		 } else 1
	nb <- floor(p*N)
	k <- ceiling(N/nb) # block size
	S <-
	 if((N-k) >= qsd$minN){
        Ni <- seq_len(N) 
		split(Ni, sort(Ni%%nb))
	 } else stop(paste0("Total number of points must be at least ",qsd$minN," for cross-validation."))
	fit <- isTRUE(qsd$cv.fit)
    type <- match.arg(type)
	# Leave-k-Out CV
		 if(length(control) > 0L) {		
			opts <- nloptr::nl.opts()
			opts[names(control)] <- control
		 } else {
			opts <- attr(qsd,"opts")		
		   structure(doInParallel(S, updateCV, qsd=qsd, fit=fit, 
						opts=opts, cl=cl, verbose=verbose),

	  },error = function(e) {
		 msg <- paste0("Prefitting covariance models failed.\n")

# internal, alloc C structure
# Also for QL, a pre-set (inverse) variance matrix can be supplied by VTX
# No predictions variances here (done at C level), theta is only needed
# for the weighted version of avergage variance approximation
.qdAlloc <- function(qsd, Sigma = NULL, ..., inverted = FALSE, cvm = NULL) {	
	X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim"))])		
	if(!(qsd$var.type %in% c("kriging","const"))){		
		Sigma <- covarTx(qsd,...,cvm=cvm)[[1]]$VTX	
	} else if(qsd$var.type=="const" && !inverted){
		 stop("`Sigma` cannot be NULL if used as a constant variance matrix.")
		# Only for constant Sigma, which is used as is!
		Sigma <- try(gsiInv(Sigma),silent=TRUE)
		if(inherits(Sigma,"try-error")) {
			msg <- paste0("Inversion of constant variance matrix failed.")

	# init QL data and kriging models	
	qlopts <- list("varType"=qsd$var.type, "useCV"=!is.null(cvm))	
	 # return TRUE for success othewise signal error

# internal, free memory
.qdDealloc <- function() {

.checkArguments <- function(qsd, x0=NULL, Sigma = NULL, ...) {
	if(class(qsd) != "QLmodel"){
	   stop("`qsd` object must be of class `QLmodel`.")
   	if(!is.null(x0)) {
	    if(!is.numeric(x0) || anyNA(x0))
		  stop("Starting point must be numeric vector.")		
		# bounds checks
		if( length(qsd$lower)!=length(x0) || length(qsd$upper)!=length(x0))
			stop("Length of 'x0' does not match 'lower' or 'upper' bounds length.")	
		if(any(x0<qsd$lower) || any(x0>qsd$upper))
			stop("At least one element in 'x0' does not match bound constraints. Please check!")
		if(nrow(Sigma)!=length(qsd$covT) )
		 stop("Dimensions of `Sigma` must match the number of statistics.\n")
		if(qsd$var.type == "const" && qsd$criterion == "qle")
			warning("'Sigma' is chosen to be a constant variance matrix while criterion 'qle' is applied.")			
	} else if(qsd$var.type == "kriging" && is.null(qsd$covL))
		stop("Covariance models for kriging variance matrix must be given, see function `setQLdata`.")	
	  else if(qsd$var.type == "const") 
		stop("`Sigma` must not be NULL for `const` variance matrix approximation.")

#' @name searchMinimizer
#' @title Minimize a criterion function 
#' @description The function either searches for a root of the quasi-score or minimizes one of the criterion functions.
#' @param x0		  (named) numeric vector, the starting point
#' @param qsd   	  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param method	  names of possible minimization routines (see details) 
#' @param opts		  list of control arguments for quasi-scoring iteration, see \code{\link{qscoring}}
#' @param control 	  list of control arguments passed to \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}} routines defined in \code{method}
#' @param ...		  further arguments passed to \code{\link{covarTx}}
#' @param obs		  numeric vector of observed statistics, overwrites `\code{qsd$obs}`
#' @param optInfo	  logical, \code{FALSE} (default), not yet used argument (ignored)
#' @param check		  logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check input arguments
#' @param minimize    logical, \code{TRUE} (defualt), unless \code{method} is not "\code{qscoring}", whether to minimize or maximize the quasi-deviance 
#' @param restart 	  logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to restart optimization in case of non convergence
#' @param pl		  numeric value (>=0), the print level 
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE} (default), print intermediate output
#' @details The function provides an interface to local and global numerical minimization routines
#'  using the approximate quasi-deviance (QD) or Mahalanobis distance (MD) as an objective (monitor) function.
#'  The function does not require additional simulations to find an approximate minimizer or root of the quasi-score.
#'  The numerical iterations always take place on the fast to evaluate criterion function approximations.
#'  The main purpose is to provide an entry point for minimization without the need of sampling new candidate points for evaluation.
#'  This is particularly useful if we search for a "first-shot" minimizer or to re-iterate a few further steps after estimation of the
#'  model parameter.  
#'  The criterion function is treated as a deterministic (non-random) function during minimization
#'  (or root finding) whose surface depends on the sample points and chosen covariance models. Because of the typical nonconvex
#'  nature of the criterion functions one cannot expect a global minimizer by applying any local search method like, for example,
#'  the scoring iteration \code{\link{qscoring}}. Therfore, if the quasi-scoring iteration or some other available method gets stuck
#'  in a local minimum of the criterion function showing at least some kind of numerical convergence we use such minimizer as it is and
#'  finish the search, possibly being unlucky, having not found an approximate root of the quasi-score vector (or minimum of the Mahalanobis distance).
#'  If there is no obvious convergence or any error, the search is restarted by switching to the next user supplied minimization routine defined
#'  in the vector of method names `\code{method}`. 
#'  \subsection{Choice of local minimization routines}{  
#'  Besides the quasi-scoring method, `\code{method}` equal to "\code{qscoring}", the following
#'  (derivative-free) routines from the \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}} package are available for minimizing
#'  both criterion functions:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 	  \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{bobyqa}}, \code{\link[nloptr]{cobyla}} and \code{\link[nloptr]{neldermead}}}
#'    \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{direct}}, global search with a locally biased version named \code{directL}}
#' 	  \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{lbfgs}},  for minimizing the MD with constant `\code{Sigma}` only}
#' 	  \item{}{ \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}, as the general optimizer, which allows to use further methods}
#'  }
#'  Using quasi-scoring first, which is only valid for minimizing the QD, is always a good idea since we might have done
#'  a good guess already being close to an approximate root. If this fails we switch to any of the above alternative methods
#'  (e.g. \code{\link[nloptr]{bobyqa}} as the default method) or eventually - in some real hard situations - to the
#'  method `\code{direct}`, if given, or its locally biased version `\code{directL}`. The order of processing is determined
#'  by the order of appearance of the names in the argument `\code{method}`. Any method available from package `\code{nloptr}` can be
#'  chosen. In particular, setting \code{method="nloptr"} and defining `\code{control}` in an appropriate way allows to choose a multistart
#'  algorithm such as \code{\link[nloptr]{mlsl}}, see also \code{\link{multiSearch}} for an alternative solution.
#'  Only if there are reasonable arguments against quasi-scoring, such as expecting local minima rather than a root first or an available
#'  limited computational budget, we can always apply the direct search method `\code{direct}` leading to a globally exhaustive search.
#'  Note that we must always supply a starting point `\code{x0}`, which could be any vector valued parameter of the parameter space unless
#'  method `\code{direct}` is chosen. Then `\code{x0}` is still required but ignored as a starting point since it uses the "center point" of
#'  the (hyper)box constraints internally. In addition, if cross-validation models `\code{cvm}` are given, the cross-validation prediction variances
#'  are inherently used during consecutive iterations of all methods. This results in additional computational efforts due to the repeated evaluations
#'  of the statistics to calculate these variances during each new iteration.  
#' }
#' @return A list as follows
#' 	  \item{par}{solution vector}
#' 	  \item{value}{objective value}
#' 	  \item{method}{applied method}
#' 	  \item{convergence}{termination code}
#' 	  \item{score}{if applicable, quasi-score vector (or gradient of MD)}
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' searchMinimizer(c("mu"=2.5,"sd"=0.2),qsd,method=c("qscoring","bobyqa"),verbose=TRUE) 
#' @seealso \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}}, \code{\link{qscoring}}, \code{\link{multiSearch}}
#' @rdname searchMinimizer
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @export
#' @importFrom nloptr direct directL cobyla bobyqa lbfgs neldermead
searchMinimizer <- function(x0, qsd, method = c("qscoring","bobyqa","direct"),
					 opts = list(), control = list(), ...,  
					   obs = NULL, optInfo = FALSE, check = TRUE, 
					    minimize = TRUE, restart = TRUE, pl = 0L, verbose = FALSE)
	x0 <- if(is.matrix(x0))
	else unlist(x0)
	 stopifnot(is.numeric(pl) && pl >= 0L )
    fun.name <- ""
	nms <- names(x0)	
	scoring <- isTRUE("qscoring" %in% method)
	# to be sure
	x0 <- .PROJMED(x0,qsd$lower,qsd$upper)
	# current sample points
	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	if(xdim != length(x0))
	 stop("Dimension of starting point 'x0' does not match the problem dimension.")
 	# init tracklist for error tracking
 	tracklist <- structure(list(),class="QDtrack") 

	# may overwrite (observed) statistics	
	if(!is.null(obs)) {
		obs <- unlist(obs)
		if(anyNA(obs) | any(!is.finite(obs)))
			warning("`NA`, `NaN` or `Inf` values detected in argument `obs`.")
		if(!is.numeric(obs) || length(obs)!=length(qsd$covT))
		  stop("Object `obs` must be a (named) numeric vector or list of length equal to the number of given statistics in `qsd`.")
		qsd$obs <- obs

	S0 <-
	 if(qsd$criterion != "qle"){
		m1 <- pmatch("qscoring",method)
		if(!is.na(m1)) {
		  method <- method[-m1]
		  message(.makeMessage("Scoring not available for criterion `mahal`, using `",method,"` instead.\n"))
	    if(length(method) == 0L)
		  stop("Only a single local search method is specified: ")
	 	fun.name <- method[1]
	 } else {
		fun.name <- "qscoring"
		m1 <- pmatch(fun.name,method)
		  method <- c("qscoring",method[-m1])		
		   }, error = function(e) {	e }
		} else NULL
    if(!is.null(S0) && (.isError(S0) || S0$convergence < 0L)){	   
	   msg <- .makeMessage("Minimization by `",fun.name,"` did not converge: ")
 	    msg <- c(msg, paste0(" (status = ",S0$convergence,")") )
		msg <- c(msg, conditionMessage(S0))
	   if(verbose)  message(msg)	   	   
	   method <- method[-1]
	   if(is.na(method[1]) || !restart){
		message(.makeMessage("No convergence or restart required and only one local method supplied."))
	   tracklist <- c(tracklist,list(S0))
	if(is.null(S0) || (restart && S0$convergence < 0L)) {	  	
	  S0 <- 
			# allocation at C level
			 stop("Allocation error: cannot request C memory.")
			fn <- 
			 if(minimize) {
				"qle" = { function(x) .Call(C_qDValue,x) },
				"mahal" = { function(x) .Call(C_mahalValue,x) }	)
			 } else {
				"qle" = { function(x) -.Call(C_qDValue,x) },
				"mahal" = { function(x) -.Call(C_mahalValue,x) }	)
		 	 repeat {
				if(!is.na(method[1])) {
					  cat(paste0("Using method: ",method[1],"...\n"))
					fun.name <- method[1]					
				} else {
					 .qleError(message = "No convergence and only one method supplied: ",
							   call = sys.call(),
							   error = if(inherits(S0,"error")) conditionMessage(S0) else NULL,
					   		S0 = S0, method = method[1], tracklist = tracklist)
			 	S0 <-
								"direct" = {
									direct(fn, lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control)
								"directL" = {
									directL(fn, lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control)
								"lbfgs" = {									
									if(qsd$criterion != "mahal" || qsd$var.type != "const")
									  stop("`lbfgs` only for criterion `mahal` using a constant `Sigma`. Note that, in this case only the quasi-score vector is the gradient of the criterion function 'mahal'.")
										  fn = function(x) {
												 val <- fn(x)
												   list("objective" = val, 
														"gradient" = -attr(val,"score")))
										lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control)
								"nloptr" = {
										control["algorithm"] <- "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA"
										message(paste0("Using default derivative-free method: ",control$algorithm))									
									ret <- do.call(nloptr::nloptr,
											list(x0, eval_f=fn, lb=qsd$lower, ub=qsd$upper, opts=control))
												   "convergence"=ret$status,	# 0 for success
									fun <- try(get(fun.name),silent=TRUE)
									if(inherits(fun,"try-error") || !is.function(fun))
									   stop(paste0("Unknown function call: ",fun.name,".\n"))									
								    # default call to `nloptr`
								    do.call(fun, list(x0, fn, lower=qsd$lower, upper=qsd$upper, control=control))								
					  }, error = function(e) { e })
				if(!inherits(S0,"error") && S0$convergence >= 0L) {					
					attr(S0,"restarted") <- TRUE
					S0$bounds <- which(S0$par >= qsd$upper | S0$par <= qsd$lower)
				} else {
					msg <- .makeMessage("'Nloptr' failed or no convergence by: ",fun.name,".")
					message(msg, if(inherits(S0,"error")) conditionMessage(S0) else "", sep=" ")
				  	method <- method[-1]
					tracklist <- c(tracklist,list(S0))
			S0  # success: nloptr			
		}, error = function(e) {
			 msg <- .makeMessage("Restarted 'nloptr' minimization failed: ", conditionMessage(e))
			 return(.qleError(message = msg,call = sys.call(), error = e,
					   method = fun.name, tracklist = tracklist))			
		}, finally = { 
			   stop("Allocation error in C memory management.")
 	  names(S0$par) <- nms     
    if(class(S0) != "QSResult") {		
	  	if(!minimize && is.numeric(S0$value)) S0$value <- -S0$value
		S0 <- structure(
	  		   restarted=attr(S0,"restarted"), class="QSResult")
		qd <- tryCatch({				
				if(qsd$criterion == "qle")
			}, error = function(e) {
				 msg <- .makeMessage("Error in criterion function: ",conditionMessage(e))
	 		S0 <- structure(
					  c(S0,qd[[1]][which(!(names(qd[[1]]) %in% names(S0)))],
					 Sigma = attr(qd[[1]],"Sigma"), restarted = attr(S0,"restarted"),				
				   class = "QSResult")			
	 	} else { 
			return( structure(S0, tracklist = tracklist, error = qd) )
	  cat(paste0("Successful minimization by: ",fun.name,
		if(isTRUE(attr(S0,"restarted"))) " [restarted]", " (status = ",S0$convergence,")","\n"))
	if(pl >= 5L){
	if(length(tracklist) > 0L)
	  attr(S0,"tracklist") <- tracklist

#' @name globalSearch
#' @title Find new global evaluatino point 
#' @description  The function finds the maximum value of the global selection criterion, which basically
#'  is a distance weighted version of the quasi-deviance over the whole parameter domain. 
#' @param x0		  (named) numeric vector, the starting point
#' @param qsd   	  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param w			  scalar value, cycling weight
#' @param method	  names of possible minimization routines (see details) 
#' @param opts		  list of control arguments passed to \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}} routines defined in \code{method} for global search of maximum and minimum value of quasi-deviance
#' @param control 	  list of control arguments passed to \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}} for maximization of selection criterion
#' @param ...		  further arguments passed to \code{\link{covarTx}}
#' @param obs		  numeric vector of observed statistics, overwrites `\code{qsd$obs}`
#' @param optInfo	  logical, \code{FALSE} (default), not yet used argument (ignored)
#' @param check		  logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check input arguments
#' @param pl		  numeric value (>=0), the print level
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE} (default), print intermediate output 
#' @return list which contains the new evaluation point and the value of the criterion function
#' @seealso \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} 
#' @export 
globalSearch <- function(x0, qsd, w, method = c("nloptr","direct"), opts = list(), control = list(), ...,
					obs = NULL, optInfo = FALSE, check = TRUE, pl = 0L, verbose = FALSE) {
	args <- list(...)
	x0 <- if(is.matrix(x0))
	else unlist(x0)
	nms <- names(x0)	
	if(check) {
		stopifnot(is.numeric(pl) && pl >= 0L )	
	# to be sure project starting point
	x0 <- .PROJMED(x0,qsd$lower,qsd$upper)
	# check dimension
	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	if(xdim != length(x0))
	 stop("Dimension of starting point 'x0' does not match the problem dimension.")
 	# current sampled points (design)
 	X <- data.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
	if(length(opts)>0L) {		
	 nlopts <- nloptr::nl.opts()
	 nlopts[names(opts)] <- opts
	} else {
	 nlopts <-
		list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_GN_MLSL",
			 "local_opts" = list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD",
					 			 "ftol_abs"=1e-12,"ftol_rel"=1e-7,"xtol_rel" = 1.0e-6,"maxeval" = 100),
			 "maxeval" = 100,"ftol_rel"=1.0e-4,"xtol_rel" = 1.0e-4)	
	# search for maximum of quasi-deviance
	maxRes <- searchMinimizer(x0, qsd, method=method,
				control=nlopts, ..., obs=obs, optInfo=optInfo, check=check,
				 minimize=FALSE, pl=pl, verbose=verbose)
	if(.isError(maxRes) || maxRes$convergence < 0L) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Maximization of quasi-deviance failed.")
	minRes <- searchMinimizer(x0, qsd, method=method,
				control=nlopts, ..., obs=obs, optInfo=optInfo, check=check,
				 minimize=TRUE, pl=pl, verbose=verbose)

	if(.isError(minRes) || minRes$convergence < 0L) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Minimization of quasi-deviance failed.")
	ret <- 
		# allocation at C level
			stop("Allocation error: cannot request C memory.")
		fn <-				
			"qle" = function(x,w,X,fmax,fmin) {
						dmin <- .min.distXY(X,rbind(x))	    
						fval <- .Call(C_qDValue,x)
			"mahal" = function(x,w,X,fmax,fmin) {
						dmin <- .min.distXY(X,rbind(x))
						fval <- .Call(C_mahalValue,x)	
		 if(length(control) > 0L) {		
			 nlopts <- nloptr::nl.opts()
			 nlopts[names(control)] <- control
		 } else { nlopts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_GN_CRS2_LM","xtol_rel" = 1.0e-6,"maxeval" = 100) }
		# maximize selection criterion
		 list(x0=x0, eval_f=fn, lb=qsd$lower, ub=qsd$upper, opts=nlopts,
		  	 w=w, X=X, fmax=maxRes$value, fmin=minRes$value))
	  }, error = function(e) {
		 msg <- .makeMessage("Global search by maximizing criterion failed: ", conditionMessage(e))
		 return(.qleError(message = msg,call = sys.call(), error = e))			
	  }, finally = { 
		  stop("Allocation error in C memory management.")
	# check results
	if(.isError(ret) || !is.numeric(ret$solution) || ret$status < 0L) {					
		msg <- .makeMessage("'Nloptr' no convergence by algorithm `",nlopts$algorithm,"`.",
				 if(inherits(ret,"error")) conditionMessage(ret) else "", sep=" ")
		 .qleError(message = msg, call = sys.call(), 
				    error = ret, method = "nloptr")
	 cat(paste0("Found new global evaluation point.","\n"))
	  names(ret$solution) <- nms 
		   "value"=-ret$objective,		   # -1 because we actually maximized
   	  "minRes" = minRes,
	  "maxRes" = maxRes,
      "optRes" = if(optInfo) ret else NULL)

#' @name traceQIsamp
#' @title Finding a new evaluation point  
#' @description Minimizing the average total prediction variance of the quasi-score vector
#' @param x0		  numeric (named) vector or list as the center point of sampling region,
#' 					  e.g., an estimate of the model parameter 
#' @param qsd   	  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param QD		  list of criterion function results, either from calling \code{\link{quasiDeviance}} or \code{\link{mahalDist}} 
#' @param Sig0	  	  sample covariance matrix of parameters given in \code{QD}, default \code{NULL}, which is then computed  
#' @param nsim		  sample size of random points for computing the integral
#' @param type 		  integer, \code{type=0} (default), use uniform sampling of points, \code{type=1} multivariate normal random points 
#' @param fit		  logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to re-fit kriging covariance models of the statistics 
#' @param pmin		  minimum required ratio of points falling inside the overall design region (hyperbox of parameters)
#' @param ...		  optional, arguments passed to \code{\link{quasiDeviance}}, center point '\code{theta}' and '\code{W}' as weighting matrix for kernel estimate of covariance matrix,
#' 					  cross-validation models '\code{cvm}', see \code{\link{quasiDeviance}} for details 
#' @param optInfo	  logical, \code{FALSE} (default), not yet used argument (ignored)
#' @param cl 	 	  cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class \code{MPIcluster}, \code{SOCKcluster}, \code{cluster}
#' @param pl		  print level, use \code{pl}>0 to print intermediate results
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE} (default), print intermediate output
#' @details Based on the list of sampling candidates \code{QD} one point at a time is (sequentially) added to
#' the current sampling design. The integrated (averaged) total prediction variance of the quasi-score vector is then
#' computed based on this new design over a randomly generated set of candidate evaluation points with a sample covariance
#' derived from all sampled candidates. The integral is taken over a discrete set of points either generated uniformly within
#' the design region defined by simple bound constraints if '\code{Sig0}' is \code{NULL} or multivariate normally distributed points
#' with covariance matrix '\code{Sig0}' and mean parameter vector '\code{theta0}'. 
#' @return list of the criterion function value corresponding to the model parameter which minimizes
#'  the integrated total prediction variance of the quasi-score vector
#' @seealso \code{\link{quasiDeviance}} 
#' #
#' @rdname traceQIsamp
#' @author M. Baaske 
#' @export 
traceQIsamp <- function(x0, qsd, QD, Sig0 = NULL, nsim = 1000, type = 0L, fit = FALSE, pmin = 0.25, ... ,
		optInfo = FALSE, cl = NULL, pl = 0L, verbose = FALSE)
	if(qsd$var.type == "const")
	  stop(paste0("Using a constant 'Sigma' does not really make sense. Consider to use function 'traceQIconstr'."))
	  return(.qleError(message="Quasi-deviance evaluations have errors.", call=match.call(),error=QD) )  	
	x0 <-
	 else unlist(x0)	
	if(is.null(Sig0) && type){
		mpars <- try(do.call(rbind,lapply(QD, function(x) x$par)),silent=TRUE)	
		if(!is.matrix(mpars) || anyNA(mpars))
		 return(.qleError(message=.makeMessage("Could not extract parameters from criterion function evaluations.")),call=match.call(),error=mpars)	
		Sig0 <- try(.MSE(mpars,x0),silent=TRUE)
		if(inherits(Sig0,"try-error") || anyNA(Sig0)){
			msg <- paste0("Failed to compute covariance matrix 'Sig0' for random sampling.")
	# no check here!
	args <- list(...)
	 cat("Minimizing integrated total prediction variance...","\n")
	RES <-
				FUN=function(qd,qsd,Sig0,x0,nsim,type,fit,pmin,...) {					
					if(.isError(qd) || anyNA(unlist(qd))){
					 return(.qleError(message="Evaluation of criterion function failed.",error=qd))
					qsd <- updateQLdata(list(qd),qsd,fit)
					Y <- NULL
					# according to multivariate normal 
				      Y <- nextLOCsample(Sig0, x0, nsim, qsd$lower, qsd$upper, pmin)
					  # switch to uniform sampling points for solution of integral
						type <- 0L
			 		# uniform sampling		 
			 		if(!type) {						 
					  Y <- try(sapply(seq_len(length(x0)),function(i) runif(nsim,qsd$lower[i],qsd$upper[i])),silent=TRUE)					 
				 	colnames(Y) <- names(x0)
					# we only need 'qle' as a criterion function
					# since the trace of (modified) quasi-information is the same for both
					# value.only = 3L (compute trace of modified QI)
					vals <- quasiDeviance(Y,qsd,...,check=FALSE,value.only=3L)	
					 return(.qleError(message="Failed to compute quasi-deviance in 'traceQIsamp'.",error=vals))
					if(any(!is.finite(vals))) {
						hasNA <- which(!is.finite(vals))					
						vals <- vals[-hasNA]
						 return(.qleError(message="NAs detected in criterion function evaluation."))			  	 
				}, cl=cl, qsd=qsd, Sig0=Sig0, x0=x0, nsim=nsim, type=type, fit=fit, pmin=pmin), args))	

		msg <- .makeMessage("Evaluations of minimum prediction variances failed: ")
	# check all results
	msg <- "normal completion"
    ok <- which(sapply(RES,function(x) !.isError(x) ))			
	if(length(ok) == 0L){
	  msg <- paste("All evaluations of minimum prediction variances failed.")
	} else if(length(ok) < length(RES)){
		msg <- .makeMessage("A total of ",length(ok), " minimum prediction variances failed. Check attribute `optRes`.")
	# average over all points
	v <- sapply(RES[ok],"mean")
	id <-  which.min(v)
		"hasError"=which(!(1:length(RES) %in% ok)),
		"optRes"=if(optInfo) RES else NULL)

#' @name traceQIconstr
#' @title Find a new local evaluation point 
#' @description  The function maximizes the total prediction variance of the quasi-score vector in the vicinity of
#'  the center point `\code{x0}` (usually the current parameter estimate). More specifically, 
#'  a distance weighted version of the trace of the quasi-information matrix is maximized over a local region defined 
#'  by a level set of hight `\code{b}` w.r.t. the criterion function (either quasi-deviance or Mahalanobis distance)
#'  based on the observed statistics. The function can be used to find a suitable next evaluation point. As one of the
#'  global selection criteria the function can be called by \code{\link{qle}} to find a new evaluation point if testing
#'  approximate roots is enabled.
#' @param x0		  (named) numeric vector, the starting and center point of the feasible region
#' @param qsd   	  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param b			  upper bound on either quasi-deviance or mahalanobis distance criterion function values as an upper bound constraint (as a level set function) which defines the feasible region  
#' @param method	  names of possible minimization routines, currently only "\code{nloptr}" is supported (see details) 
#' @param opts		  list of control arguments passed to \code{\link[nloptr]{nloptr}} routines defined in \code{method} for global search of maximum and minimum value of quasi-deviance
#' @param ...		  further arguments passed to \code{\link{covarTx}}
#' @param optInfo	  logical, \code{FALSE} (default), not yet used argument (ignored)
#' @param check		  logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check input arguments
#' @param pl		  numeric value (>=0), the print level
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE} (default), print intermediate output 
#' @return list which contains the new evaluation point as the maximizer and the corresponding value of the criterion function
#' @seealso \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} 
#' @rdname traceQIconstr
#' @author M. Baaske 
#' @export 
traceQIconstr <- function(x0, qsd, b, method = c("nloptr"), opts = list(), ... ,
		         			optInfo = FALSE, check = TRUE, pl = 0L, verbose = FALSE) {
	args <- list(...)
	x0 <- if(is.matrix(x0))
			else unlist(x0)
	nms <- names(x0)	
	if(check) {
	  stopifnot(is.numeric(b) && b > 0.0 )
	  stopifnot(is.numeric(pl) && pl >= 0L )	 
	# check dimension
	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	x0 <- .PROJMED(x0,qsd$lower,qsd$upper)
	# current sampled points (design)
	X <- data.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
	if(length(opts)>0L) {		
		nlopts <- nloptr::nl.opts()
		nlopts[names(opts)] <- opts
	} else {
		nlopts <-
		      "ftol_rel"=1e-7,"xtol_rel" = 1.0e-5,
		      "maxeval" = 100)			
	ret <- 
			# allocation at C level
				stop("Allocation error: cannot request C memory.")
			# objective
			fn <-
				"qle" = function(x,X,b) {
							D <- .Call(C_internQD,x)
				"mahal" = function(x,X,b) { 
							 D <- .Call(C_internMD,x)
			# constraint function
		    gn <- switch(qsd$criterion,
					"qle" = function(x,X,b) { .Call(C_qDValue,x) - b},
					"mahal" = function(x,X,b) { .Call(C_mahalValue,x) - b} )
			# maximize selection criterion
			 list(x0=x0, eval_f=fn, eval_g_ineq=gn, lb=qsd$lower, ub=qsd$upper,
				  opts=nlopts, X=X, b=b))
		}, error = function(e) {
			msg <- .makeMessage("Local search by maximizing selection criterion failed: ", conditionMessage(e))
			return(.qleError(message = msg,call = sys.call(), error = e))			
		}, finally = { 
			 stop("Allocation error in C memory management.")
	# check results
	if(.isError(ret) || !is.numeric(ret$solution) || ret$status < 0L) {					
		msg <- .makeMessage("'Nloptr' no convergence by algorithm `",nlopts$algorithm,"`.",
				if(inherits(ret,"error")) conditionMessage(ret) else "", sep=" ")
		return(	.qleError(message = msg, call = sys.call(),	error = ret, method = "nloptr") )		
		cat(paste0("Found new global evaluation point.","\n"))
		names(ret$solution) <- nms 
	 	"hasError" = integer(0),
		"optRes" = if(optInfo) ret else NULL)

#' @name multiSearch
#' @title A multistart version of local searches for parameter estimation
#' @description  The function is a multistart version of \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} which selects the best
#' 	root of the quasi-score (if there is any) or a local minimum from all found minima according to the criteria described
#'  in the vignette.
#' @param x0	 	  numeric, \code{NULL} (default), list,  vector or matrix of starting parameters
#' @param qsd		  object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param ...    	  arguments passed to \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} 
#' @param nstart 	  number of random samples from which to start local searches (if `\code{x0}`=\code{NULL}, then ignored)
#' @param optInfo 	  logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to store original local search results
#' @param multi.start logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to perform a multistart local search always otherwise only if first local search did not converge 
#' @param isLocal 	  logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to perform a multistart local search if found solution seems to be invalid
#' @param cores		  integer, number of local CPU cores used, default is \code{options(mc.cores,1L)}
#' @param cl 	 	  cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class \code{MPIcluster}, \code{SOCKcluster}, \code{cluster}
#' @param pl		  print level, use \code{pl}>0 to print intermediate results
#' @param verbose	  if \code{TRUE} (default), print intermediate output
#' @details The function performs a number of local searches depending which local method `\code{method}` was passed to
#'  \code{\link{searchMinimizer}}. Either the starting points are given by `\code{x0}` or are generated as an augmented 
#'  design based on the sample set stored in `\code{qsd}`. The function evaluates all found solutions and selects the one which 
#'  is best according to the criteria defined in the vignette. If none of the criteria match, then the parameter for which the lowest value
#'  of the criterion function was found is returned. Multistart searches can be done using a cluster object. Then for each generated/given obervation
#'  a number of \code{cores>1} multistart searches is performed in parallel if \code{fun="mclapply"} using the local cores of each cluster node. 
#' @return Object of class \code{QSResult} and attribute `\code{roots}`, i.e. the matrix of estimated parameters for which any of
#'  the available minimization methods has been successfully applied. If `code{optInfo}` is \code{TRUE}, then the originally estimtation reuslts
#'  are also returned. The best solution is stored as an attribute named `\code{par}` if found any.
#' @seealso \code{\link{checkMultRoot}}
#' @examples 
#'  data(normal)
#'  x0 <- c("mu"=3.5,"sigma"=1.5)
#'  S0 <- multiSearch(x0=x0,qsd,method=c("qscoring","bobyqa"),
#'            opts=list("ftol_stop"=1e-9,"score_tol"=1e-3),nstart=4,
#'             optInfo=TRUE,verbose=TRUE)
#'  roots <- attr(S0,"roots")
#'  id <- attr(roots,"id")
#'  stopifnot(!is.na(id)) 
#'  id  # index of best root found in matrix roots
#'  attr(roots,"par")  # the final parameter estimate w.r.t. id
#' @rdname multiSearch
#' @author M. Baaske 
#' @export 
multiSearch <- function(x0 = NULL, qsd, ..., nstart = 10, optInfo = FALSE,
		         		 multi.start = FALSE, isLocal = FALSE, cores = 1L, cl = NULL, 
						  pl = 0L, verbose = FALSE)
	if(!(nstart > 0L))
	 stop("Number of multistart points must be greater than zero!")
 	args <- list(...)
	S0 <- if(!is.null(x0)){
		 x0 <- .ROW2LIST(x0)
	   # use only first provided method, usually `qscoring`
	   # if non convergence then do a multistart search if enabled
	   # otherwise use a restart with some nloptr minimization routine				
	   do.call(searchMinimizer,	c(list(x0=x0[[1]],qsd=qsd,optInfo=optInfo,pl=pl,verbose=(pl>=3L)),args))
	 } else NULL
		 message("First local search has errors.")
	    else if(S0$convergence < 0L || S0$convergence == 10) {
		  cat(paste0("First local search did not converge ( status = ",S0$convergence),")\n")						  
	} else if(isLocal){
		mroot <- try(.evalRoots(list(S0),opts=args$opts),silent=TRUE)
		 message(.makeMessage("Failed to check first local solution."))					
	    else if(!attr(mroot,"valid")) {
		 multi.start <- TRUE							# start multistart search if not a valid root
	RES <- 
     if(is.null(S0) && !multi.start){
		stop("No starting `x0` given. Argument `multi.start` should be set TRUE.")
	 } else if(multi.start || .isError(S0) || 
			  S0$convergence < 0L || S0$convergence == 10) {			# do not accept convergence by `xtol_rel`	 
		 if(isTRUE(args$method[1]=="qscoring")) {
			 X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim"))])
			 xstart <- try(multiDimLHS(N=nstart,qsd$lower,qsd$upper,X=X,
			 if(inherits(xstart,"try-error")) {
				 msg <- .makeMessage("Could not generate random starting points in function `multiDimLHS`.")
					 return ( structure(S0, message=msg, error=xstart) )
				 } else return(.qleError(message=msg,call=match.call(),error=xstart))
			  cat(paste("Multistart search using",nstart,"random starting points."),"\n")
					  searchMinimizer(x,...)						# including a restart by default
				  }, cl=cl,cores=cores,fun="mclapply",qsd=qsd,
				       optInfo=optInfo,pl=pl,verbose=(pl>=3L)), args)
		 } else {
			 x0 <-
				 (qsd$lower + qsd$upper)/2.0
			   else if(is.list(x0) || is.vector(x0)) {		
			  } else { stop("Starting vector 'x0' must be list or a numeric vector.") }
			 if(length(args$control) > 0L) {		
				  opts <- nloptr::nl.opts()
				  opts[names(args$control)] <- args$control
			 } else {
				 opts <- list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA",
			 args$control <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_GN_MLSL", "ftol_rel"=1e-5,
					           "xtol_rel"=1.0e-4, "maxeval"=100, "local_opts" = opts)	  		 
	  		 # no restart
		     args$restart <- FALSE	 
			 # default method then mlsl
		     args$method <- "nloptr"  		 
	 } else { list(S0) }	
	# has errors
 	# no evaluation for just a single parameter
    if(length(RES) == 1L){
		if(.isError(RES[[1]]) || RES[[1]]$convergence < 0L){
			msg <- .makeMessage("Local search did not converge.")
		return (RES[[1]])
	# check results again
	ok <- which(sapply(RES,function(x) !.isError(x) && x$convergence >= 0L))	
	if(length(ok) == 0L){
		msg <- .makeMessage("All local searches did not converge.")
	} else if(length(ok) < length(RES)){
		message(paste0("A total of ",length(RES)-length(ok)," local searches did not converge."))							
	hasError <- which(!(1:length(RES) %in% ok))
	# get the best roots
	roots <- try(.evalRoots(RES[ok],opts=args$opts),silent=TRUE)
	if(.isError(roots)) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Could not evaluate best results of local searches")
		attr(roots,"optRes") <- RES
		attr(roots,"hasError") <- hasError
	id <- attr(roots,"id")
		msg <- .makeMessage("Could not find any root.")
		attr(roots,"optRes") <- RES
		attr(roots,"hasError") <- hasError

	structure(RES[[ok[id]]],												# best choice
		"roots"=if(optInfo) roots else NULL,        						# successful optimizations
		"optRes"=if(optInfo) c(list(S0),RES[hasError]) else NULL,			# first result and failed optimization results

#' @name qle
#' @title Simulated quasi-likelihood parameter estimation
#' @description  This is the main estimation function of the simulated quasi-likelihood estimation approach. 
#' @param qsd			object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param sim		    user-defined simulation function, see details
#' @param ...			further arguments passed to `\code{sim}` 
#' @param nsim			numeric, number of (initial) simulation replications for each new sample point
#' @param fnsim 		optional, a call returning the number of simulation replications applied to a new
#' 						sample point with the current environment of calling function \code{qle},
#' 						default is the initial value `\code{qsd$nsim}`, respectively `\code{nsim}`
#' @param x0 			optional, numeric vector of starting parameters
#' @param obs			optional, numeric vector of observed statistics, overwrites `\code{qsd$obs}` if given
#' @param Sigma			optional, constant variance matrix estimate of statistics (see details) 
#' @param global.opts	options for global search phase
#' @param local.opts	options for local search phase
#' @param method		vector of names of local search methods which are applied in consecutive order	
#' @param qscore.opts   list of control arguments passed to \code{\link{qscoring}}
#' @param control		list of control arguments passed to any of the routines defined in `\code{method}` 
#' @param errType		type of prediction variances, choose one of "\code{kv}","\code{cv}", "\code{max}" (see details)  
#' @param pl			print level, use \code{pl}>0 to print intermediate results
#' @param verbose  		logical, \code{TRUE} show additional status information
#' @param use.cluster   logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to use the cluster environment `\code{cl}` for computations other than model simulations or
#'   a multicore forking which requires to set \code{options(qle.multicore="mclapply")} using at least a number of cpus 
#' 	 cores \code{>1}, e.g. \code{options(mc.cores=2L)}.
#' @param cl			cluster object, \code{NULL} (default), of class "\code{MPIcluster}", "\code{SOCKcluster}", "\code{cluster}" 
#' @param iseed			integer, seed number, \code{NULL} (default) for default seeding of the random number generator (RNG) stream for each worker in the cluster or
#' 						  for parallel processing by "\code{mclapply}", if available on non windows platforms. Note that only using the RNG L'Ecuyer-CMRG
#' 						  leads to reproducible results. Only for \code{iseed} different from \code{NULL} a seed is set including any cluster worker.
#' @param plot 			if \code{TRUE}, plot newly sampled points (for 2D-parameter estimation problems only)
#' @return List of the following objects:
#' 	  \item{par}{ final parameter estimate}
#' 	  \item{value}{ value of criterion function}
#'    \item{ctls}{ a data frame with values of the stopping conditions}
#'    \item{qsd}{ final \code{\link{QLmodel}} object, including all sample points and covariance models}
#' 	  \item{cvm}{ CV fitted covariance models}
#'    \item{why}{ names of matched stopping conditions}
#'	  \item{final}{ final local minimization results of the criterion function, see \code{\link{searchMinimizer}} }
#'	  \item{score}{ quasi-score vector or the gradient of the Mahalanobis distance}
#' 	  \item{convergence}{ logical, whether the QL estimation has converged, see details} 	  
#'  Attributes: 	 
#'  \item{tracklist}{ an object (list) of class \code{QDtrack} containing local minimization results,
#'     evaluated sample points and the status of the corresponding iterations}    
#'  \item{optInfo}{ a list of arguments related to the estimation procedure:}
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item{x0:}{ starting parameter vector}
#' 	  \item{W:}{ final weight matrix, equal to quasi-information matrix at \code{theta}, used for both the variance
#' 			 average approximation, if applicable, and as the predicted variance for the (local) sampling of new candidate points
#' 			 according to a multivariate normal distribution with this variance and the current root as its mean parameter.}
#'    \item{theta:}{ the parameter corresponding to \code{W}, typically an approximate root or local minimzer of the criterion function} 
#' 	  \item{status:}{ status of `qle` optimization, whether last iteration was global, local and minimzed}
#' 	  \item{minimized:}{ whether last local minimization was successful}
#' 	  \item{useCV:}{ logical, whether the cross-validation approach was applied}
#' 	  \item{method:}{ name of final search method applied}
#'    \item{nsim:}{ number of simulation replications at each evaluation point}
#' 	  \item{iseed}{ the seed to initialize the RNG}
#'   }
#' @details
#'  The function sequentially estimates the unknown model parameter. Basically, the user supplies a simulation function `\code{sim}`
#'  which must return a vector of summary statistics (as the outcome of model simulations) and expects a vector of parameters
#'  as its first input argument. Further arguments can be passed to the simulation function by the `\code{\ldots}` argument. The object
#'  `\code{qsd}` aggregates the type of variance matrix approximation, the data frame of simulation runs, the
#'  initial sample points and the covariance models of the involved statistics (see \code{\link{QLmodel}}). In addition, it sets
#'  the criterion function by `\code{qsd$criterion}`, which is either used to monitor the sampling process or minimized itself. The user
#'  also has the option to choose among different types of prediction variances: either "\code{kv}" (kriging variances), "\code{cv}"
#'  (cross-validation-based variances) or the maximum of both, set by "\code{max}", are available.
#'  \subsection{Criterion functions}{
#'  The QD as a criterion function follows the quasi-likelihood estimation principle (see vignette)
#'  and seeks a solution to the quasi-score equation. Besides, the Mahalanobis distance (MD) as an alternative 
#'  criterion function has a more direct interpretation. It can be seen as a (weighted or generalized) least squares criterion
#'  depending on the employed type of variance matrix approximation. For this reason, we support several types of variance matrix
#'  approximations. In particular, given `\code{Sigma}` and setting `\code{qsd$var.type}` equal to "\code{const}" treats `\code{Sigma}`
#'  as a constant estimate throughout the whole estimation procedure. Secondly, if `\code{Sigma}` is supplied and used as
#'  an average variance approximation (see \code{\link{covarTx}}), it is considered an initial variance matrix approximation and
#'  recomputed each time an approximate (local) minimizer of the criterion function is found. This is commonly known as an iterative update
#'  strategy of the variance matrix. Opposed to this, setting `\code{qsd$var.type}` equal to "\code{kriging}" corresponds to continuously
#'  updating the variance matrix each time a new criterion function value is required at any point of the parameter space. In this way the
#'  algorithm can also be seen as a simulated version of a least squares approach or even as a special case of the \emph{simulated method of moments}
#'  (see, e.g. [3]). Note that some input combinations concerning the variance approximation types are not applicable since the criterion "\code{qle}",
#'  which uses the QD criterion function, is not applicable to a constant variance matrix approximation.
#'  }
#'  \subsection{Monte Carlo (MC) hypothesis testing}{
#'  The algorithm sequentially evaluates promising local minimizers of the criterion function during the local phase in order to assess the plausibility
#'  of being an approximate root of the corresponding quasi-score vector. We use essentially the same MC test procedure as in \code{\link{qleTest}}.
#'  First, having found a local minimum of the test statistic, i.e. the criterion function, given the data, new observations are simulated w.r.t. to the
#'  local minimizer and the algorithm re-estimates the approximate roots for each observation independently. If the current minimizer is accepted as an
#'  approximate root at some significance level `\code{local.opts$alpha}`, then the algorithm stays in its local phase and continues sampling around the
#'  current minimizer accoring to its asymptotic variance (measured by the inverse of the predicted quasi-information) and uses the additional simulations
#'  to improve the current kriging approximations. Otherwise we switch to the global phase and do not consider the current minimizer as an approximate root.
#'  This procedure also allows for a stopping condition derived from the reults of the MC test. We can compare the estimated mean squared error (MSE) with the
#'  predicted error of the approximate root by its relative difference and terminate in case this value drops below a user-defined bound `\code{perr_tol}`
#'  (either as a scalar value or numeric vector of length equal to the dimension of the unknown parameter). A value close to zero suggests a good match of both
#'  error measures. The testing procedure is disabled by default. Set `\code{local.opts$test=TRUE}` for testing an approximate root during the estimation.
#'  In this case, if for some value of the criterion function its value exceeds `\code{local.opts$ftol_abs}`, then the corresponding minimizer is tested for an approximate root.
#'  Otherwise the last evaluation point is used as a starting point for next local searches  by a multistart approach when the algorithm is in its global phase.
#'  Note that this approach has the potential to escape regions where the criterion function value is quite low but, however, is not considered trustworthy as an
#'  approximate root. If testing is disabled, then a local minimizer whose criterion function drops below the upper bound `\code{local.opts$ftol_abs}` is considered
#'  as a root of the quasi-score and the algorithm stays in or switches to its local phase. The same holds, if the quasi-score vector matches the numerical tolerance for 
#'  being zero. A multistart approach for searching a minimizer during the local phase is only enabled if any of the local search methods fail to converge since most of the
#'  time the iteration is started from a point which is already near a root. The re-estimation of parameters during the test procedure also uses
#'  this type of multistart approach and cannot be changed by the user. 
#'  If one of the other termination criteria is met in conjunction with a neglectable value of the criterion function, we
#'  say that the algorithm successfully terminated and converged to a local minimizer of the criterion function which could be an approximate root of the quasi-score
#'  vector. This can be further investigated by a goodness-of-fit test in order to assess its plausibility (see \code{\link{qleTest}}) and quantify the empirical and
#'  predicted estimation error of the parameter. If we wish to improve the final estimate the algorithm allows for a simple warm start strategy though not yet as an fully
#'  automated procedure. A restart can be based on the final result of the preceeding run. We only need to extract the object
#'  `\code{OPT$qsd}` and pass it as an input argument to function \code{\link{qle}}. 
#'  }
#'  \subsection{Sampling new points}{
#'  The QL estimation approach dynamically switches from a \emph{local} to a \emph{global search phase} and vise versa for
#'  sampling new promising candidates for evaluation, that is, performing new simulations of the statistical model. Depending on the current value of
#'  the criterion function three different sampling criteria are used to select next evaluation points which aim on potentially improving the quasi-score
#'  or criterion function approximation. If a local minimizer of the criterion function has been accepted as an approximate root, then a local search
#'  tries to improve its accuracy. The next evaluation point is either selected according to a weighted minimum-distance criterion (see [2] and vignette),
#'  for the choice `\code{nextSample}` equal to "\code{score}". In all other cases, for example, if identifiable roots of the QS could not be found
#'  or the (numerical) convergence of the local solvers failed, the global phase of the algorithm is invoked and selects new potential
#'  candidates accross the whole search space based on a weighted selection criterion. This assigns large weights to candidates
#'  with low criterion function values and vise versa. During both phases the cycling between local and global candidates is
#'  controlled by the weights `\code{global.opts$weights}` and `\code{locals.opts$weights}`, respectively. Besides this, the smaller
#'  the weights the more the candidates tend to be globally selected and vice versa during the global phase. Within the local phase,
#'  weights approaching one result in selecting candidates close to the current minimizer of the criterion
#'  function. Weights approximately zero maximize the minimum distance between candidates and previously sampled points and
#'  thus densely sample the search space almost everywhere if the algorithm is allowed to run infinitely. The choice of weights
#'  is somewhat ad hoc but may reflect the users preference on guiding the whole estimation more biased towards either a local
#'  or global search. In addition the local weights can be dynamically adjusted if `\code{useWeights}` is \code{FALSE}
#'  depending on the current progress of estimation. In this case the first weight given by `\code{locals.opts$weights}` is 
#'  initially used for this kind of adjustment. Make sure to export all functions to the cluster environment `\code{cl}` beforehand,
#'  loading required packages on each cluster/compute node, which are used in the model simulation function (see \code{\link{clusterExport}}
#'  and \code{\link{clusterApply}}). 
#'  }
#'  \subsection{Parallel options}{
#'  Parallel processing of all computations is supported either by the multicore approach (spawning/forking tasks by "\code{mclapply}" for non Windows-based systems) using the parallel
#'  package or a (user-defined) cluster object, e.g. created by \code{\link{makeCluster}}, currently of class \code{"MPIcluster","SOCKcluster","cluster"} which supports calling
#'  the function \code{\link{parLapply}}. By default there is no parallel processing. A cluster object will be automatically created for functions which also could take such object as an argument
#'  (if \code{NULL}) locally on a single host and finalized after function termination.
#'  In this case, the cluster is set up based on a local forking (under Linux) or as a local \code{PSOCK} connection with a number of CPUs available for other operating systems. The option
#'  "\code{mc.cores}", e.g. \code{options(mc.cores=2L}, sets the number of cores used for both types of parallel computations. One can also set an integer value `\code{iseed}` as a seed to
#'  initialize each worker/thread, see also \code{\link{clusterSetRNGStream}}, for reproducible results of any function involving random outputs if \code{mc.cores>1} and RNG kind L'Ecuyer-CMRG. 
#'  Seeding is either done via setting \code{iseed} once the user calls the function \code{\link{qle}} or beforehand using a cluster defined elsewhere
#'  in the user calling program. Then the user should set \code{iseed=NULL} in order to not reinitialize the seed. The seed passed is stored in the attribute `\code{optInfo}$iseed` of the
#'  final return value. If no cluster object is provided, the user sets \code{mc.cores>1L} and \code{options(qle.multicore="mclapply")}, then most computations and model simulations are performed
#'  by function "\code{mclapply}" on a single host. In particular, the user-defined stochastic model simulations can be performed in a cluster environment `\code{cl}` whereas all other
#'  computations are spawned to the cpus of a single host setting \code{use.cluster=FALSE}. We recommend to specify a cluster object once in the user calling program and pass it to functions which take 
#'  an cluster object as their argument, e.g. \code{\link{qle}}. Auxiliary computations, e.g. local optimizations or root findings by \code{\link{multiSearch}}, should be run in parallel on a single host
#'  with many CPUs, e.g. setting \code{options(qle.multicore="mclapply")} and \code{mc.cores>1}. For parallel computations without using a cluster object on a local host simply set both options to "\code{mclapply}"
#'  and \code{mc.cores>1}.  
#'  }
#'  For a 2D parameter estimation problem the function can visualize the sampling and selection process, which
#'  requires an active 2D graphical device in advance.    
#'  The following controls `\code{local.opts}` for the local search phase are available:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{lam_max}:}{ upper bound on the maximum eigenvalue of the generalized eigenvalue decomposition of
#' 		the quasi-information matrix and estimated interpolation error (variance) of quasi-score.
#'  	This stops the main iteration sampling new locations following the idea that in this case
#' 		the quasi-score interpolation error has dropped below the estimated precision at best measured by
#' 		quasi-information matrix for `\code{global.opts$NmaxLam}` consecutive iterates.}
#' 	 \item{\code{pmin}:}{ minimum required probability that a new random candidate point is inside the parameter
#'                space. Dropping below this value triggers the global phase. This might indicate
#' 				  that the inverse of the quasi-information matrix does not sufficiently reflect the variance
#' 				  of the current parameter estimate due to a sparse sample or the (hyper)box constraints of the
#' 				  parameter space could be too restrictive.}
#' 	 \item{\code{nsample}:}{ sampling size of candidate locations at the local phase}
#' 	 \item{\code{ntotal}:}{ number of  random samples for evaluation of the integral of total prediction variance of the quasi-score vector at
#'        the local phase with criterion "\code{VQS}"}
#' 	 \item{\code{weights}:}{ vector of weights, \eqn{0\leq\code{weights}\leq 1}, for local sampling}
#' 	 \item{\code{useWeights}:} {logical, if \code{FALSE} (default), dynamically adjust the weights, see vignette}
#'	 \item{\code{ftol_abs}:}{ upper bound on the function criterion: values smaller trigger the local phase
#'    treating the current minimzer as an approximate root otherwise forces the algorithm to switch to the global phase and vice versa
#'    unless testing is enabled in which case, depending on the result of testing, could even stay in the local phase.}
#'   \item{\code{eta}:}{ values for decrease and increase of the local weights for the sampling criterion, which is intended to faciliate convergence
#' 		 while sampling new points more and more around the current best parameter estimate.} 
#'   \item{\code{alpha}:}{ significance level for computation of empirical quantiles of one of the test statistics, that is,
#'          testing a parameter to be a	root of the quasi-score vector in probability.}
#'   \item{perr_tol}{ upper bound on the relative difference of the empirical and predicted error of an approximate root}
#'   \item{\code{nfail}:}{ maximum number of consecutive failed iterations}
#'   \item{\code{nsucc}:}{ maximum number of consecutive successful iterations}
#'   \item{\code{nextSample}:}{ either "\code{LQS}" (default),  "\code{WQD}" or "\code{VQS}", see details} 
#'   }
#'  The following controls `\code{global.opts}` for the global search phase are available:   
#' 	\itemize{
#'   \item{\code{stopval}:}{ stopping value related to the criterion function value, the main iteration terminates
#' 				     as soon as the criterion function value drops below this value. This might be preferable to a time consuming
#' 					 sampling procedure if one whishes to simply minimize the criterion function or find a first
#' 					 approximation to the unknown model parameter.}
#'   \item{\code{lam_rel}:}{ upper bound on the relative change of `\code{lam_max}`, see `\code{local.opts}`
#'         The algorithm terminates	its value drops below after a number of `\code{global.opts$NmaxCV}` 
#'         consecutive iterations.}
#' 	 \item{\code{xtol_rel}:}{ relative change of found minimizer of the criterion function or root of quasi-score.}
#' 	 \item{\code{ftol_rel}:}{ relative change of the criterion function value.}
#'  \item{\code{maxiter}:}{ maximum allowed global phase iterations }
#' 	 \item{\code{maxeval}:}{ maximum allowed global and local iterations }
#' 	 \item{\code{sampleTol}:}{ minimum allowed distance between sampled locations at global phase}	
#' 	 \item{\code{weights}:}{ vector of \eqn{\code{weights}>0} for global sampling}
#'   \item{\code{nsample}:}{ sampling size of candidate locations at the global phase}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxRel}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterates until stopping according to `\code{xtol_rel}`}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxCV}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterates until stopping according to `\code{lam_rel}`}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxSample}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterations until stopping according to `\code{sampleTol}`}
#'   \item{\code{NmaxLam}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterations until stopping for which the generalized eigenvalue of the variance
#' 		 of the quasi-score vector within the kriging approximation model and its total variance measured by the quasi-information matrix
#'       at some estimated parameter drops below the upper bound `\code{local.opts$lam_max}` }
#'   \item{\code{NmaxQI}:}{ maximum number of consecutive iterations until stopping for which the relative difference of the empirical error
#'      and predicted error of an approximate root drops below `\code{perr_tol}`}
#'   \item{\code{nstart}:}{ number of random starting points, \code{10*(xdim+1)} (default), if local searches do not converge}
#' 	 \item{\code{nextSample}:}{ name of next selection criterion of next evaluation point, "\code{ITPV}" (default) or "\code{MTPV}", see details}
#'   \item{\code{xdist_tol}:}{ maximum allowed distance between consecutive iterates (potential minima of the criterion function), values below
#' 							   indicate that some local minima and trigger the testing of this parameter estimate } 
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{mahalDist}}, \code{\link{quasiDeviance}}, \code{\link{qleTest}} 
#' @examples
#' data(normal)
#' # main estimation with new evaluations
#' # (simulations of the statistical model)
#' OPT <- qle(qsd,qsd$simfn,nsim=10,
#' 		    global.opts=list("maxeval"=1),
#'  		local.opts=list("test"=FALSE)) 
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname qle 
#' @useDynLib qle, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "C_"
#' @export  
#' @import parallel stats
#' @importFrom graphics points
qle <- function(qsd, sim, ..., nsim, fnsim = NULL, x0 = NULL, obs = NULL,
		        Sigma = NULL, global.opts = list(), local.opts = list(),
				  method = c("qscoring","bobyqa","direct"), qscore.opts = list(),
				   control = list(), errType = "kv", pl = 0L, verbose = TRUE, 
				    use.cluster = FALSE, cl = NULL, iseed = NULL, plot=FALSE)
	# print information 	
	.printInfo = function(){		
		if(pl > 0L) {
			nmax <- nglobal+nlocal
		    cat("Total evaluations...",nmax,"\n")						
			cat("Criterion value.....",formatC(ft, digits=6, format="e", big.mark=","),"\n")
			if(status[["global"]] > 0L && !is.null(Stest) && !.isError(Stest)){
			 qt <- attr(Stest$test,"qt")
			 qSt <- attr(Stest$test,"qSt")
			 sb <- as.numeric(Stest$test[1])
			 cat(paste0("Criterion value < ",names(qt)," quantile: ",formatC(sb, digits=4, format="e", big.mark=",")))
			 cat(paste0(" < ",formatC(qt, digits=4, format="e", big.mark=",")),"\n")			 
			 cat(paste0("Criterion value < ",names(qt)," quantile: ",formatC(sb, digits=4, format="e", big.mark=",")))
			 cat(paste0(" < ",formatC(qSt, digits=4, format="e", big.mark=",")),"(observed)","\n")

	.showConditions = function() {
		if(pl > 0L) {		   
		   cat("Iterations..................",paste0("global=",nglobal,", local=",nlocal,"\n"))
		   cat("Sampling....................",paste0(if(status[["global"]]>1L) "global" else "local", " (status=",status[["global"]],")\n"))
		   cat("Local method................",paste0(if(!.isError(S0)) {if(any(S0$bounds>0L)) paste0("`",S0$method, "` (success at bounds)") else paste0("`",S0$method,"` (success)") } else "failed"))			
		   if(!.isError(S0) && isTRUE(attr(S0,"restarted"))) cat(" [restarted]","\n") else cat("\n")				
		   cat("Number of replications......",nsim,"\n")
		   cat("Weight factor...............",w, "\n")
			df <- as.data.frame(
					 formatC(signif(as.numeric(xs),digits=6),digits=6,format="e", flag="#"),
					 formatC(signif(as.numeric(xt),digits=6),digits=6,format="e", flag="#"),
					 formatC(signif(as.numeric(rbind(Snext$par)[1,,drop=FALSE]),digits=6),digits=6,format="e", flag="#")))
			dimnames(df) <- list(names(x0),c("Start","Estimate", "Sample"))
			dfv <- as.data.frame(
						formatC(signif(Snext$value, digits=6),digits=6,format="e")))
			dimnames(dfv) <- list("value",c("","",""))
				df <- cbind(df,formatC(signif(as.numeric(S0$par),digits=6),digits=6,format="e", flag="#"))
				dimnames(df)[[2]] <- c("Start","Estimate", "Sample", "Local")
				dfv <- cbind(dfv,formatC(signif(as.numeric(S0$value),digits=6),digits=6,format="e", flag="#"))
				dimnames(dfv)[[2]] <- c("", "", "", "")
			print(format(df, digits=6),	print.gap = 2, right=TRUE, quote = FALSE)		    			
			print(format(dfv,digits=6) ,print.gap = 2, right=TRUE, quote = FALSE)
		if(pl > 1L) {
			# other conditions
			# max of quasi-score depends on whether criterion was minimized (local) or not
			cat("Current stopping conditions: \n\n")			
			cond <- 
			 if(status[["minimized"]]) {
			   	c("|score_max|" = max(abs(S0$score)))				
			 } else c("|score_max|" = max(abs(Snext$score)))
			cond <-
		 	print.default(format(cond, digits = 4, justify="left"),	print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
		if(pl >= 2L) {
			if(!is.null(Stest) && !.isError(Stest)){
			   cat("Testing local minimizer: \n\n")
		if(pl > 0L) cat("----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n")	  	
	args <- list(...)
	if(!is.numeric(pl) || pl < 0L)
	  stop("Print level `pl` must be some positive numeric value.")		
  	# simulation increase function `nsim` 
	  nsim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"nsim")  	  
    Fnsim <-
	  as.call(list(function(n) n, quote(nsim)))
	 } else if(is.call(fnsim)) {		 
		 fnsim[[1]] <- match.fun(fnsim[[1]])		 
		 # make current environment available in function call 
		 environment(fnsim[[1]]) <- environment()		 
	 } else {
	  stop("Expected numeric value `nsim` or an object of class `call` in argument `fnsim`.")
	# overwrite observed statistics	
	if(!is.null(obs)) {
	  obs <- unlist(obs)
	  if(anyNA(obs) | any(!is.finite(obs)))
		  warning("`NA`, `NaN` or `Inf` values detected in argument `obs`.")
	  if(!is.numeric(obs) || length(obs)!=length(qsd$covT))
		  stop("Object `obs` must be a (named) numeric vector or list of length equal to the number of given statistics in `qsd`.")
	  qsd$obs <- obs
	# verbose if any print level is set
	verbose <- pl>0L  
    # wrapping simulator function
	sim <- match.fun(sim)	
	# silently remove not required	
	simFun <-
		 function(x) {
    # set default starting point to the center of the domain
	x0 <-
	   (qsd$lower + qsd$upper)/2.0 
     else if(is.list(x0) || is.vector(x0)) {		
	 } else { stop("Starting vector 'x0' must be list or a numeric vector.") }
    # check here 
	var.type <- qsd$var.type
	weighting <- (var.type %in% c("wcholMean","wlogMean"))
	# clean or invert Sigma if supplied
		if(var.type == "kriging"){
			Sigma <- NULL	# to be safe
			message("Constant variance matrix `Sigma` is ignored because using the kriging approximation is set.")
		} else if(var.type == "const") {
			# if constant, then invert ones for all iterations
			# setting `inverted`=TRUE for function criterion `mahal`
			Sigma <- try(gsiInv(Sigma),silent=TRUE)
			 stop("Failed to invert initial estimate `Sigma` as a constant variance matrix.")		
	xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
	# available local optimization method(s) to choose
	nlopt.fun <- c("cobyla","bobyqa","neldermead","direct","directL","lbfgs","nloptr")		   
	all.local <- 
	 if(qsd$criterion == "qle") {		
	 } else nlopt.fun	
	# quasi-score options
	qscore.opts <- .qsOpts(qscore.opts,xdim)

	loc <- pmatch(method,all.local)
	if(length(loc) == 0L || anyNA(loc)) {
	 stop(paste0("Invalid local method(s) for criterion `mahal`. Choose one or more of: ", paste(all.local, collapse = ", ")))
	mid <- pmatch("qscoring",method)
	if(!is.na(mid) ) {
		# if using 'qscoring' method always try it first
		 method <- c("qscoring",method[-mid])		
	# get initial design points
	X <- data.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
	nstart <- nrow(X)
	xnames <- colnames(X)
	# list of consistency checks
	tmplist <- NULL
	tracklist <- structure(list(),class="QDtrack")
	# set 'globals'
	globals <- .getDefaultGLoptions(xdim)
	if(length(global.opts) > 0L) {
	  globals[names(global.opts)] <- global.opts				
	## set 'locals'
	locals <- .getDefaultLOCoptions(xdim)
	if(length(local.opts) > 0L) {
		locals[names(local.opts)] <- local.opts	
	id <- pmatch(locals$nextSample,c("LQS","WQD","VQS"))
	if(is.na(id[1])) stop(paste0("Undefined sampling criterion: ",locals$nextSample))
	# setting controls as data frame
	ctls <- .setControls(globals,locals)
	# data frame for storing relative estimation error deviation
	# add to `ctls` if testing is enabled
	perr <- 
	 if(locals$test) {
		 stop(paste0("Testing cannot be applied if 'dual' kriging is used for the statistics."))
	  if(length(locals$perr_tol) != xdim)
		locals$perr_tol <- rep(locals$perr_tol,length.out=xdim)  
	  data.frame(cbind("cond" = locals$perr_tol, "val" = rep(Inf,xdim),
			           "stop" = rep(0,xdim), "count" = rep(globals$NmaxQI,xdim)),
		  row.names = paste0(xnames,"_relEF"), check.names = FALSE)
	 } else NULL
	# new simulated observations if testing enabled
	newObs <- NULL
	# weight factor
	w <- 0L
	# local weights
	if(any(locals$weights > 1L) || any(locals$weights < 0L))
		stop("Weights for local sampling must be in the interval [0,1] for sampling criterion `score`!")	
	mWeights <- length(locals$weights)
	# global weights	
	if(any(globals$weights < 0L))
	  stop("Weights for global sampling must be positive!")
  	mWeightsGL <- length(globals$weights)
	# parallel options
	# the integer seed is stored if passed
	noCluster <- is.null(cl)
	if(!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1)
		cores <- getOption("mc.cores",1L)
		if(cores > 1L || !noCluster) {			
			if(noCluster && getOption("qle.multicore","lapply") == "mclapply"){
				# Only for L'Ecuyer-CMRG we get reproducible results					   
				if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows"){
					if(!is.null(iseed) && RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
				} else {
					message(.makeMessage("Parallel processing by 'mclapply' is not available on a windows platform. Consider to use a cluster object."))
			} else {			
					## only a 'local' cluster is supported here
					type <- if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux")
								"FORK" else "PSOCK"
					cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores,type=type)				
				if(any(class(cl) %in% c("MPIcluster","SOCKcluster","cluster"))){
					# Only for L'Ecuyer-CMRG we get reproducible results for a cluster
					if(!is.null(iseed) && RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
				} else {
					stop(paste0("Failed to initialize cluster: unsupported cluster class: ",class(cl)))
		} else if(!is.null(iseed)) set.seed(iseed)		
	},error = function(e)  {		
	    cl <- NULL
		message(.makeMessage("Could not initialize cluster object."))
 	# select criterion function	
	criterionFun <- 
			"mahal" = {				  		  
				  function(x,...,cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl) {				  
			 "qle" = {				  
				 function(x,...,cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl)
			 }, { stop("Unknown criterion function!") }
	## loop init	
	nglobal <- nlocal <- 0L
	EPS <- .Machine$double.eps
	# miniumum distance of sampling candidates
	# to previously sampled points
	eps <- 0.001*prod(abs(qsd$upper-qsd$lower))^(1/xdim)
	# set starting values global/local weights
	maxIter <- globals$maxiter 	# number of global iterations
	maxEval <- globals$maxeval	# amount of evaluation of sample locations
	## record iteration status
	status <- list("global"=0L, "last"=0L, "minimized"=FALSE) 
	# first time CV:
	# this is also for testing 
	# before iterating many times 
	cvm <- NULL
	errId <- pmatch(errType,c("kv","cv","max"))
	if(anyNA(errId) || length(errId)!=1L)
	  stop("Invalid argument `errType`. Please choose one of `kv`, `cv`, `max`")
    # initialize
	msg <- NULL
	info <- TRUE
	grid <- FALSE											# compute a grid for quasi-deviance evaluations if needed
	W <- theta <- Stest <- NULL
	reset.w.local <- reset.w.global <- TRUE	
	QD <- criterionFun(x0)	
	  return(.qleError(message="Could not compute criterion function.",
		call=match.call(), error=QD))
	xt <- xs <- xold <- x0 									# xt: current, xs: starting point, xold: old, x0: initial point
	ft <- fs <- fold <- QD[[1]]$value						# criterion function values (see above)
	Snext <- c(QD[[1]],"fval"=ft)
	ret <- 
				# refit
				if(useCV <- (errId > 1)) {
					 cat("Update cross-validation covariance models...\n")
					cvm <- try(prefitCV(qsd,type=errType,cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl),silent=TRUE) 
					if(.isError(cvm)) {						
						cvm <- NULL
						message("Prefit of CV models failed during final surrogate minimization.")			
				# start a (multistart) local search	and an additional multistart
				# search only at local phase in case optimization from `x` failed
				# Otherwise at global phase always do a multistart search if any of
				# the methods given in `method` does not converge or has errors
				S0 <- multiSearch(xs, qsd=qsd, method=method, opts=qscore.opts, control=control,
							Sigma=Sigma, W=W, theta=theta, inverted=TRUE, cvm=cvm,
							check=FALSE, nstart=max(globals$nstart,(xdim+1L)*nrow(X)),
							multi.start=FALSE, isLocal=!status[["global"]], cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl,
							pl=pl, verbose=verbose)
				# store local minimization results
				tmplist <- list("S0"=S0)				
				# last status
				status[["last"]] <- status[["global"]]				
				# Set current iterate to last sampled point in case of no convergence
				# during the global phase, eventually a sampled point 'Snext' also becomes
				# a minimizer after a number of steps cycling through the vector of global weights								
				if(.isError(S0) || S0$convergence < 0L) {		
					  message("Error while minimizing criterion function.")
				    else message("Minimzation of criterion function did not convergence.")
					status[["global"]] <- 2L										
					status[["minimized"]] <- FALSE
				}  else {
					I <- S0$I
					xt <- S0$par
					ft <- S0$value					 
					varS <- S0$varS	
					status[["minimized"]] <- TRUE
					# determine the current status: global/local phase
					if(max(abs(S0$score)) < qscore.opts$score_tol || ft < locals$ftol_abs) {		# either 'score_tol' reached (real root of quasi-score)
					  status[["global"]] <- 0L													# start local phase											
				    } else {						  
					  status[["global"]] <- 2L 													# no root at all switch to global sampling			
					  # check global stopping value (use with care!)
					  if(ft < ctls["stopval","cond"]) { 
						ctls["stopval","stop"] <- 1L														
					  # convergence in ftol_rel
					  ctls["ftol_rel","val"] <- abs(ft-fold)/abs(ft)
					  if( ctls["ftol_rel","val"] < ctls["ftol_rel","cond"]) {
						  ctls["ftol_rel","stop"] <- ctls["ftol_rel","stop"] + 1L					
					  } else { ctls["ftol_rel","stop"] <- 0L }						  
					# compute stopping rule maximum generalized eigenvalue				  
					ctls["lam_max","tmp"] <- ctls["lam_max","val"]
					ctls["lam_max","val"] <- max(geneigen(varS,I,only.values=TRUE)-1.0, na.rm=TRUE)
					# maximum generalized eigenvalue
					if( ctls["lam_max","val"] < ctls["lam_max","cond"]) {
					  ctls["lam_max","stop"] <- ctls["lam_max","stop"] + 1L									
					} else { ctls["lam_max","stop"] <- 0L }
					# relative change in maximum generalized eigenvalue 				  				  
					ctls["lam_rel","val"] <- abs(ctls["lam_max","val"]-ctls["lam_max","tmp"])/ctls["lam_max","val"]
					if(ctls["lam_rel","val"] < ctls["lam_rel","cond"]) {
					  ctls["lam_rel","stop"] <- ctls["lam_rel","stop"] + 1L
					} else { ctls["lam_rel","stop"] <- 0L }			  
				# convergence in xtol_rel
				ctls["xtol_rel","val"] <- max(abs(xt-xold)/pmax(abs(xt),1.0/qscore.opts$xscale))
				if( ctls["xtol_rel","val"] < ctls["xtol_rel","cond"]) {
					ctls["xtol_rel","stop"] <- ctls["xtol_rel","stop"] + 1L					
				} else { ctls["xtol_rel","stop"] <- 0L }
				# reached minimum sampling distance ?
				dm <- attr(.check.distAll(X,xTol=ctls["sampleTol","cond"]),"min")
				if(dm < ctls["sampleTol","val"])
					ctls["sampleTol","val"] <- dm
				if(dm < ctls["sampleTol","cond"]) {
					ctls["sampleTol","stop"] <- ctls["sampleTol","stop"] + 1L				
				} else { ctls["sampleTol","stop"] <- 0L }					  
				# maximum iterations/evaluations				
				# If stopping at global phase, then the current sample point
				# at maximum weight corresponds to a sampled minimum of the
				# criterion function if not locally minimized.
				if(nglobal >= maxIter || (nglobal+nlocal) >= maxEval){
					if(status[["global"]] > 1L && w == max(globals$weights)){
						# stop if minimum of criterion function is sampled
						ctls["maxiter","stop"] <- 1L						  	
					} else ctls["maxiter","stop"] <- 1L 
				# stop before sampling new candidate point
				if(any(ctls[,"stop"] >= ctls[,"count"])) {
					# show final info
					# print final stopping conditions				
				# find new sample point
				Snext <- 
					   if(status[["global"]] < 2L) {							
						  	# reset global sampling to cycling weights
						    reset.w.global <- TRUE
							# generate local candidates with original quasi-information matrix							
							Y <- nextLOCsample(I,xt,
							if(.isError(Y)) {
								status[["global"]] <- 2L
								msg <- .makeMessage("Sampling local candidates failed. Try global sampling.")
							} else {							
								# get min distances
		    					dists <- .min.distXY(X,Y)
								# remove too close sample candidates							
								idx <- which(dists < eps)					
								if(length(idx) > 0L){
									Y <- Y[-idx,,drop=FALSE]
									if(nrow(Y) < floor(0.1*length(dists))) {											
										msg <- .makeMessage("Number of local candidates is less than 10% of sample size:, ", nrow(Y)," try global sampling now.")
										status[["global"]] <- 2L
									dists <- dists[-idx]
								# sampling might cause switch to global phase
								if(status[["global"]] < 2L)
									nlocal <- nlocal + 1L								
									# use user defined weights
									if(locals$useWeights) {										
										k <- nlocal %% mWeights
										w <- ifelse(k != 0L,
												locals$weights[mWeights] )
									} else {										
										if(ctls["lam_max","val"] < ctls["lam_max","tmp"]){
											ctls["nfail","val"] <- 0L
											ctls["nsucc","val"] <- ctls["nsucc","val"] + 1L												
										} else {
											ctls["nsucc","val"] <- 0L
											ctls["nfail","val"] <- ctls["nfail","val"] + 1L												
											reset.w.local <- FALSE
											w <- locals$weights[1]													 
										# update weights for cycling									
										if(ctls["nfail","val"] > 0L && 
										 !(ctls["nfail","val"] %% ctls["nfail","cond"])){											 											 
											w <- max(w-locals$eta[1],0)
											ctls["nfail","val"] <- 0L
										} else if(ctls["nsucc","val"] > 0L && 
												!(ctls["nsucc","val"] %% ctls["nsucc","cond"])){										 
											w <- min(w+locals$eta[2],1)
											ctls["nsucc","val"] <- 0L
									id <- 
										 # Likelihood of quasi-score results in rather patchy sampling new evaluation points
										"LQS" = {											 								  
											fval <- criterionFun(Y,W=I,theta=xt,w=w,value.only=2L)			
											 stop("Criterion function evaluation for 'LQS' failed.")
											else if(any(!is.finite(fval))) {												  												  
												hasNA <- which(!is.finite(fval))
												dw <- dw[-hasNA]
												fval <- fval[-hasNA]
												message(paste0("A total of ", length(hasNA)," of criterion function evaluations contains 'NA's."))
											if(length(fval) == 0L){
												message("All criterion values contain 'NA'.")
												NA 									# signals a sampling error
											} else {
										# and here a much more regular sampling scheme
										# due to a distance weighting approach
									    "WQD" = {
											  dmin <- min(dists)
											  dmax <- max(dists)			
											  # normalized distances
											  dw <- if(abs(dmax-dmin) < EPS) 1 else (dmax-dists)/(dmax-dmin)
											  fval <- criterionFun(Y,W=I,theta=xt,value.only=1L)
											  if(.isError(fval)) {
												stop("Criterion function 'WQD' evaluation failed.")
											  } else if(any(!is.finite(fval))) {
												  hasNA <- which(!is.finite(fval))
												  dw <- dw[-hasNA]
												  fval <- fval[-hasNA]
												  message(paste0("A total of ",length(hasNA)," of criterion function evaluations has NA values."))												 
											  if(length(fval) == 0L){
												  message("All criterion values contain 'NA'.")
												  NA 										# signals a sampling error
											  } else {
											  	smin <- min(fval)
												smax <- max(fval)
												sw <- if(abs(smax-smin) < EPS) 1 else (fval-smin)/(smax-smin)											  
												which.min( w*sw + (1-w)*dw )								
										  "VQS" = {
											  QD <- criterionFun(Y,W=I,theta=xt,value.only=0L)
											   stop("Criterion function evaluation failed for sampling with 'VQS'.")											 
											  # no testing required since we found a root here using estimated distribution
											  # of the minimizer/estimated parameter
										      pnew <- traceQIsamp(xt, qsd, QD, nsim=locals$ntotal, type=1L,
													   	W=I, theta=xt, cvm=cvm, pmin=locals$pmin,
														 cl=cl, pl=pl, verbose=verbose)
												  message(.makeMessage("Failed to compute sampling criterion 'VQS': ",pnew$message))
											  } else attr(pnew,"id")	
										# get index of point
										if(!is.numeric(id) || length(id) == 0L){
											status[["global"]] <- 2L
											message("Could not get index of next sample point out of candidates. Try global phase now.")							
									 	} else {
											# compute criterion function at new sample point						
											Spar <- criterionFun(Y[id,],W=I,theta=xt)											
								} # candidate selection								
							} # generate sample										
						} # end local sampling
						# start or continue with global sampling
						if(status[["global"]] == 2L) {							
							nglobal <- nglobal + 1L						    		# counted as global iteration
							if(!status[["minimized"]]){								# in case of minimization error or non convergence
								I  <- Snext$I										# available after having found the next sampling point												
								xt <- Snext$par
								ft <- Snext$value
								varS <- Snext$varS															
							dx <- as.numeric(attr(.check.distX(rbind(xt),xold,xTol=eps),"d"))
							if(!is.numeric(dx) || !is.finite(dx)) dx <- Inf
							  cat("Distance between consecutive estimates: ", dx,"\n")								
							if(locals$test && dx < globals$xdist_tol)	# trigger testing local minimizer at global phase only if last evaluation point was minimizer of criterion function
							   	  cat("Test local minimizer as potential approximate root...\n")
								 Stest <-
									   if(any(.check.distX(rbind(xt),xs,xTol=eps))) {  
										  # use previous simulated observations from last iteration at
										  # sampled location if minimizer is too close to it
										 .rootTest(xs, fs, Snext$I, newSim[[1]], locals$alpha, qsd$criterion,
												   qsd=qsd, method=method, opts=qscore.opts, control=control, Sigma=Sigma,
												   cvm=cvm, multi.start=TRUE, Npoints=nrow(X), cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl,
												   pl=pl, verbose=verbose)
									   } else {
										  nlocal <- nlocal + 1L					  # minimizer as additional sample point counted as local iteration
										  newObs <- simQLdata(simFun, nsim=locals$nobs, X=rbind(xt), cl=cl, verbose=verbose)
											  stop(paste(c("Could not simulate observations for testing the local minimizer: ",
												format(xt, digits=6, justify="right")),collapse = " "))										  
										  # test for an approximate root either of modifier QD or modified Mahalanobis distance								  
										  # using multistart and selecting best root if first root finding from `xt` fails to converge
										  Stest <- .rootTest(xt, ft, I, newObs[[1]], locals$alpha, qsd$criterion,
														  qsd=qsd, method=method, opts=qscore.opts, control=control, Sigma=Sigma,
														  cvm=cvm, multi.start=TRUE, Npoints=nrow(X), cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl,
														  pl=pl, verbose=verbose)
								  }, error = function(e){
									  msg <- .makeMessage("Testing approximate root failed: ",conditionMessage(e))
								  # store results in temporary list for failure analysis
								  tmplist <- c(tmplist,list("Stest"=Stest))						  
									status[["global"]] <- 2L
									msg <- .makeMessage(paste(c("Testing local minimizer failed (switching to global phase) at: ",
										     format(Stest$par, digits=6, justify="right")),collapse = " "))
								    message(msg)									# switch to global in case of error
								  } else if(attr(Stest$test,"passed")) {								 								
									status[["global"]] <- 1L
									perr["val"] <- attr(Stest,"relEF")				# stopping conditions for relative estimation error deviation (see qleTest)
									 message("Cannot evaluate stopping conditions while testing local minimizer because `NAs` were detected.")
								 	else if( any(perr["val"] < perr["cond"]) ){									 # can be a vector for each component of the parameter					        
										perr["stop"] <- perr["stop"] + as.integer(perr["val"] < perr["cond"])	 # and count separately for each one
									    if(any(perr["stop"] >= globals$NmaxQI))											
								    } else { perr["stop"] <- rep(0L,xdim) } 		 # reset					
								  } else { status[["global"]] <- 2L } 
					   		} # end testing
							tet <- 
							 if(status[["global"]] == 1L) {							# still at global phase after testing option																
								     res <- NULL
									 if(globals$nextSample == "ITPV") {				# two sampling criteria available										
										 res <- traceQIsamp(xt, qsd, attr(Stest,"qD"), nsim=locals$ntotal,
												   type=0L, cvm=cvm, pmin=locals$pmin, cl=cl, pl=pl, verbose=verbose)										 					 									 
									 # try constrained search for next evaluation point
									 if(globals$nextSample == "MTPV" || .isError(res)) {							 
										  message(.makeMessage("Could not find next sample point by `ITPV`: ",res$message))
										 # maximize selection criterion with inequality constraints									 
										 res <- traceQIconstr(xt, qsd, b=as.numeric(attr(Stest[[2]],"qSt")),
												  Sigma=Sigma, inverted=TRUE, cvm=cvm, check=FALSE, pl=pl, verbose=verbose)										
										 # use its discrete version
										 if(.isError(res) || anyNA(res$par)){	
											 message(.makeMessage("Continue using discrete version of sampling criterion."))
											 Y <- attr(Stest,"mpars")
											 dmin <- .min.distXY(X,Y)
											 trI <- unlist(lapply(attr(Stest,"optRes"),function(x) sum(diag(x$varS))))									 
											 if(!is.numeric(trI) || anyNA(trI))
												 message(.makeMessage("Local selection criterion function value has `NA`."))
											 id <- which.max(trI*dmin)
										 } else {
											 if(length(attr(res,"hasError")) > 0L)
											   message(.makeMessage("Global sampling criterion failed for some candidate points: ",res$message))
									 } else {										 
							 } else {
								# sampling status == 2L
								reset.w.local <- TRUE									# next local phase re-compute sampling weights											
								# compute weights
								k <- nglobal %% mWeightsGL
								w <- ifelse(k != 0L, globals$weights[k], globals$weights[mWeightsGL] )																											
								# try maximization of evaluation criterion
								res <- globalSearch(xt,qsd,w,Sigma=Sigma,inverted=TRUE,
								if(.isError(res) || anyNA(res$par)) {							 
									# try to compute evaluation criterion based on a grid
									# in case of 'globalSearch' fails to return successfully
									message(paste0("Trying to continue by grid search to compute evaluation criterion.","\n"))
									if(!grid) {												# only once  to compute a grid	
										xd <- seq(qsd$lower[1],qsd$upper[1],length.out=10*(xdim+1))
										yd <- seq(qsd$lower[2],qsd$upper[2],length.out=10*(xdim+1))
									    Y <- as.matrix(expand.grid(xd,yd))
										colnames(Y) <- xnames								# restore the names
									# quasi-deviance or Mahalanobis distance as a criterion for global sampling,
									# possibly weighted (by W at theta) obtained from last successful local minimizer
									fval <- criterionFun(Y,value.only=1L)									  																		
										stop("Criterion function evaluation failed during global phase.")
									} else if(any(!is.finite(fval))) {
										hasNA <- which(!is.finite(fval))
										fval <- fval[-hasNA]
										dists <- dists[-hasNA]								
										message(paste0("Detected `NA` in a total of ",length(hasNA)," criterion function evaluations."))
									if(length(fval) == 0L){
									 message("All criterion values contain `NA` after global sampling. Cannot continue sampling.")
									# next sampling location							
									fmin <- min(fval)
									fmax <- max(fval)							
									dmin <- .min.distXY(X,Y)
									# next sampling point (distance weighting)
									fd <- if(abs(fmax-fmin) < EPS) 1 else (fval-fmin)/(fmax-fmin)				
									id <- which.max( exp(-w*fd) * dmin )										
									if(!is.finite(id) || length(id) == 0L)
									 stop("Could not get index of next sample point out of candidates.")	
								} else {
							} # sampling at status == 2L
							# compute criterion function at new sample point
							# return full list of elements, either QD or MD
							Spar <- criterionFun(tet)
						} # end global sampling					
						# sampling point
							msg <- .makeMessage("Could not evaluate criterion function at selected candidate.")
						} else {
					}, error = function(e) {						
						msg <- .makeMessage("Sampling new candidates failed: ",conditionMessage(e))
				# criterion at selected point `Snext`
				tracklist <- c(tracklist,
				  message("Cannot find new evaluation point.")
				# next sampling location				
				# optional: plot iterates (2D) 
				if(plot && xdim < 3L) {
					p <- rbind("xs"=Snext$par,xt)
					if(xdim == 1L) 
					 p <- cbind(p,c(0,0))					 
					cols <- if(status[["global"]] == 2L) "blue" else "green"
					if(status[["global"]] == 1L)
				    else # local minimizer 
				# show info
				# print stopping conditions				
				if(status[["global"]] > 0L) {				# update and continue sampling				 						  
					xold <- xt								# relative change in `x` measured by local minimizers 
					fold <- ft	
					xs <- Snext$par							# starting point is last (global) sample point
					fs <- Snext$value						  				 						  					
				} else {
					xs <- xold <- xt						# always use last minimizer as starting point
					fs <- fold <- ft	
					if(weighting) {							# update weighting matrix only if
						W <- I								# local minimizer has been found    						
						theta <- xt			  					

				# next number of simulations
				# knowing the code we could easily define rule to increase `nsim` 
				environment(Fnsim) <- environment()
				nsim <- try(eval(Fnsim),silent=TRUE)
					stop("Number of model simulations is not numeric. Cannot continue.")
				# simulate at new locations (use number of simulations qsd$nsim by default)
				newSim <-
						simQLdata(simFun, nsim=nsim, X=Snext$par, cl=cl, verbose=verbose),
					error = function(e) {
							msg <- .makeMessage("Simulating the model failed: ",conditionMessage(e))
					tracklist[[length(tracklist)]]$newSim <- newSim
					msg <- .makeMessage(paste(c("Cannot simulate observations at new candidate point: ",
					  format(Snext$par, digits=6, justify="right")),collapse = " "),"\n\t(",newSim$message,")")
				if(!is.null(newObs)) {				
					Snext$par <- rbind("xs"=Snext$par,"xt"=Stest$par) 
					newSim <- structure(c(newSim,newObs),nsim=c(nsim,locals$nobs), class="simQL")
	  				newObs <- NULL
				# update QL model
				qsdNew <- .updateQLmodel(qsd, Snext$par, newSim, fit=TRUE,
							 cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl, verbose=verbose)
				# check results of kriging
					msg <- .makeMessage("Cannot update QL model at candidate points. ")				 			    
					err <- attr(qsdNew,"error")
					if(!is.null(err) && inherits(err,"error"))
					  msg <- c(msg, conditionMessage(err))
				# update QL model
				qsd <- qsdNew	
				# reset testing
				Stest <- NULL	
				# update design matrix
				X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])
			}  # end main loop		

			# Last iteration was done at global phase, so try to minimize again
			# either from the last sample point since it this most local supposed to
			# small for high (global) weights or by a multistart approach.

			if(status[["global"]] == 2L) {			   
			   # always multistart and include last (global) sample point
			   cat("+++++++++++++++++++++ Last multistart search +++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\n")		   
			   S0 <- multiSearch(xs, qsd=qsd, method=method, opts=qscore.opts,
						control=control, Sigma=Sigma, inverted=TRUE, cvm=cvm,
						 check=FALSE, nstart=max(globals$nstart,(xdim+1L)*nrow(X)),
						  optInfo=TRUE, multi.start=TRUE, isLocal=FALSE,			# includes all found roots using multistart
						   cl=if(isTRUE(use.cluster)) cl, pl=pl, verbose=verbose)
				# overwrite last sample point if local minimization was successful
				if(.isError(S0) || S0$convergence < 0L){					
					xt <- xs
					ft <- fs
					status[["minimized"]] <- FALSE
					message("Could not complete multistart local search.")									
				} else {
					xt <- S0$par
					ft <- S0$value					 
					status[["minimized"]] <- TRUE
				# store local minimization results as these are overwritten now
				# where `Snext` does not change anymore, however, add it
				tracklist <- c(tracklist, list("S0"=S0,"Snext"=Snext,"status"=list(status)))
				# show results (update) 
		}, error = function(e) {
			msg <- .makeMessage("Current iteration stopped unexpectedly: ", conditionMessage(e))
		}, finally = {
			  if(noCluster && !is.null(cl)) {
				   message(.makeMessage("Failed to stop cluster object."))
			  	cl <- NULL			
	) # end outer tryCatch	
	err <- 
	 msg <- c(msg,ret$message)
 	} else NULL
	# only for estimte theta=(xt,ft)	
	ctls["stopval",c(2,4)] <- c(ft,ft < ctls["stopval","cond"])	
	ctls["maxiter",c(2,4)] <- c(nglobal,nglobal >= maxIter)
	ctls["maxeval",c(2,4)] <- c(nglobal+nlocal, nglobal+nlocal >= maxEval)	

	# remove `nfail`, `nsucc`
	ctls <-
	 if(.isError(S0)) {
	   message("Last search results have errors. Please see list element `\"final\"`.")	   
	 } else {	  	
		val <- max(abs(S0$score))
		ctls <- rbind(ctls[1:8,-3],   										# remove `tmp` column
		    	as.data.frame(cbind("cond" = qscore.opts$score_tol,
			 				        "val" = val,
									"stop" = as.integer(val < qscore.opts$score_tol),
									"count" = 1L),
		   		     row.names = ifelse(qsd$criterion == "qle","score","grad"),
	   			check.names = FALSE))							  	
	  ctls <- rbind(ctls,perr)	
    # names of active stopping conditions		
	arg.names <- row.names(ctls[which(ctls[,"stop"] >= ctls[,"count"]),])
			 "final"=S0,			 		# local results (NULL if `last.global` is TRUE)
			 "convergence"=(status[["minimized"]] && length(arg.names) > 0L),
		tracklist = tracklist,		
		optInfo = list("x0"=x0,
		 class = "qle", call = match.call(), error = err)  	 	 

#' @name print.qle
#' @title print results of class \code{qle}
#' @description S3 method to print the results from \code{\link{qle}}.
#' @param x      object of class \code{qle} from \code{\link{qle}}
#' @param pl 	 numeric (positive) value, the print level (higher values give more information)
#' @param digits number of digits to display
#' @param format format character(s), see \code{\link{formatC}}
#' @param ... 	 ignored, additional arguments
#' @rdname print.qle
#' @method print qle
#' @export 
print.qle <- function(x, pl = 1L, digits = 4, format="e",...){	
	  stop("Estimation result has errors.")	
	  stop("Method is only for objects of class `qle`.")
    if(!is.numeric(pl) || pl < 0L )
	  stop("Print level must be a positive numeric value.")
	if(pl >= 0L) {
	  	if(x$qsd$criterion == "mahal")
		 cat("Mahalanobis distance: \n\n",x$value,"\n\n")
		 cat("Quasi-deviance: \n\n",x$value,"\n\n")
		print.default(formatC(signif(x$par, digits = digits), digits = digits, format=format, flag="#"),
				print.gap = 4, quote = FALSE)
		if(x$convergence >= 0L) {
			by <- x$ctls[x$why,"val"]
			names(by) <- x$why
			cat("Convergence: ")
			if("maxeval" %in% x$why)
			  cat("maximum evaluations reached.\n\n")
		    else cat("\n\n")
			print.default(formatC(by, format=format, digits=digits), right=FALSE, print.gap=2,	quote=FALSE)
		} else cat("(None of convergence criteria matched.)\n\n")
  	if(pl >= 2L) {
		nsim <- unlist(x$ctls["maxeval","val"])*attr(x,"optInfo")$nsim	
		cat("Evaluations: ",unlist(x$ctls["maxeval","val"])," (simulations: ",nsim,")\n\n")
		cat("Variance approximation type: ",x$qsd$var.type,"\n")	
	if(pl >= 10L) {
		if(!.isError(x$final)) {
			cat("\n\n ***  Final results *** \n\n\n")			
		if(x$qsd$var.type != "kriging") {
			W <- attr(x,"optInfo")$W
			if(!is.null(W)) {
				cat("Weighting matrix: \n\n W = \n\n")

#' @name print.QSResult
#' @title print results of class \code{QSResult}
#' @description S3 method to print the results from \code{\link{qscoring}}.
#' @param x  		object of type \code{QSResult} from \code{\link{qscoring}}
#' @param pl		numeric positive value, the print level (higher values give more information) 
#' @param digits 	number of digits to display
#' @param format 	format character(s), see \code{\link{formatC}}
#' @param ... 	    ignored, additional arguments
#' @rdname print.QSResult
#' @method print QSResult
#' @export 
print.QSResult <- function(x, pl = 1L, digits = 4, format="e", ...) {	
	  stop("Quasi-scoring iteration had errors.")
	  stop("Method is only for objects of class 'QSResult'")	
    if(!is.numeric(pl) || pl < 0L )
	 stop("Print level must be a positive numeric value.")
	msg <- unlist(strsplit(paste(x$message, "\n" ),':'))	
	cat(paste0("Local method:\n\n `",x$method,"`",if(isTRUE(attr(x,"restarted"))) "(restarted)"),"\n")
	if(x$criterion == "qle"){
	} else cat("Mahalanobis-distance:\n\n")
	cat(formatC(signif(x$value,digits=digits), digits=digits, format=format, big.mark=","),"\n")
	df <- as.data.frame(
			"Start"=formatC(signif(as.numeric(x$start),digits=digits),digits=digits,format=format, flag="#"),
			"Estimate"=formatC(signif(as.numeric(x$par),digits=digits),digits=digits,format=format, flag="#")			
	  df.score <- cbind(df,as.data.frame(cbind("Quasi-score"=
		  formatC(signif(as.numeric(x$score),digits=digits),digits=digits,format=format, flag="#"))))	  
	print(format(df.score, digits=digits), print.gap = 2, right=TRUE, quote = FALSE)
	if(pl >= 10L) {
		Sigma <- attr(x,"Sigma")		
		if(!is.null(Sigma)) {	
			cat("\nApproximation of variance matrix: \n\n Sigma = \n\n")
			print(formatC(signif(Sigma,digits=digits),digits=digits,format=format, flag="#"),quote = FALSE)
			cat(paste(deparse(attr(x,"call")), sep="\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep="")

# Rejection sampling using `rmvnorm` to draw
# from the multivariate normal distribution and
# reject those samples which do not fall into the domain
.rejectSampling <- function(N, p, x, S, lb, ub, maxTry = 1e+6){
	doN <- N
	ntry <- 0L
	nMax <- 1e+8
	Y <- matrix(double(0L),ncol=length(x))
	colnames(Y) <- names(x)
	while(N > 0L){			  
		nNew <- ifelse (N/p > nMax, N, ceiling(max(N/p,100)))
		X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nNew, mean=x, sigma=S)		
		id <- apply(X,1,function(x) all(x>lb & x<ub))
		naccept <- sum(id)		
		if (naccept == 0L) {		  
		  if(ntry > maxTry) {
		  	warning(paste0("Maximum iterations reached in rejection sampling. Could not sample ",N," points."))
		  ntry <- ntry + 1L
		naccept <- min(naccept, N)		
		Y <- rbind(Y,X[which(id)[1:naccept],,drop = FALSE])		
		N <- N - naccept 
	return( structure(Y, success = NROW(Y) > 0.9*doN, ntry = ntry) )

#' @name nextLOCsample
#' @title Generate a random sample of points
#' @description Generate a random sample of points as a set of candidate points for evaluation 
#' @param S			    variance matrix of sample points (usually chosen as the information matrix)
#' @param x			    an approximate root as the mean value if the multivariate normal distribution
#' @param n				number of points to randomly sample
#' @param lb			vector of lower bounds of the (hyper)box
#' @param ub			vector of upper bounds of the (hyper)box
#' @param pmin			minimum required ratio of points falling inside the hyperbox of parameters
#' @param invert	    optional, \code{invert=FALSE} (default) for no inversion of `\code{S}`
#' @return Matrix of sampled locations.
#' @details The function generates a random sample of points with mean and variance given by `\code{x}`
#' 	 and `\code{S}`, respectively, according to a (truncated) multivariate normal distribution (using
#'   rejection sampling) to match the parameter space given by the lower and upper bound vectors. 	 
#' @examples
#'  X <- nextLOCsample(matrix(c(1,0,0,1),nr=2), c(0,0), 10, c(-0.5,-0.5), c(0.5,0.5))
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname nextLOCsample
#' @importFrom mvtnorm pmvnorm rmvnorm
#' @export
nextLOCsample <- function(S, x, n, lb, ub, pmin = 0.05, invert = FALSE) {
	  S <- try(gsiInv(S),silent=TRUE)
	if(.isError(S)) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Failed to invert matrix.")
	if(anyNA(S) || !is.matrix(S))
		warning("Variance matrix has `NaN` values. A matrix?")
	if( rcond(S) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
	  warning(" Variance matrix is ill-conditioned.")
	  if( (is.pos = .isPosDef(S)) != 0L )
		 return(.qleError(message=.makeMessage("Variance matrix not positive definite: ",is.pos),
				  call=match.call(), S=structure(S,is.pos=is.pos))) 
	# Akzeptanzrate p aus der Multivariaten Normalverteilung bestimmen	
	p <- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower=lb, upper=ub, mean=x, sigma=S)
	if (p < pmin) {
	   msg <- .makeMessage(sprintf("Sampling local candidates is too inefficient (coverage prob = %.6f of bounding box).", p))
	   return(.qleError(message=msg,call=match.call(),error=p) )
	# sampling
	X <- try(.rejectSampling(n, p, x, S, lb, ub),silent=TRUE)
	if(inherits(X,"try-error") || !attr(X,"success")) {
		msg <- .makeMessage("Rejection sampling failed.")
	return ( structure(X, p = p) )			

#' @name qscoring
#' @title Quasi-scoring iteration
#' @description The function numerically solves the quasi-score equation by a root finding algorithm similar to Fisher's scoring method.
#' @param qsd    	object of class \code{\link{QLmodel}}
#' @param x0		(named) numeric vector, the starting parameter
#' @param opts		quasi-scoring options, see details
#' @param Sigma	    a prespecified variance matrix estimate
#' @param ...	    further arguments passed to the function \code{\link{covarTx}}
#' @param inverted  currently ignored
#' @param check		logical, \code{TRUE} (default), whether to check input arguments
#' @param cvm		list of covariance models for cross-validation (see \code{\link{prefitCV}})
#' @param Iobs	    logical, \code{FALSE} (default), whether to compute the observed quasi-information matrix at the final estimate  	
#' @param verbose   logical, \code{FALSE} (default), otherwise print intermediate output
#' @return List of results of quasi-scoring iteration with elements:
#'  \item{convergence}{ integer, why scoring iterations stopped}
#'  \item{message}{ string, corrsponding to `\code{convergence}`}
#'  \item{iter}{ number of iterations}
#'  \item{value}{ quasi-deviance value}
#'  \item{par}{ solution vector}
#'  \item{score}{ quasi-score vector}
#'  \item{I}{ quasi-information matrix}
#'  \item{start}{ starting point}
#'  \item{method}{ simply: "\code{qscoring}"}
#'  \item{criterion}{ equal to "\code{qle}"} 
#' @details The function implements a step-length controlled quasi-scoring iteration with simple bound
#'  constraints (see also [1,3]) specifically tailored for quasi-likelihood parameter estimation. Due to the typical
#'  nonconvex nature of the (unknown and not further specified) quasi-likelihood function as an objective
#'  function one needs some kind of globalization strategy in order to stabilize the descent step and to avoid a premature
#'  termination. Therfore, we use the quasi-deviance function as a monitor function (see vignette) though it does not
#'  inherit all of the appreciable properties of a true objective function such as among others, for example,
#'  identifying appropriate descent directions. However, these are general numerical obsticles in case of pure root
#'  finding algorithms and need to be addressed elsewhere. 
#'  \subsection{Quasi-scoring under uncertainty}{ 
#'  The quasi-scoring iteration includes both kinds of prediction variances, kriging-based and those derived from a cross-validation (CV) approach,
#'  which account for the additinal uncertainty induced by the quasi-score approximation model. By default kriging variances
#'  are included in the computation during all iterations through the inverse quasi-information matrix as part of the search direction. If fitted covariance models `\code{cvm}` are supplied by the user
#'  in advance (see \code{\link{prefitCV}}), the variances of prediction errors of each statistic are separately evaluated by the proposed CV
#'  approach for each new point. For the price of relatively high computational costs those prediction variances
#'  are intended to increase the robustness against false roots due to simulation and approximation errors of the quasi-score function.
#'  }
#'  The following algorithmic options, which can be set by `\code{opts}`, are available:
#'  \itemize{
#'   	\item{\code{ftol_stop}:}{ minimum value of the quasi-deviance for stopping the scoring iteration}
#' 		\item{\code{ftol_abs}:}{ minimum value of the quasi-deviance which is used as a reference value for a local minimizer or if the minimum steplength is reached}
#' 		\item{\code{xtol_rel}:}{ minimum relative stepsize between consecutive estimates }
#' 		\item{\code{step_tol}:}{ tolerance of two scaled consecutive steps }
#' 		\item{\code{grad_tol}:}{ upper bound on the quasi-score vector components,
#' 				 testing for a local minimum of the quasi-deviance in case of a line search failure}
#' 		\item{\code{score_tol}:}{ upper bound on the quasi-score vector components, testing for an approximate root}
#'      \item{\code{maxiter}:}{ maximum allowed number of iterations}
#' 		\item{\code{xscale}:}{ numeric, default is vector of 1, typical magnitudes of vector components of `\code{x0}`, e.g. the order of upper bounds of the parameter space}
#'      \item{\code{fscale}:}{ numeric, default is vector of 1, typical magnitudes of quasi-score components}
#' } 
#' @examples 
#' data(normal)
#' QS <- qscoring(qsd,x0=c("mu"=3.5,"sigma"=0.5),
#'          opts=list("score_tol"=1e-4))
#' @seealso \code{\link{prefitCV}}
#' @author M. Baaske
#' @rdname qscoring
#' @export
qscoring <- function(qsd, x0, opts = list(), Sigma = NULL, ...,
			    	  inverted = FALSE, check = TRUE, cvm = NULL, 
				 	   Iobs = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  	if(qsd$criterion != "qle")
	  stop("Quasi-scoring is only valid for criterion `qle`.")
    # just project to be sure
    x0 <- .PROJMED(x0,qsd$lower,qsd$upper)
    xdim <- attr(qsd$qldata,"xdim")
  	X <- as.matrix(qsd$qldata[seq(xdim)])  		
	if(qsd$var.type != "kriging" && is.null(Sigma)){
		# Only mean covariance matrix is estimated here. 
		# Adding prediction variances (kriging/CV) at C level		
		if(verbose && qsd$var.type %in% c("wcholMean","wlogMean")){
			nms <- names(list(...))
			if(!all( c("W","theta") %in% nms))
			 cat(paste0("Found `var.type`=\"",qsd$var.type, "\" but no weighting matrix `W` or`theta` supplied!."))		
		Sigma <- covarTx(qsd,...,cvm=cvm)[[1]]$VTX		
	# set quasi-scoring options	
	opts <- .qsOpts(opts,xdim)	
	qlopts <- list("varType"=qsd$var.type, "useCV"=!is.null(cvm),"Iobs"=Iobs)
	structure(try(.Call(C_QSopt, x0, qsd, qlopts, X, Sigma, cvm, opts), silent=TRUE),call=match.call())	

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qle documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m.