
Defines functions .calculate.heights .calculate.edgemap .initialize.states .infer.sample.states.from.annotation binaryDatedTree .extant.at.height rescale.binaryDatedTree .calculate.internal.states.unstructuredModel .calculate.internal.states .start.discrete.rates .end.discrete.rates coalescent.log.likelihood.fgy coalescent.log.likelihood.fgy2 pseudoLogLikelihood0.fgy solve.model.unstructured coalescent.log.likelihood.unstructuredModel make.fgy coalescent.log.likelihood solve.model simulate.binary.dated.tree simulate.binary.dated.tree.unstructured simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy simulate.binary.dated.tree.0 simulate.binary.dated.tree.2 simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy.2 calculate.cluster.size.moments.from.model calculate.cluster.size.distr.from.tree calculate.cluster.size.moments.from.tree

Documented in binaryDatedTree calculate.cluster.size.moments.from.model calculate.cluster.size.moments.from.tree coalescent.log.likelihood simulate.binary.dated.tree

#' this file contains all R functions of the rcolgem package
#' @import ape
#' @import deSolve

#~ DONE  finite size correction for pair (i,j) of lineages at internal node (see written notes): 
#~	if i transmits and is type k: 
#~ 		pjk -> pjk * (Yk-1)/Yk
#~ 		pjl (l\neq k) -> pjl * Yk/(Yk-pjk)
#~ TODO option to correct for direct ancestor sampling if doing serial samples and there is a 0-branch length
#~ 	add these terms to the likelihood:
#~ 		if 0 bl at s_i: \sum_k pik Ak / Yk
#~ 		else: \sum_k pik (1-Ak/Yk)
#~ DONE validate input & raise warnings
#~ 	check sampleTimes compatible with edge.length; FGY functions defined over length of tree;
#~ DONE adapt coalescent simulator to heterochronous sample
#~ TODO add option to switch to semi-structured coalescent if difference in line states below threshold


#' @export

.calculate.heights <- function(phylo){
	phylo$maxSampleTime   <- max(phylo$sampleTimes)
	heights <- rep(0, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)) )
	heights[1:length(phylo$sampleTimes)] <- phylo$maxSampleTime - phylo$sampleTimes
	curgen <- 1:length(phylo$sampleTimes)
	while( length(curgen) > 0) { 
		nextgen <- c()
		icurgenedges <- which(  phylo$edge[,2] %in% curgen  )
		for (i in icurgenedges){
			u<- phylo$edge[i,1]
			v<- phylo$edge[i,2]
			# inspect tree
			if ( heights[u] > 0 & abs(heights[u] - (phylo$edge.length[i] + heights[v]))/heights[u] > 1e-2 )
			{ #browser()
			  stop( 'Tree is poorly formed. Branch lengths incompatible with sample times.')
			heights[u] <- phylo$edge.length[i] + heights[v]
			nextgen <- c(nextgen, u)
		curgen <- unique(nextgen)
	phylo$heights <- heights
	phylo$maxHeight <- max(heights)

.calculate.edgemap <- function(phylo){
	inEdgeMap <- rep(-1, length((phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label))))
	outEdgeMap <- matrix(-1, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)), 2)
	parent <- 1:(phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)) 
	daughters <- matrix(-1, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)), 2)
	for (u in 1:(phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label))){
		#if (u!=length(phylo$tip.label)+1){ #if u not root
		tryCatch({ inEdgeMap[u] <- which( phylo$edge[,2]==u ) }, error = function(e) {inEdgeMap[u] <- u} )
		#} else{ 
		#	inEdgeMap[u] <- u
		if (u > length(phylo$tip.label)){
			outEdgeMap[u,] <- which( phylo$edge[,1]==u ) 
			daughters[u,] <- phylo$edge[outEdgeMap[u,],2]
		} else{ 
			outEdgeMap[u,] <- c(NA, NA)
			daughters[u,] <- c(NA, NA)
		parent[u] <- phylo$edge[inEdgeMap[u],1]
	phylo$inEdgeMap <- inEdgeMap
	phylo$outEdgeMap <- outEdgeMap
	phylo$parent = phylo$parents <- parent
	phylo$daughter = phylo$daughters <- daughters
	phylo$parentheight = phylo$parentheights <- phylo$heights[parent[1:(phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label))]]
	phylo$parentheight[is.na(phylo$parentheight)] <- Inf
	phylo$parentheights[is.na(phylo$parentheights)] <- Inf

.initialize.states <- function(phylo)
	phylo$m =m <- dim(phylo$sampleStates)[2]
	phylo$lstates <- matrix(-1, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)), m)
	phylo$mstates <- matrix(-1, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)), m)
	phylo$ustates <- matrix(-1, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)), m)
	phylo$lstates[1:nrow(phylo$sampleStates),] <- phylo$sampleStates
	phylo$mstates[1:nrow(phylo$sampleStates),] <- phylo$sampleStates
	phylo$ustates[1:nrow(phylo$sampleStates),] <- phylo$sampleStates

#' If the taxon labels end in _<label>, treat <label> as the discrete 
#' state of the taxon, eg location of sampling
.infer.sample.states.from.annotation <- function(phylo, sampleStatesAnnotations)
	annotations <- regmatches( phylo$tip.label, regexpr( '_[.,-]*[[:alnum:]]+$', phylo$tip.label) )
	annotations <- unname( sapply( annotations, function(a) substr(a, 2, nchar(a))) )
	sampleStates <- matrix( 0, nrow=length(phylo$tip.label), length(sampleStatesAnnotations ) )
	rownames(sampleStates) <- phylo$tip.label
	for (i in 1:length(phylo$tip.label))
		k <- which( annotations[i] == sampleStatesAnnotations )
		sampleStates[i,k] <- 1

#' Create binary dated tree
#' binaryDatedTree class, includes heights for each node and other helper variables
#' @export
#~ binaryDatedTree <- function( x, ...) UseMethod("binaryDatedTree")
#~ binaryDatedTree.default <- function( phylo, sampleTimes, sampleStates){
binaryDatedTree <- function( phylo, sampleTimes, sampleStates=NULL, sampleStatesAnnotations=NULL){
	if (phylo$Nnode != length(phylo$tip.label) - 1 ) { stop('Object class phylo is not a binary tree.') }
	if (is.null(names(sampleTimes))) stop('sampleTimes vector must have names of tip labels')
	if (is.null(sampleStates) & !is.null(sampleStatesAnnotations) ) sampleStates <- .infer.sample.states.from.annotation(phylo, sampleStatesAnnotations)
	if (is.null(sampleStates) & is.null(sampleStatesAnnotations)) { sampleStates <- t(t( rep(1, length(phylo$tip.label)))) ; rownames( sampleStates) <- phylo$tip.label }
	if (is.null(rownames(sampleStates))) stop('sampleStates matrix must have row names of tip labels')
	if (!is.na(sampleStates)) if (!is.matrix( sampleStates)) stop('sampleStates must be a matrix (not a data.frame)')
	phylo$sampleTimes <- sampleTimes[phylo$tip.label]
	phylo$sampleStates <- sampleStates[phylo$tip.label, ]
	if (is.vector(phylo$sampleStates)) phylo$sampleStates <- t(t( phylo$sampleStates))
	phylo <- .calculate.heights(phylo)
	phylo <- .calculate.edgemap(phylo)
	phylo <- .initialize.states(phylo)
	phylo$coalescentRates <- rep(0, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)))
	phylo$coalescentSurvivalProbability <- rep(0, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)))
	phylo$logCoalescentSurvivalProbability <- rep(-Inf, (phylo$Nnode + length(phylo$tip.label)))
	# correct any funniness due to very small or negative branch lengths
	inodes <- (length(phylo$tip.label)+1):length(phylo$heights)
	while ( any( phylo$heights[inodes] < phylo$heights[ phylo$daughters[inodes,1] ] ) |  any( phylo$heights[inodes] < phylo$heights[ phylo$daughters[inodes,2] ] )  )
		phylo$heights[inodes] <- sapply( inodes, function(alpha) max(phylo$heights[alpha], phylo$heights[phylo$daughters[alpha,] ] ) ) 
	#  edge.lengths may have changed- repair them: 
	for (i in 1:nrow(phylo$edge))
		phylo$edge.length[i] <- phylo$heights[phylo$edge[i,1]] - phylo$heights[phylo$edge[i,2]]
	phylo$n <- length(phylo$tip.label)
	class(phylo) <- c("binaryDatedTree", "phylo")

.extant.at.height <- function(h, tree)
	return( which( tree$heights <= h & tree$parentheight > h)  )

rescale.binaryDatedTree <- function(bdt, ef)
#~ bdt : a binaryDatedTree
#~ ef : numeric factory by which node heights are altered 
#~ returns a new binaryDatedTree instance
	ini  <- (bdt$n+1):(length(bdt$heights))
	bdt$heights[ini] <- ef * bdt$heights[ini]
	while( sum(bdt$heights[bdt$daughters[ini,2] ] > bdt$heights[ini] ) > 0 | sum(bdt$heights[bdt$daughters[ini,1] ] >   bdt$heights[ini] ) > 0){
		bdt$heights[ini] <- pmax(bdt$heights[bdt$daughters[ini,1] ],   bdt$heights[ini] )
		bdt$heights[ini] <- pmax(bdt$heights[bdt$daughters[ini,2] ],   bdt$heights[ini] )
	for (i in 1:nrow(bdt$edge))
		bdt$edge.length[i] <- bdt$heights[bdt$edge[i,1]] - bdt$heights[bdt$edge[i,2]]

.calculate.internal.states.unstructuredModel <- function(tree, globalParms , maxHeight=FALSE)
		F. <- globalParms$F.; G. <- globalParms$G.; Y. <- globalParms$Y. ; 
	eventTimes <- unique( sort(tree$heights) )
	tree$maxHeight <- maxHeight
	if (maxHeight) { 
		eventTimes <- eventTimes[eventTimes<=maxHeight]}
	S <- 1
	L <- 0
	FGY_INDEX <- 1 
	get.fgy <- function(h) 
		.Y		<- globalParms$Y.(h)
		.F		<- globalParms$F.(h)
		.G		<- globalParms$G.(h)
		list(.F=.F, .G=.G, .Y=.Y, FGY_INDEX=NA)
	#with( get.fgy(0), {print(.Y); print(.F)  })
	.dL.unstructuredModel <- function(h, L, parms, FGY_INDEX, ...){
		# conditional on no coalescent
		t <- parms$treeT - h
		A <- parms$A
		fgy <- get.fgy(h) #, t
		with( fgy, 
			.F * (A / .Y)^2# *  (A-1) / max((.Y-1), 0.01)
			#.F * (A / .Y) *  (A-1) / max((.Y-1), 0.01)
		}) -> dL 
		return( list(dL, FGY_INDEX=fgy$FGY_INDEX) )
	.solve.L <- function(h0, h1, L,  A0 ) 
		parameters 		<- list(treeT = tree$maxSampleTime, m = tree$m, A=A0)
			out0 <- tryCatch({
						out0 <- ode(y=L, times=c(h0, h1), func=.dL.unstructuredModel, parms=parameters, FGY_INDEX=FGY_INDEX, method=globalParms$INTEGRATIONMETHOD )  #
#~ 						print(out0)
#~ 						print(get.fgy(h1))
					}, error = function(e) NA )
			if (is.na(out0)) return( list( L, NA))
			L1 <- unname( out0[nrow(out0),2] )
			FGY_INDEX <- unname( out0[nrow(out0),3] )
			return( list( L1, FGY_INDEX) )
	for (ih in 1:(length(eventTimes)-1)){
		h0 <- eventTimes[ih]
		h1 <- eventTimes[ih+1]
		#get A0, process new samples, calculate lstate for new lines
		extantLines <- .extant.at.height(h0, tree)
		A0 <- length(extantLines)
		o <- .solve.L(h0, h1, L,  A0 ) 
		L <- o[[1]]
		FGY_INDEX <- o[[2]]
		newNodes <- which( tree$heights == h1)
		newNodes <- newNodes[newNodes > length(tree$sampleTimes)]
		if (length(newNodes) > 0)
#~ 			fgy<- get.fgy(h1,  bdt$maxSampleTime - h1 )
			fgy<- get.fgy(h1 )
			.Y <- fgy$.Y
			.F <- fgy$.F
			S <- exp(-L)
			for (alpha in newNodes){
				X1 <- A0 / .Y
				# option for finite size corrections:
				#	X1 <- X1 * .Y / (max(.Y,1.01)-1)
				tree$lstates[alpha,] <- 1
				tree$mstates[alpha,] <- 1
				ratekl <- .F * (A0 / .Y)^2# *  (A0-1) / max((.Y-1), 0.01)
				#ratekl <- .F * (A0 / .Y) *  (A0-1) / max((.Y-1), 0.01)
				tree$coalescentRates[alpha] <- ratekl
				tree$coalescentSurvivalProbability[alpha] <- S
				tree$logCoalescentSurvivalProbability[alpha] <- log(S)
	return( tree )

.calculate.internal.states <- function(tree, fgyParms,  censorAtHeight=FALSE, forgiveAgtY = 0.20,   INTEGRATIONMETHOD = 'rk4'){
	F. <- fgyParms$F.; G. <- fgyParms$G.; Y. <- fgyParms$Y. ; 
	get.fgy <- function(h)
			.Y		<- fgyParms$Y.(h)
			.F		<- fgyParms$F.(h)
			.G		<- fgyParms$G.(h)
		list(.F=.F, .G=.G, .Y=.Y)
	if (is.null( tree$n ) ) tree$n <- length( tree$sampleTimes)
	if (is.null(tree$m)) tree$m <- nrow( fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[1]] )
	if (is.null( tree$lstates)) {
		tree$lstates <- matrix(0, nrow = tree$n + tree$Nnode, ncol = tree$m)
		tree$lstates[1:tree$n, ] <- tree$sampleStates
	if (is.null( tree$mstates)) tree$mstates <- tree$lstates
	if (is.null( tree$ustates)) tree$ustates <- matrix(0, nrow = tree$n + tree$Nnode, ncol = tree$m)
	# construct forcing timeseries for ode's
	heights <- sort( fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES )
	heights <- heights[heights <= tree$maxHeight]
	heights <- heights[heights >= 0]
	fgymat <- t( sapply( heights, function(h) 
	  with(get.fgy(h), {
		c( as.vector(.F), as.vector(.G), as.vector(.Y) )
	) )
	fgymat <- pmax(fgymat, 0)

	.solve.Q.A.L <- function(h0, h1, A0, L0)
	{ # uses C implementation
		Q0 <- diag(tree$m)
		parameters 	<- c(tree$m, tree$maxHeight, length(heights), sum(A0), as.vector(fgymat))
		y0 <- c( as.vector( Q0), A0,  L0 ) #
		#o <- ode(y=y0, c(h0,h1), func = "dQAL", parms = parameters, dllname = "dQAL-6.3", initfunc = "initfunc", method=INTEGRATIONMETHOD )
		o <- ode(y=y0, c(h0,h1), func = "dQAL", parms = parameters, dllname = "rcolgem", initfunc = "initfunc", method=INTEGRATIONMETHOD )
		Q1 		<- t( matrix(  abs(o[nrow(o),2:(1 + tree$m^2)]) , nrow=tree$m) ) #NOTE the transpose
		A1 <- o[nrow(o), (1 + tree$m^2 + 1):(1 + tree$m^2 +  tree$m)]
		L1 <- o[nrow(o), ncol(o)]
		return ( list(  unname(Q1), unname(A1),  unname(L1) ) ) #
	eventTimes <- unique( sort(tree$heights) )
	if (censorAtHeight) { 
		eventTimes <- eventTimes[eventTimes<=censorAtHeight]}
	S <- 1
	L <- 0
	#debugging symbols
	tree$A <- c() #h->A
	tree$lnS <- c()
	tree$lnr <- c()
	tree$ih <- c()
	# helper function for updating ancestral node and likelihood terms
	.update.alpha <- function(u,v, tree, fgy)
	{ #CPP
		.F <- fgy$.F
		.G <- fgy$.G
		.Y <- fgy$.Y
			.Y <- pmax(A, .Y)
			FklXpuk_Yk <- (.F * tree$ustates[u,]/.Y)
			FklXpvk_Yk <- (.F * tree$ustates[v,]/.Y)
			FklXpuk_Yk[is.nan(FklXpuk_Yk)] <- 0
			FklXpvk_Yk[is.nan(FklXpvk_Yk)] <- 0
			vk_Yk <- pmin(pmax(tree$ustates[v,]/.Y, 0),1); vk_Yk[is.nan(vk_Yk)] <- 0
			uk_Yk <- pmin(pmax(tree$ustates[u,]/.Y, 0),1); uk_Yk[is.nan(uk_Yk)] <- 0
			ratekl <- FklXpuk_Yk %*% vk_Yk + FklXpvk_Yk %*% uk_Yk
		coalescentRate <- max( sum(ratekl) , 0)
		if (is.nan(L))
			L <- (h1 - h0) * sum(ratekl) 
		logCoalescentSurvivalProbability <- -L
		if (sum(ratekl)==0) {ratekl <- rep(1/tree$m, tree$m) * 1e-6}
		# definitions of alpha state
		p_a <- as.vector( ratekl / sum(ratekl) )
		list( p_a, logCoalescentSurvivalProbability, coalescentRate) 
	.fsc.extantLines <- function(alpha, extantLines, A, tree )
	{ #	finite size corrections for lines not involved in coalescent
		p_a     <- tree$lstates[alpha,]
		p_i_mat <- tree$mstates[extantLines,]
		A_mat   <- t( matrix( A, nrow=tree$m, ncol=length(extantLines) )  )
		p_a_mat <- t( matrix(p_a, nrow=tree$m, ncol=length(extantLines)) )
		rho_mat <- A_mat /  (A_mat - p_i_mat)
		rterms  <- p_a_mat / (A_mat - p_i_mat)
		lterms  <- rho_mat %*% p_a
		lterms <- matrix(lterms, nrow=length(lterms), ncol=tree$m) #
		new_p_i <- p_i_mat * (lterms - rterms)
		new_p_i <- new_p_i / rowSums(new_p_i)
		corrupted <- is.nan(rowSums(new_p_i))
		new_p_i[corrupted,] <- p_i_mat[corrupted,]
		tree$mstates[extantLines,] <- new_p_i
	for (ih in 1:(length(eventTimes)-1)){
		h0 <- eventTimes[ih]
		h1 <- eventTimes[ih+1]
		fgy <- get.fgy(h1)
		#get A0, process new samples, calculate state of new lines
		extantLines <- .extant.at.height(h0, tree) #TODO would be faster to compute on fly
		if (length(extantLines) > 1 ){
			A0 <- colSums(tree$mstates[extantLines,]) 
		} else if (length(extantLines)==1){ A0 <- tree$mstates[extantLines,] }
		out <- .solve.Q.A.L(h0, h1, A0,  L)
		Q <- out[[1]]
		A <- out[[2]]
		L <- out[[3]]

		# clean output
		if (is.nan(L)) {L <- Inf}
		if (sum(is.nan(Q)) > 0) Q <- diag(length(A))
		if (sum(is.nan(A)) > 0) A <- A0
		#update mstates 
		if (length(extantLines) > 1)
			nms <- t(update_mstates_arma( extantLines, t(Q), t(tree$mstates) ))
			tree$mstates <- nms
			# NOTE will have slightly different results if recomputing A here, influences fcs: 
			#A <- colSums(tree$mstates[extantLines,])
				# renormalise
			tree$mstates[extantLines,] <- pmax( tree$mstates[extantLines,], 0 )
			tree$mstates[extantLines,] <- tree$mstates[extantLines,] / rowSums( tree$mstates[extantLines,] )
			tree$mstates[extantLines,] <- t( t(Q) %*% tree$mstates[extantLines,] )
			tree$mstates[extantLines,] <- pmax(tree$mstates[extantLines,],0) / sum(abs(tree$mstates[extantLines,]))
			#recalculate A
			A <- tree$mstates[extantLines,]
		#if applicable: update ustate & calculate lstate of new line 
		newNodes <- which( tree$heights == h1)
		newNodes <- newNodes[newNodes > length(tree$sampleTimes)] # <- internal nodes
			# check inputs
			if (sum(is.na(.Y)) > 0) {warning('Model returned NA population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); 
				.Y[is.na(.Y)] <- 0}
			if (sum(is.na(.G)) > 0) {warning('Model returned NA population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); 
				.G[is.na(.G)] <- 0}
			if (sum(is.na(.F)) > 0) {warning('Model returned NA population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); 
				.F[is.na(.F)] <- 0}
			if (sum(is.nan(.Y)) > 0) {warning('Model returned NaN population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); 
				.Y[is.nan(.Y)] <- 0}
			if (sum(is.nan(.G)) > 0) {warning('Model returned NaN population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); 
				.G[is.nan(.G)] <- 0}
			if (sum(is.nan(.F)) > 0) {warning('Model returned NaN population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); 
				.F[is.nan(.F)] <- 0}
			if (sum(.Y < 0) > 0) {warning('Model returned negative population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); .Y <- pmax(.Y,0)}
			if (sum(.G < 0) > 0) {warning('Model returned negative population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); .G <- pmax(.G, 0)}
			if (sum(.F < 0) > 0) {warning('Model returned negative population values', .F, ' ', .G, ' ', .Y); .F <- pmax(.F, 0)}
			if ( (sum(.Y) < length(extantLines)) & (!forgiveAgtY) ) { L <- Inf }
			else if ( (sum(.Y) < length(extantLines)) & (length(extantLines)/length(tree$tip.label)) > forgiveAgtY) { L <- Inf }
			#for (alpha in newNodes){
			if (length(newNodes)==1)
				#? should rewrite to use helper functions
				alpha <- newNodes
				u <- tree$daughters[alpha,1]
				v <- tree$daughters[alpha,2]
					tree$ustates[u,] <- tree$mstate[u,]
					tree$ustates[v,] <- tree$mstate[v,]
					.Y <- pmax(A, .Y)
					FklXpuk_Yk <- (.F * tree$ustates[u,]/.Y)
					FklXpvk_Yk <- (.F * tree$ustates[v,]/.Y)
					FklXpuk_Yk[is.nan(FklXpuk_Yk)] <- 0
					FklXpvk_Yk[is.nan(FklXpvk_Yk)] <- 0
					vk_Yk <- pmin(pmax(tree$ustates[v,]/.Y, 0),1); vk_Yk[is.nan(vk_Yk)] <- 0
					uk_Yk <- pmin(pmax(tree$ustates[u,]/.Y, 0),1); uk_Yk[is.nan(uk_Yk)] <- 0
					ratekl <- FklXpuk_Yk %*% vk_Yk + FklXpvk_Yk %*% uk_Yk
				tree$coalescentRates[alpha] <- max( sum(ratekl) , 0)
				if (is.nan(L))
					L <- (h1 - h0) * sum(ratekl) 
				tree$coalescentSurvivalProbability[alpha] <- exp(-L)
				tree$logCoalescentSurvivalProbability[alpha] <- -L
				if (tree$coalescentSurvivalProbability[alpha]==0) {warning('Zero likelihood. Try setting integrationMethod=adams');}
				if (sum(ratekl)==0) {ratekl <- rep(1/tree$m, tree$m) * 1e-6}
				# definitions of alpha state
				tree$lstates[alpha,] <- ratekl / sum(ratekl)
				tree$mstates[alpha,] <- ratekl / sum(ratekl)
				# debug
				tree$A <- rbind( tree$A, A)
				tree$lnS <- c( tree$lnS, -L )
				tree$lnr <- c( tree$lnr, log(sum(ratekl)) )
				tree$ih <- c( tree$ih, h1)
if (sum(ratekl) <= 0) browser()
				# finite size corrections for lines not involved in coalescent
				tree$mstates <- t( finite_size_correction( tree$lstates[alpha,], A, extantLines, t(tree$mstates) ) )
			} else if (length(newNodes) > 1){
				#TODO should check that this is definite polytomy
				daughters <- setdiff( unique( tree$daughters[newNodes,] ), newNodes)
				uv_corates <- c()
				uv_survProbs <- c()
				uv_alphaStates <- c()
				tree$ustates[daughters,] <- tree$mstates[daughters,]
				for (u_i in 1:(length(daughters)-1)) for (v_i in (u_i+1):length(daughters))
					u <- daughters[u_i]
					v <- daughters[v_i]
					o <- .update.alpha(u, v, tree, fgy) #list( p_a, logCoalescentSurvivalProbability, coalescentRate) 
					uv_corates <- c( uv_corates, o[[3]] )
					uv_survProbs <- c( uv_survProbs, exp( o[[2]] ) )
					uv_alphaStates <- rbind ( uv_alphaStates, o[[1]] )
				corate <- mean(uv_corates)
				S <- mean(uv_survProbs)
				p_a <- colMeans( uv_alphaStates)
				p_a <- p_a / sum(p_a) 
				for (alpha in newNodes)
					# debug
					tree$A <- rbind( tree$A, A)
					tree$lnS <- c( tree$lnS, -L )
					tree$lnr <- c( tree$lnr, log(corate) )
					tree$ih <- c( tree$ih, h1)
					# update alpha states
					tree$lstates[alpha,] <- p_a
					tree$mstates[alpha,] <- tree$lstates[alpha,]
					if ((tree$parentheight[alpha]-tree$heights[alpha]) == 0) tree$ustates[alpha,] <- tree$lstates[alpha,]
					# likelihood stuff
					tree$coalescentRates[alpha] <- corate
					tree$coalescentSurvivalProbability[alpha] <- S
					tree$logCoalescentSurvivalProbability[alpha] <- log(S)
				tree <- .fsc.extantLines(alpha, extantLines, A, tree )
		}) -> tree
		# if coalescent occurred, reset cumulative hazard function
		if (length(newNodes) > 0) {
		  L <- 0 }

.start.discrete.rates <- function(fgyResolution, maxSampleTime, globalParms) 
{ #version that does not generate global variables
	F. <- globalParms$F.; G. <- globalParms$G.; Y. <- globalParms$Y. ; 
	globalParms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- fgyResolution
	#~ speed up calculation of FGY by discretizing & pre-caching
	globalParms$F.bak 				<- F.
	globalParms$G.bak 				<- G.
	globalParms$Y.bak 				<- Y.
	globalParms$USE_DISCRETE_FGY 	<- TRUE
	globalParms$maxHeight			<- maxSampleTime #NOTE: This does not allow FGY defined for t<0
	globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 	<- seq(0, maxSampleTime, length.out = fgyResolution) 
#~ 	globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 	<- globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES + globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES[2]/2 #TODO is there a better way to do this offset? 
	globalParms$FGY_INDEX 			<- 1 #update in desolve:ode
	globalParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- lapply( globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES, function(h) { F.(maxSampleTime-h) })
	globalParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- lapply( globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES, function(h) { G.(maxSampleTime-h) })
	globalParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- lapply( globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES, function(h) { Y.(maxSampleTime-h) })
	globalParms$F. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { globalParms$F_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] } #note does not actually use arg t
	globalParms$G. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { globalParms$G_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }
	globalParms$Y. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { globalParms$Y_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }

.end.discrete.rates <- function(globalParms){
	#reset fgy functions
	# does not use global variables
	globalParms$F. <- globalParms$F.bak
	globalParms$G. <- globalParms$G.bak
	globalParms$Y. <- globalParms$Y.bak
#~ .gen.discrete.fgy.parameters <- function(FGY, fgyResolution, maxSampleTime, maxHeight ) 
#~ { #~ speed up calculation of FGY by discretizing & pre-caching
#~ 	parms <- list()
#~ 	F. <- FGY$F.; G. <- FGY$G.; Y. <- FGY$Y. ; 
#~ 	parms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- fgyResolution
#~ 	parms$maxHeight				<- maxHeight #
#~ 	parms$get.index <- function(h) min(1 + parms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h) / ( maxHeight ), parms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
#~ 	parms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- seq(0, maxHeight, length.out = fgyResolution) #
#~ 	parms$F_DISCRETE 			<- lapply( parms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES, function(h) { F.(maxSampleTime-h) })
#~ 	parms$G_DISCRETE 			<- lapply( parms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES, function(h) { G.(maxSampleTime-h) })
#~ 	parms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- lapply( parms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES, function(h) { pmax( 1e-16, Y.(maxSampleTime-h) ) })
#~ ##~ 	parms$F. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { parms$F_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] } #note does not actually use #arg t
#~ ##~ 	parms$G. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { parms$G_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }
#~ ##~ 	parms$Y. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { parms$Y_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }
#~ 	fgyParms$F. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[parms$get.index(h)]] } #
#~ 	fgyParms$G. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$G_DISCRETE[[parms$get.index(h)]] }
#~ 	fgyParms$Y. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE[[parms$get.index(h)]] }
#~ 	parms
#~ }
#' @export
#~ coalescent.log.likelihood.fgy <- function(bdt, FGY, integrationMethod = 'rk4',  censorAtHeight=FALSE, forgiveAgtY=.2, fgyResolution = 2000)
#~ {
#~ # bdt : binaryDatedTree instance
#~ 	fgyParms <- .gen.discrete.fgy.parameters(FGY, fgyResolution, bdt$maxSampleTime, bdt$maxHeight ) 
#~ 	if (ncol( bdt$sampleStates ) ==1) 
#~ 	  tree <- .calculate.internal.states.unstructuredModel(bdt, maxHeight=censorAtHeight, globalParms = fgyParms)
#~ 	else
#~ 	  tree <- .calculate.internal.states(bdt, fgyParms,  censorAtHeight=censorAtHeight, forgiveAgtY = forgiveAgtY,   INTEGRATIONMETHOD = integrationMethod)
#~ 	i<- (length(tree$sampleTimes)+1):(tree$Nnode + length(tree$tip.label))
#~ 	if (censorAtHeight) { 
#~ 		internalHeights <- tree$heights[(length(tree$tip.label)+1):length(tree$heights)]
#~ 		i <- i[internalHeights <= censorAtHeight] 
#~ 	}
#~ 	ll <- sum( log(tree$coalescentRates[i]) ) + sum( tree$logCoalescentSurvivalProbability[i] )#sum( log(tree$coalescentSurvivalProbability[i]) ) 
#~ 	if (censorAtHeight) { ll<- tree$Nnode *  ll/length(i)}
#~ 	if (is.nan(ll) | is.na(ll) ) ll <- -Inf
#~ 	#return(list( ll, tree)) #for debugging
#~ 	ll
#~ }

coalescent.log.likelihood.fgy <- function(bdt, times, births, migrations, demeSizes, integrationMethod = 'rk4',  censorAtHeight=FALSE, forgiveAgtY=.2, returnTree=FALSE)
# bdt : binaryDatedTree instance
# note births & migrations should be rates in each time step
	maxtime <- max(times) 
	mintime <- min( times )
	if (!censorAtHeight & (mintime > (bdt$maxSampleTime - bdt$maxHeight))) {
		warning('Root of tree occurs before earliest time on time axis'); return(-Inf) 
	if (censorAtHeight & (mintime > (bdt$maxSampleTime - censorAtHeight)) ) {
		warning('Root of tree occurs before earliest time on time axis'); return(-Inf) 
	fgyParms <- list()
	# make fgy parms for discretized rate functions
	fgyParms <- list()
	fgyResolution <- length(times)
	fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- fgyResolution
	fgyParms$maxHeight				<- bdt$maxHeight #
	fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- seq(0, bdt$maxHeight, length.out = fgyResolution) 
	# reverse order (present to past): 
	fgyParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[2]] #Fs
	fgyParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[3]] #Gs
	fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[4]] #Ys
	fgyParms$hoffset = hoffset <- 0
	fgyParms$get.index <- function(h) min(1 + fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h + hoffset) / bdt$maxHeight, fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	fgyParms$F. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] } #
	fgyParms$G. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$G_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$Y. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	if (ncol( bdt$sampleStates ) ==1) 
	  tree <- .calculate.internal.states.unstructuredModel(bdt, maxHeight=censorAtHeight, globalParms = fgyParms)
	  tree <- .calculate.internal.states(bdt, fgyParms,  censorAtHeight=censorAtHeight, forgiveAgtY = forgiveAgtY,   INTEGRATIONMETHOD = integrationMethod)
	i<- (length(tree$sampleTimes)+1):(tree$Nnode + length(tree$tip.label))
	if (censorAtHeight) { 
		internalHeights <- tree$heights[(length(tree$tip.label)+1):length(tree$heights)]
		i <- i[internalHeights <= censorAtHeight] 
	ll <- sum( log(tree$coalescentRates[i]) ) + sum( log(tree$coalescentSurvivalProbability[i] ))
	if (censorAtHeight) { ll<- tree$Nnode *  ll/length(i)}
	if (is.nan(ll) | is.na(ll) ) ll <- -Inf
	#~ 	ifelse(returnTree, list( ll, tree), ll) #for debugging
		return(list(ll, tree))

# TODO this should not be needed, but the other version of this function seems to assume tfgy is in the namespace, though it isn't by default
coalescent.log.likelihood.fgy2 <- function(bdt, tfgy, integrationMethod = 'rk4',  censorAtHeight=FALSE, forgiveAgtY=.2, returnTree=FALSE)
# bdt : binaryDatedTree instance
# note births & migrations should be rates in each time step
# NOTE assumes tfgy in order of increasing height and first element corresponds to mst
	times <- tfgy[[1]]
	maxtime <- max(times) 
	mintime <- min( times )
	if (!censorAtHeight & (mintime > (bdt$maxSampleTime - bdt$maxHeight))) {
		warning('Root of tree occurs before earliest time on time axis'); return(-Inf) 
	if (censorAtHeight & (mintime > (bdt$maxSampleTime - censorAtHeight)) ) {
		warning('Root of tree occurs before earliest time on time axis'); return(-Inf) 
	fgyParms <- list()
	# make fgy parms for discretized rate functions
	fgyParms <- list()
	fgyResolution <- length(times)
	fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- fgyResolution
	fgyParms$maxHeight				<- bdt$maxHeight #
	fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- seq(0, bdt$maxHeight, length.out = fgyResolution) 
	# reverse order (present to past): 
	fgyParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[2]] #Fs
	fgyParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[3]] #Gs
	fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[4]] #Ys
	fgyParms$hoffset = hoffset <- 0
	fgyParms$get.index <- function(h) min(1 + fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h + hoffset) / bdt$maxHeight, fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	fgyParms$F. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] } #
	fgyParms$G. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$G_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$Y. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	if (ncol( bdt$sampleStates ) ==1) 
	  tree <- .calculate.internal.states.unstructuredModel(bdt, maxHeight=censorAtHeight, globalParms = fgyParms)
	  tree <- .calculate.internal.states(bdt, fgyParms,  censorAtHeight=censorAtHeight, forgiveAgtY = forgiveAgtY,   INTEGRATIONMETHOD = integrationMethod)
	i<- (length(tree$sampleTimes)+1):(tree$Nnode + length(tree$tip.label))
	if (censorAtHeight) { 
		internalHeights <- tree$heights[(length(tree$tip.label)+1):length(tree$heights)]
		i <- i[internalHeights <= censorAtHeight] 
	ll <- sum( log(tree$coalescentRates[i]) ) + sum( log(tree$coalescentSurvivalProbability[i] ))
	if (censorAtHeight) { ll<- tree$Nnode *  ll/length(i)}
	if (is.nan(ll) | is.na(ll) ) ll <- -Inf
	#~ 	ifelse(returnTree, list( ll, tree), ll) #for debugging
		return(list(ll, tree))

pseudoLogLikelihood0.fgy <-  function(bdt, times, births, migrations, demeSizes, forgiveAgtY=.2, integrationMethod = 'adams', rescaleTree=FALSE, returnRescaleFactor=FALSE, ks_objfun = FALSE)
# note births & migrations should be rates in each time step
#~ ks_obfjun : if TRUE, returns -KS statistic (NLFT and node heights)
	sampleStates <- bdt$sampleStates
	sampleTimes <- bdt$sampleTimes
	n <- length(sampleTimes)
	maxSampleTime <- max(sampleTimes)
	sampleHeights <- maxSampleTime - sampleTimes 
	ix <- sort(sampleHeights, index.return=TRUE)$ix
	sortedSampleHeights <- sampleHeights[ix]
	sortedSampleStates <- sampleStates[ix,]
	uniqueSortedSampleHeights <- unique(sortedSampleHeights)
	maxtime <- times[length(times)]
	mintime <- times[1]
	maxHeight <- maxSampleTime -  mintime
	fgyParms <- list()
	fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- length(times)
	# reverse order (present to past): 
	fgyParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(length(births):1, function(k)  births[[k]] )
	fgyParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(length(migrations):1, function(k)  migrations[[k]] )
	fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(length(demeSizes):1, function(k)  demeSizes[[k]] )
	# the following line accounts for any discrepancies between the maximum time axis and the last sample time
	fgyParms$hoffset = hoffset <- maxtime - bdt$maxSampleTime
	if (hoffset < 0) stop( 'Time axis does not cover the last sample time' )
	fgyParms$get.index <- function(h) min(1 + fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h + hoffset) / ( maxtime - mintime ), fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	fgyParms$F. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] } #
	fgyParms$G. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$G_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$Y. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- bdt$maxSampleTime - times[length(times):1] 

	F. <- fgyParms$F.; G. <- fgyParms$G.; Y. <- fgyParms$Y. ; 
	get.fgy <- function(h)
			.Y		<- fgyParms$Y.(h)
			.F		<- fgyParms$F.(h)
			.G		<- fgyParms$G.(h)
		list(.F=.F, .G=.G, .Y=.Y)
	# construct forcing timeseries for ode's
	heights <- sort( fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES )
	heights <- heights[heights <= maxHeight]
	heights <- heights[heights >= 0]
	fgyParms$heights <- heights
	fgymat <- t( sapply( fgyParms$heights, function(h) 
	  with(get.fgy(h), {
		c( as.vector(.F), as.vector(.G), as.vector(.Y) )
	) )
	fgymat <- pmax(fgymat, 0)
	inheights <- sort( bdt$heights[(n+1):length(bdt$heights)] )
	forgiveHeight <- inheights[ max(1, length(inheights) - floor(forgiveAgtY*length(inheights)))]
	# solve for A
	cumSortedSampleStates <-  sapply( 1:m, function(k) cumsum(sortedSampleStates[,k]) )
	cumSortedNotSampledStates <-  t(cumSortedSampleStates[n,] - t(cumSortedSampleStates) )
	#nsy.index <- approxfun( sortedSampleHeights , 1:n , method='constant', rule=2)
	nsy.index <-  approxfun(
	   sort( jitter( sortedSampleHeights
	     , factor=max(1e-6, sortedSampleHeights[length(sortedSampleHeights)]/1e6)) )
	   , 1:n , method='constant', rule=2)
	not.sampled.yet <- function(h)
		cumSortedNotSampledStates[ nsy.index(h), ]
	nsymat <- t( sapply( fgyParms$heights, function(h) 
	) )
	dA <- function(h, A, parms, ...)
		nsy <- not.sampled.yet(h) 
			A_Y <- (A-nsy) / .Y
			if (h < forgiveHeight){
				if ( sum(A_Y > 1)>0 ){
					return(list( rep(0, length(A)) ))
			csFpG 	<- colSums( .F + .G )
			list( .G %*% A_Y - csFpG * A_Y + (.F %*% A_Y) * pmax(1-A_Y, 0) )
	AIntervals <- c(sortedSampleHeights[2:length(uniqueSortedSampleHeights)], maxHeight)
	h0 	<- 0
	sampled.at.h <- function(h) which(sortedSampleHeights==h)
	extantLines <- sampled.at.h(h0)
	#~ 	AplusNotSampled <- ode( y = colSums(sortedSampleStates), times = haxis, func=dA, parms=NA, method = integrationMethod)[, 2:(m+1)]
	parameters 	<- c(m, maxHeight, length(heights), as.vector(fgymat), as.vector(nsymat))
	# could possibly speed this up by calling c func:
	if (length(rescaleTree)==2 & is.numeric(rescaleTree) ) {
		stretch_lb <- rescaleTree[1]
		stretch_ub <- rescaleTree[2]
		odeHeights <- seq(0, max(inheights), length.out=2000)
		dh <- odeHeights[2] - odeHeights[1]
		AplusNotSampled <- ode(y=colSums(sortedSampleStates), times = odeHeights, func = "dCA", parms = parameters, dllname = "rcolgem", initfunc = "initfunc_dCA", method=integrationMethod )[, 2:(m+1)]
		.stretchInternalNodeHeights <- function(inheights, ef ) 
			# note : does not check for consistency with sample times
			#(inheights-min(inheights)) * ef + min(inheights)
			inheights * ef
		objfun <- function(ef){
			new_inheights <- .stretchInternalNodeHeights(inheights, ef)
			m_dAs <- sapply(new_inheights, function(h)
				ih <- min( length(odeHeights),  1 + floor( h / dh )  )
				-sum( dA(h, AplusNotSampled[ih,] , NA )[[1]] )  
			return( sum(log(m_dAs)) )
		rsApNS <- rowSums( AplusNotSampled )
		# CDF of node heights: 
		pCo <- approxfun( odeHeights, (rsApNS[1] - rsApNS) / (rsApNS[1] - rsApNS[length(rsApNS)] ),  rule =2 )
		objfun.ks <- function(ef=1){
			new_inheights <- .stretchInternalNodeHeights(inheights, ef)
			return( ks.test(x = new_inheights, y = pCo)$statistic )
		# minimise KS statistic: 
		efoptimise <- optimise(f = objfun.ks, interval = rescaleTree
		  , maximum = FALSE
		  , tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
		if (returnRescaleFactor){
			if (ks_objfun){
				return( list( -efoptimise$objective , efoptimise$minimum ) )
			} else{
				return( list( objfun(efoptimise$minimum) , efoptimise$minimum ) )
		} else{
			if (ks_objfun){
				return( -efoptimise$objective  )
			} else{
				return(objfun(efoptimise$minimum) )
	} else if (!rescaleTree) {
		if (ks_objfun){
			odeHeights <- seq(0, max(inheights), length.out=2000)
			dh <- odeHeights[2] - odeHeights[1]
			AplusNotSampled <- ode(y=colSums(sortedSampleStates), times = odeHeights, func = "dCA", parms = parameters, dllname = "rcolgem", initfunc = "initfunc_dCA", method=integrationMethod )[, 2:(m+1)]
			rsApNS <- rowSums( AplusNotSampled )
			# CDF of node heights: 
			pCo <- approxfun( odeHeights, (rsApNS[1] - rsApNS) / (rsApNS[1] - rsApNS[length(rsApNS)] ),  rule =2 )
#~ plot( inheights, 1:length(inheights) / length(inheights) )
#~ lines( odeHeights, pCo(odeHeights), col='red')
#~ browser()
			return( -ks.test(x = inheights, y = pCo)$statistic )
		} else{
			AplusNotSampled <- ode(y=colSums(sortedSampleStates), times = c(0,inheights), func = "dCA", parms = parameters, dllname = "rcolgem", initfunc = "initfunc_dCA", method='adams' )[2:(1+length(inheights)), 2:(m+1)]
			m_dAs <- sapply(1:nrow(AplusNotSampled), function(ih) -sum(dA(inheights[ih], AplusNotSampled[ih,] , NA)[[1]])  ) 
			return( sum(log(m_dAs)) )
	} else{
		stop('pseudoLogLikelihood0.fgy : rescaleTree must be FALSE or a 2-vector with scaling limits')

solve.model.unstructured <- function(t0,t1, x0, births,  deaths, nonDemeDynamics, parms, timeResolution=1000, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
	m <- 1
	mm <- length(nonDemeDynamics)
	demeNames <- names(births)
	nonDemeNames <- names(nonDemeDynamics)
	if (length(x0)!=m + mm) stop('initial conditons incorrect dimension', x0, m, mm) 
	if ( sum( !(c(demeNames, nonDemeNames) %in% names(x0)) )  > 0)  stop('initial conditions vector incorrect names', names(x0), demeNames, nonDemeNames)
	y0 <- c( x0[c(demeNames, nonDemeNames)])
	pbirths <- parse(text=births)
	pmigrations <- NA
	pdeaths <- parse(text=deaths)
	pndd <- sapply(1:mm, function(k) parse(text=nonDemeDynamics[k]) )
	dNonDeme <- function(x, t) 
		with(as.list(x, t), 
		  sapply(1:mm, function(k) eval(pndd[k]) )  
	times <- seq(t0,t1, length.out=timeResolution)
	dx <- function(t, y, parms, ...) 
			f <- eval(pbirths) 
			dxdeme <- f - eval(pdeaths) 
			dxnondeme <- dNonDeme(y, t) 
			names(dxdeme) <- demeNames
			names(dxnondeme) <- nonDemeNames
			list( c(dxdeme, dxnondeme ) )
	ode(y=y0, times, func=dx, parms, method=integrationMethod)

#~ if (m==1) tree <- .calculate.internal.states.unstructuredModel(bdt, maxHeight=censorAtHeight, globalParms = fgyParms)
coalescent.log.likelihood.unstructuredModel <- function(bdt, births,  deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  t0, x0, parms=NA, fgyResolution = 2000, integrationMethod = 'euler',  censorAtHeight=FALSE, forgiveAgtY=.2 )
	m <- 1
	mm <- length(nonDemeDynamics)
	demeNames <- names(births)
	nonDemeNames <- names(nonDemeDynamics)
	if (length(x0)!=m + mm) stop('initial conditons incorrect dimension', x0, m, mm) 
	if ( sum( !(c(demeNames, nonDemeNames) %in% names(x0)) )  > 0)  stop('initial conditions vector incorrect names', names(x0), demeNames, nonDemeNames)
	y0 <- c( x0[c(demeNames, nonDemeNames)], Lambda=0)
	pbirths <- parse(text=births)
	pmigrations <- NA
	pdeaths <- parse(text=deaths)
	pndd <- sapply(1:mm, function(k) parse(text=nonDemeDynamics[k]) )
	dNonDeme <- function(x, t) 
		with(as.list(x, t), 
		  sapply(1:mm, function(k) eval(pndd[k]) )  
	nodeHeights <- bdt$heights[(length(bdt$tip.label)+1):length(bdt$heights)]
	delta <- c(rep(1, length(bdt$sampleTimes)), rep(-1, length(nodeHeights)))
	delta_times <- c(bdt$maxSampleTime - bdt$sampleTimes, nodeHeights) 
	itimes <- sort(delta_times, index.return=TRUE)$ix
	ltt_times <- sort(delta_times)
	ltt <- cumsum( delta[itimes] )
	n.extant <- function(h)
		#sum(sampleHeights < h) - sum(nodeHeights < h)
		#pmax( -(ltt_times - h), 0)
		i <- which( ltt_times - h < 0, arr.ind=TRUE) #TODO should return n at 0, but returns 1
		if (length(i) == 0) return(1)
	co.rate <- function( f, Y, A)
		if (A < 2) return(  0 )
		else return( (A * (A-1) /2) * (2*f) / max(2, Y*(Y-1)) )
	times <- unique(sort( c( bdt$maxSampleTime - bdt$heights, seq(t0, bdt$maxSampleTime, length.out=fgyResolution) )) )
	dx <- function(t, y, parms, ...) 
			f <- eval(pbirths) 
			dxdeme <- f - eval(pdeaths) 
			dxnondeme <- dNonDeme(y, t) 
			names(dxdeme) <- demeNames
			names(dxnondeme) <- nonDemeNames
			dL <- co.rate( f, y[demeNames], n.extant( bdt$maxSampleTime - t ) )
			list( c(dxdeme, dxnondeme, Lambda=unname(dL) ) )
	ox <- ode(y=y0, times, func=dx, parms, method=integrationMethod)
	xinterps <- lapply( 2:ncol(ox) , function(k) approxfun( rule=2, bdt$maxSampleTime - ox[,1], ox[,k] ) )
	xinterp <- function(h) {
		x <- sapply( 1:length(x0), function(k) xinterps[[k]](h)  )
		names(x) <- names(x0) 
	heights <- sort(unique( c(bdt$maxSampleTime - bdt$sampleTimes, nodeHeights) ) )
		dLambda <- function(t, y, parms, ...) 
			h <- t
			t <- bdt$maxSampleTime - h
			x <- xinterp( h) 
			Y <- x[demeNames]
			f <- with(as.list(x), eval(pbirths) )
			A <- n.extant(h)
			pco <- (A * (A-1) /2) * (2 / max(2, Y*(Y-1)) )
			if (Y <= 2) pco <- (A * (A-1) /2)
			#if (Y <= 2) pco <- 1
			#if (pco > 1) pco <- 1 #maybe dont do this.. 
			if (A < 2) dL <- 0
			else dL <- pco * f 
			list( c(Lambda=unname( dL )))
		oL  <- ode(y=c(Lambda=0), heights, func=dLambda, parms, method=integrationMethod )
		nodeIndices = nI <- unique( c( 1, sort( which(oL[,1] %in% nodeHeights) ) ) )
		thetas <- sapply( 1:(length(nI)-1), function(i) exp(-(oL[ nI[i+1],2]-oL[nI[i],2]) ) )
		corates <- sapply( nodeHeights, function(h) dLambda( h, NA, parms )[[1]] )
		ll <- unname( sum(log(corates)) + sum(log(thetas))  )

make.fgy <- function(t0, t1, births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  x0,  migrations=NA,  parms=NA, fgyResolution = 2000, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
#~ 	generates a discrete numeric representation of the demographic process given ODE as type str
	demeNames <- rownames(births)
	m <- nrow(births)
	nonDemeNames <- names(nonDemeDynamics)
	mm <- length(nonDemeNames)
	#reorder x0
	if (length(x0)!=m + mm) stop('initial conditons incorrect dimension', x0, m, mm) 
	if ( sum( !(c(demeNames, nonDemeNames) %in% names(x0)) )  > 0)  stop('initial conditions vector incorrect names', names(x0), demeNames, nonDemeNames)
	y0 <- x0[c(demeNames, nonDemeNames)]
	#parse equations
	pbirths <- sapply( 1:m, function(k) 
		   sapply(1:m, function(l)
	if (length(migrations)==1 & any(is.na(migrations)))
		migrations <- matrix('0', nrow=m, ncol=m)
		colnames(migrations)=rownames(migrations) <- demeNames
	pmigrations <- sapply( 1:m, function(k) 
		   sapply(1:m, function(l)
	pdeaths <- sapply(1:m, function(k) parse(text=deaths[k]) )
	if (mm > 0) {
		pndd <- sapply(1:mm, function(k) parse(text=nonDemeDynamics[k]) )
	} else {
		pndd <- NA

	.birth.matrix <- function( x, t) 
		 t(matrix( sapply( 1:m^2, function(k) eval(pbirths[k]))
		     , nrow=m, ncol=m
	.migration.matrix <- function( x, t) 
		 t(matrix( sapply( 1:m^2, function(k) eval(pmigrations[k]))
		     , nrow=m, ncol=m
	tBirths <- function(x, t)
		colSums( .birth.matrix(x,t) )
	tMigrationsIn <- function(x,t)
		colSums( .migration.matrix(x, t) )
	tMigrationsOut <- function(x,t)
		rowSums( .migration.matrix(x, t))
	tDeaths <- function(x, t) 
		with(as.list(x, t), 
		  sapply(1:m, function(k) eval(pdeaths[k]) )
	dNonDeme <- function(x, t) 
		with(as.list(x, t), 
		  sapply(1:mm, function(k) eval(pndd[k]) )  
	dx <- function(t, y, parms, ...) 
		dxdeme <- setNames( tBirths(y, t) + tMigrationsIn(y, t) - tMigrationsOut(y,t) - tDeaths(y,t), demeNames)
		if (mm > 0)
			dxnondeme <- setNames( dNonDeme(y, t), nonDemeNames )
			dxnondeme <- NULL
		list( c(dxdeme, dxnondeme) )
	times1 <- seq(t0, t1, length.out=fgyResolution)
	dh <- times1[2] - times1[1]
	if (t0 - dh <= t0) { times0 <- c() }
	else{ times0 <-  seq(t0, t0 - dh, by=dh) }
	times <- unique( c( times0, times1) )
		#ox <- ode(y=y0, times, func=dx, parms, method=integrationMethod)
	ox <- ode(y=y0, times, func=dx, parms, method=integrationMethod)
	# note does not include first value, which is t0; 2nd value corresponds to root of tree
	Ys <- lapply( nrow(ox):(1+length(times0)), function(i) ox[i, demeNames] )
	Fs <- lapply( nrow(ox):(1+length(times0)), function(i) .birth.matrix(ox[i,], ox[i,1])  ) # dh *
	Gs <- lapply( nrow(ox):(1+length(times0)), function(i) .migration.matrix(ox[i,], ox[i,1])  ) #dh *
	list( rev(times), Fs, Gs, Ys , ox )

coalescent.log.likelihood <- function( bdt, births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  t0, x0,  migrations=NA,  parms=NA, fgyResolution = 2000, integrationMethod = 'rk4',  censorAtHeight=FALSE, forgiveAgtY=.2, returnTree=FALSE)
	if (is.vector( births)) return(coalescent.log.likelihood.unstructuredModel(
	   bdt, births,  deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  t0, x0, parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod,  censorAtHeight=censorAtHeight, forgiveAgtY=forgiveAgtY) )
	if (is.na(t0)) t0 <- bdt$maxSampleTime - bdt$maxHeight
	if (!censorAtHeight & (t0 > (bdt$maxSampleTime - bdt$maxHeight))) {
		warning('Root of tree occurs before earliest time on time axis'); return(-Inf) 
	if (censorAtHeight & (t0 > (bdt$maxSampleTime - censorAtHeight)) ) {
		warning('Root of tree occurs before earliest time on time axis'); return(-Inf) 
	demeNames <- rownames(births)
	m <- nrow(births)
	nonDemeNames <- names(nonDemeDynamics)
	mm <- length(nonDemeNames)
	t1 <- bdt$maxSampleTime
	tfgy <- make.fgy( t0, t1, births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,   x0,  migrations=migrations,  parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )
	# make fgy parms for discretized rate functions
	fgyParms <- list()
	fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- fgyResolution
	fgyParms$maxHeight				<- bdt$maxHeight #
	fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- seq(0, bdt$maxHeight, length.out = fgyResolution) 
	# reverse order (present to past): 
	fgyParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[2]] #Fs
	fgyParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[3]] #Gs
	fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[4]] #Ys
	fgyParms$hoffset = hoffset <- 0
	fgyParms$get.index <- function(h) min(1 + fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h + hoffset) / bdt$maxHeight, fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	fgyParms$F. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] } #
	fgyParms$G. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$G_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$Y. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
#~ 	fgyparms <- list()
#~ 	fgyparms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- fgyResolution
#~ 	fgyparms$maxHeight			<- bdt$maxHeight #
#~ 	fgyparms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- seq(0, bdt$maxHeight, length.out = fgyResolution) 
#~ 	fgyparms$F_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[2]] #Fs
#~ 	fgyparms$G_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[3]] #Gs
#~ 	fgyparms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[4]] #Ys
#~ 	fgyparms$F. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { fgyparms$F_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] } #note does not actually use arg t
#~ 	fgyparms$G. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { fgyparms$G_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }
#~ 	fgyparms$Y. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { fgyparms$Y_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }
	tree <- .calculate.internal.states(bdt, fgyParms,  censorAtHeight=censorAtHeight, forgiveAgtY = forgiveAgtY,   INTEGRATIONMETHOD = integrationMethod)
	i<- (length(tree$sampleTimes)+1):(tree$Nnode + length(tree$tip.label))
	if (censorAtHeight) { 
		internalHeights <- tree$heights[(length(tree$tip.label)+1):length(tree$heights)]
		i <- i[internalHeights <= censorAtHeight] 
	ll <- sum( log(tree$coalescentRates[i]) ) + sum( tree$logCoalescentSurvivalProbability[i] )
	if (censorAtHeight) { ll<- tree$Nnode *  ll/length(i)}
	if (is.nan(ll) | is.na(ll) ) ll <- -Inf
	#return(list( ll, tree)) #for debugging
	if (returnTree) return(list(ll, tree))

solve.model <- function(t0,t1, x0, births,  deaths, nonDemeDynamics, parms, migrations=NA, integrationMethod = 'rk4', timeResolution=1000)
	if (is.vector(births)) return(solve.model.unstructured(t0,t1, x0, births,  deaths, nonDemeDynamics, parms, timeResolution=timeResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod) )
	tfgy <- make.fgy(t0, t1, births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  x0,  migrations=migrations,  parms=parms, fgyResolution = timeResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )

#' Simulate a binary dated tree from given model
#' @export
simulate.binary.dated.tree <- function(births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  t0, x0, sampleTimes, sampleStates,  migrations=NA,  parms=NA, fgyResolution = 2000, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
	m <- nrow(births)
	if (is.null(m))  stop('Error: currently only models with at least two demes are supported')
	if (m < 2)  stop('Error: currently only models with at least two demes are supported')
	maxSampleTime <- max(sampleTimes)
	tfgy <- make.fgy( t0, maxSampleTime, births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  x0,  migrations=migrations,  parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )
	#~ 	simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy(tfgy, sampleTimes, sampleStates,  parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod)
	simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy( tfgy[[1]], tfgy[[2]], tfgy[[3]], tfgy[[4]], sampleTimes, sampleStates, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )

simulate.binary.dated.tree.unstructured <- function(births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  t0, x0, sampleTimes,  parms=NA, fgyResolution = 2000, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
	if (!is.vector(births)) stop('Error: use simulate.binary.dated.tree if there is more than one deme')
	if (length(births)>1) stop('Error: use simulate.binary.dated.tree if there is more than one deme')
	m <- 1
	if (length(names(sampleTimes))==0){
		sampleNames <- as.character(1:length(sampleTimes))
		names(sampleTimes) <- sampleNames
	births2 <- matrix('0', nrow=2, ncol=2)
	births2[1,1] <- births
	DEMENAMES <- c( names(births), paste(sep='_', names(births), '0') )
	colnames(births2) = rownames(births2) <- DEMENAMES 
	deaths2 <- c(deaths, '0')
	names(deaths2) <- DEMENAMES
	sampleStates <- cbind( rep(1, length(sampleTimes)), rep(0, length(sampleTimes)) )
	colnames(sampleStates) <- DEMENAMES
	rownames(sampleStates) <- names(sampleTimes)
	x02 <- c(x0, 1)
	names(x02) <- c(names(x0), DEMENAMES[2])
	maxSampleTime <- max(sampleTimes)
	tfgy <- make.fgy( t0, maxSampleTime, births2, deaths2, nonDemeDynamics,  x02,   parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )
	simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy( tfgy[[1]], tfgy[[2]], tfgy[[3]], tfgy[[4]], sampleTimes, sampleStates, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )

simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy <- function( times, births, migrations, demeSizes, sampleTimes, sampleStates, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
#NOTE assumes times in equal increments
#~ TODO mstates, ustates not in returned tree 
s <- round(coef( lm(x ~ y,  data.frame(x = 1:length(times), y = sort(times))) )[1], digits=9)
if (s!=1) warning('Tree simulator assumes times given in equal increments')
	n <- length(sampleTimes)
	m <- ncol(sampleStates)
	maxSampleTime <- max(sampleTimes)
	if (length(names(sampleTimes))==0){
		sampleNames <- as.character(1:length(sampleTimes))
		names(sampleTimes) <- sampleNames
		rownames(sampleStates) <- sampleNames
	if (length(rownames(sampleStates))==0) warning('simulate.binaryDatedTree.fgy: sampleStates should have row names')
	sampleHeights <- maxSampleTime - sampleTimes 
	ix <- sort(sampleHeights, index.return=TRUE)$ix
	sortedSampleHeights <- sampleHeights[ix]
	sortedSampleStates <- as.matrix(sampleStates[ix,]) # if only one deme, this would otherwise return a vector
	uniqueSortedSampleHeights <- unique(sortedSampleHeights)
	maxtime <- max(times)
	mintime <- min(times)
	maxHeight <- maxSampleTime -  mintime
	times_ix <- sort(times, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
	fgyParms <- list()
	fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- length(times)
	# reverse order (present to past): 
	fgyParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(times_ix, function(k)  births[[k]] )
	fgyParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(times_ix, function(k)  migrations[[k]] )
	fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(times_ix, function(k)  demeSizes[[k]] )
	# the following line accounts for any discrepancies between the maximum time axis and the last sample time
	fgyParms$hoffset = hoffset <- maxtime - maxSampleTime
	if (hoffset < 0) stop( 'Time axis does not cover the last sample time' )
	fgyParms$get.index <- function(h) min(1 + fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h + hoffset) / ( maxtime - mintime ), fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	fgyParms$F. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] } #
	fgyParms$G. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$G_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$Y. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- sort( maxSampleTime - times )

	F. <- fgyParms$F.; G. <- fgyParms$G.; Y. <- fgyParms$Y. ; 
	get.fgy <- function(h)
			.Y		<- fgyParms$Y.(h)
			.F		<- fgyParms$F.(h)
			.G		<- fgyParms$G.(h)
		list(.F=.F, .G=.G, .Y=.Y)
	# construct forcing timeseries for ode's
	heights <- sort( fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES )
	heights <- heights[heights <= maxHeight]
	heights <- heights[heights >= 0]
	fgyParms$heights <- heights
	fgymat <- t( sapply( fgyParms$heights, function(h) 
	  with(get.fgy(h), {
		c( as.vector(.F), as.vector(.G), as.vector(.Y) )
	) )
	fgymat <- pmax(fgymat, 0)
	.solve.Q.A.L <- function(h0, h1, A0, L0)
	{ # uses C implementation
		Q0 <- diag(m)
		parameters 	<- c(m, maxHeight, length(fgyParms$heights), sum(A0), as.vector(fgymat))
		y0 <- c( as.vector( Q0), A0,  L0 ) #
		o <- ode(y=y0, c(h0,h1), func = "dQAL", parms = parameters, dllname = "rcolgem", initfunc = "initfunc", method=integrationMethod )
		Q1 		<- t( matrix(  abs(o[nrow(o),2:(1 + m^2)]) , nrow=m) ) #NOTE the transpose
		A1 <- o[nrow(o), (1 + m^2 + 1):(1 + m^2 +  m)]
		L1 <- o[nrow(o), ncol(o)]
		return ( list(  unname(Q1), unname(A1),  unname(L1) ) ) #
	# solve for A
	cumSortedSampleStates <-  sapply( 1:m, function(k) cumsum(sortedSampleStates[,k]) )
	cumSortedNotSampledStates <-  t(cumSortedSampleStates[n,] - t(cumSortedSampleStates) )
	#nsy.index <- approxfun( sortedSampleHeights , 1:n , method='constant', rule=2)
	nsy.index <-  approxfun(
	   sort( jitter( sortedSampleHeights
	     , factor=max(1e-6, sortedSampleHeights[length(sortedSampleHeights)]/1e6)) )
	   , 1:n , method='constant', rule=2)
	not.sampled.yet <- function(h)
		cumSortedNotSampledStates[ nsy.index(h), ]
	dA <- function(h, A, parms, ...)
		nsy <- not.sampled.yet(h) 
			A_Y 	<- (A-nsy) / .Y
			A_Y[is.nan(A_Y)] <- 0
			csFpG 	<- colSums( .F + .G )
			list( setNames( as.vector(
			  .G %*% A_Y - csFpG * A_Y + (.F %*% A_Y) * pmax(1-A_Y, 0) 
			  ), names(A)
	AIntervals <- c(sortedSampleHeights[2:length(uniqueSortedSampleHeights)], maxHeight)
	h0 						<- 0
	sampled.at.h <- function(h) which(sortedSampleHeights==h)
	haxis <- seq(0, maxHeight, length.out=fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION)
	odA <-  ode( y = colSums(sortedSampleStates), times = haxis, func=dA, parms=NA, method = 'adams')
	haxis <- odA[,1]
	AplusNotSampled <- odA[, 2:(m+1)]
	AplusNotSampled <- as.matrix(AplusNotSampled, nrows=length(haxis))
	Amono <- rowSums( AplusNotSampled)
	Amono[is.na(Amono)] <- min(Amono[!is.na(Amono)] )
	Amono <- Amono - min(Amono)
	Amono <- (max(Amono)  - Amono) / max(Amono)
	nodeHeights <- sort( approx( Amono, haxis, xout=runif(n-1, 0, 1) )$y ) # careful of impossible node heights
	uniqueSampleHeights <- unique( sampleHeights )
	eventTimes <- c(uniqueSampleHeights, nodeHeights) 
	isSampleEvent <- c(rep(TRUE, length(uniqueSampleHeights)), rep(FALSE, length(nodeHeights)))
	ix <- sort(eventTimes, index.return=TRUE)$ix
	eventTimes <- eventTimes[ix]
	isSampleEvent <- isSampleEvent[ix]
	get.A.index <- function(h){
		min(1 + floor(fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h ) / ( maxHeight)), fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	get.A <- function(h){
		i <- get.A.index(h)
		AplusNotSampled[i,] - not.sampled.yet(h) 
	S <- 1
	L <- 0
	# initialize variables; tips in order of sortedSampleHeights
	Nnode <- n-1
	edge.length 	<- rep(-1, Nnode + n-1) # should not have root edge
	edge			<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n-1), 2)
	if (length(names(sortedSampleHeights))==0)
		tip.label 		<- as.character(1:n)
	} else{
		tip.label 		<- names(sortedSampleHeights)# as.character( 1:n )
	maxSampleTime 	<- max(sampleTimes)
	heights 		<- rep(0, (Nnode + n) )
	parentheights 	<- rep(-1, (Nnode + n) )
	heights[1:n] 	<- sortedSampleHeights
	inEdgeMap 		<- rep(-1, Nnode + n)
	outEdgeMap 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), 2)
	parent 			<- 1:(Nnode + n) 
	daughters 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), 2)
	lstates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	mstates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	ustates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	ssm 			<- matrix( 0, nrow=n, ncol=m)
	lstates[1:n,]	<-  sortedSampleStates
	mstates[1:n,] 	<- lstates[1:n,]
	isExtant 		<- rep(FALSE, Nnode+n)
	isExtant[sampled.at.h(h0)] <- TRUE
	extantLines <- which( isExtant) 
	nExtant <- sum(isExtant)
	print(paste(date(), 'simulate tree'))
	# simulate
	if (length(extantLines) > 1){
		A0 <- colSums(as.matrix(sortedSampleStates[extantLines,], nrow=length(extantLines)) )
	} else{
		A0 <- sortedSampleStates[extantLines,]
	lineageCounter <- n+1
	for (ih in 1:(length(eventTimes)-1)){
		h0 <- eventTimes[ih]
		h1 <- eventTimes[ih+1]
		fgy <- get.fgy(h1)
		nExtant <- sum(isExtant)
		#get A0, process new samples, calculate state of new lines
		A0 <- get.A(h0) #A[get.A.index(h0),]
		out <- .solve.Q.A.L(h0, h1, A0,  L)
		Q <- out[[1]]
		A <- out[[2]]
		L <- out[[3]]
		# clean output
		if (is.nan(L)) {L <- Inf}
#~ 		if (sum(is.nan(Q)) > 0) browser() #Q <- diag(length(A))
		if (sum(is.nan(Q)) > 0) Q <- diag(length(A))
		if (sum(is.nan(A)) > 0) A <- A0
		#update mstates
		if ( nExtant > 1)
			mstates[isExtant,] <- t( t(Q) %*% t(mstates[isExtant,])  )
			mstates[isExtant,] <- abs(mstates[isExtant,]) / rowSums(as.matrix(abs(mstates[isExtant,]), nrow=length(isExtant)))
			#recalculate A
			A <- colSums(as.matrix(mstates[isExtant,], nrow=length(isExtant)))
			mstates[isExtant,] <- t( t(Q) %*% mstates[isExtant,] )
			mstates[isExtant,] <- abs(mstates[isExtant,]) / sum(abs(mstates[isExtant,]))
			#recalculate A
			A <- mstates[isExtant,] 
		if (isSampleEvent[ih+1])
			sat_h1 <- sampled.at.h(h1)
			isExtant[sat_h1] <- TRUE
			#extantLines <- c(extantLines, sat_h1)
			heights[sat_h1] <- h1
		} else{ #coalecent event
			#with(fgy, {
			.F <- fgy$.F
			.G <- fgy$.G
			.Y <- fgy$.Y
				a <- A / .Y
	#nextant <- length(extantLines)
	extantLines <- which(isExtant)
#~ 			if (F){
#~ 				astates <- matrix(  pmin(1, t(t(mstates[isExtant,])/.Y ) ),  nrow=nExtant  )
#~ 				tryCatch( 
#~ 					{ .lambdamat <- astates %*% .F %*% t(astates) }
#~ 				 , error = function(e) browser())
#~ 				diag(.lambdamat) <- 0
#~ 				uivi <- sample.int( nExtant^2, size=1, prob=as.vector(.lambdamat) )
#~ 				u_i <- 1 + ((uivi-1) %% nExtant)#row
#~ 				v_i <- 1 + floor( (uivi-1) / nExtant ) #column
#~ 				u <-  extantLines[ u_i ] 
#~ 				v <- extantLines[ v_i ] 
#~ 			}
#~ tryCatch({
				.lambdamat <- (t(t(a)) %*% a) * .F
				kl <- sample.int( m^2, size=1, prob=as.vector(.lambdamat) )
				k <- 1 + ((kl-1) %% m)#row
				l <- 1 + floor( (kl-1) / m ) #column
				probstates <- as.matrix(mstates[extantLines,], nrow=length(extantLines))
				u_i <- sample.int(  nExtant, size=1, prob = probstates[,k])
				probstates[u_i,] <- 0 # cant transmit to itself
				u <- extantLines[u_i]
				v <- sample(  extantLines, size=1, prob = probstates[,l])
#~ }, error = function(e) browser() )
#~ tryCatch( {
				ustates[u,] <- mstates[u,]
				ustates[v,] <- mstates[v,]
#~ }, error = function(e) browser() )
				#lambda_uv  <- as.vector( astates[u_i,] %*% .F %*% astates[v_i,] ) + as.vector( astates[v_i,] %*% .F %*% astates[u_i,] )
				#lambda_uv <- ((astates[u_i,]) %*% t( astates[v_i,] )) * .F + ((astates[v_i,]) %*% t( astates[u_i,] )) * .F 
				a_u <- pmin(1, mstates[u,] / .Y )
				a_v <- pmin(1, mstates[v,] / .Y )
				lambda_uv <- ((a_u) %*% t( a_v )) * .F + ((a_v) %*% t( a_u )) * .F 
				palpha <- rowSums(lambda_uv) / sum(lambda_uv)
#~ browser()
				alpha <- lineageCounter 
				lineageCounter <- lineageCounter + 1
				isExtant[alpha] <- TRUE
				isExtant[u] <- FALSE
				isExtant[v] <- FALSE
	#extantLines <- c(extantLines[-c(v_i, u_i)], alpha)
				lstates[alpha,] = mstates[alpha,] <- palpha
				heights[alpha] <- h1
				uv <- c(u, v) 
				inEdgeMap[uv] <- alpha#lineageCounter
				outEdgeMap[alpha,] <- uv
				parent[uv] <- alpha
				parentheights[uv] <- h1
				daughters[alpha,] <- uv
				edge[u,] <- c(alpha, u) # 
				edge.length[u] <- h1 - heights[u] 
				edge[v,] <- c(alpha,v) # 
				edge.length[v] <- h1 - heights[v] 
	self<- list(edge=edge, edge.length=edge.length, Nnode=Nnode, tip.label=tip.label, heights=heights, parentheights=parentheights, parent=parent, daughters=daughters, lstates=lstates, mstates=mstates, ustates=ustates, m = m, sampleTimes = sampleTimes, sampleStates= sampleStates, maxSampleTime=maxSampleTime, inEdgeMap = inEdgeMap, outEdgeMap=outEdgeMap)
	class(self) <- c("binaryDatedTree", "phylo")
	#~ <reorder edges for compatibility with ape::phylo functions> 
	#~ (ideally ape would not care about the edge order, but actually most functions assume a certain order)
	sampleTimes2 <- sampleTimes[names(sortedSampleHeights)]
	sampleStates2 <- as.matrix(lstates[1:n,], nrow=n); rownames(sampleStates2) <- tip.label
#~ browser()
	phylo <- read.tree(text=write.tree(self) )
	sampleTimes2 <- sampleTimes2[phylo$tip.label];
	sampleStates2 <- as.matrix(sampleStates2[phylo$tip.label,], nrow=length(phylo$tip.label))
	bdt <- binaryDatedTree(phylo, sampleTimes2, sampleStates = sampleStates2)

#' Simulate a binary dated tree from given model
#' @export
#~ TODO : Error in kids[[parent[i]]] : attempt to select more than one element
simulate.binary.dated.tree.0 <- function(births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  t0, x0, sampleTimes, sampleStates,  migrations=NA,  parms=NA, fgyResolution = 2000, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
#~ same attributes are defined as binaryDatedTree
#~ <preliminaries>
	n 			<- length(sampleTimes)
	Nnode 		<-  n-1
	demeNames <- rownames(births)
	m <- nrow(births)
	if (m < 2)  stop('Error: currently only models with at least two demes are supported')
	nonDemeNames <- names(nonDemeDynamics)
	mm <- length(nonDemeNames)
	sortedSampleTimes <- sort(sampleTimes)
	maxSampleTime <- max(sampleTimes)
	sampleHeights <- maxSampleTime- sampleTimes 
	sortedSampleHeights <- sort(sampleHeights)
	uniqueSortedSampleHeights <- unique(sortedSampleHeights)
	ussh_index <- 2
	tfgy <- make.fgy( t0, maxSampleTime, births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  x0,  migrations=migrations,  parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )
	# make fgy parms for discretized rate functions
	globalParms <- list()
	globalParms$FGY_RESOLUTION			<- fgyResolution
	globalParms$maxHeight				<- maxSampleTime-t0 #
	globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- tfgy[[1]] #seq(0, maxSampleTime-t0, length.out = fgyResolution) 
	globalParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[2]] #Fs
	globalParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[3]] #Gs
	globalParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- tfgy[[4]] #Ys
	globalParms$F. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { globalParms$F_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] } #note does not actually use arg t
	globalParms$G. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { globalParms$G_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }
	globalParms$Y. 					<- function(FGY_INDEX) { globalParms$Y_DISCRETE[[FGY_INDEX]] }
	#edge <- c()
	#edge.length <- c()
	edge.length 	<- rep(-1, Nnode + n-1) # should not have root edge
	edge			<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n-1), 2)
	tip.label 		<- as.character( 1:n )
	maxSampleTime  	= T <- max(sampleTimes)
	heights 		<- rep(0, (Nnode + n) )
	parentheights 	<- rep(-1, (Nnode + n) )
	heights[1:n] 	<- maxSampleTime - sampleTimes
	inEdgeMap 		<- rep(-1, Nnode + n)
	outEdgeMap 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), 2)
	parent 			<- 1:(Nnode + n) 
	daughters 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), 2)
	lstates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	mstates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	ustates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	ssm <- matrix( 0, nrow=n, ncol=m)
	lstates[1:n,] <- t( sapply( 1:n, function(i) diag(m)[sampleStates[i],] ) )
	mstates[1:n,] 	<- lstates[1:n,]

#~ </preliminaries>
#~ <survival time to next event>
	calculate.rates <- function(h, parms, globalParms)
		# eliminate diag elements for migration
		t 					<- parms$maxSampleTime - h
			.G 					<- globalParms$G.(FGY_INDEX) 
			.F 					<- globalParms$F.(FGY_INDEX)
			.Y 					<- globalParms$Y.(FGY_INDEX) 
		X1 <- parms$A / .Y
		X2 					<-  (.Y - parms$A ) / .Y
		X1[is.nan(X1)] 		<- 0
		X2[is.nan(X2)] 		<- 0
		X1[is.infinite(X1)] <- 0
		X2[is.infinite(X2)] <- 0
		X1mat 				<- matrix(X1,nrow=parms$m,ncol=parms$m, byrow=TRUE)
		tX1mat 				<- matrix(X1,nrow=parms$m,ncol=parms$m, byrow=FALSE)
		tX2mat 				<- matrix(X2, nrow=parms$m,ncol=parms$m, byrow=FALSE)
		lambdaCoalescent 	<-  .F * X1mat * tX1mat
		lambdaMigration 	<-  t(.G * X1mat  )
		lambdaInvisibleTransmission	<-  t(.F * tX2mat * X1mat)
		diag(lambdaMigration) 		<- 0
		diag(lambdaInvisibleTransmission) <- 0
		return( list( X1=X1, X2=X2, lambdaCoalescent=lambdaCoalescent, lambdaMigration=lambdaMigration, lambdaInvisibleTransmission=lambdaInvisibleTransmission) )
	dtheta <- function(h, theta, parms, globalParms, ...){
		if (is.nan(theta)) return(list(NaN))
		if (theta <= parms$r) return(list(NaN)) #terminate early if survival time found
		rates <- calculate.rates(h, parms, globalParms)
		return( list( -theta * (sum(rates$lambdaCoalescent) + sum(rates$lambdaMigration) + sum(rates$lambdaInvisibleTransmission)) ) )
#~ </survival time to next event>

.calculate.A <- function(mstates, extant)
	if (length(extant) > 1) return( colSums(mstates[extant,]) )
#~ <simulate tree>
#TODO these trees are still biased? check rate matrices
#~ 	extant <- 1:n
	extant <- (1:n)[sampleHeights==0]
	lineageCounter <- n+1 # next lineage will have this index
	A <- .calculate.A(mstates, extant)
	h <- 0
	notdone <- TRUE
	lastExtant <- lineageCounter-1 #DEBUG
	nextSampleHeight <-  ifelse( ussh_index > length(uniqueSortedSampleHeights), Inf, uniqueSortedSampleHeights[ussh_index])
		r <- runif(1)
		theta0 <- 1
		parms <- list(A=A, m=m, maxSampleTime=maxSampleTime, r=r)
		# find appropriate time axis
		rates <- calculate.rates( h, parms, globalParms) 
		parms$rates <- rates
		lambda <- (sum(rates$lambdaCoalescent) + sum(rates$lambdaMigration) + sum(rates$lambdaInvisibleTransmission))
		# solve survival time
		# NOTE more accurate to interpolate approxfun( thetaTimes, o[,2] ), & invert to find o[o[,2]==r,1]
			eventTime <- rexp(1, rate=lambda) + h
			nextBoundaryTime <- min( nextSampleHeight, globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES[FGY_INDEX] )
			while (FGY_INDEX < globalParms$FGY_RESOLUTION &  eventTime > nextBoundaryTime) {
					eventTime <- nextBoundaryTime
					if (eventTime == nextSampleHeight)
						extant <- c(extant, (1:n)[sampleHeights==eventTime])
						A <- .calculate.A(mstates, extant)
						parms$A <- A
								rates <- calculate.rates( eventTime, parms, globalParms) ; parms$rates <- rates
							}, error = function(e) stop('Error: rates <- calculate.rates( eventTime, parms, globalParms) ') )
						lambda <- (sum(rates$lambdaCoalescent) + sum(rates$lambdaMigration) + sum(rates$lambdaInvisibleTransmission))
						eventTime <- eventTime + rexp(1, rate=lambda)
						ussh_index <- ussh_index + 1
						nextSampleHeight <-  ifelse( ussh_index > length(uniqueSortedSampleHeights), Inf, uniqueSortedSampleHeights[ussh_index])
						nextBoundaryTime <- min( nextSampleHeight, globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES[FGY_INDEX] )
						FGY_INDEX <- FGY_INDEX+1 ; 
									rates <- calculate.rates( eventTime, parms, globalParms) ; parms$rates <- rates
								}, error = function(e) stop('rates <- calculate.rates( eventTime, parms, globalParms) ') )
						lambda <- (sum(rates$lambdaCoalescent) + sum(rates$lambdaMigration) + sum(rates$lambdaInvisibleTransmission))
						eventTime <- eventTime + rexp(1, rate=lambda)
						nextBoundaryTime <- min( nextSampleHeight, globalParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES[FGY_INDEX] )
		# which event? 2m2 possibilities
		cumulativeRatesVector <- cumsum( c( as.vector(rates$lambdaCoalescent), as.vector(rates$lambdaMigration+rates$lambdaInvisibleTransmission)) )
		# as.vector unravels matrices by column
		cumulativeRatesVector <- cumulativeRatesVector / cumulativeRatesVector[length(cumulativeRatesVector) ]
		rwhichevent <- runif(1)
		indexEvent <- match(TRUE, cumulativeRatesVector > rwhichevent)
		if (is.na(indexEvent)){ 
			warning('Rates at ', eventTime, 'are NA or all rates are zero')
			indexEvent <- round( runif(1) * length(cumulativeRatesVector) )
		if (indexEvent <= m*m){ #coalescent event
			l <- 1+floor( (indexEvent-1) / m )
			k <-  1+ ( (indexEvent-1) %% m) #1+ ((indexEvent+1) %% m)
			kextant <- extant[ mstates[extant, k]==1 ]
			lextant <- extant[ mstates[extant, l]==1 ]
			if (k==l){ # guard against A[k]<2
				if (length(kextant) >=2) {ij <- sample(kextant, 2) }
				else { ij <- sample(extant, 2) }
			} else{
				# horribly ugly code thanks to stupid default behavior of 'sample':
				if ((length(kextant)>1) & (length(lextant)>1)) { ij <- c( sample(kextant, 1), sample(lextant, 1) ) }
				else if (length(kextant)==0 | length(lextant)==0) { warning('kextant length zero'); ij <- sample(extant, 2) }
				else if (length(kextant)==1 & length(lextant)==1) { ij <- c(kextant, lextant) }
				else if (length(kextant)==1) { ij <- c(kextant, sample(lextant, 1)) }
				else if (length(lextant)==1) { ij <- c(sample(kextant, 1), lextant) }
				else { stop() }
			# set new lineage
			extant <- c(extant, lineageCounter)
			extant <- extant[extant!=ij[1] & extant!=ij[2]]
			heights[lineageCounter] <- eventTime
			lstates[lineageCounter,] <- diag(m)[k,]
			mstates[lineageCounter,] <- diag(m)[k,]
			inEdgeMap[ij] <- lineageCounter
			outEdgeMap[lineageCounter,] <- ij
			parent[ij] <- lineageCounter
			parentheights[ij] <- eventTime
			daughters[lineageCounter,] <- ij
			#edge <- rbind(edge, c(lineageCounter, ij[1]))
			#edge.length <- c(edge.length, eventTime - heights[ij[1]] )
			#edge <- rbind(edge, c(lineageCounter, ij[2]))
			#edge.length <- c(edge.length, eventTime - heights[ij[2]] )
			edge[ij[1],] <- c(lineageCounter, ij[1]) # 
			edge.length[ij[1]] <- eventTime - heights[ij[1]] 
			edge[ij[2],] <- c(lineageCounter, ij[2]) # edge <- rbind(edge, c(lineageCounter, ij[2]))
			edge.length[ij[2]] <- eventTime - heights[ij[2]] 
			lineageCounter <- lineageCounter+1
			#print(paste(date(), 'coalescent', h, eventTime,  k, l, length(extant)))
			#if (length(extant)>= lastExtant) browser() #DEBUG
			#lastExtant <- length(extant) #DEBUG
			#if (rates$lambdaCoalescent[k,l]==0) {print('coalescent'); browser()}
		} else{ #migration event
			indexEvent <- indexEvent- m*m
			l <- 1+floor( (indexEvent-1) / m )
			k <- 1+ ( (indexEvent-1) %% m) #1+ ( (indexEvent+1) %% m)
			kextant <- extant[ mstates[extant, k]==1 ]
			if (length(kextant) > 1) { i <- sample(kextant, 1) }
			else { i <- sample(extant, 1) }
			mstates[i,] <- diag(m)[l,]
			#print(paste( date(),'migration', h, eventTime, k, l) )
			#print(paste(  k, l) )
			#migrations <- rates$lambdaMigration+rates$lambdaInvisibleTransmission
			#if (migrations[k,l]==0) {print('migrations'); browser()}
		if(length(extant) <= 1 ) {notdone <- FALSE}
			A <- .calculate.A(mstates, extant)
			h <-  eventTime
#~ </simulate tree>
	#~ assemble class
	self<- list(edge=edge, edge.length=edge.length, Nnode=Nnode, tip.label=tip.label, heights=heights, parentheights=parentheights, parent=parent, daughters=daughters, lstates=lstates, mstates=mstates, ustates=ustates, m = m, sampleTimes = sampleTimes, sampleStates= sampleStates, maxSampleTime=maxSampleTime, inEdgeMap = inEdgeMap, outEdgeMap=outEdgeMap)
	class(self) <- c("binaryDatedTree", "phylo")
#~ </>
#~ <reorder edges for compatibility with ape::phylo functions> 
#~ (ideally ape would not care about the edge order, but actually most functions assume a certain order)
	sampleTimes2 <- sampleTimes; names(sampleTimes2) <- tip.label
	sampleStates2 <- lstates[1:n,]; rownames(sampleStates2) <- tip.label
	phylo <- read.tree(text=write.tree(self) )
	sampleTimes2 <- sampleTimes2[phylo$tip.label]; sampleTimes2 <- unname(sampleTimes2)
	sampleStates2 <- sampleStates2[phylo$tip.label,]; sampleStates2 <- unname(sampleStates2)
	names(sampleTimes2) <- phylo$tip.label
	rownames(sampleStates2) <- phylo$tip.label
	binaryDatedTree(phylo, sampleTimes2, sampleStates = sampleStates2)
#~ </>

simulate.binary.dated.tree.2 <- function(births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  t0, x0, sampleTimes, sampleStates,  migrations=NA,  parms=NA, fgyResolution = 2000, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
	m <- nrow(births)
	if (m < 2)  stop('Error: currently only models with at least two demes are supported')
	maxSampleTime <- max(sampleTimes)
	tfgy <- make.fgy( t0, maxSampleTime, births, deaths, nonDemeDynamics,  x0,  migrations=migrations,  parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )
	#~ 	simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy(tfgy, sampleTimes, sampleStates,  parms=parms, fgyResolution = fgyResolution, integrationMethod = integrationMethod)
	simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy.2( tfgy[[1]], tfgy[[2]], tfgy[[3]], tfgy[[4]], sampleTimes, sampleStates, integrationMethod = integrationMethod )

simulate.binary.dated.tree.fgy.2 <- function( times, births, migrations, demeSizes, sampleTimes, sampleStates, integrationMethod = 'rk4')
#~ models pik on interior of tree
#NOTE assumes times in equal increments
#~ TODO mstates, ustates not in returned tree 
s <- round(coef( lm(x ~ y,  data.frame(x = 1:length(times), y = sort(times))) )[1], digits=9)
if (s!=1) warning('Tree simulator assumes times given in equal increments')
#~  TODO validate inputs, check for NaNs
	n <- length(sampleTimes)
	m <- ncol(sampleStates)
	maxSampleTime <- max(sampleTimes)
	if (length(names(sampleTimes))==0){
		sampleNames <- as.character(1:length(sampleTimes))
		names(sampleTimes) <- sampleNames
		rownames(sampleStates) <- sampleNames
	if (length(rownames(sampleStates))==0) warning('simulate.binaryDatedTree.fgy: sampleStates should have row names')
	sampleHeights <- maxSampleTime - sampleTimes 
	ix <- sort(sampleHeights, index.return=TRUE)$ix
	sortedSampleHeights <- sampleHeights[ix]
	sortedSampleStates <- as.matrix(sampleStates[ix,])
	uniqueSortedSampleHeights <- unique(sortedSampleHeights)
	maxtime <- max(times)
	mintime <- min(times)
	maxHeight <- maxSampleTime -  mintime
	times_ix <- sort(times, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
	fgyParms <- list()
	fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION		<- length(times)
	# reverse order (present to past): 
	fgyParms$F_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(times_ix, function(k)  births[[k]] )
	fgyParms$G_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(times_ix, function(k)  migrations[[k]] )
	fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE 			<- lapply(times_ix, function(k)  demeSizes[[k]] )
	# the following line accounts for any discrepancies between the maximum time axis and the last sample time
	fgyParms$hoffset = hoffset <- maxtime - maxSampleTime
	if (hoffset < 0) stop( 'Time axis does not cover the last sample time' )
	fgyParms$get.index <- function(h) min(1 + fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h + hoffset) / ( maxtime - mintime ), fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	fgyParms$F. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$F_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] } #
	fgyParms$G. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$G_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$Y. 					<- function(h) { fgyParms$Y_DISCRETE[[fgyParms$get.index(h)]] }
	fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES 		<- sort( maxSampleTime - times )

	F. <- fgyParms$F.; G. <- fgyParms$G.; Y. <- fgyParms$Y. ; 
	get.fgy <- function(h)
			.Y		<- fgyParms$Y.(h)
			.F		<- fgyParms$F.(h)
			.G		<- fgyParms$G.(h)
		list(.F=.F, .G=.G, .Y=.Y)
	# construct forcing timeseries for ode's
	heights <- sort( fgyParms$FGY_H_BOUNDARIES )
	heights <- heights[heights <= maxHeight]
	heights <- heights[heights >= 0]
	fgyParms$heights <- heights
	fgymat <- t( sapply( fgyParms$heights, function(h) 
	  with(get.fgy(h), {
		c( as.vector(.F), as.vector(.G), as.vector(.Y) )
	) )
	fgymat <- pmax(fgymat, 0)
	.solve.Q.A.L <- function(h0, h1, A0, L0)
	{ # uses C implementation
		Q0 <- diag(m)
		parameters 	<- c(m, maxHeight, length(fgyParms$heights), sum(A0), as.vector(fgymat))
		y0 <- c( as.vector( Q0), A0,  L0 ) #
		o <- ode(y=y0, c(h0,h1), func = "dQAL", parms = parameters, dllname = "rcolgem", initfunc = "initfunc", method=integrationMethod )
		Q1 		<- t( matrix(  abs(o[nrow(o),2:(1 + m^2)]) , nrow=m) ) #NOTE the transpose
		A1 <- o[nrow(o), (1 + m^2 + 1):(1 + m^2 +  m)]
		L1 <- o[nrow(o), ncol(o)]
		return ( list(  unname(Q1), unname(A1),  unname(L1) ) ) #
	# solve for A
	cumSortedSampleStates <-  sapply( 1:m, function(k) cumsum(sortedSampleStates[,k]) )
	cumSortedNotSampledStates <-  t(cumSortedSampleStates[n,] - t(cumSortedSampleStates) )
	#nsy.index <- approxfun( sortedSampleHeights , 1:n , method='constant', rule=2)
	nsy.index <-  approxfun(
	   sort( jitter( sortedSampleHeights
	     , factor=max(1e-6, sortedSampleHeights[length(sortedSampleHeights)]/1e6)) )
	   , 1:n , method='constant', rule=2)
	not.sampled.yet <- function(h)
		cumSortedNotSampledStates[ nsy.index(h), ]
	dA <- function(h, A, parms, ...)
		nsy <- not.sampled.yet(h) 
			A_Y 	<- (A-nsy) / .Y
			csFpG 	<- colSums( .F + .G )
			list( setNames( as.vector(
			  .G %*% A_Y - csFpG * A_Y + (.F %*% A_Y) * pmax(1-A_Y, 0) 
			  ), names(A)
	AIntervals <- c(sortedSampleHeights[2:length(uniqueSortedSampleHeights)], maxHeight)
	h0 						<- 0
	sampled.at.h <- function(h) which(sortedSampleHeights==h)
	extantLines <- sampled.at.h(h0)
	haxis <- seq(0, maxHeight, length.out=fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION)
	odA <- ode( y = colSums(sortedSampleStates), times = haxis, func=dA, parms=NA, method = 'adams')
	haxis <- odA[,1]
	AplusNotSampled <- odA[, 2:(m+1)]
	Amono <- rowSums( AplusNotSampled)
	Amono[is.na(Amono)] <- min(Amono[!is.na(Amono)] )
	Amono <- Amono - min(Amono)
	Amono <- (max(Amono)  - Amono) / max(Amono)
	nodeHeights <- sort( approx( Amono, haxis, xout=runif(n-1, 0, 1) )$y ) # careful of impossible node heights
	uniqueSampleHeights <- unique( sampleHeights )
	eventTimes <- c(uniqueSampleHeights, nodeHeights) 
	isSampleEvent <- c(rep(TRUE, length(uniqueSampleHeights)), rep(FALSE, length(nodeHeights)))
	ix <- sort(eventTimes, index.return=TRUE)$ix
	eventTimes <- eventTimes[ix]
	isSampleEvent <- isSampleEvent[ix]
	get.A.index <- function(h){
		min(1 + floor(fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * (h ) / ( maxHeight)), fgyParms$FGY_RESOLUTION )
	get.A <- function(h){
		i <- get.A.index(h)
		AplusNotSampled[i,] - not.sampled.yet(h) 
	S <- 1
	L <- 0
	# initialize variables; tips in order of sortedSampleHeights
	Nnode <- n-1
	edge.length 	<- rep(-1, Nnode + n-1) # should not have root edge
	edge			<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n-1), 2)
	if (length(names(sortedSampleHeights))==0)
		tip.label 		<- as.character(1:n)
	} else{
		tip.label 		<- names(sortedSampleHeights)# as.character( 1:n )
	maxSampleTime 	<- max(sampleTimes)
	heights 		<- rep(0, (Nnode + n) )
	parentheights 	<- rep(-1, (Nnode + n) )
	heights[1:n] 	<- sortedSampleHeights
	inEdgeMap 		<- rep(-1, Nnode + n)
	outEdgeMap 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), 2)
	parent 			<- 1:(Nnode + n) 
	daughters 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), 2)
	lstates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	mstates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	ustates 		<- matrix(-1, (Nnode + n), m)
	ssm 			<- matrix( 0, nrow=n, ncol=m)
	lstates[1:n,]	<-  sortedSampleStates
	mstates[1:n,] 	<- lstates[1:n,]
	print(paste(date(), 'simulate tree'))
	# simulate
	if (length(extantLines) > 1){
		A0 <- colSums(sortedSampleStates[extantLines,] ) 
	} else{
		A0 <- sortedSampleStates[extantLines,]
	lineageCounter <- n+1
	for (ih in 1:(length(eventTimes)-1)){
		h0 <- eventTimes[ih]
		h1 <- eventTimes[ih+1]
		fgy <- get.fgy(h1)
		#get A0, process new samples, calculate state of new lines
		A0 <- get.A(h0) #A[get.A.index(h0),]
		out <- .solve.Q.A.L(h0, h1, A0,  L)
		Q <- out[[1]]
		A <- out[[2]]
		L <- out[[3]]
		# clean output
		if (is.nan(L)) {L <- Inf}
		if (sum(is.nan(Q)) > 0) stop('is.nan(Q)') #Q <- diag(length(A))
		if (sum(is.nan(A)) > 0) A <- A0
		#update mstates
		if (length(extantLines) > 1)
			mstates[extantLines,] <- t( t(Q) %*% t(mstates[extantLines,])  )
			mstates[extantLines,] <- abs(mstates[extantLines,]) / rowSums(abs(mstates[extantLines,]))
			#recalculate A
			A <- colSums(mstates[extantLines,])
			mstates[extantLines,] <- t( t(Q) %*% mstates[extantLines,] )
			mstates[extantLines,] <- abs(mstates[extantLines,]) / sum(abs(mstates[extantLines,]))
			#recalculate A
			A <- mstates[extantLines,] 
		if (isSampleEvent[ih+1])
			sat_h1 <- sampled.at.h(h1)
			extantLines <- c(extantLines, sat_h1)
			heights[sat_h1] <- h1
		} else{ #coalecent event
			#with(fgy, {
			.F <- fgy$.F
			.G <- fgy$.G
			.Y <- fgy$.Y
				a <- A / .Y
				nextant <- length(extantLines)
				astates <- matrix(  pmin(1, t(t(mstates[extantLines,])/.Y ) ),  nrow=nextant  )
					{ .lambdamat <- astates %*% .F %*% t(astates) }
				 , error = function(e) stop())
				diag(.lambdamat) <- 0
				uivi <- sample.int( nextant^2, size=1, prob=as.vector(.lambdamat) )
				u_i <- 1 + ((uivi-1) %% nextant)#row
				v_i <- 1 + floor( (uivi-1) / nextant ) #column
				u <-  extantLines[ u_i ] 
				v <- extantLines[ v_i ] 
				ustates[u,] <- mstates[u,]
				ustates[v,] <- mstates[v,]
				#lambda_uv  <- as.vector( astates[u_i,] %*% .F %*% astates[v_i,] ) + as.vector( astates[v_i,] %*% .F %*% astates[u_i,] )
				lambda_uv <- ((astates[u_i,]) %*% t( astates[v_i,] )) * .F + ((astates[v_i,]) %*% t( astates[u_i,] )) * .F 
				palpha <- rowSums(lambda_uv) / sum(lambda_uv)
#~ browser()
				alpha <- lineageCounter 
				lineageCounter <- lineageCounter + 1
				extantLines <- c(extantLines[-c(v_i, u_i)], alpha)
				lstates[alpha,] = mstates[alpha,] <- palpha
				heights[alpha] <- h1
				uv <- c(u, v) 
				inEdgeMap[uv] <- lineageCounter
				outEdgeMap[alpha,] <- uv
				parent[uv] <- alpha
				parentheights[uv] <- h1
				daughters[alpha,] <- uv
				edge[u,] <- c(alpha, u) # 
				edge.length[u] <- h1 - heights[u] 
				edge[v,] <- c(alpha,v) # 
				edge.length[v] <- h1 - heights[v] 
	self<- list(edge=edge, edge.length=edge.length, Nnode=Nnode, tip.label=tip.label, heights=heights, parentheights=parentheights, parent=parent, daughters=daughters, lstates=lstates, mstates=mstates, ustates=ustates, m = m, sampleTimes = sampleTimes, sampleStates= sampleStates, maxSampleTime=maxSampleTime, inEdgeMap = inEdgeMap, outEdgeMap=outEdgeMap)
	class(self) <- c("binaryDatedTree", "phylo")
	#~ <reorder edges for compatibility with ape::phylo functions> 
	#~ (ideally ape would not care about the edge order, but actually most functions assume a certain order)
	sampleTimes2 <- sampleTimes[names(sortedSampleHeights)]
	sampleStates2 <- lstates[1:n,]; rownames(sampleStates2) <- tip.label
#~ browser()
	phylo <- read.tree(text=write.tree(self) )
	sampleTimes2 <- sampleTimes2[phylo$tip.label];
	sampleStates2 <- sampleStates2[phylo$tip.label,]; 
	bdt <- binaryDatedTree(phylo, sampleTimes2, sampleStates = sampleStates2)

#~ setOldClass("binaryDatedTree")
#~ plot.binaryDatedTree <- function(x,...) { 
#~ 	plot.phylo( read.tree(text=write.tree(x))  , ...)
#~ }
#~ setMethod("plot.phylo", signature(x="binaryDatedTree"), plot.binaryDatedTree)

# TODO adapt for heterochronous samples
#~ m + m2+ m3
#' Calculate cluster size moments from model
#' @param sampleTime 
#' @param sampleStates	
#' @param maxTime
#' @param minTime		
#' @param timeResolution
#' @param discretizeRates
#' @param fgyResolution
#' @param integrationMethod
#' @export
calculate.cluster.size.moments.from.model <- function(sampleTime, sampleStates, FGY = NULL , maxTime=NA, minTime = NA, timeResolution = 50, discretizeRates=FALSE, fgyResolution = 100 , integrationMethod = 'adams')
	globalParms <- list( USE_DISCRETE_FGY = discretizeRates ,  INTEGRATIONMETHOD=integrationMethod )
	if (!is.null(FGY)) { globalParms <- modifyList( globalParms, FGY) }
	else {globalParms <- modifyList( globalParms, list( F. = F., G. = G., Y. = Y. ))} 
	n 		<- nrow(sampleStates) 
	m 		<- ncol(sampleStates)
	sampleTimes <- rep(sampleTime, n)
	if (is.na(maxTime)) maxTime <- sampleTime 
	if (is.na(minTime)) minTime <- 0
	heights <- seq( 0, maxTime-minTime, length.out = timeResolution)

	if (discretizeRates) 
		globalParms <- .start.discrete.rates(fgyResolution, maxSampleTime = max(sampleTimes), globalParms = globalParms) 
	FGY_INDEX <- 1 
	get.fgy <- function(h,t=NULL)
		if (globalParms$USE_DISCRETE_FGY)
			FGY_INDEX <- min( 1+floor( globalParms$FGY_RESOLUTION * h/ globalParms$maxHeight ), globalParms$FGY_RESOLUTION)
			.Y		<- globalParms$Y.(FGY_INDEX)
			.F		<- globalParms$F.(FGY_INDEX)
			.G		<- globalParms$G.(FGY_INDEX)
		} else
			.Y		<- globalParms$Y.(t)
			.F		<- globalParms$F.(t)
			.G		<- globalParms$G.(t)
		list(.F=.F, .G=.G, .Y=.Y,  FGY_INDEX=FGY_INDEX)
	dXiXjXij <- function(h, XiXjXij, parms, ...)
		#X are vectors indexed by ancestor type
		Xi	<- XiXjXij[1:m]
		Xj 	<- XiXjXij[(m+1):(2*m)]
		Xij	<- XiXjXij[(2*m+1):(length(XiXjXij))]
		t 	<- parms$maxTime - h
		with(get.fgy(h, t), 
			Xi_Y 	<- Xi / .Y
			Xj_Y 	<- Xj / .Y
			Xij_Y 	<- Xij / .Y
			csFpG 	<- colSums( .F + .G )
			dXi 	<- .F %*% Xi_Y + .G %*% Xi_Y - csFpG * Xi_Y
			dXj 	<- .F %*% Xj_Y + .G %*% Xj_Y - csFpG * Xj_Y
			dXij 	<- .F %*% Xij_Y + .G %*% Xij_Y - csFpG * Xij_Y  + (.F %*% Xj_Y )*Xi_Y  + (.F %*% Xi_Y ) * Xj_Y
			list( c( dXi, dXj, dXij ) )
	dA <- function(h, A, parms, ...)
			A_Y 	<- A / .Y
			csFpG 	<- colSums( .F + .G )
			list( .G %*% A_Y - csFpG * A_Y + (.F %*% A_Y) * pmax(1-A_Y, 0) )
	# solve for A
	A0						<- colSums(sampleStates) 
	parameters 				<- list(maxTime = maxTime)
	o 						<- ode(y=A0, times=heights, func=dA, parms=parameters,  method=globalParms$INTEGRATIONMETHOD) 
	FGY_INDEX 	<- 1
	A 						<- o[,2:(ncol(o))]
	# solve Xi Xj and Xij at same time, 3m variables, avoids approxfun nastiness
	# solve second aggregated moment X2 & moments
	Mij_h 		<- array(0, dim = c(m, m, timeResolution), dimnames=list(paste('state',1:m,sep='.'),paste('state',1:m,sep='.'),c()) )
	Mi_h		<- matrix(0, m, timeResolution,dimnames=list(paste('state',1:m,sep='.'),c()))
	for (i in 1:m)
	{ # first tip type
		for (j in i:m)
		{ #second tip type
			#if (i!=j){
			parameters 		<- list(maxTime = maxTime)#, globalParms = globalParms) 
			Xij_h0 			<- rep(0, m)
				Xij_h0[i]	<- A0[i]
			XiXjXij_h0 		<- c( diag(m)[i,] * A0, diag(m)[j,] * A0, Xij_h0) # each X is vector m(ancestor type) X 1
			o 				<- ode(y=XiXjXij_h0, times=heights, func=dXiXjXij,parms=parameters,  method=globalParms$INTEGRATIONMETHOD)
			# moments
			FGY_INDEX 	<- 1
			Xij_h 			<- o[, (1 + 2*m+1) : ncol(o) ] 
				Xi_h		<- o[, 1+1:m]	
					Mi_h[i,]<- rowSums( Xi_h   ) / rowSums(A)	# why avg over cols? / total lineages
							, error = function(e) stop() )
			# covariances
				Mij_h[i,j,]	<- rowSums( Xij_h   ) / rowSums(A) 	# timeResolution X 1
				, error = function(e) stop() )
			Mij_h[j,i,] 	<- Mij_h[i,j,]			
	if (discretizeRates) { globalParms <- .end.discrete.rates(globalParms)}
	list( heights=heights, Mi= Mi_h, Mij= Mij_h, A = A)

calculate.cluster.size.distr.from.tree<- function(bdt, heights)
	m 		<- ncol( bdt$sampleStates )	
	is.tip 	<- function(bdt, u) 
		ifelse(is.na(bdt$daughters[u,1]), TRUE, FALSE)
	identify.tips <- function(bdt, u) 
		if (is.tip(bdt, u)) return(u)
		uv	<- bdt$daughters[u,]
		c(identify.tips(bdt, uv[1]), identify.tips(bdt, uv[2]) ) 
	calculate.sizes.u <- function(bdt, u) 
		tips	<- identify.tips(bdt, u)
		colSums( bdt$sampleStates[tips,,drop=FALSE] )									
	calculate.sizes <- function(bdt, extant)
		if(length(extant)==0)	return( matrix(NA,ncol( bdt$sampleStates ),0) )
		sapply( extant, function(u) calculate.sizes.u(bdt, u) ) 
	distr	<- lapply( heights, function(h)
				extant 				<- .extant.at.height(h, bdt) 
				sizes_h				<- calculate.sizes(bdt, extant)
				rownames(sizes_h)	<- paste('state',1:m,sep='.')				
				as.data.table( t( rbind(sizes_h, height=ifelse(ncol(sizes_h),h,numeric(0)), ntip=ifelse(ncol(sizes_h),colSums(sizes_h),numeric(0))) ) )
	#print(sapply(distr, function(x) ncol(x) ))
	distr	<- do.call("rbind",distr)

#' Calculate cluster size moments from tree
#' @param bdt		binary dated tree
#' @param heights	vector numeric, heights at which to calculate cluster sizes	
#' @export
calculate.cluster.size.moments.from.tree <- function(bdt, heights)
# bdt : binaryDatedTree
# heights : vector numeric, heights at which to calculate cluster sizes
	m 		<- ncol( bdt$sampleStates )
	Mi		<- matrix(0, m, length(heights))
	Mij 	<- array(0, dim=c(m, m, length(heights)) )
	is.tip 	<- function(u) 
		ifelse(is.na(bdt$daughters[u,1]), TRUE, FALSE)
	identify.tips <- function(u) 
		if (is.tip(u)) return(u)
		uv	<- bdt$daughters[u,]
		c(identify.tips(uv[1]), identify.tips(uv[2]) ) 
	calculate.moment1 <- function(u, i) 
		tips	<- identify.tips(u)
		sum( bdt$sampleStates[tips,i] )				
	calculate.mean.moment1 <- function(extant, i)
		if(length(extant)==0)	return(NA)
		mean( sapply( extant, function(u) calculate.moment1(u, i) ) ) 
	calculate.moment2 <- function(u, i, j) 
		tips	<- identify.tips(u)
		itips 	<- sum( bdt$sampleStates[tips,i] )
		jtips 	<- sum( bdt$sampleStates[tips,j] )
		itips * jtips
	calculate.mean.moment2 <- function(extant, i, j)
		if (length(extant)==0) return(NA)
		mean( sapply( extant, function(u) calculate.moment2(u, i, j) ) ) 
	for(ih in 1:length(heights))
		h 		<- heights[ih]
		extant 	<- .extant.at.height(h, bdt) 
		if(length(extant) <=1)
			for (i in 1:m)
				Mi[i,ih]	<- Mi[i,ih-1]
				for (j in i:m)
					Mij[i,j,ih] <- Mij[i,j,ih-1]
					Mij[j,i,ih] <- Mij[i,j,ih]
			for (i in 1:m)
				Mi[i,ih]	<- calculate.mean.moment1(extant,i)
				for (j in i:m)
					Mij[i,j,ih] <- calculate.mean.moment2(extant,i,j)
					Mij[j,i,ih] <- Mij[i,j,ih]
	list( Mi=Mi, Mij=Mij )

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