
Defines functions read.fasta

Documented in read.fasta

read.fasta <- function(file = system.file("sequences/ct.fasta.gz", package = "seqinr"), 
  seqtype = c("DNA", "AA"), as.string = FALSE, forceDNAtolower = TRUE,
  set.attributes = TRUE, legacy.mode = TRUE, seqonly = FALSE, strip.desc = FALSE,
  whole.header = FALSE,
  bfa = FALSE, sizeof.longlong = .Machine$sizeof.longlong,
  endian = .Platform$endian, apply.mask = TRUE)

  seqtype <- match.arg(seqtype) # default is DNA
  # Regular flat FASTA text file
  if(!bfa){ # Regular text file
  # Read the fasta file as a vector of strings:
  lines <- readLines(file)
  # Remove comment lines starting with a semicolon ';'
    comments <- grep("^;", lines)
    if(length(comments) > 0) lines <- lines[-comments]
  # Get the line numbers where sequences names are:
  ind <- which(substr(lines, 1L, 1L) == ">")
  # Compute the total number of sequences:
  nseq <- length(ind)
  if(nseq == 0){
    stop("no line starting with a > character found")
  # Localize sequence data:
  start <- ind + 1
  end <- ind - 1
  end <- c(end[-1], length(lines))
  # Read sequences:
  sequences <- lapply(seq_len(nseq), function(i) paste(lines[start[i]:end[i]], collapse = ""))
  if(seqonly) return(sequences)
  # Read sequence names:
    nomseq <- lapply(seq_len(nseq), function(i){
      firstword <- strsplit(lines[ind[i]], " ")[[1]][1]
      substr(firstword, 2, nchar(firstword))
  } else {
    nomseq <- lapply(seq_len(nseq), function(i){
      substr(lines[ind[i]], 2, nchar(lines[ind[i]]))
  # Turn DNA sequences in lower case letters if required:
  if(seqtype == "DNA"){
      sequences <- as.list(tolower(sequences))
  # Turn it into a vector of single chars if required:
  if(as.string == FALSE) sequences <- lapply(sequences, s2c)
  # Set sequence attributes when required:
    for(i in seq_len(nseq)){
      Annot <- lines[ind[i]]
      if(strip.desc) Annot <- substr(Annot, 2L, nchar(Annot))
      attributes(sequences[[i]]) <- list(name = nomseq[[i]], 
        Annot = Annot,
        class = switch(seqtype, "AA" = "SeqFastaAA", "DNA" = "SeqFastadna"))
  # Give the sequences names to the list elements:
  names(sequences) <- nomseq
  # MAQ binary FASTA file
    if(seqtype != "DNA") stop("binary fasta file available for DNA sequences only")
    # Open file in binary mode:
    mycon <- file(file, open = "rb")
    r2s <- words(4) # byte to tetranucleotide
    readOneBFARecord <- function(con, sizeof.longlong, endian, apply.mask){
      len <- readBin(con, n = 1, what = "int", endian = endian)
      if(length(len) == 0) return(NULL) # end of file 
      name <- readBin(con, n = 1, what = "character", endian = endian)
      ori_len <- readBin(con, n = 1, what = "int", endian = endian)
      len <- readBin(con, n = 1, what = "int", endian = endian)
      seq <- readBin(con, n = len*sizeof.longlong, what = "raw", size = 1, endian = endian)
      mask <- readBin(con, n = len*sizeof.longlong, what = "raw", size = 1, endian = endian)
      if(endian == "little"){
        neword <- sizeof.longlong:1 + 
                  rep(seq(0, (len - 1)*sizeof.longlong, by = sizeof.longlong), 
                  each = sizeof.longlong)
        # something like 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 ...
        seq <- seq[neword]
        mask <- mask[neword]
      seq4 <- c2s(r2s[as.integer(seq) + 1])
      seq4 <- substr(seq4, 1, ori_len)
        mask4 <- c2s(r2s[as.integer(mask) + 1])
        mask4 <- substr(mask4, 1, ori_len)
        npos <- gregexpr("a", mask4, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
        for(i in npos) substr(seq4, i, i + 1) <- "n"
      return(list(seq = seq4, name = name))
    } # end readOneBFARecord

    sequences <- vector(mode = "list")
    nomseq <- vector(mode = "list")
    i <- 1
      res <- readOneBFARecord(mycon, sizeof.longlong, endian, apply.mask)
      if(is.null(res)) break
      sequences[[i]] <- res$seq
      nomseq[[i]] <- res$name
      i <- i + 1
    nseq <- length(sequences)
    if(seqonly) return(sequences)
    if(as.string == FALSE) sequences <- lapply(sequences, s2c)
      for(i in seq_len(nseq)){
      	if(!strip.desc) Annot <- c2s(c(">", nomseq[[i]]))
        attributes(sequences[[i]]) <- list(name = nomseq[[i]], 
        Annot = Annot, class = "SeqFastadna")
    names(sequences) <- nomseq

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seqinr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:05 p.m.