# Copyright 2010-2012 by Roger Bivand
# Chebyshev approximation setup and run functions
cheb_setup <- function(env, q=5, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
W <- as(get("listw", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
} else {
W <- as(get("listw2", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
# W a CSparseMatrix object
# q order
n <- nrow(W)
IM <- .symDiagonal(n)
T <- vector(mode="list", length=(q+1))
T[[1]] <- IM
T[[2]] <- W
trT <- numeric(q+1)
trT[1] <- n
trT[2] <- 0
if (q > 1) {
for (k in 3:(q+1)) {
T[[k]] <- 2*(W %*% T[[(k-1)]]) - T[[(k-2)]]
trT[k] <- sum(diag(T[[k]]))
if (which == 1) {
assign("trT", trT, envir=env)
assign("W", W, envir=env)
} else {
assign("trT2", trT, envir=env)
assign("W2", W, envir=env)
assign("method", "Chebyshev", envir=env)
cheb_ldet <- function(alpha, env, which=1) {
# trT output from cheb_setup()
# alpha spatial coefficient
if (which == 1) {
trT <- get("trT", envir=env)
} else {
trT <- get("trT2", envir=env)
cheb_in <- function(alpha, j, q) {
res <- (2/(q+1))
x <- 0.0
for (k in 1:(q+1)) {
x <- x + log(((1 - (alpha*cos((pi*(k - 0.5))/(q + 1)))))) *
cos((pi*(j - 1)*(k - 0.5))/(q + 1))
res <- res * x
q <- length(trT)-1L
n <- trT[1]
C1 <- cheb_in(alpha, j=1, q)
x <- 0.0
for (j in 1:(q+1)) {
x <- x + (cheb_in(alpha, j=j, q)*trT[j])
x <- x - (n/2)*C1
# MC approximation setup and run functions
mcdet_setup <- function(env, p=16, m=30, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
W <- as(get("listw", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
} else {
W <- as(get("listw2", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
# W a CSparseMatrix object
# p, m given in papers
n <- dim(W)[1]
x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n, ncol=p)
int1 <- vector(mode="list", length=m)
xx <- x
# 111110 set first two traces
td2 <- sum(diag(W %*% W))
for (k in 1:m) {
xx <- W %*% xx
if (k == 1) int1[[k]] <- rep(0, p)
else if (k == 2) int1[[k]] <- rep(td2, p)
else int1[[k]] <- apply(x * as.matrix(xx), 2, sum)
int2 <- apply(x * x, 2, sum)
clx <- list(m=m, p=p, n=n, int1=int1, int2=int2)
if (which == 1) {
assign("clx", clx, envir=env)
assign("W", W, envir=env)
} else {
assign("clx2", clx, envir=env)
assign("W2", W, envir=env)
assign("method", "MC", envir=env)
mcdet_ldet <- function(alpha, env, which=1) {
# clx output from mcdet_setup()
# alpha spatial coefficient
if (which == 1) {
clx <- get("clx", envir=env)
} else {
clx <- get("clx2", envir=env)
vk <- numeric(length=clx$p)
for (k in 1:clx$m) {
vk <- clx$n*(alpha^k)*(clx$int1[[k]]/k) + vk
v <- -c(as.matrix(vk/clx$int2))
res <- mean(v)
attr(res, "sd") <- sd(v)/sqrt(clx$p)
eigen_setup <- function(env, which=1) {
if (get("verbose", envir=env))
cat("Computing eigenvalues ...\n")
if (which == 1) {
if (get("listw", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim", envir=env)) {
eig <- eigen(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw", envir=env)),
assign("similar", TRUE, envir=env)
} else eig <- eigenw(get("listw", envir=env))
# modified 110414 RSB
if (is.complex(eig)) eig.range <- 1/range(Re(eig[which(Im(eig) == 0)]))
else eig.range <- 1/range(eig)
assign("eig", eig, envir=env)
assign("eig.range", eig.range, envir=env)
} else {
if (get("listw2", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim2", envir=env)) {
eig <- eigen(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw2", envir=env)),
assign("similar2", TRUE, envir=env)
} else eig <- eigenw(get("listw2", envir=env))
assign("eig2", eig, envir=env)
if (get("verbose", envir=env)) cat("\n")
assign("method", "eigen", envir=env)
eigen_pre_setup <- function(env, pre_eig, which=1) {
stopifnot(length(pre_eig) == get("n", envir=env))
if (which == 1) {
if (is.complex(pre_eig))
eig.range <- 1/range(Re(pre_eig[which(Im(pre_eig) == 0)]))
else eig.range <- 1/range(pre_eig)
assign("eig", pre_eig, envir=env)
assign("eig.range", eig.range, envir=env)
} else {
assign("eig2", pre_eig, envir=env)
if (get("verbose", envir=env)) cat("\n")
assign("method", "eigen", envir=env)
do_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
method <- get("method", envir=env)
if (get("family", envir=env) == "SMA") {
ldet <- eigen_sma_ldet(coef, env, which=which)
} else {
eigen = {ldet <- eigen_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
spam = {ldet <- spam_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
spam_update = {ldet <- spam_update_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
Matrix = {ldet <- Matrix_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
Matrix_J = {ldet <- Matrix_J_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
Chebyshev = {ldet <- cheb_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
MC = {ldet <- mcdet_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
LU = {ldet <- LU_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
LU_prepermutate = {ldet <- LU_prepermutate_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
moments = {ldet <- moments_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
SE_classic = {ldet <- SE_classic_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
SE_whichMin = {ldet <- SE_whichMin_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
SE_interp = {ldet <- SE_interp_ldet(coef, env, which=which)},
stop("...\n\nUnknown method\n"))
eigen_sma_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
eig <- get("eig", envir=env)
# modified 110414 RSB
if (is.complex(eig)) det <- Re(sum(log(1/(1 + coef * eig))))
else det <- sum(log(1/(1 + coef * eig)))
eigen_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
eig <- get("eig", envir=env)
} else {
eig <- get("eig2", envir=env)
# modified 110414 RSB
if (is.complex(eig))
det <- Re(sum(log(1 - coef * eig)))
else det <- sum(log(1 - coef * eig))
spam_setup <- function(env, pivot="MMD", which=1) {
# if (!require(spam)) stop("spam not available")
if (requireNamespace("spam", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (which == 1) {
if (get("listw", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_spam(similar.listw_spam(get("listw", envir=env)))
assign("similar", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as.spam.listw(get("listw", envir=env))
assign("csrw", csrw, envir=env)
} else {
if (get("listw2", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim2", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_spam(similar.listw_spam(get("listw2", envir=env)))
assign("similar2", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as.spam.listw(get("listw2", envir=env))
assign("csrw2", csrw, envir=env)
n <- get("n", envir=env)
I <- spam::diag.spam(1, n, n)
assign("I", I, envir=env)
assign("pivot", pivot, envir=env)
assign("method", "spam", envir=env)
} else {
stop("spam not available")
spam_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
if (requireNamespace("spam", quietly = TRUE)) {
# if (!require(spam)) stop("spam not available")
if (which == 1) {
csrw <- get("csrw", envir=env)
} else {
csrw <- get("csrw2", envir=env)
I <- get("I", envir=env)
pivot <- get("pivot", envir=env)
J1 <- try(spam::determinant.spam.chol.NgPeyton(spam::chol.spam((I - coef * csrw), pivot=pivot),
logarithm=TRUE)$modulus, silent=TRUE)
if (class(J1) == "try-error") {
Jacobian <- NA
} else {
Jacobian <- 2*J1
} else {
stop("spam not available")
spam_update_setup <- function(env, in_coef=0.1, pivot="MMD", which=1) {
# if (!require(spam)) stop("spam not available")
if (requireNamespace("spam", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (which == 1) {
if (get("listw", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_spam(similar.listw_spam(get("listw", envir=env)))
assign("similar", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as.spam.listw(get("listw", envir=env))
assign("csrw", csrw, envir=env)
} else {
if (get("listw2", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim2", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_spam(similar.listw_spam(get("listw2", envir=env)))
assign("similar2", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as.spam.listw(get("listw2", envir=env))
assign("csrw2", csrw, envir=env)
n <- get("n", envir=env)
I <- spam::diag.spam(1, n, n)
assign("I", I, envir=env)
csrwchol <- spam::chol.spam((I - in_coef * csrw), pivot=pivot)
if (which == 1) {
assign("csrwchol", csrwchol, envir=env)
} else {
assign("csrwchol2", csrwchol, envir=env)
assign("method", "spam_update", envir=env)
} else {
stop("spam not available")
spam_update_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
# if (!require(spam)) stop("spam not available")
if (requireNamespace("spam", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (which == 1) {
csrw <- get("csrw", envir=env)
cchol <- get("csrwchol", envir=env)
} else {
csrw <- get("csrw2", envir=env)
cchol <- get("csrwchol2", envir=env)
I <- get("I", envir=env)
if (abs(coef) < .Machine$double.eps^(0.5)) {
Jacobian <- 0.0
} else {
J1 <- try(spam::determinant.spam.chol.NgPeyton(spam::update.spam.chol.NgPeyton(cchol, (I - coef * csrw)),
logarithm=TRUE)$modulus, silent=TRUE)
if (class(J1) == "try-error") {
Jacobian <- NA
} else {
Jacobian <- 2*J1
} else {
stop("spam not available")
Matrix_setup <- function(env, Imult, super=as.logical(NA), which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
if (get("listw", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_Matrix(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw",
assign("similar", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as_dsTMatrix_listw(get("listw", envir=env))
csrw <- as(csrw, "CsparseMatrix")
nW <- - csrw
pChol <- Cholesky(csrw, super=super, Imult = Imult)
nChol <- Cholesky(nW, super=super, Imult = Imult)
assign("csrw", csrw, envir=env)
assign("nW", nW, envir=env)
assign("pChol", pChol, envir=env)
assign("nChol", nChol, envir=env)
} else {
if (get("listw2", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim2", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_Matrix(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw2",
assign("similar2", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as_dsTMatrix_listw(get("listw2", envir=env))
csrw <- as(csrw, "CsparseMatrix")
nW <- - csrw
pChol <- Cholesky(csrw, super=super, Imult = Imult)
nChol <- Cholesky(nW, super=super, Imult = Imult)
assign("csrw2", csrw, envir=env)
assign("nW2", nW, envir=env)
assign("pChol2", pChol, envir=env)
assign("nChol2", nChol, envir=env)
.f <- 2
assign(".f", .f, envir=env)
assign("method", "Matrix", envir=env)
Matrix_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
csrw <- get("csrw", envir=env)
nW <- get("nW", envir=env)
pChol <- get("pChol", envir=env)
nChol <- get("nChol", envir=env)
} else {
csrw <- get("csrw2", envir=env)
nW <- get("nW2", envir=env)
pChol <- get("pChol2", envir=env)
nChol <- get("nChol2", envir=env)
a <- -.Machine$double.eps^(1/2)
b <- .Machine$double.eps^(1/2)
n <- get("n", envir=env)
.f <- get(".f", envir=env)
Jacobian <- ifelse(coef > b, n * log(coef) +
(.f * c(determinant(update(nChol, nW, 1/coef))$modulus)),
ifelse(coef < a, n* log(-(coef)) +
(.f * c(determinant(update(pChol, csrw, 1/(-coef)))$modulus)),
LU_setup <- function(env, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
W <- as(get("listw", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
assign("W", W, envir=env)
} else {
W <- as(get("listw2", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
assign("W2", W, envir=env)
I <- as_dsCMatrix_I(get("n", envir=env))
assign("I", I, envir=env)
assign("method", "LU", envir=env)
LU_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
I <- get("I", envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
W <- get("W", envir=env)
} else {
W <- get("W2", envir=env)
LU <- lu(I - coef * W)
dU <- abs(diag(slot(LU, "U")))
ldet <- sum(log(dU))
LU_prepermutate_setup <- function(env, coef=0.1, order=FALSE, which=1) {
I <- as_dsCMatrix_I(get("n", envir=env))
assign("I", I, envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
assign("lu_order", order, envir=env)
W <- as(get("listw", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
assign("W", W, envir=env)
LU <- lu(I - coef * W)
pq <- cbind(LU@p+1L, LU@q+1L)
assign("pq", pq, envir=env)
} else {
assign("lu_order2", order, envir=env)
W <- as(get("listw2", envir=env), "CsparseMatrix")
assign("W2", W, envir=env)
LU <- lu(I - coef * W)
pq <- cbind(LU@p+1L, LU@q+1L)
assign("pq2", pq, envir=env)
assign("method", "LU_prepermutate", envir=env)
LU_prepermutate_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
I <- get("I", envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
order <- get("lu_order", envir=env)
W <- get("W", envir=env)
pq <- get("pq", envir=env)
} else {
order <- get("lu_order2", envir=env)
W <- get("W2", envir=env)
pq <- get("pq2", envir=env)
z <- (I - coef * W)
LU <- lu(z[pq[,1], pq[,2]], order=order)
dU <- abs(diag(slot(LU, "U")))
ldet <- sum(log(dU))
Matrix_J_setup <- function(env, super=FALSE, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
if (get("listw", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_Matrix(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw",
assign("similar", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as_dsTMatrix_listw(get("listw", envir=env))
csrw <- as(csrw, "CsparseMatrix")
assign("csrw", csrw, envir=env)
} else {
if (get("listw2", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim2", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_Matrix(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw2",
assign("similar2", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as_dsTMatrix_listw(get("listw2", envir=env))
csrw <- as(csrw, "CsparseMatrix")
assign("csrw2", csrw, envir=env)
I <- as_dsCMatrix_I(get("n", envir=env))
assign("I", I, envir=env)
.f <- 2
assign(".f", .f, envir=env)
assign("super", super, envir=env)
assign("method", "Matrix_J", envir=env)
Matrix_J_ldet <- function(coef, env, which=1) {
I <- get("I", envir=env)
super <- get("super", envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
csrw <- get("csrw", envir=env)
} else {
csrw <- get("csrw2", envir=env)
.f <- get(".f", envir=env)
cch <- Cholesky((I - coef * csrw), super=super)
Jacobian <- .f * determinant(cch, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus
Rmrho <- function(Omega, m, rho, n, trunc=FALSE, q12, eq7=TRUE) {
Om <- Omega[m]
Om1 <- Omega[m-1]
Om_e <- Omega[m]/Omega[m-2]
Om_o <- Omega[m-1]/Omega[m-3]
res <- 0
rhoj <- rho^m
Om_ej <- Om_e^m
Om_oj <- Om_o^m
# m+1 120912 RSB
for (j in (m+1):n) {
if ((j %% 2) == 0) {
# eq. 7 121003
inc <- ifelse(eq7, ((1/j)*rhoj)*(Om*(Om_ej) - q12[1] - q12[2]),
} else {
# eq. 7 121003
inc <- ifelse(eq7, ((1/j)*rhoj)*(Om1*(Om_oj) - q12[1] + q12[2]),
if (!is.finite(inc)) break
if (abs(inc) < .Machine$double.eps && trunc) break
res <- res + inc
rhoj <- rhoj*rho
Om_ej <- Om_ej*Om_e
Om_oj <- Om_oj*Om_o
attr(res, "j") <- j
Om_extrap <- function(Omega, m, n) {
Omega_ex <- numeric(n)
Omega_ex[1:m] <- Omega
Om <- Omega[m]
Om1 <- Omega[m-1]
Om_e <- Omega[m]/Omega[m-2]
Om_o <- Omega[m-1]/Omega[m-3]
for (j in (m+1):n) {
if ((j %% 2) == 0) {
# eq. 7 121003
Omega_ex[j] <- Om*(Om_ej)
} else {
# eq. 7 121003
Omega_ex[j] <- Om1*(Om_oj)
Om_ej <- Om_ej*Om_e
Om_oj <- Om_oj*Om_o
ldetMoments <- function(Omega, rho, correct=TRUE, trunc=FALSE, q12,
eq7=TRUE, m) {
res <- 0
rhoj <- rho
for (j in seq(along=Omega)) {
inc <- (1/j)*rhoj*Omega[j]
if (!is.finite(inc)) break
if (abs(inc) < .Machine$double.eps && j > m && trunc) break
res <- res + inc
rhoj <- rhoj*rho
# eq. 7 121003
res <- -ifelse(eq7, (q12[1]*log(1-rho) + q12[2]*log(1+rho) + res),
attr(res, "j") <- j
moments_setup <- function(env, trs=NULL, m, p, type="MC", correct=TRUE,
trunc=TRUE, eq7=TRUE, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
if (eq7) {
q12 <- find_q1_q2(get("listw", envir=env))
assign("q12_1", q12, envir=env)
if (is.null(trs)) {
if (get("listw", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_Matrix(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw",
assign("similar", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as_dgRMatrix_listw(get("listw", envir=env))
csrw <- as(csrw, "CsparseMatrix")
trs <- trW(csrw, m=m, p=p, type=type)
if (correct) trs <- Om_extrap(trs, m, get("n", envir=env))
if (eq7) trs <- trs - q12[1] - q12[2]*ifelse(1:length(trs) %% 2, -1, 1)
assign("trs1", trs, envir=env)
} else {
if (eq7) {
q12 <- find_q1_q2(get("listw2", envir=env))
assign("q12_2", q12, envir=env)
if (is.null(trs)) {
if (get("listw2", envir=env)$style %in% c("W", "S") &&
get("can.sim2", envir=env)) {
csrw <- listw2U_Matrix(similar.listw_Matrix(get("listw2",
assign("similar2", TRUE, envir=env)
} else csrw <- as_dgRMatrix_listw(get("listw2", envir=env))
csrw <- as(csrw, "CsparseMatrix")
trs <- trW(csrw, m=m, p=p, type=type)
if (correct) trs <- Om_extrap(trs, m, get("n", envir=env))
if (eq7) trs <- trs - q12[1] - q12[2]*ifelse(1:length(trs) %% 2, -1, 1)
assign("trs2", trs, envir=env)
assign("correct", correct, envir=env)
assign("trunc", trunc, envir=env)
assign("eq7", eq7, envir=env)
assign("m", m, envir=env)
assign("method", "moments", envir=env)
moments_ldet <- function(x, env, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
trs <- get("trs1", envir=env)
q12 <- get("q12_1", envir=env)
} else {
trs <- get("trs2", envir=env)
q12 <- get("q12_2", envir=env)
correct <- get("correct", envir=env)
trunc <- get("trunc", envir=env)
eq7 <- get("eq7", envir=env)
m <- get("m", envir=env)
Jacobian <- ldetMoments(trs, x, correct, trunc, q12, eq7, m)
SE_classic_setup <- function(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200,
interpn=2000, interval=c(-1,0.999), SElndet=NULL, which=1) {
# stopifnot(require(splines))
if (is.null(SElndet)) {
SE_setup_intern(env, SE_method=SE_method, p=p, m=m, nrho=nrho,
interval=interval, which=which)
assign("SE_method", SE_method, envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
detval <- get("detval1", envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
detval <- get("detval2", envir=env)
fit <- interpSpline(detval[,1], detval[,2])
rho <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length.out=interpn)
detval <- matrix(unlist(predict(fit, rho)), ncol=2)
} else {
stopifnot(ncol(SElndet) == 2)
detval <- SElndet
assign("SE_method", "precomputed", envir=env)
assign("method", "SE_classic", envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
assign("detval1", detval, envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
assign("detval2", detval, envir=env)
assign("intern_classic", data.frame(), envir=env)
SE_setup_intern <- function(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=100,
interval=c(-1,0.999), which=1) {
LU = {tull <- LU_setup(env, which=which)},
MC = {tull <- mcdet_setup(env, p=p, m=m, which=which)},
stop("...\n\nUnknown SE_method\n"))
rho <- seq(interval[1]+0.001, interval[2]-0.001, length.out=nrho)
ldets <- sapply(rho, function(r) do_ldet(r, env, which=which))
detval <- cbind(rho, ldets)
if (which == 1) {
assign("detval1", detval, envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
assign("detval2", detval, envir=env)
SE_classic_ldet <- function(x, env, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
detval <- get("detval1", envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
detval <- get("detval2", envir=env)
res <- SE_classic(x, detval)
intern_attr <- attr(res, "intern")
intern_attr$rho0 <- x
intern_attr$rho1 <- res[1]
intern_attr <-
iC <- rbind(get("intern_classic", envir=env), intern_attr)
assign("intern_classic", iC, envir=env)
SE_classic <- function(rho, detval) {
gsize = detval[2, 1] - detval[1, 1]
i1 = which(detval[, 1] <= rho + gsize)
i2 = which(detval[, 1] <= rho - gsize)
i1 = max(i1)
i2 = max(i2)
index0 <- (i1+i2)/2
index = round(index0)
#cat("index", index, "i1", i1, "i2", i2, "ind", ((i1+i2)/2), "\n")
if (index < 1 || index > dim(detval)[1]) stop("index out of bounds")
res <- detval[index, ]
attr(res, "intern") <- list(i1=i1, i2=i2, index0=index0, index=index)
SE_whichMin_setup <- function(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200,
interpn=2000, interval=c(-1,0.999), SElndet=NULL, which=1) {
# stopifnot(require(splines))
if (is.null(SElndet)) {
SE_setup_intern(env, SE_method=SE_method, p=p, m=m, nrho=nrho,
interval=interval, which=which)
assign("SE_method", SE_method, envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
detval <- get("detval1", envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
detval <- get("detval2", envir=env)
fit <- interpSpline(detval[,1], detval[,2])
rho <- seq(interval[1], interval[2], length.out=interpn)
detval <- matrix(unlist(predict(fit, rho)), ncol=2)
} else {
stopifnot(ncol(SElndet) == 2)
detval <- SElndet
assign("SE_method", "precomputed", envir=env)
assign("method", "SE_whichMin", envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
assign("detval1", detval, envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
assign("detval2", detval, envir=env)
SE_whichMin_ldet <- function(x, env, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
detval <- get("detval1", envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
detval <- get("detval2", envir=env)
SE_whichMin(x, detval)[2]
SE_whichMin <- function(rho, detval) {
gsize = detval[2, 1] - detval[1, 1]
i1 = which(detval[, 1] <= rho + gsize)
i2 = which(detval[, 1] <= rho - gsize)
i1 = max(i1)
i2 = max(i2)
i12 <- i1:i2
mi12 <- which.min((detval[i12, 1]-rho)^2)
index <- i12[mi12]
#cat("index", index, "i1", i1, "i2", i2, "\n")
if (index < 1 || index > dim(detval)[1]) stop("index out of bounds")
detval[index, ]
SE_interp_setup <- function(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200,
interval=c(-1,0.999), which=1) {
# stopifnot(require(splines))
SE_setup_intern(env, SE_method=SE_method, p=p, m=m, nrho=nrho,
interval=interval, which=which)
assign("method", "SE_interp", envir=env)
assign("SE_method", SE_method, envir=env)
if (which == 1) {
detval <- get("detval1", envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
detval <- get("detval2", envir=env)
fit <- interpSpline(detval[,1], detval[,2])
if (which == 1) {
assign("fit1", fit, envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
assign("fit2", fit, envir=env)
SE_interp_ldet <- function(x, env, which=1) {
if (which == 1) {
fit <- get("fit1", envir=env)
} else if (which == 2) {
fit <- get("fit2", envir=env)
SE_interp(x, fit)[2]
# setup generate detval using method # for # rho, fit spline model
SE_interp <- function(rho, fit) {
res <- predict(fit, rho)
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