
#' @import pbapply sp

hulls2iso.gpc <- function(hulls, points.lst, hm.vals=NULL, iso.levels, decreasing=FALSE, 
                      iso.method=c("pt.quantiles", "hm.vals")[1], hs.name=NULL, iso.cap.method=c(">=", "<=")[1],
                      sliver_check=TRUE, status=TRUE, total.num.points=NULL) {

    ## hulls2iso
    ## creates isopleths by merging hulls in the order they are passed
    ## Returns a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
    ## Uses gpclib
    ## decreasing means that large values of the hull metric represent higher 'density' (and should therefore be colored red)
    ## hulls = a set of convex hulls (polygons) passed as a SpatialPolygons object,
    ## points.lst =  list of point indices enclosed by each hull
    ## hm.vals is a numeric vector of hull.metrics (only used if iso.method == 'hm.vals')
    ## iso.levels = a set of isopleth levels, 
    ##    If iso.method is pt.quantiles, iso.levels will be proportions of total points enclosed [0..1] in increasing order
    ##    if iso.method == 'hm.vals', iso.levels will be the 'break points' ()
    ## in the order they are passed until the ith % of points is captured

    if (!requireNamespace("gpclib")) stop("package gpclib required")
    if (!is(hulls, "SpatialPolygons")) stop("hulls should be SpatialPolygons")
    if (length(hulls) < length(iso.levels)) return(NULL)
    if (!iso.method %in% c("pt.quantiles", "hm.vals")) stop("Unknown value for iso.method")
    if (!iso.cap.method %in% c(">=", "<=")) stop("Unknown value for iso.cap.method")
    if (is.null(total.num.points)) stop("total.num.points is a required parameter")

    #iso.cap.method.int <- if (iso.cap.method == ">=") 1 else 0
    false.holes.corrected <- 0

    ## If method is quantitles and larger values represent 'density' or 'uniqueness', then 
    ## reverse the order of the hulls, points.lst, hm.vals, and iso.levels
    if (iso.method == "pt.quantiles" && decreasing) {
        bln.hmvals.dec <- TRUE
        rev.idx <- length(hulls):1
        hulls <- hulls[rev.idx,]
        points.lst <- points.lst[rev.idx]
        hm.vals <- hm.vals[rev.idx]
    } else {
        bln.hmvals.dec <- FALSE
    ## Compute the cummulative number of points enclosed for the data frme
    ##bln.pt.enc <- rep(FALSE, max(unlist(points.lst)))
    bln.pt.enc <- rep(FALSE, max(sapply(points.lst,max)))
    enc.pts.cummulative.len <- numeric(length(points.lst))
    for (i in 1:length(points.lst)) {
        bln.pt.enc[points.lst[[i]]] <- TRUE
        enc.pts.cummulative.len[i] <- sum(bln.pt.enc)
    ## Compute the cummulative number of points enclosed as a proportion of the total points
    ep.ptp <- enc.pts.cummulative.len / total.num.points
    if (status) cat("  Converting SpatialPolygons to gpc.poly objects \n")
    ## Converting from the coordinates was much faster than coercing 
    if (status) {
        hulls.gpc <- pblapply(hulls@polygons, function(x) as(x@Polygons[[1]]@coords[-nrow(x@Polygons[[1]]@coords) , ], "gpc.poly"))    
    } else {
        hulls.gpc <- lapply(hulls@polygons, function(x) as(x@Polygons[[1]]@coords[-nrow(x@Polygons[[1]]@coords) , ], "gpc.poly"))    
    hulls.proj4string <- hulls@proj4string
    ## Create an object of class "MethodDefinition" (methods package)
    to_numeric <- selectMethod(coerce, c("gpc.poly", "numeric"))
    if (iso.method == "pt.quantiles") {
        ## For each iso.level, find the index of the first hull whose cummulative proportion of total points
        ## is less than or equal to iso.level. 0s are converted to 1 because can't have an isopleth with no hull
        last.hull.idx <- pmax.int(1, findInterval(iso.levels, ep.ptp))
        ## findInterval returns the index of the last (in case of duplicates) hull whose ptp <= iso.level.
        ## If iso.cap.method is ">=", then we add one to those values where ep.ptp[i] < iso.level so that 
        ## the isopleths enclose >= ith percent of point). We use pmin to make sure we don't go above the number of hulls
        if (iso.cap.method == ">=") {
            less.than.iso.level <- ep.ptp[last.hull.idx] < iso.levels
            last.hull.idx[less.than.iso.level] <- pmin.int(last.hull.idx[less.than.iso.level] + 1, length(ep.ptp))

        ## Finally, if there are duplicate values in ep.ptp, change last.hull.idx to the index of the *first* occurence
        ep.ptp.first.idx <- seq_along(ep.ptp)
        ep.ptp.first.idx[duplicated(ep.ptp)] <- match(ep.ptp[duplicated(ep.ptp)], ep.ptp)
        last.hull.idx <- ep.ptp.first.idx[last.hull.idx] 

        ## Make sure there are enough hulls to enclose enough points for each iso.level. In theory, if a lot of parent points 
        ## didn't have enough nearest neighbors identified to create a hull, you could wind up with an insufficient number of
        ## hulls to enclose for example the 90th isopleth
        not.enuf.hulls <- which(iso.levels > ep.ptp[last.hull.idx])
        if (length(not.enuf.hulls) > 0) {
            if (status) cat("  Not enough hulls available for isopleth(s): ", paste(iso.levels[not.enuf.hulls], collapse=", ", sep=""), "\n", sep="")
            warning(paste(hs.name, ": not enough hulls available for iso level(s): ", paste(iso.levels[not.enuf.hulls], collapse=", ", sep=""), sep=""))
            iso.levels <- iso.levels[-not.enuf.hulls]
            last.hull.idx <- last.hull.idx[-not.enuf.hulls]

        ## Record the hm.val of the last hull in each isopleth
        hm.vals.for.spdf <- hm.vals[last.hull.idx]
        num.hulls.for.spdf <- last.hull.idx

        isop.sp.lst <- vector(mode="list", length=length(last.hull.idx))
        i <- 1
        merged.hulls <- to_numeric(hulls.gpc[[1]])
        if (status) {
            cat("  Unioning hulls and saving isopleths \n") 
            pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=last.hull.idx[length(last.hull.idx)], style=3, char="+", width=getOption("pboptions")$txt.width - 1)
        for (j in 1:length(last.hull.idx)) {
            while (i <= last.hull.idx[j]) {
                next.hull <- to_numeric(hulls.gpc[[i]])
                merged.hulls <- .Call("Rgpc_polygon_clip", merged.hulls, next.hull, 3, PACKAGE="gpclib")
                i <- i + 1
                if (status) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
            ## We've gotten through a group, save this aggregation as an isopleth
            isop.sp.lst[[j]] <- try(as(as(merged.hulls, "gpc.poly"), "SpatialPolygons"), silent=TRUE)
            if (class(isop.sp.lst[[j]])=="try-error") {
                ## Error could occur if one of the polygon holes was actually a line segment. I could not find a way to trap
                ## when a union will produce a sliver above - it doesn't occur because the next poly being unioned is a line 
                ## segment. So instead we just delete all segment 'holes' and try again
                mhp <- as(merged.hulls, "gpc.poly")
                p.three.or.more.nodes <- sapply(mhp@pts, function(ppoly) nrow(unique(cbind(ppoly$x, ppoly$y))) > 2)
                mhp@pts <- mhp@pts[p.three.or.more.nodes]
                isop.sp.lst[[j]] <- try(as(mhp, "SpatialPolygons"), silent=TRUE)
                if (class(isop.sp.lst[[j]])=="try-error") {
                    ## This could be a floating point precision problem that prevents unique() from identifying the 
                    ## the rows that are *really* the same. Repeat with format function and only 10 significant digits
                    p.three.or.more.nodes <- sapply(mhp@pts, function(ppoly) nrow(unique(format(cbind(ppoly$x, ppoly$y), digits=10))) > 2)
                    mhp@pts <- mhp@pts[p.three.or.more.nodes]
                    isop.sp.lst[[j]] <- try(as(mhp, "SpatialPolygons"))
                false.holes.corrected <- false.holes.corrected + sum(!p.three.or.more.nodes)
            isop.sp.lst[[j]] <- spChFIDs(isop.sp.lst[[j]], as.character(j))
        if (status) close(pb)
        ## Rbind the individual isopleths into a SpatialPolygons object
        grps.cum.union.sp <- do.call(rbind.SpatialPolygons, isop.sp.lst)
        # By this point we have lost proj4string, so restore it now
        grps.cum.union.sp@proj4string <- hulls.proj4string

    } else if (iso.method == "hm.vals") {

        stop("This method needs some checking, especially when high hm values represent density, also if not enough hulls to reach all iso.levels")
        # to check this, note the HM levels with a descending iso with quantiles, then try to 
        # recreate those ispoleths using those break points as iso.levels
        if (is.null(hm.vals)) stop("To define isopleths by hull metric values, you must pass hm.values")
        ## Here, iso.levels represent ranges of the values of hm.vals, not proportions of points enclosed.
        ## We presume the values in iso.levels are sorted, but they could be incerasing or decreasing
        iso.levels.descending <- !is.unsorted(iso.levels, strictly=TRUE)
        if (iso.levels[1] > iso.levels[2]) {
            ## Define the indices which divide isopleths. Because iso.levels and hm.vals are both reversed,
            ## to use the findInterval function we have to first reverse them and then flip them back 
            last.hull.idx.rev <- findInterval(rev(iso.levels), rev(hm.vals))
            last.hull.idx <- rev(length(hm.vals) - last.hull.idx.rev)
            # Because they are reverse, we need to add the final index (which will be the hull with the lowest hm.val)
            base.idx <- max(1, last.hull.idx[1])
            last.hull.idx <- c(last.hull.idx[-1], length(hm.vals))
            hm.vals.for.spdf <- hm.vals[last.hull.idx]
            num.hulls.for.spdf <- last.hull.idx - base.idx + 1

            ## Make a list of the indices of the hulls in each isopleth group        
            idx.groups.lst <- lapply(last.hull.idx, function(i) base.idx:i)

        } else {
            last.hull.idx <- findInterval(iso.levels, hm.vals)
            hm.vals.for.spdf <- hm.vals[last.hull.idx]
            num.hulls.for.spdf <- last.hull.idx
            ## Make a list of the indices of the hulls in each isopleth group        
            idx.groups.lst <- lapply(last.hull.idx, function(i) 1:i)
    if (sliver_check) grps.cum.union.sp <- clean_slivers(grps.cum.union.sp, status=FALSE)$sp

    ## Compute the total length of edge (including holes) for each isopleth
    edge.len <- sapply(1:length(grps.cum.union.sp@polygons), function(i) sum(sapply(grps.cum.union.sp@polygons[[i]]@Polygons, function(p) matperim(p@coords))))

    ## Create the data frame that does with the isopleths
    isos.sp.comb.data <- data.frame(iso.level=iso.levels, area=sapply(grps.cum.union.sp@polygons, function(x) x@area), 
                                    edge.len=edge.len, nep=enc.pts.cummulative.len[last.hull.idx], ptp=ep.ptp[last.hull.idx],
                                    hm.val=hm.vals.for.spdf, num.hulls=num.hulls.for.spdf)
    if (status && false.holes.corrected > 0) cat("  ", false.holes.corrected, " invavlid polygon(s) removed \n", sep="")
    return(SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(grps.cum.union.sp, data=isos.sp.comb.data, match.ID=FALSE) )

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