`anosim` <-
function (dat, grouping, permutations = 999,
distance = "bray", strata = NULL, parallel = getOption("mc.cores"))
EPS <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
if (inherits(dat, "dist"))
x <- dat
else if ((is.matrix(dat) || &&
isSymmetric(unname(as.matrix(dat)))) {
x <- as.dist(dat)
attr(x, "method") <- "user supplied square matrix"
x <- vegdist(dat, method = distance)
if (any(x < -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
warning("some dissimilarities are negative -- is this intentional?")
sol <- c(call =
grouping <- as.factor(grouping)
if (length(levels(grouping)) < 2)
stop("there should be more than one class level")
matched <- function(irow, icol, grouping) {
grouping[irow] == grouping[icol]
x.rank <- rank(x)
N <- attr(x, "Size")
div <- length(x)/2
irow <- as.vector(as.dist(row(matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N))))
icol <- as.vector(as.dist(col(matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N))))
within <- matched(irow, icol, grouping)
aver <- tapply(x.rank, within, mean)
statistic <- -diff(aver)/div
cl.vec <- rep("Between", length(x))
take <- as.numeric(irow[within])
cl.vec[within] <- levels(grouping)[grouping[take]]
cl.vec <- factor(cl.vec, levels = c("Between", levels(grouping)))
ptest <- function(take, ...) {
cl.perm <- grouping[take]
tmp.within <- matched(irow, icol, cl.perm)
tmp.ave <- tapply(x.rank, tmp.within, mean)
permat <- getPermuteMatrix(permutations, N, strata = strata)
if (ncol(permat) != N)
stop(gettextf("'permutations' have %d columns, but data have %d rows",
ncol(permat), N))
permutations <- nrow(permat)
if (permutations) {
## Parallel processing
if (is.null(parallel))
parallel <- 1
hasClus <- inherits(parallel, "cluster")
if (hasClus || parallel > 1) {
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && !hasClus) {
perm <- unlist(mclapply(1:permutations,
function(i, ...)
mc.cores = parallel))
} else {
if (!hasClus) {
parallel <- makeCluster(parallel)
perm <- parRapply(parallel, permat, ptest)
if (!hasClus)
} else {
perm <- sapply(1:permutations, function(i) ptest(permat[i,]))
p.val <- (1 + sum(perm >= statistic - EPS))/(1 + permutations)
} else { # no permutations
p.val <- perm <- NA
sol$signif <- p.val
sol$perm <- perm
sol$permutations <- permutations
sol$statistic <- as.numeric(statistic)
sol$class.vec <- cl.vec
sol$dis.rank <- x.rank
sol$dissimilarity <- attr(x, "method")
sol$control <- attr(permat, "control")
class(sol) <- "anosim"
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