#' Class for the asymptotic expansion of diffusion processes
#' The \code{} class is used to describe the output of the functions \code{\link{ae}} and \code{\link{aeMarginal}}.
#' @slot order integer. The order of the expansion.
#' @slot var character. The state variables.
#' @slot u.var character. The variables of the characteristic function.
#' @slot eps.var character. The perturbation variable.
#' @slot characteristic expression. The characteristic function.
#' @slot density expression. The probability density function.
#' @slot Z0 numeric. The solution to the deterministic process obtained by setting the perturbation to zero.
#' @slot Mu numeric. The drift vector for the representation of Z1.
#' @slot Sigma matrix. The diffusion matrix for the representation of Z1.
#' @slot c.gamma list. The coefficients of the Hermite polynomials.
#' @slot h.gamma list. Hermite polynomials.
setClass("", slots = c(
order = "integer",
var = "character",
u.var = "character",
eps.var = "character",
characteristic = "expression",
density = "expression",
Z0 = "numeric",
Mu = "numeric",
Sigma = "matrix",
c.gamma = "list",
h.gamma = "list"
#' Constructor for
#' @rdname
setMethod("initialize", "", function(.Object, order, var, u.var, eps.var, characteristic, Z0, Mu, Sigma, c.gamma, verbose){
# Set density #
if(verbose) {
cat(paste0('Computing distribution...'))
time <- Sys.time()
tmp <- calculus::hermite(var = var, sigma = solve(Sigma), order = 3*order)
h.gamma <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$f)
.Object@density <- sapply(0:order, function(m) {
pdf <- sapply(1:m, function(m){
g <- c.gamma[[m]][sapply(c.gamma[[m]], function(x) x!=0)]
if(length(g)==0) return(0)
h <- h.gamma[names(g)]
p <- paste(calculus::wrap(g), calculus::wrap(h), sep = "*", collapse = " + ")
paste(paste0(eps.var, "^", m), calculus::wrap(p), sep = " * ")
pdf <- paste(pdf, collapse = " + ")
pdf <- paste0(1, " + ", pdf)
else {
pdf <- 1
kernel <- sprintf('%s * exp(%s)', ((2*pi)^(-length(var)/2)*(det(Sigma)^(-0.5))), (-0.5 * solve(Sigma)) %inner% (var %outer% var))
pdf <- paste0(kernel, " * (", pdf, ")")
for(i in 1:length(var)) {
z <- sprintf("(((%s - %s)/%s) - %s)", var[i], Z0[var[i]], eps.var, Mu[i])
pdf <- gsub(x = pdf, pattern = paste0("\\b",var[i],"\\b"), replacement = z)
pdf <- sprintf("(%s) / abs(%s)", pdf, eps.var)
return(parse(text = pdf))
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' (%s sec)\n', difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
# Set object #
.Object@order <- order
.Object@var <- var
.Object@u.var <- u.var
.Object@eps.var <- eps.var
.Object@characteristic <- characteristic
.Object@Z0 <- Z0
.Object@Mu <- Mu
.Object@Sigma <- Sigma
.Object@c.gamma <- c.gamma
.Object@h.gamma <- h.gamma
# return
#' Plot method for an object of class
#' @rdname
setMethod("plot", signature(x = ""), function(x, grids = list(), eps = 1, order = NULL, ...){
n <- length(x@var)
for(z in x@var){
margin <- aeMarginal(ae = x, var = z)
grid <- grids[z]
mu <- aeMean(ae = margin, eps = eps, order = order)[[1]]
sd <- aeSd(ae = margin, eps = eps, order = order)[[1]]
grid <- list(seq(mu-5*sd, mu+5*sd, length.out = 1000))
names(grid) <- z
dens <-'aeDensity', c(grid, list(ae = margin, eps = eps, order = order)))
plot(x = grid[[1]], y = dens, type = 'l', xlab = z, ylab = 'Density', ...)
#' Asymptotic Expansion
#' Asymptotic expansion of uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional diffusion processes.
#' @param model an object of \code{\link{yuima-class}} or \code{\link{yuima.model-class}}.
#' @param xinit initial value vector of state variables.
#' @param order integer. The asymptotic expansion order. Higher orders lead to better approximations but longer computational times.
#' @param true.parameter named list of parameters.
#' @param sampling a \code{\link{yuima.sampling-class}} object.
#' @param eps.var character. The perturbation variable.
#' @param solver the solver for ordinary differential equations. One of \code{"rk4"} (more accurate) or \code{"euler"} (faster).
#' @param verbose logical. Print on progress? Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @return An object of \code{\link{}}
#' @details
#' If \code{sampling} is not provided, then \code{model} must be an object of \code{\link{yuima-class}} with non-empty \code{sampling}.
#' if \code{eps.var} does not appear in the model specification, then it is internally added in front of the diffusion matrix to apply the asymptotic expansion scheme.
#' @author
#' Emanuele Guidotti <>
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # exact density
#' x <- seq(50, 200, by = 0.1)
#' exact <- dlnorm(x = x, meanlog = log(xinit)+(par$mu-0.5*par$sigma^2)*1, sdlog = par$sigma*sqrt(1))
#' # compare
#' plot(x, exact, type = 'l', ylab = "Density")
#' lines(x, aeDensity(x = x, ae = approx, order = 1), col = 2)
#' lines(x, aeDensity(x = x, ae = approx, order = 2), col = 3)
#' lines(x, aeDensity(x = x, ae = approx, order = 3), col = 4)
#' lines(x, aeDensity(x = x, ae = approx, order = 4), col = 5)
#' @importFrom calculus %dot%
#' @importFrom calculus %inner%
#' @importFrom calculus %mx%
#' @importFrom calculus %outer%
#' @importFrom calculus %prod%
#' @importFrom calculus %sum%
#' @importFrom calculus %gradient%
#' @export
ae <- function(model, xinit, order = 1L, true.parameter = list(), sampling = NULL, eps.var = 'eps', solver = "rk4", verbose = FALSE){
obj.class <- class(model)
stop('model must be of class yuima.model when sampling is provided')
else if(obj.class=='yuima.model'){
model <- setYuima(model = model, sampling = sampling)
else stop('model must be of class yuima or yuima.model')
else if(obj.class!='yuima'){
stop('model must be of class yuima when sampling is not provided')
stop('ae needs regular sampling')
stop('ae needs a unidimensional sampling grid')
stop('ae does not support jump processes')
stop('ae does not support fractional processes')
# temporary disable <- options( = FALSE)
on.exit(options(, add = TRUE)
# dz #
dz <- function(i){
paste0('d', i, '.', AE$z)
} <- function(i, nu){
dz <- dz(i)
z <- sapply(1:AE$d, function(i) rep(dz[i], nu[i]), simplify = F)
z <- paste(unlist(z), collapse = ' * ')
if(z=='') z <- '1'
# Z.I #
Z.I <- function(I, bar = FALSE) {
tmp <- NULL
for(i in I){
z.i <- dz(i = i)
if(bar) {
z.i <- c( z.i, ifelse(i==1, 1, 0) )
z.i <- array(z.i)
if(is.null(tmp)) tmp <- z.i
else tmp <- tmp %outer% z.i
# Hermite Valued Expectation
HVE <- function(nu, K){
# convert to label
nu <- label(nu)
# for each nu'
H <- sapply(names(AE$[[nu]]), function( {
c(AE$[[nu]][[]]) * as.numeric(AE$Ez.T[AE$Ez.K[[label(K)]][[]]])
H <- sum(H)
H <- rowSums(H)
# Tensor Valued Expectation
TVE <- function(K){
K <- K + 1
nu <- AE$nu[[sum(K)]]
E <- apply(nu, 2, function(nu){
c <- (1i)^sum(nu) / prod(factorial(nu)) * HVE(nu = nu, K = K)
c <- c/prod(factorial(K))
paste0(AE$u,"^",nu, collapse = "*") %prod% array(calculus::wrap(c))
if(is.null(dim(E))) E <- cpp_collapse(E, ' + ')
else E <- apply(E, 1, function(x) cpp_collapse(x, ' + '))
E <- array(E, dim = rep(AE$d, length(K)))
# Characteristic function
psi <- function(m){
martingale <- sprintf('exp(%s)', (calculus::wrap(1i*AE$Mu) %inner% AE$u) %sum% (-0.5 * AE$Sigma) %inner% (AE$u %outer% AE$u))
psi <- cpp_collapse(paste0(AE$eps.var, "^", (1:m)) %prod% calculus::wrap(AE$P.m[1:m]), " + ")
psi <- 1 %sum% psi
else {
psi <- 1
psi <- paste0(martingale," * (", psi, ")")
for(i in 1:AE$d)
psi <- gsub(x = psi, pattern = paste0("\\b",AE$u[i],"\\b"), replacement = calculus::wrap(paste(AE$eps.var,"*",AE$u[i])))
psi <- paste0("exp((",1i,") * (",AE$u %inner% AE$Ez.T[AE$z],")) * (", psi, ")")
return(parse(text = psi))
# label for partitions
label <- function(I){
paste(I, collapse = ',')
# AE environment #
AE <- new.env()
# expansion order
AE$m <- as.integer(order)
# expansion variable
AE$eps.var <- eps.var
# model parameters
AE$par <- true.parameter
AE$par[[AE$eps.var]] <- 0
# model dimension
AE$d <- model@model@equation.number
# noise dimension
AE$r <- model@model@noise.number + 1
# solve variables
AE$z <- model@model@solve.variable
# extended solve variables
AE$ <- c(AE$z, AE$eps.var)
# characteristic function variables
AE$u <- paste0('u', 1:AE$d)
# simulation initial value
AE$xinit <- xinit
# timing if verbose
if(verbose) time <- Sys.time()
# V: V[,1] -> V_{0}; V[,2] -> V_{1} #
# drift
drift <- calculus::e2c(model@model@drift)
# diffusion
diffusion <- unlist(lapply(model@model@diffusion, calculus::e2c))
diffusion <- as.array(matrix(diffusion, nrow = AE$d, ncol = AE$r-1, byrow = TRUE))
# expansion coefficient
is.eps.diffusion <- any(grepl(x = diffusion, pattern = paste0('\\b',AE$eps.var,'\\b')))
is.eps.drift <- any(grepl(x = drift, pattern = paste0('\\b',AE$eps.var,'\\b')))
diffusion <- AE$eps.var %prod% calculus::wrap(diffusion)
} else {
test <- parse(text = diffusion)
env <- AE$par
env[[AE$eps.var]] <- 0
for(z in AE$z)
env[[z]] <- runif(n = 100, min = -999, max = 999)
is.ok <- suppressWarnings(sapply(test, function(expr){
all(eval(expr, env)==0, na.rm = TRUE)
stop('diffusion must vanish when evaluated at epsilon = 0')
# building V...
AE$V <- array(c(drift, diffusion), c(AE$d, AE$r))
# dV #
AE$dV <- list()
if(verbose) cat('Computing dV...')
# parse v only once
expr <- array(parse(text = AE$V), dim = dim(AE$V))
# for j up to twice the expansion order...
for(j in 1:(2*AE$m)) {
# differentiate expression
expr <- calculus::derivative(expr, var = AE$, deparse = FALSE)
# convert to char
tmp <- calculus::e2c(expr)
# break if dV vanishes
if(all(tmp=="0")) break
# evaluate at eps = 0
if(!is.eps.diffusion & !is.eps.drift){
# auto: eps * diffusion -> boost performance
zero <- grepl(x = tmp, pattern = paste0('\\b',AE$eps.var,'\\b'))
tmp[zero] <- "0"
else {
# user defined: gsub
tmp[] <- gsub(x = tmp, pattern = paste0('\\b',AE$eps.var,'\\b'), replacement = "0")
# drop white spaces (!important)
tmp[] <- gsub(x = tmp, pattern = ' ', replacement = '', fixed = T)
# store dV
AE$dV[[j]] <- tmp
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' %s derivatives (%s sec)\n', length(unlist(AE$dV)), difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
# dZ #
AE$dZ <- list()
if(verbose) cat('Computing dZ...')
# for j up to twice the expnasion order...
for(k in 1:(2*AE$m)) {
# get partitions of k
I.set <- calculus::partitions(n = k)
# building dZ...
AE$dZ[[k]] <- "0"
# for each I in I.set
lapply(I.set, function(I){
# length I
j <- length(I)
# if dV[[j]] does not vanish
if(j <= length(AE$dV)){
# compute U
U <- (factorial(sum(I))/prod(factorial(c( I, table(I) )))) %prod% calculus::wrap(AE$dV[[j]])
# isolate coefficients
U[] <- paste0('{',U,'}')
# add to dZ
AE$dZ[[k]] <- AE$dZ[[k]] %sum% ( U %dot% Z.I(I = I, bar = TRUE) )
# void
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' (%s sec)\n', difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
# K.set #
AE$K.set <- NULL
# for n up to 4 times the expansion order...
for(n in 1:(4*AE$m)){
# store K.set
AE$K.set <- c(AE$K.set, calculus::partitions(n = n, max = 2*AE$m))
# Z.K #
AE$Z.K <- lapply(AE$K.set, function(K) Z.I(I = K))
names(AE$Z.K) <- lapply(AE$K.set, label)
if(verbose) cat('Computing Ito ODE system...')
ito <- cpp_ito(K_set = AE$K.set, dZ = AE$dZ, Z_K = AE$Z.K, d = AE$d, r = AE$r)
AE$ito.lhs <- ito$lhs
AE$ito.rhs <- ito$rhs
AE$ito.rhs.var <- ito$rhs.var
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' %s equations (%s sec)\n', length(AE$ito.rhs)+AE$d, difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
if(verbose) cat('Reducing Ito ODE system...')
AE$nu <- list()
AE$Ez.K <- list()
# nu indices
for(k in 1:(2*AE$m))
AE$nu[[k]] <- calculus::partitions(n = k, length = AE$d, fill = TRUE, perm = TRUE, equal = FALSE)
# find needed terms
for(i in 1:AE$m) {
for(l in 1:i){
K.set <- calculus::partitions(n = i, length = l, perm = TRUE)
lapply(K.set, function(K) {
K <- K+1
AE$Ez.K[[label(K)]] <- list()
apply(AE$nu[[sum(K)]], 2, function(nu) {
# store
AE$Ez.K[[label(K)]][[label(nu)]] <- cpp_E( = 1, nu = nu) %prod% Z.I(I = K) )
# void
# void
AE$Ez.T <- list()
AE$Ez <- unique(unlist(AE$Ez.K))
# drop duplicated equations
idx <- which(!duplicated(AE$ito.lhs))
AE$ito.lhs <- AE$ito.lhs[idx]
AE$ito.rhs <- AE$ito.rhs[idx]
AE$ito.rhs.var <- AE$ito.rhs.var[idx]
# needed equation id
idx <- which(AE$ito.lhs %in% AE$Ez)
# additional needed var
add <- unique(unlist(AE$ito.rhs.var[idx]))
add <- add[!(add %in% AE$Ez)]
# break or store
if(length(add)==0) break
AE$Ez <- c(AE$Ez, add)
# drop equations not needed
idx <- which(AE$ito.lhs %in% AE$Ez)
AE$ito.lhs <- AE$ito.lhs[idx]
AE$ito.rhs <- AE$ito.rhs[idx]
AE$ito.rhs.var <- AE$ito.rhs.var[idx]
# plug zero if empty equation
idx <- which(AE$ito.rhs=='')
if(length(idx)==0) break
zero <- AE$ito.lhs[idx]
AE$Ez.T[zero] <- 0
AE$ito.lhs <- AE$ito.lhs[-idx]
AE$ito.rhs <- AE$ito.rhs[-idx]
pattern <- gsub(zero, pattern = '.', replacement = '\\.', fixed = T)
pattern <- gsub(pattern, pattern = '_', replacement = '\\_', fixed = T)
pattern <- paste0(pattern, collapse = '|')
pattern <- paste0(' \\* (',pattern,')\\b')
AE$ito.rhs <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(AE$ito.rhs, split = ' + ', fixed = T), function(x){ <- grepl(x = x, pattern = pattern)
x <- x[!]
if(length(x)==0) return("")
else return(paste(x, collapse = ' + '))
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' %s equations (%s sec)\n', length(AE$ito.rhs)+AE$d, difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
if(verbose) cat('Solving Ito ODE system...')
# Ito ODE
lhs <- c(AE$z, AE$ito.lhs)
rhs <- c(AE$V[,1], AE$ito.rhs)
# Initial values
xinit <- c(rep(AE$xinit, length.out = AE$d), rep(0, length(lhs)-AE$d))
names(xinit) <- lhs
# Solve
Ez.T <- calculus::ode(f = rhs, var = xinit, times = sampling@grid[[1]], params = AE$par, timevar = model@model@time.variable, drop = TRUE, method = solver)
AE$Ez.T <- c(as.list(Ez.T), AE$Ez.T)
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' (%s sec)\n', difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
if(verbose) cat('Computing Sigma matrix...')
y.lhs <- array(paste('y', gsub(AE$z %outer% AE$z, pattern = " * ", replacement = "_", fixed = T), sep = '.'), dim = rep(AE$d, 2))
y.rhs <- calculus::wrap(AE$V[,1] %gradient% AE$z) %mx% y.lhs
y.0 <- diag(AE$d)
dim(y.lhs) <- NULL
dim(y.rhs) <- NULL
dim(y.0) <- NULL
y.lhs <- c(AE$z, y.lhs)
y.rhs <- c(AE$V[,1], y.rhs)
y.0 <- c(rep(AE$xinit, length.out = AE$d), y.0)
names(y.0) <- y.lhs
times <- sampling@grid[[1]]
n.times <- length(times)
x <- calculus::ode(f = y.rhs, var = y.0, times = times, params = AE$par, timevar = model@model@time.variable, method = solver)
y <- x[, -c(1:AE$d), drop = FALSE]
z <-[, c(1:AE$d), drop = FALSE])
z[[model@model@time.variable]] <- times
y.s <- lapply(1:n.times, function(i) matrix(y[i,], nrow = AE$d))
y_inv.s <- lapply(y.s, solve)
dV <- AE$V %gradient% AE$eps.var
dV.s <- calculus::evaluate(dV,, AE$par)))
dV.s <- lapply(1:n.times, function(i) array(dV.s[i,], dim = dim(dV)))
dV.s = rep(dV.s, n.times)
# Mu
AE$Mu <- array(0, dim = AE$d)
else {
Mu <- sapply(1:n.times, function(i){
y_inv.s[[i]] %*% dV.s[[i]][,1,]
if(is.null(dim(Mu))) {
n <- length(Mu)
Mu <- ( sum(Mu[c(-1,-n)]) + sum(Mu[c(1,n)])/2 ) * sampling@delta
else {
n <- ncol(Mu)
Mu <- ( rowSums(Mu[,c(-1,-n)]) + rowSums(Mu[,c(1,n)])/2 ) * sampling@delta
AE$Mu <- array(y.s[[n.times]] %*% Mu)
# Sigma
S <- sapply(1:n.times, function(i){
a <- y.s[[n.times]] %*% y_inv.s[[i]] %*% dV.s[[i]][,-1,]
a %*% t(a)
if(is.null(dim(S))) {
n <- length(S)
S <- ( sum(S[c(-1,-n)]) + sum(S[c(1,n)])/2 ) * sampling@delta
else {
n <- ncol(S)
S <- ( rowSums(S[,c(-1,-n)]) + rowSums(S[,c(1,n)])/2 ) * sampling@delta
AE$Sigma <- array(S, dim = c(AE$d,AE$d))
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' (%s sec)\n', difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
# Hermite coefficients
if(verbose) cat(paste0('Computing Hermite...'))
tmp <- calculus::hermite(var = AE$z, sigma = AE$Sigma, order = 2*AE$m,
transform = solve(AE$Sigma) %dot% calculus::wrap(AE$z %sum% -AE$Mu))
AE$ <- lapply(tmp, function(x) {
coef <- as.list(x$terms$coef)
names(coef) <- rownames(x$terms)
AE$ <- lapply(tmp, function(x) x$f)
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' (%s sec)\n', difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
AE$ul <- list(array(AE$u))
if(AE$m > 1) for(l in 2:AE$m){
AE$ul[[l]] <- AE$ul[[l-1]] %outer% AE$u
AE$ul <- lapply(AE$ul, function(ul){
array(unlist(lapply(strsplit(ul, split = " * ", fixed = T), function(u) {
u <- table(u)
paste0(names(u),"^",u, collapse = "*")
})), dim = dim(ul))
if(verbose) cat('Computing characteristic function...')
AE$psi <- list()
for(m in 1:AE$m) {
AE$psi[[m]] <- list()
for(l in 1:m){
K.set <- calculus::partitions(n = m, length = l, perm = TRUE)
psi.m.l <- unlist(lapply(K.set, function(K){
calculus::wrap((1i)^l) %prod% calculus::wrap((calculus::wrap(TVE(K = K)) %inner% AE$ul[[l]]))
expr <- (1/factorial(l)) %prod% calculus::wrap(cpp_collapse(psi.m.l, ' + '))
AE$psi[[m]][[l]] <- calculus::taylor(expr, var = AE$u, order = m+2*l)$f
AE$P.m = sapply(AE$psi, function(p.m.l) cpp_collapse(unlist(p.m.l), " + "))
AE$c.gamma <- lapply(1:AE$m, function(m) {
p <- calculus::taylor(AE$P.m[m], var = AE$u, order = 3*m)
coef <- Re(p$terms$coef/(1i)^p$terms$degree)
coef <- as.list(coef)
names(coef) <- rownames(p$terms)
AE$PSI <- sapply(0:AE$m, psi)
if(verbose) {
cat(sprintf(' (%s sec)\n', difftime(Sys.time(), time, units = "secs")[[1]]))
time <- Sys.time()
order = AE$m,
var = AE$z,
u.var = AE$u,
eps.var = AE$eps.var,
characteristic = AE$PSI,
Z0 = unlist(AE$Ez.T[AE$z]),
Mu = as.numeric(AE$Mu),
Sigma = AE$Sigma,
c.gamma = AE$c.gamma,
verbose = verbose
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Density
#' @param ... named argument, data.frame, list, or environment specifying the grid to evaluate the density. See examples.
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @return Probability density function evaluated on the given grid.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # The following are all equivalent methods to specify the grid via ....
#' # Notice that the character 'x' corresponds to the solve.variable of the yuima model.
#' # 1) named argument
#' x <- seq(50, 200, by = 0.1)
#' density <- aeDensity(x = x, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' # 2) data frame
#' df <- data.frame(x = seq(50, 200, by = 0.1))
#' density <- aeDensity(df, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' # 3) environment
#' env <- new.env()
#' env$x <- seq(50, 200, by = 0.1)
#' density <- aeDensity(env, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' # 4) list
#' lst <- list(x = seq(50, 200, by = 0.1))
#' density <- aeDensity(lst, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' # exact density
#' exact <- dlnorm(x = x, meanlog = log(xinit)+(par$mu-0.5*par$sigma^2)*1, sdlog = par$sigma*sqrt(1))
#' # compare
#' plot(x = exact, y = density, xlab = "Exact", ylab = "Approximated")
#' @export
aeDensity <- function(..., ae, eps = 1, order = NULL){
order <- ae@order
pdf <- ae@density[order+1]
env <- list(...)
if(is.list(env[[1]]) | is.environment(env[[1]]))
env <- env[[1]]
env[[ae@eps.var]] <- eps
return(eval(expr = pdf, envir = env))
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Marginals
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param var variables of the marginal distribution to compute.
#' @return An object of \code{\link{}}
#' @examples
#' # multidimensional model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = c('mu*x1','mu*x2'),
#' diffusion = matrix(c('sigma1*x1',0,0,'sigma2*x2'), nrow = 2),
#' solve.variable = c('x1','x2'))
#' # settings
#' xinit <- c(100, 100)
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma1 = 0.2, sigma2 = 0.1)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 3, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # extract marginals
#' margin1 <- aeMarginal(ae = approx, var = "x1")
#' margin2 <- aeMarginal(ae = approx, var = "x2")
#' # compare with exact solution for marginal 1
#' x1 <- seq(50, 200, by = 0.1)
#' exact <- dlnorm(x = x1, meanlog = log(xinit[1])+(par$mu-0.5*par$sigma1^2), sdlog = par$sigma1)
#' plot(x1, exact, type = 'p', ylab = "Density")
#' lines(x1, aeDensity(x1 = x1, ae = margin1, order = 3), col = 2)
#' # compare with exact solution for marginal 2
#' x2 <- seq(50, 200, by = 0.1)
#' exact <- dlnorm(x = x2, meanlog = log(xinit[2])+(par$mu-0.5*par$sigma2^2), sdlog = par$sigma2)
#' plot(x2, exact, type = 'p', ylab = "Density")
#' lines(x2, aeDensity(x2 = x2, ae = margin2, order = 3), col = 2)
#' @export
aeMarginal <- function(ae, var){
# init
keep <- ae@var %in% var
if(sum(!keep)==0) return(ae)
# vanish marginal coefficients
c.gamma <- ae@c.gamma
for(i in 1:length(c.gamma)) for(j in 1:length(c.gamma[[i]])){
o <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x = names(c.gamma[[i]][j]), split = ',')))
c.gamma[[i]][[j]] <- 0
else {
names(c.gamma[[i]])[j] <- paste(o[keep], collapse = ',')
# characteristic
characteristic <- sapply(calculus::e2c(ae@characteristic), function(psi) {
for(u in ae@u.var[!keep])
psi <- gsub(x = psi, pattern = paste0("\\b",u,"\\b"), replacement = 0)
# return
order = ae@order,
var = ae@var[keep],
u.var = ae@u.var[keep],
eps.var = ae@eps.var,
characteristic = characteristic,
Z0 = ae@Z0[keep],
Mu = ae@Mu[keep],
Sigma = ae@Sigma[keep, keep, drop = FALSE],
c.gamma = c.gamma,
verbose = FALSE
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Functionals
#' Compute the expected value of functionals.
#' @param f character. The functional.
#' @param bounds named list of integration bounds in the form \code{list(x = c(xmin, xmax), y = c(ymin, ymax), ...)}
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[cubature]{cubintegrate}}.
#' @return return value of \code{\link[cubature]{cubintegrate}}. The expectation of the functional provided.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # compute the mean via integration
#' aeExpectation(f = 'x', bounds = list(x = c(0,1000)), ae = approx)
#' # compare with the mean computed by differentiation of the characteristic function
#' aeMean(approx)
#' @export
aeExpectation <- function(f, bounds, ae, eps = 1, order = NULL, ...){
f <- calculus::c2e(f)
var <- names(bounds)
ae <- aeMarginal(ae = ae, var = var)
lower <- sapply(bounds, function(x) x[1])
upper <- sapply(bounds, function(x) x[2])
args <- list(...)
args$f <- function(x) {
names(x) <- var
x <- as.list(x)
eval(f, envir = x) * aeDensity(x, ae = ae, eps = eps, order = order)
args$lower <- lower
args$upper <- upper
args$method <- 'hcubature'
return("cubintegrate", args))
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Characteristic Function
#' @param ... named argument, data.frame, list, or environment specifying the grid to evaluate the characteristic function. See examples.
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @return Characteristic function evaluated on the given grid.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # The following are all equivalent methods to specify the grid via ....
#' # Notice that the character 'u1' corresponds to the 'u.var' of the ae object.
#' approx@u.var
#' # 1) named argument
#' u1 <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
#' psi <- aeCharacteristic(u1 = u1, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' # 2) data frame
#' df <- data.frame(u1 = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
#' psi <- aeCharacteristic(df, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' # 3) environment
#' env <- new.env()
#' env$u1 <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
#' psi <- aeCharacteristic(env, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' # 4) list
#' lst <- list(u1 = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
#' psi <- aeCharacteristic(lst, ae = approx, order = 4)
#' @export
aeCharacteristic <- function(..., ae, eps = 1, order = NULL){
order <- ae@order
psi <- ae@characteristic[order+1]
env <- list(...)
if(is.list(env[[1]]) | is.environment(env[[1]]))
env <- env[[1]]
env[[ae@eps.var]] <- eps
return(eval(expr = psi, envir = env))
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Moments
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param m integer. The moment order. In case of multidimensional processes, it is possible to compute cross-moments by providing a vector of the same length as the state variables.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @return numeric.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # second moment, expansion order max
#' aeMoment(ae = approx, m = 2)
#' # second moment, expansion order 3
#' aeMoment(ae = approx, m = 2, order = 3)
#' # second moment, expansion order 2
#' aeMoment(ae = approx, m = 2, order = 2)
#' # second moment, expansion order 1
#' aeMoment(ae = approx, m = 2, order = 1)
#' @export
aeMoment <- function(ae, m = 1, eps = 1, order = NULL){
order <- ae@order
psi <- ae@characteristic[order+1]
env <- c()
env[ae@u.var] <- 0
env[ae@eps.var] <- eps
return(Re((-1i)^sum(m) * calculus::evaluate(calculus::derivative(psi, var = ae@u.var, order = m, deparse = FALSE), env)))
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Mean
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @return numeric.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # expansion order max
#' aeMean(ae = approx)
#' # expansion order 1
#' aeMean(ae = approx, order = 1)
#' @export
aeMean <- function(ae, eps = 1, order = NULL){
return(aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 1, eps = eps, order = order))
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Standard Deviation
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @return numeric.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # expansion order max
#' aeSd(ae = approx)
#' # expansion order 1
#' aeSd(ae = approx, order = 1)
#' @export
aeSd <- function(ae, eps = 1, order = NULL){
m1 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 1, eps = eps, order = order)
m2 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 2, eps = eps, order = order)
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Skewness
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @return numeric.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # expansion order max
#' aeSkewness(ae = approx)
#' # expansion order 1
#' aeSkewness(ae = approx, order = 1)
#' @export
aeSkewness <- function(ae, eps = 1, order = NULL){
m1 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 1, eps = eps, order = order)
m2 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 2, eps = eps, order = order)
m3 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 3, eps = eps, order = order)
#' Asymptotic Expansion - Kurtosis
#' @param ae an object of class \code{\link{}}.
#' @param eps numeric. The intensity of the perturbation.
#' @param order integer. The expansion order. If \code{NULL} (default), it uses the maximum order used in \code{ae}.
#' @return numeric.
#' @examples
#' # model
#' gbm <- setModel(drift = 'mu*x', diffusion = 'sigma*x', solve.variable = 'x')
#' # settings
#' xinit <- 100
#' par <- list(mu = 0.01, sigma = 0.2)
#' sampling <- setSampling(Initial = 0, Terminal = 1, n = 1000)
#' # asymptotic expansion
#' approx <- ae(model = gbm, sampling = sampling, order = 4, true.parameter = par, xinit = xinit)
#' # expansion order max
#' aeKurtosis(ae = approx)
#' # expansion order 1
#' aeKurtosis(ae = approx, order = 1)
#' @export
aeKurtosis <- function(ae, eps = 1, order = NULL){
m1 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 1, eps = eps, order = order)
m2 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 2, eps = eps, order = order)
m3 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 3, eps = eps, order = order)
m4 <- aeMoment(ae = ae, m = 4, eps = eps, order = order)
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