Man pages for AtlasRDF
Gene Expression Atlas query and gene set enrichment package.

AtlasRDF-packageGene Expression Atlas query and gene set enrichment package.
calculateCountsForGeneListsInternal function for counting genes in a gene list against...
doFishersEnrichmentPerform a gene set enrichment using gene list based on gene...
doFishersEnrichmentForEnsemblIdsPerform a gene set enrichment using gene list based on common...
doFishersEnrichmentForGeneNamesPerform a gene set enrichment using gene list based on common...
drawHeatMapForAtlasExperimentProduce a heatmap of differentially expressed genes vs...
enrichmentresult-classClass '"enrichmentresult"'
excludeSubclassesExclude subclasses of factors from enrichment results
factorbackground-classClass '"factorbackground"'
generef-classClass '"generef"'
getAllEnsemblGenesForExFactorGet all ENSEMBL genes reported as differentially expressed...
getExFactorURIFromLabelGet the EFO URI from a given label
getExperimentIdsForGeneURIGet ArrayExpress experiment ID which contain a gene specified...
getExperimentsByDescriptionSearch for experiments in Atlas based on a string, e.g....
getExperimentURIsForGeneIdGet experiment URIs which contain a gene specified by ENSEMBL...
getGeneListFromPubmedidGet gene lists in Atlas for a given pubmed id (assuming the...
getGenesForExperimentIDGet all of the genes reported in an experiment, speicifed by...
getGenesForExperimentURIGet all of the genes reported in an experiment, speicifed by...
getGenesForPathwayURIGet genes associated with a signalling pathway from Reactome.
getGeneUriFromEnsemblIdGet gene URI from an ENSEMBL ID.
getGeneUriFromNameGet URI of a gene based on the common gene name.
getLabelGet label of an entity based on the URI.
getOntologyMappingsGet mappings for a given ontology class URI to EFO using the...
getPathwayForGeneIdGet pathways associated to a gene.
getPathwaysFromGenesAndConditionGet pathways connected to genes which are differentially...
getPathwayUriFromNameGet pathway URI given a pathway name
getRankedPathwaysForGeneIdsGet pathway names and URIs for given gene list, sorted into...
getSpeciesSpecificEnsemblGenesForExFactorGet ENSEMBL genes which have been differentially expressed...
getTaxonURIGet URI of a taxon class based on the common or taxonomic...
includeOnlySubclassesFilter enrichment results to only include experimental...
orderEnrichmentResultsOrder the results of a gene set enrichment by p-value.
pathwayresult-classClass '"pathwayresult"'
searchForEFOTermsSearch for EFO URIs from a given label text
transcription_pathway_enrichmentExpression Gene Set Enrichment result for
vizPvaluesVisualize the results of an enrichment filtering for a...
AtlasRDF documentation built on Nov. 17, 2017, 9:33 a.m.