
Defines functions estlambda .freadImport .assoPrCNV .prodCNVseg .runPLINK .prodPLINKfam .prodPLINKgvar .prodPLINKmap .prodGvarLRR .prodGvar .prodProbes testit .recodeCNVgenotype .replaceSNPtoCNV .writeProbesCNV .loadToMergeCNV .checkConvertCNVs .loadPhen .getPLINK .createFolderTree .snpgdsGetGenoCNV importLrrBaf generateGDS setupCnvGWAS cnvGWAS

Documented in cnvGWAS generateGDS importLrrBaf setupCnvGWAS

# Author: Vinicius Henrique da Silva 
# Script description: Functions related to CNV-GWAS
# Date: July 20, 2018 

#' Run the CNV-GWAS 
#' Wraps all the necessary functions to run a CNV-GWAS using the output of 
#' \code{\link{setupCnvGWAS}} function
#' (i) Produces the GDS file containing the genotype information  (if produce.gds == TRUE),
#' (ii) Produces the requested inputs for a PLINK analysis, 
#' (iii) run a CNV-GWAS analysis using linear model implemented in PLINK 
#' (http://zzz.bwh.harvard.edu/plink/gvar.shtml), and 
#' (iv) export a QQ-plot displaying the adjusted p-values. 
#' In this release only the p-value for the copy number is available  (i.e. 'P(CNP)'). 
#' @param phen.info Returned by \code{\link{setupCnvGWAS}}
#' @param n.cor Number of cores to be used
#' @param min.sim Minimum CNV genotype distribution similarity among subsequent
#' probes. Default is 0.95 (i.e. 95\%)
#' @param freq.cn Minimum CNV frequency where 1 (i.e. 100\%), or all samples 
#' deviating from diploid state. Default 0.01 (i.e. 1\%)
#' @param snp.matrix Only FALSE implemented - If TRUE B allele frequencies (BAF)
#' would be used to reconstruct CNV-SNP genotypes
#' @param method.m.test Correction for multiple tests to be used. FDR is default, 
#' see \code{\link{p.adjust}} for other methods.
#' @param lo.phe The phenotype to be analyzed in the PhenInfo$phenotypesSam data-frame 
#' @param chr.code.name A data-frame with the integer name in the first column 
#' and the original name for each chromosome  
#' @param genotype.nodes Expression data type. Nodes with CNV genotypes to be 
#' produced in the gds file. 
#' @param coding.translate For 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike'. If NULL or unrecognized 
#' string use only biallelic CNVs. If 'all' code multiallelic CNVs as 0 
#' for loss; 1 for 2n and 2 for gain.
#' @param path.files Folder containing the input CNV files used for the CNV 
#' calling (i.e. one text file with 5 collumns for each sample). Columns should 
#' contain (i) probe name, (ii) Chromosome, (iii) Position, (iv) LRR, and (v) BAF.
#' @param list.of.files Data-frame with two columns where the (i) is the file 
#' name with signals and (ii) is the correspondent name of the sample in the gds file
#' @param produce.gds logical. If TRUE produce a new gds, if FALSE use gds previously created   
#' @param run.lrr If TRUE use LRR values instead absolute copy numbers in the association
#' @param assign.probe \sQuote{min.pvalue} or \sQuote{high.freq} to represent the CNV segment
#' @param correct.inflation logical. Estimate lambda from raw p-values and correct for genomic inflation.
#' Use with argument \code{method.m.test} to generate strict p-values. 
#' @param both.up.down Check for CNV genotype similarity in both directions. 
#' Default is FALSE (i.e. only downstream)
#' @param verbose Show progress in the analysis
#' @return The CNV segments and the representative probes and their respective p-value
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva <vinicius.dasilva@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{link{setupCnvGWAS}} to setup files needed for the CNV-GWAS.
#' @references da Silva et al. (2016) Genome-wide detection of CNVs and their 
#' association with meat tenderness in Nelore cattle. PLoS One, 11(6):e0157711.
#' @examples
#' # Load phenotype-CNV information
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' # Define chr correspondence to numeric, if necessary
#' df <- '16 1A
#' 25 4A
#' 29 25LG1
#' 30 25LG2
#' 31 LGE22'
#' chr.code.name <- read.table(text=df, header=FALSE)
#' segs.pvalue.gr <- cnvGWAS(phen.info, chr.code.name=chr.code.name)
#' @export

cnvGWAS <- function(phen.info, n.cor = 1, min.sim = 0.95, freq.cn = 0.01, snp.matrix = FALSE, 
    method.m.test = "fdr", lo.phe = 1, chr.code.name = NULL, genotype.nodes = "CNVGenotype", 
    coding.translate = "all", path.files = NULL, list.of.files = NULL, produce.gds = TRUE, 
    run.lrr = FALSE, assign.probe = "min.pvalue", correct.inflation = FALSE, both.up.down = FALSE, 
    verbose = FALSE) {
    phenotypesSam <- phen.info$phenotypesSam
    phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSam[, c(1, (lo.phe + 1))]
    phenotypesSamX <- stats::na.omit(phenotypesSamX)
    all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
    # Produce the GDS for a given phenotype
    if (produce.gds) {
        if (verbose) 
            message("Produce the GDS for a given phenotype")
        probes.cnv.gr <- generateGDS(phen.info = phen.info, freq.cn = freq.cn, snp.matrix = snp.matrix, 
            lo.phe = lo.phe, chr.code.name = chr.code.name, genotype.nodes = genotype.nodes, 
            coding.translate = coding.translate)
    } else {
        if (verbose) 
            message("Using existent gds file")
        probes.cnv.gr <- .prodProbes(phen.info, lo.phe, freq.cn)
    # Produce PLINK map 
    if (verbose) 
        message("Produce PLINK map")
    # Produce gvar to use as PLINK input
    if (verbose) 
        message("Produce gvar to use as PLINK input")
    .prodPLINKgvar(all.paths, n.cor, snp.matrix, run.lrr)
    # Produce fam (phenotype) to use as PLINK input
    if (verbose) 
        message("Produce fam (phenotype) to use as PLINK input")
    # Run PLINK
    if (verbose) 
        message("Run PLINK")
    # Produce CNV segments
    if (verbose) 
        message("Produce CNV segments")
    all.segs.gr <- .prodCNVseg(all.paths, probes.cnv.gr, min.sim, both.up.down)
    # Associate SNPs with CNV segments
    if (verbose) 
        message("Associate SNPs with CNV segments")
    segs.pvalue.gr <- .assoPrCNV(all.paths, all.segs.gr, phenotypesSamX, method.m.test, 
        probes.cnv.gr, assign.probe, correct.inflation = correct.inflation)
    # Plot the QQ-plot of the analysis
    if (verbose) 
        message("Plot the QQ-plot of the analysis")
    uphen <- unique(segs.pvalue.gr$Phenotype)
    qq.plot.pdf <- paste0(uphen, "-LRR-", run.lrr, "QQ-PLOT.pdf")
    qq.plot.pdf <- file.path(all.paths["Results"], qq.plot.pdf)
                        auto.key = list(corner = c(0.95, 0.05))))
    # Reconvert the chrs to original names if applicable
    if (!is.null(chr.code.name)) {
        cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
        genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
        chr.code.name <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "Chr.names")
        chr.code.name <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(chr.code.name)
        segs.pvalue <- data.frame(segs.pvalue.gr)
        segs.pvalue <- segs.pvalue[, !(names(segs.pvalue) %in% "strand")]

        segs.pvalue$seqnames <- as.vector(segs.pvalue$seqnames)
        cmap <- as.vector(chr.code.name[, 2])
        names(cmap) <- as.vector(chr.code.name[, 1])
        ind <- segs.pvalue$seqnames %in% names(cmap)
        segs.pvalue$seqnames[ind] <- cmap[segs.pvalue$seqnames[ind]]       

        segs.pvalue.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(segs.pvalue, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
    segs.pvalue.gr <- segs.pvalue.gr[order(segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalue)]

#' Setup the folders and files to run CNV-GWAS analysis
#' This function creates the (i) necessary folders in disk to perform downstream 
#' analysis on CNV genome-wide association and (ii) import the necessary input 
#' files (i.e. phenotypes, probe map and CNV list) from other locations in disk.
#' The user can import several phenotypes at once. All information will be 
#' stored in the list returned by this function. 
#' The user should be aware although several phenotypes can be imported, the 
#' \code{\link{cnvGWAS}} or \code{\link{generateGDS}} functions will handle only 
#' one phenotype per run. 
#' @param name String with a project code or name (e.g. 'Project1')
#' @param phen.loc Path/paths to the tab separated text file containing phenotype 
#' and sample info. When using more than one population, for populations without
#' phenotypes include the string 'INEXISTENT' instead the path for a file.
#' @param cnv.out.loc Path(s) to the CNV analysis output (i.e. PennCNV output, 
#' SNP-chip general format or sequencing general format). It is also possible to
#' use a \code{\linkS4class{RaggedExperiment}} or a \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}} 
#' object instead if the run includes only one population.
#' @param map.loc Path to the probe map (e.g. used in PennCNV analysis). Column 
#' names containing probe name, chromosome and coordinate must be named as: Name, 
#' Chr and Position. Tab delimited. If NULL, artificial probes will be generated 
#' based on the CNV breakpoints.
#' @param folder Choose manually the project folder (i.e. path as the root folder). 
#' Otherwise, user-specific data dir will be used automatically.  
#' @param pops.names Indicate the name of the populations, if using more than one.
#' @param n.cor Number of cores
#' @return List \sQuote{phen.info} with \sQuote{samplesPhen}, \sQuote{phenotypes}, 
#' \sQuote{phenotypesdf}, \sQuote{phenotypesSam}, \sQuote{FamID}, \sQuote{SexIds}, 
#' \sQuote{pops.names} (if more than one population) and \sQuote{all.paths}
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva <vinicius.dasilva@@wur.nl>
#' @examples
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' @export
setupCnvGWAS <- function(name, phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, 
    map.loc = NULL, folder = NULL, pops.names = NULL, n.cor = 1) 
    ## Create the folder structure for all subsequent analysis
    all.paths <- .createFolderTree(name, folder)  
    if(is(cnv.out.loc, "RaggedExperiment"))
        phen.info <- colData(cnv.out.loc)
        stopifnot(all(names(phen.info)[1:3] == c("sample.id", "fam", "sex")))
        cnv.out.loc <- as(cnv.out.loc, "GRangesList")
        phen.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "PhenN.txt")
            file=phen.loc, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
    ## Check if the CNVs are in GRanges format   
    if(is(cnv.out.loc, "GRangesList"))
        df.cnv <- as.data.frame(cnv.out.loc)
        if(all(c("num.snps", "start.probe", "end.probe") %in% colnames(df.cnv)))
            rel.cols <- c("seqnames", "start", "end", 
                "group_name", "state", "num.snps", "start.probe", "end.probe")
            df.cnv <- df.cnv[,rel.cols]
            colnames(df.cnv)[c(1,4)] <- c("chr", "sample.id")
        else df.cnv <- df.cnv[,c("seqnames", "start", "end", "group_name", "state")]
        colnames(df.cnv)[c(1,4)] <- c("chr", "sample.id")
        cnv.out.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOutN.txt")
        write.table(df.cnv, file=cnv.out.loc, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
    ## Only one population
    if (length(phen.loc) == 1 && length(cnv.out.loc) == 1) 
        ## Import the phenotype and sample info from external folder
        file.copy(phen.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "/PhenoPop1.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
        ## Import the PennCNV output from external folder
        file.copy(cnv.out.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "/CNVOut.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
        file.copy(cnv.out.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "/CNVOutPop1.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
        pheno.file <- "PhenoPop1.txt"
        cnv.file <- "CNVOut.txt"
    ## Multiple populations
    else if (length(phen.loc) != length(cnv.out.loc)) 
        stop("phen.loc and cnv.out.loc should have the same length. Use the string INEXISTENT if phenotypes are missing")
    else if (length(phen.loc) > 1 && length(cnv.out.loc) > 1)
        grid <- seq_along(phen.loc)
        pheno.files <- paste0("/PhenoPop", grid, ".txt")
        cnv.files <- paste0("/CNVOutPop", grid, ".txt")
        abs.pheno.files <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], pheno.files)
        for (npop in grid) 
            if (phen.loc[npop] == "INEXISTENT") cat("INEXISTENT", file=abs.pheno.files[npop])
            else file.copy(phen.loc[npop], abs.pheno.files[npop], overwrite = TRUE)
        file.copy(cnv.out.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], cnv.files), overwrite = TRUE)
        ## Write phenotype names and merge CNV file for multiple populations
        pheno.file <- pheno.files
        all.cnvs <- lapply(cnv.files, .loadToMergeCNV, cnv.path = all.paths["Inputs"])
        all.cnvs <- data.table::rbindlist(all.cnvs)
        all.cnvs <- as.data.frame(all.cnvs)
        write.table(all.cnvs, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt"), sep = "\t", 
            col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
    if (is.null(map.loc)) {
        ## Import the probe map from external folder
        cnvs <- read.table(file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt"), sep = "", header = FALSE)  ### CNV table 
        CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor)
        CGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNVs)
    } else {
        if (length(map.loc) > 1) 
            stop("The map should be unique. If multiple populations with different probe map use map.loc=NULL")
        file.copy(map.loc, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt"), overwrite = TRUE)
    phen.info <- .loadPhen(pheno.file, all.paths, pops.names = pops.names, n.cor)
    plink.dir <- dir(all.paths["PLINK"], pattern = "plink-1*")
    if (!length(plink.dir)) {
        got.plink <- .getPLINK(all.paths["PLINK"])
        if (!got.plink) stop("PLINK setup failed")
        plink.dir <- dir(all.paths["PLINK"], pattern = "plink-1*")
    plink.bin <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], plink.dir, "plink")
    all.paths["PLINK"] <- dirname(plink.bin)
    phen.info$all.paths <- all.paths
    phen.info$phenotypesSam$samplesPhen <- as.character(phen.info$phenotypesSam$samplesPhen)
    ## Delete temporary files
    cnv.out.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOutN.txt")
    if(file.exists(cnv.out.loc)) file.remove(cnv.out.loc)
    phen.loc <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "PhenN.txt")
    if(file.exists(phen.loc)) file.remove(phen.loc)

#' Produce CNV-GDS for the phenotyped samples
#' Function to produce the GDS file in a probe-wise fashion for CNV genotypes. 
#' The GDS file which is produced also incorporates one phenotype to be analyzed. 
#' If several phenotypes are enclosed in the \sQuote{phen.info} object, the user 
#' may specify the phenotype to be analyzed with the \sQuote{lo.phe} parameter. 
#' Only diploid chromosomes should be included.  
#' @param phen.info Returned by \code{setupCnvGWAS}
#' @param freq.cn Minimum frequency. Default is 0.01 (i.e. 1\%)
#' @param snp.matrix Only FALSE implemented. If TRUE, B allele frequencies (BAF) 
#' and SNP genotypes would be used to reconstruct CNV-SNP genotypes - under development
#' @param lo.phe The phenotype to be analyzed in the PhenInfo$phenotypesSam dataframe 
#' @param chr.code.name A data-frame with the integer name in the first column 
#' and the original name in the second for each chromosome previously converted to numeric
#' @param genotype.nodes Nodes with CNV genotypes to be produced in the gds file. 
#' Use 'CNVGenotype' for dosage-like genotypes (i.e. from 0 to Inf). 
#' Use 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike' alongside for SNP-like CNV genotype in a separated 
#' node (i.e.  '0, 1, 2, 3, 4' as '0/0, 0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 2/2').
#' @param coding.translate For 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike'. If NULL or unrecognized 
#' string use only biallelic CNVs. If 'all' code multiallelic CNVs as 0 for loss; 
#' 1 for 2n and 2 for gain. 
#' @param n.cor Number of cores
#' @return probes.cnv.gr Object with information about all probes to be used in 
#' the downstream CNV-GWAS. Only numeric chromosomes
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva <vinicius.dasilva@@wur.nl>
#' @examples
#' # Load phenotype-CNV information
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' # Construct the data-frame with integer and original chromosome names 
#' # Define chr correspondence to numeric, if necessary
#' df <- '16 1A
#' 25 4A
#' 29 25LG1
#' 30 25LG2
#' 31 LGE22'
#' chr.code.name <- read.table(text=df, header=FALSE)
#' probes.cnv.gr <- generateGDS(phen.info, chr.code.name=chr.code.name)

generateGDS <- function(phen.info, freq.cn = 0.01, snp.matrix = FALSE, lo.phe = 1,
    chr.code.name = NULL, genotype.nodes = c("CNVGenotype", "CNVgenotypeSNPlike"), 
    coding.translate = NULL, n.cor = 1) 
    phenotypesSam <- phen.info$phenotypesSam
    samplesPhen <- phen.info$samplesPhen
    FamID <- phen.info$FamID
    SexIds <- phen.info$SexIds
    all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
    phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSam[, c(1, (lo.phe + 1))]
    # Import CNVs to data-frame
    cnv.table <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt")
    cnvs <- data.table::fread(cnv.table, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)
    CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor)
    # Check if the chromosomes are numeric
    chr.names <- CNVs$chr
    chr.names <- gsub("chr", "", chr.names)
    CNVsGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNVs, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
    # Subset CNVs in phenotyped samples
    CNVsGr <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$V5 %in% samplesPhen]
    # Import SNP map to data-frame
    map.file <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt")
    probes <- data.table::fread(map.file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
    probes <- as.data.frame(probes)
    probes <- probes[stats::complete.cases(probes), ]
    probesGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(probes, seqnames.field = "Chr", 
        start.field = "Position", end.field = "Position", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
    all.samples <- unique(CNVsGr$V5)
    # Select probes within CNVs
    probesCNV <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probesGr, CNVsGr)$Name)
    probesCNV <- unique(unlist(probesCNV))
    probes.cnv.gr <- probesGr[probesGr$Name %in% probesCNV]
    counts <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, CNVsGr)
    probes.cnv.gr$freq <- unname(counts)
    # Subset by frequency
    NumSam <- freq.cn * length(all.samples)
    probes.cnv.gr <- probes.cnv.gr[probes.cnv.gr$freq >= NumSam]
    # Order the probes
    probes.cnv.gr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
    probes.cnv.gr <- GenomicRanges::sort(probes.cnv.gr)
    probes.cnv.gr$snp.id <- seq_along(probes.cnv.gr)
    # SNP genotype matrix not available
    if (!snp.matrix) CNVBiMa <- matrix(2, nrow = length(probes.cnv.gr), ncol = length(all.samples)) 
    else stop("Option to consider SNP matrix is not implemented yet")
    # TODO: SNP genotype matrix available 
    # Create a GDS with chr and SNP names to numeric
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    SNPRelate::snpgdsCreateGeno(cnv.gds, genmat = CNVBiMa, sample.id = all.samples, 
        snp.id = as.character(probes.cnv.gr$snp.id), snp.rs.id = probes.cnv.gr$Name, 
        snp.chromosome = as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(probes.cnv.gr)), 
        snp.position = GenomicRanges::start(probes.cnv.gr))

    genotype.nodes <- match.arg(genotype.nodes)    
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
    if (genotype.nodes == "CNVGenotype") {
        # Replace genotype matrix with CNV genotypes
        n <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype", CNVBiMa, replace = TRUE)
        param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 1, type = "SOCK")
        BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_along(all.samples), .writeProbesCNV, BPPARAM = param, 
                all.samples = all.samples, genofile = genofile, CNVsGr = CNVsGr, 
                probes.cnv.gr = probes.cnv.gr, n = n)
    else {
        # CNVgenotypeSNPlike
        CNVBiMaCN <- matrix(2, nrow = length(probes.cnv.gr), ncol = length(all.samples))
        n <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotypeSNPlike", CNVBiMaCN, replace = TRUE)
        #Define the chunks of SNPs to import chunk
        chunk <- seq(from = 1, to = length(probes.cnv.gr), by = length(probes.cnv.gr))  ## No chunk
        if (chunk[length(chunk)] != length(probes.cnv.gr)) {
            chunk[length(chunk) + 1] <- length(probes.cnv.gr)
        os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
        if (os %in% c("unix", "mac")) param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = 1)
        else param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 1, type = "SOCK")
        BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(length(chunk) - 1), .recodeCNVgenotype, BPPARAM = param, 
                genofile = genofile, all.samples = all.samples, n = n, chunk = chunk, 
                coding.translate = coding.translate)
    # Include the phenotype 'lo' in the GDS
    phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSamX[match(all.samples, phenotypesSamX$samplesPhen),]  
    gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "phenotype", val = phenotypesSamX, replace = TRUE)
    FamID <- FamID[match(all.samples, FamID$samplesPhen), ]
    gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "FamID", val = as.character(FamID[, 2]), replace = TRUE, 
        storage = "string")
    FamID <- SexIds[match(all.samples, SexIds$samplesPhen), ]
    gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "Sex", val = as.character(SexIds[, 2]), replace = TRUE, 
        storage = "string")
    # Include chr names if needed
    if (!is.null(chr.code.name))
        gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "Chr.names", val = chr.code.name, replace = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(phen.info$pops.names))
        gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, name = "Pops.names", val = phen.info$pops.names, 
            replace = TRUE)

#' Import LRR and BAF from text files used in the CNV analysis
#' This function imports the LRR/BAF values and create a node for each one in 
#' the GDS file at the working folder 'Inputs' created by the 
#' \code{\link{setupCnvGWAS}} function. Once imported, the LRR values can be 
#' used to perform a GWAS directly as an alternative to copy number dosage
#' @param all.paths Object returned from \code{CreateFolderTree} function with 
#' the working folder tree 
#' @param path.files Folder containing the input CNV files used for the CNV 
#' calling (i.e. one text file with 5 collumns for each sample). Columns should 
#' contain (i) probe name, (ii) Chromosome, (iii) Position, (iv) LRR, and (v) BAF.
#' @param list.of.files Data-frame with two columns where the (i) is the file 
#' name with signals and (ii) is the correspondent name of the sample in the gds file
#' @param gds.file Path to the GDS file which contains nodes harboring respective LRR and 
#' BAF values. The \sQuote{snp.rs.id}, \sQuote{sample.id}, \sQuote{LRR} and \sQuote{BAF}
#' nodes are mandatory. Both the SNPs and samples should follow the order and length in the CNV.gds
#' (located at all.paths["Inputs"] folder). \sQuote{path.files} and \sQuote{list.of.files}
#' will be ignored if \sQuote{gds.file} is not NULL
#' @param verbose Print the samples while importing
#' @return Writes to the specified GDS file by side effect.
#' @author Vinicius Henrique da Silva <vinicius.dasilva@@wur.nl>
#' @examples
#' # Load phenotype-CNV information
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' phen.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "Pheno.txt")
#' cnv.out.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "CNVOut.txt")
#' map.loc <- file.path(data.dir, "MapPenn.txt")
#' phen.info <- setupCnvGWAS('Example', phen.loc, cnv.out.loc, map.loc)
#' # Extract path names
#' all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
#' # List files to import LRR/BAF 
#' list.of.files <- list.files(path=data.dir, pattern="cnv.txt.adjusted$")
#' list.of.files <- as.data.frame(list.of.files)
#' colnames(list.of.files)[1] <- "file.names"
#' list.of.files$sample.names <- sub(".cnv.txt.adjusted$", "", list.of.files$file.names)
#' # All missing samples will have LRR = '0' and BAF = '0.5' in all SNPs listed in the GDS file
#' importLrrBaf(all.paths, data.dir, list.of.files)
#' # Read the GDS to check if the LRR/BAF nodes were added
#' cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], 'CNV.gds')    
#' genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork=TRUE, readonly=FALSE)
#' SNPRelate::snpgdsClose(genofile)
#' @export

importLrrBaf <- function(all.paths, path.files, list.of.files, gds.file=NULL, verbose=TRUE){
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork=TRUE, readonly=FALSE)
    # Create file path for all text files
    file.paths <- file.path(path.files, list.of.files[, 1])
    gds.names <- list.of.files[, 2]
    list.filesLo <- data.frame(add = file.paths, gds = gds.names)
    snps.included <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id")
    snps.included <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(snps.included)
    snps.included <- as.character(snps.included)
    all.samples <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id")
    all.samples <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(all.samples)
    all.samples <- as.character(all.samples)
        lrr.baf.gds <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(gds.file, allow.fork=TRUE, readonly=FALSE)
        nodes.ava <- GDSArray::gdsnodes(lrr.baf.gds)
        stopifnot(all(c("snp.rs.id", "sample.id", "LRR", "BAF") %in% nodes.ava))
        snps.included.signals <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "snp.rs.id")
        snps.included.signals <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(snps.included.signals)
        snps.included.signals <- as.character(snps.included.signals)
        all.samples.signals <- gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "sample.id")
        all.samples.signals <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(all.samples.signals)
        all.samples.signals <- as.character(all.samples.signals)
        LRR.matrix <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "LRR"))
        BAF.matrix <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "BAF"))
        gdsfmt::add.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "LRR", LRR.matrix, replace = TRUE)
        gdsfmt::add.gdsn(lrr.baf.gds, "BAF", BAF.matrix, replace = TRUE)
        # Check if all files
        list.filesLo.back <- list.filesLo
        list.filesLo <- list.filesLo[list.filesLo$gds %in% all.samples, ]
            if (nrow(list.filesLo) != nrow(list.filesLo.back))
            warning("list.of.files has different length of the list of samples from gds")
        LRR.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(snps.included), ncol = length(all.samples))
        nLRR <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "LRR", LRR.matrix, replace = TRUE)
        BAF.matrix <- matrix(0.5, nrow = length(snps.included), ncol = length(all.samples))
        nBAF <- gdsfmt::add.gdsn(genofile, "BAF", BAF.matrix, replace = TRUE)
        if (verbose) message("Start parallel import of LRR/BAF values")
        param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 1, type = "SOCK")
        BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(nrow(list.filesLo)), .freadImport, BPPARAM = param, 
            list.filesLo = list.filesLo, genofile = genofile, all.samples = all.samples, 
            nLRR = nLRR, nBAF = nBAF, snps.included = snps.included, verbose = verbose)

# Extract the CNV genotypes from the GDS file @param genofile is the loaded gds
# file @param snp.id is the SNP probe name to retrieve @param node.to.extract
# \sQuote{CNVgenotype} or \sQuote{CNVgenotypeSNPlike}. Default is
# \sQuote{CNVgenotype} @return CNV genotypes in a specific probe @author
# Vinicius Henrique da Silva <vinicius.dasilva@wur.nl>
.snpgdsGetGenoCNV <- function(genofile, snp.id, node.to.extract = "CNVgenotype") 
    map <- data.frame(
        snp.id = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.id")), 
        chr = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome")), 
        position = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.position")), 
        probes = gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id")), 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    all.samples <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id"))
    snp.id <- as.numeric(as.character(map[map$probes == snp.id]))
    gens <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, node.to.extract), 
        start = c(snp.id, 1), count = c(1, length(all.samples)))

# HELPER - Create the folder tree to keep necessary files during and after the
# analysis @param name String with a project code or name (e.g. 'Project1')
# @param folder Choose manually the project folder (i.e. path as the root
# folder). If NULL, a standard program folder will be chosen.  @return List with
# paths placed to store the files produced by subsequent analysis @examples
# all.paths <- createFolderTree('Project_name')
.createFolderTree <- function(name, folder = NULL) 
    # data dir
    if (is.null(folder)) 
        folder <- rappdirs::user_data_dir("CNVRanger")
    if (!file.exists(folder)) 
        dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE)
    # project directory
    proj.dir <- file.path(folder, name)
    if (!file.exists(proj.dir)) dir.create(proj.dir)
    # subdirs
    dir.names <- c("Inputs", "PLINK", "Results")
    dirs <- dir.names
    all.paths <- file.path(proj.dir, dirs)
    for (d in all.paths) if (!file.exists(d)) dir.create(d)
    names(all.paths) <- dir.names

# HELPER - Download and test PLINK 1.07 @param all.paths Object returned from
# \code{CreateFolderTree} function with the working folder tree @param version
# PLINK version. Only 1.07 implemented @return boolean. Success (TRUE) or fail
# (FALSE) in running PLINK
.getPLINK <- function(plink.path, version = "1.07") 
    plink.url <- "http://zzz.bwh.harvard.edu/plink/dist/plink-"
    plink.url <- paste0(plink.url, version, "-")
    plink.file <- file.path(plink.path, "PLINK.zip")
    # get os-specific binary
    os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
    os <- switch(os, unix = "x86_64", mac = "mac-intel", win = "dos", os)
    plink.url <- paste0(plink.url, os, ".zip")
    # download & unzip
    download.file(plink.url, plink.file)
    unzip(plink.file, exdir = plink.path)
    # remove zip
    # path to plink binary
    plink.file <- dir(plink.path, pattern = "plink*")
    plink.path <- file.path(plink.path, plink.file, "plink")
    Sys.chmod(plink.path, mode = "755")
    suppressWarnings(res <- system2(plink.path, args = "--noweb", stdout = TRUE, 
        stderr = FALSE))
    res <- any(grepl(version, res))

# HELPER - Load phenotypes for each of the samples to be analyzed @param file.nam
# Name of the file to be imported @param pheno.path First item of the list
# returned by \code{CreateFolderTree} function @param pops.names Indicate the
# name of the populations. Only used if more than one population exists @param
# n.cor Number of cores @return List \sQuote{phen.info} with
# \sQuote{samplesPhen}, \sQuote{phenotypes}, \sQuote{phenotypesdf},
# \sQuote{phenotypesSam}, \sQuote{FamID} and \sQuote{SexIds} and
# \sQuote{pops.names} (if more than one population) @examples phen.info <-
# loadPhen('/home/.../Phen.txt') sapply(phen.info, class)
.loadPhen <- function(file.nam, all.paths, pops.names = NULL, n.cor = 1) 
    pheno.path <- all.paths["Inputs"]
    samplesPhen.all <- NULL
    phenotypes.all <- NULL
    phenotypesdf.all <- NULL
    phenotypesSam.all <- NULL
    FamID.all <- NULL
    SexIds.all <- NULL
    for (npop in seq_along(file.nam)) {
        dfN <- data.table::fread(file.path(pheno.path, file.nam[npop]))
        cnv.file <- paste0("CNVOutPop", npop, ".txt")
        cnvs <- read.table(file.path(pheno.path, cnv.file), sep = "", header = FALSE)
        CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor)
        all.samples <- as.character(CNVs$V5)
        all.samples <- unique(all.samples)

        if (all(names(dfN) == "INEXISTENT")) {
            ## Extract the sample names from CNV file instead
            samplesPhen <- all.samples
            phenotypesSam <- data.frame(all.samples, "NA", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            colnames(phenotypesSam) <- c("samplesPhen", phenotypes.all[[1]])
            FamID <- SexIds <- phenotypesSam
            colnames(FamID)[2] <- colnames(SexIds)[2] <- "V2"
        else {
            all <- data.table::fread(file.path(pheno.path, file.nam[npop]), header = TRUE, 
                sep = "\t")  ### Import phenotypes
            all <- as.data.frame(all)
            stopifnot(all(colnames(all)[1:3] == c("sample.id", "fam", "sex")))
            ### Include samples with CNV but without phenotypes
            pheno.na <- data.frame(sample.id=all.samples, fam = NA, sex = NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            pheno.na <- pheno.na[!(pheno.na$sample.id %in% all$sample.id), ]
            all <- plyr::rbind.fill(all, pheno.na)
            all[is.na(all)] <- -9
            ### Produce phen.info objects
            samplesPhen <- unique(all$sample.id)  ## Greb sample names
            phenotypesdf <- all[, 4:ncol(all), drop = FALSE]
            phenotypes <- names(phenotypesdf)  ## Greb phenotype names
            phenotypesdf <- as.data.frame(phenotypesdf)  ### Greb phenotypes values
            phenotypesSam <- data.frame(samplesPhen, phenotypesdf, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
            ind <- as.numeric(rownames(phenotypesSam))
            FamID <- data.frame(samplesPhen, V2 = all$fam[ind])
            SexIds <- data.frame(samplesPhen, V2 = all$sex[ind])
        samplesPhen.all[[npop]] <- samplesPhen
        phenotypes.all[[npop]] <- phenotypes
        phenotypesdf.all[[npop]] <- phenotypesdf
        phenotypesSam.all[[npop]] <- phenotypesSam
        FamID.all[[npop]] <- FamID
        SexIds.all[[npop]] <- SexIds
    samplesPhen <- unlist(samplesPhen.all)
    phenotypes <- unique(unlist(phenotypes.all))
    phenotypesdf <- data.table::rbindlist(phenotypesdf.all)
    phenotypesdf <- as.data.frame(phenotypesdf)
    phenotypesSam <- data.table::rbindlist(phenotypesSam.all)
    phenotypesSam <- as.data.frame(phenotypesSam)
    ind <- colnames(phenotypesSam) == phenotypes
    phenotypesSam[, ind] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(phenotypesSam[,ind])))
    phenotypesSam[is.na(phenotypesSam)] <- -9
    FamID <- data.table::rbindlist(FamID.all)
    FamID <- as.data.frame(FamID)
    SexIds <- data.table::rbindlist(SexIds.all)
    SexIds <- as.data.frame(SexIds)
    phen.info <- list(samplesPhen = samplesPhen, phenotypes = phenotypes, phenotypesdf = phenotypesdf, 
            phenotypesSam = phenotypesSam, FamID = FamID, SexIds = SexIds)

    if (!is.null(pops.names)) 
        grid <- seq_along(file.nam)
        phen.info$pops.names <- rep(pops.names[grid], each=lengths(samplesPhen.all[grid]))    

# HELPER - Check and convert CNV input @param cnvs Data-frame with the CNVs to be
# analyzed. From (i) PennCNV, (ii) SNP-chip general format or (iii) sequencing
# general format
.checkConvertCNVs <- function(cnvs, all.paths, n.cor = 1) 
    .convertPenn <- function(cnvs)
        cnvs <- as.data.frame(cnvs)
        cnvs$start <- as.integer(cnvs$start)
        cnvs$end <- as.integer(cnvs$end)
        cnvs$V1 <- paste0(cnvs$chr, ":", cnvs$start, "-", cnvs$end)
        cnvs$length <- (cnvs$end - cnvs$start) + 1
        cnvs$length <- paste0("length=", cnvs$length)
        cnvs$num.snps <- paste0("numsnp=", cnvs$num.snps)
        cnvs$start.probe <- paste0("startSNP=", cnvs$start.probe)
        cnvs$end.probe <- paste0("endSNP=", cnvs$end.probe)
        cnvs <- cnvs[, c(stand.names[1:3], "V1", "num.snps", "length", "state", "sample.id", 
            "start.probe", "end.probe")]
        colnames(cnvs)[5:10] <- paste0("V", 2:7)

    the.names <- as.character(as.matrix(cnvs[1, ]))
    stand.names <- c("chr", "start", "end", "sample.id", "state")
    stand.names.ext <- c(stand.names, "num.snps", "start.probe", "end.probe")
    ## If PennCNV file
    if (unique(sub("^([[:alpha:]]*).*", "\\1", cnvs$V2))[[1]] == "numsnp") 
        cnvs <- as.data.frame(cnvs)
        df1 <- reshape2::colsplit(cnvs$V1, ":", c("chr", "loc"))
        df2 <- reshape2::colsplit(df1$loc, "-", c("start", "end"))
        df1 <- cbind(df1[, -2, drop = FALSE], df2)
        cnvs <- cbind(df1, cnvs)
        cnvs$V1 <- gsub("chr", "", cnvs$V1)
        colnames(cnvs)[1:3] <- c("chr", "start", "end")
    ## If general format
    else if (suppressWarnings(all(the.names == stand.names.ext))) 
        cnvs <- cnvs[-1, ]
        colnames(cnvs) <- the.names
        cnvs <- .convertPenn(cnvs)  
    ## If sequencing info
    else if (all(the.names == stand.names)) 
        cnvs <- as.data.frame(cnvs)
        ### Include artificial probe tags
        cnvs.seq <- cnvs
        cnvs.seq <- cnvs.seq[-1, ]
        colnames(cnvs.seq) <- the.names
        cnv.seq.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(cnvs.seq, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
        chr.seq <- as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(cnv.seq.gr))
        start.seq <- GenomicRanges::start(cnv.seq.gr)
        start.seq <- data.frame(chr = chr.seq, position = start.seq, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        end.seq <- GenomicRanges::end(cnv.seq.gr)
        end.seq <- data.frame(chr = chr.seq, position = end.seq, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        dif <- GenomicRanges::end(cnv.seq.gr) - GenomicRanges::start(cnv.seq.gr)
        middle.seq <- GenomicRanges::end(cnv.seq.gr) - dif
        middle.seq <- data.frame(chr = chr.seq, position = middle.seq, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        arti.pr <- rbind(start.seq, end.seq, middle.seq)  # Bind all artifical probes
        arti.pr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(arti.pr, seqnames.field = "chr", 
            start.field = "position", end.field = "position")
        arti.pr <- GenomicRanges::reduce(arti.pr)  ## Exclude duplicated positions
        arti.pr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(arti.pr)
        arti.pr <- GenomicRanges::sort(arti.pr)
        probe.like.map <- as.data.frame(arti.pr)
        probe.like.map$Name <- paste0("probe.like_", seq_len(nrow(probe.like.map)))
        probe.like.map <- probe.like.map[, c("Name", "seqnames", "start")]
        colnames(probe.like.map) <- c("Name", "Chr", "Position")
        probe.like.map$Chr <- gsub("chr", "", probe.like.map$Chr)
        write.table(probe.like.map, file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt"), row.names = FALSE, 
            quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
        ## Associate artificial probes to CNVs
        probe.like.map.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(probe.like.map, 
            seqnames.field = "Chr", start.field = "Position", end.field = "Position", 
            keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
        ### HELPER - associate probes-like regions with CNVs
        .probeToCNVs <- function(lo, cnv.seq.gr, probe.like.map.gr) {
            ov.pr <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probe.like.map.gr, cnv.seq.gr[lo])
            num.snps <- length(ov.pr)
            start.probe <- ov.pr$Name[1]
            end.probe <- ov.pr$Name[num.snps]
            return(c(num.snps, start.probe, end.probe))
        os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
        if (os == "win") param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = n.cor, type = "SOCK")
        else param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cor)
        cnvs.probes <- suppressMessages(
            .probeToCNVs, BPPARAM = param, 
            cnv.seq.gr = cnv.seq.gr, probe.like.map.gr = probe.like.map.gr))
        cnv.p.df <- t(as.data.frame(cnvs.probes))
        cnv.seq.gr$num.snps <- as.integer(as.character(cnv.p.df[, 1]))
        cnv.seq.gr$start.probe <- as.character(cnv.p.df[, 2])
        cnv.seq.gr$end.probe <- as.character(cnv.p.df[, 3])
        cnv.seq <- as.data.frame(cnv.seq.gr)
        cnv.seq <- cnv.seq[, c(1:3, 6:10)]
        colnames(cnv.seq)[1] <- "chr"
        cnvs <- cnv.seq
        cnvs <- .convertPenn(cnvs)
    else stop("Unexpected CNV input format - is it tab delimited?")

# HELPER - Load multiple CNV inputs @param cnv.file.all CNV file name @param
# cnv.path CNV path name
.loadToMergeCNV <- function(cnv.file.all, cnv.path) {
    ## Load and merge CNV files from multiple populations
    data.table::fread(file.path(cnv.path, cnv.file.all), header = TRUE)

# HELPER - Write CNV-genotype in a dosage-like fashion
.writeProbesCNV <- function(lo, all.samples, genofile, CNVsGr, probes.cnv.gr, n) {
    sampleX <- all.samples[lo]
    g <- SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sampleX, verbose = FALSE)
    g <- drop(g)
    ind <- CNVsGr$V5 == sampleX
    CNVSamByState <- split(CNVsGr[ind], CNVsGr[ind]$V4)
    for (slo in seq_along(CNVSamByState)) {
        curr <- CNVSamByState[[slo]]
        curr4 <- curr$V4
        state <- unique(curr4)
        SamCNVSNP <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, curr))
        SamCNVSNP <- SamCNVSNP$snp.id
        g[SamCNVSNP] <- state
    g <- as.integer(g)
    gdsfmt::write.gdsn(n, g, start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))

# HELPER - Write CNV-genotype in a SNP-like fashion @param lo loop number @param
# genofile loaded gds file @param n is the object from \code{gdsfmt::add.gdsn}
# @param ranges.gr is the CNVs of each sample
.replaceSNPtoCNV <- function(lo, all.samples, genofile, CNVsGr, probes.cnv.gr, n) 
    sampleX <- all.samples[[lo]]
    g <- as.numeric(SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sampleX, verbose = FALSE))
    g <- 1
    GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(CNVsGr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
    CNVsGr <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$sample == sampleX]
    states <- paste0("state", c(1,2,5,6), ",cn=", c(0,1,3,4))
    code <- rep(c(0,2), each=2)
    for(i in 1:4)
        s <- states[i]
        co <- code[i]        
        cnvs <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$type == s]
        cnv.gr <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, cnvs)
        g[cnv.gr$tag.snp] <- co

    ### Replace the genotype in the gds file
    gdsfmt::write.gdsn(n, g, start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))

# HELPER - Write CNV-genotype in SNP-like fashion in biallelic loci @param lo
# loop number, based on the number of SNPs per turn @param genofile loaded gds
# file @param n is the object from \code{gdsfmt::add.gdsn} @param chunk
# Intervals of SNP to import and convert @param coding.translate For
# 'CNVgenotypeSNPlike'. If NULL or unrecognized string use only biallelic CNVs.
# If 'all' code multiallelic CNVs as 0 for loss; 1 for 2n and 2 for gain.
.recodeCNVgenotype <- function(lo, genofile, all.samples, n, chunk, coding.translate) 
    count.end <- (chunk[lo + 1]) - chunk[lo]
    add <- ifelse(length(chunk) - 1 != lo, 0, 1)
    CNVgenoX <- (g <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotypeSNPlike"), 
            start = c(chunk[lo], 1), count = c(count.end + add, length(all.samples))))
    ### Put four copies as max
    CNVgenoX[CNVgenoX > 4] <- 4
    CNVgenoX <- as.data.frame(CNVgenoX)
    states <- c("z", "o", "t", "th", "f")
    states <- paste0(states, "n")
    CNVgenoX[,states] <- rep(0:4, each=nrow(CNVgenoX))
    ### Count genotypes
    genos <- apply(CNVgenoX, 1, table)
    genos <- genos - 1
    genos <- t(genos)
    #### Recode genotypes
    sum12 <- rowSums(genos[, 1:2])   
    sum45 <- rowSums(genos[, 4:5])
    indexLoss <- (sum12 > 0) & (sum45 == 0)
    indexGain <- (sum12 == 0) & (sum45 > 0)
    indexExclude <- (sum12 > 0) & (sum45 > 0)
    ## Exclude index in the matrix
    CNVgenoX <- CNVgenoX[, -((ncol(CNVgenoX) - 4):ncol(CNVgenoX))]
    ### To character
    CNVgenoX <- t(apply(CNVgenoX, 1, paste0, "n"))
    ### Replace Gain
    CNVgenoX[indexGain,] <- CNVgenoX[indexGain,] - 2
    ### Replace Loss
    CNVgenoX[indexLoss, ] <- 2 - CNVgenoX[indexLoss, ]
    ## Non bi-allelic CNVs = no genotype
    if (is.null(coding.translate)) coding.translate <- "biallelic"
    else if (coding.translate == "all") 
        gmap <- c(0, 0, 1, 2, 2)
        # just for orientation: names(gmap) <- c("0n", "1n", "2n", "3n", "4n")
        for(i in indexExclude) CNVgenoX[i,] <- gmap[CNVgenoX[i,] + 1] 
    else CNVgenoX[indexExclude, ] <- -1
    ### Replace the genotype in the gds file
    gdsfmt::write.gdsn(n, CNVgenoX, 
                        start = c(chunk[lo], 1),
                        count = c(count.end + add, 

# HELPER Wait x seconds # from
# https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Sys.sleep.html
testit <- function(x) {
    p1 <- proc.time()
    proc.time() - p1

# HELPER - Produce the probes.cnv.gr
.prodProbes <- function(phen.info, lo.phe = 1, freq.cn = 0.01) {
    phenotypesSam <- phen.info$phenotypesSam
    samplesPhen <- phen.info$samplesPhen
    FamID <- phen.info$FamID
    SexIds <- phen.info$SexIds
    all.paths <- phen.info$all.paths
    phenotypesSamX <- phenotypesSam[, c(1, (lo.phe + 1))]
    ###################### Import CNVs to data-frame
    cnv.file <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNVOut.txt")
    cnvs <- data.table::fread(cnv.file, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)  ### CNV table 
    CNVs <- .checkConvertCNVs(cnvs, all.paths)
    ####################### Check if the chromosomes are numeric
    chr.names <- gsub("chr", "", CNVs$chr)
    CNVs$start <- as.integer(as.character(CNVs$start))
    CNVs$end <- as.integer(as.character(CNVs$end))
    CNVsGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(CNVs, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
    CNVsGr <- CNVsGr[CNVsGr$V5 %in% samplesPhen]  ### Subset CNVs in phenotyped samples
    ###################### Import SNP map to data-frame
    map.file <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "MapPenn.txt")
    probes <- data.table::fread(map.file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
    probes <- as.data.frame(probes)
    probes$Position <- as.integer(as.character(probes$Position))
    probes <- probes[stats::complete.cases(probes), ]
    probesGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(probes, seqnames.field = "Chr", 
        start.field = "Position", end.field = "Position", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
    all.samples <- unique(as.character(CNVsGr$V5))
    ###################### Select probes within CNVs
    GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(CNVsGr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probesGr)
    probesCNV <- suppressWarnings(as.character(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probesGr, 
    probesCNV <- unique(unlist(probesCNV))
    probes.cnv.gr <- probesGr[probesGr$Name %in% probesCNV]
    counts <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, CNVsGr)
    probes.cnv.gr$freq <- unname(counts)
    ##### Subset by frequency
    NumSam <- freq.cn * length(all.samples)
    probes.cnv.gr <- probes.cnv.gr[probes.cnv.gr$freq >= NumSam]
    ##### Order the probes
    probes.cnv.gr <- GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
    probes.cnv.gr <- GenomicRanges::sort(probes.cnv.gr)
    probes.cnv.gr$snp.id <- seq_along(probes.cnv.gr)

# HELPER - Internal function of parallel implementation to produce the .gvar file
# (absolute copy number) requested for the CNV-GWAS in PLINK @examples Gens <-
# .prodGvar(lo, genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id)
.prodGvar <- function(lo, genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id, snp.matrix) {
    g <- as.numeric(SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sam.gen[[lo]], 
        verbose = FALSE))
    start <-  c(1, lo)
    count <- c(length(g), 1)
    CNVg <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"), 
            start = start, count = count)
    CNVg <- CNVg - 1
    len <- length(CNVg)
    A <- rep("A", len)
    B <- rep("B", len)
    Dose1 <- rep(1, len)
    ind <- CNVg == -1
    Dose1[ind] <- CNVg[ind] <- 0
    B[CNVg == 1] <- "A"
    if (!snp.matrix) {
        df <- data.frame(fam.id[[lo]], sam.gen[[lo]], snps, A, CNVg, B, Dose1)
        colnames(df) <- c("FID", "IID", "NAME", "ALLELE1", "DOSAGE1", "ALLELE2", 
    } else stop("Option to consider SNP matrix is not implemented yet") 

# HELPER - Internal function of parallel implementation to produce the .gvar file
# (LRR) requested for the CNV-GWAS in PLINK @examples Gens <- .prodGvarLRR(lo,
# genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id)
.prodGvarLRR <- function(lo, genofile, sam.gen, snps, fam.id, snp.matrix) 
    ## Transform LRR calclulations into genotypes
    g <- as.numeric(SNPRelate::snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id = sam.gen[[lo]], 
        verbose = FALSE))
    A <- rep("A", length(gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"), 
        start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))))
    B <- rep("B", length(gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"), 
        start = c(1, lo), count = c(length(g), 1))))
    LRRg <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "LRR"), start = c(1, lo), 
        count = c(length(g), 1))
    LRRg[is.na(LRRg)] <- 0
    CNVg <- LRRg
    Dose1 <- rep(0, length(CNVg))
    if (!snp.matrix) {
        df <- as.data.frame(cbind(as.character(fam.id[[lo]]), sam.gen[[lo]], snps, 
            A, CNVg, B, Dose1))
        colnames(df) <- c("FID", "IID", "NAME", "ALLELE1", "DOSAGE1", "ALLELE2", 
    } else {
        stop("Option to consider SNP matrix is not implemented yet")  

# HELPER - Produce PLINK probe map in disk
.prodPLINKmap <- function(all.paths) 
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE)
    Pmap <- data.frame(
            gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome")), 
            gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id")), 
            0, gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.position")))
    colnames(Pmap) <- c("Chr", "NAME", "GD", "Position")
    map.file <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "mydata.map")
    write.table(Pmap, map.file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

# HELPER - Produce the PLINK .gvar file in disk
.prodPLINKgvar <- function(all.paths, n.cor, snp.matrix, run.lrr = FALSE) 
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
    sam.gen <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id"))
    snps <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id"))
    fam.id <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "FamID"))
    ## Produce gvar file in parallel processing Identify the SO
    os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
    if(os %in% c("unix", "mac")) param <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cor)
    else param <- BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = n.cor, type = "SOCK")    
    if(run.lrr) .fun <- .prodGvarLRR
    else .fun <- .prodGvar

    Gens <- suppressMessages(BiocParallel::bplapply(1:length(sam.gen), .fun, 
                BPPARAM = param, genofile = genofile, sam.gen = sam.gen, 
                snps = snps, fam.id = fam.id, snp.matrix = snp.matrix))
    gentype.all <- data.table::rbindlist(Gens)
    gentype.all1 <- as.data.frame(gentype.all)
    gvar.file <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "mydata.gvar")
    write.table(gentype.all1, gvar.file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

# HELPER - Produce the PLINK fam file in disk
.prodPLINKfam <- function(all.paths) 
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
    SamGen <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id"))
    SNPs <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.rs.id"))
    FAMID <- as.character(gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "FamID")))
    Sex <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "Sex"))
    Phen <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "phenotype"))
    famdf <- data.frame(FAMID, SamGen, SamGen, "NC", Sex, as.numeric(Phen[, 2]))
    colnames(famdf) <- c("FAID", "IID", "PID", "MID", "Sex", "Phenotype")
    fam.file <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "mydata.fam")
    write.table(famdf, fam.file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

.runPLINK <- function(all.paths) 
    os <- rappdirs:::get_os()
    if (os %in% c("win", "unix")) {
        plinkPath <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "plink")
        plinkPath <- gsub("\\\\", "/", plinkPath)
        system(paste(plinkPath, "--gfile", file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "mydata"), paste("--out", 
            file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "plink")), "--noweb"), wait = TRUE, intern = TRUE)
    else if (os == "mac") {
        plink.path <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "plink")
        mydata <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "mydata")
        mydata <- paste0("'", mydata, "'")
        plink <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "plink")
        plink <- paste0("'", plink, "'")
        args <- c("--gfile", mydata, "--out", plink, "--noweb", "--allow-no-sex")
        system2(plink.path, args = args)
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
    sumphen <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "phenotype"))
    sumphen <- paste0("plink.gvar.summary.", names(sumphen)[[2]])
    from <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "plink.gvar.summary")
    to <- file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], sumphen)
    file.rename(from, to)

# HELPER - Produce CNV segments
.prodCNVseg <- function(all.paths, probes.cnv.gr, min.sim, both.up.down) 
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
    snp.chr <-  gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "snp.chromosome")) 
    chrx <- data.frame(V1=snp.chr, V2=seq_along(snp.chr))
    g1 <- g2 <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "CNVgenotype"))
    chrx$V1 <- factor(chrx$V1, levels = unique(chrx$V1))
    chrx.split <- split(chrx, chrx$V1)
    # Find similarity between subsequent probes upstream 
    # g1 <- apply(g1,2,rev) 
    # g2 <- apply(g2,2,rev)
    SimiLar.all <- NULL
    for (lo in seq_along(chrx.split)) {
        snpindex <- as.numeric(as.character(chrx.split[[lo]]$V2))
        if (length(snpindex) == 1) {
            SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- "UNIQUE"
        g1x <- g1[snpindex, ]
        g1x <- apply(g1x, 2, rev)
        if (length(snpindex) == 2) {
            g1x <- rbind(g1x, rep(2, ncol(g1x)))  # If only two SNPs input a 2n row
        g1xM <- g1x[-(nrow(g1x)), ]
        g1CN <- apply(g1xM, 1, function(x) sum(table(x)[names(table(x)) != 2]))
        g1x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g1x)), 
            function(i) replace(g1x[i, ], g1x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
        g2x <- g2[snpindex, ]
        g2x <- apply(g2x, 2, rev)
        # If only two SNPs input a 2n row
        if (length(snpindex) == 2) g2x <- rbind(g2x, rep(2, ncol(g2x)))

        g2x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g2x)), function(i) replace(g2x[i, ], 
            g2x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
        g1x <- g1x[-nrow(g1x), ]
        g2x <- g2x[-1, ]
        ftma <- g1x == g2x
        SimiLar <- rowSums(ftma, na.rm=TRUE)
        simX <- SimiLar / g1CN
        if (length(snpindex) == 2) simX <- simX[-2]
        SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- simX  ### CNV genotype similarity between subsequent SNPs
    SimiLar.all.Up <- SimiLar.all
    ### Find similarity between subsequent probes Downstream
    SimiLar.all <- NULL
    for (lo in seq_along(chrx.split)) 
        snpindex <- as.numeric(as.character(chrx.split[[lo]]$V2))
        if (length(snpindex) == 1) {
            SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- "UNIQUE"
        g1x <- g1[snpindex, ]
        # If only two SNPs input a 2n row
        if (length(snpindex) == 2) g1x <- rbind(g1x, rep(2, ncol(g1x)))  
        g1xM <- g1x[-(nrow(g1x)), ]
        g1CN <- apply(g1xM, 1, function(x) sum(table(x)[names(table(x)) != 2]))
        g1x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g1x)), function(i) replace(g1x[i, ], 
            g1x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
        g2x <- g2[snpindex, ]
        # If only two SNPs input a 2n row
        if (length(snpindex) == 2) g2x <- rbind(g2x, rep(2, ncol(g2x)))  
        g2x <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(g2x)), function(i) replace(g2x[i, ], 
            g2x[i, ] == 2, paste0(i, "R")))))
        g1x <- g1x[-(nrow(g1x)), ]
        g2x <- g2x[-1, ]
        ftma <- g1x == g2x
        SimiLar <- rowSums(ftma, na.rm=TRUE)
        simX <- SimiLar / g1CN
        if (length(snpindex) == 2) simX <- simX[-2]

        # CNV genotype similarity between subsequent SNPs
        SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- simX  
    SimiLar.all.Down <- SimiLar.all
    if (both.up.down) {
        for (lo in seq_along(SimiLar.all)) {
            SimiLar.all[[lo]] <- pmin(SimiLar.all.Up[[lo]], SimiLar.all.Down[[lo]])
    ### Produce segments
    all.segs <- NULL
    for (ch in seq_along(SimiLar.all)) {
        SimiLarX <- SimiLar.all[[ch]]
        if (all(SimiLarX == "UNIQUE")) {
            all.segs[[ch]] <- "start"
        nextP <- NULL
        all.segsch <- NULL
        for (se in seq_along(SimiLarX)) 
            nextP[[se]] <- SimiLarX[[se]] >= min.sim
            if (se == 1) all.segsch[[se]] <- "start"
            else all.segsch[[se]] <- ifelse(nextP[[se - 1]], "cont", "start")
            if (se == length(SimiLarX)) 
                all.segsch[[se + 1]] <- ifelse(nextP[[se]], "cont", "start")
        all.segs[[ch]] <- all.segsch
    probes.cnv.gr$starts.seg <- unlist(all.segs)
    pstarts <- probes.cnv.gr[probes.cnv.gr$starts.seg == "start"]
    pstarts.split = split(pstarts, GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(pstarts))
    all.segs.gr <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
    for (chx in seq_along(pstarts.split)) {
        pstartsx <- pstarts.split[[chx]]
        if (!length(pstartsx)) {
            all.segs.gr[[chx]] <- GenomicRanges::reduce(pstartsx)  #Empty if no segments
        all.segs.grX <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
        for (st in seq_along(pstartsx)) {
            prx <- pstartsx[st]
            if (st < length(pstartsx)) {
                LimPrx <- GenomicRanges::start(pstartsx[st + 1]) - 1
            if (st == length(pstartsx)) {
                sel.probes <- probes.cnv.gr[GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(probes.cnv.gr) == 
                LimPrx <- max(GenomicRanges::start(sel.probes))
            seqLar <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(prx)), 
                IRanges::IRanges(GenomicRanges::start(prx), LimPrx))
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(seqLar) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
            seqPrbs <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, 
            seqx <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(prx)), 
                IRanges::IRanges(GenomicRanges::start(prx), GenomicRanges::start(seqPrbs[length(seqPrbs)])))
            all.segs.grX[[st]] <- seqx
        suppressWarnings(all.segs.gr[[chx]] <- unlist(all.segs.grX))

# HELPER - Associate probes with CNV segments and draw p-values
.assoPrCNV <- function(all.paths, all.segs.gr, phenotypesSamX, method.m.test, 
    probes.cnv.gr, assign.probe = "min.pvalue", correct.inflation) {
    segs.pvalue.gr <- unlist(all.segs.gr)
    segs.pvalue.gr$SegName <- seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)
    cnv.gds <- file.path(all.paths["Inputs"], "CNV.gds")
    genofile <- SNPRelate::snpgdsOpen(cnv.gds, allow.fork = TRUE, readonly = FALSE)
    gvar.name <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "phenotype"))
    gvar.name <- names(gvar.name)[[2]]
    sum.file <- paste0("plink.gvar.summary.", gvar.name)
    results <- read.table(file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], sum.file), header = TRUE)
    mydata.map <- read.table(file.path(all.paths["PLINK"], "mydata.map"), header = TRUE)
    resultsp <- merge(results, mydata.map, by.x = "NAME", by.y = "NAME", all.x = TRUE, 
        all.y = FALSE)
    # Choose the method
    # TODO: change if SNPMatrix implemented
    # allow to get other p-values
    resultsp <- resultsp[grep("P\\(CNP\\)", resultsp$FIELD), ]
    resultsp$VALUE <- as.numeric(as.character(resultsp$VALUE))
    resultsp$VALUE <- round(resultsp$VALUE, digits = 5)
    #### Correct for genomic inflation
    all.samples <- gdsfmt::read.gdsn(gdsfmt::index.gdsn(genofile, "sample.id"))
    if (correct.inflation) {
        #### Calculating chi-square distribution based on original P-values
        chisq.n <- qchisq(resultsp$VALUE, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
        ### Estimating genomic inflation factor
        lambda <- estlambda(resultsp$VALUE, filter = FALSE)$estimate
        ### correcting the qui-square distribution with lambda
        chisq_corr = chisq.n/lambda
        #### re-calculating corrected P values
        resultsp$VALUE = pchisq(chisq_corr, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
    resultsp <- resultsp[order(resultsp$VALUE), ]
    resultspGr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(resultsp, seqnames.field = "Chr", 
        start.field = "Position", end.field = "Position", keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
    ######## Assign the lowest p-value to the CNV segment
    values.all <- vector("list", length(segs.pvalue.gr))
    names.all <- vector("list", length(segs.pvalue.gr))
    freqs.all <- vector("list", length(segs.pvalue.gr))
    if (assign.probe == "min.pvalue") {
        for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
            Prbx <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, segs.pvalue.gr[se]))
            if (length(Prbx)) {
                values.all[[se]] <- min(Prbx$VALUE)
                names.all[[se]] <- as.character(Prbx[Prbx$VALUE %in% values.all[[se]]]$NAME[[1]])
                probe.sel <- Prbx[order(Prbx$VALUE)][1]
                probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, probe.sel))
                freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
            } else {
                probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, segs.pvalue.gr[se])[1])
                values.all[[se]] <- 1
                names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
                freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
    if (assign.probe == "high.freq") {
        for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(segs.pvalue.gr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
            probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, 
            probe.sel <- probe.sel[rev(order(probe.sel$freq))][1]
            ## Take the first probe if the position is duplicated
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probe.sel) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(resultspGr)
            resultX <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, probe.sel)[1])
            values.all[[se]] <- resultX$VALUE
            names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
            freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
    if (assign.probe == "median") {
        for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(segs.pvalue.gr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)
            probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, 
            absdiff <- abs(probe.sel$freq - median(probe.sel$freq))
            probe.sel <- probe.sel[which.min(absdiff)]
            ## Take the first probe if the position is duplicated
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probe.sel) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(resultspGr)
            resultX <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, probe.sel)[1])
            values.all[[se]] <- resultX$VALUE
            names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
            freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
    if (assign.probe == "mean") {
        for (se in seq_along(segs.pvalue.gr)) {
          GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(segs.pvalue.gr) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probes.cnv.gr)  
            probe.sel <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(probes.cnv.gr, 
            absdiff <- abs(probe.sel$freq - mean(probe.sel$freq))
            probe.sel <- probe.sel[which.min(absdiff)]
            ## Take the first probe if the position is duplicated
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(probe.sel) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(resultspGr)  
            resultX <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(resultspGr, probe.sel)[1])
            values.all[[se]] <- resultX$VALUE
            names.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$Name)
            freqs.all[[se]] <- as.character(probe.sel$freq[1])
    segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalue <- unlist(values.all)
    segs.pvalue.gr$NameProbe <- unlist(names.all)
    segs.pvalue.gr$Frequency <- unlist(freqs.all)
    segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalueAdjusted <- stats::p.adjust(segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalue, 
        method = method.m.test, n = length(segs.pvalue.gr))
    segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalueAdjusted <- round(segs.pvalue.gr$MinPvalueAdjusted, 5) # Avoid 0 p-values
    segs.pvalue.gr$Phenotype <- names(phenotypesSamX)[[2]]

# HELPER - Function to apply during LRR/BAF import @param lo loop number, based
# on the number of SNPs per turn @param list.filesLo Data-frame with two columns
# where the (i) is the path + file name with signals and (ii) is the
# correspondent name of the sample in the gds file @param genofile loaded gds
# file @param all.samples All samples in the gds file @param nLRR Connection to
# write LRR values @param nBAF Connection to write BAF values @param
# snps.included All SNP probe names to be included @param verbose Print the
# samples while importing
.freadImport <- function(lo, list.filesLo, genofile, all.samples, nLRR = NULL, nBAF = NULL, 
    snps.included, verbose) {
    if (verbose) message(paste0("sample ", lo, " of ", length(all.samples)))
    file.x <- c(as.character(list.filesLo[lo, 1]), as.character(list.filesLo[lo,2]))
    ### Import the sample file with fread
    sig.x <- data.table::fread(file.x[1], skip = 1L, header = FALSE)
    sig.x <- as.data.frame(sig.x)
    colnames(sig.x) <- c("name", "chr", "position", "lrr", "baf")
    ### Order the signal file as in the gds
    ind <- as.vector(sig.x$name) %in% snps.included
    sig.x <- sig.x[ind, ]
    ### Include missing SNPs
    missing.snps <- snps.included[!(snps.included %in% sig.x$name)]
    if (length(missing.snps) > 0) {
        missing.snps <- data.frame(missing.snps, chr = "NoN", position = "NoN", lrr = NA, 
            baf = NA)
        colnames(missing.snps)[1] <- "name"
        sig.x <- rbind(sig.x, missing.snps)
    sig.x <- sig.x[order(match(sig.x[, 1], snps.included)), ]
    ### Extract the LRR
    LRR.x <- sig.x$lrr
    ### Extract the BAF
    BAF.x <- sig.x$baf
    ### Find the number of the sample
    sam.num <- which(all.samples == file.x[2])
    if (!is.null(nLRR)) {
        ### Write LRR value for sample x
        gdsfmt::write.gdsn(nLRR, LRR.x, start = c(1, sam.num), count = c(length(snps.included), 
    } else if (!is.null(nBAF)) {
        ### Write BAF value for sample x
        gdsfmt::write.gdsn(nBAF, BAF.x, start = c(1, sam.num), count = c(length(snps.included), 

# HELPER - Estimate lambda - From GeneAbel package that was temporarily removed from CRAN
estlambda <- function(data, plot = FALSE, proportion = 1, method = "regression", 
          filter = TRUE, df = 1, ...) 
  data <- data[which(!is.na(data))]
  if (proportion > 1 || proportion <= 0) 
    stop("proportion argument should be greater then zero and less than or equal to one")
  ntp <- round(proportion * length(data))
  if (ntp < 1) 
    stop("no valid measurements")
  if (ntp == 1) {
    warning(paste("One measurement, lambda = 1 returned"))
    return(list(estimate = 1, se = 999.99))
  if (ntp < 10) 
    warning(paste("number of points is too small:", ntp))
  if (min(data) < 0) 
    stop("data argument has values <0")
  if (max(data) <= 1) {
    data <- qchisq(data, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
  if (filter) {
    data[which(abs(data) < 1e-08)] <- NA
  data <- sort(data)
  ppoi <- stats::ppoints(data)
  ppoi <- sort(qchisq(ppoi, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE))
  data <- data[seq_len(ntp)]
  ppoi <- ppoi[seq_len(ntp)]
  out <- list()
  if (method == "regression") {
    s <- summary(stats::lm(data ~ 0 + ppoi))$coeff
    out$estimate <- s[1, 1]
    out$se <- s[1, 2]
  else if (method == "median") {
    out$estimate <- median(data, na.rm = TRUE) / qchisq(0.5, df)
    out$se <- NA
  else {
    stop("'method' should be either 'regression' or 'median'!")
  if (plot) {
    lim <- c(0, max(data, ppoi, na.rm = TRUE))
    oldmargins <- graphics::par()$mar
    graphics::par(mar = oldmargins + 0.2)
    plot(ppoi, data, xlab = expression("Expected " ~ chi^2), 
         ylab = expression("Observed " ~ chi^2), ...)
    graphics::abline(a = 0, b = 1)
    graphics::abline(a = 0, b = out$estimate, col = "red")
    graphics::par(mar = oldmargins)

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CNVRanger documentation built on Dec. 12, 2020, 2 a.m.