
Defines functions is.items .warnMsg .errorMsg .collapse .stripWhiteSpace .residual .examineGOF .patternSearch .matInd .linInd .unionList .intersectList .symSetDiffList .meshEval .fitCurve .edmednnormals .pmednnormals .dmednnormals .rmednnormals .edmedncauchys .pmedncauchys .dmedncauchys .rmedncauchys .multinom .reformatData .getSupportVec .sanitizeInput .convertCSetMolecularProfilesToSE

Documented in .convertCSetMolecularProfilesToSE .intersectList is.items .symSetDiffList .unionList

## Utility function for the Gx suite packages ------------------------------ 
## FIXME:: Put these functions in sections based on similar purposes

# ExpressionSet to SummarizedExperiment -----------------------------------

#' CSet molecularProfiles from ESets to SEs
#' Converts all ExpressionSet objects within the molecularProfiles slot of a 
#'   CoreSet to SummarizedExperiments
#' @param cSet \code{S4} A CoreSet containing molecular data in ExpressionSets
#' @return \code{S4} A CoreSet containing molecular data in a 
#'   SummarizedExperiments
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment Assays assay 
#'   assayNames assayNames<-
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs fData pData annotation protocolData 
#'   assayDataElementNames
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList DataFrame
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @keywords internal
.convertCSetMolecularProfilesToSE <- function(cSet) {

    eSets <- molecularProfilesSlot(cSet)  # Extract eSet data
    molecularProfilesSlot(cSet) <- lapply(eSets, function(eSet) {
        # Change rownames from probes to EnsemblGeneId for rna data type
        if (grepl("^rna$", Biobase::annotation(eSet))) {
            rownames(eSet) <- Biobase::fData(eSet)$EnsemblGeneId
        # Build summarized experiment from eSet TODO:: Do we want to pass an environment for better memory efficiency?
        SE <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(as.list(Biobase::assayData(eSet))), rowData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(Biobase::fData(eSet), 
            rownames = rownames(Biobase::fData(eSet))), colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(Biobase::pData(eSet), rownames = rownames(Biobase::pData(eSet))), 
            metadata = list(experimentData = eSet@experimentData, annotation = Biobase::annotation(eSet), protocolData = Biobase::protocolData(eSet)))
        ## TODO:: Determine if this can be done in the SE constructor?  Extract names from expression set
        assayNames(SE) <- assayDataElementNames(eSet)
        # Assign SE to cSet
        mDataType <- Biobase::annotation(eSet)
        molecularProfilesSlot(cSet)[[mDataType]] <- SE
    setNames(cSet@molecularProfiles, names(eSets))

# sanityCheck -------------------------------------------------------------

## TODO:: Add documentation!
#' @export
#' @noRd
.sanitizeInput <- function(x, y, lower, upper, pars, x_as_log, y_as_log, y_as_pct, trunc, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Set to 2 to see debug printouts
    if (!is.logical(x_as_log)) {
        if (verbose == 2) {
        stop("'x_as_log' is not a logical.")
    if (!is.logical(y_as_log)) {
        if (verbose == 2) {
        stop("'y_as_log' is not a logical.")
    if (!is.logical(y_as_pct)) {
        if (verbose == 2) {
        stop("'y_as_pct' is not a logical.")
    if (!is.logical(trunc)) {
        if (verbose == 2) {
        stop("'trunc' is not a logical.")
    if (y_as_pct && y_as_log) {
        if (verbose == 2) {
        warning("y_as_pct and y_as_log flags should almost certainly not both be TRUE.")
    if (!(verbose %in% c(0, 1, 2))) {
        message("verbose:")  #can't have the if(verbose == 2) statement here since verbose itself is the problem!
        stop("'verbose' flag is not set correctly.")
    if (!missing(x)) {
        if (!all(is.finite(x) || is.na(x) || (x_as_log && x == -Inf))) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("x must contain only real numbers, NA-values, and/or -Inf (if x_as_log flag is set to TRUE).")
        if (x_as_log == FALSE && min(x) < 0) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("Negative x-values encountered. Data may be inappropriate, or 'x_as_log' flag may be set incorrectly.")
        if (length(unique(x)) < 3) {
            stop("Please pass in at least 3 unique dose points.")
    if (missing(y)) {
        if (missing(pars)) {
            stop("Both 'pars' and 'y' missing, please pass in some data!")
        } else {
            if (pars[[1]] < 0 || pars[[2]] < 0) {
                # HS or alpha
                if (verbose == 2) {
                warning("Curve parameters may be inappropriately set to negative values.")
            if (length(pars) == 3) {
                # and thus we are in PharmacoGx
                if (x_as_log == FALSE && pars[[3]] < 0) {
                  stop("'x_as_log' flag may be set incorrectly, as the EC50 is negative when a positive value is expected.")
                if (y_as_pct == FALSE) {
                  if (pars[[2]] > 1) {
                    if (verbose == 2) {
                    warning("Warning: 'y_as_pct' flag may be set incorrectly.")
            } else if (length(pars) == 2) {
                if (pars[[1]] < pars[[2]]) {
                  if (verbose) {
                    warning("Alpha is greater than beta.")
                    if (verbose == 2) {
            } else {
                stop("Pars does not have the correct length.")
    } else {
        if (!all(is.finite(y) || is.na(y) || (y_as_log && y == -Inf))) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("y must contain only real numbers, NA-values, and/or -Inf (if y_as_log is set to TRUE).")
        if (min(y) < 0) {
            if (verbose) {
                warning("Warning: Negative y data.")
                if (verbose == 2) {
        if (max(y) > (1 + 99 * y_as_pct)) {
            if (verbose) {
                warning("Warning: y data exceeds negative control.")
                if (verbose == 2) {
        if (missing(pars)) {
            if (y_as_log == FALSE && min(y) < 0) {
                if (verbose) {
                  warning("Negative y-values encountered. y data may be inappropriate, or 'y_as_log' flag may be set incorrectly.")
                  if (verbose == 2) {
            if (y_as_pct == TRUE && max(y) < 5) {
                if (verbose) {
                  warning("Warning: 'y_as_pct' flag may be set incorrectly.")
                  if (verbose == 2) {
            if (y_as_pct == FALSE && max(y) > 5) {
                if (verbose) {
                  warning("Warning: 'y_as_pct' flag may be set incorrectly.")
                  if (verbose == 2) {
            if (!missing(x) && length(x) != length(y)) {
                if (verbose == 2) {
                stop("Vector of x-values is not of same length as vector of y-values.")
        } else {
            stop("Please pass in only one of 'pars' and 'y', as it is unclear which to use in the computation.")
    if (!missing(lower) && !missing(upper)) {
        if (!(is.double(lower))) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("The lower bound must be a positive real number.")
        if (!(is.double(lower))) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("The upper bound must be a positive real number.")
        if (lower >= upper) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("The lower bound of the range of allowed x-values must be less than the upper bound.")
        if (lower < 0) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("The lower bound of the range of allowed x-values must be nonnegative.")
        if (upper < 0) {
            if (verbose == 2) {
            stop("The upper bound of the range of allowed x-values must be nonnegative.")

# getSupportVec -----------------------------------------------------------

## get vector of interpolated concentrations for graphing purposes
#' .getSupportVec 
#' @param x An input vector of dosages
#' @param output_length The length of the returned support vector
#' @return \code{numeric} A numeric vector of interpolated concentrations
#' @export
#' @noRd
.getSupportVec <- function(x, output_length = 1001) {
    return(seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), length.out = output_length))

#### reformatData ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
.reformatData <- function(x, y, pars, x_to_log, y_to_log, y_to_frac, trunc) {
    if (!(is.logical(x_to_log))) {
        stop("x_to_log must be a logical.")
    if (!(is.logical(y_to_log))) {
        stop("y_to_log must be a logical.")
    if (!(is.logical(y_to_frac))) {
        stop("y_to_frac must be a logical.")
    if (x_to_log) {
        x <- log10(x)
    ### Shouldnt we sort y in same order?????
    if (is.unsorted(x)) {
        warning("x-values passed in unsorted. Sorting x-values and corresponding y-values (if passed in).")
        xOrder <- order(x)
        x <- x[xOrder]
    if (!missing(y)) {
        if (any(is.na(x) & (!is.na(y)))) {
            warning("Missing x-values with non-missing y-values encountered. Removed y-values correspoding to those x-values.")
            myx <- !is.na(x)
            x <- as.numeric(x[myx])
            y <- as.numeric(y[myx])
        if (any((!is.na(x)) & is.na(y))) {
            warning("Missing y-values with non-missing x-values encountered. Removed x values correspoding to those y-values.")
            myy <- !is.na(y)
            x <- as.numeric(x[myy])
            y <- as.numeric(y[myy])
        if (is.unsorted(x)) {
            y <- y[xOrder]
        if (trunc) {
            y = pmin(as.numeric(y), 1)
            y = pmax(as.numeric(y), 0)
        if (x_to_log) {
            x0s <- which(x == -Inf)
            if (length(x0s) > 0) {
                x <- x[-x0s]
                y <- y[-x0s]
        if (y_to_log) {
            if (any(y <= 0)) {
                warning("Transforming y to log with non-positive y values present, therefore removing.")
                x <- x[y > 0]
                y <- y[y > 0]
                if (!length(x)) {
                  stop("No valid positive y values encountered, please pass in some data.")
            y <- log(y)
        if (y_to_frac) {
            y <- y/100
        if (length(unique(x)) < 3) {
            stop("Less than 3 unique dose points left after cleaning data, please pass in enough valid measurements.")
        return(list(x = x, y = y))
    if (!missing(pars)) {
        if (x_to_log && length(pars) == 3) {
            pars[[3]] <- log10(pars[[3]])
        if (y_to_frac && length(pars) == 3) {
            pars[[2]] <- pars[[2]]/100
        return(list(x = x, pars = pars))

# multinom ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
.multinom <- function(x, y) {
    coeff <- 1
    for (i in seq_len(length(y))) {
        coeff <- coeff * choose(x, y[i])
        x <- x - y[i]

# medncauchys -------------------------------------------------------------

## TODO:: Add documentation to these functions
#' @importFrom stats rcauchy
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.rmedncauchys = function(N, n, scale) {
    x <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = N)
    for (i in seq_len(N)) {
        x[i] <- median(rcauchy(n, scale = scale))

#' @importFrom stats dcauchy pcauchy integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.dmedncauchys = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
    n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
    scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
    y <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(x))
    for (g in seq_along(x)) {
        if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
            y[g] <- 2 * .multinom(n[g], c(n[g]/2 - 1, n[g]/2 - 1)) * tryCatch(integrate(f = function(j) {
                (pcauchy(x[g] - j/2, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (1 - pcauchy(x[g] + j/2, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * dcauchy(x[g] - 
                  j/2, scale = scale[g]) * dcauchy(x[g] + j/2, scale = scale[g])
            }, lower = 0, upper = Inf, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
                if (divisions == 1) {
                  wseq <- c(1, 4, 1)
                } else {
                  wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
                aseq <- seq(from = 0, to = pi/2, length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
                tseq <- tan(aseq)/2
                return(sum((pcauchy(x[g] + tseq, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (pcauchy(x[g] - tseq, scale = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * 
                  dcauchy(x[g] + tseq, scale = scale[g]) * dcauchy(x[g] - tseq, scale = scale[g])/(cos(aseq))^2 * wseq) * (aseq[2] - aseq[1])/6)
        } else {
            y[g] <- .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2)) * (pcauchy(x[g], scale = scale[g]))^((n[g] - 1)/2) * (1 - pcauchy(x[g], 
                scale = scale[g]))^((n[g] - 1)/2) * dcauchy(x[g], scale = scale[g])

#' @importFrom stats pcauchy integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.pmedncauchys = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
    n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
    scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
    y <- integer(length(x))
    for (g in seq_along(x)) {
        if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
            y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
                .dmedncauchys(k, n[g], scale[g])
            }, lower = -Inf, upper = x[g], subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
                wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
                aseq <- seq(from = -pi/2, to = atan(x[g]), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
                return(sum(.dmedncauchys(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]) * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)
        } else {
            y[g] <- 0
            Fx <- pcauchy(x[g], scale = scale[g])
            for (i in 0:((n[g] - 1)/2)) {
                y[g] <- y[g] + choose((n[g] - 1)/2, i) * (-1)^i * Fx^((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)/((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)
            y[g] <- y[g] * .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2))

#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.edmedncauchys = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
    n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
    scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
    y <- numeric(length(x))
    for (g in seq_along(y)) {
        if (x[g] > 0) {
            upper <- Inf
            lower <- x[g]
        } else {
            upper <- x[g]
            lower <- -Inf
        y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
            (.dmedncauchys(k, n[g], scale[g]))^2
        }, lower = lower, upper = upper, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
            wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
            aseq <- seq(from = atan(lower), to = atan(upper), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
            return(sum((.dmedncauchys(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]))^2 * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)

#### mednnormals -------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.rmednnormals = function(N, n, scale) {
    x <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = N)
    for (i in seq_len(N)) {
        x[i] <- median(rnorm(n, sd = scale))

#' @importFrom stats rnorm  dnorm
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.dmednnormals = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
    n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
    scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
    y <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(x))
    for (g in seq_along(x)) {
        if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
            y[g] <- 2 * .multinom(n[g], c(n[g]/2 - 1, n[g]/2 - 1)) * tryCatch(integrate(f = function(j) {
                (pnorm(x[g] - j/2, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (1 - pnorm(x[g] + j/2, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * dnorm(x[g] - j/2, 
                  sd = scale[g]) * dnorm(x[g] + j/2, sd = scale[g])
            }, lower = 0, upper = Inf, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
                if (divisions == 1) {
                  wseq <- c(1, 4, 1)
                } else {
                  wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
                aseq <- seq(from = 0, to = pi/2, length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
                tseq <- tan(aseq)/2
                return(sum((pnorm(x[g] + tseq, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * (pnorm(x[g] - tseq, sd = scale[g]))^(n[g]/2 - 1) * dnorm(x[g] + 
                  tseq, sd = scale[g]) * dnorm(x[g] - tseq, sd = scale[g])/(cos(aseq))^2 * wseq) * (aseq[2] - aseq[1])/6)
        } else {
            y[g] <- .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2)) * (pnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g]))^((n[g] - 1)/2) * (1 - pnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g]))^((n[g] - 
                1)/2) * dnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g])

#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.pmednnormals = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
    n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
    scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
    y <- numeric(length(x))
    for (g in seq_along(x)) {
        if (n[g]%%2 == 0) {
            y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
                .dmednnormals(k, n[g], scale[g])
            }, lower = -Inf, upper = x[g], subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
                wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
                aseq <- seq(from = -pi/2, to = atan(x[g]), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
                return(sum(.dmednnormals(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]) * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)
        } else {
            y[g] <- 0
            Fx <- pnorm(x[g], sd = scale[g])
            for (i in 0:((n[g] - 1)/2)) {
                y[g] <- y[g] + choose((n[g] - 1)/2, i) * (-1)^i * Fx^((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)/((n[g] + 1)/2 + i)
            y[g] <- y[g] * .multinom(n[g], c((n[g] - 1)/2, (n[g] - 1)/2))

#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @export
#' @keywords intenral
#' @noRd
.edmednnormals = function(x, n, scale, divisions = 100) {
    n <- rep(n, times = length(x)/length(n))
    scale <- rep(scale, times = length(x)/length(scale))
    y <- numeric(length(x))
    for (g in seq_along(y)) {
        if (x[g] > 0) {
            upper <- Inf
            lower <- x[g]
        } else {
            upper <- x[g]
            lower <- -Inf
        y[g] <- tryCatch(integrate(f = function(k) {
            (.dmednnormals(k, n[g], scale[g]))^2
        }, lower = lower, upper = upper, subdivisions = divisions)[[1]], error = function(e) {
            wseq <- c(1, 4, rep(c(2, 4), times = divisions - 1), 1)
            aseq <- seq(from = atan(lower), to = atan(upper), length.out = 2 * divisions + 1)
            return(sum((.dmednnormals(tan(aseq), n[g], scale[g]))^2 * wseq/(cos(aseq))^2) * (aseq[3] - aseq[1])/6)

# fitCurve ----------------------------------------------------------------

## TODO:: Add function documentation
#' .fitCurve
#' Curve optimization from 1 variable to 1 variable, using L-BFSG-B from optim, 
#' with fallback to pattern search if optimization fails to converge. 
#' @param x [`numeric`] input/x values for function
#' @param y [`numeric`] output/y values for function
#' @param f [`function`] function f, parameterized by parameters to optimize 
#' @param density [`numeric`] how many points in the dimension of each parameter should 
#'   be evaluated (density of the grid)
#' @param step initial step size for pattern search.
#' @param precision [`numeric`] smallest step size used in pattern search, once step size drops below this value,
#'   the search terminates.  
#' @param lower_bounds [`numeric`] lower bounds for the paramater search space
#' @param upper_bounds [`numeric`] upper bounds for the parameter search space
#' @param median_n [`integer`] number of technical replicates per measured point in x. Used to 
#'   evaluate the proper median distribution for the normal and cauchy error models
#' @param scale [`numeric`] scale on which to measure probability for the error model (roughly SD of error)
#' @param family [`character`] which error family to use. Currently, `normal` and `cauchy` are implemented
#' @param trunc [`logical`] Whether or not to truncate the values at 100% (1.0)
#' @param verbose [`logical`] should diagnostic messages be printed?
#' @param gritty_guess [`numeric`] intitial, uninformed guess on parameter values (usually heuristic)
#' @param span ['numeric'] can be safely kept at 1, multiplicative ratio for initial step size in pattern search. 
#'   Must be larger than precision. 
#' @importFrom stats optim var
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.fitCurve <- function(x, y, f, density, step, precision, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, scale, family, median_n, trunc, verbose, gritty_guess, 
    span = 1) {
    guess <- tryCatch(optim(par = gritty_guess, fn = function(t) {
        .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = t, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
    }, lower = lower_bounds, upper = upper_bounds, control = list(factr = 1e-08, trace = 0), method = "L-BFGS-B"), error = function(e) {
        list(par = gritty_guess, convergence = -1)
    failed = guess[["convergence"]] != 0
    guess <- guess[["par"]]
    guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
    gritty_guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = gritty_guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
    if (failed || any(is.na(guess)) || guess_residual >= gritty_guess_residual) {
        guess <- .meshEval(x = x, y = y, f = f, guess = gritty_guess, lower_bounds = lower_bounds, upper_bounds = upper_bounds, density = density, 
            n = median_n, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
        guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = median_n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
        guess <- .patternSearch(x = x, y = y, f = f, guess = guess, n = median_n, guess_residual = guess_residual, lower_bounds = lower_bounds, 
            upper_bounds = upper_bounds, span = span, precision = precision, step = step, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
    y_hat <- do.call(f, list(x, guess))
    Rsqr <- 1 - var(y - y_hat)/var(y)
    attr(guess, "Rsquare") <- Rsqr

# meshEval ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' meshEval
#' generate an initial guess for dose-response curve parameters by evaluating
#' the residuals at different lattice points of the search space
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# ##FIXME:: Why is this different in PharmacoGx?
.meshEval <- function(x, y, f, guess, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, density, n, scale, family, trunc) {
    pars <- NULL
    guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = n, pars = guess, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
    periods <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(guess), ncol = 1)
    names(periods) <- names(guess)
    periods[1] <- 1
    if (length(guess) > 1) {
        for (par in 2:length(guess)) {
            periods[par] <- periods[par - 1] * density[par] * (upper_bounds[par] - lower_bounds[par])
    currentPars <- lower_bounds
    for (point in seq_len(prod((upper_bounds - lower_bounds) * density))) {
        for (par in seq_along(guess)) {
            if (point%%periods[par] == 0) {
                if (currentPars[par] >= upper_bounds[par]) {
                  currentPars[par] <- lower_bounds[par]
                } else {
                  currentPars[par] <- currentPars[par] + 1/density[par]
        test_guess_residual <- .residual(x = x, y = y, n = n, pars = currentPars, f = f, scale = scale, family = family, trunc = trunc)
        if (!length(test_guess_residual) || (!is.finite(test_guess_residual) && test_guess_residual != Inf)) {
            stop(paste0(" Test Guess Residual is: ", test_guess_residual, "\n", "Other Pars:\n", "x: ", paste(x, collapse = ", "), "\n", 
                "y: ", paste(y, collapse = ", "), "\n", "n: ", n, "\n", "pars: ", pars, "\n", "scale: ", scale, "\n", "family : ", family, 
                "\n", "Trunc ", trunc))
        if (test_guess_residual < guess_residual) {
            guess <- currentPars
            guess_residual <- test_guess_residual

# Set Operations ----------------------------------------------------------

## TODO:: Can we implement this as an extension of the BiocGenerics::setdiff?
#' Utility to find the symmetric set difference of a list of two or more 
#' vectors or lists
#' The function finds the symmetric set differnces between all the arguments, 
#' defined as Union(args)-Intersection(args)
#' @examples 
#' list1 <- list('a', 'b', 'c')
#' list2 <- list('a', 'c')
#' list3 <- list('a', 'c', 'd')
#' listAll <- .symSetDiffList(list1, list2, list3)
#' listAll
#' @param ... A list of or any number of vector like objects of the same mode,
#'   which could also be operated on by the native R set operations
#' @return A vector like object of the same mode as the first argument,
#'   containing only the symmetric set difference
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.symSetDiffList <- function(...) {
    return(setdiff(.unionList(...), .intersectList(...)))

## FIXME:: This should be implemented as an extension of the intersect generic provided in the BiocGenerics package!
#' Intersect A List of More Than Two Vectors
#' Utility to find the intersection between a list of more than two vectors or
#'   lists This function extends the native intersect function to work on two 
#'   or more arguments.
#' @examples 
#' list1 <- list('a', 'b', 'c')
#' list2 <- list('a', 'c')
#' list3 <- list('a', 'c', 'd')
#' listAll <- .intersectList(list1, list2, list3)
#' listAll
#' @param ... A list of or any number of vector like objects of the same mode,
#'   which could also be operated on by the native R set operations
#' @return A vector like object of the same mode as the first argument,
#'   containing only the intersection common to all arguments to the function
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.intersectList <- function(...) {
    args <- list(...)
    nargs <- length(args)
    if (nargs == 0) {
    if (nargs == 1) {
        if (nargs == 1 && is.list(args[[1]])) {
            do.call(".intersectList", args[[1]])
        } else {
    } else if (nargs == 2) {
        return(intersect(args[[1]], args[[2]]))
    } else {
        return(intersect(args[[1]], .intersectList(args[-1])))

## FIXME:: This should be implemented as an extension of the union generic from BiocGenerics
#' Utility to find the union between a list of more than two vectors or
#' lists
#' This function extends the native union function to work on two or more
#' arguments.
#' @examples 
#' list1 <- list('a', 'b')
#' list2 <- list('a', 'c')
#' list3 <- list('c', 'd')
#' listAll <- .unionList(list1, list2, list3)
#' listAll
#' @param ... A list of or any number of vector like objects of the same mode,
#'   which could also be operated on by the native R set operations
#' @return A vector like object of the same mode as the first argument,
#'   containing all the elements of all arguments passed to the function
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.unionList <- function(...) {
    args <- list(...)
    nargs <- length(args)
    return(unique(unlist(do.call(c, args))))

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# @param matInd array indices @param dimsizes array containing size of array of interest in each dimension
.linInd <- function(matInd, dimsizes) {
    y <- matInd[1]
    if (length(dimsizes) > 1) {
        for (i in seq(2, length(dimsizes))) {
            y <- y + (matInd[i] - 1) * prod(dimsizes[seq_len(i - 1)])

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# @param linInd linear index @param dimsizes array containing size of array of interest in each dimension
.matInd <- function(linInd, dimsizes) {
    y <- matrix(0, nrow = length(dimsizes), ncol = 1)
    if (NROW(y) > 1) {
        for (i in seq(2, length(dimsizes))) {
            y[i] <- ceiling(linInd/prod(dimsizes[seq_len(i - 1)]))
            linInd <- linInd - (y[i] - 1) * prod(dimsizes[seq_len(i - 1)])
    y[1] <- linInd

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.patternSearch <- function(x, y, f, guess, n, guess_residual, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, span, precision, step, scale, family, trunc) {
    neighbours <- matrix(nrow = 2 * length(guess), ncol = length(guess))
    neighbour_residuals <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(neighbours))
    while (span > precision) {
        for (neighbour in seq_len(nrow(neighbours))) {
            neighbours[neighbour, ] <- guess
            dimension <- ceiling(neighbour/2)
            if (neighbour%%2 == 1) {
                neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmin(guess[dimension] + span * step[dimension], upper_bounds[dimension])
            } else {
                neighbours[neighbour, dimension] <- pmax(guess[dimension] - span * step[dimension], lower_bounds[dimension])
            neighbour_residuals[neighbour] <- .residual(x = x, y = y, f = f, pars = neighbours[neighbour, ], n = n, scale = scale, family = family, 
                trunc = trunc)
        if (min(neighbour_residuals) < guess_residual) {
            guess <- neighbours[which.min(neighbour_residuals)[1], ]
            guess_residual <- min(neighbour_residuals)
        } else {
            span <- span/2

# Not Used? ------------------------------------------------------------------

### TODO:: Determine type of objects intended for this function
#' Getter for attributes of an object
#' @param pars The object for which attributes are to be returned
#' @return A named vector where index `Rsquare` contains the attributes of the object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.examineGOF <- function(pars) {
    return(c(Rsquare = attr(pars, "Rsquare")))

# Different in PharmacoGx? ------------------------------------------------

## TODO:: Write documentation
## FIXME:: Why is this different from PharmacoGx?
#' @title Residual calculation
#' @return A \code{numeric} containing the estimated residuals for the model
#'   fit
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.residual <- function(x, y, n, pars, f, scale = 0.07, family = c("normal", "Cauchy"), trunc = FALSE) {
    family <- match.arg(family)
    diffs <- do.call(f, list(x, pars)) - y
    if (family != "Cauchy") {
        if (trunc == FALSE) {
            if (n == 1) {
            return(sum(-log(.dmednnormals(diffs, n, scale))))
        } else {
            down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
            up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0
            return(sum(-log(.dmednnormals(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(.edmednnormals(-diffs[up_truncated | 
                down_truncated], n, scale))))
    } else {
        if (trunc == FALSE) {
            return(sum(-log(.dmedncauchys(diffs, n, scale))))
        } else {
            down_truncated <- abs(y) >= 1
            up_truncated <- abs(y) <= 0
            return(sum(-log(.dmedncauchys(diffs[!(down_truncated | up_truncated)], n, scale))) + sum(-log(.edmedncauchys(-diffs[up_truncated | 
                down_truncated], n, scale))))

## FIXME:: This function already exists as base::trimws? Is there any reason we need to reimplement it?
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.stripWhiteSpace <- function(str, method = c("both", "head", "tail")) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    str2 <- NULL
    if (length(str) == 1) {
        switch(method, both = {
            str2 <- gsub("^[ \t]+", "", str)
            str2 <- gsub("[ \t]+$", "", str2)
        }, head = {
            str2 <- gsub("^[ \t]+", "", str)
        }, tail = {
            str2 <- gsub("[ \t]+$", "", str)
    } else {
        str2 <- vapply(str, .stripWhiteSpace, method = method, FUN.VALUE = character(1))

# ==== LongTable

#' Convenience function for collapsing a character vector
#' @examples
#' .collapse(c("Vector", "of", "words")
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] One or more character vectors
#' @param collapse [`character`] Argument to collapse of paste0, default is ' '.
#' @return [`character`] A single character vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.collapse <- function(..., collapse=' ')
    paste0(..., collapse=collapse)

#' Returns a colorized error message (magenta)
#' @examples
#' cat(.errorMsg('This ', 'is ', 'an ', 'error ', 'message'))
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] One or more strings or character vectors, also
#'   accepts any params to paste0.
#' @return [`character`] Colorized string with results from paste0(...)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.errorMsg <- function(..., collapse=', ') magenta$bold(paste0(..., collapse=collapse))

#' Returns a colorized warning message (cyan)
#' @examples
#' cat(.warnMsg('This ', 'is ', 'a ', 'warning ', 'message'))
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] One or more strings or character vectors, also
#'   accepts any params to paste0.
#' @return [`character`] Colorized string with results from paste0(...)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @noRd
.warnMsg <- function(..., collapse=', ') cyan$bold(paste0(..., collapse=collapse))

#' Get the types of all items in a list
#' @examples
#' list <- list(c(1,2,3), c('a','b','c'))
#' is.items(list, 'character')
#' @param list A [`list`] to get the types from
#' @param ... [`pairlist`] Additional arguments to FUN
#' @param FUN [`function`] or [`character`] Either a function, or the name
#'   of a function which returns a single logical value. The default function
#'   uses `is`, specify the desired type in `...`. You can also use other
#'   type checking functions such as is.character, is.numeric, or is.data.frame.
#' @return [`logical`] A vector indicating if the list item is the specified
#'   type.
#' @export
is.items <- function(list, ..., FUN=is)
    vapply(list, FUN=FUN, FUN.VALUE=logical(1), ...)

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