
Defines functions finalizeAggregation aggregateTopn inner.aggregate.topn inner.mean inner.sum GetDetailedNbPeptides GetDetailedNbPeptidesUsed splitAdjacencyMat aggregateMean GetNbPeptidesUsed aggregateIter inner.aggregate.iter aggregateIterParallel aggregateSum BuildAdjacencyMatrix GraphPepProt BuildColumnToProteinDataset_par BuildColumnToProteinDataset getProteinsStats

Documented in aggregateIter aggregateIterParallel aggregateMean aggregateSum aggregateTopn BuildAdjacencyMatrix BuildColumnToProteinDataset BuildColumnToProteinDataset_par finalizeAggregation GetDetailedNbPeptides GetDetailedNbPeptidesUsed GetNbPeptidesUsed getProteinsStats GraphPepProt inner.aggregate.iter inner.aggregate.topn inner.mean inner.sum splitAdjacencyMat

#' This function computes the number of proteins that are only defined by 
#' specific peptides, shared peptides or a mixture of two. 
#' @title Computes the number of proteins that are only defined by 
#' specific peptides, shared peptides or a mixture of two.
#' @param matShared The adjacency matrix with both specific and 
#' shared peptides.
#' @return A list
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' obj <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' MShared <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj, protID, FALSE)
#' getProteinsStats(MShared)
#' @export
getProteinsStats <- function(matShared){
  if (is.null(matShared)){return(NULL)}
  #if(!is.matrix(matUnique) || !is.matrix(matShared)){return(NULL)}
  ind.shared.Pep <- which(rowSums(as.matrix(matShared))>1)
  ind.unique.Pep <- which(rowSums(as.matrix(matShared))==1)
  M.shared.Pep <- matShared[ind.shared.Pep,]
  M.shared.Pep <- M.shared.Pep[,-which(colSums(as.matrix(M.shared.Pep))==0)]
  M.unique.Pep <- matShared[ind.unique.Pep,]
  M.unique.Pep <- M.unique.Pep[,-which(colSums(as.matrix(M.unique.Pep))==0)]
  pep.names.shared <- colnames(M.shared.Pep)
  pep.names.unique <- colnames(M.unique.Pep)
  protOnlyShared <- setdiff(pep.names.shared, intersect(pep.names.shared, pep.names.unique))
  protOnlyUnique <- setdiff(pep.names.unique, intersect(pep.names.shared, pep.names.unique))
  protMix <- intersect(pep.names.shared, pep.names.unique)
  return (list(nbPeptides = nrow(M.unique.Pep)+nrow(M.shared.Pep),
               nbSpecificPeptides = nrow(M.unique.Pep),
               nbSharedPeptides = nrow(M.shared.Pep),
               nbProt = length(protOnlyShared)+length(protOnlyUnique)+length(protMix),
               protOnlyUniquePep =protOnlyUnique,
               protOnlySharedPep =protOnlyShared,
               protMixPep = protMix))

#' This function creates a column for the protein dataset after aggregation 
#' by using the previous peptide dataset.
#' @title creates a column for the protein dataset after agregation by
#'  using the previous peptide dataset.
#' @param peptideData A data.frame of meta data of peptides. It is the fData 
#' of the MSnset object.
#' @param matAdj The adjacency matrix used to agregate the peptides data.
#' @param columnName The name of the column in fData(peptides_MSnset) that 
#' the user wants to keep in the new protein data.frame.
#' @param proteinNames The names of the protein in the new dataset (i.e. rownames)
#' @return A vector
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' M <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' data <- Biobase::fData(obj.pep)
#' protData <- DAPAR::aggregateMean(obj.pep, M)
#' name <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' proteinNames <- rownames(Biobase::fData(protData))
#' BuildColumnToProteinDataset(data, M, name,proteinNames )
#' }
#' @export
BuildColumnToProteinDataset <- function(peptideData, matAdj, columnName, proteinNames){
  nbProt <- ncol(matAdj)
  newCol <- rep("", nbProt)
  i <- 1
  for (p in proteinNames){
    listeIndicePeptides <- names(which(matAdj[,p] == 1))
    listeData <- unique(as.character(peptideData[listeIndicePeptides,columnName], ";"))
    newCol[i] <- paste0(listeData, collapse = ", ")
    i <- i +1

#' This function creates a column for the protein dataset after agregation 
#' by using the previous peptide dataset. It is a parallel version of the function
#' \code{BuildColumnToProteinDataset}
#' @title creates a column for the protein dataset after agregation by
#'  using the previous peptide dataset.
#' @param peptideData A data.frame of meta data of peptides. It is the fData 
#' of the MSnset object.
#' @param matAdj The adjacency matrix used to agregate the peptides data.
#' @param columnName The name of the column in fData(peptides_MSnset) that 
#' the user wants to keep in the new protein data.frame.
#' @param proteinNames The names of the protein in the new dataset (i.e. rownames)
#' @return A vector
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' M <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' data <- Biobase::fData(obj.pep)
#' protData <- DAPAR::aggregateSum(obj.pep, M)
#' name <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' proteinNames <- rownames(Biobase::fData(protData))
#' BuildColumnToProteinDataset_par(data, M, name,proteinNames )
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel 
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
BuildColumnToProteinDataset_par <- function(peptideData, matAdj, columnName, proteinNames){
  nbProt <- ncol(matAdj)
  newCol <- rep("", nbProt)
  i <- 1
  newCol <- foreach (i=1:length(proteinNames), .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
    listeIndicePeptides <- names(which(matAdj[,proteinNames[i]] == 1))
    listeData <- unique(as.character(peptideData[listeIndicePeptides,columnName], ";"))
    paste0(listeData, collapse = ", ")

#' This function computes the number of peptides used to aggregate proteins.
#' @title Compute the number of peptides used to aggregate proteins
#' @param M A "valued" adjacency matrix in which lines and columns correspond 
#' respectively to peptides and proteins.
#' @return A vector of boolean which is the adjacency matrix 
#' but with NA values if they exist in the intensity matrix.
#' @author Alexia Dorffer
#' @examples
#' library(DAPARdata)
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept)
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' M <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000], protID, FALSE)
#' CountPep(M)
#' @export
CountPep <- function (M) {
  z <- M
  z[z!=0] <- 1

#' Method to create a plot with proteins and peptides on
#' a MSnSet object (peptides)
#' @title Function to create a histogram that shows the repartition of
#' peptides w.r.t. the proteins
#' @param mat An adjacency matrix.
#' @return A histogram  
#' @author Alexia Dorffer, Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' mat <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000], "Protein_group_IDs")
#' GraphPepProt(mat)
#' @export
GraphPepProt <- function(mat){
  if (is.null(mat)){return (NULL)} 
  mat <- as.matrix(mat)
  t <- t(mat)
  t <- apply(mat, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
  tab <- table(t)
  position <- seq(1, length(tab),by=3)
  conds <- names(tab)
  #par(mar=c(6,4,4,8) + 0.1)#, mgp=c(3,0.5,0)
          xlim=c(1, length(tab)),
          xlab="Nb of peptides", 
          ylab="Nb of proteins",
          xaxp=c(1, length(tab), 3), 
          , col = "orange")

#' Method to create a binary matrix with proteins in columns and peptides 
#' in lines on a \code{MSnSet} object (peptides)
#' @title Function matrix of appartenance group
#' @param obj.pep An object (peptides) of class \code{MSnSet}.
#' @param protID The name of proteins ID column 
#' @param unique A boolean to indicate whether only the unique peptides must 
#' be considered (TRUE) or if the shared peptides have to 
#' be integrated (FALSE).
#' @return A binary matrix  
#' @author Florence Combes, Samuel Wieczorek, Alexia Dorffer
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' BuildAdjacencyMatrix(Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000], "Protein_group_IDs", TRUE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs fData
BuildAdjacencyMatrix <- function(obj.pep, protID, unique=TRUE){
  # data <- Biobase::exprs(obj.pep)
  # PG <- Biobase::fData(obj.pep)[,protID]
  # PG.l <- strsplit(as.character(PG), split=";", fixed=TRUE)
  # Un1 <- unlist(PG.l)
  # X<- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = rep(seq_along(PG.l), lengths(PG.l)),
  #                  j=as.integer(factor(Un1, levels = unique(Un1))),
  #                  x=1, 
  #                  dimnames=list(rownames(data),as.character(unique(Un1))))
  # if (unique == TRUE){
  #   ll <- which(rowSums(X)>1)
  #   if (length(ll) > 0) {
  #     X[ll,] <- 0
  #   }
  #      }
  # return(X)
  data <- Biobase::exprs(obj.pep)
  PG <- Biobase::fData(obj.pep)[,protID]
  PG.l <- strsplit(as.character(PG), split=";", fixed=TRUE)
  t <- table(data.frame(A=rep(seq_along(PG.l), lengths(PG.l)), B=unlist(PG.l)))
  if (unique == TRUE){
    ll <- which(rowSums(t)>1)
    if (length(ll) > 0) {
      t[ll,] <- 0
  X <- Matrix::Matrix(t, sparse=T,
                      dimnames = list(rownames(obj.pep), colnames(t))

#' This function computes the intensity of proteins based on the sum of the 
#' intensities of their peptides.
#' @title Compute the intensity of proteins with the sum of the intensities
#' of their peptides.
#' @param obj.pep A matrix of intensities of peptides
#' @param X An adjacency matrix in which lines and columns correspond 
#' respectively to peptides and proteins.
#' @return A matrix of intensities of proteins
#' @author Alexia Dorffer
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' DAPAR::aggregateSum(obj.pep, X)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs fData
aggregateSum <- function(obj.pep, X){
  pepData <- 2^(Biobase::exprs(obj.pep))
  protData <- inner.sum(pepData, X)
  obj.prot <- finalizeAggregation(obj.pep, pepData, protData, X)

#' Method to xxxxx
#' @title xxxx 
#' @param obj.pep xxxxx
#' @param X xxxx
#' @param init.method xxxxx
#' @param method xxxxx
#' @param n xxxx
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' aggregateIterParallel(obj.pep, X)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs fData
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel 
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
aggregateIterParallel <- function(obj.pep, X, init.method='Sum', method='Mean', n=NULL){
  qData.pep <- 2^(Biobase::exprs(obj.pep))
  protData <- matrix(rep(0,ncol(X)*nrow(X)), nrow=ncol(X))
  protData <- foreach(cond=1:length(unique(Biobase::pData(obj.pep)$Condition)), .combine=cbind, .packages = "MSnbase") %dopar% {
    condsIndices <- which(Biobase::pData(obj.pep)$Condition == unique(Biobase::pData(obj.pep)$Condition)[cond])
    qData <- qData.pep[,condsIndices]
    DAPAR::inner.aggregate.iter(qData, X, init.method, method, n)
  protData <- protData[,colnames(Biobase::exprs(obj.pep))]
  obj.prot <- DAPAR::finalizeAggregation(obj.pep, qData.pep, protData, X)

#' Method to xxxxx
#' @title xxxx 
#' @param pepData xxxxx
#' @param X xxxx
#' @param init.method xxx
#' @param method xxx
#' @param n xxxx
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' DAPAR::inner.aggregate.iter(exprs(obj.pep), X)
#' @export
inner.aggregate.iter <- function(pepData, X,init.method='Sum', method='Mean', n=NULL){
  if (!(init.method %in% c("Sum", "Mean"))) {
    warning("Wrong parameter init.method")
  if (!(method %in% c("onlyN", "Mean"))){
    warning("Wrong parameter method")
  if (method=='onlyN' && is.null(n)){
    warning("Parameter n is null")
  yprot <- NULL
         Sum= yprot <- inner.sum(pepData, X),
         Mean= yprot <- inner.mean(pepData, X)
  conv <- 1
  while(conv > 10**(-10)){
    mean.prot <- rowMeans(as.matrix(yprot), na.rm = TRUE)
    mean.prot[is.na(mean.prot)] <- 0
    X.tmp <- mean.prot*X
    X.new <- X.tmp/rowSums(as.matrix(X.tmp), na.rm = TRUE)
    X.new[is.na(X.new)] <- 0
    # l'appel ? la fonction ci-dessous d?pend des param?tres choisis par l'utilisateur
           Mean = yprot <- inner.mean(pepData, X.new),
           onlyN = yprot <- inner.aggregate.topn(pepData,X.new,'Mean', n)
    mean.prot.new <- rowMeans(as.matrix(yprot), na.rm = TRUE)
    mean.prot.new[is.na(mean.prot.new)] <- 0
    conv <- mean(abs(mean.prot.new - mean.prot))
    print(paste0("conv : ", conv))

#' Method to xxxxx
#' @title xxxx 
#' @param obj.pep xxxxx
#' @param X xxxx
#' @param init.method xxxxx
#' @param method xxxxx
#' @param n xxxx
#' @return A protein object of class \code{MSnset}
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000], protID, FALSE)
#' aggregateIter(Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000],X=X)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs fData
aggregateIter <- function(obj.pep, X, init.method='Sum', method='Mean', n=NULL){
  ### a reproduire iterativement pour chaque condition
  # Initialisation: presque aucune d?pendance ? l'initialisation prendre "sum overall" et  matAdj = X par simplicit?
  #X <- as.matrix(X)
  qData.pep <- 2^(Biobase::exprs(obj.pep))
  protData <- matrix(rep(0,ncol(X)*ncol(obj.pep)), nrow=ncol(X))
  for (cond in unique(Biobase::pData(obj.pep)$Condition)){
    condsIndices <- which(Biobase::pData(obj.pep)$Condition == cond)
    qData <- qData.pep[,condsIndices]
    print(paste0("Condition ", cond))
    protData[,condsIndices]  <- inner.aggregate.iter(qData, X, init.method, method, n)
  obj.prot <- finalizeAggregation(obj.pep, qData.pep, protData, X)

#' Method to compute the number of quantified peptides used for aggregating each protein
#' @title Computes the number of peptides used for aggregating each protein 
#' @param X An adjacency matrix
#' @param pepData A data.frame of quantitative data
#' @return A data.frame
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
GetNbPeptidesUsed <- function(X, pepData){
  pepData[!is.na(pepData)] <- 1
  pepData[is.na(pepData)] <- 0
  pep <- t(X) %*% pepData

#' This function computes the intensity of proteins as the mean of the 
#' intensities of their peptides.
#' @title Compute the intensity of proteins as the mean of the intensities
#' of their peptides.
#' @param obj.pep A peptide object of class \code{MSnset}
#' @param X An adjacency matrix in which lines and columns correspond 
#' respectively to peptides and proteins.
#' @return A matrix of intensities of proteins
#' @author Alexia Dorffer
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' aggregateMean(obj.pep, X)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs fData
aggregateMean <- function(obj.pep, X){
  pepData <- 2^(Biobase::exprs(obj.pep))
  protData <- inner.mean(pepData, X)
  obj.prot <- finalizeAggregation(obj.pep, pepData, protData, X)

#' Method to split an adjacency matrix into specific and shared
#' @title splits an adjacency matrix into specific and shared 
#' @param X An adjacency matrix
#' @return A list of two adjacency matrices
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
splitAdjacencyMat <- function(X){
  hasShared <- length( which(rowSums(X) > 1)) > 0
  hasSpec <- length( which(rowSums(X) == 1)) > 0
  if (hasShared && !hasSpec){
    tmpShared <- X
    tmpSpec <- X
    tmpSpec[which(rowSums(tmpSpec) > 1),] <- 0
  else if (!hasShared && hasSpec){
    tmpSpec <- X
    tmpShared <- X
    tmpShared[which(rowSums(tmpShared) == 1),] <- 0
  else if (hasShared && hasSpec){
    tmpSpec <- X
    tmpShared <- X
    tmpShared[which(rowSums(tmpShared) == 1),] <- 0
    tmpSpec[which(rowSums(tmpSpec) > 1),] <- 0
  } else {
    tmpSpec <- X
    tmpShared <- X
  return (list(Xshared = tmpShared, Xspec = tmpSpec))

#' Method to compute the detailed number of quantified peptides used for aggregating each protein
#' @title Computes the detailed number of peptides used for aggregating each protein 
#' @param X An adjacency matrix
#' @param pepData A data.frame of quantitative data
#' @return A list of two items
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' GetDetailedNbPeptidesUsed(X, obj.pep)
#' @export
GetDetailedNbPeptidesUsed <- function(X, pepData){
  pepData[!is.na(pepData)] <- 1
  pepData[is.na(pepData)] <- 0
  mat <- splitAdjacencyMat(X)
  return(list(nShared=t(mat$Xshared) %*% pepData, 
              nSpec=t(mat$Xspec) %*% pepData))

#' Method to compute the detailed number of quantified peptides for each protein
#' @title Computes the detailed number of peptides for each protein 
#' @param X An adjacency matrix
#' @return A data.frame
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata')
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' GetDetailedNbPeptides(X)
#' @export
GetDetailedNbPeptides <- function(X){
  mat <- splitAdjacencyMat(as.matrix(X))
  return(list(nTotal = rowSums(t(as.matrix(X))),

#' @title xxxx 
#' @param pepData A data.frame of quantitative data
#' @param X An adjacency matrix
#' @return A matrix
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek

inner.sum <- function(pepData, X){
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  pepData[is.na(pepData)] <- 0
  Mp <- t(X) %*% pepData

#' @title xxxx 
#' @param pepData A data.frame of quantitative data
#' @param X An adjacency matrix
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek

inner.mean <- function(pepData, X){
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  Mp <- inner.sum(pepData, X)
  Mp <- Mp / GetNbPeptidesUsed(X, pepData)

#' @title xxxx 
#' @param pepData A data.frame of quantitative data
#' @param X An adjacency matrix
#' @param method xxxxx
#' @param n xxxxx
#' @return xxxxx
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
inner.aggregate.topn <-function(pepData,X, method='Mean', n=10){
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  med <- apply(pepData, 1, median)
  xmed <- as(X * med, "dgCMatrix")
  for (c in 1:ncol(X)){
    v <- order(xmed[,c],decreasing=TRUE)[1:n]
    l <- v[which((xmed[,c])[v] != 0)]
    if (length(l) > 0){
      diff <- setdiff( which(X[,c] == 1), l)
      if (length(diff)) {X[diff,c] <- 0}
  Mp <- NULL
         Mean= Mp <- inner.mean(pepData, X),
         Sum= Mp <- inner.sum(pepData, X)

#' This function computes the intensity of proteins as the sum of the 
#' intensities of their n best peptides.
#' @title Compute the intensity of proteins as the sum of the 
#' intensities of their n best peptides.
#' @param obj.pep A matrix of intensities of peptides
#' @param X An adjacency matrix in which lines and columns correspond 
#' respectively to peptides and proteins.
#' @param method xxx
#' @param n The maximum number of peptides used to aggregate a protein.
#' @return A matrix of intensities of proteins
#' @author Alexia Dorffer, Samuel Wieczorek
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_pept, package='DAPARdata') 
#' obj.pep <- Exp1_R25_pept[1:1000]
#' protID <- "Protein_group_IDs"
#' X <- BuildAdjacencyMatrix(obj.pep, protID, FALSE)
#' DAPAR::aggregateTopn(obj.pep, X, n=3)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biobase pData exprs fData
aggregateTopn <- function(obj.pep,X,  method='Mean', n=10){
  pepData <- 2^(Biobase::exprs(obj.pep))
  protData <- inner.aggregate.topn(pepData, X, method=method, n)
  obj.prot <- finalizeAggregation(obj.pep, pepData, protData, X)

#' Method to finalize the aggregation process
#' @title Finalizes the aggregation process 
#' @param obj.pep A peptide object of class \code{MSnset}
#' @param pepData xxxx
#' @param X An adjacency matrix in which lines and columns correspond 
#' respectively to peptides and proteins.
#' @param protData xxxxx
#' @param lib.loc A list of two items (lib.loc$Prostar.loc and lib.loc$DAPAR.loc) to provide the 
#' location of the installed packages
#' @return A protein object of class \code{MSnset}
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
finalizeAggregation <- function(obj.pep, pepData, protData,X, lib.loc=NULL){
  protData <- as.matrix(protData)
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  protData[protData==0] <- NA
  protData[is.nan(protData)] <- NA
  protData[is.infinite(protData)] <-NA
  temp <- GetDetailedNbPeptidesUsed(X, pepData)
  pepSharedUsed <- as.matrix(temp$nShared)
  colnames(pepSharedUsed) <- paste("pepShared.used.", colnames(pepData), sep="")
  rownames(pepSharedUsed) <- colnames(X)
  pepSpecUsed <- as.matrix(temp$nSpec)
  colnames(pepSpecUsed) <- paste("pepSpec.used.", colnames(pepData), sep="")
  rownames(pepSpecUsed) <- colnames(X)
  pepTotalUsed <- as.matrix(GetNbPeptidesUsed(X, pepData))
  colnames(pepTotalUsed) <- paste("pepTotal.used.", colnames(pepData), sep="")
  rownames(pepTotalUsed) <- colnames(X)
  n <- GetDetailedNbPeptides(X)
  fd <- data.frame(colnames(X), 
                   nPepTotal = n$nTotal,
                   nPepShared = n$nShared, 
                   nPepSpec = n$nSpec, 
  obj.prot <- MSnSet(exprs = log2(protData), 
                     fData = fd, 
                     pData = Biobase::pData(obj.pep))
  obj.prot@experimentData@other <- obj.pep@experimentData@other
  obj.prot@experimentData@other$typeOfData <-"protein"
  #obj.prot <- addOriginOfValue(obj.prot)
  obj.prot@experimentData@other$OriginOfValues <- NULL
  if (length(grep('Prostar', installed.packages(lib.loc=lib.loc$Prostar.loc))) >0){
    obj.prot@experimentData@other$Prostar_Version <- installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc$Prostar.loc)["Prostar","Version"]
  } else {
    obj.prot@experimentData@other$Prostar_Version <- NA
  if (length(grep('DAPAR', installed.packages(lib.loc=lib.loc$DAPAR.loc))) >0){
    obj.prot@experimentData@other$DAPAR_Version <- installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc$DAPAR.loc)["DAPAR","Version"]
  } else {
    obj.prot@experimentData@other$DAPAR_Version <- NA
  return (obj.prot)

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DAPAR documentation built on April 11, 2021, 6 p.m.