##' Creates a matrix-representation of a PWM from a set of sequences
##' @title Create PWM from alignment
##' @param alignment a vector or list of sequences each with equal length
##' @param alphabet of type Alphabet
##' @param pseudoCount the number of pseudo-observations for each character in the alphabet
##' @return PWM as matrix
##' @export
##' @author Hendrik Treutler
##' @examples
##' motif_folder= "extdata/alignments"
##' motif_name = "calamodulin_1"
##' fileName = paste(motif_folder,"/",motif_name,".txt",sep="")
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' motif = getPwmFromAlignment(readLines(file), ASN, 1)
##' seqLogo(pwm = motif, alphabet=ASN)
getPwmFromAlignment = function(alignment, alphabet=NULL, pseudoCount=0) {
alignment <- gsub("\\s+", "", alignment)
alignment <- alignment[!grepl(pattern = "^$", x = alignment)]
alphabet <- getAlphabetFromSequences(alignment)
alphabetSize = alphabet$size
alignmentLength = nchar(alignment[[1]])
numberOfSequences = length(alignment)
if(length(unique(unlist(lapply(X = alignment, FUN = nchar)))) > 1)
stop("Alignment comprises sequences with different lengths.")
pwm = matrix(nrow = alphabetSize, ncol = alignmentLength)
colnames(pwm) = 1:alignmentLength
rownames(pwm) = alphabet$chars
for(posIdx in 1:alignmentLength){
for(charIdx in 1:alphabetSize){
pwm[charIdx, posIdx] = (length(which(substr(alignment, posIdx, posIdx) == alphabet$chars[[charIdx]])) + pseudoCount) / (numberOfSequences + pseudoCount * alphabetSize)
if(sum(pwm[, posIdx]) == 0) {
# nothing was observed and no pseudoCount was set
pwm[, posIdx] = rep(1/alphabetSize,alphabetSize);
} else {
# normalize pwm
pwm[, posIdx] = pwm[, posIdx] / sum(pwm[, posIdx]);
##' returns the alphabet which fits to the given sequences
##' @title returns the alphabet which fits to the given sequences
##' @param sequences a character vector of sequences
##' @return an alphabet of type Alphabet
##' @export
##' @examples
##' alphabet = getAlphabetFromSequences("AACCGGTT")
getAlphabetFromSequences <- function(sequences){
characters <- unique(unlist(strsplit(sequences, split = "")))
alphabet <- getAlphabetFromCharacters(characters)
##' returns the alphabet which fits to the given characters
##' @title returns the alphabet which fits to the given characters
##' @param characters a character vector of characters
##' @return an alphabet of type Alphabet
##' @export
##' @examples
##' alphabet = getAlphabetFromSequences(c("A","A","C","C","G","G","T","T"))
getAlphabetFromCharacters <- function(characters){
chars <- paste(sort(characters), collapse = "")
dnaRegEx <- paste("^\\-?", paste(sort(DNA$chars), "?", sep = "", collapse = ""), "$", sep = "")
rnaRegEx <- paste("^\\-?", paste(sort(RNA$chars), "?", sep = "", collapse = ""), "$", sep = "")
asnRegEx <- paste("^\\-?", paste(sort(ASN$chars), "?", sep = "", collapse = ""), "$", sep = "")
if(grepl(pattern = dnaRegEx, x = chars)){
} else if(grepl(pattern = rnaRegEx, x = chars)){
} else if(grepl(pattern = asnRegEx, x = chars)){
} else{
warning(paste("Unrecognized alphabet (not DNA, RNA, or ASN):", chars))
##' Generates a pwm from a file of different formats.
##' Supported formats are FASTA files (.fa, .fasta), alignment files (.txt, .text, .al, .alignment), PWM files (.pwm), JASPAR / Position Frequency Matrix files (.pfm), and homer files (.motif).
##' @title generates a pwm from a file of different formats
##' @param filename the file
##' @return a pwm
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/pwm/H1-hESC.pwm"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' pwm = getPwmFromFile(file)
getPwmFromFile <- function(filename){
extension <- tolower(tools::file_ext(filename))
pwm <- NULL
error <- NULL
if(extension == "fa" || extension == "fasta")
pwm <- getPwmFromFastaFile(filename)
if(extension == "txt" || extension == "text" || extension == "al" || extension == "alignment")
pwm <- getPwmFromAlignmentFile(filename)
if(extension == "pwm")
pwm <- getPwmFromPwmFile(filename)
if(extension == "pfm")
pwm <- getPwmFromPfmOrJasparFile(filename)
if(extension == "motif")
pwm <- getPwmFromHomerFile(filename)
error = function(e) {
error <- e
if(!is.null(error)) {
stop(paste("Could not parse file", basename(filename), ". Error:", error))
if(is.null(pwm)) {
stop(paste("The file extension", extension, "of file", basename(filename),"is not supported."))
##' extracts the sequences from a FASTA file
##' @title extracts the sequences from a FASTA file
##' @param filename the FASTA file
##' @return a vector of sequences
##' @importFrom utils read.delim
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/alignments/F-box_bacteria.seq.fa"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' sequences = getSequencesFromFastaFile(file)
getSequencesFromFastaFile = function(filename) {
connection = file(filename ,open="r");
lines = as.vector(read.delim(connection)[,1]);
lines = lines[grep("^[^>]",lines)]
lines = lines[sapply(lines,nchar) > 0]; # remove empty lines
lines = toupper(lines);
##' generates a pwm from a FASTA file
##' @title generates a pwm from a FASTA file
##' @param filename the FASTA file
##' @param alphabet the desired alphabet of type Alphabet
##' @return a pwm
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/alignments/F-box_bacteria.seq.fa"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' pwm = getPwmFromFastaFile(file)
getPwmFromFastaFile = function(filename,alphabet=NULL) {
lines = getSequencesFromFastaFile(filename);
pwm <- getPwmFromAlignment(alignment = lines, alphabet = alphabet)
##' extracts the sequences from an alignment file
##' @title extracts the sequences from an alignment file
##' @param filename the alignment file
##' @return a vector of sequences
##' @importFrom utils read.delim
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/alignments/calamodulin_1.txt"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' sequences = getSequencesFromAlignmentFile(file)
getSequencesFromAlignmentFile = function(filename) {
connection = file(filename ,open="r");
lines = as.vector(read.delim(connection)[,1]);
lines = lines[sapply(lines,nchar) > 0]; # remove empty lines
lines = toupper(lines);
##' generates a pwm from an alignment file
##' @title generates a pwm from an alignment file
##' @param filename the alignment file
##' @param alphabet the desired alphabet of type Alphabet
##' @return a pwm
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/alignments/calamodulin_1.txt"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' pwm = getPwmFromAlignmentFile(file)
getPwmFromAlignmentFile = function(filename,alphabet=NULL) {
lines = getSequencesFromAlignmentFile(filename);
pwm <- getPwmFromAlignment(alignment = lines, alphabet = alphabet)
##' generates a pwm from a pwm file
##' @title generates a pwm from a pwm file
##' @param filename the pwm file
##' @return a pwm
##' @importFrom utils read.delim
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/pwm/H1-hESC.pwm"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' pwm = getPwmFromPwmFile(file)
getPwmFromPwmFile = function(filename) {
lines = readLines(filename);
# replace all whitespaces by one " "
lines = gsub("\\s+", " ", lines);
tc = textConnection(lines);
pwm = as.matrix(read.delim(tc, sep=" ", header=FALSE));
pwm = normalizePWM(pwm);
##' generates a pwm from a jaspar file
##' @title generates a pwm from a jaspar file
##' @param filename the jaspar file
##' @return a pwm
##' @importFrom utils read.delim
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/pfm/ctcf_jaspar.pfm"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' pwm = getPwmFromPfmOrJasparFile(file)
getPwmFromPfmOrJasparFile = function(filename) {
lines = readLines(filename);
lines = lines[grep("^[^>]",lines)]
# replace all whitespaces by one " "
lines = gsub("\\s+", " ", lines);
# remove ACGT
lines = gsub("[ACGT]", "", lines);
# remove opening gap
lines = gsub("\\s+\\[", "", lines);
lines = gsub("\\s+\\]", "", lines);
tc = textConnection(lines);
pwm = as.matrix(read.delim(tc, sep=" ", header=FALSE));
pwm = normalizePWM(pwm);
##' generates a pwm from a homer file
##' @title generates a pwm from a homer file
##' @param filename the homer file
##' @return a pwm
##' @importFrom utils read.delim
##' @export
##' @examples
##' fileName = "extdata/homer/CTCF_Zf_CD4.motif"
##' file = system.file(fileName, package = "DiffLogo")
##' pwm = getPwmFromHomerFile(file)
getPwmFromHomerFile = function(filename) {
# First read lines
lines = readLines(filename);
lines = lines[grep("^[^>]",lines)]
# replace all whitespaces by one " "
lines = gsub("\\s+", " ", lines);
tc = textConnection(lines);
pwm = as.matrix(read.delim(tc, sep=" ", header=FALSE));
# transpose
pwm = t(pwm);
pwm = normalizePWM(pwm);
##' normalizes the given pwm to column-sums of 1.0
##' @title normalizes the given pwm
##' @param pwm a pwm
##' @return a normalized pwm
##' @export
##' @examples
##' pwm = matrix(1:40, nrow = 4, dimnames = list(c("A","C","G","T"), 1:10))
##' pwm = normalizePWM(pwm)
normalizePWM = function(pwm) {
for( i in 1:ncol(pwm)) {
pwm[,i] = pwm[,i] / sum(pwm[,i]);
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