setGeneric("translateSampleNames", function(object, translationFile, from, to) standardGeneric("translateSampleNames"))
setMethod("translateSampleNames", "ExpressionSet",
function(object, translationFile, from, to) {
# Function that can translate the sampleNames of an expressionset given a translation file.
# The translationFile gives the translation between samplenames now and the samplenames as they should be.
# It is either the path to a tab-seperated txt-file with headers or a directly a data frame
# The variables from and to specify the column names to translate.
# They must be present in the translationFile and the from must be present in the sampleNames of the expressionset
# Extra entries in the translationFile are omitted but samples in the expressionset without samples in the translationFile
# will raise an error.
expressionset <- object
if(length(translationFile) == 1){
translationFile <- read.table(translationFile, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
if(class(translationFile) != "data.frame")stop(paste("The class of the translationFile -",class(translationFile),"- was not recognised either as a data.frame or a path to a tab-separated text file"))
possibilites<-paste(colnames(translationFile),collapse=", ")
stop(paste("The 'from' argument is required. It should specify one of the following columns in the translationFile:",possibilites))
if(! from %in% colnames(translationFile)){
stop(paste("The translation file should contain the columnname",from,"as specified in the variable 'from'. The translation file only has the following:",possibilites))
stop(paste("The 'to' argument is required. It should specify one of the following columns in the translationFile:",possibilites))
if(! to %in% colnames(translationFile)){
stop(paste("The translation file should contain the columnname",to,"as specified in the variable 'to'. The translation file only has the following:",possibilites))
if(! all(translationFile[,from] %in% sampleNames(expressionset))){
missing<-translationFile[,from][! translationFile[,from] %in% sampleNames(expressionset)]
stop(paste(length(missing),"samples in the given expressionset are not present in the",from,"column of the translationFile:",paste(missing,collapse=", ")))
expressionset_from_IDs <- sampleNames(expressionset)
expressionset_to_IDs <- vector()
for(expressionset_CEL_ID in expressionset_from_IDs){
sorting_vector <- translationFile[,from]%in%expressionset_CEL_ID
if(sum(sorting_vector) != 1)stop(paste("Major and really weird error with",expressionset_CEL_ID))
expressionset_to_ID <- as.character(translationFile[sorting_vector,to])
expressionset_to_IDs <- c(expressionset_to_IDs,expressionset_to_ID)
if(length(expressionset_to_IDs) != length(unique(expressionset_to_IDs))){
stop(paste("There is",length(expressionset_to_IDs) - length(unique(expressionset_to_IDs)),"non-unique new sample IDs after processing the expressionset as specified. This is not allowed"))
rownames(pData(expressionset)) <- expressionset_to_IDs
colnames(exprs(expressionset)) <- expressionset_to_IDs
setGeneric("excludeDoubleMatchingProbes", function(object,genome="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18",verbose=TRUE,directions=c("matchForwardSense","matchForwardAntisense","matchReverseSense","matchReverseAntisense"),previousData = NULL) standardGeneric("excludeDoubleMatchingProbes"))
setMethod("excludeDoubleMatchingProbes", "ProbeLevelSet",
function(object,genome="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18",verbose=TRUE,directions=c("matchForwardSense","matchForwardAntisense","matchReverseSense","matchReverseAntisense"),previousData = NULL){
# Function that will automatically remove those probes in a ProbeLevelSet that have matches in more than one place in the genome
matching_result <- findSequenceInGenome(sequences=getSequence(object),genome=genome,verbose=verbose,directions=directions)
if(verbose)print("Received previously scanned data, and will use this instead")
if(any(!as.character(previousData[,"sequence_name"]) %in% featureNames(object))){
badprobes <- unique(as.character(previousData[,"sequence_name"])[!as.character(previousData[,"sequence_name"]) %in% featureNames(object)])
stop(paste("The following probes in the given previousData was not found in the object:",paste(badprobes,collapse=", ")))
stop(paste(length(badprobes),"probes in the given previousData was not found in the object"))
matching_result <- previousData
duplicated_logical <- duplicated(matching_result[,"sequence"])
duplicated_sequences <- unique(matching_result[duplicated_logical,"sequence"])
duplicated_probeids <- names(getSequence(object))[getSequence(object) %in% duplicated_sequences]
if(length(duplicated_probeids) > 0){
if(verbose)print(paste("Found",length(duplicated_probeids),"- they have been removed and output from genome scan have been saved in notes of expressionset"))
keep_in_feature_data <- !rownames(pData(featureData(object))) %in% duplicated_probeids
keep_in_exprs <- !rownames(exprs(object)) %in% duplicated_probeids
pData(featureData(object)) <- pData(featureData(object))[keep_in_feature_data,]
exprs(object) <- exprs(object)[keep_in_exprs,]
if(verbose)print(paste("Did not find any duplicated probes. Output from genome scan have been saved in notes of expressionset"))
notes(object)[["duplicates_in_genome_scan"]] <- matching_result
findSequenceInGenome <- function(sequences,genome="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19",verbose=TRUE,directions=c("matchForwardSense","matchForwardAntisense","matchReverseSense","matchReverseAntisense")){
#This functions takes a set of sequences and checks where they are present in UCSC genome in the relevant bioconductor package.
#The sequence should be given as a list of nucleotide-character strings: c("GAGTATA","GTAGATGA")
#Optional arguments:
# genome: the name of the BSgenome package. Defaults to the human genome.
# verbose: controlling the amount of output
# directions: which directions (reverse, complement, reverse-complement, forward) to scan in defaults to all four: ("matchForwardSense",
# "matchForwardAntisense","matchReverseSense","matchReverseAntisense")
# This function will take quite a lot of time - depending on number of sequences to scan.
if(!require(BSgenome)) stop("Package BSgenome is required and not installed.")
if(!all(directions %in% c("matchForwardSense","matchForwardAntisense","matchReverseSense","matchReverseAntisense"))){
stop(paste("The directions variable:",paste(directions,collapse=", "),"was not recognised. The directions must be in \"matchForwardSense\",\"matchForwardAntisense\",\"matchReverseSense\",\"matchReverseAntisense\""))
if(verbose)print(paste("Now scanning the genome in the following directions:",paste(directions,collapse=", ")))
if(!require(genome,character.only=TRUE))stop(paste("Did not find the package for the genome:",genome))
genome_name <- sub("BSgenome.","",genome)
genome_name <- sub("\\..+$","",genome_name)
chr_names <- seqnames(get(genome_name))
chr_names <- chr_names[-grep("_", chr_names)]
# chr_names <- chr_names[18] #for testing
if(class(sequences) == "list"){
print("The sequences given was in the form of a list. These have been converted to a character vector")
new_sequences <- unlist(lapply(sequences, as.character))
probe <- DNAStringSet(as.character(sequences)) #need to remove names or PDict will crash
probe_directions <- DNAStringSet()
if("matchForwardSense" %in% directions){
probe_directions <- c(probe_directions,probe)
if("matchForwardAntisense" %in% directions){
probe_directions <- c(probe_directions,complement(probe))
if("matchReverseSense" %in% directions){
probe_directions <- c(probe_directions,reverse(probe))
if("matchReverseAntisense" %in% directions){
probe_directions <- c(probe_directions,reverseComplement(probe))
probe_pdict <- PDict(probe_directions)
result <- data.frame()
for(chr_name in chr_names){
if(verbose){print(paste("scanning",chr_name,"for matches"))}
chr_seq <- unmasked(get(genome_name)[[chr_name]])
mindex <- matchPDict(probe_pdict,chr_seq)
positions <- startIndex(mindex)
entrynumber <- vector()
hitposInChr <- vector()
chr <- vector()
sequence <- vector()
for(match_index in match_indices){
for(i in 1:length(positions[[match_index]])){
# correcting for extended PDict to get correct the entrynumber (if reverse or complement was also included)
if(entrynumber_here == 0) entrynumber_here <- length(sequences)
entrynumber <- c(entrynumber, entrynumber_here)
hitposInChr <- c(hitposInChr, positions[[match_index]][i])
chr <- c(chr,chr_name)
sequence <- c(sequence, sequences[entrynumber_here])
if(verbose){print(paste("found",length(hitposInChr),"matches between a probe and",chr_name))}
result_this_chromosome <- data.frame(entrynumber=entrynumber,hitposInChr=hitposInChr,chr=chr,sequence=sequence)
result <- rbind(result,result_this_chromosome)
if(nrow(result) > 0){
colnames(result) <- c("entrynumber","hitposInChr","chr","sequence")
if(verbose)print("Found names for each of the sequences. These will be included in the output")
sequence_name <- vector()
for(number in result[,"entrynumber"]){
sequence_name <- c(sequence_name,names(sequences)[number])
result <- cbind(result,sequence_name)
print("No matches were found in the genome")
setGeneric("addSnpPdata", function(object,listOfSnps,individualNames="sampleNames") standardGeneric("addSnpPdata"))
setMethod("addSnpPdata", "ExpressionSet",
# takes an expressionset and the path for a SNP-file. The SNP-file should have the same format as
# files downloaded from
# The function then checks if all samplenames are present in the SNP-file and vice versa. If they are it
# decorates the expressionset with the new SNPs. It also checks for existing entries with the same name
# and if they are found it adds the extra SNPs to the this entry.
# optional argument individualNames can refer to a column in the pData to get individualIds (=whatever the listOfSnps call the individuals). Defaults to just sampleNames
expressionset <- object
if(individualNames == "sampleNames"){
individualNamesVector <- sampleNames(expressionset)
if(!individualNames %in% colnames(pData(expressionset))) stop(paste("The individualNames",individualNames,"was not found as a column name in the pData of the expressionset"))
individualNamesVector <- pData(expressionset)[,individualNames]
names(individualNamesVector) <- sampleNames(expressionset)
pdata_raw <- read.table(listOfSnps,skip=2, comment.char = "",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
snp_data <- pdata_raw[,c("alleles","chrom","pos","strand","assembly.","center","protLSID","assayLSID","panelLSID","QCcode")]
pdata_raw <- t(pdata_raw[,!colnames(pdata_raw) %in% colnames(snp_data)])
if(!any(rownames(pdata_raw) %in% individualNamesVector))stop("None of the sample names in the listOfSnps file was found in the expressionset")
print(paste(sum(rownames(pdata_raw) %in% individualNamesVector),"of the",nrow(pdata_raw),"samplenames in the listOfSnps was found in the expressionset"))
for(snp in colnames(pdata_raw)){
genotype_vector <- vector()
if(snp %in% colnames(pData(expressionset))){
genotype_first <- expressionset[[snp]]
for(sampleName in names(individualNamesVector)){
individualName <- individualNamesVector[sampleName]
if(individualName %in% rownames(pdata_raw)){
if(!as.character(pdata_raw[individualName,snp]) == "NN"){
genotype_vector <- c(genotype_vector,as.character(pdata_raw[individualName,snp]))
if(pData(expressionset)[sampleName,snp] != pdata_raw[individualName,snp]){
print(paste("WARNING: the expressionset already contained the entry",entry_1,"for",snp,"and",individualName,"but the listOfSnps had",entry_2,"- the original has been preserved"))
genotype_vector <- c(genotype_vector,as.character(pData(expressionset)[sampleName,snp]))
genotype_vector <- c(genotype_vector,as.character(pData(expressionset)[sampleName,snp]))
genotype_vector <- c(genotype_vector,as.character(pData(expressionset)[sampleName,snp]))
expressionset[[snp]] <- as.factor(genotype_vector)
genotype_last <- expressionset[[snp]]
if(sum( != sum({
print(paste(snp,"was already found in the given expressionset. It had",first_num,"NA entries to begin with. Now it has",last_num))
for(sampleName in names(individualNamesVector)){
individualName <- as.character(individualNamesVector[sampleName])
if(individualName %in% rownames(pdata_raw)){
if(!as.character(pdata_raw[individualName,snp]) == "NN"){
genotype_vector <- c(genotype_vector,as.character(pdata_raw[individualName,snp]))
genotype_vector <- c(genotype_vector,NA)
genotype_vector <- c(genotype_vector,NA)
pData(expressionset) <- cbind(pData(expressionset),as.factor(genotype_vector))
colnames(pData(expressionset))[ncol(pData(expressionset))] <- snp
notes(expressionset)[["snp_data"]] <- snp_data
getServerProbeIntensities <- function(
#Wrapper around getLocalProbeIntensities, that will send all necesarry stuff to a server and perform the
# getLocalProbeIntensities calculations there
# serveradress: the ip-adress of a remote server on which the script can be run
# username: needed with serveradress specified
# password: needed with serveradress specified
local_working_dir <- getwd()
remote_working_dir <- celfilePath
#some checking of the input
if(substr(celfilePath,1,1) == "~"){
stop("Do not use ~ as short for your home directory, as this will cause problems in the interface between different operating systems in this function")
endChar <- substr(celfilePath,nchar(celfilePath),nchar(celfilePath))
if(!endChar %in% c("/","\\")){
paste("Because this function must work between different operating systems, you will have to make sure that the celfilePath given ends with the file separator of the remote system (ie. '/' or '\\')")
#The following block is because I want users to both be able to submit vectors of probesets, and paths for files with probesets
if(class(listOfProbesets[1]) == "numeric"|class(listOfProbesets[1]) == "integer")listOfProbesets <- as.character(listOfProbesets)
if(length(listOfProbesets) == 1 & file.exists(listOfProbesets[1])){
delete_probes_file <- FALSE
if(!(readLines(listOfProbesets,n=2,warn=FALSE)[1] %in% c("probeset_id","probeset_name"))){
oldlines <- readLines(listOfProbesets)
probe_list_file <- file(listOfProbesets,"w")
if(length(listOfProbesets) == 1){
print("WARNING: the list of probesets only had one entry. This entry will be treated as a name of a probeset, but it is also possible that it is a missing file")
listOfProbesets <- c("probeset_id",listOfProbesets)
probe_list_file <- file("probelist","w")
listOfProbesets <- paste(getwd(),.Platform[["file.sep"]],"probelist",sep="")
delete_probes_file <- TRUE
if(serveradress == "localhost"){
#easy wrap
expressionset <- getLocalProbeIntensities(
#Running on server check username, password, plink, pscp
#if both plinkPath and pscpPath is set to NULL, we'll try to see if they are stored in the locations.txt file.
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(is.null(plinkPath) & is.null(pscpPath) & (file.access(locationFilePath,4) == 0)){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if("plinkPath" == line[1])plinkPath <- line[3]
if("pscpPath" == line[1])pscpPath <- line[3]
#if(!is.null(plinkPath) & verbose)print(paste("plinkPath given as null, but plink has been used before and was set to:",plinkPath))
#if(!is.null(pscpPath) & verbose)print(paste("pscpPath given as null, but pscp has been used before and was set to:",pscpPath))
if(is.null(plinkPath))stop("When specifying a serveradress, a plinkPath is also needed")
if(is.null(pscpPath))stop("When specifying a serveradress, a pscpPath is also needed")
if(is.null(username) | is.null(password)){stop("When running on remote server, you need to specify the variables username and password")}
if(nchar(password)<1)stop("You must supply a password for putty to work - \"\" does not work")
if(!file.exists(plinkPath) | !file.exists(pscpPath)){stop("One or more of the required programs plink or pscp was not found")}
#if(!exists("getLocalProbeIntensities")){stop("getLocalProbeIntensities was not found. This must be available in the environment")}
#if(!exists("getProbeLevelAnnotationForExonArrays")){stop("getProbeLevelAnnotationForExonArrays was not found. This must be available in the environment")}
transfer_file <- function(remote_path,local_path,type){
if(type == "retrieve")system(paste(shQuote(pscpPath)," -pw ",password," ",username,"@",serveradress,":",shQuote(remote_path)," ",shQuote(local_path),sep=""))
if(type == "send")system(paste(shQuote(pscpPath)," -pw ",password," ",shQuote(local_path)," ",username,"@",serveradress,":",shQuote(remote_path),sep=""))
save(list = c("annotation","celfilePath","aptCelExtractPath","clfPath","pgfPath","cdfPath"), file = "shipment_to_server.rdata")
transfer_package_name_and_path <- file.path(getwd(),"shipment_to_server.rdata")
server_command_file_path_and_name <- file.path(getwd(),"server_file.txt")
server_command_file <- file(server_command_file_path_and_name,"w")
writeLines(c(paste("R -f ",celfilePath,"r_file.txt --no-save",sep="")),server_command_file)
r_command_file_path_and_name <- file.path(getwd(),"r_file.txt")
r_command_file <- file(r_command_file_path_and_name,"w")
"if(!require(GeneRegionScan))stop(\"GeneRegionScan package must also be installed on remote computer!\")",
"rm(list=ls()[ls() != \"expressionset\"])",
system(paste(shQuote(plinkPath)," ",username,"@",serveradress," -pw ",password," -m ",shQuote(server_command_file_path_and_name),sep=""))
server_clean_file_path_and_name <- file.path(getwd(),"server_file.txt")
server_clean_file <- file(server_clean_file_path_and_name,"w")
paste("rm ",celfilePath,"newexpressionset.rdata",sep=""),
paste("rm ",celfilePath,"cellist",sep=""),
paste("rm ",celfilePath,"probelist",sep=""),
paste("rm ",celfilePath,"shipment_to_server.rdata",sep=""),
paste("rm ",celfilePath,"r_file.txt",sep="")),
system(paste(shQuote(plinkPath)," ",username,"@",serveradress," -pw ",password," -m ",shQuote(server_clean_file_path_and_name),sep=""))
if(!exists("expressionset"))stop("The completed expressionset was not found. This is a serious error")
#saving location of plink pscp for the next time
#this functionality has been removed because it is not allowed to save settings between sessions in Bioconductor.
#it was re-inserted because other it seems that other packages do it as well
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) == 0){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
newLocationFileLines <- vector()
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(!line[1] %in% c("plinkPath","pscpPath")){
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste(line[1],line[2],line[3],sep="\t"))
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("plinkPath","all",plinkPath,sep="\t"))
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("pscpPath","all",pscpPath,sep="\t"))
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"w")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) != 0 & verbose)print(paste("Would have saved the locations of plinkPath and pscpPath for next time, but did not have write
permission for the configfile",locationFilePath))
getLocalProbeIntensities <- function(listOfProbesets,celfilePath,annotation=NULL,aptCelExtractPath=NULL,pgfPath=NULL,clfPath=NULL,cdfPath=NULL,verbose=TRUE){
#function that will take a list of probe sets and a celfilePath. And retrive the expression level of the probes in the
#probe set. These will be made into an expressionset, in which the sequence of each probe is also included in the notes.
#It is suggested that this set is run through the verify_position afterwards to expand the info given.
#Arguments are:
# listOfProbesets: Either a vector of probe names or the path and name of a file containing the probe names
# celfilePath: pathname to a folder with cel files for the given dataset
# annotation: string with the annotation. Can be HuEx-1_0-st-v2 or hgu133plus2 at the moment.
if(is.null(cdfPath) & is.null(pgfPath) & is.null(clfPath) & is.null(annotation)){
stop("You need to provide at least one of the following: pgfPath, clfPath, cdfPath or annotation - and probably more, but error messages will tell you which")
if(!is.null(cdfPath) & (!is.null(pgfPath) | !is.null(clfPath))){
stop("Do not specify both cdfPath and a clfPath or pgfPath. pgfPath and clfPath is for exon arrays that do not use cdf files")
if(!file.exists(celfilePath))stop(paste("The celfilePath",celfilePath,"was not found"))
if(![["isdir"]])stop(paste("The celfilePath",celfilePath,"was not identified as a directory. You must specify a directory."))
# if(substr(celfilePath,nchar(celfilePath),nchar(celfilePath)) == .Platform[["file.sep"]]){
# celfilePath <- substr(celfilePath,1,nchar(celfilePath)-length(.Platform[["file.sep"]]))
# }
celfilePath <- path.expand(celfilePath)
if(length(grep("pgfPath",annotation)) + length(grep("clfPath",annotation)) + length(grep("cdfPath",annotation)) > 0){
stop("For some obscure reason the words cdfPath, pgfPath or clfPath appears in the annotation name. This will cause the program to crash later. Please change the annotation name.")
#if all cdf, pgf and clf is set to null, but annotation is not, we'll assume it is a lazy user
#and see if this type of annotation has been used before.
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(is.null(cdfPath) & is.null(pgfPath) & is.null(clfPath) & !is.null(annotation) & (file.access(locationFilePath,4) == 0)){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(annotation == line[2]){
if("pgfPath" == line[1])pgfPath <- line[3]
if("clfPath" == line[1])clfPath <- line[3]
if("cdfPath" == line[1])cdfPath <- line[3]
if(!is.null(cdfPath) & verbose)print(paste("cdfPath given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",cdfPath))
if(!is.null(clfPath) & verbose)print(paste("clfPath given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",clfPath))
if(!is.null(pgfPath) & verbose)print(paste("pgfPath given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",pgfPath))
annotation_type <- ""
if(is.null(cdfPath) & is.null(pgfPath) & is.null(clfPath))stop(paste("For the annotation",annotation,"you need to provide at least one of the following: pgfPath, clfPath, cdfPath"))
#assuming exon type array
if(is.null(pgfPath)|is.null(clfPath))stop("This annotation needs both a pgfPath argument and a cdfPath argument")
if(!file.exists(pgfPath)|!file.exists(clfPath))stop(paste("The pgf or clf file was not found"))
if([["isdir"]]|[["isdir"]])stop(paste("The pgf or clf specified is a directory, not a file"))
annotation_type <- "doesnothavecdf"
#assuming 3'IVT type array (ie with already annotated CDF files in the bioconductor
if(is.null(cdfPath))stop("This annotation needs a cdfPath argument") # but this can't really happen since we already checked for all being null
if(!file.exists(cdfPath))stop(paste("The cdf file",cdfPath,"was not found"))
if([["isdir"]])stop(paste("The cdfPath",cdfPath,"is a directory"))
if(is.null(annotation))stop("An annotation string is needed to locate the cdf and probe level files for CDF-style arrays")
annotation_type <- "hascdf"
if(!annotation_type %in% c("hascdf","doesnothavecdf")){
stop("Program could not determine if exon array or cdf-style arrays are investigated. Try giving a cdf_file or a pgf_file argument")
#if aptCelExtractPath is not given as argument
#..then check if aptCelExtractPath is in path
aptCelExtractPath <- checkForFileInPath(c("apt-cel-extract","apt-cel-extract.exe"))
if(length(aptCelExtractPath) > 0){
aptCelExtractPath <- aptCelExtractPath[1] #only need one, in case of more hits
#...if not in path, check if it has been used before on this computer
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(line[1] == "aptCelExtractPath"){
aptCelExtractPath <- line[3]
#...if not used before, check if we can use the aptfiles in the exec folder of the package
executableFileOverviewPath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","aptextractfiles.txt")
executableFileOverview <- read.table(executableFileOverviewPath,header=FALSE,sep="\t")
machineType <- paste([["sysname"]],[["machine"]])
if(machineType %in% executableFileOverview[,1]){
aptCelExtractName <- as.character(executableFileOverview[executableFileOverview[,1] == machineType,2])
#Sometimes the file doesn't want to run on windows. We have to check that.
if([["sysname"]] == "Windows"){
tempAptCelExtractPath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"exec",aptCelExtractName)
ERRORLEVEL <- system(shQuote(tempAptCelExtractPath),intern=TRUE)
if(length(ERRORLEVEL) > 20){ #if more than 20 lines -> safe to assume that the file worked and the help was printed
aptCelExtractPath <- tempAptCelExtractPath
aptCelExtractPath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"exec",aptCelExtractName)
#...if still not found, we'll have to stop the show
stop("aptCelExtractPath was given as NULL, could not be found in path, and has not previously been located on this computer. Either make sure that the file apt-cel-extract or apt-cel-extract.exe is in path, or give the explicit path to it as an argument. The apt-cel-extract path can be downloaded from Affymetrix webpage")
#...if found, double check that it actually exists, is not a directory and is executable
stop(paste("The aptCelExtractPath was given as",aptCelExtractPath,"but no file was found here"))
stop(paste("The aptCelExtractPath was given as",aptCelExtractPath,"but this is a directory"))
if(file.access(aptCelExtractPath,mode=1) != 0){
stop(paste("The aptCelExtractPath was given as",aptCelExtractPath,"but this file is not executable"))
#saving the aptCelExtract, cdf, pgf and clf locations for next time
#this functionality has been removed because it is not allowed to save settings between sessions in Bioconductor.
#it was re-inserted because other it seems that other packages do it as well
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) == 0){
#locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
newLocationFileLines <- vector()
#delete previous lines from this annotation
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
keepline <- TRUE
if("aptCelExtractPath" == line[1])keepline <- FALSE
if(annotation == line[2] & line[1] %in% c("cdfPath","clfPath","pgfPath"))keepline <- FALSE
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste(line[1],line[2],line[3],sep="\t"))
#add the new ones
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("aptCelExtractPath","all",aptCelExtractPath,sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(cdfPath))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("cdfPath",annotation,cdfPath,sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(clfPath))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("clfPath",annotation,clfPath,sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(pgfPath))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("pgfPath",annotation,pgfPath,sep="\t"))
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"w")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) != 0 & verbose){
print(paste("Would have saved the locations of annotation files for",annotation,"for next time, but did not have write permission for the configfile",locationFilePath))
#The following block is because I want users to both be able to submit vectors of probesets, and paths for files with probesets
if(class(listOfProbesets[1]) == "numeric"|class(listOfProbesets[1]) == "integer")listOfProbesets <- as.character(listOfProbesets)
if(length(listOfProbesets) == 1 & file.exists(listOfProbesets[1])){
delete_probes_file <- FALSE
if(!(readLines(listOfProbesets,n=2,warn=FALSE)[1] %in% c("probeset_id","probeset_name"))){
oldlines <- readLines(listOfProbesets)
probe_list_file <- file(listOfProbesets,"w")
if(length(listOfProbesets) == 1){
print("WARNING: the list of probesets only had one entry. This entry will be treated as a name of a probeset, but it is also possible that it is a missing file")
listOfProbesets <- c("probeset_id",listOfProbesets)
probe_list_file <- file("probelist","w")
listOfProbesets <- paste(getwd(),.Platform[["file.sep"]],"probelist",sep="")
delete_probes_file <- TRUE
vectorOfProbesets <- readLines(listOfProbesets)
vectorOfProbesets <- vectorOfProbesets[2:length(vectorOfProbesets)]
if(annotation_type == "hascdf"){
annotation_line <- paste(" -d ",shQuote(cdfPath)," ",sep="")
probelevel_package_name <- paste(annotation,"probe",sep="")
cdf_package_name <- paste(annotation,"cdf",sep="")
if(!require(probelevel_package_name,character.only=TRUE))stop(paste("The package",probelevel_package_name,"is required to obtain sequences of probes"))
if(!require(cdf_package_name,character.only=TRUE))stop(paste("The package",cdf_package_name,"is required to obtain dimensions of arrays"))
dimensions <- as.list(get(paste(annotation,"dim",sep="")))
if(verbose)print(paste("Now parsing the probesets received using",probelevel_package_name))
probes <- subset(,[,"Probe.Set.Name"] %in% vectorOfProbesets)
get_probe_indices <- function(x){
result <- xy2indices(as.numeric(x["x"]),as.numeric(x["y"]),cdf=cdf_package_name)
probenames <- apply(probes,1,get_probe_indices)
probe_level_annotation <- cbind(probes[,"Probe.Set.Name" ],probes[,"sequence"])
colnames(probe_level_annotation) <- c("probeset_name","sequence")
rownames(probe_level_annotation) <- probenames
if(annotation_type == "doesnothavecdf"){
annotation_line <- paste(" -c ",shQuote(clfPath)," -p ",shQuote(pgfPath)," ",sep="")
if(verbose)print("Parsing the pgf file using readPgf. This might take a while.")
probe_level_annotation <- getProbeLevelAnnotationForExonArrays(vectorOfProbesets,pgfPath=pgfPath)
if(sum(duplicated(rownames(probe_level_annotation))) > 0){
stop(paste("There were",duplicate_number,"duplicate probe ids. The probe ids are not necessarily unique across the entire set, but should be unique in each probe set. Consider giving fewer probesets as argument."))
cel_files <- list.files(path=celfilePath,pattern="[.](c|C)(e|E)(l|L)$")
cel_files_and_path <- paste(celfilePath,.Platform[["file.sep"]],cel_files,sep="")
stop("Didn't find any cel files in specified celfilePath")
if(length(cel_files_and_path) == 1){
stop("Only found one cel file in the specified celfilePath. This has not been implemented yet. Make a copy of the cel file if you really need to only read one")
if(verbose)print(paste("Found",length(cel_files_and_path),"cel files in celfilePath"))
cel_list <- c("cel_files",cel_files_and_path)
cel_list_file <- file("cellist","w")
cel_list_path <- paste(getwd(),.Platform[["file.sep"]],"cellist",sep="")
" -o ",
" -a quant-norm,pm-only --probeset-ids ",
" --cel-files ",
if(verbose)print("Now importing pgf-parsing data and intensity file")
intensity_file <- paste(getwd(),.Platform[["file.sep"]],"intensity_file.txt",sep="")
intensity <- try(read.table(intensity_file,header=TRUE,row.names=1,sep="\t"),silent=TRUE)
if(class(intensity) == "try-error"){
intensity <- try(read.table(intensity_file,header=TRUE,sep="\t"),silent=TRUE)
if(class(intensity) == "try-error"){
stop("There was an error reading the intensity file from apt. The cause is unknown")
stop(paste("Could not read the intensity file that was created by APT because of",duplicate_number,"duplicated row.names (some probes had same id). Consider entering fewer probesets to begin with."))
intensity <- intensity[,7:ncol(intensity)]
featurenames_before <- nrow(intensity)
parsed_pgf_data_before <- nrow(probe_level_annotation)
intensity <- intensity[rownames(intensity) %in% rownames(probe_level_annotation),]
probe_level_annotation <- probe_level_annotation[rownames(probe_level_annotation) %in% rownames(intensity),]
featurenames_after <- nrow(intensity)
parsed_pgf_data_after <- nrow(probe_level_annotation)
percent_removed <- (1-round(featurenames_after/featurenames_before,3))*100
if(percent_removed > 51 | percent_removed < 49){ #because we don't need to alarm people about removing MM-probes
print(paste("Removed",percent_removed,"% of the features returned by APT because they were not found when parsing the pgf file with readPgf"))
percent_removed <- (1-round(parsed_pgf_data_after/parsed_pgf_data_before,3))*100
print(paste("Removed",percent_removed,"% of the features returned by parsing the pgf file with readPgf because they were not found by APT"))
title <- "ProbeLevelSet"
abstract <- "This ProbeLevelSet was generated using the getLocalProbeIntensities function of the bioconductor package geneRegionScan"
experimentData <- new(
name = "",
lab = "",
contact = "",
title = title,
abstract = abstract,
url = "")
expressionset <- new(
featureData = createFeatureData(probe_level_annotation),
exprs = data.matrix(intensity[rownames(probe_level_annotation),]),
experimentData = experimentData)
# I wrapped this in a try block because I have observed some weird problems with
# accesing the annotation for different kinds of expressionsets and derivatives.
if(class(try(expressionset@annotation)) == "character"){
expressionset@annotation <- annotation
getProbesetsFromRegionOfInterest <- function(annotation,chromosome,start,end,pythonPath=NULL,transcriptClustersFile=NULL,mpsToPsFile=NULL){
chromosome <- as.character(chromosome)
if(is.null(mpsToPsFile) + is.null(transcriptClustersFile) == 1){
stop("If supplying either mpsToPsFile or transcriptClustersFile you have to give them both")
if(is.null(mpsToPsFile) & is.null(transcriptClustersFile)){
db_package_name <- paste(annotation,".db",sep="")
if(db_package_name %in% .packages(all.available=TRUE)){
chromosome_package <- paste(annotation,"CHR",sep="")
if(substr(chromosome,1,3) == "chr")chromosome <- substr(chromosome,4,nchar(chromosome))
probesets_on_correct_chromosome <- revmap(get(chromosome_package))[[chromosome]]
chrloc_package <- paste(annotation,"CHRLOC",sep="")
#yes it is slow, this following, but otherwise the database acts up
probesets_of_interest <- vector()
for(probeset in probesets_on_correct_chromosome){
for(position in get(chrloc_package)[[probeset]]){
found <- any(abs(position) > start & abs(position) < end)
probesets_of_interest <- c(probesets_of_interest,probeset)
#received and annotation for which there was no db_package_name. Will check locations.txt if this
#annotation has previously been run with mpsToPsFile and transcriptClustersFile.
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,4) == 0){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(annotation == line[2]){
if("mpsToPsFile" == line[1])mpsToPsFile <- line[3]
if("transcriptClustersFile" == line[1])transcriptClustersFile <- line[3]
print(paste("transcriptClustersFile given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",transcriptClustersFile))
if(!is.null(mpsToPsFile) ){
print(paste("mpsToPsFile given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",mpsToPsFile))
if(is.null(transcriptClustersFile) | is.null(mpsToPsFile)){
stop("The annotation was not found as any installed .db package. You either need to install the annotation.db package or specify a transcriptClustersFile and a mpsToPsFile in the case of exon arrays without .db packages")
if((!is.null(mpsToPsFile) & !is.null(transcriptClustersFile))){
print("mpsToPsFile and transcriptClustersFile was detected. Switching to python parsing.")
if(!file.exists(transcriptClustersFile))stop(paste("transcriptClustersFile file not found at",transcriptClustersFile))
if(!file.exists(mpsToPsFile))stop(paste("mpsToPsFile file not found at",mpsToPsFile))
pythonPath <- checkForFileInPath(c("python","python.exe"))
if(length(pythonPath) > 0){
pythonPath <- pythonPath[1]
stop("Could not find python in path and it was not given as an argument. Do either")
if(substr(chromosome,1,3) != "chr")chromosome <- paste("chr",chromosome,sep="")
python_script <- c("def main(argv):",
" import os",
" transcriptClustersFile = argv[1]",
" mpsToPsFile = argv[2]",
" chr_name = argv[3]",
" start = int(argv[4])",
" end = int(argv[5])",
" transcript_clusters_file = open(transcriptClustersFile,'r')",
" transcript_clusters = transcript_clusters_file.readlines()",
" transcript_clusters_file.close()",
" transcript_clusters_of_interest = []",
" for transcript_cluster in transcript_clusters:",
" if transcript_cluster[0] is not '#':",
" split_cluster = transcript_cluster.split('\\\",\\\"')",
" if len(split_cluster) > 3:",
" if split_cluster[2] == chr_name:",
" if (start < int(split_cluster[4]) and int(split_cluster[4]) < end) or (start < int(split_cluster[5]) and int(split_cluster[5]) < end):",
" transcript_clusters_of_interest.append(split_cluster[0].lstrip('\\\"'))",
" else:",
" raise Exception('The transcriptClustersFile is not valid')",
" del transcript_clusters",
" mps_to_ps_file = open(mpsToPsFile,'r')",
" mps_to_ps = mps_to_ps_file.readlines()",
" mps_to_ps_file.close()",
" probesets_of_interest = []",
" for mps_to_ps_entry in mps_to_ps:",
" if mps_to_ps_entry[0] is not '#':",
" split_mps_to_ps_entry = mps_to_ps_entry.split('\t')",
" if split_mps_to_ps_entry[0] in transcript_clusters_of_interest:",
" probesets_of_interest_here = split_mps_to_ps_entry[2].split(' ')",
" probesets_of_interest = probesets_of_interest + probesets_of_interest_here",
" del mps_to_ps",
" probesets_of_interest = dict(map(lambda i: (i,1),probesets_of_interest)).keys()",
" output = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'probesets_of_interest.txt'),'w')",
" output.write('probeset_id\\n')",
" for probeset_of_interest in probesets_of_interest:",
" if len(probeset_of_interest)>0:",
" output.write(probeset_of_interest+'\\n')",
" output.close()",
"if __name__ == '__main__':",
" from sys import argv",
" main(argv)","","")
python_file <- file(description="","w")
python_file_address <- file.path(getwd(),"")
end <- as.integer(end)
start <- as.integer(start)
stop("R could not read the parsed data from Python. The cause of this error can probably be found in the error output a few lines above in the line beginning with Exception:")
probeset_file <- file("probesets_of_interest.txt","r")
probesets_of_interest <- readLines(probeset_file)
probesets_of_interest <- probesets_of_interest[2:length(probesets_of_interest)]
#since it seems the read was succesfull with this annotation name and these mpsToPsFile and transcriptClustersFile,
#we will save the locations for future use
#this functionality has been removed because it is not allowed to save settings between sessions in Bioconductor.
#it was re-inserted because other it seems that other packages do it as well
#saving the mpsToPsFile and transcriptClustersFile locations for next time
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) == 0){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
newLocationFileLines <- vector()
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
keepline <- TRUE
if( !(annotation == line[2] & line[1] %in% c("mpsToPsFile","transcriptClustersFile")) ){
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste(line[1],line[2],line[3],sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(mpsToPsFile))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("mpsToPsFile",annotation,mpsToPsFile,sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(transcriptClustersFile))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("transcriptClustersFile",annotation,transcriptClustersFile,sep="\t"))
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"w")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) != 0){
print(paste("Would have saved the locations of mpsToPsFile and transcriptClustersFile files for",annotation,"for next time, but did not have write permission for the configfile",locationFilePath))
getMetaprobesetsFromRegionOfInterest <- function(annotation,chromosome,start,end,pythonPath=NULL,transcriptClustersFile=NULL){
chromosome <- as.character(chromosome)
#received an annotation for which there was no db_package_name. Will check locations.txt if this
#annotation has previously been run with transcriptClustersFile.
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,4) == 0){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(annotation == line[2]){
if("transcriptClustersFile" == line[1])transcriptClustersFile <- line[3]
print(paste("transcriptClustersFile given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",transcriptClustersFile))
stop(paste("No transcriptClustersFile was given and nothing has been saved for",annotation,"in memory"))
print("transcriptClustersFile was detected. Switching to python parsing.")
stop(paste("transcriptClustersFile file not found at",transcriptClustersFile))
pythonPath <- checkForFileInPath(c("python","python.exe"))
if(length(pythonPath) > 0){
pythonPath <- pythonPath[1]
stop("Could not find python in path and it was not given as an argument. Do either")
if(substr(chromosome,1,3) != "chr")chromosome <- paste("chr",chromosome,sep="")
python_script <- c("def main(argv):",
" import os",
" transcriptClustersFile = argv[1]",
" chr_name = argv[2]",
" start = int(argv[3])",
" end = int(argv[4])",
" transcript_clusters_file = open(transcriptClustersFile,'r')",
" transcript_clusters = transcript_clusters_file.readlines()",
" transcript_clusters_file.close()",
" transcript_clusters_of_interest = []",
" for transcript_cluster in transcript_clusters:",
" if transcript_cluster[0] is not '#':",
" split_cluster = transcript_cluster.split('\\\",\\\"')",
" if len(split_cluster) > 3:",
" if split_cluster[2] == chr_name:",
" if (start < int(split_cluster[4]) and int(split_cluster[4]) < end) or (start < int(split_cluster[5]) and int(split_cluster[5]) < end):",
" transcript_clusters_of_interest.append(split_cluster[0].lstrip('\\\"'))",
" else:",
" raise Exception('The transcriptClustersFile is not valid')",
" del transcript_clusters",
" output = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'metaprobesets_of_interest.txt'),'w')",
" output.write('probeset_id\\n')",
" for transcript_cluster_of_interest in transcript_clusters_of_interest:",
" if len(transcript_cluster_of_interest)>0:",
" output.write(transcript_cluster_of_interest+'\\n')",
" output.close()",
"if __name__ == '__main__':",
" from sys import argv",
" main(argv)","","")
python_file <- file(description="","w")
python_file_address <- file.path(getwd(),"")
end <- as.integer(end)
start <- as.integer(start)
stop("R could not read the parsed data from Python. The cause of this error can probably be found in the error output a few lines above in the line beginning with Exception:")
metaprobeset_file <- file("metaprobesets_of_interest.txt","r")
metaprobesets_of_interest <- readLines(metaprobeset_file)
metaprobesets_of_interest <- metaprobesets_of_interest[2:length(metaprobesets_of_interest)]
#since it seems the read was succesfull with this annotation name and this transcriptClustersFile,
#we will save the locations for future use
#saving the transcriptClustersFile locations for next time
#this functionality has been removed because it is not allowed to save settings between sessions in Bioconductor.
#it was re-inserted because other it seems that other packages do it as well
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) == 0){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
newLocationFileLines <- vector()
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if( !(annotation == line[2] & line[1] %in% c("transcriptClustersFile")) ){
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste(line[1],line[2],line[3],sep="\t"))
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("transcriptClustersFile",annotation,transcriptClustersFile,sep="\t"))
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"w")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) != 0){
print(paste("Would have saved the locations of transcriptClustersFile files for",annotation,"for next time, but did not have write permission for the configfile",locationFilePath))
getProbeLevelAnnotationForExonArrays <- function(vectorOfProbesets,pgfPath){
# When given a vectorOfProbesets and the location of a pgf file, this function will create
# a dataframe with columns "probeset_name", "probe_name" and "sequence" with data for all probes
# found in the vectorOfProbesets. If any probesets are given that are not found in the pgf file
# the function will stop.
parsed_pgf <- readPgf(pgfPath) #this can produce a
probeset_indices_logical <- parsed_pgf[["probesetId"]] %in% vectorOfProbesets
probeset_indices <- which(probeset_indices_logical)
#Might as well stop the function if it doesn't find all probesets, because APT will crash later in any case
names_of_missing_probesets <- vectorOfProbesets[!vectorOfProbesets %in% parsed_pgf[["probesetId"]][probeset_indices_logical]]
number_of_missing_probesets <- length(names_of_missing_probesets)
if(number_of_missing_probesets > 50){
description_of_missing_probesets <- paste("The first 50 are:",paste(names_of_missing_probesets[1:50],collapse=", "))
description_of_missing_probesets <- paste("They are:",paste(names_of_missing_probesets,collapse=", "))
stop(paste(number_of_missing_probesets,"probesets from the vectorOfProbesets, was not found in the pgf file.",description_of_missing_probesets))
probe_indices <- vector()
probeset_name <- vector()
for(probeset_index in probeset_indices){
atom_indices <- parsed_pgf[["probesetStartAtom"]][probeset_index]:(parsed_pgf[["probesetStartAtom"]][probeset_index+1]-1)
for(atom_index in atom_indices){
probe_indices_here <- parsed_pgf[["atomStartProbe"]][atom_index]:(parsed_pgf[["atomStartProbe"]][atom_index+1]-1)
probe_indices <- c(probe_indices,probe_indices_here)
probeset_name <- c(probeset_name,rep(parsed_pgf[["probesetId"]][probeset_index],length(atom_index)))
probe_name <- parsed_pgf[["probeId"]][probe_indices]
sequence <- parsed_pgf[["probeSequence"]][probe_indices]
result <- cbind(probeset_name,probe_name,sequence)
colnames(result) <- c("probeset_name","probe_name","sequence")
rownames(result) <- result[,"probe_name"]
checkForFileInPath <- function(filenames){
#small function that takes a vector of filenames, checks if any is in path, and returns the full path of thoose that are.
# if nothing is found, it will return NULL
return_value <- vector()
for(filename in filenames){
pathdirs <- strsplit(Sys.getenv()[["PATH"]],.Platform[["path.sep"]])[[1]]
for(pathdir in pathdirs){
if(!$isdir)){ #this sometimes happens on some linux computers. Weird, but the warning should be avoided.
if(filename %in% list.files(pathdir)){
return_value <- c(return_value,paste(pathdir,filename,sep=.Platform$file.sep))
if(length(return_value) == 0)return_value <- NULL
getLocalMetaprobeIntensities <- function(celfilePath,analysis="rma",metaProbeSetsFile=NULL,annotation=NULL,aptProbesetSummarizePath=NULL,pgfPath=NULL,clfPath=NULL,cdfPath=NULL,verbose=TRUE){
if(is.null(cdfPath) & is.null(pgfPath) & is.null(clfPath) & is.null(annotation)){
stop("You need to provide at least one of the following: pgfPath, clfPath, cdfPath or annotation - and probably more, but error messages will tell you which")
if(!is.null(cdfPath) & (!is.null(pgfPath) | !is.null(clfPath))){
stop("Do not specify both cdfPath and a clfPath or pgfPath. pgfPath and clfPath is for exon arrays that do not use cdf files")
if(!file.exists(celfilePath))stop(paste("The celfilePath",celfilePath,"was not found"))
if(![["isdir"]])stop(paste("The celfilePath",celfilePath,"was not identified as a directory. You must specify a directory."))
if(substr(celfilePath,nchar(celfilePath),nchar(celfilePath)) == .Platform[["file.sep"]]){
celfilePath <- substr(celfilePath,1,nchar(celfilePath)-length(.Platform[["file.sep"]]))
celfilePath <- path.expand(celfilePath)
if(length(grep("pgfPath",annotation)) + length(grep("clfPath",annotation)) + length(grep("cdfPath",annotation)) > 0){
stop("For some obscure reason the words cdfPath, pgfPath or clfPath appears in the annotation name. This will cause the program to crash later. Please change the annotation name.")
#if all cdf, pgf and clf is set to null, but annotation is not, we'll assume it is a lazy user
#and see if this type of annotation has been used before.
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(is.null(cdfPath) & is.null(pgfPath) & is.null(clfPath) & !is.null(annotation) & (file.access(locationFilePath,4) == 0)){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(annotation == line[2]){
if("pgfPath" == line[1])pgfPath <- line[3]
if("clfPath" == line[1])clfPath <- line[3]
if("cdfPath" == line[1])cdfPath <- line[3]
if(!is.null(cdfPath) & verbose)print(paste("cdfPath given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",cdfPath))
if(!is.null(clfPath) & verbose)print(paste("clfPath given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",clfPath))
if(!is.null(pgfPath) & verbose)print(paste("pgfPath given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",pgfPath))
annotation_type <- ""
if(is.null(cdfPath) & is.null(pgfPath) & is.null(clfPath))stop(paste("For the annotation",annotation,"you need to provide at least one of the following: pgfPath, clfPath, cdfPath"))
#assuming exon type array
if(is.null(pgfPath)|is.null(clfPath))stop("This annotation needs both a pgfPath argument and a cdfPath argument")
if(!file.exists(pgfPath)|!file.exists(clfPath))stop(paste("The pgf or clf file was not found"))
if([["isdir"]]|[["isdir"]])stop(paste("The pgf or clf specified is a directory, not a file"))
annotation_type <- "doesnothavecdf"
#assuming 3'IVT type array (ie with already annotated CDF files in the bioconductor
if(is.null(cdfPath))stop("This annotation needs a cdfPath argument") # but this can't really happen since we already checked for all being null
if(!file.exists(cdfPath))stop(paste("The cdf file",cdfPath,"was not found"))
if([["isdir"]])stop(paste("The cdfPath",cdfPath,"is a directory"))
if(is.null(annotation))stop("An annotation string is needed to locate the cdf and probe level files for CDF-style arrays")
annotation_type <- "hascdf"
if(!annotation_type %in% c("hascdf","doesnothavecdf"))stop("Program could not determine if exon array or cdf-style arrays are investigated. Try giving a cdf_file or a pgf_file argument")
#checking the metaProbeSetsFile
stop(paste("The metaProbeSetsFile was given as",metaProbeSetsFile,"but no file was found here"))
stop(paste("The metaProbeSetsFile was given as",metaProbeSetsFile,"but this is a directory"))
metaProbeSetline<-paste(" -m ",shQuote(metaProbeSetsFile)," ",sep="")
#if aptProbesetSummarizePath is not given as argument
#..then check if aptProbesetSummarizePath is in path
aptProbesetSummarizePath <- checkForFileInPath(c("apt-probeset-summarize","apt-probeset-summarize.exe"))
if(length(aptProbesetSummarizePath) > 0){
aptProbesetSummarizePath <- aptProbesetSummarizePath[1] #only need one, in case of more hits
#...if not in path, check if it has been used before on this computer
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(line[1] == "aptProbesetSummarizePath"){
aptProbesetSummarizePath <- line[3]
#...if not used before, check if we can use the aptfiles in the exec folder of the package
executableFileOverviewPath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","aptsummarizefiles.txt")
executableFileOverview <- read.table(executableFileOverviewPath,header=FALSE,sep="\t")
machineType <- paste([["sysname"]],[["machine"]])
if(machineType %in% executableFileOverview[,1]){
aptCelSummarizetName <- as.character(executableFileOverview[executableFileOverview[,1] == machineType,2])
#Sometimes the file doesn't want to run on windows. We have to check that.
if([["sysname"]] == "Windows"){
tempAptCelSummarizePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"exec",aptCelSummarizetName)
ERRORLEVEL <- system(shQuote(tempAptCelSummarizePath),intern=TRUE)
if(length(ERRORLEVEL) > 20){ #if more than 20 lines -> safe to assume that the file worked and the help was printed
aptProbesetSummarizePath <- tempAptCelSummarizePath
aptProbesetSummarizePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"exec",aptCelSummarizetName)
#...if still not found, we'll have to stop the show
stop("aptProbesetSummarizePath was given as NULL, could not be found in path, and has not previously been located on this computer. Either make sure that the file apt-probeset-summarize or apt-probeset-summarize.exe is in path, or give the explicit path to it as an argument. The apt-probeset-summarize can be downloaded from Affymetrix webpage")
#...if found, double check that it actually exists, is not a directory and is executable
stop(paste("The aptProbesetSummarizePath was given as",aptProbesetSummarizePath,"but no file was found here"))
stop(paste("The aptProbesetSummarizePath was given as",aptProbesetSummarizePath,"but this is a directory"))
if(file.access(aptProbesetSummarizePath,mode=1) != 0){
stop(paste("The aptProbesetSummarizePath was given as",aptProbesetSummarizePath,"but this file is not executable"))
#saving the aptCelExtract, cdf, pgf and clf locations for next time
#this functionality has been removed because it is not allowed to save settings between sessions in Bioconductor.
#it was re-inserted because other it seems that other packages do it as well
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) == 0){
#locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
newLocationFileLines <- vector()
#delete previous lines from this annotation
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
keepline <- TRUE
if("aptProbesetSummarizePath" == line[1])keepline <- FALSE
if(annotation == line[2] & line[1] %in% c("cdfPath","clfPath","pgfPath"))keepline <- FALSE
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste(line[1],line[2],line[3],sep="\t"))
#add the new ones
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("aptProbesetSummarizePath","all",aptProbesetSummarizePath,sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(cdfPath))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("cdfPath",annotation,cdfPath,sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(clfPath))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("clfPath",annotation,clfPath,sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(pgfPath))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("pgfPath",annotation,pgfPath,sep="\t"))
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"w")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) != 0 & verbose){
print(paste("Would have saved the locations of annotation files for",annotation,"for next time, but did not have write permission for the configfile",locationFilePath))
if(annotation_type == "hascdf"){
annotation_line <- paste(" -d ",shQuote(cdfPath)," ",sep="")
if(annotation_type == "doesnothavecdf"){
annotation_line <- paste(" -c ",shQuote(clfPath)," -p ",shQuote(pgfPath)," ",sep="")
cel_files <- list.files(path=celfilePath,pattern="[.](c|C)(e|E)(l|L)$")
cel_files_and_path <- paste(celfilePath,.Platform[["file.sep"]],cel_files,sep="")
stop("Didn't find any cel files in specified celfilePath")
if(length(cel_files_and_path) == 1){
stop("Only found one cel file in the specified celfilePath. This has not been implemented yet. Make a copy of the cel file if you really need to only read one")
if(verbose)print(paste("Found",length(cel_files_and_path),"cel files in celfilePath"))
cel_list <- c("cel_files",cel_files_and_path)
cel_list_file <- file("cellist","w")
cel_list_path <- paste(getwd(),.Platform[["file.sep"]],"cellist",sep="")
" -a ",
" -o ",
" --cel-files ",
if(verbose)print("APT analysis finished - now preparing values into bioconductor expressionset")
for(i in 1:length(results)){
title <- "ExpressionSet"
abstract <- paste("This ExpressionSet was generated using the getLocalMetaprobeIntensities function of the bioconductor package geneRegionScan, using",analysis,"analysis directly from cel files in",celfilePath,"on",date())
experimentData <- new(
name = "",
lab = "",
contact = "",
title = title,
abstract = abstract,
url = "",
other = notes)
expressionset <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = exprs, experimentData = experimentData, annotation = annotation)
if(verbose)print("Deleting the files: apt-probeset-summarize.log, cel_list.txt, rma.summary.txt, and - since they are now in the expressionset")
getProbesetsFromMetaprobeset <- function(annotation,metaprobesets,pythonPath=NULL,mpsToPsFile=NULL){
#Will check locations.txt if this
#annotation has previously been run with mpsToPsFile and transcriptClustersFile.
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,4) == 0){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if(annotation == line[2]){
if("mpsToPsFile" == line[1])mpsToPsFile <- line[3]
if(!is.null(mpsToPsFile) ){
print(paste("mpsToPsFile given as null, but the annotation",annotation,"has used this file before:",mpsToPsFile))
stop("You need to specify a mpsToPsFile")
if(!is.null(mpsToPsFile) ){
if(!file.exists(mpsToPsFile))stop(paste("mpsToPsFile file not found at",mpsToPsFile))
pythonPath <- checkForFileInPath(c("python","python.exe"))
if(length(pythonPath) > 0){
pythonPath <- pythonPath[1]
stop("Could not find python in path and it was not given as an argument. Do either")
python_script <- c("def main(argv):",
" import os",
" mpsToPsFile = argv[1]",
" metaprobesets = argv[2:(len(argv))]",
" mps_to_ps_file = open(mpsToPsFile,'r')",
" mps_to_ps = mps_to_ps_file.readlines()",
" mps_to_ps_file.close()",
" probesets_of_interest = []",
" for mps_to_ps_entry in mps_to_ps:",
" if mps_to_ps_entry[0] is not '#':",
" split_mps_to_ps_entry = mps_to_ps_entry.split('\t')",
" if split_mps_to_ps_entry[0] in metaprobesets:",
" probesets_of_interest_here = split_mps_to_ps_entry[2].split(' ')",
" probesets_of_interest = probesets_of_interest + probesets_of_interest_here",
" del mps_to_ps",
" probesets_of_interest = dict(map(lambda i: (i,1),probesets_of_interest)).keys()",
" output = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'probesets_of_interest.txt'),'w')",
" output.write('probeset_id\\n')",
" for probeset_of_interest in probesets_of_interest:",
" if len(probeset_of_interest)>0:",
" output.write(probeset_of_interest+'\\n')",
" output.close()",
"if __name__ == '__main__':",
" from sys import argv",
" main(argv)","","")
python_file <- file(description="","w")
python_file_address <- file.path(getwd(),"")
system(paste(shQuote(pythonPath),shQuote(python_file_address),shQuote(mpsToPsFile),paste(metaprobesets,collapse=" ")))
stop("R could not read the parsed data from Python. The cause of this error can probably be found in the error output a few lines above in the line beginning with Exception:")
probeset_file <- file("probesets_of_interest.txt","r")
probesets_of_interest <- readLines(probeset_file)
probesets_of_interest <- probesets_of_interest[2:length(probesets_of_interest)]
#since it seems the read was succesfull with this annotation name and these mpsToPsFile,
#we will save the locations for future use
#this functionality has been removed because it is not allowed to save settings between sessions in Bioconductor.
#it was re-inserted because other it seems that other packages do it as well
#saving the mpsToPsFilelocations for next time
locationFilePath <- file.path(path.package("GeneRegionScan"),"configfiles","locations.txt")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) == 0){
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"r")
locationFileLines <- readLines(locationFile)
splitLocationFileLines <- strsplit(locationFileLines,"\t")
newLocationFileLines <- vector()
for(line in splitLocationFileLines){
if( !(annotation == line[2] & line[1] == "mpsToPsFile") ){
newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste(line[1],line[2],line[3],sep="\t"))
if(!is.null(mpsToPsFile))newLocationFileLines <- c(newLocationFileLines,paste("mpsToPsFile",annotation,mpsToPsFile,sep="\t"))
locationFile <- file(locationFilePath,"w")
if(file.access(locationFilePath,2) != 0){
print(paste("Would have saved the locations of mpsToPsFile and transcriptClustersFile files for",annotation,"for next time, but did not have write permission for the configfile",locationFilePath))
#small replacement function for the deprecated readFASTA
for(i in 1:length(DNAStringSet)){
readFASTAformatList[[i]][["desc"]]<- names(as.character(DNAStringSet))[i]
readFASTAformatList[[i]][["seq"]]<- as.character(as.character(DNAStringSet)[i])
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