
Defines functions find_url_ebi download.ebi rename.SRA.files download.SRA.metadata download.SRA install.sratoolkit

Documented in download.ebi download.SRA download.SRA.metadata find_url_ebi install.sratoolkit rename.SRA.files

#' Download sra toolkit
#' Currently supported for Linux (64 bit centos and ubunutu is tested to work)
#' and Mac-OS(64 bit)
#' @param folder default folder, "~/bin"
#' @param version a string, default "2.10.9"
#' @return path to fastq-dump in sratoolkit
#' @importFrom utils untar
#' @references https://ncbi.github.io/sra-tools/fastq-dump.html
#' @family sra
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # install.sratoolkit()
#' ## Custom folder and version
#' folder <- "/I/WANT/IT/HERE/"
#' # install.sratoolkit(folder, version = "2.10.7")
install.sratoolkit <- function(folder = "~/bin", version = "2.10.9") {
  if (.Platform$OS.type != "unix")
    stop("sratoolkit is not currently supported for windows by ORFik, download manually")
  folder <- path.expand(folder)
  is_linux <- Sys.info()[1] == "Linux" # else it is mac
  # TODO; Check if ubuntu compliation is needed for safer download ->
  #length(grep("Ubuntu", system("cat /etc/*release", intern = TRUE)[1])) == 1

  path.final <- ifelse(is_linux,
                       paste0(folder, "/sratoolkit.", version, "-centos_linux64"),
                       paste0(folder, "/sratoolkit.", version, "-mac64"))
  path.final <- paste0(path.final, "/bin/fastq-dump")
  if (file.exists(path.final)) {
    message(paste("Using fastq-dump at location:",
  message("Downloading and configuring SRA-toolkit for you,
          this is done only once!")

  url <- paste0("https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/sdk/", version, "/")
  url <- paste0(url, "sratoolkit.", version)
  url <- ifelse(is_linux,
                paste0(url, "-centos_linux64.tar.gz"),
                paste0(url, "-mac64.tar.gz"))
  path <- paste0(folder, "/sratoolkit.tar.gz")

  dir.create(folder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  utils::download.file(url, destfile = path)
  untar(path, exdir = folder)

  # Update access rights
  system(paste("chmod a+x", path.final))
  # Make config file, will give ignorable seqmentation faul warning
  message("Ignore the following config warning: SIGNAL - Segmentation fault ")
  conf <- suppressWarnings(system(paste0(dirname(path.final), "/vdb-config -i"),
                                  intern = TRUE))


#' Download read libraries from SRA
#' Multicore version download, see documentation for SRA toolkit for more information.
#' @param info character vector of only SRR numbers or
#' a data.frame with SRA metadata information including the SRR numbers in a column called
#' "Run" or "SRR". Can be SRR, ERR or DRR numbers.
#' If only SRR numbers can not rename, since no additional information is given.
#' @param outdir a string, default: cbu server
#' @param rename logical or character, default TRUE (Auto guess new names). False: Skip
#' renaming. A character vector of equal size as files wanted can also be given.
#' Priority of renaming from
#' the metadata is to check for unique names in the LibraryName column,
#' then the sample_title column if no valid names in LibraryName.
#' If new names found and still duplicates, will
#' add "_rep1", "_rep2" to make them unique. If no valid names, will not
#' rename, that is keep the SRR numbers, you then can manually rename files
#' to something more meaningful.
#' @param fastq.dump.path path to fastq-dump binary, default: path returned
#' from install.sratoolkit()
#' @param settings a string of arguments for fastq-dump,
#' default: paste("--gzip", "--skip-technical", "--split-files")
#' @param subset an integer or NULL, default NULL (no subset). If defined as
#' a integer will download only the first n reads specified by subset. If subset is
#' defined, will force to use fastq-dump which is slower than ebi download.
#' @param compress logical, default TRUE. Download compressed files ".gz".
#' @param BPPARAM how many cores/threads to use? default: bpparam().
#' To see number of threads used, do \code{bpparam()$workers}
#' @return a character vector of download files filepaths
#' @references https://ncbi.github.io/sra-tools/fastq-dump.html
#' @family sra
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SRR <- c("SRR453566") # Can be more than one
#' \donttest{
#' ## Simple single SRR run of YEAST
#' outdir <- tempdir() # Specify output directory
#' # Download, get 5 first reads
#' #download.SRA(SRR, outdir, subset = 5)
#' ## Using metadata column to get SRR numbers and to be able to rename samples
#' outdir <- tempdir() # Specify output directory
#' info <- download.SRA.metadata("SRP226389", outdir) # By study id
#' # Download, 5 first reads of each library and rename
#' #download.SRA(info, outdir, subset = 5)
#' }
download.SRA <- function(info, outdir, rename = TRUE,
                         fastq.dump.path = install.sratoolkit(),
                         settings =  paste("--skip-technical", "--split-files"),
                         subset = NULL,
                         compress = TRUE,
                         BPPARAM = bpparam()) {

  # If character presume SRR, if not check for column Run or SRR
  SRR <- if (is.character(info)) { # if character
  } else { # else metadata
    if (is.null(info$Run)) { # If not called Run
    } else  { # If called Run
  if (is.null(SRR) | (length(SRR) == 0))
    stop("Could not find SRR numbers in 'info'")

  dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  settings <- paste("--outdir", outdir, settings)
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if(!is.numeric(subset)) stop("subset must be numeric if not NULL")
    subset <- as.integer(subset)
    settings <- paste(settings, "-X", subset)
  } else {
    files <- download.ebi(info, outdir, rename, BPPARAM)
    if (length(files) > 0) return(files)
    message("Checking for fastq files using fastq-dump")
  if (compress) {
    settings <- paste(settings, "--gzip")
  fastq.dump <- fastq.dump.path
  message("Starting download of SRA runs:")
  BiocParallel::bplapply(SRR, function(i, fastq.dump, settings) {
    system(command = paste(fastq.dump, i, settings),
           wait = TRUE)
  }, fastq.dump = fastq.dump, settings = settings, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

  search_it <- ifelse(compress, "\\.fastq\\.gz$", "\\.fastq$")
  files <- unlist(lapply(SRR, function(S)
    dir(outdir, paste0(S, ".*", search_it), full.names = TRUE))

  valid <- TRUE
  if (length(files) == 0) valid <- FALSE
  paired <- length(grep("_[1-2]\\.fastq\\.gz", files))
  if (length(SRR) != (paired/2 + length(files) - paired))
    valid <- FALSE
  if (!valid) {
    warning("Some of the files specified was not downloaded,",
            " are you behind a strict firewall?")
    message("If only few files remaining, subset to those SRR numbers and run again")

  if (is.logical(rename)) { # Renaming
    # Set to false if no metadata
    if (is.character(info) & rename) {
      rename <- FALSE
      warning("rename = TRUE, but no metadata given. Can not rename!")
    } else if (rename) files <- rename.SRA.files(files, info)
  } else { # else manual assign names
    files <- rename.SRA.files(files, rename)

#' Downloads metadata from SRA
#' @param SRP a string, a study ID as either the SRP, ERP, DRP or PRJ of the study,
#' examples would be "SRP226389" or "ERP116106".
#' @param outdir directory to save file,
#' The file will be called "SraRunInfo_SRP.csv", where SRP is
#' the SRP argument.
#' The directory will be created if not existing.
#' @param remove.invalid logical, default TRUE. Remove Runs with 0 reads (spots)
#' @return a data.table of the opened file
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml
#' @importFrom xml2 as_list
#' @references doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq1019
#' @family sra
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Originally on SRA
#' outdir <- tempdir() # Specify output directory
#' # download.SRA.metadata("SRP226389", outdir)
#' ## ORiginally on ENA
#' # download.SRA.metadata("ERP116106", outdir)
download.SRA.metadata <- function(SRP, outdir, remove.invalid = TRUE) {
  dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  destfile <- paste0(outdir, "/SraRunInfo_", SRP, ".csv")
  if (file.exists(destfile)) {
    message(paste("Existing metadata file found in dir:", outdir, "will not download"))
  } else {
    url <- "https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/sra.cgi?save=efetch&db=sra&rettype=runinfo&term="
    url <- paste0(url, SRP)
    download.file(url, destfile = destfile)
  file <- fread(destfile)

  msg <- paste("Found Runs with 0 reads (spots) in metadata, will not be able
              to download the run/s:", file[spots == 0,]$Run)
  if (any(file$spots == 0)) {
    if (remove.invalid) {
      warning("Removing invalid Runs from final metadata list")
      file <- file[spots > 0,]

  if (nrow(file) == 0) {
    warning(paste("No valid runs found from experiment:", SRP))
  } else {
    if ("sample_title" %in% colnames(file)) return(file)

    file <- file[, -c("ReleaseDate", "LoadDate", "download_path", "RunHash", "ReadHash", "Consent")]
    # Download xml and add more data
    url <- "https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/sra.cgi?save=efetch&db=sra&rettype=xml&term="
    url <- paste0(url, SRP)
    destfile_xml <- paste0(outdir, "/SraRunInfo_", SRP, ".xml")
    download.file(url, destfile = destfile_xml)
    a <- xml2::read_xml(destfile_xml)
    a <- xml2::as_list(a)

    dt <- data.table()
    for(i in seq_along(a$EXPERIMENT_PACKAGE_SET)) {
      xml.TITLE <- ifelse(is.null(xml.TITLE), "", xml.TITLE)
      xml.RUN <- ifelse(is.null(xml.RUN), "", xml.RUN)
      dt <- rbind(dt, cbind(xml.TITLE, xml.RUN))
    colnames(dt) <- c("sample_title", "Run")
    dt <- dt[Run %in% file$Run]
    if (length(dt) > 0) {
      file <- data.table::merge.data.table(file, dt, by = "Run")
    # Remove xml and keep runinfo
    fwrite(file, destfile)

#' Rename SRA files from metadata
#' @param files a character vector, with full path to all the files
#' @param new_names a character vector of new names or
#' a data.table with metadata to use to rename (usually from SRA metadata).
#' Priority of renaming from
#' the metadata is to check for unique names in the LibraryName column,
#' then the sample_title column if no valid names in LibraryName.
#' If found and still duplicates, will
#' add "_rep1", "_rep2" to make them unique. Paired end data will get a extension
#' of _p1 and _p2. If no valid names, will not
#' rename, that is keep the SRR numbers, you then can manually rename files
#' to something more meaningful.
#' @return a character vector of new file names
#' @family sra
rename.SRA.files <- function(files, new_names) {
  info <- NULL # Set to default
  if (!is.character(new_names)) { # Then auto-guess from meta data
    message("Auto-guessing new names from metadata, check that they are valid")
    info <- new_names
    new_names <- NULL

    valid_libraryName_column <- !is.null(info$LibraryName) &
      !any(is.na(info$LibraryName)) & !any("" %in% info$LibraryName)
    if (valid_libraryName_column) {
        new_names <- info$LibraryName
    not_defined_yet <- is.null(new_names)
    valid_sample_column <- !is.null(info$sample_title) &
      !any(is.na(info$sample_title)) & !any("" %in% new_names)
    if (not_defined_yet & valid_sample_column) {
      new_names <- info$sample_title
      new_names <- gsub(".*: ", "", new_names)
      new_names <- gsub(";.*", "", new_names)
    libStrat <- info$LibraryStrategy
    libSelect <- info$LibrarySelection
    libStrat_usable <- !is.null(libStrat) &
      !any(is.na(libStrat)) & !all(c("") %in% libStrat) &
      !all(c("OTHER") %in% libStrat) & !all(c("other") %in% libStrat) &
      !all(c("unspecified") %in% libStrat)

    libSelect_usable <- !is.null(libSelect) &
      !any(is.na(libSelect)) & !all(c("") %in% libSelect) &
      !all(c("OTHER") %in% libSelect) & !all(c("other") %in% libSelect) &
      !all(c("unspecified") %in% libSelect)

    if (!is.null(new_names)) {
      new_names <- paste0(toupper(substr(new_names, 1, 1)),
                           substr(new_names, 2, nchar(new_names)))

  if (any(duplicated(new_names))) {
    new_names <- make.unique(new_names, sep = "_rep")

  if (!is.null(new_names)) {
    message("Renaming files:")
    if (!is.null(info)) { # If metadata given, update if paired end
      if (any("PAIRED" %in% info$LibraryLayout)) {
        new_names <- lapply(seq_along(info$LibraryLayout),
                            function(x) if(info$LibraryLayout[x] == "PAIRED") {
                              c(paste0(new_names[x], "_p1"),
                            } else new_names[x])
        new_names <- unlist(new_names)

    if (length(new_names) != length(files))
      stop("Length of files and new_names to rename by is not equal!",
           " If manual assign of paired end name, repeat each element twice!")

    new_names <- gsub(" |\\(|\\)", "_", new_names)
    new_names <- gsub("__", "_", new_names)
    new_names <- gsub("/", "", new_names)
    is_gzipped <- grep("\\.fastq\\.gz", files)

    new_names <- paste0(dirname(files), "/", basename(new_names), ".fastq")

    new_names[is_gzipped] <- paste0(new_names, ".gz")
    for (i in seq(length(files))) {
      file.rename(files[i], new_names[i])
  } else {
    warning("Did not find a way for valid renaming, returning without renaming!")

#' Faster download of fastq files
#' Uses ftp download from vol1 drive on EBI ftp server,
#'  for faster download of ERR, SRR or DRR files.
#' But does not support subsetting or custom settings of files!
#' @inheritParams download.SRA
#' @return character, full filepath of downloaded  files
#' @family sra
download.ebi <- function(info, outdir, rename = TRUE,
                         BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
  # If character presume SRR, if not check for column Run or SRR
  SRR <- if (is.character(info)) { # if character
  } else { # else metadata
    if (is.null(info$Run)) { # If not called Run
    } else  { # If called Run
  if (is.null(SRR) | (length(SRR) == 0))
    stop("Could not find SRR numbers in 'info'")
  dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  urls <- ORFik:::find_url_ebi(SRR)
  if (length(urls) == 0) {
    message("Fastq files not found on ebi")

  files <- file.path(outdir, basename(urls))
  message("Starting download of SRA runs:")
  method <- ifelse(Sys.info()[1] == "Linux", "wget", "auto")
  BiocParallel::bplapply(urls, function(i, outdir, method) {
    download.file(i, destfile = file.path(outdir, basename(i)),
                  method = method, quiet = TRUE)
  }, outdir = outdir, method = method, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

  if (is.logical(rename)) {
    # Set to false if not metadata
    if (is.character(info) & rename) {
      rename <- FALSE
      warning("rename = TRUE, but no metadata given. Can not rename!")
    } else if (rename) files <- rename.SRA.files(files, info)
  } else { # else manual assign names
    files <- rename.SRA.files(files, rename)

#' Locates and check if fastq files exists in ebi
#' Look for files in ebi following url: ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq
#' Paired end and single end fastq files
#' @param SRR character, SRR, ERR or DRR numbers.
#' @param stop.on.error logical FALSE, if true will stop
#'  if all files are not found.
#' @return full url to fastq files, same length as input
#' (2 urls for paired end data). Returns empty character() if all
#' files not found.
find_url_ebi <- function(SRR, stop.on.error = FALSE) {
  SRR_first_3 <- substring(SRR, 1, 6)
  SRR_last_3 <- paste0("0", reverse(substring(reverse(SRR), 1, 2)))
  SRR_default <- file.path("ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq", SRR_first_3)
  SRR_fastq <- paste0(SRR, ".fastq.gz")
  SRR_fastq_paired <- c(paste0(SRR, c("_1"), ".fastq.gz"),
                        paste0(SRR, c("_2"), ".fastq.gz"))
  SRR_paths <- file.path(SRR_default, SRR_last_3, SRR, SRR_fastq)
  SRR_paths_paired <- file.path(SRR_default, SRR_last_3, SRR, SRR_fastq_paired)
  # Special location
  SRR_paths_spec <- file.path(SRR_default, SRR, SRR_fastq)
  SRR_paths_spec_paired <- file.path(SRR_default, SRR, SRR_fastq_paired)
  # Check what format the files are found in (4 types)
  url.exists <-  sapply(SRR_paths, function(x)
    exists.ftp.file.fast(x, x))
  url.exists <- c(url.exists,
                  sapply(SRR_paths_paired, function(x)
                    exists.ftp.file.fast(x, x)))
  url.exists <- c(url.exists,
                  sapply(SRR_paths_spec, function(x)
                    exists.ftp.file.fast(x, x)))
  url.exists <- c(url.exists,
                  sapply(SRR_paths_spec_paired, function(x)
                    exists.ftp.file.fast(x, x)))
  final.path <- names(url.exists[url.exists])

  valid <- TRUE
  if (length(final.path) == 0) valid <- FALSE
  paired <- length(grep("_[1-2]\\.fastq\\.gz",final.path))
  if (length(SRR) != (paired/2 + length(final.path) - paired))
    valid <- FALSE
  if (!valid & stop.on.error) stop("Did not find fastq files on ENA",
                                   "check with download.SRA instead")
  if (!valid) final.path <- character()


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ORFik documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6 p.m.