
Defines functions taxa2dist sortTaxaFromTree createRootedTree checkNewick

Documented in checkNewick createRootedTree sortTaxaFromTree taxa2dist

# Functions for working with phylogenetic trees

#' Check the validity of input newick tree
#' @export
#' @param tree input newick tree
#' @param inputTaxonID list of all input taxon IDs for the phylogenetic profiles
#' @return Possible formatting error of input tree. 0 = suitable tree for using
#' with PhyloProfile, 1 = missing parenthesis; 2 = missing comma;
#' 3 = tree has singleton; or a list of taxa that do not exist in the input
#' phylogenetic profile.
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getInputTaxaID}} for getting input taxon IDs,
#' \code{\link{ppTree}} for an example of input tree
#' @examples
#' data("ppTree", package="PhyloProfile")
#' checkNewick(ppTree, c("ncbi3702", "ncbi3711", "ncbi7029"))

checkNewick <- function(tree, inputTaxonID = NULL){
    if (missing(tree)) return("No tree given!")
    # get tree structure
    treeStruc <- gsub("\\w", "", as.character(tree$V1), perl = TRUE)

    open <- lengths(regmatches(treeStruc, gregexpr("\\(", treeStruc)))
    close <- lengths(regmatches(treeStruc, gregexpr("\\)", treeStruc)))
    comma <- lengths(regmatches(treeStruc, gregexpr("\\,", treeStruc)))
    singleton <- lengths(regmatches(treeStruc, gregexpr("\\(\\)", treeStruc)))

    if (singleton > 0) return(3) # tree contains singleton
    if (open != close) return(1) # missing parenthesis
    else {
        if ((comma - open) > 1 | (comma - open) < 0) {
            # return(2) # missing comma
        } else {
            # get list of tips
            nodeString <- gsub("\\W+", "#", as.character(tree$V1))
            nodeList <- unlist(strsplit(nodeString, "#"))
            # list of input taxa
            inputTaxa <- inputTaxonID
            # get missing taxa
            setdiff(inputTaxa, nodeList)
            missingTaxa <- setdiff(nodeList, inputTaxa)
            missingTaxa <- missingTaxa[lapply(missingTaxa, nchar) > 0]
            if (length(missingTaxa) > 0) {
                # contains taxa that not exist in main input
                return(paste(missingTaxa, collapse = "; "))
            } else return(0)

#' Create rooted tree from a taxonomy matrix
#' @export
#' @param df data frame contains taxonomy matrix used for generating tree
#' (see distDf in example)
#' @param rootTaxon taxon used for rooting the taxonomy tree
#' @importFrom ape as.phylo
#' @importFrom ape root
#' @return A rooted taxonomy tree as an object of class "phylo".
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{taxa2dist}} for distance matrix generation from a
#' taxonomy matrix, \code{\link{getTaxonomyMatrix}} for getting taxonomy
#' matrix, \code{\link{ppTaxonomyMatrix}} for a demo taxonomy matrix data
#' @examples
#' data("ppTaxonomyMatrix", package = "PhyloProfile")
#' # prepare matrix for calculating distances
#' distDf <- subset(ppTaxonomyMatrix, select = -c(ncbiID, fullName))
#' row.names(distDf) <- distDf$abbrName
#' distDf <- distDf[, -1]
#' # create taxonomy tree rooted by ncbi10090
#' createRootedTree(distDf, "ncbi10090")

createRootedTree <- function(df, rootTaxon = NULL){
    if (missing(df)) return("No taxonomy matrix given!")
    # calculate distance matrix
    taxdis <- tryCatch(taxa2dist(df), error = function(e) e)
    # create tree
    tree <- ape::as.phylo(stats::hclust(taxdis))
    # root tree
    if (missing(rootTaxon)) rootTaxon = tree$tip.label[1]
    if (!(rootTaxon %in% tree$tip.label)) rootTaxon = tree$tip.label[1]
    tree <- ape::root(tree, outgroup = rootTaxon, resolve.root = TRUE)
    # return

#' Get sorted supertaxon list based on a rooted taxonomy tree
#' @export
#' @param tree an "phylo" object for a rooted taxonomy tree
#' @return A list of sorted taxa obtained the input taxonomy tree.
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ppTaxonomyMatrix}} for a demo taxonomy matrix data
#' @examples
#' data("ppTaxonomyMatrix", package = "PhyloProfile")
#' # prepare matrix for calculating distances
#' distDf <- subset(ppTaxonomyMatrix, select = -c(ncbiID, fullName))
#' row.names(distDf) <- distDf$abbrName
#' distDf <- distDf[, -1]
#' # create taxonomy tree rooted by ncbi10090
#' rootedTree <- createRootedTree(distDf, "ncbi10090")
#' # get taxon list sorted from tree
#' sortTaxaFromTree(rootedTree)

sortTaxaFromTree <- function(tree){
    if (missing(tree)) return("No tree given!")
    isTip <- tree$edge[, 2] <= length(tree$tip.label)
    orderedTips <- tree$edge[isTip, 2]
    taxonList <- rev(tree$tip.label[orderedTips])

#' taxa2dist
#' @param x taxa matrix
#' @param varstep var-step
#' @param check check
#' @param labels labels
#' @return a distance matrix
#' @author function from taxize library

taxa2dist <- function(x, varstep = FALSE, check = TRUE, labels) {
    rich <- apply(x, 2, function(taxa) length(unique(taxa)))
    S <- nrow(x)
    if (check) {
        keep <- rich < S & rich > 1
        rich <- rich[keep]
        x <- x[, keep]
    i <- rev(order(rich))
    x <- x[, i]
    rich <- rich[i]
    if (varstep) {
        add <- -diff(c(nrow(x), rich, 1))
        add <- add/c(S, rich)
        add <- add/sum(add) * 100
    else {
        add <- rep(100/(ncol(x) + check), ncol(x) + check)
    if (!is.null(names(add)))
        names(add) <- c("Base", names(add)[-length(add)])
    if (!check)
        add <- c(0, add)
    out <- matrix(add[1], nrow(x), nrow(x))
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
        out <- out + add[i + 1] * outer(x[, i], x[, i], "!=")
    out <- stats::as.dist(out)
    attr(out, "method") <- "taxa2dist"
    attr(out, "steps") <- add
    if (missing(labels)) {
        attr(out, "Labels") <- rownames(x)
    else {
        if (length(labels) != nrow(x))
            warning("Labels are wrong: needed ", nrow(x), " got ",
        attr(out, "Labels") <- as.character(labels)
    if (!check && any(out <= 0))
        warning("you used 'check=FALSE' and some distances are zero
                -- was this intended?")

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PhyloProfile documentation built on March 27, 2021, 6:01 p.m.