
Defines functions .onAttach .CloseConnection .OpenConnText .OpenConnBin .LastStr .InitFile2 .seldim .InitFile .CheckFile .cat .newmat .pretty_size .pretty .plural

# Package name: SNPRelate
# Description:
#     A High-performance Computing Toolset for Relatedness and
# Principal Component Analysis of SNP Data
# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2020        Xiuwen Zheng
# License: GPL-3

# Internal Functions

.plural <- function(num)
    if (num > 1) "s" else ""

.pretty <- function(x)
    prettyNum(x, big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE)

.pretty_size <- function(s)
    size <- function(x)
        if (x >= 1024^4)
            sprintf("%.1fT", x / 1024^4)
        else if (x >= 1024^3)
            sprintf("%.1fG", x / 1024^3)
        else if (x >= 1024^2)
            sprintf("%.1fM", x / 1024^2)
        else if (x >= 1024)
            sprintf("%.1fK", x / 1024)
            sprintf("%g bytes", x)
    sapply(s, size)

.newmat <- function(n, x)
    if (!requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly=TRUE))
        stop("The 'Matrix' package should be installed.")
    new("dspMatrix", uplo="L", Dim=c(n, n), x=x)

.cat <- function(...) cat(..., "\n", sep="")

# Check whether SNP GDS file or not

.CheckFile <- function(gdsobj)
    if (is.character(gdsobj))
        stop(paste0("`gdsobj' is a character variable. ",
            "Please use snpgdsOpen() to open the file '", gdsobj, "'."))
    if (!inherits(gdsobj, "gds.class"))
        stop("`gdsobj' should be a GDS file.")

    if (!inherits(gdsobj, "SNPGDSFileClass"))
        if (!inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
            message("Hint: ",
                "it is suggested to call `snpgdsOpen' to open a SNP GDS file ",
                "instead of `openfn.gds'.")

# Initialize the working space with sample and SNP IDs

.InitFile <- function(gdsobj, sample.id, snp.id, with.id=FALSE)
    # check

    # samples
    if (!is.null(sample.id))
        n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
        samp.tmp <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
        sample.id <- samp.tmp %in% sample.id
        n.samp <- sum(sample.id)
        if (n.samp != n.tmp)
            stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
        if (n.samp <= 0L)
            stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
        if (with.id)
            samp.tmp <- samp.tmp[sample.id]
    } else {
        if (with.id)
            samp.tmp <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))

    # SNPs
    snp.var <- "snp.id"
    if (inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
        snp.var <- "variant.id"
    if (!is.null(snp.id))
        n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
        snp.tmp <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, snp.var))
        snp.id <- snp.tmp %in% snp.id
        n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
        if (n.snp != n.tmp)
            stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
        if (n.snp <= 0L)
            if (inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
                stop("No SNV in the working dataset.")
                stop("No SNP in the working dataset.")
        if (with.id)
            snp.tmp <- snp.tmp[snp.id]
    } else {
        if (with.id)
            snp.tmp <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, snp.var))

    # set genotype working space
    if (!inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
        v <- .Call(gnrSetGenoSpace, index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype"),
            sample.id, snp.id)
    } else {
        v <- .Call(gnrSetSeqSpace, gdsobj, sample.id, snp.id)

    # output
    if (with.id)
        list(n.snp=v[1L], n.samp=v[2L], sample.id=samp.tmp, snp.id=snp.tmp)
    } else {
        list(n.snp=v[1L], n.samp=v[2L],
            samp.flag=sample.id, snp.flag=snp.id)

# Initialize the working space with more parameters

.seldim <- function(gdsobj)
        SeqArray::seqSummary(gdsobj, 'genotype', check='none',

.InitFile2 <- function(cmd=NULL, gdsobj, sample.id, snp.id,
    autosome.only=TRUE, remove.monosnp=TRUE, maf=NaN, missing.rate=NaN,
    allele.freq=NULL, num.thread=1L, verbose=TRUE, verbose.work=TRUE,
    # check
    stopifnot(is.null(cmd) | is.character(cmd))
    stopifnot(is.null(sample.id) | is.vector(sample.id) | is.factor(sample.id))
    stopifnot(is.null(snp.id) | is.vector(snp.id) | is.factor(snp.id))

    stopifnot(is.logical(autosome.only) | is.numeric(autosome.only) |
    stopifnot(length(autosome.only) == 1L)

    stopifnot(is.logical(remove.monosnp), length(remove.monosnp)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(maf), length(maf)==1L)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(missing.rate), length(missing.rate)==1L)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(num.thread), length(num.thread)==1L)
    num.thread <- as.integer(num.thread)
    if (is.na(num.thread))
        if (!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly=TRUE))
            stop("The 'parallel' package fails to load.")
        num.thread <- parallel::detectCores()
        if (is.na(num.thread))
            stop("parallel::detectCores() fails to detect the number of cores.")
    if (num.thread < 1L)
        stop("`num.thread' should be a positive value or NA.")

    if (!is.null(allele.freq))
        if (!is.numeric(allele.freq) || !is.vector(allele.freq))
            stop("'allele.freq' should be a numeric vector or NULL.")

    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
    if (verbose & !is.null(cmd)) cat(cmd, "\n", sep="")

    if (inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
        # whether the function 'SeqArray::seqSetFilterCond()' exists or not
        fnok <- tryCatch({
            eval(parse(text="SeqArray::seqSetFilterCond")); TRUE
        }, error=function(e) FALSE)
        if (fnok)
            SeqArray::seqResetFilter(gdsobj, verbose=FALSE)
            SeqArray::seqSetFilter(gdsobj, sample.id=sample.id,
                variant.id=snp.id, verbose=FALSE)
            n <- .seldim(gdsobj)[2L]
            if (isTRUE(autosome.only))
                    SeqArray::seqSetFilterChrom(gdsobj, is.num=TRUE,
                        intersect=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
                m <- .seldim(gdsobj)[2L]
                if (verbose & m<n)
                    .cat("Excluding ", .pretty(n-m), " SNV", .plural(n-m),
                        " on non-autosomes")
                n <- m

            # call allele freq. and missing rates
            if (remove.monosnp | is.finite(maf) | is.finite(missing.rate))
                mac <- if (remove.monosnp) 1L else NA_integer_
                if (verbose)
                    cat("Calculating allele counts/frequencies ...\n")
                    SeqArray::seqSetFilterCond(gdsobj, maf=maf, mac=mac,
                        missing.rate=missing.rate, parallel=num.thread,
                        .progress=verbose, verbose=FALSE)
                m <- .seldim(gdsobj)[2L]
                if (verbose & m<n)
                    .cat("Excluding ", .pretty(n-m), " SNV", .plural(n-m),
                        " (monomorphic: ", remove.monosnp, ", MAF: ", maf,
                        ", missing rate: ", missing.rate, ")")
                n <- m

            # get the dimension of genotype
            dm <- .seldim(gdsobj)
            if (verbose & verbose.work)
                .cat("    # of samples: ", .pretty(dm[1L]))
                .cat("    # of SNVs: ", .pretty(dm[2L]))
                if (verbose.numthread)
                    .cat("    using ", num.thread, " thread", .plural(num.thread))

			if (!is.null(allele.freq))
				if (length(allele.freq) != dm[3L])
					stop("the length of allele.freq doest not match with the selected variants.")

            sel <- SeqArray::seqGetFilter(gdsobj)
            .Call(gnrSetSeqSpace, gdsobj, sel$sample.sel, sel$variant.sel)

            sampid <- SeqArray::seqGetData(gdsobj, "sample.id")
            snpid <- SeqArray::seqGetData(gdsobj, "variant.id")

            return(list(sample.id = sampid, snp.id = snpid,
                n.snp = dm[2L], n.samp = dm[1L], allele.freq = allele.freq,
                num.thread = num.thread, verbose = verbose))

    # samples
    sample.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, "sample.id"))
    if (!is.null(sample.id))
        n.tmp <- length(sample.id)
        sample.id <- sample.ids %in% sample.id
        n.samp <- sum(sample.id)
        if (n.samp != n.tmp)
            stop("Some of sample.id do not exist!")
        if (n.samp <= 0L)
            stop("No sample in the working dataset.")
        sample.ids <- sample.ids[sample.id]

    # SNPs
    snp.var <- "snp.id"
    chr.var <- "snp.chromosome"
    SSS <- "SNP"
    if (inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
        snp.var <- "variant.id"
        chr.var <- "chromosome"
        SSS <- "SNV"

    snp.ids <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsobj, snp.var))
    if (!is.null(snp.id))
        # specify 'snp.id'

        n.tmp <- length(snp.id)
        if (!is.null(allele.freq))
            if (length(allele.freq) != n.tmp)
                stop("'length(allele.freq)' should be 'length(snp.id)'.")
            tmp.id <- snp.id
        snp.id <- snp.ids %in% snp.id
        n.snp <- sum(snp.id)
        if (n.snp != n.tmp)
            stop("Some of snp.id do not exist!")
        if (n.snp <= 0L)
            stop("No ", SSS, " in the working dataset.")

        if (!identical(autosome.only, FALSE))
            nt <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, chr.var)
            if (identical(autosome.only, TRUE))
                dt <- objdesp.gdsn(nt)
                if (dt$type == "String")
                    snp.id <- snp.id & .Call(gnrChromParseNumeric, nt)
                } else {
                    opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
                    snp.id <- snp.id & .Call(gnrChromRangeNumeric, nt,
            } else {
                snp.id <- snp.id & (read.gdsn(nt) == autosome.only)
                snp.id[is.na(snp.id)] <- FALSE

            if (!is.null(allele.freq))
                allele.freq <- allele.freq[match(snp.ids[snp.id], tmp.id)]
            if (verbose)
                if (identical(autosome.only, TRUE))
                    m <- dt$dim - sum(snp.id)
                    .cat("Excluding ", .pretty(m), " ", SSS, .plural(m),
                        " (non-autosomes or non-selection)")
                } else {
                    m <- sum(snp.id)
                    .cat("Keeping ", .pretty(m), " ", SSS, .plural(m),
                        " according to chromosome ", autosome.only)
        } else {
            if (!is.null(allele.freq))
                allele.freq <- allele.freq[match(snp.ids[snp.id], tmp.id)]
        snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]

    } else {
        # not specify 'snp.id'

        if (!is.null(allele.freq))
            if (length(allele.freq) != length(snp.ids))
                stop("'length(allele.freq)' should be the number of ", SSS, ".")

        if (!identical(autosome.only, FALSE))
            nt <- index.gdsn(gdsobj, chr.var)
            if (identical(autosome.only, TRUE))
                dt <- objdesp.gdsn(nt)
                if (dt$type == "String")
                    snp.id <- .Call(gnrChromParseNumeric, nt)
                } else {
                    opt <- snpgdsOption(gdsobj)
                    snp.id <- .Call(gnrChromRangeNumeric, nt,
            } else {
                snp.id <- (read.gdsn(nt) == autosome.only)
                snp.id[is.na(snp.id)] <- FALSE

            if (!is.null(allele.freq))
                allele.freq <- allele.freq[snp.id]
            if (verbose)
                if (identical(autosome.only, TRUE))
                    m <- dt$dim - sum(snp.id)
                    .cat("Excluding ", .pretty(m), " ", SSS, .plural(m),
                        " on non-autosomes")
                } else {
                    m <- sum(snp.id)
                    .cat("Keeping ", .pretty(m), " ", SSS, .plural(m),
                        " according to chromosome ", autosome.only)
            snp.ids <- snp.ids[snp.id]

    # set genotype working space
    if (!inherits(gdsobj, "SeqVarGDSClass"))
        .Call(gnrSetGenoSpace, index.gdsn(gdsobj, "genotype"),
            sample.id, snp.id)
    } else {
        .Call(gnrSetSeqSpace, gdsobj, sample.id, snp.id)

    # call allele freq. and missing rates
    if (remove.monosnp | is.finite(maf) | is.finite(missing.rate))
        t.maf <- maf; t.miss <- missing.rate

        if (!is.finite(maf)) maf <- -1;
        if (!is.finite(missing.rate)) missing.rate <- 2;

        maf <- as.double(maf)
        missing.rate <- as.double(missing.rate)

        # call
        if (is.null(allele.freq))
            rv <- .Call(gnrSelSNP_Base, remove.monosnp, maf, missing.rate)
        } else {
            rv <- .Call(gnrSelSNP_Base_Ex, as.double(allele.freq),
                remove.monosnp, maf, missing.rate)
        snp.ids <- snp.ids[rv[[2L]]]
        if (!is.null(allele.freq))
            allele.freq <- allele.freq[rv[[2L]]]

        # show
        if (verbose)
            .cat("Excluding ", .pretty(rv[[1L]]), " ", SSS, .plural(rv[[1L]]),
                " (monomorphic: ", remove.monosnp, ", MAF: ", t.maf,
                ", missing rate: ", t.miss, ")")

    # get the dimension of SNP genotypes
    # dm[1] -- # of SNPs, dm[2] -- # of samples
    dm <- .Call(gnrGetGenoDim)

    if (verbose & verbose.work)
        .cat("    # of samples: ", .pretty(dm[2L]))
        .cat("    # of ", SSS, .plural(dm[1L]), ": ", .pretty(dm[1L]))
        if (verbose.numthread)
            .cat("    using ", num.thread, " thread", .plural(num.thread))

    # output
    list(sample.id = sample.ids, snp.id = snp.ids,
        n.snp = dm[1L], n.samp = dm[2L], allele.freq = allele.freq,
        num.thread = num.thread, verbose = verbose)

# Open and close a connection,
# Please always call '.CloseConnection' after '.OpenConnText'

.LastStr <- function(s, len)
    substring(s, nchar(s)-len+1L, nchar(s))

.OpenConnBin <- function(filename)
    con2 <- NULL

    if ((substr(filename, 1, 6) == "ftp://") |
        (substr(filename, 1, 7) == "http://"))
        if (.LastStr(filename, 3) == ".gz")
            con <- gzcon(url(filename, "rb"))
        } else
            con <- url(filename, "rb")
    } else {
        if (.LastStr(filename, 3) == ".gz")
            con <- gzfile(filename, "rb")
        } else if (.LastStr(filename, 3) == ".xz")
            con <- xzfile(filename, "rb")
        } else 
            con <- file(filename, "rb")

    # open(con)
    list(filename=filename, con=con, con2=con2)

.OpenConnText <- function(filename, require.txtmode=FALSE)
    con2 <- NULL

    if ((substr(filename, 1, 6) == "ftp://") |
        (substr(filename, 1, 7) == "http://"))
        if (.LastStr(filename, 3) == ".gz")
            con <- gzcon(url(filename, "rb"))
            if (require.txtmode)
                fn <- tempfile(fileext=".tmpfile")
                write(readLines(con), file=fn, sep="\n")
                con <- fn
                con2 <- NULL
        } else
            con <- url(filename, "rt")
    } else
        con <- file(filename, "rt")

    # open(con)
    list(filename=filename, con=con, con2=con2)

.CloseConnection <- function(conn)
    if (is.character(conn$con))
        if (.LastStr(conn$con, 8) == ".tmpfile")
            unlink(conn$con, force=TRUE)
    } else if (inherits(conn$con, "connection"))

    if (inherits(conn$con2, "connection"))

# Internal R library functions

.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg)
    # information
    s <- switch(.Call(gnrSSEFlag),
        " -- supported by Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2)",
        " -- supported by Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)"
    packageStartupMessage("SNPRelate", s)

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SNPRelate documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:31 p.m.