
Defines functions rsa OPI OPIScore handleOneGroup

Documented in rsa

## Perform RSA summarization on a scored cellHTS object

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## This has been taken from the original RSA R implementation and slightly modified
handleOneGroup <- function(i, dataset, lowerBound=0, upperBound=1, reverse=FALSE) 
        i_max <- sum(dataset$Score[i]>=lowerBound)
        i_min <- max(1, sum(dataset$Score[i]>=upperBound))
        i_max <- sum(dataset$Score[i]<=upperBound)
        i_min <- max(1, sum(dataset$Score[i]<=lowerBound))
    r <- OPIScore(i, nrow(dataset), i_min, i_max)
                 rank = i))

OPIScore <- function(I_rank, N, i_min=1, i_max=-1)
    n_drawn <- length(I_rank) # number of black
    if(i_max == -1)
    	i_max <- n_drawn
    r1 <- c(logp=1.0,cutoff=0)
    if(i_max < i_min)
        return (r1)
    ## phyper(x, lower.tail = F), x = x-1, when lower.tail = F
    logp <- apply(cbind(seq(i_min,i_max),I_rank[i_min:i_max]), 1, function(x){
        phyper(x[1]-1,x[2] ,N-x[2], n_drawn,lower.tail = F,log.p=T)})
    logp <- logp/log(10)
    logp[logp<(-100)] <- -100
    if(all(is.na(logp))) return(r1) else return(c(logp=min(logp),cutoff = i_min-1+which.min(logp)))

OPI <- function(Groups, Scores, lowerBound=0, upperBound=1, reverse=FALSE, Data=NULL)
    t <- data.frame(Gene_ID=Groups, Score=Scores, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    Sorted_Order <- order(t$Score,decreasing=reverse);
    Data <- Data[Sorted_Order,]
    t <- t[Sorted_Order,]
    t <- do.call("rbind", tapply(seq(nrow(t)), list(t$Gene_ID), handleOneGroup, dataset=t, lowerBound=lowerBound,
                                 upperBound=upperBound, reverse=reverse))
    t <- cbind(Data, t[order(t[,"rank"]),])

    ## add OPI_Rank
    t <- t[order(t$LogP, t$Score*ifelse(reverse, -1, 1)),]
    t$OPI_Rank <- cumsum(t$OPI_Hit)
    t$OPI_Rank[t$OPI_Hit == 0] <- 999999
    ## add Cutoff_Rank
    t <- t[order(t$Score*(ifelse(reverse,- 1, 1)), t$LogP),]
    tmp <- if(reverse) t$Score>=lowerBound else t$Score<=upperBound
    t$Cutoff_Rank <- cumsum(tmp)
    t$Cutoff_Rank[!tmp] <- 999999
    ## add EXP_Rank
    t$EXP_Rank <- pmin(t$OPI_Rank,t$Cutoff_Rank)
    t$EXP_Rank <- pmin(t$OPI_Rank,t$Cutoff_Rank)
    if(reverse) {
        return(t[order(t$OPI_Rank, -t$Score),])
    } else {
        return(t[order(t$OPI_Rank, t$Score),])
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rsa <- function(x, geneColumn="GeneID", lowerBound=0, upperBound=1, reverse=FALSE, drop=FALSE)
    if(!is(x, "cellHTS"))
        stop("'x' needs to be of class 'cellHTS'")
        stop("The input cellHTS object needs to be single channel.\nConsider calling summarizeChannels(",
             substitute(x), ") first")
        stop("The input cellHTS object must be scored.\nConsider calling scoreReplicates(",
             substitute(x), ") first.")
        stop("The input cellHTS object must be summarized.\nConsider calling summarizeReplicates(",
             substitute(x), ") first.")
        stop("The input cellHTS object must be scored.\nConsider calling annotate(",
             substitute(x), ") first.")

    resData <- getTopTable(list(scored=x), file=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
    if(!geneColumn %in% colnames(resData))
        stop("Can't find the gene identifier column '", geneColumn, "'.\n",
             "Available columns are: ", paste(setdiff(colnames(resData),
                                                       c("plate", "position", "well", "score",
                                                         "wellAnno", "finalWellAnno")), collapse=", "))
    inTab <- data.frame("Gene_ID"=resData[,geneColumn], "Well_ID"=paste(resData$plate, resData$well, sep="_"),
                   Score=resData$score, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    ## For missing GeneIDs we fake a grouping identifier
        nasel <- is.na(inTab$Gene_ID) | inTab$Gene_ID==""
        inTab[nasel, "Gene_ID"] <- make.unique(rep("NA", sum(nasel)))
    } else {
        nasel <- FALSE
    t <- subset(inTab, !is.na(inTab$Gene_ID) & inTab$Gene_ID != "" & !is.na(inTab$Score))
    r <- OPI(Groups=t$Gene_ID, Scores=t$Score, lowerBound=lowerBound, upperBound=upperBound, reverse=reverse, Data=t)
    ## Some cleaning up and output of a saner data.frame than what we get from RSA directly...
    results <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=11, nrow=nrow(inTab), dimnames=list(inTab$Well_ID,
                                                                            c(geneColumn, "Plate", "Well", "Score",
                                                                              "RSARank", "ScoreRank", "PValue", "RSAHit",
                                                                              "#HitWell", "#TotalWell", "%HitWell"))),
    r[r$Gene_ID %in% inTab[nasel, "Gene_ID"], "Gene_ID"] <- NA
    r[r$OPI_Hit==0, c("OPI_Rank", "Cutoff_Rank")] <- sum(r$OPI_Hit==1)+1
    results[r$Well_ID,] <- data.frame(r$Gene_ID, t(sapply(strsplit(r$Well_ID, "_"), c)), r[, c("Score", "OPI_Rank", "Cutoff_Rank")],
                                 pmin(1, 10^r$LogP), r[, c("OPI_Hit", "#hitWell", "#totalWell")],
                                 signif((r$"#hitWell"/r$"#totalWell")*100, 2), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    results <- results[order(results$RSARank, results$Score),]
        results <- results[!is.na(results$Score),]
    rownames(results) <- NULL

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cellHTS2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6 p.m.