#' Fit a Hidden Markov Model to multiple ChIP-seq samples
#' Fit a HMM to multiple ChIP-seq samples to determine the combinatorial state of genomic regions. Input is a list of \code{\link{uniHMM}}s generated by \code{\link{callPeaksUnivariate}}.
#' Emission distributions from the univariate HMMs are used with a Gaussian copula to generate a multivariate emission distribution for each combinatorial state. This multivariate distribution is then kept fixed and the transition probabilities are fitted with a Baum-Welch. Please refer to our manuscript at \url{} for a detailed description of the method.
#' @author Aaron Taudt, Maria Colome Tatche
#' @param hmms A list of \code{\link{uniHMM}}s generated by \code{\link{callPeaksUnivariate}}, e.g. \code{list(hmm1,hmm2,...)} or a vector of files that contain such objects, e.g. \code{c("file1","file2",...)}.
#' @param use.states A data.frame with combinatorial states which are used in the multivariate HMM, generated by function \code{\link{stateBrewer}}. If both \code{use.states} and \code{max.states} are \code{NULL}, the maximum possible number of combinatorial states will be used.
#' @param max.states Maximum number of combinatorial states to use in the multivariate HMM. The states are ordered by occurrence as determined from the combination of univariate state calls.
#' @param per.chrom If \code{per.chrom=TRUE} chromosomes will be treated separately. This tremendously speeds up the calculation but results might be noisier as compared to \code{per.chrom=FALSE}, where all chromosomes are concatenated for the HMM.
#' @param chromosomes A vector specifying the chromosomes to use from the models in \code{hmms}. The default (\code{NULL}) uses all available chromosomes.
#' @param eps Convergence threshold for the Baum-Welch algorithm.
#' @param keep.posteriors If set to \code{TRUE}, posteriors will be available in the output. This can be useful to change the posterior cutoff later, but increases the necessary disk space to store the result immensely.
#' @param num.threads Number of threads to use. Setting this to >1 may give increased performance.
#' @param max.time The maximum running time in seconds for the Baum-Welch algorithm. If this time is reached, the Baum-Welch will terminate after the current iteration finishes. The default \code{NULL} is no limit.
#' @param max.iter The maximum number of iterations for the Baum-Welch algorithm. The default \code{NULL} is no limit.
#' @param keep.densities If set to \code{TRUE} (default=\code{FALSE}), densities will be available in the output. This should only be needed debugging.
#' @param verbosity Verbosity level for the fitting procedure. 0 - No output, 1 - Iterations are printed.
#' @param temp.savedir A directory where to store intermediate results if \code{per.chrom=TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{\link{multiHMM}} object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{multiHMM}}, \code{\link{callPeaksUnivariate}}, \code{\link{callPeaksReplicates}}
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @export
#' @examples
#'# Get example BAM files for 2 different marks in hypertensive rat
#'file.path <- system.file("extdata","euratrans", package='chromstaRData')
#'files <- list.files(file.path, full.names=TRUE, pattern='SHR.*bam$')[c(1:2,6)]
#'# Construct experiment structure
#'exp <- data.frame(file=files, mark=c("H3K27me3","H3K27me3","H3K4me3"),
#' condition=rep("SHR",3), replicate=c(1:2,1), pairedEndReads=FALSE,
#' controlFiles=NA)
#'states <- stateBrewer(exp, mode='combinatorial')
#'# Bin the data
#' <- list()
#'for (file in files) {
#'[[basename(file)]] <- binReads(file, binsizes=1000, stepsizes=500,
#' experiment.table=exp,
#' assembly=rn4_chrominfo, chromosomes='chr12')
#'# Obtain the univariate fits
#'models <- list()
#'for (i1 in 1:length( {
#' models[[i1]] <- callPeaksUnivariate([[i1]], max.time=60, eps=1)
#'# Call multivariate peaks
#'multimodel <- callPeaksMultivariate(models, use.states=states, eps=1, max.time=60)
#'# Check some plots
callPeaksMultivariate <- function(hmms, use.states, max.states=NULL, per.chrom=TRUE, chromosomes=NULL, eps=0.01, keep.posteriors=FALSE, num.threads=1, max.time=NULL, max.iter=NULL, keep.densities=FALSE, verbosity=1, temp.savedir=NULL) {
## Intercept user input
if (!is.null(use.states)) {
if (!is(use.states,'data.frame')) stop("argument 'use.states' expects a data.frame generated by function 'state.brewer'")
if (!is.null(max.states)) {
if (check.positive.integer(max.states)!=0) stop("argument 'max.states' expects a positive integer")
if (!is.null(use.states) & !is.null(max.states)) {
if (max.states > nrow(use.states)) {
max.states <- nrow(use.states)
if (check.positive(eps)!=0) stop("argument 'eps' expects a positive numeric")
if (check.positive.integer(num.threads)!=0) stop("argument 'num.threads' expects a positive integer")
if (is.null(max.time)) { max.time <- -1 } else if (check.nonnegative.integer(max.time)!=0) { stop("argument 'max.time' expects a non-negative integer") }
if (is.null(max.iter)) { max.iter <- -1 } else if (check.nonnegative.integer(max.iter)!=0) { stop("argument 'max.iter' expects a non-negative integer") }
if (check.logical(keep.posteriors)!=0) stop("argument 'keep.posteriors' expects a logical (TRUE or FALSE)")
if (check.logical(keep.densities)!=0) stop("argument 'keep.densities' expects a logical (TRUE or FALSE)")
if (check.integer(verbosity)!=0) stop("argument 'verbosity' expects an integer")
if (length(hmms)==0) {
stop("argument 'hmms' is of length=0. Cannot call multivariate peaks with no models.")
if (length(hmms)==1) {
hmm <- loadHmmsFromFiles(hmms, check.class=class.univariate.hmm)[[1]]
### Make return object ###
result <- list()
result$info <- hmm$info
if (is.null(result$info)) {
n <- 1
result$info <- data.frame(file=rep(NA, n), mark=1:n, condition=1:n, replicate=1, pairedEndReads=rep(NA, n), controlFiles=rep(NA, n))
result$info$ID <- paste0(result$info$mark, '-', result$info$condition, '-rep', result$info$replicate)
## Counts
result$bincounts <- hmm$bincounts
result$bincounts$counts <- array(NA, dim = c(length(hmm$bincounts), 1, dim(hmm$bincounts$counts)[2]), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, track=result$info$ID, offset=dimnames(hmm$bincounts$counts)[[2]]))
result$bincounts$counts[,1,] <- hmm$bincounts$counts
## Bin coordinates, posteriors and states
result$bins <- hmm$bins
result$bins$score <- NULL
result$bins$posterior.modified <- NULL
result$bins$counts.rpkm <- matrix(hmm$bins$counts.rpkm, ncol=1)
result$bins$state <- factor(c(0,0,1))[hmm$bins$state]
result$bins$posteriors <- matrix(hmm$bins$posterior.modified, ncol=1, dimnames=list(NULL, result$info$ID))
result$bins$differential.score <- 0
## Add combinations
mapping <- NULL
if (!is.null(use.states)) {
mapping <- use.states$combination
names(mapping) <- use.states$state
result$bins$combination <- factor(mapping[as.character(result$bins$state)], levels=levels(use.states$combination))
} else {
result$bins$combination <- result$bins$state
## Segmentation
result$segments <- multivariateSegmentation(result$bins, column2collapseBy='state')
mcols(result$segments)[2] <- NULL
if (!keep.posteriors) {
result$bins$posteriors <- NULL
## Parameters
result$mapping <- mapping
combinations <- mapping[as.character(c(0,1))]
# Weights
tstates <- table(result$bins$state)
result$weights <- sort(tstates/sum(tstates), decreasing=TRUE)
result$weights.univariate <- list(hmm$weights)
names(result$weights.univariate) <- result$info$ID
# Transition matrices
result$transitionProbs <- NA
result$transitionProbs.initial <- NA
# Initial probs
result$startProbs <- NA
result$startProbs.initial <- NA
# Distributions
result$distributions <- list(hmm$distributions)
names(result$distributions) <- result$info$ID
## Convergence info
convergenceInfo <- list(eps=NA, loglik=NA,, num.iterations=NA, time.sec=NA)
result$convergenceInfo <- convergenceInfo
## Correlation matrices
result$correlation.matrix <- NA
## Add class
class(result) <- class.multivariate.hmm
## Prepare the HMM
p <- prepareMultivariate(hmms, use.states=use.states, max.states=max.states, chromosomes=chromosomes)
if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <- intersect(seqlevels(p$bincounts), unique(seqnames(p$bincounts)))
if (!is.null(temp.savedir)) {
if (!file.exists(temp.savedir)) {
## Run multivariate per chromosome
if (per.chrom) {
# Set up parallel execution
if (num.threads > 1) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Setting up parallel multivariate with ", num.threads, " threads ...")
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(num.threads)
if (num.threads > 1) {
# Run the multivariate
chrom <- NULL # please BiocCheck
if (num.threads > 1) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Running multivariate ...")
models <- foreach (chrom = chromosomes, .packages='chromstaR') %dopar% {
bincounts <- p$bincounts[seqnames(p$bincounts)==chrom]
bins <- p$bins[seqnames(p$bins)==chrom]
if (!is.null(temp.savedir)) {
temp.savename <- file.path(temp.savedir, paste0('chromosome_', chrom, '.RData'))
if (!file.exists(temp.savename)) {
model <- runMultivariate(, stepbins=bins, info=p$info, comb.states=p$comb.states, use.states=p$use.states, distributions=p$distributions, weights=p$weights, correlationMatrix=p$correlationMatrix, correlationMatrixInverse=p$correlationMatrixInverse, determinant=p$determinant, max.iter=max.iter, max.time=max.time, eps=eps, num.threads=1, keep.posteriors=keep.posteriors, keep.densities=keep.densities, verbosity=verbosity)
save(model, file=temp.savename)
rm(model); gc()
} else {
model <- runMultivariate(, stepbins=bins, info=p$info, comb.states=p$comb.states, use.states=p$use.states, distributions=p$distributions, weights=p$weights, correlationMatrix=p$correlationMatrix, correlationMatrixInverse=p$correlationMatrixInverse, determinant=p$determinant, max.iter=max.iter, max.time=max.time, eps=eps, num.threads=1, keep.posteriors=keep.posteriors, keep.densities=keep.densities, verbosity=verbosity)
} else {
models <- list()
for (chrom in chromosomes) {
ptm <- messageU("Chromosome = ", chrom, overline="-", underline=NULL)
bincounts <- p$bincounts[seqnames(p$bincounts)==chrom]
bins <- p$bins[seqnames(p$bins)==chrom]
if (!is.null(temp.savedir)) {
temp.savename <- file.path(temp.savedir, paste0('chromosome_', chrom, '.RData'))
if (!file.exists(temp.savename)) {
model <- runMultivariate(, stepbins=bins, info=p$info, comb.states=p$comb.states, use.states=p$use.states, distributions=p$distributions, weights=p$weights, correlationMatrix=p$correlationMatrix, correlationMatrixInverse=p$correlationMatrixInverse, determinant=p$determinant, max.iter=max.iter, max.time=max.time, eps=eps, num.threads=1, keep.posteriors=keep.posteriors, keep.densities=keep.densities, verbosity=verbosity)
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Saving chromosome ", chrom, " to temporary file ", temp.savename, " ...")
save(model, file=temp.savename)
rm(model); gc()
models[[as.character(chrom)]] <- temp.savename
} else {
model <- runMultivariate(, stepbins=bins, info=p$info, comb.states=p$comb.states, use.states=p$use.states, distributions=p$distributions, weights=p$weights, correlationMatrix=p$correlationMatrix, correlationMatrixInverse=p$correlationMatrixInverse, determinant=p$determinant, max.iter=max.iter, max.time=max.time, eps=eps, num.threads=1, keep.posteriors=keep.posteriors, keep.densities=keep.densities, verbosity=verbosity)
models[[as.character(chrom)]] <- model
message("Time spent for chromosome = ", chrom, ":", appendLF=FALSE)
# Merge chromosomes into one multiHMM
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Merging chromosomes ...")
if (!is.null(temp.savedir)) {
models <- as.character(models) # make sure 'models' is a character vector with filenames and not a list()
model <- suppressMessages( mergeChroms(models) )
## Run multivariate for all chromosomes
} else {
model <- runMultivariate($bincounts, stepbins=p$bins, info=p$info, comb.states=p$comb.states, use.states=p$use.states, distributions=p$distributions, weights=p$weights, correlationMatrix=p$correlationMatrix, correlationMatrixInverse=p$correlationMatrixInverse, determinant=p$determinant, max.iter=max.iter, max.time=max.time, eps=eps, num.threads=num.threads, keep.posteriors=keep.posteriors, keep.densities=keep.densities, verbosity=verbosity)
if (!is.null(temp.savedir)) {
if (file.exists(temp.savedir)) {
unlink(temp.savedir, recursive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
runMultivariate <- function(, stepbins, info, comb.states, use.states, distributions, weights, correlationMatrix, correlationMatrixInverse, determinant, max.iter, max.time, eps, num.threads, keep.posteriors, keep.densities, transitionProbs.initial=NULL, startProbs.initial=NULL, verbosity=1) {
ptm.start <- startTimedMessage("Starting multivariate HMM with ", length(comb.states), " combinatorial states")
### Variables ###
nummod <- dim($counts)[2]
offsets <- dimnames($counts)[[3]]
binstates <- dec2bin(comb.states, ndigits=nummod)
# Prepare input for C function
rs <- unlist(lapply(distributions,"[",2:3,'size'))
ps <- unlist(lapply(distributions,"[",2:3,'prob'))
ws1 <- unlist(lapply(weights,"[",1))
ws2 <- unlist(lapply(weights,"[",2))
ws3 <- unlist(lapply(weights,"[",3))
ws <- ws1 / (ws2+ws1)
get.posteriors <- TRUE
if (get.posteriors) { lenPosteriors <- length( * length(comb.states) } else { lenPosteriors <- 1 }
if (keep.densities) { lenDensities <- length( * length(comb.states) } else { lenDensities <- 1 }
if (is.null(transitionProbs.initial)) {
transitionProbs.initial <- matrix((1-0.9)/(length(comb.states)-1), ncol=length(comb.states), nrow=length(comb.states))
diag(transitionProbs.initial) <- 0.9
if (is.null(startProbs.initial)) {
startProbs.initial <- rep(1/length(comb.states), length(comb.states))
### Arrays for finding maximum posterior for each bin between offsets
## Make bins with offset
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making bins with offsets ...")
# if (is.null(stepbins)) {
# if (length(offsets) > 1) {
# stepbins <- suppressMessages( fixedWidthBins(chrom.lengths = seqlengths(, binsizes = as.numeric(offsets[2]), chromosomes = unique(seqnames([[1]] )
# } else {
# stepbins <-
# mcols(stepbins) <- NULL
# }
# counts.rpkm <- NULL
# } else {
# counts.rpkm <- stepbins$counts.rpkm
# }
## Dummy bins without mcols for shifting
sbins <-
mcols(sbins) <- NULL
## Initialize arrays
if (get.posteriors) {
aposteriors.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), nummod, 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, track=info$ID, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store posteriors-per-sample for current and max-of-previous offsets
# if (is.null(counts.rpkm)) {
# acounts.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), nummod, 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, track=info$ID, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store counts for current and sum-of-previous offsets
# }
amaxPosterior.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store maximum posterior for current and max-of-previous offsets
astates.step <- array(0, dim = c(length(stepbins), 2), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, offset=c('previousOffsets', 'currentOffset'))) # to store states for current and max-of-previous offsets
### Loop over offsets ###
for (ioffset in 1:length(offsets)) {
offset <- offsets[ioffset]
if (ioffset > 1) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Obtaining states for offset = ", offset, " ...")
## Run only one iteration (no updating) if we are already over ioffset=1
max.iter <- 1
transitionProbs.initial <- hmm.A
startProbs.initial <- hmm.proba
verbosity <- 0
} else {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Fitting Hidden Markov Model for offset = ", offset, "\n")
# Call the C function
on.exit(.C("C_multivariate_cleanup", as.integer(nummod)))
hmm <- .C("C_multivariate_hmm",
counts = as.integer(as.vector($counts[,, offset])), # int* multiO
num.bins = as.integer(length(, # int* T
max.states = as.integer(length(comb.states)), # int* N
num.modifications = as.integer(nummod), # int* Nmod
comb.states = as.numeric(comb.states), # double* comb_states
size = as.double(rs), # double* size
prob = as.double(ps), # double* prob
w = as.double(ws), # double* w
correlation.matrix.inverse = as.double(correlationMatrixInverse), # double* cor_matrix_inv
determinant = as.double(determinant), # double* det
num.iterations = as.integer(max.iter), # int* maxiter
time.sec = as.integer(max.time), # double* maxtime = as.double(eps), # double* eps
posteriors = double(length=lenPosteriors), # double* posteriors
get.posteriors = as.logical(get.posteriors), # bool* keep_posteriors
densities = double(length=lenDensities), # double* densities
keep.densities = as.logical(keep.densities), # bool* keep_densities
states = double(length=length(, # double* states
maxPosterior = double(length=length(, # double* maxPosterior
A = double(length=length(comb.states)*length(comb.states)), # double* A
proba = double(length=length(comb.states)), # double* proba
loglik = double(length=1), # double* loglik
A.initial = as.double(transitionProbs.initial), # double* initial A
proba.initial = as.double(startProbs.initial), # double* initial proba
use.initial.params = as.logical(TRUE), # bool* use_initial_params
num.threads = as.integer(num.threads), # int* num_threads
error = as.integer(0), # error handling
verbosity = as.integer(verbosity) # int* verbosity
### Check convergence ###
if (hmm$error == 1) {
stop("A nan occurred during the Baum-Welch! Parameter estimation terminated prematurely. Check your read counts for very high numbers, they could be the cause for this problem.")
} else if (hmm$error == 2) {
stop("An error occurred during the Baum-Welch! Parameter estimation terminated prematurely.")
if (ioffset == 1) {
### Make return object ###
result <- list()
result$info <- info
## Parameters
if (!is.null(use.states)) {
mapping <- use.states$combination
names(mapping) <- use.states$state
} else {
mapping <- NULL
result$mapping <- mapping
combinations <- mapping[as.character(comb.states)]
# Weights
tstates <- table(hmm$states)
result$weights <- sort(tstates/sum(tstates), decreasing=TRUE)
result$weights.univariate <- weights
names(result$weights.univariate) <- result$info$ID
# Transition matrices
result$transitionProbs <- matrix(hmm$A, ncol=length(comb.states), byrow=TRUE)
colnames(result$transitionProbs) <- combinations
rownames(result$transitionProbs) <- combinations
result$transitionProbs.initial <- matrix(hmm$A.initial, ncol=length(comb.states), byrow=TRUE)
colnames(result$transitionProbs.initial) <- combinations
rownames(result$transitionProbs.initial) <- combinations
# Initial probs
result$startProbs <- hmm$proba
names(result$startProbs) <- combinations
result$startProbs.initial <- hmm$proba.initial
names(result$startProbs.initial) <- combinations
# Distributions
result$distributions <- distributions
names(result$distributions) <- result$info$ID
## Convergence info
convergenceInfo <- list(eps=eps, loglik=hmm$loglik,$, num.iterations=hmm$num.iterations, time.sec=hmm$time.sec)
result$convergenceInfo <- convergenceInfo
## Correlation matrices
result$correlation.matrix <- correlationMatrix
## Add class
class(result) <- class.multivariate.hmm
## Check convergence
if (result$convergenceInfo$ > result$convergenceInfo$eps) {
war <- warning("HMM did not converge!\n")
## Store counts and posteriors in list
if (get.posteriors) {
dim(hmm$posteriors) <- c(length(, length(comb.states))
dimnames(hmm$posteriors) <- list(bin=NULL, state=comb.states)
dim(hmm$counts) <- c(length(, nummod)
dimnames(hmm$counts) <- list(bin=NULL, track=info$ID)
if (keep.densities) {
densities <- hmm$densities
dim(densities) <- c(length(, length(comb.states))
dimnames(densities) <- list(bin=NULL, state=comb.states)
hmm.A <- hmm$A
hmm.proba <- hmm$proba
## Transform posteriors to 'per-sample' representation
if (get.posteriors) {
post.per.track <- hmm$posteriors %*% binstates
colnames(post.per.track) <- info$ID
## Inflate posteriors, states, counts to new offset
bins.shift <- suppressWarnings( shift(sbins, shift = as.numeric(offset)) )
ind <- findOverlaps(stepbins, bins.shift)
if (get.posteriors) {
aposteriors.step[ind@from, , 'currentOffset'] <- post.per.track[ind@to, , drop=FALSE]
# if (is.null(counts.rpkm)) {
# acounts.step[ind@from, , 'currentOffset'] <- hmm$counts[ind@to, , drop=FALSE]
# ## Sum over previous counts
# acounts.step[, , 'previousOffsets'] <- acounts.step[, , 'previousOffsets', drop=FALSE] + acounts.step[, , 'currentOffset', drop=FALSE]
# }
astates.step[ind@from, 'currentOffset'] <- hmm$states[ind@to]
amaxPosterior.step[ind@from, 'currentOffset'] <- hmm$maxPosterior[ind@to]
## Find offset that maximizes the posteriors for each bin
##-- Start stuff to call C code
# Work with changing dimensions to avoid copies being made
dim_amaxPosterior.step <- dim(amaxPosterior.step)
dimnames_amaxPosterior.step <- dimnames(amaxPosterior.step)
dim(amaxPosterior.step) <- NULL
z <- .C("C_array2D_which_max",
array2D = amaxPosterior.step,
dim = as.integer(dim_amaxPosterior.step),
ind_max = integer(dim_amaxPosterior.step[1]),
value_max = double(dim_amaxPosterior.step[1]))
dim(amaxPosterior.step) <- dim_amaxPosterior.step
dimnames(amaxPosterior.step) <- dimnames_amaxPosterior.step
ind <- z$ind_max
##-- End stuff to call C code
for (i1 in 1:2) {
mask <- ind == i1
if (get.posteriors) {
aposteriors.step[mask, , 'previousOffsets'] <- aposteriors.step[mask,,i1, drop=FALSE]
astates.step[mask, 'previousOffsets'] <- astates.step[mask,i1, drop=FALSE]
amaxPosterior.step[mask, 'previousOffsets'] <- amaxPosterior.step[mask,i1, drop=FALSE]
if (ioffset == 1) {
message("Time spent in multivariate HMM: ", appendLF=FALSE)
rm(hmm, ind); gc()
} # loop over offsets
states.step <- astates.step[, 'previousOffsets']
rm(amaxPosterior.step, astates.step); gc()
# Average and normalize counts to RPKM
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Collecting counts and posteriors over offsets ...")
# if (is.null(counts.rpkm)) {
# counts.step <- acounts.step[, , 'previousOffsets'] / length(offsets)
# rm(acounts.step); gc()
# counts.step <- rpkm.matrix(counts.step, binsize = width([1])
# } else {
# counts.step <- counts.rpkm
# }
if (get.posteriors) {
stepbins$posteriors <- aposteriors.step[,,'previousOffsets']
rm(aposteriors.step); gc()
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Compiling coordinates, posteriors, states ...")
## Counts ##
result$bincounts <-
result$bincounts$state <- NULL
## Bin coordinates, posteriors and states ##
result$bins <- stepbins
# result$bins$counts.rpkm <- counts.step
if (!is.null(use.states$state)) {
state.levels <- levels(use.states$state)
} else {
state.levels <- comb.states
result$bins$state <- factor(states.step, levels=state.levels)
if (keep.densities) {
result$bincounts$densities <- densities
## Add combinations ##
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Adding combinations ...")
if (!is.null(use.states)) {
result$bins$combination <- factor(mapping[as.character(result$bins$state)], levels=levels(use.states$combination))
} else {
result$bins$combination <- result$bins$state
## Segmentation ##
result$segments <- multivariateSegmentation(result$bins, column2collapseBy='state')
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Adding differential score ...")
result$segments$differential.score <- differentialScoreSum(result$segments$maxPostInPeak, result$info)
if (!keep.posteriors) {
result$bins$posteriors <- NULL
if (get.posteriors) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Getting maximum posterior in peaks ...")
ind <- findOverlaps(result$bins, result$segments)
result$bins$maxPostInPeak <- result$segments$maxPostInPeak[subjectHits(ind), , drop=FALSE]
result$bins$differential.score <- result$segments$differential.score[subjectHits(ind)]
## Peaks ##
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Obtaining peaks ...")
result$peaks <- list()
for (i1 in 1:ncol(result$segments$maxPostInPeak)) {
mask <- result$segments$maxPostInPeak[,i1] > 0
peaks <- result$segments[mask]
mcols(peaks) <- NULL
peaks$maxPostInPeak <- result$segments$maxPostInPeak[mask,i1]
result$peaks[[i1]] <- peaks
names(result$peaks) <- colnames(result$segments$maxPostInPeak)
#' @importFrom stats pnbinom qnorm dnbinom
prepareMultivariate = function(hmms, use.states=NULL, max.states=NULL, chromosomes=NULL) {
nummod <- length(hmms)
if (nummod > 53) {
stop("We can't handle more than 53 'hmms' Please decrease the number of input 'hmms'.")
## Load first HMM for coordinates
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Getting coordinates ...")
hmm <- suppressMessages( loadHmmsFromFiles(hmms[[1]], check.class=class.univariate.hmm)[[1]] )
# hmm$bins$counts <- array(hmm$bins$counts, dim=c(length(hmm$bins), 1), dimnames=list(bin=NULL, offset='0'))
# hmm$bincounts <- hmm$bins
# hmm$bins$counts.rpkm <- rpkm.matrix(hmm$bins$counts, width(hmm$bins)[1])
bincounts <- hmm$bincounts
mcols(bincounts) <- NULL
bins <- hmm$bins
mcols(bins) <- NULL
if (!is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromsNotInData <- setdiff(chromosomes, unique(seqnames(bincounts)))
if (length(chromsNotInData) == length(chromosomes)) {
stop("None of the specified chromosomes '", paste0(chromsNotInData, collapse=', '), "' exists.")
if (length(chromsNotInData)>0) {
warning("Chromosomes '", paste0(chromsNotInData, collapse=', '), "' could not be found.")
## Go through HMMs and extract stuff
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Extracting read counts ...")
info <- list(hmm$info)
distributions <- list(hmm$distributions)
weights <- list(hmm$weights)
offsets <- dimnames(hmm$bincounts$counts)[[2]]
counts <- array(NA, dim = c(length(bincounts), nummod, length(offsets)), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, track=NULL, offset=offsets))
counts[,1,] <- hmm$bincounts$counts
counts.rpkm <- array(NA, dim = c(length(hmm$bins), nummod), dimnames = list(bin=NULL, track=NULL))
counts.rpkm[,1] <- hmm$bins$counts.rpkm
binary_statesmatrix <- matrix(NA, ncol=nummod, nrow=length(bincounts))
bins.state <- hmm$bins$state[seq(from=1, to=length(hmm$bins), by=length(hmm$bins)/length(hmm$bincounts))]
binary_statesmatrix[,1] <- c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)[bins.state]
for (i1 in 2:nummod) {
hmm <- suppressMessages( loadHmmsFromFiles(hmms[[i1]], check.class=class.univariate.hmm)[[1]] )
# hmm$bins$counts <- array(hmm$bins$counts, dim=c(length(hmm$bins), 1), dimnames=list(bin=NULL, offset='0'))
# hmm$bincounts <- hmm$bins
# hmm$bins$counts.rpkm <- rpkm.matrix(hmm$bins$counts, width(hmm$bins)[1])
info[[i1]] <- hmm$info
distributions[[i1]] <- hmm$distributions
weights[[i1]] <- hmm$weights
counts[,i1,] <- hmm$bincounts$counts
counts.rpkm[,i1] <- hmm$bins$counts.rpkm
bins.state <- hmm$bins$state[seq(from=1, to=length(hmm$bins), by=length(hmm$bins)/length(hmm$bincounts))]
binary_statesmatrix[,i1] <- c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)[bins.state] # F,F,T corresponds to levels 'zero-inflation','unmodified','modified'
info <-, info)
rownames(info) <- NULL
if (is.null(info)) {
n <- nummod
info <- data.frame(file=rep(NA, n), mark=1:n, condition=1:n, replicate=rep(1, n), pairedEndReads=rep(NA, n), controlFiles=rep(NA, n))
info$ID <- paste0(info$mark, '-', info$condition, '-rep', info$replicate)
bincounts$counts <- counts
colnames(bincounts$counts) <- info$ID
bins$counts.rpkm <- counts.rpkm
colnames(bins$counts.rpkm) <- info$ID
maxcounts <- max(bincounts$counts)
bincounts$binary_statesmatrix <- binary_statesmatrix
if (!is.null(chromosomes)) {
# Select only specified chromosomes
bincounts <- bincounts[seqnames(bincounts) %in% chromosomes]
# Clean up to reduce memory usage
## Transform binary to decimal
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Getting combinatorial states ...")
decimal_states <- rep(0,length(bincounts))
for (imod in 1:nummod) {
decimal_states <- decimal_states + 2^(nummod-imod) * bincounts$binary_statesmatrix[,imod]
bincounts$binary_statesmatrix <- NULL
bincounts$state <- decimal_states
if (is.null(use.states)) {
comb.states.table <- sort(table(bincounts$state), decreasing=TRUE)
comb.states <- names(comb.states.table)
} else {
comb.states.table <- sort(table(bincounts$state)[as.character(use.states$state)], decreasing=TRUE)
comb.states <- names(comb.states.table)
comb.states <- c(comb.states, setdiff(use.states$state, comb.states))
# Subselect states
numstates2use <- min(length(comb.states), max.states)
comb.states <- comb.states[1:numstates2use]
## We pre-compute the z-values for each number of counts
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Computing pre z-matrix ...") <- array(NA, dim=c(maxcounts+1, nummod, 2))
xcounts = 0:maxcounts
for (imod in 1:nummod) {
# Go through unmodified and modified
for (i1 in 2:3) {
size = distributions[[imod]][i1,'size']
prob = distributions[[imod]][i1,'prob']
if (i1 == 2) {
# Unmodified with zero inflation
w = weights[[imod]][1] / (weights[[imod]][2] + weights[[imod]][1])
u = pzinbinom(xcounts, w, size, prob)
} else if (i1 == 3) {
# Modified
u = stats::pnbinom(xcounts, size, prob)
# Check for infinities in u and set them to max value which is not infinity
qnorm_u = stats::qnorm(u)
mask <- qnorm_u==Inf
qnorm_u[mask] <- stats::qnorm(1-1e-16)
# testvec = qnorm_u!=Inf
# qnorm_u = ifelse(testvec, qnorm_u, max(qnorm_u[testvec]))[ , imod, i1-1] <- qnorm_u
## Compute the z matrix
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Transfering values into z-matrix ...")
z.per.bin = array(NA, dim=c(length(bincounts), nummod, 2), dimnames=list(bin=1:length(bincounts), track=info$ID, state.labels[2:3]))
for (imod in 1:nummod) {
for (i1 in 1:2) {
z.per.bin[ , imod, i1] <-[bincounts$counts[,imod,'0']+1, imod, i1]
# Clean up to reduce memory usage
### Calculate correlation matrix
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Computing inverse of correlation matrix ...")
correlationMatrix = array(NA, dim=c(nummod,nummod,length(comb.states)), dimnames=list(track=info$ID, track=info$ID, comb.state=comb.states))
correlationMatrixInverse = array(NA, dim=c(nummod,nummod,length(comb.states)), dimnames=list(track=info$ID, track=info$ID, comb.state=comb.states))
determinant = rep(NA, length(comb.states))
names(determinant) <- comb.states
numericToBin <- function(x, num.digits) {
bin <- logical(length=num.digits)
xi <- x
i1 <- num.digits
while (xi > 0) {
bin[i1] <- xi %% 2
xi <- xi %/% 2
i1 <- i1 - 1
## Calculate correlation matrix serial
for (state in comb.states) {
istate = which(comb.states==state)
mask = which(bincounts$state==as.numeric(state))
# Convert state to binary representation
binary_state <- numericToBin(as.numeric(state), nummod)
# Subselect z
z.temp <- matrix(NA, ncol=nummod, nrow=length(mask))
for (i1 in 1:length(binary_state)) {
z.temp[,i1] <- z.per.bin[mask, i1, binary_state[i1]+1]
temp <- tryCatch({
if (nrow(z.temp) > 100) {
correlationMatrix[,,istate] <- suppressWarnings( cor(z.temp) )
correlationMatrix[,,istate][[,,istate])] <- 0
determinant[istate] <- det( correlationMatrix[,,istate] )
correlationMatrixInverse[,,istate] <- chol2inv(chol(correlationMatrix[,,istate]))
} else {
correlationMatrix[,,istate] <- diag(nummod)
determinant[istate] <- 1 # det(diag(x)) == 1
correlationMatrixInverse[,,istate] <- diag(nummod) # solve(diag(x)) == diag(x)
}, error = function(err) {
if (temp==2) {
correlationMatrix[,,istate] <- diag(nummod)
determinant[istate] <- 1
correlationMatrixInverse[,,istate] <- diag(nummod)
if (any([,,istate]))) {
correlationMatrixInverse[,,istate] <- diag(nummod)
# ## Calculate emission densities (only debugging, do in C++ otherwise)
# densities <- matrix(1, ncol=numstates2use, nrow=length(bincounts))
# for (comb.state in comb.states) {
# print(comb.state)
# istate <- which(comb.state==comb.states)
# z.temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(bincounts), ncol=nummod)
# bin.comb.state <- dec2bin(comb.state, colnames=info$ID)
# product <- 1
# for (imod in 1:nummod) {
# z.temp[,imod] <- z.per.bin[,imod,bin.comb.state[imod]+1]
# ind.modstate <- bin.comb.state[imod]+2
# if (rownames(distributions[[imod]])[ind.modstate] == 'unmodified') {
# size <- distributions[[imod]][ind.modstate,'size']
# prob <- distributions[[imod]][ind.modstate,'prob']
# product <- product * dzinbinom(bincounts$counts[,imod,'0'], w=weights[[imod]]['zero-inflation'], size, prob)
# } else if (rownames(distributions[[imod]])[ind.modstate] == 'modified') {
# size <- distributions[[imod]][ind.modstate,'size']
# prob <- distributions[[imod]][ind.modstate,'prob']
# product <- product * stats::dnbinom(bincounts$counts[,imod,'0'], size, prob)
# }
# }
# exponent <- -0.5 * apply( ( z.temp %*% (correlationMatrixInverse[ , , istate] - diag(nummod)) ) * z.temp, 1, sum)
# densities[,istate] <- product * determinant[istate]^(-0.5) * exp( exponent )
# }
# Return parameters
out = list(info = info,
bincounts = bincounts,
bins = bins,
comb.states = comb.states,
use.states = use.states,
distributions = distributions,
weights = weights,
correlationMatrix = correlationMatrix,
correlationMatrixInverse = correlationMatrixInverse,
determinant = determinant
### Get real transition probabilities ###
transProbs <- function(model) {
bins <- model$bins
df <- data.frame(from = bins$combination[-length(bins)], to = bins$combination[-1])
t <- table(df)
t <- t[rownames(model$transitionProbs), colnames(model$transitionProbs)]
t <- sweep(t, MARGIN = 1, STATS = rowSums(t), FUN = '/')
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