
Defines functions summary.WF trackWF run_track write.yml write.clt termMMatch subsetListbyName injectListbyName findBestMatch nestedNames nameUnnamed renderOutputs renderInputs renderCommandline injectCommandlinelist populateCommandline assembleCommandlineList pathUtils pathInstance output_update subsetWF renderWF createWF loadWorkflow targets.as.df targets.as.list

Documented in createWF loadWorkflow output_update renderWF run_track subsetWF targets.as.df

## Class and Method Definitions for SYSargs2 ##
## Define SYSargs2 class
setClass("SYSargs2", representation(
## Methods to return SYSargs2 components 
setGeneric(name="targets", def=function(x) standardGeneric("targets"))
setMethod(f="targets", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@targets)})
setMethod(f="targetsheader", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@targetsheader)})
setMethod(f="modules", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(setNames(as.character(x@modules), names(x@modules)))})
setGeneric(name="wf", def=function(x) standardGeneric("wf"))
setMethod(f="wf", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@wf)})
setGeneric(name="clt", def=function(x) standardGeneric("clt"))
setMethod(f="clt", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@clt)})
setGeneric(name="yamlinput", def=function(x) standardGeneric("yamlinput"))
setMethod(f="yamlinput", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@yamlinput)})
setGeneric(name="cmdlist", def=function(x) standardGeneric("cmdlist"))
setMethod(f="cmdlist", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@cmdlist)})
setGeneric(name="input", def=function(x) standardGeneric("input"))
setMethod(f="input", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@input)})
setGeneric(name="output", def=function(x) standardGeneric("output"))
setMethod(f="output", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@output)})
setGeneric(name="cwlfiles", def=function(x) standardGeneric("cwlfiles"))
setMethod(f="cwlfiles", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@cwlfiles)})
setGeneric(name="inputvars", def=function(x) standardGeneric("inputvars"))
setMethod(f="inputvars", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {return(x@inputvars)})

## Constructor methods
## List to SYSargs2 with: as(mylist, "SYSargs2")
setAs(from="list", to="SYSargs2",  
        def=function(from) {
        new("SYSargs2", targets=from$targets,

## Coerce back to list: as(SYSargs2, "list")
setGeneric(name="sysargs2", def=function(x) standardGeneric("sysargs2"))
setMethod(f="sysargs2", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x) {
    sysargslist <- list(targets=x@targets, targetsheader=x@targetsheader, modules=x@modules, wf=x@wf, clt=x@clt, yamlinput=x@yamlinput, cmdlist=x@cmdlist, input=x@input, output=x@output, cwlfiles=x@cwlfiles, inputvars=x@inputvars)

## SYSargs2 to list with: as("SYSargs2", list)
setAs(from="SYSargs2", to="list", 
	def=function(from) {

## Define print behavior for SYSargs2
setMethod(f="show", signature="SYSargs2", 
          definition=function(object) {    
            cat(paste0("Instance of '", class(object), "':"), 
                paste0("   Slot names/accessors: "), 
                paste0("      targets: ", length(object@targets), 
                       " (", head(names(object@targets), 1), "...", 
                       tail(names(object@targets), 1), ")",
                       ", targetsheader: " , length(unlist(object@targetsheader)), " (lines)"), 
                paste0("      modules: " , length(object@modules)), 
                paste0("      wf: " , length(object@wf), 
                       ", clt: ", length(object@clt),
                       ", yamlinput: ", length(object@yamlinput), " (components)"),
                paste0("      input: ", length(object@input),
                       ", output: ", length(object@output)),
                paste0("      cmdlist: ", length(object@cmdlist)),
                "   WF Steps:",
                paste0("      ", seq_along(object@clt), ". ", object@cwlfiles$steps, 
                       " (rendered: ", length(object@cmdlist[[1]])!=0, ")"), 
                "\n", sep="\n")

## Extend names() method
setMethod(f="names", signature="SYSargs2",
        definition=function(x) {

## Extend infile1() method
setMethod(f="infile1", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x){
  subset_input <- input(x)
  subset_sample <- sapply(names(subset_input), function(x) list(NULL))
  for(i in seq_along(names(subset_input))){
    if("FileName" %in% names(subset_input[[i]])){
      subset_sample[[i]] <- normalizePath(subset_input[[i]][['FileName']])
    } else {
      subset_sample[[i]] <- normalizePath(subset_input[[i]][['FileName1']]) }
    subset_sample <- as.character(subset_sample)
    names(subset_sample) <- names(subset_input)

## Extend infile2() method
setMethod(f="infile2", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x){
  subset_input <- input(x)
  subset_sample <- sapply(names(subset_input), function(x) list(NULL))
  for(i in seq_along(names(subset_input))){
    if("FileName2" %in% names(subset_input[[i]])){
      subset_sample[[i]] <- normalizePath(subset_input[[i]][['FileName2']]) }
    subset_sample <- as.character(subset_sample)
    names(subset_sample) <- names(subset_input)

## Extend length() method
setMethod(f="length", signature="SYSargs2",
          definition=function(x) {

## Convert targets data.frame to list
targets.as.list <- function(x) {
    targetslist <- yaml::yaml.load(yaml::as.yaml(x, column.major = FALSE))
    names(targetslist) <- x$SampleName

## Usage:
# targets <- read.delim("targets.txt", comment.char = "#")
# targetslist <- targets.as.list(x=targets)

## Convert targets list to data.frame
targets.as.df <- function(x) {
    targetstmp <- sapply(x, as.character, simplify=FALSE)
    targetsDF <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", targetstmp))
    rownames(targetsDF) <- NULL
    colnames(targetsDF) <- names(x[[1]])

## Usage:
# targets.as.df(x=targetslist) 

# Behavior of "[" operator for SYSargs2
setMethod(f="[", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x, i, ..., drop) {
        if(is.logical(i)) {
                i <- which(i)
        x@targets <- x@targets[i]
        x@input <- x@input[i]
        x@output <- x@output[i]
        x@cmdlist <- x@cmdlist[i]

## Behavior of "[[" operator for SYSargs2
setMethod(f="[[", signature=c("SYSargs2", "ANY", "missing"),
	definition=function(x, i, ..., drop) {
		return(as(x, "list")[[i]]) 

## Behavior of "$" operator for SYSargs2
setMethod("$", signature="SYSargs2",
    definition=function(x, name) { 
        slot(x, name)

## Replacement method for SYSargs2 using "[" operator 
setReplaceMethod(f="[[", signature="SYSargs2", definition=function(x, i, j, value) {
	if(i==1) x@targets <- value
	if(i==2) x@targetsheader <- value 
	if(i==3) x@modules <- value
	if(i==4) x@wf <- value
	if(i==5) x@clt <- value
	if(i==6) x@yamlinput <- value
	if(i==7) x@cmdlist <- value
	if(i==8) x@input <- value
	if(i==9) x@output <- value
	if(i==10) x@cwlfiles <- value
	if(i=="targets") x@targets <- value
	if(i=="targetsheader") x@targetsheader <- value 
	if(i=="modules") x@modules <- value
	if(i=="wf") x@wf <- value
	if(i=="clt") x@clt <- value
	if(i=="yamlinput") x@yamlinput <- value
	if(i=="cmdlist") x@cmdlist <- value
	if(i=="input") x@input <- value
	if(i=="output") x@output <- value
	if(i=="cwlfiles") x@cwlfiles <- value

## Load Workflow ##
loadWorkflow <- function(targets=NULL, wf_file, input_file, dir_path=".") {
  if(!file.exists(file.path(dir_path, wf_file))==TRUE) stop("Provide valid '.cwl' file. Check the file PATH.")
  if(!file.exists(file.path(dir_path, input_file))==TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'files.'.yml' file. Check the file PATH.")
  if(all(!is.null(targets) && !file.exists(targets)==TRUE)) stop("Provide valid 'targets' file. Check the file PATH.")
  wf <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(dir_path, wf_file))
  input <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(dir_path, input_file))
  modules <- input$ModulesToLoad
  if(is.null(modules)) modules <- list()   
  cwlfiles <- list(cwl=normalizePath(file.path(dir_path, wf_file)), yml=normalizePath(file.path(dir_path, input_file)))
  inputvars <- list()
  if(tolower(wf$class) == "workflow") { 
    steps <- names(wf$steps)
    cwlfiles$steps <- steps
    cltpaths <- sapply(seq_along(steps), function(x) normalizePath(wf$steps[[steps[x]]]$run))
    cltlist <- sapply(cltpaths, function(x) yaml::read_yaml(file.path(x)), simplify = F) 
    names(cltlist) <- sapply(seq_along(steps), function(x) wf$steps[[steps[x]]]$run)
    cmdlist <- sapply(names(cltlist), function(x) list(NULL))
    myinput <- sapply(names(cltlist), function(x) list(NULL))
    myoutput <- sapply(names(cltlist), function(x) list(NULL))
    WF <- list(modules=modules, wf=wf, clt=cltlist, yamlinput=input, cmdlist=cmdlist, input=myinput, output=myoutput, cwlfiles=cwlfiles, inputvars=inputvars)
  } else if(tolower(wf$class) == "commandlinetool") {
    cltlist <- list(wf)
    names(cltlist) <- basename(wf_file)
    cmdlist <- sapply(names(cltlist), function(x) list(NULL))
    myinput <- sapply(names(cltlist), function(x) list(NULL))
    myoutput <- sapply(names(cltlist), function(x) list(NULL))
    cwlfiles$steps <- strsplit(basename(wf_file), ".cwl")[[1]]
    WF <- list(modules=modules, wf=list(), clt=cltlist, yamlinput=input, cmdlist=cmdlist, input=myinput, output=myoutput, cwlfiles=cwlfiles, inputvars=inputvars)
  } else {
    stop("Class slot in '<wf_file>.cwl' needs to be 'Workflow' or 'CommandLineTool'.")
  if(!is.null(targets)) {
      mytargets <- targets(targets)
      targetsheader <- targetsheader(targets)[[1]]
    } else {
      if(!file.exists(file.path(targets))==TRUE) stop("Provide valid 'targets' file. Check the file PATH.")
      ext <- strsplit(basename(targets), split="\\.")[[1]]
      ext <- ext[[-1]]
      if("txt" %in% ext){
        mytargets <- read.delim(normalizePath(file.path(targets)), comment.char = "#")
        mytargets <- targets.as.list(mytargets)
      } else if( any(c("yml", "yaml") %in% ext)){
        mytargets <- yaml::read_yaml(targets)
      targetsheader <- readLines(normalizePath(file.path(targets)))
      targetsheader <- targetsheader[grepl("^#", targetsheader)] 
    WF <- c(list(targets=mytargets, targetsheader=list(targetsheader=targetsheader)), WF)
  } else {
    WF <- c(list(targets=data.frame(), targetsheader=list()), WF)
  return(as(WF, "SYSargs2"))

## Wrapper for loadWorkflow: Short and consistent name for the function
loadWF <- loadWorkflow

## Usage:
# targets <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
# dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/hisat2", package="systemPipeR")
# WF <- loadWF(targets=targets, wf_file="hisat2-se/hisat2-mapping-se.cwl", input_file="hisat2-se/hisat2-mapping-se.yml", dir_path=dir_path)

##   Create CommandLineTools from Command-line   ##
createWF <- function(targets=NULL, commandLine, results_path="./results", module_load="baseCommand", file = "default", 
                     overwrite = FALSE, cwlVersion = "v1.0", class = "CommandLineTool"){
  ## TODO if is not default, module load and file
  if(!class(commandLine)=="list") stop("'commandLine' needs to be object of class 'list'.")  
  if(any(!c("baseCommand", "inputs", "outputs") %in% names(commandLine))) stop("Argument 'commandLine' needs to be assigned at least to: 'baseCommand', 'input' or 'output'.")
  if(all(!c("Workflow", "CommandLineTool") %in% class)) stop("Class slot in '<wf_file>.cwl' needs to be 'Workflow' or 'CommandLineTool'.")
  if(dir.exists(results_path)==FALSE) dir.create(path=results_path)
  ## module_load 
  ## 1.  module_load="baseCommand" will use the name of the software 
  ## 2.  module_load=c("ncbi-blast/2.2.30+", "hisat2/2.1.0") will use the specific version and names
  if(module_load == "baseCommand"){
    module_load <- commandLine$baseCommand[[1]]
  } else {
    module_load <- module_load
  ## File Path
  ## 1. file="default"
  ## 2. file = c("test.cwl", "test.yml")
  if("default" %in% file){
    if(dir.exists(paste("param/cwl/", commandLine$baseCommand, sep=""))==FALSE) dir.create(path=paste("param/cwl/", commandLine$baseCommand, sep=""))
    file.cwl <- paste("param/cwl/", commandLine$baseCommand, "/", commandLine$baseCommand, ".cwl", sep="")
    file.yml <- paste("param/cwl/", commandLine$baseCommand, "/", commandLine$baseCommand, ".yml", sep="")
  } else {
    for(i in seq_along(file)){
      extension <- sub('.*\\.', '', file[[i]])
      if(!c("cwl") %in% extension & !c("yml") %in% extension) stop ("Argument 'file' needs to be assigned as a character vector with the names of the two param file. For example, 'test.cwl' and 'test.yml'.")
      if(c("yml") %in% extension){
        file.yml <- file[[i]]
      } else if(c("cwl") %in% extension){
        file.cwl <- file[[i]]
  if(file.exists(file.cwl) & overwrite == FALSE) 
    stop(paste("I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file:", 
               file, "or set 'overwrite=TRUE', or provide a different name in the 'file' argument"))
  if(file.exists(file.yml) & overwrite == FALSE) 
    stop(paste("I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file:", 
               file, "or set 'overwrite=TRUE', or provide a different name in the 'file' argument"))
  ## class("CommandLineTool", "Workflow")
  WF.temp <- SYScreate("SYSargs2")
  WF.temp <- as(WF.temp, "list")
  ## TODO: Expand to write.WF()
  WF.temp$wf <- list()
  WF.temp$clt <- write.clt(commandLine, cwlVersion, class, file.cwl) 
  WF.temp$yamlinput <- write.yml(commandLine, file.yml, results_path, module_load) 
  WF.temp$modules <- WF.temp$yamlinput$ModulesToLoad
  WF.temp$cmdlist <- sapply(names(WF.temp$clt), function(x) list(NULL))
  WF.temp$input <- sapply(names(WF.temp$clt), function(x) list(NULL))
  WF.temp$output <- sapply(names(WF.temp$clt), function(x) list(NULL))
  WF.temp$cwlfiles <- list(cwl=normalizePath(file.path(file.cwl)), yml=normalizePath(file.path(file.yml)), steps=names(WF.temp$clt))
  ## targets
  if(!is.null(targets)) {
    mytargets <- read.delim(normalizePath(file.path(targets)), comment.char = "#")
    mytargets <- targets.as.list(mytargets)
    targetsheader <- readLines(normalizePath(file.path(targets)))
    targetsheader <- targetsheader[grepl("^#", targetsheader)]
    WF.temp <- c(list(targets=mytargets, targetsheader=list(targetsheader=targetsheader)), WF.temp)
  } else {
    WF.temp <- c(list(targets=data.frame(), targetsheader=list()), WF.temp)
  return(as(WF.temp, "SYSargs2"))

## Usage: 
## Example commandLine
# "hisat2 -S ./results/_SampleName_.sam  -x ./data/tair10.fasta  -k 1  --min-intronlen 30  --max-intronlen 3000 --threads 4 -U _FASTQ_PATH1_"
## Provide a list 
# baseCommand <- list(baseCommand="hisat2")
# inputs <- list(
#   "S"=list(type="File", preF="-S", yml="./results/_SampleName_.sam"),
#   "x"=list(type="File", preF="-x", yml="./data/tair10.fasta"),
#   "k"= list(type="int", preF="-k", yml= 1L),
#   "threads"= list(type="int", preF="-threads", yml=4L),
#   "min-intronlen"= list(type="int", preF="--min-intronlen", yml= 30L),
#   "max-intronlen"= list(type="int", preF="--max-intronlen", yml=3000L),
#   "U"=list(type="File", preF="-U", yml="./data/_FASTQ_PATH1_") )
# outputs <- list("hisat2_sam"=list(type="File", "./results/_SampleName_.sam"))
# commandLine <- list(baseCommand=baseCommand, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
## Creates a SYSargs2 object, populate all the command-line, and creates *.cwl and *.yml files
# targets <- system.file("extdata", "targets.txt", package="systemPipeR")
# WF <- createWF(targets=targets, commandLine, results_path="./results", module_load="baseCommand",
#                file = "default", overwrite = FALSE, cwlVersion = "v1.0",
#                class = "CommandLineTool")
# WF <- renderWF(WF, inputvars=c(FileName="_FASTQ_PATH1_", SampleName="_SampleName_"))

## Render WF for all samples in targets slot ##
renderWF <- function(WF, inputvars=c(FileName="_FASTQ_PATH_")) {
  if(any(length(cmdlist(WF)[[1]])!=0)) stop("Argument 'WF' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs2' and an object created by the 'loadWorkflow' function")  
  ids <- names(targets(WF))
  if(length(ids)==0) ids <- "defaultid"
  bucket <- sapply(ids, function(x) "", simplify=FALSE)
  bucketlist <- list(cmd=bucket, input=bucket, output=bucket)
  .renderWFsingle <- function(WF, id) { 
    inputvarslist <- sapply(names(inputvars), function(x) "", simplify=FALSE)
    if(!length(names(targets(WF)))==0) (if(any(!names(inputvars) %in% colnames(targets.as.df(WF$targets)))) stop("Please note that the 'inputvars' variables need to be defined in the 'input_file'; as well it needs to match the column names defined in the 'targets' file."))
    input <- yamlinput(WF)
    for(i in seq_along(inputvars)) {
      subvalue <- targets(WF)[[id]][[names(inputvars)[i]]]
      if(length(subvalue)!=0) {
        input <- rapply(input, function(x) gsub(inputvars[[i]], subvalue, x), how = "replace")
        inputvarslist[[i]] <- subvalue
    WF <- as(WF, "list")
    WF$yamlinput <- input
    WF <- as(WF, "SYSargs2")
    WF <- injectCommandlinelist(WF)
    ## Fix for cases like IDX/tophat/STAR, more than one output file per cmdlist
    outfilelist <- sapply(names(cmdlist(WF)), function(x) list(NULL))
    for(i in seq_along(outfilelist)) {
      for (j in seq_along(cmdlist(WF)[[names(outfilelist[i])]]$output)) 
        outfilelist[[i]][j] <- cmdlist(WF)[[names(outfilelist[i])]]$output[[j]]$glob
    cmdlist <- renderCommandline(WF, redirect=">")
    inputvars <- as.list(inputvars)
    return(list(cmd=cmdlist, input=inputvarslist, output=outfilelist, inputvars=inputvars))
  for(i in ids) {
    tmplist <- .renderWFsingle(WF=WF, id=i) 
    bucketlist[["cmd"]][[i]] <- tmplist[["cmd"]]
    bucketlist[["input"]][[i]] <- tmplist[["input"]]
    bucketlist[["output"]][[i]] <- tmplist[["output"]]
  WF <- as(WF, "list") 
  WF$cmdlist <- bucketlist$cmd
  WF$input <- bucketlist$input
  WF$output <- bucketlist$output
  WF$inputvars <- tmplist$inputvars
  return(as(WF, "SYSargs2"))

## Usage:
# WF <- renderWF(WF, inputvars=c(FileName="_FASTQ_PATH1_", SampleName="_SampleName_"))

## Subsetting the input and output slots by name or position ##
subsetWF <- function(args, slot, subset=NULL, index=NULL, delete=FALSE){
  ## Check the class and slot
  if(!class(args)=="SYSargs2") stop("args needs to be object of class 'SYSargs2'.")  
  if(all(!c("input", "output", "step") %in% slot)) stop("Argument slot can only be assigned one of: 'input' or 'output' or 'step'.")
  ## slot input
  if(slot %in% "input"){
    ## Check the subset
    if(all(!is.null(subset) & is.character(subset) & !any(names(inputvars(args)) %in% subset))) stop(paste("For the", slot, "slot, can only be assigned one of the following values in the subset argument:", paste(names(inputvars(args)), collapse=", "), "OR the corresponding position OR NULL")) 
    if(all(!is.null(subset) & is.numeric(subset) & !any(seq_along(names(inputvars(args))) %in% subset))) stop(paste("For the", slot, "slot, can only be assigned one of the following position in the subset argument:", paste(seq_along(names(inputvars(args))), collapse=", "), "OR the names OR NULL")) 
    subset_input <- input(args)
    subset_sample <- sapply(names(subset_input), function(x) list(NULL))
    if(!is.null(subset)) {
      for(i in seq_along(names(subset_input)))
        subset_sample[[i]] <- subset_input[[i]][[subset]]
    } else {
      subset_sample <- subset_input
  ## slot output
  if(slot %in% "output"){
    ## Check the subset
    if(all(!is.null(subset) & is.character(subset) & !any(names(args$clt) %in% subset))) stop(paste("For the", slot, "slot, can only be assigned one of the following values in the subset argument:", paste(names(args$clt), collapse=", "), "OR the corresponding position OR NULL")) 
    if(all(!is.null(subset) & is.numeric(subset) & !any(seq_along(names(args$clt)) %in% subset))) stop(paste("For the", slot, "slot, can only be assigned one of the following position in the subset argument:", paste(seq_along(names(args$clt)), collapse=", "), "OR the names OR NULL")) 
      if(!any(seq_along(output(args)[[1]][[subset]]) %in% index)) stop(paste("For the 'index' argument, can only be assigned one of the following position:", paste(seq_along(output(args)[[1]][[subset]]), collapse=", ")))
    subset_output <- output(args)
    subset_sample <- as.character()
    if(all(!is.null(subset) & !is.null(index))) {
      for(i in seq_along(names(subset_output)))
        # subset_sample[[i]] <- subset_output[[i]][[subset]]
        subset_sample <- c(subset_sample, subset_output[[i]][[subset]][index])
    } else {
      subset_sample <- subset_output
    names(subset_sample) <- rep(names(subset_output), each=length(subset_sample[1]))
  ## slot step
  if(slot %in% "step"){
    ## Check the subset
    if(all(!is.null(subset) & is.character(subset) & !any(names(args$clt) %in% subset))) stop(paste("For the", slot, "slot, can only be assigned one of the following values in the subset argument:", paste(names(args$clt), collapse=", "), "OR the corresponding position OR NULL")) 
    if(all(!is.null(subset) & is.numeric(subset) & !any(seq_along(names(args$clt)) %in% subset))) stop(paste("For the", slot, "slot, can only be assigned one of the following position in the subset argument:", paste(seq_along(names(args$clt)), collapse=", "), "OR the names OR NULL")) 
    subset_step <- cmdlist(args)
    subset_sample <- sapply(names(subset_step), function(x) list(NULL))
    if(!is.null(subset)) {
      for(i in seq_along(names(subset_sample)))
        subset_sample[[i]] <- subset_step[[i]][[subset]]
    } else {
      subset_sample <- subset_step
  ## IF subset=NULL returns a list 
    names <- names(subset_sample)
    subset_sample <- as.character(subset_sample)
    names(subset_sample) <- names 
  ## delete == TRUE
    ## delete option only works if the subset is define
    if(!is.character(subset_sample)) { 
      stop(paste("Please define the 'subset' to be deleted in the subset argument")) 
      del <- file.remove(subset_sample)
      cat("The following files has been deleted:", paste(subset_sample, collapse = ", "), "\n")
    } else if(all(!file.exists(subset_sample))) {
      cat("The subset cannot be deleted: no such file ", "\n")

## Usage:
# subsetWF(WF, slot="input", subset='FileName')
# subsetWF(WF, slot="step", subset=1)
# subsetWF(WF, slot="output", subset=1, index=1)
# subsetWF(WF, slot="output", subset=1, index=1, delete=TRUE) ## in order to delete the subset files list

## Update the output location after run runCommandline ##
output_update <- function(args, dir=FALSE, dir.name=NULL, replace=FALSE, extension=NULL, make_bam=FALSE){
  ## Folder name provide in the yml file
  ## this file will exists, because its create on the definition of the project or when runCommandline is used.
  # if(is.null(args$yamlinput$results_path$path)) {
  #   if(is.null(dir.name)) {
  #     stop("argument 'dir.name' missing. The argument can only be assigned 'NULL' when directory name is provided in the yml template. The argument should be assigned as a character vector of length 1")
  #   }}
  ## Validation for 'args'
  if(any(class(args)!="SYSargs" & class(args)!="SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2'")
  ## If the argument 'replace' is TRUE, it is required to specify the 'extension' argument
    if(is.null(extension)) {
      stop("argument 'extension' missing. The argument can only be assigned 'NULL' when no replacement is required. The argument should be assigned as a character vector with the current extension and the new one.")  
    args <- as(args, "list")
    for(i in seq_along(args$output)){
      for(j in seq_along(args$output[[i]])){
        for(k in seq_along(args$output[[i]][[j]])){
          name <- basename(args$output[[i]][[j]][k])
          dirRep <- sub("/([^/]*)$", "", args$output[[i]][[j]][k])
          if(grepl(extension[1], name)){
            sam <- .getExt(name)
            args$output[[i]][[j]][k] <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(paste0(dirRep, "/", .getFileName(name), extension[2])))
          } else {
            # message if the extension are not matching, return the same object
            args$output[[i]][[j]][k] <- args$output[[i]][[j]][k]
            if(grepl("bam", args$output[[i]][[j]][k])){
              args$output[[i]][[j]][length(args$output[[i]][[j]])+1] <- paste0(gsub("\\.bam$", "", args$output[[i]][[j]][k]), ".bam.bai")
    args <- as(args, "SYSargs2")
    args <- as(args, "list")
    ## Results path
    logdir <- normalizePath(args$yamlinput$results_path$path)
    ## Workflow Name: Detail: if the folder was not created during 'runCommandline,' it will return a warning message pointing 'no such directory'
    if(is.null(dir.name)) {
      cwl.wf <- normalizePath(paste0(logdir, "/", .getFileName(args$cwlfiles$cwl)))
    } else if(!is.null(dir.name)){
      cwl.wf <- normalizePath(paste0(logdir, "/", dir.name)) 
    ## New path
    for(i in seq_along(args$output)){
      for(j in seq_along(args$output[[i]])){
        for(k in seq_along(args$output[[i]][[j]])){
          name <- basename(args$output[[i]][[j]][k])
          args$output[[i]][[j]][k] <- paste0(cwl.wf, "/", names(args$output[i]), "/", name)
    args <- as(args, "SYSargs2")
## Usage:
# WF <- output_update(WF, dir=FALSE, replace=TRUE, extension=c(".sam", ".bam"))
# WF <- output_update(WF, dir=TRUE, replace=TRUE, extension=c(".sam", ".bam"))

## Unexported helper functions ##

## Resolve CWL variable-based path instance ##
pathInstance <- function(pathvar, input, altinput) {
  pathvar <- unlist(strsplit(pathvar[[1]], "/"))
  extension <- gsub("^.*\\)", "", pathvar)
  pathvar <- gsub("(^.*\\)).*", "\\1", pathvar)
  pathvar <- gsub("\\$|\\(|\\)", "", pathvar)
  pathvarlist <- strsplit(pathvar, "\\.")
  filenametype <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(pathvarlist), function(x) pathvarlist[[x]][pathvarlist[[x]] %in% c("basename", "nameroot")]))
  filenametype <- sapply(seq_along(pathvarlist), function(x) filenametype[x]) # In case of empty filenamelist NA are returned instead
  filenametype <- ifelse(is.na(filenametype), "NA", filenametype)
  myvalue_list <- sapply((pathvarlist), function(x) list(NULL), simplify=FALSE)
  for(i in seq_along(pathvarlist)){
    myvalue <- NULL
    for(j in seq_along(pathvarlist[[i]])){
      myvalue_input <- input[[pathvarlist[[i]][[j]]]]
      if("class" %in% names(myvalue_input)) myvalue_input$class <- NULL
      if (!is.null(myvalue_input)) {
        myvalue <- c(myvalue, list(myvalue_input))
    myvalue_list[i] <- myvalue
  ## Use altinput if no values were assigned by input
  if(all(sapply(myvalue_list, length)==0)) {
    myvalue_list <- sapply(seq_along(pathvarlist), function(x) altinput[[pathvarlist[[x]][[2]]]]$default, simplify=FALSE)
  enforce_list <- length(myvalue_list) == 1
  if(any(enforce_list)) for(i in which(enforce_list)) myvalue_list[[i]] <- list(class=NULL, path=myvalue_list[[i]]) 
  mypathvec <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(myvalue_list)){
    for(j in seq_along(myvalue_list[[i]])){
      vec_input <- myvalue_list[[i]][[j]]
      if (any(names(myvalue_list[[i]][[j]]) %in% c("path"))){
        vec_input <- myvalue_list[[i]][[j]]$path
      if (!is.null(vec_input )) {
        vec <- sapply(seq_along(filenametype), function(x) pathUtils(vec_input [x], type=filenametype[x]))
        mypathvec <- c(mypathvec, list(vec))}
    mypathvec <- lapply(mypathvec, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
  ## Assign '.' to 'runtime.outdir'
  pwdindex <- any(pathvar %in% c("runtime.outdir"))
  nullindex <- any(sapply(mypathvec, length) == 0)
  if(any(pwdindex & nullindex)) {
    mypathvec[pwdindex & nullindex] <- "."
  mypathvec <- sapply(seq_along(mypathvec), function(x) if(is.null(mypathvec[[x]])) {mypathvec[[x]] <- "" } else {mypathvec[[x]] <- mypathvec[[x]]})
  ## Generate output
    extension <- extension[!is.na(extension)]
    if(all("" %in% extension & length(extension)==1)){
      mypath <- paste(mypathvec)
    } else {
      extension <- extension[extension != ""]
      mypath <- paste(mypathvec, extension, sep="/") }
    } else if(any(is.na(extension))){
      mypath <- sapply(seq_along(mypathvec), function(x) paste0(mypathvec[x]))
    } else {
      mypath <- sapply(seq_along(mypathvec), function(x) paste0(mypathvec[x], extension[x]))
      if(length(mypathvec) < length(extension)){
        extension <- extension[extension != ""]
        mypath <- c(mypath, extension)
  returnpath <- file.path(paste(mypath, collapse="/"))

## Helper function to construct/manipulate path and file names ##
pathUtils <- function(x, type, dropdir=TRUE) {
    if(type=="dirname") {
        mypath <- dirname(x)
    } else if(type=="basename") {
        mypath <- basename(x)    
    } else if(type=="nameroot") {
        mypath <- gsub("(^.*)\\..*$", "\\1", basename(x))    
    } else {
        mypath <- x # Return unchanged input if 'type' is not one the above three values
        # warning("Argument 'type' needs to be assigned one of: 'dirname', 'basename', 'nameroot'")
    ## Construct output
    if(dropdir==TRUE) {
    } else if(dropdir==FALSE & type!="dirname") {
        return(file.path(dirname(x), mypath))
    } else {
        stop("Invalid path request, e.g. drop and appenrequest, e.g. drop and append dir.")

## Assemble Commandline Components in List ##
assembleCommandlineList <- function(clt=WF$clt[[1]]) {
    ## Base command and arguments
    basecommand <- clt$baseCommand
    arguments <- clt$arguments
      for(i in seq_along(arguments)) arguments[[i]][["position"]] <- ""
    # ## Handling of special cases (here mkdir)
    # if(basecommand[1]=="mkdir") {
    #     clt$inputs <- ""
    #     clt$outputs[[1]]$type <- NULL
    # }
    ## Inputs
    inputargs <- renderInputs(x=clt$inputs, returntags=list(inputBinding=c("prefix"), type="any"))
    ## Outputs
    outputargs <- renderOutputs(x=clt$outputs, stdout=clt$stdout, returntags=list(outputBinding=c("prefix", "glob"), type="any"))
    ## Assemble command-line
    arglist <- list(baseCommand=basecommand, arguments=arguments, inputs=inputargs, outputs=outputargs)

## Populate Variables in Command-line ##
populateCommandline <- function(WF, cltid, exclude=exclude, mmp) {
    ## Populate inputs
    cmdlist <- assembleCommandlineList(nameUnnamed(WF$clt[[cltid]]))
    # yamlinput <- list(inputs=WF$yamlinput) # fix 29Dec18
    yamlinput <- list(inputs=nameUnnamed(WF$yamlinput))
    cmdnames <- nestedNames(cmdlist)
    yamlnames <- nestedNames(yamlinput)
    ## Create yamlnames list without 'unnamed' tags if present
    yamlnamestmp <- sapply(names(yamlnames), function(x) yamlnames[[x]][!grepl("_\\d{1,}_", yamlnames[[x]])], simplify=FALSE)
    matchmap <- findBestMatch(x=cmdnames, y=yamlnamestmp, mmp, minmatch=2)
    excludepos <- sapply(names(cmdnames), function(x) tail(cmdnames[[x]], 1) %in% exclude)
    removetype <- sapply(cmdnames, function(x) tail(x %in% "type", 1))
    for(i in seq_along(cmdnames)) {
        inputslice <- yamlnames[[matchmap[[i]]]]
        ## Inject yamlinput in corresponding cmdlist components
        if((length(inputslice) > 0) & (excludepos[[i]])!=TRUE) {
            cmdlist <- injectListbyName(cmdlist, cmdnames[[i]], value=subsetListbyName(yamlinput, inputslice))
        ## Eliminate type values (e.g. boolean/string) that are not associated with yamlinput
        if((length(inputslice) == 0) & (excludepos[[i]]!=TRUE & removetype[[i]]==TRUE)) {
            cmdlist <- injectListbyName(cmdlist, cmdnames[[i]], value="")
    ## Populate variable path instances
    pos <- sapply(names(cmdnames), function(x) grepl("^\\$\\(", subsetListbyName(cmdlist, cmdnames[[x]])))
    if(any(pos)) {
        for(i in which(pos)) {
            mypath <- pathInstance(pathvar=subsetListbyName(cmdlist, cmdnames[[i]]), input=WF$yamlinput, altinput=nameUnnamed(WF$clt[[cltid]])$inputs)
            cmdlist <- injectListbyName(cmdlist, cmdnames[[i]], value=mypath)

## Inject command-line lists from populateCommandline into cmdlist slot WF object ##
injectCommandlinelist <- function(WF) {
    if(class(WF)=="SYSargs2") {
        WF <- as(WF, "list") 
    } else {
        stop("WF needs to be object of class 'SYSargs2'.")
    cmdsteps <- names(WF$cmdlist)
    mmp <- list(class=c("class", "type"), path=c("path", "type"))
    exclude <- c("baseCommand", "prefix")
    for(i in seq_along(cmdsteps)) { 
        WF$cmdlist[[i]] <- populateCommandline(WF, cltid=cmdsteps[i], exclude=exclude, mmp)
    ## Update inputs that depend on output of one of the previous steps
    .connectInout <- function(WF) {
        steps <- WF$wf$steps
        stepnames <- sapply(names(steps), function(x) steps[[x]]$run)
        connectedlist <- sapply(seq_along(steps), function(x) which(grepl("/", steps[[x]]$`in`)))
        names(connectedlist) <- names(steps)
        connectedlist <- connectedlist[sapply(connectedlist, length) > 0]
        if(length(connectedlist) > 0) {
            for(j in seq_along(connectedlist)) {
                connected <- connectedlist[j]
                ## Inner loop to support multiple connections
                for(i in seq_along(connected[[1]])) {
                    ## Generate output string from corresponding upstream step
                    connectednames <- strsplit(unlist(steps[[names(connected)]])[connected[[1]][i]], "/")
                    connectedstep <- stepnames[[connectednames[[1]][1]]]
                    connectedoutput <- WF$cmdlist[[connectedstep]]$outputs
                    connectedoutput <- unlist(connectedoutput[connectednames[[1]][[2]]])
                    ## Inject output string into input of corresponding downstream step
                    termname <- as.character(sapply(nestedNames(steps[[names(connected)]]), tail, 1)[connected[[1]][i]])
                    namepath <- c("cmdlist", stepnames[[names(connected)]], "inputs", termname)
                    #fix 02Jan19 # namepath <- c("cmdlist", stepnames[[names(connected[i])]], "inputs", 
                    #                            names(steps[[names(connected[i])]][connected[[i]]][["in"]]))
                    WF <- injectListbyName(l=WF, namepath, value=as.character(connectedoutput), type="value") 
        names(WF$cmdlist) <- WF$cwlfiles$steps
        names(WF$clt) <- WF$cwlfiles$steps
    WF <- .connectInout(WF)
    return(as(WF, "SYSargs2"))

## Render Commandline Strings ##
renderCommandline <- function(x, dropoutput=TRUE, redirect=">") {
    if(class(x)=="SYSargs2") {
        x <- as(x, "list") 
    } else {
        stop("x needs to be object of class 'SYSargs2'.")
    ## Fct to render single command-line string
    .renderCommandline <- function(x=x, redirect=redirect) {
        cmdnames <- nestedNames(x)
        ## Check for stdout instance, if present prepend value of redirect
        stdoutpos <- sapply(cmdnames, function(y) {
                    tmp <- y %in% c("outputs", "stdout")
                    tmp[1] == TRUE & tail(tmp, 1) == TRUE
        if(any(stdoutpos)) {
            cmd <- x
            cmdnamessub <- cmdnames[stdoutpos]
            for(i in seq_along(cmdnamessub)) {
                stdoutstr <- unlist(subsetListbyName(l=cmd, cmdnamessub[[i]]))
                stdoutstr <- paste(redirect, stdoutstr, sep=" ")
                cmd <- injectListbyName(l=cmd, cmdnamessub[[i]], value=stdoutstr, type="value") 
        } else {
          #if(dropoutput==TRUE & x$baseCommand[1]!="mkdir") x <- x[names(x) != "outputs"] 
          if(dropoutput==TRUE) x <- x[names(x) != "outputs"] 
            cmd <- x
        ## Collapse list to single string
        cmd <- paste(unlist(cmd), collapse=" ")
    ## Check here for WF class instead of names once implemented
    if(all(names(x) == c("targets", "targetsheader", "modules", "wf", "clt", "yamlinput", "cmdlist", "input", "output", "cwlfiles", "inputvars"))) {
        cmdstring <- sapply(names(x$cmdlist), 
                            function(i) .renderCommandline(x=x$cmdlist[[i]], redirect=redirect),
    } else {
        cmdstring <- .renderCommandline(x=x, redirect=redirect)

## Helper Function to render inputs of single clt object ##
renderInputs <- function(x=WF$clt[[1]]$inputs, returntags=list(inputBinding=c("prefix"), type="any")) {
    inputnames <- names(x)
    ## Remove entries where inputBinding is missing since those parameters do not appear on the command-line
    inputnames <- inputnames[!sapply(inputnames, function(i) is.null(x[[i]]$inputBinding))]
    x <- x[inputnames]
    inputlist <- sapply(inputnames, function(i) {
            tmp <- c(x[[i]][[names(returntags["inputBinding"])]][returntags$inputBinding],
                  # input=x[[i]][[names(returntags["type"])]]) 
            tmp <- tmp[!sapply(tmp, length) < 1]
            tmp}, simplify=FALSE)
    inputposition <- sapply(inputnames, function(i) x[[i]]$inputBinding$position)
    if(class(inputposition)=="list") inputposition <- seq_along(inputposition)
    inputlist <- inputlist[order(inputposition)]

## Helper Function to render outputs of single clt object ##
renderOutputs <- function(x=WF$clt[[1]]$outputs, stdout=WF$clt[[1]]$stdout, returntags=list(outputBinding=c("prefix", "glob"), type="any")) {
    outputnames <- names(x)
    outputlist <- sapply(outputnames, function(i) {
            tmp <- c(x[[i]][[names(returntags["outputBinding"])]][returntags$outputBinding[1]],
                    # x[[i]][[names(returntags["type"])]]) 
            tmp <- tmp[!sapply(tmp, length) < 1]
            tmp}, simplify=FALSE)
    ## Remove entries 'type: Directory' since they are only relevant for CWL internals
    types <- sapply(seq_along(outputlist), function(i) outputlist[[i]][["type"]]) 
    outputlist <- outputlist[tolower(types) != "directory"]
    for(i in seq_along(outputlist)) {
        check <- outputlist[[i]][["type"]]
        if(is.null(check)) check <- "absent"
        if(check == "stdout") {
            # outputlist[[i]] <- c(outputlist[[i]]["type"], stdout=stdout) 
            outputlist[[i]] <- list(stdout=stdout)

## Name unnamed ##
## Yaml format may have unnamed components; not having names creates
## problems in some cases with name-based subsetting of lists; thus the 
## following function assigns names to unnamed components. A tagging syntax
## can be used to ignore them in subsetting routines if necessary.
nameUnnamed <- function(l) {
    for(a in seq_along(l)) {
        for(b in seq_along(l[[a]])) {
            for(c in seq_along(l[[a]][[b]])) {
                for(d in seq_along(l[[a]][[b]][[c]])) {
                    if(is.null(names(l[[a]][[b]][[c]][[d]])) & class(l[[a]][[b]][[c]][[d]])=="list") names(l[[a]][[b]][[c]][[d]]) <- paste0("_", seq_along(l[[a]][[b]][[c]][[d]]), "_") 
                    if(is.null(names(l[[a]][[b]][[c]])) & class(l[[a]][[b]][[c]])=="list") names(l[[a]][[b]][[c]]) <- paste0("_", seq_along(l[[a]][[b]][[c]]), "_") 
                    if(is.null(names(l[[a]][[b]])) & class(l[[a]][[b]])=="list") names(l[[a]][[b]]) <- paste0("_", seq_along(l[[a]][[b]]), "_") 
                    if(is.null(names(l[[a]])) & class(l[[a]])=="list") names(l[[a]]) <- paste0("_", seq_along(l[[a]]), "_") 

## Return names of nested lists (with up to 5 nesting levels) as vectors ##
nestedNames <- function(l, sep="_") {
    nestednames <- lapply(seq_along(l), function(a) 
                      lapply(seq_along(l[[a]]), function(b) 
                             lapply(seq_along(l[[a]][[b]]), function(c) 
                                lapply(seq_along(l[[a]][[b]][[c]]), function(d) 
                                    lapply(seq_along(l[[a]][[b]][[c]][[d]]), function(e) 
    while(any(sapply(nestednames, is.list))) nestednames <- unlist(nestednames, recursive=FALSE)
    names(nestednames) <- sapply(nestednames, paste, collapse=sep)

## Find best matches among name vectors for two lists ##
findBestMatch <- function(x, y, mmp, minmatch=2) {
	matchindex <- setNames(rep(NA, length(x)), names(x))	
	## Perfect matches
	matchpos <- sapply(names(y), function(j) { 
					sapply(names(x), function(i) {
						ident <- all(y[[j]] %in% x[[i]])
						lengthcheck <- length(y[[j]]) == length(x[[i]])
						ident & lengthcheck
	## Note, if there are several input matches to one command-line slot then only the last one is used (see tail)
	matchpos <- sapply(rownames(matchpos), function(i) tail(which(matchpos[i,]),1), simplify=FALSE)
	for(i in seq_along(matchindex)) {
		if(is.na(matchindex[i])==TRUE) matchindex[i] <- matchpos[[i]][1]
	## Matches with tag specific terminal mismatches
	matchpos <- sapply(names(y), function(j) { 
					sapply(names(x), function(i) {
						all(termMMatch(x=x[[i]], y=y[[j]], mmp=mmp, minmatch=minmatch, returntype="logical"))
	## Note, if there are several input matches to one command-line slot then only the last one is used (see tail)
	matchpos <- sapply(rownames(matchpos), function(i) tail(which(matchpos[i,]),1), simplify=FALSE)
	for(i in seq_along(matchpos)) {
		if(is.na(matchindex[i])==TRUE) matchindex[i] <- matchpos[[i]][1]
	## Matches with terminal (max 1) length differences 
	matchpos <- sapply(names(y), function(j) { 
					sapply(names(x), function(i) {
						ident <- all(y[[j]] %in% x[[i]][1:length(y[[j]])])
						lengthcheck <- length(y[[j]]) >= minmatch
						ident & lengthcheck
	## Note, if there are several input matches to one command-line slot then only the last one is used (see tail)
	matchpos <- sapply(rownames(matchpos), function(i) tail(which(matchpos[i,]),1), simplify=FALSE)
	for(i in seq_along(matchpos)) {
		if(is.na(matchindex[i])==TRUE) matchindex[i] <- matchpos[[i]][1]

## Inject into List Subsetted by Name Vector ##
injectListbyName <- function(l, name_index, value, type="value") {
    ## Input validity check for l and name_index
    if(all(!c("name", "value") %in% type[1])) stop("Argument type can only be assigned one of: 'name' or 'value'.")
    checknames <- nestedNames(l) 
    checknames <- checknames[!sapply(checknames, length) < length(name_index)]
    checknames <- sapply(checknames, function(x) which(name_index == x[seq_along(name_index)]), simplify=FALSE)
    checknames <- checknames[sapply(checknames, length) == length(name_index)]    
    checkindex <- sapply(seq_along(checknames), function(x) all(checknames[[x]] == seq_along(checknames[[x]])))
    if(length(checkindex)==0) checkindex <- FALSE
    if(any(checkindex==FALSE)) stop("Invalid 'name_index' lacking consecutive name matches in any list component.") 
    if(length(name_index)==1) {
        if(type=="name") names(l)[which(names(l) %in% name_index[1])] <- value
        if(type=="value") l[[name_index[1]]] <- value
    } else if(length(name_index)==2) {
        if(type=="name") names(l[[name_index[1]]])[1] <- value
        if(type=="value") l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]] <- value
    } else if(length(name_index)==3) {
        if(type=="name") names(l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]]) <- value
        if(type=="value") l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][[name_index[3]]] <- value
    } else if(length(name_index)==4) {
        if(type=="name") names(l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][[name_index[3]]]) <- value
        if(type=="value") l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][[name_index[3]]][[name_index[4]]] <- value
    } else if(length(name_index)==5) {
        if(type=="name") names(l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][[name_index[3]]][[name_index[4]]]) <- value 
        if(type=="value") l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][[name_index[3]]][[name_index[4]]][[name_index[5]]] <- value 
    } else {
        stop("Nesting level (length of name_index) cannot exceed 5.")

## Subset List by Name vector ##
subsetListbyName <- function(l, name_index) {
    ## Input validity check for l and name_index
    checknames <- nestedNames(l) 
    checknames <- checknames[!sapply(checknames, length) < length(name_index)]
    checknames <- sapply(checknames, function(x) which(name_index == x[seq_along(name_index)]), simplify=FALSE)
    checknames <- checknames[sapply(checknames, length) == length(name_index)]    
    checkindex <- sapply(seq_along(checknames), function(x) all(checknames[[x]] == seq_along(checknames[[x]])))
    if(length(checkindex)==0) checkindex <- FALSE
    if(any(checkindex==FALSE)) stop("Invalid 'name_index' lacking consecutive name matches in any list component.") 
    if(length(name_index)==1) {
        lsub <- l[name_index[1]] 
    } else if(length(name_index)==2) {
        lsub <- l[[name_index[1]]][name_index[2]]
    } else if(length(name_index)==3) {
        lsub <- l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][name_index[3]] 
    } else if(length(name_index)==4) {
        lsub <- l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][[name_index[3]]][name_index[4]] 
    } else if(length(name_index)==5) {
        lsub <- l[[name_index[1]]][[name_index[2]]][[name_index[3]]][[name_index[4]]][name_index[5]] 
    } else {
        stop("Nesting level (length of name_index) cannot exceed 5.")

## Matching vectors with tag specific terminal mismatches ##
termMMatch <- function(x, y, mmp, minmatch=2, returntype="values") {
    ## Input validity checks
    if(!all(sapply(mmp, length) == 2)) stop("List components of 'mmp' need to be vectors of length = 2.")
    if(!all(sapply(names(mmp), function(x) x %in% mmp[[x]]))) stop("Names of 'mmp' list components need to match one of the entries in the corresponding list.")
    ## Check for candidate matches
    lengthcheck <- length(x) == length(y) 
    term <- unique(c(tail(x, 1), tail(y, 1)))
    l <- length(term)==2 
    minmatchcheck <- sum(x[-length(x)] == y[-length(y)]) >= minmatch
    index <- which(sapply(names(mmp), function(x) all(term %in% mmp[[x]])))
    p <- length(index) > 0
	if(lengthcheck & l & p & minmatchcheck) {
        for(i in index) {
            x[length(x)] <- names(mmp)[i]
            y[length(y)] <- names(mmp)[i]
		if(returntype=="values") {
			return(list(x=x, y=y))
		} else if(returntype=="logical") {
			return(rep(TRUE, length(x)))
		} else {
			stop("Argument 'returntype' can only be assigned one of: 'values' or 'logical'.")
    ## Return input if there are not matches
	} else {
		if(returntype=="values") {
			return(list(x=x, y=y))
		} else if(returntype=="logical") {
			x <- x == y[1:length(x)]
			x[is.na(x)] <- FALSE
		} else {
			stop("Argument 'returntype' can only be assigned one of: 'values' or 'logical'.")

##   write.cwl   ##
write.clt <- function(commandLine, cwlVersion, class, file.cwl) {
  cwlVersion <- cwlVersion 
  class <- class
  baseCommand <- commandLine$baseCommand[[1]]
    dump <- "do nothing" 
  } else {
    requeriments <- list() ##TODO
    dump <- "do nothing"
  } else {
    arguments <- sapply(seq_along(commandLine$arguments), function(x) list())
    for(i in seq_along(commandLine$arguments)){
      arguments[[i]]["prefix"] <- commandLine$arguments[[i]]$preF
      arguments[[i]]["valueFrom"] <- commandLine$arguments[[i]]$valueFrom
  if(any(names(commandLine$inputs)=="")) stop("Each element of the list 'commandLine' needs to be assigned a name")
  if(is.null(names(commandLine$inputs))) stop("Each element of the list 'commandLine' needs to be assigned a name")
  inputs <- sapply(names(commandLine$inputs), function(x) list())
  for(i in seq_along(commandLine$inputs)){
    if("type" %in% names(commandLine$inputs[[i]])){
      if(!c("type") %in% names(commandLine$inputs[[i]])) stop("Each element of the sublist 'inputs' in 'commandLine' needs to be defined the type of the argument, for example: type='Directory' or type='File' or type='int' or type='string'")
      inputs[[i]]["type"] <-commandLine$inputs[[i]]$type 
    if("preF" %in% names(commandLine$inputs[[i]])){
        inputs[[i]]["inputBinding"] <- list(list(prefix=NULL))
      } else{
        inputs[[i]]["inputBinding"] <- list(list(prefix=commandLine$inputs[[i]]$preF))
    if(any(c("label", "secondaryFiles", "doc", "default", "format", "streamable") %in% names(commandLine$inputs[[i]]))){
      for(j in which(c("label", "secondaryFiles", "doc", "default", "format", "streamable") %in% names(commandLine$inputs[[i]]))){
        inputs[[i]][names(commandLine$inputs[[i]][j])] <- commandLine$inputs[[i]][names(commandLine$inputs[[i]])][[j]]
  outputs <- sapply(names(commandLine$outputs), function(x) list())
  if(!c("type") %in% names(commandLine$inputs[[i]])) stop("Each element of the sublist 'outputs' in 'commandLine' needs to be defined the type of the argument, for example: type='Directory' or type='File'.")
  if(all(!c("File", "Directory") %in% commandLine$outputs[[1]]$type)) stop("Each element of the sublist 'outputs' in 'commandLine' needs to be defined the type = 'Directory', 'File'.")
  for(i in seq_along(commandLine$outputs)){
    outputs[[i]]["type"] <- commandLine$outputs[[i]]$type
    outputs[[i]]["outputBinding"] <- list(list(glob=commandLine$outputs[[i]][[2]]))
  clt <- list(cwlVersion=cwlVersion, class=class)
    clt <- c(clt, list(requeriments=requeriments))
    clt <- c(clt, list(arguments=arguments))
  clt <- c(clt, list(baseCommand=baseCommand, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs))
  yaml::write_yaml(x=clt, file = file.cwl) 
  clt <- list(clt)
  names(clt) <- baseCommand

## Usage:
# clt_cwl <- write.clt(commandLine, cwlVersion, class, file.cwl) 

##   write.yml   ##
## Write the yaml file  
write.yml <- function(commandLine, file.yml, results_path, module_load){
  inputs <- commandLine$inputs
  if(any(names(inputs)=="")) stop("Each element of the list 'commandLine' needs to be assigned a name")
  if(is.null(names(inputs))) stop("Each element of the list 'commandLine' needs to be assigned a name")
  yamlinput_yml <- sapply(names(inputs), function(x) list())
  for(i in seq_along(inputs)){
    if(!c("type") %in% names(inputs[[i]])) stop("Each element of the sublist 'inputs' in 'commandLine' needs to be defined the type of the argument, for example: type='Directory' or type='File' or type='int' or type='string'")
    if("type" %in% names(inputs[[i]])){
      if(any(c("File", "Directory") %in% inputs[[i]])){
        yamlinput_yml[[i]]["class"] <- inputs[[i]]$type
        yamlinput_yml[[i]]["path"] <- inputs[[i]]$yml
      } else if (any(c("int", "string") %in% inputs[[i]])){
        yamlinput_yml[[i]]  <- inputs[[i]]$yml
    } else {
      print("do something")
  ## results_path
  yamlinput_yml[["results_path"]]["class"] <- list("Directory")
  yamlinput_yml[["results_path"]]["path"] <- list(results_path)
  ## moduleload
  for(i in seq_along(module_load)){
    yamlinput_yml[["ModulesToLoad"]][paste0("module", i)] <- list(module_load[[i]])
  ## write out the '.yml' file
  yaml::write_yaml(x=yamlinput_yml, file = file.yml) 

## Usage: 
# yamlinput_yml <- write.yml(commandLine, file.yml, results_path, module_load) 

## SYSargs2Pipe ##

## Class and Method Definitions for SYSargs2Pipe ##
## Define SYSargs2Pipe class
setClass("SYSargs2Pipe", representation(
## Methods to return SYSargs2Pipe components 
setGeneric(name="WF_steps", def=function(x) standardGeneric("WF_steps"))
setMethod(f="WF_steps", signature="SYSargs2Pipe", definition=function(x) {return(x@WF_steps)})
setGeneric(name="track", def=function(x) standardGeneric("track"))
setMethod(f="track", signature="SYSargs2Pipe", definition=function(x) {return(x@track)})
setGeneric(name="summaryWF", def=function(x) standardGeneric("summaryWF"))
setMethod(f="summaryWF", signature="SYSargs2Pipe", definition=function(x) {return(x@summaryWF)})

## Constructor methods
## List to SYSargs2Pipe
setAs(from="list", to="SYSargs2Pipe",  
      def=function(from) {
        new("SYSargs2Pipe", WF_steps=from$WF_steps,
            track=from$track, summaryWF=from$summaryWF) 

## Coerce back to list: as(SYSargs2Pipe, "list")
setGeneric(name="SYSargs2Pipe_ls", def=function(x) standardGeneric("SYSargs2Pipe_ls"))
setMethod(f="SYSargs2Pipe_ls", signature="SYSargs2Pipe", definition=function(x) {
  sysargsset <- list(WF_steps=x@WF_steps, track=x@track, summaryWF=x@summaryWF)

## SYSargs2Pipe to list with: as("SYSargs2Pipe", list)
setAs(from="SYSargs2Pipe", to="list", 
      def=function(from) {

## Define print behavior for SYSargs2Pipe
setMethod(f="show", signature="SYSargs2Pipe", 
          definition=function(object) {
            cat(paste0("Instance of '", class(object), "':"), 
                "   WF Instances:",
                paste0("      ", seq_along(object@WF_steps), ". ", names(object@WF_steps)), 
                "\n",  sep="\n")
            warning("This class is deprecated. Use 'SYSargsList' instead. See help('SYSargs2-class) and help('Deprecated'')")

## Extend names() method
setMethod(f="names", signature="SYSargs2Pipe",
          definition=function(x) {

## Extend length() method
setMethod(f="length", signature="SYSargs2Pipe",
          definition=function(x) {

# Behavior of "[" operator for SYSargs2Pipe
setMethod(f="[", signature="SYSargs2Pipe", definition=function(x, i, ..., drop) {
  if(is.logical(i)) {
    i <- which(i)
  x@WF_steps <- x@WF_steps[i]

## Behavior of "[[" operator for SYSargs2Pipe
setMethod(f="[[", signature="SYSargs2Pipe",
          definition=function(x, i, ..., drop) {
            return(as(x, "list")[[i]]) 

## Behavior of "$" operator for SYSargs2Pipe
setMethod("$", signature="SYSargs2Pipe",
          definition=function(x, name) { 
            slot(x, name)

## Replacement method for SYSargs2 using "[" operator 
setReplaceMethod(f="[[", signature="SYSargs2Pipe", definition=function(x, i, j, value) {
  if(i==1) x@WF_steps <- value
  if(i=="WF_steps") x@WF_steps <- value

## Run_track function ##
run_track <- function(WF_ls){
  if(any(class(WF_ls)!="list" & class(WF_ls[[1]])!="SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'WF_steps' needs to be assigned a list of object of class 'SYSargs2'")
  ## Define workflows names in superlist
  namesWF <- as.character()
  for(i in seq_along(WF_ls)){
    cwl.wf <- strsplit(basename(cwlfiles(WF_ls[[i]])$cwl), split="\\.")[[1]]
    cwl.wf <- cwl.wf[[-2]]
    namesWF[[i]] <- cwl.wf
  names(WF_ls) <- namesWF
  ## Check and print if the expected files exists
  track_results <- sapply(names(WF_ls), function(x) list(NULL))
  summary_results <- sapply(names(WF_ls), function(x) list(NULL))
  for(i in seq_along(WF_ls)){
    track_results[[i]] <- trackWF(WF_ls[[i]])
    summary_results[[i]] <- summary.WF(WF_ls[[i]])
  ## Returns list
  WFS <- list(WF_steps=WF_ls, track=track_results, summaryWF=summary_results)
  return(as(WFS, "SYSargs2Pipe"))

## Usage:
# pipeline <- run_track(WF_ls = c(WF1, WF))
# WF_steps(pipeline)
# track(pipeline)

## Unexported helper functions ##

## track_WF function ##
trackWF <- function(WF){
  completed <- output(WF)
  for(i in seq_along(completed)){
    for(j in seq_along(completed[[i]])){
      completed[[i]][[j]][[2]] <- file.exists(completed[[i]][[j]])
  status.df <- t(data.frame(completed))
  status.df <- cbind(Steps=rep(names(completed[[1]])), SamplesNames=rep(names(completed), each=length(names(completed[[1]]))),  status.df)
  row.names(status.df) <- NULL
  colnames(status.df) <- c("Steps", "SamplesNames", "Location", "Check")

## Summary function ##
summary.WF <- function(WF, show=TRUE){
  outputList <- as.character()
  for(i in seq_along(output(WF))){
    for(j in seq_along(output(WF)[[i]])){
      outputList <- c(outputList, output(WF)[[i]][[j]])
  output_completed <- as.character()
  for(i in seq_along(outputList)){
    output_completed[i] <- file.exists(outputList[i])
  names(output_completed) <- outputList
  output_summary <- list(Done=paste0("Existing expected outputs files: ", sum(as.logical(output_completed))), 
                         NotRun=paste0("Missing expected outputs files: ", sum(!as.logical(output_completed))))
    notrun <- as.character()
      for(i in which(output_completed==FALSE)){
        notrun <- c(notrun, names(output_completed[i]))
    output_summary$NotRun[2] <- list(notrun)
    names(output_summary$NotRun) <- c("Summary", "ListFiles")

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systemPipeR documentation built on Jan. 26, 2021, 2 a.m.