
Defines functions target_app test_predictions plot_predictions direct_targets associated_peaks rank_product score_regions score_peaks find_distance merge_ranges

Documented in associated_peaks direct_targets find_distance merge_ranges plot_predictions rank_product score_peaks score_regions target_app test_predictions

#' Merge peaks and regions GRanges
#' Merge two GRanges objects by overlaps
#' @param peaks A GRanges object
#' @param regions A GRanges object
#' @return A DataFrame
#' @examples
#' library(IRanges)
#' query <- IRanges(c(1, 4, 9), c(5, 7, 10))
#' subject <- IRanges(c(2, 2, 10), c(2, 3, 12))
#' mergeByOverlaps(query, subject)
#' @importFrom IRanges mergeByOverlaps
#' @export
merge_ranges <- function(peaks, regions) {
    # get overlapping peaks on regions
    res <- mergeByOverlaps(peaks, regions)

    # return

#' Find the distance between peaks and regions
#' Calculate the distance between the elements of two GRanges objects.
#' @inheritParams merge_ranges
#' @param how A character string, default 'center'
#' @return A vector of integers
#' @examples
#' library(IRanges)
#' query <- IRanges(c(1, 4, 9), c(5, 7, 10))
#' subject <- IRanges(c(2, 2, 10), c(2, 3, 12))
#' find_distance(query, subject)
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end
#' @export
find_distance <- function(peaks, regions, how = 'center') {
    # check valid arguments
    if (length(peaks) != length(regions)) {
        stop("The length of peaks and regions should be the same.")

    if (!how %in% c('center', 'start', 'end')) {
        stop("how should be one of 'center', 'start' or 'end'.")

    # calculate distance using how
    if (how == 'center') {
        # calculate peak and promoter center
        peak_center <- (start(peaks)+end(peaks))/2
        region_center <- round((start(regions)+end(regions))/2)

        # calculate the distances
        distance <- peak_center - region_center
    } else if (how == 'start') {
        # calculate the distances
        distance = start(peaks) - start(regions)
    } else if (how == 'end') {
        # calculate the distances
        distance = end(peaks) - end(regions)

    # return

#' Calculate peak scores
#' Calculate the peak score based on the distance to a region of interest.
#' @param distance A vector of integers
#' @param base An integer to calculate distances relative to.
#' @return A vector of integers
#' @examples
#' library(IRanges)
#' query <- IRanges(c(1, 4, 9), c(5, 7, 10))
#' subject <- IRanges(c(2, 2, 10), c(2, 3, 12))
#' distance <- find_distance(query, subject)
#' score_peaks(distance, 100000)
#' @export
score_peaks <- function(distance, base) {
    # check valid arguments
    if (!is.numeric(distance)) {
        stop("distance should be a numeric.")

    if (!is.numeric(base) | length(base) != 1) {
        stop("base should be a numeric of length one.")

    # calculate the peak score
    peak_score <- exp(-0.5 - (4 * abs(distance/base)))

    # return

#' Calculate region scores
#' Calculate the region score based on the distance to their assigned peaks.
#' @param peak_score  A vector of integers
#' @param region_id  A vector of character
#' @return A vector of numerics
#' @examples
#' library(IRanges)
#' query <- IRanges(c(1, 4, 9), c(5, 7, 10))
#' subject <- IRanges(c(2, 2, 10), c(2, 3, 12))
#' distance <- find_distance(query, subject)
#' peak_score <- score_peaks(distance, 100000)
#' region_id <- c('region1', 'region1', 'region2')
#' region_score <- score_regions(peak_score, region_id)
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
score_regions <- function(peak_score, region_id) {
    # check valid arguments
    if (!is.numeric(peak_score)) {
        stop("peak_score should be a numeric.")

    if (length(peak_score) != length(region_id)) {
        stop("The length of peak_score and region_id should be the same.")

    # make a data.frame of inputs
    dat <- data.frame(peak_score = peak_score,
                      region_id = region_id,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # calculate scores
    scores <- aggregate(dat$peak_score,
                        by = list(region_id = dat$region_id),
                        FUN = sum)

    # match scores in input order
    ind <- match(dat$region_id, scores$region_id)
    region_score <- scores$x[ind]

    # return

#' Calculate the regions rank products
#' Calculate the rank products of the rank of the distances and the statistics.
#' @param region_score A vector of numerics
#' @param region_stat  A vector of numerics
#' @param region_id  A vector of characters
#' @return  A vector of numerics
#' @examples
#' library(IRanges)
#' query <- IRanges(c(1, 4, 9), c(5, 7, 10))
#' subject <- IRanges(c(2, 2, 10), c(2, 3, 12))
#' distance <- find_distance(query, subject)
#' peak_score <- score_peaks(distance, 100000)
#' region_id <- c('region1', 'region1', 'region2')
#' region_score <- score_regions(peak_score, region_id)
#' region_stat <- c(30, 30, -40)
#' rank_product(region_score, region_stat, region_id)
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowProds
#' @export
rank_product <- function(region_score, region_stat, region_id) {
    # check valid arguments
    if (!is.numeric(region_score)) {
        stop('region_score should be a numeric.')

    if (is.list(region_stat)) {
        if (!all(vapply(region_stat, is.numeric, logical(1)))) {
            stop('region_score should be a numeric or a list of numerics.')

        if (!all(lengths(region_stat) == length(region_score))) {
            stop("region_score and region_stat items should have same length.")
    } else {
      if (!is.numeric(region_stat)) {
          stop('region_score should be a numeric or a list of numerics.')

      if (length(region_score) != length(region_stat)) {
          stop("region_score and region_stat should have same length.")

    if (length(region_score) != length(region_id)) {
        stop("The length of region_score and region_id should be the same.")

    # make a data.frames of inputs
    dat <- data.frame(region_id = region_id,
                      score = region_score,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # add the score rank
    dat$score_rank <- rank(-dat$score, ties.method = 'min')

    # calculate the stat product
    dat$stat <- rowProds(as.matrix(as.data.frame(region_stat)))

    # add the stat rank
    dat$stat_rank <- rank(-abs(dat$stat), ties.method = 'min')

    # calculate rank product
    n <- length(unique(dat$region_id))
    dat$rank <- (dat$score_rank/n) * (dat$stat_rank/n)

    # return dat

#' Predict associated peaks
#' This function selects overlapping peaks and regions, calculates the distance
#' between them and score each peak.
#' @inheritParams merge_ranges
#' @param regions_col A character string
#' @inheritParams score_peaks
#' @return A GRanges object. A similar object to peaks with three added
#' metadata columns.
#' @examples
#' # load peaks and transcripts data
#' data("real_peaks")
#' data("real_transcripts")
#' # associated peaks
#' ap <- associated_peaks(real_peaks, real_transcripts, 'name2')
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
associated_peaks <- function(peaks, regions, regions_col, base = 100000) {
    # check valid arguments
    if (!is(peaks, 'GRanges')) {
        stop("peaks should be a GRanges object.")

    if (!is(regions, 'GRanges')) {
        stop("regions should be a GRanges object.")

    if (!regions_col %in% names(mcols(regions))) {
        stop('regions_col should be a column name in the metadata of regions.')

    if (!is.numeric(base) | length(base) != 1) {
        stop("base should be a numeric of length one.")

    # merge peaks and regions
    mr <- merge_ranges(peaks, regions)

    # find distance between centers of peaks and tss
    distance <- find_distance(mr$peaks, mr$regions)

    # score peaks by distance
    peak_score <- score_peaks(distance, base)

    # make associated peak ranges
    ap <- mr$peaks
    ap$assigned_region <- unlist(mr[regions_col], use.names = FALSE)
    ap$distance <- distance
    ap$peak_score <- peak_score

    # return

#' Predict direct targets
#' This function selects overlapping peaks and regions, calculates the distance
#' between them, score each peak and region and calculate rank products of the
#' regions.
#' @inheritParams merge_ranges
#' @inheritParams associated_peaks
#' @inheritParams score_peaks
#' @param stats_col A character string
#' @return A GRanges object. A similar object to regions with several added
#' metadata columns.
#' @examples
#' # load peaks and transcripts data
#' data("real_peaks")
#' data("real_transcripts")
#' # direct targets
#' dt <- direct_targets(real_peaks, real_transcripts, 'name2', 't')
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame mcols
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
direct_targets <- function(peaks, regions, regions_col, stats_col,
                           base = 100000) {
    # check valid arguments
    if (!is(peaks, 'GRanges')) {
        stop("peaks should be a GRanges object.")

    if (!is(regions, 'GRanges')) {
        stop("regions should be a GRanges object.")

    if (!regions_col %in% names(mcols(regions))) {
        stop('regions_col should be a column name in the metadata of regions.')

    if(length(stats_col) != 1) {
        if (!all(stats_col %in% names(mcols(regions)))) {
          stop('regions_col should be column name in the metadata of regions.')

    if (!is.numeric(base) | length(base) != 1) {
        stop("base should be a numeric of length one.")

    # merge peaks and regions
    mr <- merge_ranges(peaks, regions)

    # find distance between centers of peaks and tss
    distance <- find_distance(mr$peaks, mr$regions)

    # score peaks by distance
    peak_score <- score_peaks(distance, base)

    # score regions by the sum of peak scores
    regions <- unlist(mr[regions_col], use.names = FALSE)
    region_score <- score_regions(peak_score, regions)

    # calculate rank product
    stats <- unlist(mr[stats_col], use.names = FALSE)

    # make an input data.frame
    dat <- unique(
        data.frame(regions = regions,
                   region_score = region_score,
                   stats = stats,
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # calculate rank product
    rp <- rank_product(dat$region_score, dat$stats, dat$regions)
    names(rp)[1] <- regions_col

    # make direct targets ranges
    dt <- unique(
        merge(as.data.frame(mr$regions), rp,
              by = regions_col,
              all.x = TRUE)
    dt <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(dt, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

    # return

#' Plot the ECDF of ranks by groups
#' Plot the cumulative distribution function of choosen value (e.g. ranks) by
#' a factor of the same lenght, group. Each group is given a color and a label.
#' @param rank A numeric vector
#' @param group A factor of length equal that of rank
#' @param labels A character vector of length equal the unique values in groups
#' @param colors A character vector of colors for each group
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to points
#' @return NULL.
#' @examples
#' # generate random values
#' rn1 <- rnorm(100)
#' rn2 <- rnorm(100, 2)
#' e <- c(rn1, rn2)
#' # generate grouping variable
#' g <- rep(c('up', 'down'), times = c(length(rn1), length(rn2)))
#' plot_predictions(e,
#'                  group = g,
#'                  colors = c('red', 'green'),
#'                  labels = c('up', 'down'))
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
#' @importFrom graphics plot points legend
#' @export
plot_predictions <- function(rank, group, colors, labels, ...) {
    # check valid arguments
    if (length(rank) != length(group)) {
        stop("The length of rank and group should be the same.")

    if (length(labels) != length(colors)) {
        stop("The labels of rank and colors should be the same.")

    # split rank by group
    groups <- split(rank, group)

    # get x-axis limits
    xlim <- c(min(rank), max(rank))

    # plot empty graph
         type = 'n',

    # loop over n groups, and
    for(i in seq_along(groups)) {
        # get values
        values <- groups[[i]]

        # get color
        color <- colors[i]

        # get values order
        ind <- order(values)

        # calculate ecdf
        ecdf_group <- ecdf(values)

        # plot points
               col = color,
               pch = 19,

    # add legend
           legend = labels,
           col = colors,
           pch = 19)

    # return

#' Test the ECDF ranks of groups are from same distribution
#' Test whether the cumulative distribution function of two groups are drawn
#' from the same distribution.
#' @inheritParams plot_predictions
#' @param compare A character vector of length two
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to ks.test
#' @return An htest object
#' @examples
#' # generate random values
#' rn1 <- rnorm(100)
#' rn2 <- rnorm(100, 2)
#' e <- c(rn1, rn2)
#' # generate grouping variable
#' g <- rep(c('up', 'down'), times = c(length(rn1), length(rn2)))
#' # test
#' test_predictions(e,
#'                  group = g,
#'                  compare = c('up', 'down'))
#' @importFrom stats ks.test
#' @export
test_predictions <- function(rank, group, compare, ...) {
    # check valid arguments
    if (length(rank) != length(group)) {
        stop("The length of rank and group should be the same.")

    if (length(compare) != 2) {
        stop('compare should be a vector of length two.')

    if (!all(compare %in% unique(as.character(group)))) {
        stop('compare should be two of the unique values in group to compare.')

    # get x and y
    groups <- split(rank, group)
    x <- groups[[compare[1]]]
    y <- groups[[compare[2]]]

    # test x y
    ks <- ks.test(x, y, ...)

    # return

#' Run the shiny App
#' @return Runs the shiny app
#' @importFrom shiny runApp
#' @export
target_app <- function(){
    app_dir <- system.file('target-app', package = 'target')
    runApp(app_dir, display.mode = 'normal')

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target documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:28 p.m.