# Reading/writing DIVA and LAGRANGE files
# get_pruningwise_nodenums
#' Get internal node numbers in pruningwise order
#' There are many ways of numbering nodes in a tree. This returns a matrix
#' containing (column 1) R's native internal numbering scheme, and (column 2)
#' the node numbers in a pruningwise downpass. Note that this is different
#' from \code{LAGRANGE}'s downpass ordering (see \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}).
#' @param tr A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object
#' @return \code{node_numbers_matrix} A matrix of node numbers
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{prt}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' extdata_dir = np(system.file("extdata", package="BioGeoBEARS"))
#' tmpdir = paste(extdata_dir,
#' "/examples/Psychotria_M0/LGcpp/Psychotria_5.2.newick", sep="")
#' trfn = np(slashslash(tmpdir))
#' tr = read.tree(trfn)
#' node_numbers_matrix = get_pruningwise_nodenums(tr)
#' node_numbers_matrix
get_pruningwise_nodenums <- function(tr)
# Assumes tree is cladewise
# The edge matrix has ancestor (col 1) and descendant (col 2) nodes
tr = reorder(tr, "pruningwise")
#tr$edge[,2] = rev(tr$edge[,2])
# Perhaps, the pairs of nodes are numbered in order
i = 1
edges_to_visit = seq(from=1, by=2, length.out=tr$Nnode)
node_numbers_matrix = matrix(NA, nrow=tr$Nnode, ncol=2)
node_rownum = 0
for (i in edges_to_visit)
# Its sister is j
j <- i + 1
node_rownum = node_rownum+1
# Their LCA is the left node in the edge matrix
node_numbers_matrix[node_rownum, 1] = tr$edge[node_rownum,1]
# Another node number is the node_rownum
node_numbers_matrix[node_rownum, 2] = node_rownum
# Get internal node numbers
# get_APE_nodenums
#' Get R internal node numbers
#' Utility function
#' @param tr A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object
#' @return \code{nodenums} A list of node numbers
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{prt}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
get_APE_nodenums <- function(tr)
nodenums = length(tr$tip.label)+1 : tr$Nnode
# get_lagrange_nodenums
#' Get internal node numbers in LAGRANGE's downpass order
#' There are many ways of numbering nodes in a tree. This returns a matrix
#' containing (column 1) R's native internal numbering scheme, and (column 2)
#' the node numbers in the downpass numbering used by C++ \code{LAGRANGE}, in particular in
#' their .bgkey output file. Note that this is different
#' from \code{\link[ape]{ape}}'s \code{pruningwise} downpass ordering (see \code{\link{get_pruningwise_nodenums}}).
#' The python version of LAGRANGE labels internal nodes differently (sigh), but they are
#' in the same order at least, so can just be renumbered from 1 to \code{tr$Nnode} to get them
#' to match the C++ \code{LAGRANGE} node numbering.
#' DIVA has yet a different node numbering scheme; see \code{\link{postorder_nodes_phylo4_return_table}}
#' @param tr A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object
#' @return \code{downpass_node_matrix} A matrix of node numbers
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_pruningwise_nodenums}}, \code{\link{prt}}, \code{\link{postorder_nodes_phylo4_return_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' extdata_dir = np(system.file("extdata", package="BioGeoBEARS"))
#' tmppath = paste(extdata_dir,
#' "/examples/Psychotria_M0/LGcpp/Psychotria_5.2.newick", sep="")
#' trfn = np(slashslash(tmppath))
#' tr = read.tree(trfn)
#' downpass_node_matrix = get_lagrange_nodenums(tr)
#' downpass_node_matrix
#' downpass_node_matrix = get_lagrange_nodenums(tr)
#' downpass_node_matrix = downpass_node_matrix[order(downpass_node_matrix[,2]), ]
#' plot(tr)
#' nodelabels(node=20:37, downpass_node_matrix[,1])
#' tiplabels(1:19)
#' plot(tr)
#' nodelabels(node=20:37, downpass_node_matrix[,2])
#' tiplabels(1:19)
#' downpass_node_matrix = get_lagrange_nodenums(tr)
#' downpass_node_matrix = downpass_node_matrix[order(downpass_node_matrix[,1]), ]
#' plot(tr)
#' nodelabels(node=20:37, downpass_node_matrix[,1])
#' tiplabels(1:19)
#' plot(tr)
#' nodelabels(node=20:37, downpass_node_matrix[,2])
#' tiplabels(1:19)
get_lagrange_nodenums <- function(tr)
downpass_node_matrix = get_lagrange_nodenums2(tr)
nodelabels(text=downpass_node_matrix[,2], node=downpass_node_matrix[,1])
# Assumes tree is cladewise
# The edge matrix has ancestor (col 1) and descendant (col 2) nodes
tr = reorder(tr, "pruningwise")
#tr$edge[,2] = rev(tr$edge[,2])
# Perhaps, the pairs of nodes are numbered in order
i = 1
edges_to_visit = seq(from=1, by=2, length.out=tr$Nnode)
downpass_node_matrix = matrix(0, nrow=tr$Nnode, ncol=2)
# Its sister is j
j <- i + 1
anc = tr$edge[i,1]
downpass_node_matrix = add_to_downpass_labels(tr, downpass_node_matrix, currnode=anc)
# LGpy_splits_fn_to_table
#' Get the ML splits per node, from Python LAGRANGE output
#' Python LAGRANGE outputs a list of splits and split probabilities for each node. This function
#' converts them to a table.
#' LAGRANGE outputs just the splits making up the top 95% of the probability, or 15 states,
#' whichever comes first.
#' See \code{\link{LGpy_MLsplit_per_node}} for choosing the single ML split at each node, and
#' see \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}} for connecting these node numbers to APE node numbers.
#' @param splits_fn The filename of a Python LAGRANGE output file.
#' @return \code{splits} A data.frame containing the node numbers, splits, and split probabilities.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_MLsplit_per_node}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
LGpy_splits_fn_to_table <- function(splits_fn)
splits = read.table(splits_fn)
names(splits) = c("nodenum_LGpy", "splits", "LnL", "relprob")
# Split the splits into left- and right- branch bottoms
leftright = t(sapply(X=splits$splits, FUN=strsplit2, split="\\|"))
#leftright =
leftright =[,c(2,1)])
# "BB" means "branch bottom"
names(leftright) = c("leftBB", "rightBB")
# Re-do nodenums, from bottom up
nodenum_LGpy = splits$nodenum_LGpy
uniq_nodenum_LGpy = rev(sort(unique(nodenum_LGpy)))
nodenum_new = 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGpy)
nodenum_ORD1 = rep(NA, length(nodenum_LGpy))
for (u in 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGpy))
# Find matches to Python nodenums
matchTF = nodenum_LGpy == uniq_nodenum_LGpy[u]
# Produce new nodenums
nodenum_ORD1[matchTF] = nodenum_new[u]
splits = cbind(nodenum_ORD1, splits[,c("nodenum_LGpy", "splits")], leftright, splits[,c("LnL", "relprob")])
# LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table2
#' Get the ML splits per node, from Python LAGRANGE output
#' Python LAGRANGE outputs a list of splits and split probabilities for each node. This function
#' converts them to a table.
#' LAGRANGE outputs just the splits making up the top 95% of the probability, or 15 states,
#' whichever comes first.
#' See \code{\link{LGpy_MLsplit_per_node}} for choosing the single ML split at each node, and
#' see \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}} for connecting these node numbers to APE node numbers.
#' @param splits_fn The filename of a Python LAGRANGE output file.
#' @return \code{splits} A data.frame containing the node numbers, splits, and split probabilities.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_MLsplit_per_node}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table2 <- function(splits_fn)
splits = read.table(splits_fn)
names(splits) = c("nodenum_LGcpp", "splits", "LnL", "relprob")
# Split the splits into left- and right- branch bottoms
leftright = t(sapply(X=splits$splits, FUN=strsplit2, split="\\|"))
leftright =
# "BB" means "branch bottom"
names(leftright) = c("leftBB", "rightBB")
# Re-do nodenums, from bottom up
nodenum_LGpy = splits$nodenum_LGpy
uniq_nodenum_LGpy = rev(sort(unique(nodenum_LGpy)))
nodenum_new = 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGpy)
nodenum_ORD1 = rep(NA, length(nodenum_LGpy))
for (u in 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGpy))
# Find matches to Python nodenums
matchTF = nodenum_LGpy == uniq_nodenum_LGpy[u]
# Produce new nodenums
nodenum_ORD1[matchTF] = nodenum_new[u]
splits = cbind(nodenum_ORD1, splits[,c("nodenum_LGpy", "splits")], leftright, splits[,c("LnL", "relprob")])
# Get the ML split
# LGpy_MLsplit_per_node
#' Get the ML splits per node, from a splits table
#' Given a table of splits probabilities from either \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}} or
#' \code{\link{LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table}}, get the ML state for each node.
#' See \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}} for connecting these node numbers to APE node numbers.
#' @param splits A data.frame containing the node numbers, splits, and split probabilities.
#' @return \code{MLsplits} A data.frame containing the node numbers, ML splits, and split probabilities.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}}, \code{\link{LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
LGpy_MLsplit_per_node <- function(splits)
unique_nodenums = unique(splits$nodenum_ORD1)
# Make table
MLsplits = matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(unique_nodenums), ncol=ncol(splits))
for (i in 1:length(unique_nodenums))
# Subset the table
tmptable = splits[splits$nodenum_ORD1==unique_nodenums[i],]
# Find the (first) maxrow
max_LnL = max(tmptable$LnL)
nums = 1:nrow(tmptable)
maxTF = tmptable$LnL == max_LnL
num = nums[maxTF][1]
tmprow = tmptable[num, ]
MLsplits[i, ] = unlist(tmprow)
MLsplits =
names(MLsplits) = names(splits)
MLsplits = unlist_df4(MLsplits)
MLsplits = dfnums_to_numeric(MLsplits)
# Get the probability of ALL of the the non-ML states
relprob2 = 1-MLsplits$relprob
MLsplits = cbind(MLsplits, relprob2)
# Order according to ORD1 (hopefully R order)
#MLsplits = MLsplits[order(MLsplits$nodenum_ORD1), ]
# Get the ML state
# LGcpp_MLstate_per_node
#' Get the ML states per node, from a states table
#' Given a table of states probabilities from either \code{\link{LGcpp_states_fn_to_table}} or
#' \code{\link{LGcpp_states_fn_to_table}}, get the ML state for each node.
#' See \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}} for connecting these node numbers to APE node numbers.
#' @param states A data.frame containing the node numbers, states, and state probabilities.
#' @return \code{MLstates} A data.frame containing the node numbers, ML states, and state probabilities.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGcpp_states_fn_to_table}}, \code{\link{LGcpp_states_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
LGcpp_MLstate_per_node <- function(states)
unique_nodenums = unique(states$nodenum_ORD1)
# Make table
MLstates = matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(unique_nodenums), ncol=ncol(states))
for (i in 1:length(unique_nodenums))
# Subset the table
tmptable = states[states$nodenum_ORD1==unique_nodenums[i],]
# Find the (first) maxrow
max_LnL = max(tmptable$LnL)
nums = 1:nrow(tmptable)
maxTF = tmptable$LnL == max_LnL
num = nums[maxTF][1]
tmprow = tmptable[num, ]
MLstates[i, ] = unlist(tmprow)
MLstates =
names(MLstates) = names(states)
MLstates = unlist_df4(MLstates)
MLstates = dfnums_to_numeric(MLstates)
# Get the probability of ALL of the the non-ML states
relprob2 = 1-MLstates$relprob
MLstates = cbind(MLstates, relprob2)
# Order according to ORD1 (hopefully R order)
#MLstates = MLstates[order(MLstates$nodenum_ORD1), ]
# get_sister_node
#' Get the node sister to two nodes
#' Input two sister nodes, returns their "aunt". Assumes a binary tree.
#' @param tr A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object.
#' @param nodepair A vector (length 2) with the node numbers of two nodes/tips.
#' @return \code{moms_sister} The aunt node.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{add_to_downpass_labels}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
get_sister_node <- function(tr, nodepair)
# Sort the pair
nodepair = sort(nodepair)
# get their moms
anc1TF = tr$edge[,2] == nodepair[1]
anc1 = tr$edge[anc1TF,1]
anc2TF = tr$edge[,2] == nodepair[2]
anc2 = tr$edge[anc2TF,1]
# Check that they have the same mom
if (anc1 != anc2)
stop("ERROR! Your nodes in nodepair are not sisters.")
} else {
anc = anc1
# Now, get mom's mom, i.e. the grandmom
grandancTF = tr$edge[,2] == anc
grandanc = tr$edge[grandancTF,1]
# Get the moms_sister
moms_and_sister = tr$edge[grandanc,2]
moms_sister_TF = moms_and_sister != anc
moms_sister = moms_and_sister[moms_sister_TF]
# get_all_daughter_tips_of_a_node
#' Get all the daughter tips of a node
#' Like it says. Utility function.
#' @param nodenum The node to find
#' @param t A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object.
#' @return \code{temp_tips} The list of daughter tipnodes
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{add_to_downpass_labels}}, \code{\link[ape]{extract.clade}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
get_all_daughter_tips_of_a_node <- function(nodenum, t)
subtree = extract.clade(t, nodenum)
temp_tips = subtree$tip.label
# add_to_downpass_labels
#' Iterate up and down a tree in C++ LAGRANGE downpass order
#' This is the utility function for \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, which traces a
#' tree down and up in C++ LAGRANGE's downpass order.
#' This returns a matrix
#' containing (column 1) R's native internal numbering scheme, and (column 2)
#' the node numbers in a LAGRANGE downpass. Note that this is different
#' from \code{LAGRANGE}'s downpass ordering (see \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}).
#' @param tr A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object.
#' @param downpass_node_matrix A matrix (\code{tr$Nnode} rows, 2 columns). Column 1 has R's native internal numbering scheme,
#' and column 2 has the node numbers in a LAGRANGE downpass.
#' @param currnode The current node being viewed
#' @return \code{downpass_node_matrix} A matrix containing node numbers.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
add_to_downpass_labels <- function(tr, downpass_node_matrix, currnode)
downpass_node_matrix = add_to_downpass_labels(tr, downpass_node_matrix, currnode=anc)
# Is the current node a tip? -- shouldn't happen!
if (currnode <= length(tr$tip.label))
stop("ERROR: add_to_downpass_labels() should never have currnode be a tip!")
# Is the current node beneath tips?
# Or, beneath nodes that have been named?
daughtersTF = tr$edge[,1] == currnode
daughters = tr$edge[daughtersTF,2]
node_below_tips_TF = daughters <= length(tr$tip.label)
node_below_names_TF = daughters %in% downpass_node_matrix[,1]
sumTFs = (node_below_tips_TF + node_below_names_TF) > 0
# If the node is below tips/named things, then add
if (all(sumTFs))
new_downpass_nodenum = max(downpass_node_matrix[,2], na.rm=TRUE) + 1
unfilled_TF = downpass_node_matrix[,1] == 0
# If you're full up, just return
if (sum(unfilled_TF) == 0)
unfilled_nums = (1:nrow(downpass_node_matrix))[unfilled_TF]
# Fill first empty row
downpass_node_matrix[unfilled_nums[1], ] = c(currnode, new_downpass_nodenum)
# Then move DOWN
# UNLESS you're at the root
currnode_in_nodes_TF = currnode %in% tr$edge[,2]
if (currnode_in_nodes_TF == FALSE)
# You're at the root
ancTF = tr$edge[,2] == currnode
newanc = tr$edge[ancTF,1][1]
downpass_node_matrix = add_to_downpass_labels(tr, downpass_node_matrix, currnode=newanc)
} else {
# If not, then iterate UP to unfilled sisters
for (i in 1:length(daughters[sumTFs==FALSE]))
daughter = daughters[sumTFs==FALSE][i]
downpass_node_matrix = add_to_downpass_labels(tr, downpass_node_matrix, currnode=daughter)
# get_MLsplitprobs_from_results
#' Extract the ML probs for the base of each branch above a split
#' This function takes a BioGeoBEARS results_object from a ML search,
#' extracts the downpass and uppass likelihoods of the data for each
#' possible state at the base of each left and right branch, and
#' produces the ML ancestral split estimates for the bottom of each branch.
#' @param results_object The results from a BioGeoBEARS ML search.
#' @return results_object with results_object$ML_marginal_prob_each_split_at_branch_bottom_BELOW_node added
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}}, \code{\link{LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
get_MLsplitprobs_from_results <- function(results_object)
# Get the marginal probs of the splits (global ML probs, not local)
# (These are marginal, rather than joint probs; but not local optima)
ML_marginal_prob_each_split_at_branch_bottom_BELOW_node = results_object$relative_probs_of_each_state_at_branch_bottom_below_node_DOWNPASS * results_object$relative_probs_of_each_state_at_branch_bottom_below_node_UPPASS
results_object$ML_marginal_prob_each_split_at_branch_bottom_BELOW_node = ML_marginal_prob_each_split_at_branch_bottom_BELOW_node / rowSums(ML_marginal_prob_each_split_at_branch_bottom_BELOW_node)
# get_leftright_nodes_matrix_from_results
#' Make a table of the Right and Left nodes descending from each node
#' This table shows the Right, then Left, descendant nodenums for each node. This
#' gets used later to plot splits at corners.
#' @param tr An ape phylo object
#' @param results_object The results from a BioGeoBEARS ML search.
#' @param nodes A list of internal node numbers for tree \code{tr}.
#' @return leftright_nodes_matrix A table with the Right, the Left, nodes
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}}, \code{\link{LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
get_leftright_nodes_matrix_from_results <- function(tr, results_object, nodes)
# Get the marginal probs of the splits (global ML probs, not local)
# (These are marginal, rather than joint probs; but not local optima)
# Make a splits table
tr_table = prt(tr, printflag=FALSE)
daughter_nds = tr_table$daughter_nds
daughter_nds = daughter_nds[nodes]
leftright_nodes_matrix = matrix(data=unlist(daughter_nds), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
leftright_nodes_matrix =
names(leftright_nodes_matrix) = c("right", "left")
# LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table
#' Get the ML splits per node, from C++ LAGRANGE output
#' C++ \code{LAGRANGE} outputs a list of splits and split probabilities for each node. This function
#' converts them to a table.
#' \code{LAGRANGE} outputs just the splits making up the top 95% of the probability, or 15 states,
#' whichever comes first.
#' See \code{\link{LGpy_MLsplit_per_node}} for choosing the single ML split at each node, and
#' see \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}} for connecting these node numbers to APE node numbers.
#' @param splits_fn The filename of a C++ \code{LAGRANGE} output file.
#' @return \code{splits} A data.frame containing the node numbers, splits, and split probabilities.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_MLsplit_per_node}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
#' # splits_fn = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/inst/extdata/
#' # examples/Psychotria_M0/LAGRANGE_C++/Psychotria_M0_lgcpp_out_splits00001.txt"
#' # LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table(splits_fn)
LGcpp_splits_fn_to_table <- function(splits_fn)
splits = read.table(splits_fn)
names(splits) = c("nodenum_LGcpp", "splits", "relprob", "LnL")
splits = splits[ , c("nodenum_LGcpp", "splits", "LnL", "relprob")]
splits$LnL = -1 * splits$LnL
# Split the splits into left- and right- branch bottoms
leftright = t(sapply(X=splits$splits, FUN=strsplit2, split="\\|"))
leftright =[,c(2,1)])
# "BB" means "branch bottom"
names(leftright) = c("leftBB", "rightBB")
# Re-do nodenums, from bottom up
nodenum_LGcpp = splits$nodenum_LGcpp
uniq_nodenum_LGcpp = rev(sort(unique(nodenum_LGcpp)))
nodenum_new = 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGcpp)
nodenum_ORD1 = rep(NA, length(nodenum_LGcpp))
for (u in 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGcpp))
# Find matches to Python nodenums
matchTF = nodenum_LGcpp == uniq_nodenum_LGcpp[u]
# Produce new nodenums
nodenum_ORD1[matchTF] = nodenum_new[u]
splits = cbind(nodenum_ORD1, splits[,c("nodenum_LGcpp", "splits")], leftright, splits[,c("LnL", "relprob")])
# LGcpp_states_fn_to_table
#' Get the ML states per node, from C++ LAGRANGE output
#' C++ \code{LAGRANGE} outputs a list of states and state probabilities for each node. This function
#' converts them to a table.
#' \code{LAGRANGE} outputs just the states making up the top 95% of the probability, or 15 states,
#' whichever comes first.
#' See \code{\link{LGcpp_MLstate_per_node}} for choosing the single ML state at each node, and
#' see \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}} for connecting these node numbers to APE node numbers.
#' @param states_fn The filename of a C++ \code{LAGRANGE} output file.
#' @return \code{states} A data.frame containing the node numbers, states, and state probabilities.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGcpp_MLstate_per_node}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
#' # states_fn = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/
#' # inst/extdata/examples/Psychotria_M0/LAGRANGE_C++/
#' # Psychotria_M0_lgcpp_out_states00001.txt"
#' # LGcpp_states_fn_to_table(states_fn)
LGcpp_states_fn_to_table <- function(states_fn)
states = read.table(states_fn)
names(states) = c("nodenum_LGcpp", "states", "relprob", "LnL")
states = states[ , c("nodenum_LGcpp", "states", "LnL", "relprob")]
states$LnL = -1 * states$LnL
# state the states into left- and right- branch bottoms
#leftright = t(sapply(X=states$states, FUN=strsplit2, split="\\|"))
#leftright =[,c(2,1)])
# "BB" means "branch bottom"
#names(leftright) = c("leftBB", "rightBB")
# Re-do nodenums, from bottom up
nodenum_LGcpp = states$nodenum_LGcpp
uniq_nodenum_LGcpp = rev(sort(unique(nodenum_LGcpp)))
nodenum_new = 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGcpp)
nodenum_ORD1 = rep(NA, length(nodenum_LGcpp))
for (u in 1:length(uniq_nodenum_LGcpp))
# Find matches to Python nodenums
matchTF = nodenum_LGcpp == uniq_nodenum_LGcpp[u]
# Produce new nodenums
nodenum_ORD1[matchTF] = nodenum_new[u]
states = cbind(nodenum_ORD1, states[,c("nodenum_LGcpp", "states")], states[,c("LnL", "relprob")])
# Convert a prt_tree into a phylo4 object
#' prt_tree_to_phylo4
#' Converts a tree table (a prt_tree from the function \code{\link{prt}}, which prints trees to tables) to a
#' \code{\link[phylobase]{phylobase}} \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}} tree object.
#' @param prt_tr A prt_tree from the function \code{\link{prt}}.
#' @return \code{newtr} A \code{\link[phylobase]{phylobase}} \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}} tree object.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}}, \code{\link{prt}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
prt_tree_to_phylo4 <- function(prt_tr)
newtr = cbind(prt_tr$label, prt_tr$node, prt_tr$ancestor, prt_tr$edge.length, prt_tr$node.type)
newtr = adf(newtr)
names(newtr) = c("label", "node", "ancestor", "edge.length", "node.type")
# label_nodes_postorder_phylo3
#' Add postorder node number labels to a phylo3 tree object.
#' Adds \code{\link[phylobase]{phylobase}} \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}} postorder node number labels to a
#' \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object.
#' @param tr2 \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object.
#' @return \code{tr2} A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object with node labels added.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}, \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
label_nodes_postorder_phylo3 <- function(tr2)
tr4 = as(tr2, "phylo4")
tr5 = reorder(tr4, "postorder")
tmp_edge = attr(tr5, "edge")
tmp_edge2 = tmp_edge[tmp_edge[,2] > length(tr2$tip.label), ]
nodenums_to_change = tmp_edge2[,2]-length(tr2$tip.label)
tr2$node.label[nodenums_to_change] = 1:tr2$Nnode
# postorder_nodes_phylo4_return_table
#' Get a table of node numbers, including DIVA node numbers
#' Various programs (annoyingly) label internal nodes in different ways. This function
#' shows the corresponding node numbers for several different systems. This table can
#' then be used to translate, when the user wishes to plot the output from various
#' programs on the nodes of a tree. In particular, the last column contains the DIVA
#' node-numbering scheme (\cite{Ronquist1996_DIVA}, \cite{Ronquist_1997_DIVA}).
#' There are many ways of numbering nodes in a tree. This returns a matrix
#' containing (column 1) R's native internal numbering scheme, and (column 2)
#' the node numbers in the downpass numbering used by C++ \code{LAGRANGE}, in particular in
#' their .bgkey output file. Note that this is different
#' from \code{\link[ape]{ape}}'s \code{pruningwise} downpass ordering (see \code{\link{get_pruningwise_nodenums}}).
#' The python version of LAGRANGE labels internal nodes differently (sigh), but they are
#' in the same order at least, so can just be renumbered from 1 to \code{tr$Nnode} to get them
#' to match the C++ \code{LAGRANGE} node numbering.
#' DIVA has yet a different node numbering scheme; see \code{\link{postorder_nodes_phylo4_return_table}}
#' @param tr4 A tree object in \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} or \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}} format.
#' @return \code{postorder_table} A data.frame showing the various corresponding node numbers.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_pruningwise_nodenums}}, \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{prt}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @cite Ronquist1996_DIVA
#' @cite Ronquist_1997_DIVA
#' @examples
#' test=1
postorder_nodes_phylo4_return_table <- function(tr4)
# Check if phylo instead of phylo4
if (is(tr4, "phylo") == TRUE)
tr4 = as(tr4, "phylo4")
# Force this, to get "descendants" to work properly;
# see r-sig-phylo
tr4@order = "unknown"
# Find root row
rootnode = nodeId(tr4, type="root")
tipnames = descendants(phy=tr4, node=rootnode, type="tips")
tr5 = reorder(tr4, "postorder")
tmp_edge = attr(tr5, "edge")
tmp_edge2 = tmp_edge[tmp_edge[,2] > length(tipnames), ]
nodenums = tmp_edge2[,2]
internal_nodenums = tmp_edge2[,2]-length(tipnames)
postorder = 1:length(nodenums)
# Get postorder numbering, DIVA-style
ntips = summary(tr4)$
DIVA_postorder = ntips+postorder
postorder_table = cbind(nodenums, internal_nodenums, postorder, DIVA_postorder)
postorder_table = adf2(postorder_table)
# traverse_up
#' Traverse the tree from node up to the tips
#' This is a utility function for \code{\link{nodenums_bottom_up}}.
#' @param tr4 A tree object in \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}} format.
#' @param startnode The node number to start the uppass at.
#' @param traverse_records A list of the nodes visited.
#' @return \code{traverse_records}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}},
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
traverse_up <- function(tr4, startnode, traverse_records)
tmp_children = children(tr4, startnode)
traverse_records$childnum = traverse_records$childnum + 1
traverse_records$newnodes[startnode] = traverse_records$childnum
# print if desired
#cat(paste(startnode, " ", traverse_records$childnum, "\n", sep=""))
# if at a tip, return down the tree
if (length(tmp_children) == 0)
for (child in tmp_children)
traverse_records = traverse_up(tr4, child, traverse_records)
# nodenums_bottom_up
#' Assign node labels in bottom-up, left-first format (as in e.g. r8s)
#' This function assigns node numbers by tracing up from the root. This corresponds to the
#' node numbers in e.g. r8s (\cite{Sanderson_2003_r8s}).
#' @param tr A tree object in \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} format.
#' @return \code{traverse_records}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}},
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite Sanderson_2003_r8s
#' @cite r8s
#' @cite Marazzi_etal_Sanderson_2012_r8s_morph
#' @examples
#' test=1
nodenums_bottom_up <- function(tr)
tr4 = as(tr, "phylo4")
tr4@order = "unknown"
numnodes = nNodes(tr4) + nTips(tr4)
newnodes = matrix(NA, nrow=numnodes, ncol=1)
# Find root row
rootnode = nodeId(tr4, type="root")
#newnodes[rootnode] = 1
startnode = rootnode
childnum = 0
traverse_records = c()
traverse_records$childnum = 0
traverse_records$newnodes = newnodes
traverse_records = traverse_up(tr4, startnode, traverse_records)
newnodes = traverse_records$newnodes
old2new_nodes_table = cbind(1:numnodes, newnodes)
old2new_nodes_table = adf(old2new_nodes_table)
names(old2new_nodes_table) = c("orig_nodenums", "LR_nodenums")
# get_nodenums
#' Get the unique node numbers in a tree
#' This is a utility function for \code{\link{get_nodenum_structural_root}}.
#' @param t A tree object in \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} format.
#' @return \code{ordered_nodenames} The node numbers, in order.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}, \code{\link{get_nodenum_structural_root}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' blah = 1
# this returns the NUMBERS identifying each node
get_nodenums <- function(t)
# get just the unique node numbers from the edge list (left column: start node; right column: end node):
nodenames = unique(c(t$edge))
ordered_nodenames = nodenames[order(nodenames)]
# get_nodenum_structural_root
#' Gets the root node
#' This function gets the root node by finding the node not in the descendants list (edge[,2]). This
#' may be more reliable than e.g. assuming length(tr$tip.label)+1.
#' @param t A tree object in \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} format.
#' @param print_nodenum Print the node numbers as you go through the list? Default FALSE.
#' @return \code{root_nodenums_list}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}, \code{\link{get_nodenums}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' blah=1
get_nodenum_structural_root <- function(t, print_nodenum=FALSE)
#numnodes = length(t$tip.label) + length(t$node.label)
#ordered_nodes = 1:length(numnodes)
ordered_nodes = get_nodenums(t)
root_nodenums_list = c()
for (n in 1:length(ordered_nodes))
tmpnode = ordered_nodes[n]
if (tmpnode %in% t$edge[,2])
blah = TRUE
if (print_nodenum == TRUE)
cat("get_nodenum_structural_root(): Root nodenum = ", tmpnode, sep="")
root_nodenums_list = c(root_nodenums_list, tmpnode)
# print tree in hierarchical format
# prt
#' Print tree in table format
#' Learning and using APE's tree structure can be difficult and confusing because much of the information is
#' implicit. This function prints the entire
#' tree to a table, and makes much of the implicit information explicit. It is not particularly fast, but
#' it is useful.
#' See \url{} for the official documentation of R tree objects.
#' @param t A \code{\link[ape]{phylo}} tree object.
#' @param printflag Should the table be printed to screen? Default TRUE.
#' @param relabel_nodes Manually renumber the internal nodes, if desired. Default FALSE.
#' @param time_bp_digits The number of digits to print in the time_bp (time before present) column. Default=7.
#' @param add_root_edge Should a root edge be added? Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param get_tipnames Should the list of tipnames descending from each node be printed as a string in another column?
#' This is slow-ish, but useful for matching up nodes between differing trees. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fossils_older_than Tips that are older than \code{fossils_older_than} will be marked as \code{TRUE} in a column called \code{fossil}.
#' This is not currently set to 0, because Newick files can have slight precision issues etc. that mean not all tips quite come to zero. You
#' can attempt to fix this with \code{\link{average_tr_tips}} (but make sure you do not inappropriately average in fossils!!).
#' @return \code{dtf} A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} holding the table. (Similar to the printout of a \code{\link[phylobase]{phylo4}} object.)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}, \code{\link{average_tr_tips}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @examples
#' test=1
prt <- function(t, printflag=TRUE, relabel_nodes = FALSE, time_bp_digits=7, add_root_edge=TRUE, get_tipnames=FALSE, fossils_older_than=0.6)
# assemble beginning table
# check if internal node labels exist
if ("node.label" %in% attributes(t)$names == FALSE)
rootnum = get_nodenum_structural_root(t)
new_node_labels = paste("inNode", rootnum:(rootnum+t$Nnode-1), sep="")
t$node.label = new_node_labels
# or manually relabel the internal nodes, if desired
if (relabel_nodes == TRUE)
rootnum = get_nodenum_structural_root(t)
new_node_labels = paste("inNode", rootnum:(rootnum+t$Nnode-1), sep="")
t$node.label = new_node_labels
labels = c(t$tip.label, t$node.label)
ordered_nodenames = get_nodenums(t)
#nodenums = 1:length(labels)
node.types1 = rep("tip", length(t$tip.label))
node.types2 = rep("internal", length(t$node.label))
node.types2[1] = "root"
node.types = c(node.types1, node.types2)
# These are the index numbers of the edges below each node
parent_branches = get_indices_where_list1_occurs_in_list2(ordered_nodenames, t$edge[,2])
#parent_edges = parent_branches
brlen_to_parent = t$edge.length[parent_branches]
parent_nodes = t$edge[,1][parent_branches]
daughter_nodes = lapply(ordered_nodenames, get_daughters, t)
# print out the structural root, if desired
root_nodenum = get_nodenum_structural_root(t)
tmpstr = paste("prt(t): root=", root_nodenum, "\n", sep="")
prflag(tmpstr, printflag=printflag)
levels_for_nodes = unlist(lapply(ordered_nodenames, get_level, t))
#tmplevel = get_level(23, t)
#height above root
hts_at_end_of_branches_aka_at_nodes = t$edge.length
hts_at_end_of_branches_aka_at_nodes = get_all_node_ages(t)
h = hts_at_end_of_branches_aka_at_nodes
# times before present, below (ultrametric!) tips
# numbers are positive, i.e. in millions of years before present
# i.e. mybp, Ma
times_before_present = get_max_height_tree(t) - h
# fill in the ages of each node for the edges
edge_ages = t$edge
edge_ages[,1] = h[t$edge[,1]] # bottom of branch
edge_ages[,2] = h[t$edge[,2]] # top of branch
# fill in the times before present of each node for the edges
edge_times_bp = t$edge
edge_times_bp[,1] = times_before_present[t$edge[,1]] # bottom of branch
edge_times_bp[,2] = times_before_present[t$edge[,2]] # top of branch
# If desired, get the list of all tipnames descended from a node, in alphabetical order
if (get_tipnames == TRUE)
# Make the empty list
list_of_clade_members_lists = rep(list(NA), length(ordered_nodenames))
# Tips have only one descendant
list_of_clade_members_lists[1:length(t$tip.label)] = t$tip.label
nontip_nodenums = (length(t$tip.label)+1) : length(ordered_nodenames)
if (length(nontip_nodenums) > 1)
# More than 1 node
nontip_nodenames = ordered_nodenames[nontip_nodenums]
nontip_cladelists = sapply(X=nontip_nodenames, FUN=get_all_daughter_tips_of_a_node, t=t)
nontip_cladelists_alphabetical = sapply(X=nontip_cladelists, FUN=sort)
nontip_cladelists_alphabetical_str = sapply(X=nontip_cladelists_alphabetical, FUN=paste, collapse=",")
# Store the results
list_of_clade_members_lists[nontip_nodenums] = nontip_cladelists_alphabetical_str
} else {
# Just one node
nontip_nodenames = ordered_nodenames[nontip_nodenums]
nontip_cladelists = sapply(X=nontip_nodenames, FUN=get_all_daughter_tips_of_a_node, t=t)
nontip_cladewords = unlist(sapply(X=nontip_cladelists, FUN=strsplit, split=","))
nontip_cladelists_alphabetical = sort(nontip_cladewords)
nontip_cladelists_alphabetical_str = paste(nontip_cladelists_alphabetical, collapse=",", sep="")
# Store the results
list_of_clade_members_lists[nontip_nodenums] = nontip_cladelists_alphabetical_str
# Add fossils TRUE/FALSE column. You can turn this off with fossils_older_than=NULL.
fossils = times_before_present > fossils_older_than
# Obviously, internal nodes are irrelevant and should be NA
tmpnodenums = (length(t$tip.label)+1) : ( length(t$tip.label) + t$Nnode )
fossils[tmpnodenums] = NA
if (get_tipnames == FALSE)
# Don't put in the list of clade names
tmpdtf = cbind(1:length(ordered_nodenames), ordered_nodenames, levels_for_nodes, node.types, parent_branches, brlen_to_parent, parent_nodes, daughter_nodes, h, round(times_before_present, digits=time_bp_digits), fossils, labels)
dtf =, row.names=NULL)
# nd = node
# edge.length is the same as brlen_2_parent
names(dtf) = c("node", "ord_ndname", "node_lvl", "node.type", "parent_br", "edge.length", "ancestor", "daughter_nds", "node_ht", "time_bp", "fossils", "label")
# convert the cols from class "list" to some natural class
dtf = unlist_dtf_cols(dtf, printflag=FALSE)
} else {
# Put in the list of clade names
tmpdtf = cbind(1:length(ordered_nodenames), ordered_nodenames, levels_for_nodes, node.types, parent_branches, brlen_to_parent, parent_nodes, daughter_nodes, h, round(times_before_present, digits=time_bp_digits), fossils, labels, list_of_clade_members_lists)
dtf =, row.names=NULL)
# nd = node
# edge.length is the same as brlen_2_parent
names(dtf) = c("node", "ord_ndname", "node_lvl", "node.type", "parent_br", "edge.length", "ancestor", "daughter_nds", "node_ht", "time_bp", "fossils", "label", "tipnames")
# convert the cols from class "list" to some natural class
dtf = unlist_dtf_cols(dtf, printflag=FALSE)
# Add the root edge, if desired
# (AND, only if t$root.edge exists)
if ( (add_root_edge == TRUE) && (!is.null(t$root.edge)) )
root_row_TF = dtf$node.type == "root"
root_edge_length = t$root.edge
# Stick in this edge length
dtf$edge.length[root_row_TF] = root_edge_length
# Add the root edge length to all node heights
dtf$node_ht = dtf$node_ht + root_edge_length
# print if desired
prflag(dtf, printflag=printflag)
#tree_strings = c()
#root_str = get_node_info(root_nodenum, t)
# LAGRANGE (Python version) utilities
# parse_lagrange_output_old
#' Parse the output file from python \code{LAGRANGE} -- older version
#' Parse the output of a C++ \code{LAGRANGE} run.
#' This function parses the output of \code{LAGRANGE}, obtained by a command such as the following, run at a UNIX/Mac
#' Terminal command line. This is an older version useful for automating processing of
#' many files.
#' \code{cd /Users/nick/Desktop/__projects/_2011-07-15_Hannah_spider_fossils/_data/lagrange_for_nick}
#' \code{./lagrange_cpp palp_no_Lacun_v1_2nd387.lg > lagrange_results_v1_2nd387.txt}
#' C++ LAGRANGE can be obtained at \url{}
#' @param outfn The C++ \code{LAGRANGE} output text file.
#' @param results_dir The directory \code{outfn} is in.
#' @param new_splits_fn Should a text file containing a table of the splits and their probabilities be output? Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param new_states_fn Should a text file containing a table of the splits and their probabilities be output? Default \code{TRUE},
#' unlike python \code{LAGRANGE}, C++ \code{LAGRANGE} \emph{will} output the states at the nodes.
#' @param filecount The starting number for the filecount (relevant if one is processing many files).
#' @return sumstats A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} containing the summary statistics (LnL, d and e rates, etc.) The splits
#' filename is output to screen.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
parse_lagrange_output_old <- function(outfn, results_dir=getwd(), new_splits_fn = TRUE, new_states_fn = TRUE, filecount=0)
outfn = "/Users/nick/Desktop/__projects/_2011-07-15_Hannah_spider_fossils/_data/lagrange_for_nick/_run_3rd226/lagrange_results_v1_3rd226.txt"
results_dir = "/Users/nick/Desktop/__projects/_2011-07-15_Hannah_spider_fossils/_data/lagrange_for_nick/_results_3rd226/"
# Split the file into 1 file for each analysis
tmplines = scan(outfn, what="character", sep="\n")
results_dir = addslash(results_dir)
# Data to store
initial_log_likelihood = NULL
dispersal_rates = NULL
extinction_rates = NULL
final_log_likelihood = NULL
#ancestral_splits_array = NULL
#ancestral_states_array = NULL
# Go through the lines
#filecount = 0
for (i in 1:length(tmplines))
tmpline = tmplines[i]
# Start a new output file
if (grepl("starting likelihood calculations", tmpline) == TRUE)
filecount = filecount + 1
cat("\nProcessing tree #", filecount, sep="")
tmpi = sprintf("%05.0f", filecount)
new_prefix = get_fn_prefix(fn=get_path_last(path=outfn))
splits_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_splits", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
states_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_states", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
# you need to clear these files
#new_splits_fn = TRUE
#new_states_fn = TRUE
# parse initial ln likelihood
if (grepl("initial -ln likelihood", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
initial_log_likelihood = c(initial_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse final ln likelihood
if (grepl("final -ln likelihood", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
final_log_likelihood = c(final_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse dispersal/extinction lines
if (grepl("dis: ", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[2])
dispersal_rates = c(dispersal_rates, tmpnum)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[4])
extinction_rates = c(extinction_rates, tmpnum)
# Ancestral splits
if (grepl("Ancestral splits for:", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(words[length(words)])
# second line
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("Ancestral", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_splits_array = rbind(ancestral_splits_array, tmpline)
# Append data to end of file
if (new_splits_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=splits_table_fn, append=FALSE, sep="\n")
new_splits_fn = FALSE
} else {
write(outstr, file=splits_table_fn, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
# Ancestral states
if (grepl("Ancestral states for:", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(words[length(words)])
# second line
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("Ancestral", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_states_array = rbind(ancestral_states_array, tmpline)
# Append data to end of file
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=states_table_fn, append=FALSE, sep="\n")
new_states_fn = FALSE
} else {
write(outstr, file=states_table_fn, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
cat("\nStates output to: ", splits_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
cat("\nSplits output to: ", splits_table_fn, "\nn", sep="")
sumstats = cbind(initial_log_likelihood, dispersal_rates, extinction_rates, final_log_likelihood, splits_table_fn, states_table_fn)
sumstats = adf2(sumstats)
outfn = np(paste(results_dir, "sumstats.txt", sep=""))
write.table(x=sumstats, file=outfn, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
# write_table_good(sumstats, paste(results_dir, "sumstats.txt", sep=""))
# parse_lagrange_python_output_old
#' Parse the output file from python \code{LAGRANGE} -- old version
#' Parse the output of a python \code{LAGRANGE} output file. This is
#' an older version useful
#' for automating the parsing of a large number of files.
#' Python LAGRANGE is run from a UNIX/Terminal command-line
#' with a command such as "\code{python}". You will need to have the "lagrange" python directory in
#' your working directory.
#' The input file can be obtained from \url{} (\cite{Ree2009configurator}).
#' Python comes installed on many machines, or can be downloaded from the Enthought Python Distribution
#' (\url{}).
#' @param outfn The python \code{LAGRANGE} output text file.
#' @param results_dir The directory \code{outfn} is in.
#' @param new_splits_fn Should a text file containing a table of the splits and their probabilities be output? Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param new_states_fn Should a text file containing a table of the splits and their probabilities be output? Default \code{FALSE},
#' as I don't believe python \code{LAGRANGE} will output the states at the nodes (C++ \code{LAGRANGE} will, however).
#' @param filecount The starting number for the filecount (relevant if one is processing many files).
#' @return sumstats A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} containing the summary statistics (LnL, d and e rates, etc.) The splits
#' filename is output to screen.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
parse_lagrange_python_output_old <- function(outfn="output.results.txt", results_dir=getwd(), new_splits_fn = TRUE, new_states_fn = FALSE, filecount=0)
wd = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/inst/extdata/examples/Psychotria_M0/LAGRANGE_python/"
outfn = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/inst/extdata/examples/Psychotria_M0/LGpy/Psychotria_5.2_demo.results.txt"
results_dir = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/inst/extdata/examples/Psychotria_M0/LGpy/"
new_splits_fn = TRUE
new_states_fn = FALSE
parse_lagrange_python_output(outfn, results_dir, new_splits_fn = TRUE, new_states_fn = FALSE, filecount=0)
# Split the file into 1 file for each analysis
tmplines = scan(outfn, what="character", sep="\n")
results_dir = addslash(results_dir)
# Data to store
initial_log_likelihood = NULL
dispersal_rates = NULL
extinction_rates = NULL
final_log_likelihood = NULL
#ancestral_splits_array = NULL
#ancestral_states_array = NULL
# Go through the lines
#filecount = 0
for (i in 1:length(tmplines))
tmpline = tmplines[i]
# Start a new output file
if (grepl("Global ML at root node:", tmpline) == TRUE)
filecount = filecount + 1
cat("\nProcessing tree #", filecount, sep="")
tmpi = sprintf("%05.0f", filecount)
new_prefix = get_fn_prefix(fn=get_path_last(path=outfn))
splits_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_splits", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
states_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_states", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
# you need to clear these files
#new_splits_fn = TRUE
#new_states_fn = TRUE
# parse initial ln likelihood
if (grepl("initial -ln likelihood", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
initial_log_likelihood = c(initial_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse final ln likelihood
if (grepl("-lnL =", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
final_log_likelihood = c(final_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse dispersal line
if (grepl("dispersal = ", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[3])
dispersal_rates = c(dispersal_rates, tmpnum)
# parse extinction line
if (grepl("extinction = ", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[3])
extinction_rates = c(extinction_rates, tmpnum)
# Ancestral splits
if (grepl("At node N", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line, e.g. "At node N36:"
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum3 = words[length(words)]
tmpnum2 = gsub(pattern="N", replacement="", x=tmpnum3)
tmpnum2 = gsub(pattern="\\:", replacement="", x=tmpnum2)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(tmpnum2)
# second line (there are only 15 values reported, plus header
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
# Test if the line is header: split lnL Rel.Prob
if ( (grepl("split", tmplines[j]) == TRUE) && (grepl("lnL", tmplines[j]) == TRUE) )
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("At node N", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
# Fix splits by removing []
words[1] = gsub(pattern="\\[", replacement="", x=words[1])
words[1] = gsub(pattern="\\]", replacement="", x=words[1])
# -LnL
words[2] = -1* as.numeric(extract_numbers(words[2]))
# Rel. prob.
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_splits_array = rbind(ancestral_splits_array, tmpline)
# Append data to end of file
if (new_splits_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=splits_table_fn, append=FALSE, sep="\n")
new_splits_fn = FALSE
} else {
write(outstr, file=splits_table_fn, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
# Ancestral states
if (grepl("Ancestral states for:", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(words[length(words)])
# second line
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("Ancestral", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_states_array = rbind(ancestral_states_array, tmpline)
# Append data to end of file
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=states_table_fn, append=FALSE, sep="\n")
new_states_fn = FALSE
} else {
write(outstr, file=states_table_fn, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
cat("\nSplits output to: ", splits_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
#cat("\nStates output (if LAGRANGE Python does this, which I don't think it does) to: ", splits_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
cat("\nStates output (if LAGRANGE Python does this, which I don't think it does) to: ", states_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
} else {
states_table_fn = NA
sumstats = cbind(initial_log_likelihood, dispersal_rates, extinction_rates, final_log_likelihood, splits_table_fn, states_table_fn)
sumstats = adf2(sumstats)
outfn = np(paste(results_dir, "/sumstats.txt", sep=""))
write.table(x=sumstats, file=outfn, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
# parse_lagrange_python_output
#' Parse the output file from python \code{LAGRANGE}
#' Parse the output of a python \code{LAGRANGE}.
#' Python LAGRANGE is run from a UNIX/Terminal command-line
#' with a command such as "\code{python}". You will need to have the "lagrange" python directory in
#' your working directory.
#' The input file can be obtained from \url{} (\cite{Ree2009configurator}).
#' Python comes installed on many machines, or can be downloaded from the Enthought Python Distribution
#' (\url{}).
#' @param outfn The python \code{LAGRANGE} output text file.
#' @param outputfiles Should parsed output be written to files? Default FALSE.
#' @param results_dir The directory \code{outfn} is in.
#' @param new_splits_fn Should a text file containing a table of the splits and their probabilities be output? Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param new_states_fn Should a text file containing a table of the states and their probabilities be output? Default \code{FALSE},
#' as I don't believe python \code{LAGRANGE} will output the states at the nodes (C++ \code{LAGRANGE} will, however).
#' @param filecount The starting number for the filecount (relevant if one is processing many files).
#' @param append Should results be appended to preexisting file? (default \code{FALSE})
#' @return sumstats A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} containing the summary statistics (LnL, d and e rates, etc.) The splits
#' filename is output to screen.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
parse_lagrange_python_output <- function(outfn="output.results.txt", outputfiles=FALSE, results_dir=getwd(), new_splits_fn = TRUE, new_states_fn = FALSE, filecount=0, append=FALSE)
wd = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/inst/extdata/examples/Psychotria_M0/LAGRANGE_python/"
outfn = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/inst/extdata/examples/Psychotria_M0/LGpy/Psychotria_5.2_demo.results.txt"
results_dir = "/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/inst/extdata/examples/Psychotria_M0/LGpy/"
new_splits_fn = TRUE
new_states_fn = FALSE
parse_lagrange_python_output(outfn, results_dir, new_splits_fn = TRUE, new_states_fn = FALSE, filecount=0)
# Split the file into 1 file for each analysis
tmplines = scan(outfn, what="character", sep="\n")
results_dir = addslash(results_dir)
# Data to store
initial_log_likelihood = NULL
dispersal_rates = NULL
extinction_rates = NULL
final_log_likelihood = NULL
#ancestral_splits_array = NULL
#ancestral_states_array = NULL
# Go through the lines
#filecount = 0
for (i in 1:length(tmplines))
tmpline = tmplines[i]
# Start a new output file
if (grepl("Global ML at root node:", tmpline) == TRUE)
filecount = filecount + 1
cat("\nProcessing tree #", filecount, sep="")
tmpi = sprintf("%05.0f", filecount)
new_prefix = get_fn_prefix(fn=get_path_last(path=outfn))
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
if (new_splits_fn == TRUE)
splits_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_splits", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
states_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_states", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
# you need to clear these files
#new_splits_fn = TRUE
#new_states_fn = TRUE
# parse initial ln likelihood
if (grepl("initial -ln likelihood", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
initial_log_likelihood = c(initial_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse final ln likelihood
if (grepl("-lnL =", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
final_log_likelihood = c(final_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse dispersal line
if (grepl("dispersal = ", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[3])
dispersal_rates = c(dispersal_rates, tmpnum)
# parse extinction line
if (grepl("extinction = ", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[3])
extinction_rates = c(extinction_rates, tmpnum)
# Ancestral splits
if (grepl("At node N", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line, e.g. "At node N36:"
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum3 = words[length(words)]
tmpnum2 = gsub(pattern="N", replacement="", x=tmpnum3)
tmpnum2 = gsub(pattern="\\:", replacement="", x=tmpnum2)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(tmpnum2)
# second line (there are only 15 values reported, plus header
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
# Test if the line is header: split lnL Rel.Prob
if ( (grepl("split", tmplines[j]) == TRUE) && (grepl("lnL", tmplines[j]) == TRUE) )
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("At node N", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
# Fix splits by removing []
words[1] = gsub(pattern="\\[", replacement="", x=words[1])
words[1] = gsub(pattern="\\]", replacement="", x=words[1])
# -LnL
words[2] = -1* as.numeric(extract_numbers(words[2]))
# Rel. prob.
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_splits_array = rbind(ancestral_splits_array, tmpline)
# Append data to end of file
# Write data to file, if outputfiles==TRUE
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
if (new_splits_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=splits_table_fn, append=append, sep="\n")
#new_splits_fn = FALSE
} else {
# Ancestral states
if (grepl("Ancestral states for:", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(words[length(words)])
# second line
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("Ancestral", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_states_array = rbind(ancestral_states_array, tmpline)
# Append data to end of file
# Write data to file, if outputfiles==TRUE
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=states_table_fn, append=append, sep="\n")
#new_states_fn = FALSE
} else {
# If no initial log-likelihood, but there are other values, put in NA
if (!is.null(final_log_likelihood))
if (is.null(initial_log_likelihood))
initial_log_likelihood = NA
# Write data to file, if outputfiles==TRUE
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
if (new_splits_fn == TRUE)
cat("\nSplits output to: ", splits_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
} else {
splits_table_fn = ""
#cat("\nStates output (if LAGRANGE Python does this, which I don't think it does) to: ", splits_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
cat("\nStates output (if LAGRANGE Python does this, which I don't think it does) to: ", states_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
} else {
states_table_fn = ""
# Output to table
sumstats = cbind(initial_log_likelihood, dispersal_rates, extinction_rates, final_log_likelihood, splits_table_fn, states_table_fn)
sumstats = adf2(sumstats)
# Output sumstats
outfn = np(paste(results_dir, "/sumstats.txt", sep=""))
write.table(x=sumstats, file=outfn, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
} else {
# Output to table
sumstats = cbind(initial_log_likelihood, dispersal_rates, extinction_rates, final_log_likelihood)
sumstats = adf2(sumstats)
# LAGRANGE (C++ version) utilities
# parse_lagrange_output
#' Parse the output file from python \code{LAGRANGE}
#' Parse the output of a C++ \code{LAGRANGE} run.
#' This function parses the output of \code{LAGRANGE}, obtained by a command such as the following, run at a UNIX/Mac
#' Terminal command line.
#' \code{cd /Users/nick/Desktop/__projects/_2011-07-15_Hannah_spider_fossils/_data/lagrange_for_nick}
#' \code{./lagrange_cpp palp_no_Lacun_v1_2nd387.lg > lagrange_results_v1_2nd387.txt}
#' C++ LAGRANGE can be obtained at \url{}
#' @param outfn The C++ \code{LAGRANGE} output text file.
#' @param outputfiles Should parsed output be written to files? Default FALSE.
#' @param results_dir The directory \code{outfn} is in.
#' @param new_splits_fn Should a text file containing a table of the splits and their probabilities be output? Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param new_states_fn Should a text file containing a table of the states and their probabilities be output? Default \code{TRUE},
#' unlike python \code{LAGRANGE}, C++ \code{LAGRANGE} \emph{will} output the states at the nodes.
#' @param filecount The starting number for the filecount (relevant if one is processing many files).
#' @return sumstats A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} containing the summary statistics (LnL, d and e rates, etc.) The splits
#' filename is output to screen.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_lagrange_nodenums}}, \code{\link{LGpy_splits_fn_to_table}}
#' @note Go BEARS!
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{}
#' @references
#' \url{}
#' @bibliography /Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/BioGeoBEARS_refs.bib
#' @cite Matzke_2012_IBS
#' @cite ReeSmith2008
#' @examples
#' test=1
parse_lagrange_output <- function(outfn, outputfiles=FALSE, results_dir=getwd(), new_splits_fn=FALSE, new_states_fn=TRUE, filecount=0)
outfn = "/Users/nick/Desktop/__projects/_2011-07-15_Hannah_spider_fossils/_data/lagrange_for_nick/_run_3rd226/lagrange_results_v1_3rd226.txt"
results_dir = "/Users/nick/Desktop/__projects/_2011-07-15_Hannah_spider_fossils/_data/lagrange_for_nick/_results_3rd226/"
# Split the file into 1 file for each analysis
tmplines = scan(outfn, what="character", sep="\n")
results_dir = addslash(results_dir)
# Data to store
initial_log_likelihood = NULL
dispersal_rates = NULL
extinction_rates = NULL
final_log_likelihood = NULL
#ancestral_splits_array = NULL
#ancestral_states_array = NULL
# Go through the lines
#filecount = 0
for (i in 1:length(tmplines))
tmpline = tmplines[i]
# Start a new output file
if (grepl("starting likelihood calculations", tmpline) == TRUE)
filecount = filecount + 1
cat("\nProcessing tree #", filecount, sep="")
tmpi = sprintf("%05.0f", filecount)
new_prefix = get_fn_prefix(fn=get_path_last(path=outfn))
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
if (new_splits_fn == TRUE)
splits_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_splits", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
states_table_fn = np(paste(addslash(results_dir), new_prefix, "_states", tmpi, ".txt", sep=""))
# you need to clear these files
#new_splits_fn = TRUE
#new_states_fn = TRUE
# parse initial ln likelihood
if (grepl("initial -ln likelihood", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
initial_log_likelihood = c(initial_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse final ln likelihood
if (grepl("final -ln likelihood", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = -1 * as.numeric(words[length(words)])
final_log_likelihood = c(final_log_likelihood, tmpnum)
# parse dispersal/extinction lines
if (grepl("dis: ", tmpline) == TRUE)
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[2])
dispersal_rates = c(dispersal_rates, tmpnum)
tmpnum = as.numeric(words[4])
extinction_rates = c(extinction_rates, tmpnum)
# Ancestral splits
if (grepl("Ancestral splits for:", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(words[length(words)])
# second line
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("Ancestral", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_splits_array = rbind(ancestral_splits_array, tmpline)
# Write data to file, if outputfiles==TRUE
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
if (new_splits_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=splits_table_fn, append=FALSE, sep="\n")
new_splits_fn = FALSE
} else {
write(outstr, file=splits_table_fn, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
# Ancestral states
if (grepl("Ancestral states for:", tmpline) == TRUE)
# first line
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmpline)
tmpnum1 = as.numeric(words[length(words)])
# second line
for (j in ((i+1):(i+20)))
# Test if the line exists
if ([j]))
#cat("\nstart", tmplines[j], "end", sep="")
if (tmplines[j] == "" || grepl("Ancestral", tmplines[j]) == TRUE || grepl("initializing", tmplines[j]) == TRUE)
} else {
words = strsplit_whitespace(tmplines[j])
words[3] = extract_numbers(words[3])
outwords = c(tmpnum1, words)
outstr = list2str(outwords, spacer="\t")
#ancestral_states_array = rbind(ancestral_states_array, tmpline)
# Append data to end of file
# Write data to file, if outputfiles==TRUE
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
if (new_states_fn == TRUE)
write(outstr, file=states_table_fn, append=FALSE, sep="\n")
new_states_fn = FALSE
} else {
write(outstr, file=states_table_fn, append=TRUE, sep="\n")
# Write data to file, if outputfiles==TRUE
if (outputfiles == TRUE)
# Make an output table
sumstats = cbind(initial_log_likelihood, dispersal_rates, extinction_rates, final_log_likelihood, splits_table_fn, states_table_fn)
sumstats = adf2(sumstats)
cat("\nStates output to: ", splits_table_fn, "\n", sep="")
cat("\nSplits output to: ", splits_table_fn, "\nn", sep="")
outfn = np(paste(results_dir, "sumstats.txt", sep=""))
write.table(x=sumstats, file=outfn, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
# write_table_good(sumstats, paste(results_dir, "sumstats.txt", sep=""))
} else {
# Output to table
sumstats = cbind(initial_log_likelihood, dispersal_rates, extinction_rates, final_log_likelihood)
sumstats = adf2(sumstats)
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