
Defines functions .mixreg2 zadr2

Documented in zadr2

zadr2 <- function(y, x, con = TRUE, B = 1, ncores = 2, xnew = NULL) {
  ## y is the compositional data
  ## x is the independent variable(s)
  dm <- dim(y)
  D <- dm[2]   ;   n <- dm[1] ## sample size
  xini <- x
  x <- model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(x) )

  runtime <- proc.time()
  ## next we separate the compositional vectors, those which contain
  ## zeros and those without. The same separation is performed for the
  ## independent variable(s)
  beta.ini <- NULL
  if ( !con ) {
     x <- x[, -1, drop = FALSE]
     for (i in 1:D)  beta.ini <- c(beta.ini, Rfast::prop.reg(y[, i], x)$info[-1, 1])
  } else  for (i in 1:D)  beta.ini <- c(beta.ini, Rfast::prop.reg(y[, i], x[, -1])$info[, 1])

  a1 <- which( Rfast::rowsums( y > 0 ) == D )
  a2 <- which( Rfast::rowsums( y > 0 ) != D )
  n1 <- length(a1)
  n2 <- n - n1
  ## n1 is the sample size of the compositional vectors with no zeros
  ## n2 is the sample size of the compositional vectors with zeros
  za <- y[a2, , drop = FALSE]
  za[za == 0] <- 1
  za[ za < 1 ] <- 0
  theta <- table( apply(za, 1, paste, collapse = ",") )
  theta <- as.vector(theta)
  const <- n1 * log(n1/n) + sum( theta * log(theta/n) )

  y1 <- y[a1, , drop = FALSE]
  ly1 <- log( y1 )
  x1 <- x[a1, , drop = FALSE]
  ly2 <- log( y[a2, , drop = FALSE] )
  x2 <- x[a2, , drop = FALSE]
  n1 <- nrow(y1)    ;    n2 <- n - n1

  z <- list(ly1 = ly1, ly2 = ly2, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, a1 = a1, a2 = a2)
    qa <- optim( beta.ini, .mixreg2, z = z )
    qa <- optim( qa$par, .mixreg2, z = z )
    qa <- optim( qa$par, .mixreg2, z = z, hessian = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 1000) )
  be <- matrix( qa$par, ncol = D ) ## final beta values

  if ( B > 1 ) {
    runtime <- proc.time()
    requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(ncores)
    betaboot <- foreach::foreach( i = 1:B, .combine = rbind, .export = c("Sample.int", ".mixreg2", "diri.nr"),
                                 .packages = c("Rfast2", "Compositional") ) %dopar% {
      ida <- Rfast2::Sample.int(n, n, replace = TRUE)
      yb <- y[ida, ]
      xb <- x[ida, ]

      a1 <- which( Rfast::rowsums( yb > 0 ) == D )
      a2 <- which( Rfast::rowsums( yb > 0 ) != D )
      n1 <- length(a1)
      n2 <- n - n1
      ## n1 is the sample size of the compositional vectors with no zeros
      ## n2 is the sample size of the compositional vectors with zeros
      za <- yb[a2, , drop = FALSE]
      za[za == 0] <- 1
      za[ za < 1 ] <- 0
      theta <- table( apply(za, 1, paste, collapse = ",") )
      theta <- as.vector(theta)
      const <- n1 * log(n1/n) + sum( theta * log(theta/n) )

      y1 <- yb[a1, , drop = FALSE]
      ly1 <- log( y1 )
      x1 <- xb[a1, , drop = FALSE]
      ly2 <- log( y[a2, , drop = FALSE] )
      x2 <- xb[a2, , drop = FALSE]
      n1 <- nrow(y1)    ;    n2 <- n - n1
      beta.ini <- NULL
      if ( !con ) {
        for (i in 1:D)  beta.ini <- c(beta.ini, Rfast::prop.reg(y[, i], x)$info[-1, 1])
      } else  for (i in 1:D)  beta.ini <- c(beta.ini, Rfast::prop.reg(y[, i], x[, -1])$info[, 1])
      if ( identical(class(beta.ini), "try-error") ) {
        beta.ini <- be
      z <- list(ly1 = ly1, ly2 = ly2, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, a1 = a1, a2 = a2)
        qa <- optim( beta.ini, .mixreg2, z = z )
        qa <- optim( qa$par, .mixreg2, z = z )
        qa <- optim( qa$par, .mixreg2, z = z, control = list(maxit = 1000) )
      return( qa$par )
    }  ##  end foreach
    sigma <- cov(betaboot)
    seb <- sqrt( diag(sigma) )
    seb <- matrix(seb, ncol = D)
    colnames(seb) <- colnames(y)
    rownames(seb) <- colnames(x)
    runtime <- proc.time() - runtime

  } else {
    sigma <- try( solve( qa$hessian ), silent = TRUE )
    if ( !identical( class(sigma), "try-error") ) {
      seb <- sqrt( diag(sigma) )
      seb <- matrix(seb, ncol = D)
      colnames(seb) <- colnames(y)
      rownames(seb) <- colnames(x)
    } else {
      sigma <- NULL
      seb <- NULL
  }  ##  end if (B > 1)

  colnames(be) <- colnames( y )
  rownames(be) <- colnames(x)
  est <- NULL

  if ( !is.null(xnew) ) {
    xnew <- model.matrix(~., as.data.frame(xnew) )
    if ( !con )  xnew <- xnew[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    ma <- exp( xnew %*% be )
    est <- ma / Rfast::rowsums(ma)  ## fitted values
    colnames(est) <- colnames(y)
  runtime <- proc.time() - runtime

  list(runtime = runtime, loglik = -qa$value + const, be = be, seb = seb, sigma = sigma, est = est )

.mixreg2 <- function(param, z) {
  ## separation of phi and the betas
  ## and the exponential to avoid negative values of phi
  ly1 <- z$ly1     ;     ly2 <- z$ly2
  x1 <- z$x1     ;     x2 <- z$x2
  a1 <- z$a1     ;     a2 <- z$a2
  dm <- dim(ly1)
  d <- dm[2]
  n1 <- length(a1)    ;   n2 <- length(a2)
  ## n1 is the sample size of the compositional vectors with no zeros
  ## n2 is the sample size of the compositional vectors with zeros
  n <- n1 + n2  ## total sample size
  ## next we separate the compositional vectors, those which contain
  ## zeros and those without. The same separation is performed for the
  ## independent variable(s)
  be <- matrix(param, ncol = d)   ## be is the matrix of the betas
  mu1 <- exp(x1 %*% be)
  phi1 <- Rfast::rowsums(mu1) ## fitted values
  ## next we find the fitted values for the compositional vectors with zeros
  ly3 <- ly2
  ind <- which( is.infinite(ly2) )
  ly3[ind] <- 0
  mu2 <- exp( x2 %*% be )
  mu2[ind] <- 0
  phi2 <- Rfast::rowsums(mu2)
  zeros <-  sum( lgamma(phi2) ) - sum( lgamma(mu2[mu2>0]), na.rm = TRUE ) + sum( (mu2 - 1) * ly3, na.rm = TRUE )
  f <-  - sum( lgamma(phi1) ) + sum( lgamma( mu1[mu1>0] ), na.rm = TRUE ) - sum( (mu1 - 1) * ly1, na.rm = TRUE ) - zeros

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