
Defines functions ellipse.pv.rpv pv.rpv pv.wgs pv.gs sesp.exactbinom sesp.mcnemar represent.long print.acc.paired acc.paired generate.paired read.tab.paired print.tab.paired tab.paired print.acc.1test acc.1test read.tab.1test print.tab.1test tab.1test

Documented in acc.1test acc.paired ellipse.pv.rpv generate.paired print.acc.1test print.acc.paired print.tab.1test print.tab.paired pv.gs pv.rpv pv.wgs read.tab.1test read.tab.paired represent.long sesp.exactbinom sesp.mcnemar tab.1test tab.paired

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Description: Functions for DTComPair-package
# Author: C. Stock and A. Discacciati 
# Last modified: 7 May 2023
# --------------------------------------------------------

# --------------------------------------------------------
# tab.1test
# --------------------------------------------------------
tab.1test <-  function(d, y, data=NULL, testname, ...) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(d)) stop("Disease status (d) is missing.")
  if (missing(y)) stop("Test result (y) is missing.") 
  if (missing(testname)) testname <- deparse(substitute(y))
  d <- eval(substitute(d), data, parent.frame())
  y <- eval(substitute(y), data, parent.frame())  
  if ((is.numeric(d)==FALSE) & (is.factor(d)==FALSE)) 
    stop("Disease status (d) must be an integer variable.")
  if ((is.numeric(y)==FALSE) & (is.factor(y)==FALSE))
    stop("Test result (y) must be a integer variable.")
  d <- as.integer(d); y <- as.integer(y); 
  if (all(unique(d) %in% as.integer(c(0, 1))) == FALSE) 
    stop("Disease status (d) must be coded as 0 or 1.")
  if (all(unique(y) %in% as.integer(c(0, 1))) == FALSE) 
    stop("Test result (y) must be coded as 0 or 1.")
  if ((length(d) != length(y))) stop("Vector lengths differ.") 
  # matrix
  tab.1t <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow=3, 
                   dimnames=list(c("Test pos.","Test neg.","Total"),
  data.1t <- data.frame(cbind(d,y))
  tab.1t[1,1] <- nrow(subset(data.1t, d==1 & y==1))
  tab.1t[1,2] <- nrow(subset(data.1t, d==0 & y==1))
  tab.1t[1,3] <- tab.1t[1,1]+tab.1t[1,2]
  tab.1t[2,1] <- nrow(subset(data.1t, d==1 & y==0))
  tab.1t[2,2] <- nrow(subset(data.1t, d==0 & y==0))
  tab.1t[2,3] <- tab.1t[2,1]+tab.1t[2,2]
  tab.1t[3,1] <- tab.1t[1,1]+tab.1t[2,1]
  tab.1t[3,2] <- tab.1t[1,2]+tab.1t[2,2]
  tab.1t[3,3] <- tab.1t[1,3]+tab.1t[2,3]   
  # results
  results <- list(tab.1t, testname)
  names(results) <- c("tab.1test", "testname")    
  class(results) <- "tab.1test"

print.tab.1test <- function(x,...) {
  cat(paste("Binary diagnostic test '",x$testname,"'\n\n",sep=''))
  colnames(x$tab.1test)[2] <- "Non-diseased"

# --------------------------------------------------------
# read.tab.1test
# --------------------------------------------------------
read.tab.1test <-  function(a, b, c, d, testname, ...) {
  if (missing(testname)) testname <- "Noname"
  tab.1t <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow=3, 
                   dimnames=list(c("Test pos.","Test neg.","Total"),
  tab.1t[1,1] <- a; tab.1t[1,2] <- b
  tab.1t[1,3] <- a+b
  tab.1t[2,1] <- c; tab.1t[2,2] <- d
  tab.1t[2,3] <- c+d
  tab.1t[3,1] <- a+c; tab.1t[3,2] <- b+d
  tab.1t[3,3] <- a+b+c+d
  # results
  results <- list(tab.1t, testname)
  names(results) <- c("tab.1test", "testname")    
  class(results) <- "tab.1test"

# --------------------------------------------------------
# acc.1test
# --------------------------------------------------------
acc.1test <-  function(tab, alpha, testname, ...) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.1test", which=F))) stop("Table must be of class 'tab.1test'")
  if (missing(testname)) testname <- tab$testname
  tab <- tab[[1]]
  if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
  # sensitivity and specificity
  sens.est <- tab[1,1]/tab[3,1]
  sens.se <- sqrt((tab[1,1]*tab[2,1])/(tab[3,1]^3))
  sens.lcl <- sens.est-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*sens.se
    if (sens.lcl<0) sens.lcl <- 0
  sens.ucl <- sens.est+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*sens.se
    if (sens.ucl>1) sens.ucl <- 1
  sensitivity <- c(sens.est,sens.se,sens.lcl,sens.ucl)
  names(sensitivity) <- c("est","se","lcl","ucl")
  spec.est <- tab[2,2]/tab[3,2]
  spec.se <- sqrt((tab[1,2]*tab[2,2])/(tab[3,2]^3))
  spec.lcl <- spec.est-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*spec.se
    if (spec.lcl<0) spec.lcl <- 0
  spec.ucl <- spec.est+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*spec.se 
    if (spec.ucl>1) spec.ucl <- 1
  specificity <- c(spec.est,spec.se,spec.lcl,spec.ucl)
  names(specificity) <- c("est","se","lcl","ucl")
  # predictive values
  ppv.est <- tab[1,1]/tab[1,3]
  ppv.se <- sqrt((tab[1,1]*tab[1,2])/(tab[1,3]^3))
  ppv.lcl <- ppv.est-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ppv.se
    if (ppv.lcl<0) ppv.lcl <- 0
  ppv.ucl <- ppv.est+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ppv.se
    if (ppv.ucl>1) ppv.ucl <- 1
  ppv <- c(ppv.est,ppv.se,ppv.lcl,ppv.ucl)
  names(ppv) <- c("est","se","lcl","ucl")
  npv.est <- tab[2,2]/tab[2,3]
  npv.se <- sqrt((tab[2,1]*tab[2,2])/(tab[2,3]^3))
  npv.lcl <- npv.est-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*npv.se
    if (npv.lcl<0) npv.lcl <- 0
  npv.ucl <- npv.est+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*npv.se
    if (npv.ucl>1) npv.ucl <- 1
  npv <- c(npv.est,npv.se,npv.lcl,npv.ucl)
  names(npv) <- c("est","se","lcl","ucl")
  # diagnostic likelihood ratios
  pdlr.est <- sens.est/(1-spec.est)
  pdlr.se.log <- sqrt(((1-sens.est)/(tab[1,1]))+
  pdlr.lcl <- exp(log(pdlr.est)-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*pdlr.se.log)
  pdlr.ucl <- exp(log(pdlr.est)+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*pdlr.se.log)
  pdlr <- c(pdlr.est,pdlr.se.log,pdlr.lcl,pdlr.ucl)
  names(pdlr) <- c("est","se.ln","lcl","ucl")
  ndlr.est <- (1-sens.est)/spec.est
  ndlr.se.log <- sqrt((sens.est/tab[2,1])+((1-spec.est)/
  ndlr.lcl <- exp(log(ndlr.est)-qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ndlr.se.log)
  ndlr.ucl <- exp(log(ndlr.est)+qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ndlr.se.log)
  ndlr <- c(ndlr.est,ndlr.se.log,ndlr.lcl,ndlr.ucl)
  names(ndlr) <- c("est","se.ln","lcl","ucl")
  # results
  results <- list(tab, sensitivity, specificity,
                  ppv, npv, pdlr, ndlr, alpha, testname)
  names(results) <- c("tab", "sensitivity", "specificity",
                      "ppv", "npv", "pdlr", "ndlr", "alpha", "testname")    
  class(results) <- "acc.1test"

print.acc.1test <- function(x,...) {
  cat(paste("Diagnostic accuracy of test '",x$testname,"'\n",sep=''))
  cat(paste("\n(Estimates, standard errors and ",
            "%-confidence intervals)\n\n",sep=""))
  acc.mat1 <- matrix(data=c(x$sensitivity[1:4],
                            x$ppv[1:4], x$npv[1:4]), 
                     nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE,
                     dimnames = list(c("Sensitivity", "Specificity",
                                       "PPV", "NPV"),
                                     c("Est.", "SE", 
                                       "Lower CL", "Upper CL")))  
  acc.mat2 <- matrix(data=c(x$pdlr[1:4],x$ndlr[1:4]), 
                     nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE,
                     dimnames = list(c("PDLR ","NDLR "),
                                     c("Est.", "SE (log)", 
                                       "Lower CL", "Upper CL")))

# --------------------------------------------------------
# tab.paired
# --------------------------------------------------------
tab.paired <-  function(d, y1, y2, data=NULL, testnames, ...) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(d)) stop("Disease status (d) is missing.")
  if (missing(y1)) stop("Test result (y1) is missing.") 
  if (missing(y2)) stop("Test result (y2) is missing.")
  if (missing(testnames)) testnames <- c(deparse(substitute(y1)),
  d <- eval(substitute(d), data, parent.frame())
  y1 <- eval(substitute(y1), data, parent.frame())
  y2 <- eval(substitute(y2), data, parent.frame())  
  if ((is.numeric(d)==FALSE) & (is.factor(d)==FALSE)) 
    stop("Disease status (d) must be a numeric or factor variable.")
  if ((is.numeric(y1)==FALSE) & (is.factor(y1)==FALSE))
    stop("Test result (y1) must be a numeric or factor variable.")
  if ((is.numeric(y2)==FALSE) & (is.factor(y2)==FALSE))
    stop("Test result (y2) must be a numeric or factor variable.")
  d <- as.integer(d); y1 <- as.integer(y1); y2 <- as.integer(y2);
  if (all(unique(d) %in% as.integer(c(0, 1))) == FALSE)
    stop("Disease status (d) must be coded as 0 or 1.")
  if (all(unique(y1) %in% as.integer(c(0, 1))) == FALSE)
    stop("Test result (y1) must be coded as 0 or 1.")
  if (all(unique(y2) %in% as.integer(c(0, 1))) == FALSE) 
    stop("Test result (y2) must be coded as 0 or 1.")
  if ((length(d) != length(y1)) | (length(y1) != length(y2)) ) 
    stop("Vector lengths differ.")
  ## matrices
  data.paired <- data.frame(d,y1,y2)
  # diseased
  tab.d <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow=3, dimnames=list(
                    c("Test2 pos.","Test2 neg.","Total"),
                    c("Test1 pos.","Test1 neg.","Total")))
  tab.d[1,1] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==1 & y1==1 & y2==1))
  tab.d[1,2] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==1 & y1==0 & y2==1))
  tab.d[1,3] <- tab.d[1,1]+tab.d[1,2]
  tab.d[2,1] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==1 & y1==1 & y2==0))
  tab.d[2,2] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==1 & y1==0 & y2==0))
  tab.d[2,3] <- tab.d[2,1]+tab.d[2,2]
  tab.d[3,1] <- tab.d[1,1]+tab.d[2,1]
  tab.d[3,2] <- tab.d[1,2]+tab.d[2,2]
  tab.d[3,3] <- tab.d[1,3]+tab.d[2,3]
  # non-diseased
  tab.nd <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow=3, dimnames=list(
                    c("Test2 pos.","Test2 neg.","Total"),
                    c("Test1 pos.","Test1 neg.","Total")))
  tab.nd[1,1] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==0 & y1==1 & y2==1))
  tab.nd[1,2] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==0 & y1==0 & y2==1))
  tab.nd[1,3] <- tab.nd[1,1]+tab.nd[1,2]
  tab.nd[2,1] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==0 & y1==1 & y2==0))
  tab.nd[2,2] <- nrow(subset(data.paired, d==0 & y1==0 & y2==0))
  tab.nd[2,3] <- tab.nd[2,1]+tab.nd[2,2]
  tab.nd[3,1] <- tab.nd[1,1]+tab.nd[2,1]
  tab.nd[3,2] <- tab.nd[1,2]+tab.nd[2,2]
  tab.nd[3,3] <- tab.nd[1,3]+tab.nd[2,3]
  # results
  results <- list(tab.d, tab.nd, testnames)
  names(results) <- c("diseased","non.diseased","testnames")    
  class(results) <- "tab.paired"

print.tab.paired <- function(x,...) {
  cat("Two binary diagnostic tests (paired design)")
  cat("Test1: '",x$testnames[1],"'\n",
      "Test2: '",x$testnames[2],"'\n\n", sep="")

# --------------------------------------------------------
# read.tab.paired
# --------------------------------------------------------
read.tab.paired <-  function(d.a, d.b, d.c, d.d,
                             nd.a, nd.b, nd.c, nd.d,
                             testnames, ...) {
  if (missing(testnames)) testnames <- c("Noname 1","Noname 2")
  # diseased
  tab.d <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow=3, dimnames=list(
    c("Test2 pos.","Test2 neg.","Total"),
    c("Test1 pos.","Test1 neg.","Total")))
  tab.d[1,1] <- d.a; tab.d[1,2] <- d.b
  tab.d[1,3] <- d.a+d.b
  tab.d[2,1] <- d.c; tab.d[2,2] <- d.d
  tab.d[2,3] <- d.c+d.d
  tab.d[3,1] <- d.a+d.c; tab.d[3,2] <- d.b+d.d
  tab.d[3,3] <- d.a+d.b+d.c+d.d
  # non-diseased
  tab.nd <- matrix(rep(0,9), nrow=3, dimnames=list(
    c("Test2 pos.","Test2 neg.","Total"),
    c("Test1 pos.","Test1 neg.","Total")))
  tab.nd[1,1] <- nd.a; tab.nd[1,2] <- nd.b
  tab.nd[1,3] <- nd.a+nd.b
  tab.nd[2,1] <- nd.c; tab.nd[2,2] <- nd.d
  tab.nd[2,3] <- nd.c+nd.d
  tab.nd[3,1] <- nd.a+nd.c; tab.nd[3,2] <- nd.b+nd.d
  tab.nd[3,3] <- nd.a+nd.b+nd.c+nd.d   
  # results
  results <- list(tab.d, tab.nd, testnames)
  names(results) <- c("diseased","non.diseased","testnames")    
  class(results) <- "tab.paired"

# --------------------------------------------------------
# generate.paired
# --------------------------------------------------------
generate.paired <- function(tab, ...) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.paired", which=F))) 
    stop("Table must be of class 'tab.paired'")
  testnames <- tab$testnames
  # generate dataframe
  df <- expand.grid(d=c(1,0), y1=c(1,0), y2=c(1,0))
  df <- df[with(df, order(-d,-y1,-y2)), ]
  n <- c(tab$diseased[1,1], tab$diseased[2,1],
         tab$diseased[1,2], tab$diseased[2,2],
         tab$non.diseased[1,1], tab$non.diseased[2,1],
         tab$non.diseased[1,2], tab$non.diseased[2,2])
  df <- as.data.frame(cbind(df,n))
  df <- df[rep(seq(dim(df)[1]), df$n),-4]
  rownames(df) <- NULL

# --------------------------------------------------------
# acc.paired
# --------------------------------------------------------
acc.paired <-  function(tab, alpha, ...) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.paired", which=F))) stop("Table must be of class 'tab.paired'")
  if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
  # tables for each test
  test1 <- read.tab.1test(tab$diseased[3,1], tab$non.diseased[3,1],
                          tab$diseased[3,2], tab$non.diseased[3,2], 
  test2 <- read.tab.1test(tab$diseased[1,3], tab$non.diseased[1,3],
                          tab$diseased[2,3], tab$non.diseased[2,3], 
  # accuracy of each test
  acc.test1 <- acc.1test(test1)
  acc.test2 <- acc.1test(test2)
  # results
  results <- list(acc.test1, acc.test2)
  names(results) <- c("Test1","Test2")
  class(results) <- "acc.paired"

print.acc.paired <- function(x,...) {

# --------------------------------------------------------
# represent.long
# --------------------------------------------------------
represent.long <- function(d, y1, y2) {
  df <- data.frame(d, y1, y2)
  colnames(df) <- c("d","y1","y2")
  df$id <- 1:nrow(df)
  dt1 <- df[,c(4,1,2)]; colnames(dt1)[3] <- "y"
  dt1$x <- rep(1,nrow(dt1))
  dt2 <- df[,c(4,1,3)]; colnames(dt2)[3] <- "y"
  dt2$x <- rep(0,nrow(dt2))
  df <- as.data.frame(rbind(dt1, dt2))
  df <- df[with(df, order(id)), ]
  df <- df[,c(1,2,4,3)]
  row.names(df) <- 1:nrow(df)

# --------------------------------------------------------
# sesp.mcnemar
# --------------------------------------------------------
sesp.mcnemar <- function(tab) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.paired", which=F))) 
    stop("Table must be of class 'tab.paired'")
  # accuracy
  acc <- acc.paired(tab)
  # sensitivity
  se.1 <- acc$Test1$sensitivity["est"]; se.2 <- acc$Test2$sensitivity["est"]
  names(se.1) <- NULL; names(se.2) <- NULL
  diff.sens <- (se.2-se.1); names(diff.sens) <- NULL
  b <- tab$diseased[1,2]; c <- tab$diseased[2,1]
  X2 <- ((b-c)^2)/(b+c)
  p.value <- 1-pchisq(X2, df=1)
  sensitivity <- c(se.1, se.2, diff.sens, X2, p.value)
  # specificity
  sp.1 <- acc$Test1$specificity["est"]; sp.2 <- acc$Test2$specificity["est"]
  names(sp.1) <- NULL; names(sp.2) <- NULL
  diff.spec <- (sp.2-sp.1); names(diff.spec) <- NULL
  b <- tab$non.diseased[1,2]; c <- tab$non.diseased[2,1]
  X2 <- ((b-c)^2)/(b+c)
  p.value <- 1-pchisq(X2, df=1)
  specificity <- c(sp.1, sp.2, diff.spec, X2, p.value)
  # results
  method <- "mcnemar"
  results <- list(sensitivity, specificity, method)
  names(results) <- c("sensitivity","specificity","method")
  names(results$sensitivity) <- c("test1","test2","diff","test.statistic","p.value")
  names(results$specificity) <- c("test1","test2","diff","test.statistic","p.value")

# --------------------------------------------------------
# sesp.exactbinom
# --------------------------------------------------------
sesp.exactbinom <- function(tab) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.paired", which=F))) 
    stop("Table must be of class 'tab.paired'")
  # accuracy
  acc <- acc.paired(tab)
  # sensitivity
  se.1 <- acc$Test1$sensitivity["est"]; se.2 <- acc$Test2$sensitivity["est"]
  names(se.1) <- NULL; names(se.2) <- NULL
  diff.sens <- (se.2-se.1); names(diff.sens) <- NULL
  m <- tab$diseased[1,2] + tab$diseased[2,1]
  k <- min(tab$diseased[1,2], tab$diseased[2,1])
  csum <- 0; for (j in 0:k) csum <- csum+choose(m,j)
  p.value <- 2*csum*(0.5^m)
  sensitivity <- c(se.1,se.2,diff.sens,p.value)
  # specificity
  sp.1 <- acc$Test1$specificity["est"]; sp.2 <- acc$Test2$specificity["est"]
  names(sp.1) <- NULL; names(sp.2) <- NULL
  diff.spec <- (sp.2-sp.1); names(diff.spec) <- NULL
  m <- tab$non.diseased[1,2] + tab$non.diseased[2,1]
  k <- min(tab$non.diseased[1,2], tab$non.diseased[2,1])
  csum <- 0; for (j in 0:k) csum <- csum+choose(m,j)
  p.value <- 2*csum*(0.5^m)
  specificity <- c(sp.1,sp.2,diff.spec,p.value)
  # results
  method <- "exactbinom"
  results <- list(sensitivity,specificity,method) 
  names(results) <- c("sensitivity","specificity","method")
  names(results$sensitivity) <- c("test1","test2","diff","p.value")
  names(results$specificity) <- c("test1","test2","diff","p.value")

# --------------------------------------------------------
# pv.gs
# --------------------------------------------------------
pv.gs <- function(tab) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.paired", which=F))) 
    stop("Table must be of class 'tab.paired'")
  # accurac
  acc <- acc.paired(tab)
  ## ppv
  ppv.1 <- acc$Test1$ppv["est"]; ppv.2 <- acc$Test2$ppv["est"]
  names(ppv.1) <- NULL; names(ppv.2) <- NULL
  diff.ppv <- ppv.2-ppv.1; names(diff.ppv) <- NULL
  # proportion of positive tests of type 2
  z.bar <- sum(c(tab$diseased[1,3], tab$non.diseased[1,3])) /
           sum(c(tab$diseased[1,c(1,3)], tab$diseased[2,1],
                 tab$non.diseased[1,c(1,3)], tab$non.diseased[2,1]))
  # all positive  tests in diseased subjects / all positive tests
  d.bar <- sum(c(tab$diseased[1,c(1,1,2)], tab$diseased[2,1])) /
           sum(c(tab$diseased[1,c(1,1,2)], tab$diseased[2,1],
                 tab$non.diseased[1,c(1,1,2)], tab$non.diseased[2,1]))
  numerator <- (tab$diseased[1,1]*(1-2*z.bar) + 
                tab$diseased[1,2]*(1-z.bar) + 
  denominator <- (1-d.bar)^2 * 
                 (tab$diseased[1,1]*(1-2*z.bar)^2 + 
                  tab$diseased[1,2]*(1-z.bar)^2 + 
                  tab$diseased[2,1]*(0-z.bar)^2 ) +
                 (0-d.bar)^2 * 
                  (tab$non.diseased[1,1]*(1-2*z.bar)^2 + 
                   tab$non.diseased[1,2]*(1-z.bar)^2 + 
                   tab$non.diseased[2,1]*(0-z.bar)^2 )
  t.ppv <- numerator/denominator
  p.value <- 1-pchisq(t.ppv, df=1) 
  ppv <- c(ppv.1, ppv.2, diff.ppv, t.ppv, p.value)
  ## npv
  npv.1 <- acc$Test1$npv["est"]; npv.2 <- acc$Test2$npv["est"]
  names(npv.1) <- NULL; names(npv.2) <- NULL
  diff.npv <- npv.2-npv.1; names(diff.npv) <- NULL
  # proportion of negative tests of type 2
  z.bar <- sum(c(tab$diseased[2,3], tab$non.diseased[2,3])) /
           sum(c(tab$diseased[2,c(2,3)], tab$diseased[1,2],
                 tab$non.diseased[2,c(2,3)], tab$non.diseased[1,2]))
  # all negative tests in non-diseased subjects / all negative tests
  d.bar <- sum(c(tab$non.diseased[2,c(2,3)], tab$non.diseased[1,2])) /
           sum(c(tab$diseased[2,c(2,3)], tab$diseased[1,2],
                 tab$non.diseased[2,c(2,3)], tab$non.diseased[1,2]))
  numerator <- (tab$non.diseased[2,2]*(1-2*z.bar) + 
                tab$non.diseased[2,1]*(1-z.bar) + 
  denominator <- (1-d.bar)^2 * 
                  (tab$non.diseased[2,2]*(1-2*z.bar)^2 + 
                   tab$non.diseased[2,1]*(1-z.bar)^2 + 
                   tab$non.diseased[1,2]*(0-z.bar)^2 ) +
                 (0-d.bar)^2 * 
                  (tab$diseased[2,2]*(1-2*z.bar)^2 + 
                   tab$diseased[2,1]*(1-z.bar)^2 + 
                   tab$diseased[1,2]*(0-z.bar)^2 )
  t.npv <- numerator/denominator
  p.value <- 1-pchisq(t.npv, df=1)  
  npv <- c(npv.1, npv.2, diff.npv, t.npv, p.value)
  # results
  method <- "generalized score statistic (gs)"
  results <- list(ppv,npv,method)
  names(results) <- c("ppv","npv","method")
  names(results$ppv) <- c("test1","test2","diff","test.statistic","p.value")
  names(results$npv) <- c("test1","test2","diff","test.statistic","p.value")

# --------------------------------------------------------
# pv.wgs
# --------------------------------------------------------
pv.wgs <- function(tab) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.paired", which=F))) 
    stop("Table must be of class 'tab.paired'")
  acc <- acc.paired(tab)
  ## ppv
  ppv.1 <- acc$Test1$ppv["est"]; ppv.2 <- acc$Test2$ppv["est"]
  names(ppv.1) <- NULL; names(ppv.2) <- NULL
  diff.ppv <- ppv.2-ppv.1; names(diff.ppv) <- NULL
  ppv.pooled <- (tab$diseased[1,1]*2 + tab$diseased[1,2] + tab$diseased[2,1]) /
    (tab$diseased[1,3] + tab$non.diseased[1,3] + tab$diseased[3,1] + tab$non.diseased[3,1])
  numerator <- diff.ppv**2
  c.p.ppv <- (tab$diseased[1,1]*(1-ppv.pooled)**2 + tab$non.diseased[1,1]*(ppv.pooled**2)) /  
    (tab$diseased[1,3] + tab$non.diseased[1,3] + tab$diseased[3,1] + tab$non.diseased[3,1]) 
  denominator <- (ppv.pooled*(1-ppv.pooled) - 2*c.p.ppv) * 
    (( 1/ (tab$diseased[1,3] + tab$non.diseased[1,3])) +
       ( 1/ (tab$diseased[3,1] + tab$non.diseased[3,1]))   )
  t.ppv <- numerator/denominator
  p.value <- 1-pchisq(t.ppv, df=1)  
  ppv <- c(ppv.1, ppv.2, diff.ppv, t.ppv, p.value)
  ## npv
  npv.1 <- acc$Test1$npv["est"]; npv.2 <- acc$Test2$npv["est"]
  names(npv.1) <- NULL; names(npv.2) <- NULL  
  diff.npv <- npv.2-npv.1; names(diff.npv) <- NULL  
  npv.pooled <- (tab$non.diseased[2,2]*2 + tab$non.diseased[1,2] + tab$non.diseased[2,1]) /
    (tab$diseased[2,3] + tab$non.diseased[2,3] + tab$diseased[3,2] + tab$non.diseased[3,2])
  numerator <- diff.npv**2
  c.p.npv <- (tab$diseased[2,2]*(npv.pooled)**2 + tab$non.diseased[2,2]*(1-npv.pooled)**2) /  
    (tab$diseased[2,3] + tab$non.diseased[2,3] + tab$diseased[3,2] + tab$non.diseased[3,2]) 
  denominator <- (npv.pooled*(1-npv.pooled) - 2*c.p.npv) * 
    (( 1/ (tab$diseased[2,3] + tab$non.diseased[2,3])) +
       ( 1/ (tab$diseased[3,2] + tab$non.diseased[3,2])))
  t.npv <- numerator/denominator
  p.value <- 1-pchisq(t.npv, df=1)  
  npv <- c(npv.1, npv.2, diff.npv, t.npv, p.value)  
  # results
  method <- "weighted generalized score statistic (wgs)"
  results <- list(ppv,npv,method)
  names(results) <- c("ppv","npv","method")
  names(results$ppv) <- c("test1","test2","diff","test.statistic","p.value")
  names(results$npv) <- c("test1","test2","diff","test.statistic","p.value")

# --------------------------------------------------------
# pv.rpv
# --------------------------------------------------------
pv.rpv <- function(tab, alpha) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(tab)) stop("Table is missing.")
  if (!(inherits(x=tab, what="tab.paired", which=F))) 
    stop("Table must be of class 'tab.paired'")
  if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- 0.05
  # pre-processing 
  N <-  tab$non.diseased[3,3] + tab$diseased[3,3]
  p1 <- tab$non.diseased[1,1] / N
  p2 <- tab$non.diseased[1,2] / N
  p3 <- tab$non.diseased[2,1] / N
  p4 <- tab$non.diseased[2,2] / N
  p5 <- tab$diseased[1,1] / N
  p6 <- tab$diseased[1,2] / N
  p7 <- tab$diseased[2,1] / N
  p8 <- tab$diseased[2,2] / N
  acc <- acc.paired(tab)
  # rppv
  ppv.1 <- acc$Test1$ppv["est"]; ppv.2 <- acc$Test2$ppv["est"]
  names(ppv.1) <- NULL; names(ppv.2) <- NULL
  rel.ppv <- ppv.2/ppv.1; names(rel.ppv) <- NULL
  sigma2.p <- (1/((p5+p7)*(p5+p6))) *
    (p6*(1-ppv.1) + p5*(ppv.1-ppv.2) +
       + 2*(p7+p3)*ppv.2*ppv.1 + p7*(1-3*ppv.2)  )
  se.log.rel.ppv <- sqrt(sigma2.p/N)
  lcl <- exp(log(rel.ppv) - qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se.log.rel.ppv)
  ucl <- exp(log(rel.ppv) + qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se.log.rel.ppv)
  t.ppv <- log(rel.ppv) / se.log.rel.ppv
  p.value <- 2*pnorm(-abs(t.ppv))
  ppv <- c(ppv.1, ppv.2, rel.ppv, se.log.rel.ppv, lcl, ucl, t.ppv, p.value)
  # rnpv
  npv.1 <- acc$Test1$npv["est"]; npv.2 <- acc$Test2$npv["est"]
  names(npv.1) <- NULL; names(npv.2) <- NULL  
  rel.npv <- npv.2/npv.1; names(rel.ppv) <- NULL
  sigma2.n <- (1/((p2+p4)*(p3+p4))) *
    ( npv.1*(-p3+p4-2*(p4+p8)*npv.2) + 
        (p2+p3) - npv.2*(p2-p4) )
  se.log.rel.npv <- sqrt(sigma2.n/N)
  lcl <- exp(log(rel.npv) - qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se.log.rel.npv)
  ucl <- exp(log(rel.npv) + qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se.log.rel.npv)
  t.npv <- log(rel.npv) / se.log.rel.npv
  p.value <- 2*pnorm(-abs(t.npv))
  npv <- c(npv.1, npv.2, rel.npv, se.log.rel.npv, lcl, ucl, t.npv, p.value)
  sigma.pn <- 
    (((p1+p2)*p6)/((p5+p6)*(p1+p2+p5+p6)*(p2+p4+p6+p8))) +
    (((p6+p8)*p2)/((p2+p4)*(p1+p2+p5+p6)*(p2+p4+p6+p8))) +
    (((p1+p3)*p7)/((p5+p7)*(p1+p3+p5+p7)*(p3+p4+p7+p8))) +
  Sigma <- matrix(c(sigma2.p, sigma.pn, sigma.pn, sigma2.n), ncol = 2,
                  dimnames = list(c("log.rppv", "log.rnpv"),
                                  c("log.rppv", "log.rnpv")))/N
  # results
  method <- "relative predictive values (rpv)"
  results <- list(ppv,npv,Sigma,method,alpha)
  names(results) <- c("ppv","npv","Sigma","method","alpha")
  names(results$ppv) <- c("test1","test2","rppv","se.log.rppv","lcl.rppv","ucl.rppv","test.statistic","p.value")
  names(results$npv) <- c("test1","test2","rnpv","se.log.rnpv","lcl.rnpv","ucl.rnpv","test.statistic","p.value")

# --------------------------------------------------------
# ellipse.pv.rpv
# --------------------------------------------------------
#' Elliptical joint confidence region for relative positive and
#' negative predictive value
#' @description Returns a 100(1-alpha)\% elliptical joint confidence region for the parameter
#' vector \{log(relative positive predictive value), log(relative negative predictive value)\}.
#' @usage ellipse.pv.rpv(x, alpha = 0.05, npoints = 100, exponentiate = FALSE)
#' @param x an object returned by the \code{pv.rpv} function.
#' @param alpha significance level alpha used to compute the 100(1-alpha)\% region. The default is 0.05, for a 95\% region.
#' @param npoints the number of points used in the ellipse. Default is 100.
#' @param exponentiate a logical value indicating whether or not to exponentiate the values for the centre
#' of the ellipse and for the the ellipsoidal outline. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @returns A list containing:
#' \item{centre}{the centre of the ellipse.}
#' \item{ellipse}{an \code{npoints} x 2 matrix with the x and y coordinates for
#' the ellipsoidal outline. Suitable for \code{plot}-ing.}
#' @references Moskowitz, C.S., and Pepe, M.S. (2006). Comparing the predictive values of diagnostic tests: sample size and analysis for paired study designs. \emph{Clin Trials}, 3(3):272-9.
#' @seealso \code{pv.rpv} and \code{ellipse::ellipse}.
#' @examples
#' data(Paired1) # Hypothetical study data
#' ftable(Paired1)
#' paired.layout <- tab.paired(d=d, y1=y1, y2=y2, data=Paired1)
#' paired.layout 
#' rpv.results <- pv.rpv(paired.layout)
#' ellipse.data <- ellipse.pv.rpv(rpv.results)
#' if(interactive()){
#'   plot(ellipse.data$ellipse, type = "l", ylim = c(-0.4, 0.2), xlim = c(-0.2, 0.2))
#'   points(ellipse.data$centre[1], ellipse.data$centre[2], col = "red", pch = 19)
#'   abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)
#' }
ellipse.pv.rpv <- function(x, alpha = 0.05, npoints = 100, exponentiate = FALSE) {
  if (!x$method == "relative predictive values (rpv)")
    stop("x must be an object from 'pr.rpv()' function")
  centre <- c(log.rppv = log(x$ppv[["rppv"]]), 
              log.rnpv = log(x$npv[["rnpv"]]))
  Sigma <- x$Sigma
  ellipse <- ellipse::ellipse(x = Sigma , centre = centre, level = 1-alpha, npoints = npoints)
  ret <- list(centre = centre, ellipse = ellipse)
  if (isTRUE(exponentiate)) {
    ret <- lapply(ret, exp)
    names(ret$centre) <- sapply(names(ret$centre), function(x) gsub("log.", "", x))
    colnames(ret$ellipse) <- sapply(colnames(ret$ellipse), function(x) gsub("log.", "", x))
# --------------------------------------------------------
# End 
# --------------------------------------------------------

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