
Defines functions similarity

Documented in similarity

#' @title Calculate Multivariate Environmental Similarity
#' @description NOTICE: This function was borrowed from the rmaxent package written by John Baumgartner (https://github.com/johnbaums/rmaxent/).
#  It is included here with John's permission to make ENMeval CRAN-compatible (dependencies on Github-only packages are not allowed for CRAN).
#' Calculate Multivariate Environmental Similarity and most dissimilar/similar 
#' variables with respect to a reference dataset, for a set of environmental 
#' variables.
#' @param x a `Raster*`, `list`, `matrix`, or `data.frame`
#'   where each layer/column/element represents focal values of an environmental
#'   variable.
#' @param ref a `list`, `matrix`, or `data.frame` where each
#'   column/element represents reference values for an environmental variable
#'   (corresponding to those given in `x`).
#' @param full (logical) should similarity values be returned for all variables?
#'   If `FALSE` (the default), then only the minimum similarity scores
#'   across variables will be returned.
#' @return If `x` is a `Raster*` object, this function returns a list 
#'   containing:
#'   - `similarity`: a `RasterStack` giving the environmental similarities for
#'   each variable in `x` (only included when `full=TRUE`); 
#'   - `similarity_min`: a `Raster` layer giving the minimum similarity value 
#'   across all variables for each location (i.e. the MESS);
#'   - `mod`: a factor `Raster` layer indicating which variable was most 
#'   dissimilar to its reference range (i.e. the MoD map, Elith \emph{et al.} 2010); 
#'   and
#'   - `mos`: a factor `Raster` layer indicating which variable was most 
#'   similar to its reference range.
#'   If `x` is a `list`, `matrix`, or `data.frame`, the function will return
#'   a list as above, but with `RasterStack` and `Raster` objects replaced by 
#'   matrix and vectors.
#' @details `similarity` uses the MESS algorithm described in Appendix S3
#'   of Elith \emph{et al.} 2010.
#' @references 
#' Elith, J., Kearney, M., and Phillips, S. (2010) The art of modelling range-shifting species. \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, \bold{1}: 330-342. \doi{doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00036.x}
#' @importFrom raster stack nlayers init as.data.frame raster
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' library(dismo)
#' library(raster)
#' ff <- list.files(system.file('ex', package='dismo'), '\\.grd$', 
#'                  full.names=TRUE )
#' predictors <- stack(grep('biome', ff, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE))
#' occ <- read.csv(system.file('ex/bradypus.csv', package='dismo'))[, -1]
#' ref <- extract(predictors, occ)
#' mess <- similarity(predictors, ref, full=TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rasterVis)
#' library(RColorBrewer)
#' levelplot(mess$mod, col.regions=brewer.pal(8, 'Set1'))
#' levelplot(mess$mos, col.regions=brewer.pal(8, 'Set1'))
#' }
#' @export

similarity <- function(x, ref, full=FALSE) {
  if(!methods::is(ref, 'data.frame')) {
    ref <- as.data.frame(ref)
  if(is(x, 'Raster')) {
    r <- TRUE
    if(isTRUE(full)) {
      out <- raster::stack(replicate(
        raster::nlayers(x), raster::init(x, function(x) NA)))
    } else {
      out <- raster::init(x, function(x) NA)
  } else r <- FALSE
  ref <- stats::na.omit(ref)
  if(!methods::is(x, 'data.frame')) {
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
  if(is.null(dim(ref))) {
    rng <- as.data.frame(range(ref, na.rm=TRUE))
  } else {
    rng <- as.data.frame(apply(ref, 2, range, na.rm=TRUE))
  pct_less <- mapply(function(x, ref) {
    findInterval(x, sort(ref))/length(ref)
  }, x, ref, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  sim <- mapply(function(f, rng, p) {
    ifelse(f==0, (p-rng[1])/diff(rng)*100,
           ifelse(f > 0 & f <= 0.5, f*200,
                  ifelse(f > 0.5 & f < 1, (1-f)*200,
  }, pct_less, rng, x)
  min_sim <- if(is.matrix(sim)) apply(sim, 1, min) else(min(sim))
  mins <- apply(sim, 1, which.min)
  most_dissimilar_vec <- unlist(ifelse(lengths(mins)==0, NA, mins))
  maxs <- apply(sim, 1, which.max)
  most_similar_vec <- unlist(ifelse(lengths(maxs)==0, NA, maxs))
  if(isTRUE(r)) {
    most_dissimilar <- raster::raster(out)
    most_dissimilar[] <- most_dissimilar_vec
    most_dissimilar <- raster::as.factor(most_dissimilar)
    levels(most_dissimilar)[[1]] <- data.frame(ID=seq_len(ncol(sim)), 
    most_similar <- raster::raster(out)
    most_similar[] <- most_similar_vec
    most_similar <- raster::as.factor(most_similar)
    levels(most_similar)[[1]] <- data.frame(ID=seq_len(ncol(sim)), 
    out_min <- raster::raster(out)
    out_min[] <- min_sim
    if(isTRUE(full)) {
      out[] <- sim
      list(similarity=out, similarity_min=out_min, mod=most_dissimilar, 
    } else list(similarity_min=out_min, mod=most_dissimilar, mos=most_similar)
  } else {
    if(isTRUE(full)) {
      list(similarity=sim, similarity_min=min_sim, 
           mod=most_dissimilar_vec, mos=most_similar_vec)
    } else list(similarity_min=min_sim, mod=most_dissimilar_vec, 

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ENMeval documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 5:08 p.m.