#Import and combine log (.p) files from Mr. Bayes, optionally downsampling; produces posterior1p-style object
combine_log <- function(path = ".", burnin = .25, downsample = 1e4) {
#Get FBD parameter estimates from collection of log files (.p)
if (!is.character(path)) files <- NULL
else if (all(utils::file_test(path, op = "-f"))) {
files <- path
else if (length(path) == 1 && utils::file_test(path, op = "-d")) {
files <- paste0(path, "/", list.files(path, pattern = '\\.p$'))
else files <- NULL
if (length(files) == 0) {
stop("The value supplied to 'path' must be a character vector containing the names of parameter log (.p) files or of a folder containg such files.", call. = FALSE)
if (length(burnin) != 1 || !is.numeric(burnin) || burnin < 0) {
stop("'burnin' must be a single number corresponding to the number or percentage of rows to drop from the beginning of each log file.",
call. = FALSE)
if (length(downsample) != 1 || !is.numeric(downsample) || downsample < 0) {
stop("'downsample' must be a single number corresponding to the number or percentage of rows to remain after downsampling from each log file.",
call. = FALSE)
L <- lapply(files, function(x) {
rtest <- read.table(x, skip = 1, header = TRUE, nrows = 3)
if (!all(c("Gen", "LnL", "LnPr") %in% names(rtest))) return(NULL)
r <- read.table(x, skip = 1, header = TRUE)
if (burnin > 0) {
if (burnin < 1) {
b <- seq_len(round(burnin * NROW(r)))
else {
b <- seq_len(round(min(burnin, NROW(r))))
r <- r[-b,,drop = FALSE]
if (all(lengths(L) == 0)) {
stop("No parameter log files were found in the supplied path.", call. = FALSE)
L[lengths(L) == 0] <- NULL
if (!all(vapply(L, function(i) identical(names(i), names(L[[1]])), logical(1L)))) {
stop("All parameter log files must have the same column names.", call. = FALSE)
samples <-"rbind", L)
if (downsample > 0) {
if (downsample < 1) {
d <- as.integer(round(seq(1, NROW(samples), length.out = NROW(samples)*downsample)))
else {
d <- as.integer(round(seq(1, NROW(samples), length.out = min(NROW(samples), downsample))))
samples <- samples[d,,drop = FALSE]
rownames(samples) <- NULL
#Reshape AllRuns from wide to long with Time_bins as time and parameters as varying
FBD_reshape <- function(posterior, variables = NULL, log.type = c("MrBayes", "BEAST2")) {
if (! {
stop("'posterior' must be a data frame.", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(variables)) {
exist <- sapply(variables, function(nm) {
any(startsWith(names(posterior), nm))
if(any(!exist)) stop("Specified variables not found in posterior")
if(length(log.type) > 1 || !log.type %in% c("MrBayes", "BEAST2")) {
stop("Log type must be one of 'MrBayes' or 'BEAST2'")
else {
autodetect <- detect_posterior(posterior)
variables <- autodetect$variables
log.type <- autodetect$log.type
varying <- lapply(variables, function(v) {
names(posterior)[startsWith(names(posterior), v)]
idname <- if(log.type == "MrBayes") "Gen" else "Sample"
posterior_long <- reshape(posterior, direction = "long",
varying = varying,
v.names = variables,
timevar = "Time_bin",
sep = if(log.type == "MrBayes") "_" else ".",
idvar = "Gen", ids = posterior[[idname]])
posterior_long[["Time_bin"]] <- factor(posterior_long[["Time_bin"]])
rownames(posterior_long) <- NULL
attr(posterior_long, "reshapeLong") <- NULL
attr(posterior_long, "log.type") <- log.type
attr(posterior_long, "variables") <- variables
#Get summary (n, mean, sd, 5 number) of parameters values by time bin
FBD_summary <- function(posterior, file = NULL, digits = 3) {
if (! || !"Time_bin" %in% names(posterior) || is.null(attr(posterior, "variables"))) {
stop("'posterior' must be a data frame of MCMC posterior samples of FBD parameters.", call. = FALSE)
parameters <- attr(posterior, "variables")
time.bins <- sort(unique(posterior$Time_bin))
out <- expand.grid(parameter = parameters, Time_bin = time.bins,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
summary.list <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(out)), function(i) {
in_t <- which(posterior[["Time_bin"]] == out[["Time_bin"]][i])
oneSummary(posterior[[out[["parameter"]][i]]][in_t], digits = digits)
out <- cbind(out,"rbind", summary.list))
out$parameter <- factor(out$parameter, levels = parameters)
out <- out[with(out, order(parameter, Time_bin)),]
rownames(out) <- NULL
if (length(file) > 0) {
write.csv(out, file = file)
else {
#New summary function
oneSummary <- function(x, digits = 3) {
qq <- unname(quantile(x, c(0, .25, .5, .75, 1)))
d <- data.frame(
n = length(x),
mean = round(mean(x), digits),
sd = round(sd(x), digits),
min = round(qq[1], digits),
Q1 = round(qq[2], digits),
median = round(qq[3], digits),
Q3 = round(qq[4], digits),
max = round(qq[5], digits)
rownames(d) <- NULL
#Plot density of one parameter by time bin; density or violin plots
FBD_dens_plot <- function(posterior, parameter, type = "density", stack = FALSE, color = "red") {
if (! || !"Time_bin" %in% names(posterior) || is.null(attr(posterior, "variables"))) {
stop("'posterior' must be a data frame of MCMC posterior samples of FBD parameters.", call. = FALSE)
parameters <- attr(posterior, "variables")
type <- match.arg(type, c("density", "violin"))
if (missing(parameter)) {
stop(paste("'parameter' must be one of:", paste0(parameters, collapse = " ")), call. = FALSE)
parameter <- match.arg(parameter, parameters, several.ok = FALSE)
if(attr(posterior, "log.type") == "MrBayes") {
param.names <- setNames(gsub("_", " ", firstup(parameters), fixed = TRUE), parameters)
else param.names <- setNames(beast2.names(parameters), parameters)
posterior <- posterior[c("Time_bin", parameter)]
time.bins <- sort(unique(posterior$Time_bin))
posterior$Time_bin <- factor(posterior$Time_bin, levels = time.bins)
posterior_long <- reshape(posterior, direction = "long",
v.names = "vals",
varying = parameter,
timevar = "parameter",
times = parameter)
posterior_long$parameter <- factor(posterior_long$parameter, levels = parameter,
labels = param.names[parameter])
if (type == "density") {
p <- ggplot(data = posterior_long, aes(x = .data$vals , fill = .data$Time_bin)) +
theme_bw() +
stat_density(position = if (stack) "stack" else "identity",
alpha = if (stack) 1 else .6,
outline.type = "both", color = "black") +
labs(x = "Value", y = "Density", fill = "Time bin", color = "Time bin",
title = param.names[parameter]) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5),
legend.position = "bottom")
else if (type == "violin") {
p <- ggplot(data = posterior_long, aes(x = .data$Time_bin, y = .data$vals)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_violin(color = color, fill = color,
alpha=0.5, draw_quantiles = 0.5, size=0.8, trim = FALSE) +
stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", shape=16, size=2, color = "black")+
guides(fill = "none", color = "none") +
labs(x = "Time bin", y = "Value", title = param.names[parameter]) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5))
#Test assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity for each parameter
#Normality tests within time bin, across time bin, and pooled within time bin
#Homscedasticity tests across time bin
FBD_tests1 <- function(posterior, downsample = TRUE) {
if (! || !"Time_bin" %in% names(posterior) || is.null(attr(posterior, "variables"))) {
stop("'posterior' must be a data frame of MCMC posterior samples of FBD parameters.", call. = FALSE)
parameters <- attr(posterior, "variables")
posterior$Time_bin <- factor(posterior$Time_bin)
#Bartlett test for homogeneity of variance across Time_bins
#Run for each param
d <- = 1, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("parameter", "statistic", "p-value"))))
bartlett_df <-"rbind", lapply(parameters, function(p) {
d[["parameter"]] <- p
bt <- bartlett.test(posterior[[p]], posterior$Time_bin)
d[["statistic"]] <- bt$statistic
d[["p-value"]] <- bt$p.value
#Fligner-Killeen test for homogeneity of variance across Time_bins
#Run for each param
fligner_df <-"rbind", lapply(parameters, function(p) {
d[["parameter"]] <- p
bt <- fligner.test(posterior[[p]], posterior$Time_bin)
d[["statistic"]] <- bt$statistic
d[["p-value"]] <- bt$p.value
#Shapiro-Wilk test for normality
#Run within each Time_bin group, overall, and on residuals for each param
#Need to downsample for SW test
max.n <- floor(5000/nlevels(posterior$Time_bin))
if (downsample) {
keep <- unlist(lapply(levels(posterior$Time_bin),
function(i) {
if (sum(posterior$Time_bin == i) > max.n) {
which(posterior$Time_bin == i)[round(seq(1, sum(posterior$Time_bin == i), length.out = max.n))]
else which(posterior$Time_bin == i)
posterior <- posterior[keep,,drop=FALSE]
run.sw.test <- rep(TRUE, nlevels(posterior$Time_bin))
else {
t <- table(posterior$Time_bin)
run.sw.test <- t[levels(posterior$Time_bin)] <= max.n
if (!any(run.sw.test)) warning("Shapiro-Wilk normality tests require downsampling and will not be run. Set downsample = TRUE to run these tests.", call. = FALSE)
d <- = nlevels(posterior$Time_bin) + 2, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(c(paste("Time bin", levels(posterior$Time_bin)), "Overall", "Residuals"),
c("parameter", "statistic", "p-value"))))
shapiro_df <- setNames(lapply(parameters, function(p) {
d[["parameter"]] <- p
for (i in seq_len(nlevels(posterior$Time_bin))[run.sw.test]) {
sw <- shapiro.test(posterior[[p]][posterior$Time_bin == levels(posterior$Time_bin)[i]])
d[["statistic"]][i] <- sw[["statistic"]]
d[["p-value"]][i] <- sw[["p.value"]]
if (all(run.sw.test)) {
sw <- shapiro.test(posterior[[p]])
d[["statistic"]][nlevels(posterior$Time_bin) + 1] <- sw[["statistic"]]
d[["p-value"]][nlevels(posterior$Time_bin) + 1] <- sw[["p.value"]]
means <- ave(posterior[[p]], posterior$Time_bin)
sw <- shapiro.test(posterior[[p]] - means)
d[["statistic"]][nlevels(posterior$Time_bin) + 2] <- sw[["statistic"]]
d[["p-value"]][nlevels(posterior$Time_bin) + 2] <- sw[["p.value"]]
}), parameters)
list(shapiro = shapiro_df,
bartlett = bartlett_df,
fligner = fligner_df)
#Test differences in location for each parameter between time bins
FBD_tests2 <- function(posterior, p.adjust.method = "fdr") {
if (! || !"Time_bin" %in% names(posterior) || is.null(attr(posterior, "variables"))) {
stop("'posterior' must be a data frame of MCMC posterior samples of FBD parameters.", call. = FALSE)
parameters <- attr(posterior, "variables")
posterior$Time_bin <- factor(posterior$Time_bin)
df_dimnames <- list(NULL, c("parameter", "Time_bin1", "Time_bin2", "n1", "n2", "p-value", "p-value adj"))
n_tests <- choose(nlevels(posterior[["Time_bin"]]), 2)
d <- = n_tests, ncol = length(df_dimnames[[2]]),
dimnames = df_dimnames))
#T-tests between pairs of Time_bins for each param
t_test_list <- setNames(lapply(parameters, function(p) {
t <- pairwise.t.test(posterior[[p]],
p.adjust.method = "none")
d$parameter <- p
d[paste0("Time_bin", 1:2)] <-[["Time_bin"]]), 2)))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(d))) {
d[["n1"]][i] <- sum(posterior[["Time_bin"]] == d[["Time_bin1"]][i])
d[["n2"]][i] <- sum(posterior[["Time_bin"]] == d[["Time_bin2"]][i])
d[["p-value"]][i] <- t$p.value[d[["Time_bin2"]][i], d[["Time_bin1"]][i]]
d[["p-value adj"]] <- p.adjust(d[["p-value"]], p.adjust.method)
}), parameters)
#Mann-Whitney U tests between pairs of Time_bins for each param
mwu_test_list <- setNames(lapply(parameters, function(p) {
t <- pairwise.wilcox.test(posterior[[p]],
p.adjust.method = "none")
d$parameter <- p
d[paste0("Time_bin", 1:2)] <-[["Time_bin"]]), 2)))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(d))) {
d[["n1"]][i] <- sum(posterior[["Time_bin"]] == d[["Time_bin1"]][i])
d[["n2"]][i] <- sum(posterior[["Time_bin"]] == d[["Time_bin2"]][i])
d[["p-value"]][i] <- t$p.value[d[["Time_bin2"]][i], d[["Time_bin1"]][i]]
d[["p-value adj"]] <- p.adjust(d[["p-value"]], p.adjust.method)
}), parameters)
list(t_tests = t_test_list,
mwu_tests = mwu_test_list)
#Visualize deviations from normality for each parameter by time bin using
#density plots
FBD_normality_plot <- function(posterior) {
if (! || !"Time_bin" %in% names(posterior) || is.null(attr(posterior, "variables"))) {
stop("'posterior' must be a data frame of MCMC posterior samples of FBD parameters.", call. = FALSE)
parameters <- attr(posterior, "variables")
if(attr(posterior, "log.type") == "MrBayes") {
param.names <- setNames(gsub("_", " ", firstup(parameters), fixed = TRUE), parameters)
else param.names <- setNames(beast2.names(parameters), parameters)
posterior <- posterior[c("Time_bin", parameters)]
time.bins <- sort(unique(posterior$Time_bin))
posterior$Time_bin <- factor(posterior$Time_bin, levels = time.bins,
labels = paste("Time bin", time.bins))
posterior_long <- reshape(posterior, direction = "long",
v.names = "vals",
varying = parameters,
timevar = "parameter",
times = parameters)
posterior_long$parameter <- factor(posterior_long$parameter, levels = parameters,
labels = param.names[parameters])
#Turn variables into residualized versions
posterior_long[["resid_vals"]] <- with(posterior_long, vals - ave(vals, parameter, Time_bin))
p <- ggplot(data = posterior_long, aes(x = .data$resid_vals)) +
geom_density(aes(y = after_stat(.data$scaled))) +
facet_grid(rows = vars(.data$Time_bin), cols = vars(.data$parameter), scales = "free")
# Add normal densities
## Compute SDs for each density (all means = 0)
aux_d <- aggregate(vals ~ parameter + Time_bin, data = posterior_long,
FUN = sd)
names(aux_d)[names(aux_d) == "vals"] <- "sd"
# ggplot layer_data uses PANEL for facets
aux_d$PANEL <- factor(seq_len(nrow(aux_d)))
## Expand data range to ensure full normal density is displayed
aux_d$x_high <- 3*aux_d$sd
aux_d$x_low <- -3*aux_d$sd
aux_d_long <- reshape(aux_d, direction = "long", timevar = "high_low",
times = c("high", "low"), v.names = "x",
varying = c("x_high", "x_low"))
p <- p + geom_blank(data = aux_d_long, aes(x = .data$x))
## Extract density data from geom_ensity to correctly scale normal densities
ggpbd <- merge(layer_data(p, 1), aux_d)
## Add normal densities
ggpbd$norm_density <- dnorm(ggpbd$x, sd = ggpbd$sd)
## Add scaling factor that ensure all original densities have a height of 1,
## then apply that to normal densities
maxs <- aggregate(density ~ PANEL, data = ggpbd, FUN = max)
names(maxs)[names(maxs) == "density"] <- "dens_max"
ggpbd <- merge(ggpbd, maxs)
p <- p + geom_line(data = ggpbd, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$norm_density/.data$dens_max), color = "red")
## Annotate with standard deviation
### Find which side is more empty, add annotation there
aux_d$sd_loc_x <- NA_real_
rel_pos <- .85 #higher numbers mean more to the right
for (i in levels(aux_d$PANEL)) {
ranges <- c(min(aux_d$x_low[aux_d$PANEL == i],
ggpbd$x[ggpbd$PANEL == i]),
max(aux_d$x_high[aux_d$PANEL == i],
ggpbd$x[ggpbd$PANEL == i]))
ranges_mid <- mean(ranges)
if (max(ggpbd$scaled[ggpbd$PANEL == i & ggpbd$x < ranges_mid]) >=
max(ggpbd$scaled[ggpbd$PANEL == i & ggpbd$x >= ranges_mid])) {
aux_d$sd_loc_x[aux_d$PANEL == i] <- sum(c(1-rel_pos, rel_pos) * ranges)
else {
aux_d$sd_loc_x[aux_d$PANEL == i] <- sum(c(rel_pos, 1-rel_pos) * ranges)
p <- p + geom_label(data = aux_d, aes(x = .data$sd_loc_x, y = .85, label = paste0("italic(SD) == ", format(sd, digits = 2))),
size = 3.5, label.padding = unit(.15, "lines"), parse = TRUE)
p + theme_bw() + labs(x = "Residual", y = "Scaled density")
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