
overview2 <- function (my.inds, channel = 1, ladder, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, n.inds = NULL, channel.ladder = NULL, ploidy = 2,  
                       method="iter2", init.thresh=NULL, ladd.init.thresh=200, lwd=.25, warn=TRUE, min.panel=100, 
                       suggested=TRUE, env = parent.frame(), my.palette=NULL, verbose=TRUE) 
  if(length(channel) > 1 & is.null(ylim)){
    limosna <- c(min(unlist(lapply(my.inds, min, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE),
                 max(unlist(lapply(my.inds, max, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
    limosna <- ylim
  suggested.list <- list()
  counter <- 0
  for(hhh in channel){
    counter <- counter+1
    cols <- hhh
    dev = 50
    oldw <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
    #options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
    if(method == "ci"){
      print(paste("Please make sure you have used the same 'dev' value you found convenient for your ladder detection or probably your call will not match"))
    ## channel where the ladder is located
    if(is.null(channel.ladder )){
      channel.ladder <- dim(my.inds[[1]])[2]
    }else{ channel.ladder <- channel.ladder}
    if(dim(my.inds[[1]])[2] < channel.ladder){
      print(paste("ERROR MY FRIEND!! you have indicated an argument channel.ladder=5, but your data contains less channel/colors"))
    ## provide initial threshold if not specified
    if(is.null(init.thresh) & suggested){
      listaaaa<- do.call("cbind",lapply(my.inds, function(x){y <- x[,cols]; return(y)}))
      init.thresh <-quantile(listaaaa,.99)#median(listaaaa)*10
    ## number of samples to do
    if(is.null(n.inds )){
      n.inds <- c(1:length(my.inds))
    }else{n.inds <- n.inds}
    ## x limits
    if(is.null(xlim )){
      xlim <- c(min(ladder), max(ladder))
    } else{ xlim <- xlim}
    ## initialize the progress bar
    count <- 0
    tot <- length(n.inds)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)
    my.inds2 <- list(NA)
    for (i in 1:length(n.inds)) {
      v1 <- n.inds[i]
      my.inds2[[i]] <- my.inds[[v1]]
      names(my.inds2)[i] <- names(my.inds)[i]
    my.inds <- my.inds2
    ncfp <- c("COL1", "COL2", "COL3", "COL4", "COL5")
      cfp <- rep(my.palette,100)
      cfp <- c("cornflowerblue", "chartreuse4", "gold2", "red", 
               "orange", "purple")
    col.list <- list(NA)
    att1 <- numeric()
    list.data <- list(NA)
      list.data <- env$list.data.covarrubias
      list.ladders <- lapply(my.inds, function(x){y <- x[,channel.ladder]; return(y)})
      # extract ladder channel for all plants
      list.data <- lapply(list.ladders, find.ladder, ladder=ladder, draw=F, dev=dev, warn=warn, method=method,init.thresh=ladd.init.thresh)
    } # this models uses indexes and predicts base airs
    list.models <- lapply(list.data, function(da){y <- da[[3]]; x <- da[[1]];mod <- lm(y~ I(x) + I(x^2) + I(x^3) + I(x^4) + I(x^5), data=da); return(mod)})
    # this models uses pairs and predicts indexes
    list.models.inv <- lapply(list.data, function(da){x <- da[[3]]; y <- da[[1]];mod <- lm(y~ x, data=da); return(mod)})
    xx <- lapply(my.inds2, function(x, cols) {
      1:length(x[, cols])
    }, cols = cols)
    newxx <- numeric()
    newyy <- numeric()
    new.whole.data <- list(NA)
    for (h in 1:length(xx)) {
      h1 <- n.inds[h]
      count <- count + 1
      newxx <- as.vector(try(predict(list.models[[h1]], newdata = data.frame(x = xx[[h]])), silent = TRUE))
      #newxx <- as.vector(predict(list.models[[h1]], newdata = data.frame(x = xx[[h]])))
      newyy <- my.inds2[[h]][, cols]
      new.whole.data[[h]] <- list(xx = newxx, yy = newyy)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, (count/tot))### keep filling the progress bar
    common <- lapply(list.data, function(x, xlim) {
      mins <- abs(x$wei - xlim[1])
      y <- x$pos[which(mins == min(mins))][1]
    }, xlim = xlim)
    heii <- lapply(my.inds2, function(x) {
      max(x[, cols])[1]
    ## ---------------------------------------
    ## provide inital guesses of which should be the panel peaks
      my.panel <- lapply(new.whole.data,
                           pann <- big.peaks.col(popo$yy, tre=init.thresh)
                           pann2 <- popo$xx[pann$pos]
                           pann3 <- list(pos=pann$pos, hei=pann$hei, wei=pann2)
                           pkpn <- separate(pann3, type="bp", shift=1)
                           return(list(wei=pkpn$wei, hei=pkpn$hei))
      ## unlist all the peaks found for all the plants
      allpan <- unlist(lapply(my.panel, function(x){x$wei}))
      allhei <- unlist(lapply(my.panel, function(x){x$hei}))
      ## create a vector to store a the good peaks
      panel1.1 <- numeric()
      heis1.1 <- numeric()
      for(za in seq(1,500, by=1)){
        step1 <- abs(za- allpan)
        good <- which(step1 < 0.48) # peak present at with minumum error of x bp
        if(length(good) > (length(n.inds)*.05)){ # more than 20% of the times present
          panel1.1[za] <- mean(allpan[good])
          heis1.1[za] <- mean(allhei[good])
        }else{panel1.1[za] <- NA; heis1.1[za] <- NA}
        panel.sugg <- panel1.1[-which(panel1.1 < min.panel | is.na(panel1.1))]
        heis.sugg <- heis1.1[-which(panel1.1 < min.panel | is.na(panel1.1))]
        prov <- panel1.1[which(panel1.1 > xlim[1] & panel1.1 < xlim[2])]
        bad <- which(is.na(prov))
        if(length(bad) > 0){panel.sugg <- prov[-bad]}else{panel.sugg <- prov}
        prov2 <- heis1.1[which(panel1.1 > xlim[1] & panel1.1 < xlim[2])]
        bad2 <- which(is.na(prov2))
        if(length(bad2) > 0){heis.sugg <- prov[-bad2]}else{heis.sugg <- prov2}
    ## ------------------------------------------
    ## parameters for plots and lines
    tot.heii <- max(unlist(heii), na.rm = T)
    ## ylims defaults
    if(is.null(ylim )){
      ylim <- c(0, tot.heii)
    }else{ylim <- ylim}
    layout(matrix(1, 1, 1))
    nn <- n.inds
    if(length(channel) > 1){ # if user is trying to see more than one channel
      ylim[1] <- limosna[1]
      ylim[2] <- limosna[2]
    plot(new.whole.data[[1]]$xx[-c(1:common[[1]])], y = new.whole.data[[1]]$yy[-c(1:common[[1]])], 
         type = "l", xlim = c(xlim[1], xlim[2]), 
         ylim=c(ylim[1],ylim[2]), yaxt = "n", col = transp(cfp[cols],0.6), xlab = "Size in base pairs", 
         ylab = "DNA intensity in RFU", xaxt = "n", 
         lwd = lwd)
    axis(1, at = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], by = 2), labels = seq(xlim[1], 
                                                             xlim[2], by = 2), cex.axis=0.7)
    axis(2, at = seq(0, tot.heii, by = 500), labels = seq(0, tot.heii, by = 500), las=1, cex.axis=0.4)
    if(length(n.inds) == 1){
      count <- count + 50
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, (count/tot))
    }else{count <- count + 1}
    #b <- sum(unlist(heii)[1])
    #legend(x = xlim[1], y = b, legend = paste("Plant", nn[1]), 
    #      bty = "n")
    if (length(n.inds) > 1) {
      for (i in 2:length(my.inds2)) {
        count <- count + 1
        a <- sum(unlist(heii)[1:(i - 1)])
        b <- sum(unlist(heii)[1:i])
        yy <- new.whole.data[[i]]$yy
              y = yy[-c(1:common[[i]])], type = "l", col = transp(cfp[cols],0.6), 
              lwd = lwd)
        #legend(x = xlim[1], y = b, legend = paste("Plant", 
        #                                          nn[i]), bty = "n")
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, (count/tot))### keep filling the progress bar
    legend("topright", legend="Peaks suggested", pch=20, col="red", bty="n", cex=0.75)
    #setTxtProgressBar(pb, (tot/tot)*.5)
    options(warn = oldw)
    close(pb) # close the progress bar
    cat("\n THE PEAKS RETURNED ARE SUGGESTIONS. \n   What you should do: \n a) Use the locator function, i.e. ''my.panel <- locator(type='p', pch=20, col='red')$x'' \n b) Click over the peaks you want to include in your panel \n c) Press the 'esc' key when done selecting peaks \n d) Make sure to provide the panel vector in the score.easy() function \n \n")
      points(x=panel.sugg, y=heis.sugg, pch=20, cex=0.7, col="red")
      points(x=panel.sugg, y=heis.sugg, cex=0.9, col="black")
      suggested.list[[counter]] <- panel.sugg
    verbose=FALSE # after the first color stop returning the messages
  }# end of the loop for each color
    names(suggested.list) <- paste("channel_",channel,sep="")
  #plot(0, col=transp("white",0), xlab="",ylab = "", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")

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Fragman documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:26 a.m.