
storing.inds <-
  function (folder, channels=NULL, fourier=TRUE, saturated=TRUE, lets.pullup=TRUE, 
            plotting=FALSE, rawPlot=FALSE, llength=3000, ulength=80000) {
    #if (!require("seqinr")) {
    #  install.packages("seqinr")
    #  require("seqinr")
    #storing the names of the files
    coli <-  c("cornflowerblue", "chartreuse4", "gold2", "red", 
               "orange", "purple")
    listp2 <- dir(folder, "*.fsa")
    FSA <- TRUE
      listp2 <- dir(folder, "*.txt")
        stop(paste("We have not found files with extension .fsa or .txt. Please\nmake sure this is the right folder:", folder,"\n"), call. = FALSE)
    # list to store all matrices of 4 columns
    all.inds.mats <- list(NA)
      print("Reading FSA files")
      print("Reading files")
    ## initialize the progress bar
    count <- 0
    tot <- length(listp2)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)
    cfound <- NULL
    if(FSA){ # if fsa files were read
      for(i in 1:length(listp2)){
        count <- count + 1
        fsaFile<-read.abif(listp2[i]) # file read
        lens <- lapply(fsaFile$Data, length)
        aaa <- table(unlist(lens)) # length of vectors in data
        if(is.null(channels)){ # find number of channels
          channels <- as.vector(aaa[which(as.numeric(names(aaa)) > llength & as.numeric(names(aaa)) < ulength)])
        ### if we found two possible places where data is stored
        if(length(channels) > 1 & is.null(cfound)){
          cat("\nYour data has two possible places where run markers could be stored \nand we don't know which is the correct one\n")#, call. = FALSE)
          prov <- aaa[which(as.numeric(names(aaa)) > llength & as.numeric(names(aaa)) < ulength)]
          prov2 <- matrix(prov, nrow=1)
          rownames(prov2) <- "number.of.channels.found"; 
          colnames(prov2) <- paste("Run_Length",names(prov),"indexes",sep="_")
          prov2 <- rbind(prov2,prov2)
          rownames(prov2)[2] <- "number.to.type.if.selected"
          prov2[2,1:ncol(prov2)] <- 1:ncol(prov2) 
          cat("Please tell us which is the right place where the channels are located\n\n")
          inut <- as.numeric(readline(prompt="Enter one of the number.to.type: "))
          channels <- channels[inut]
          cfound <- channels
        real.len <- as.numeric(names(aaa)[which(aaa == channels & as.numeric(names(aaa)) > llength & as.numeric(names(aaa)) < ulength )]) # length of the data elements that meet the requirement to be a data file
        v <- as.vector(which(unlist(lens) == real.len)) # length to find, elements storing the data found
        reads<-list(NA) # to store info
        for(j in 1:channels){ # for each channel
          v2 <- v[j]
          reads[[j]] <- fsaFile$Data[[v2]]
        prov <- matrix(unlist(reads),ncol=channels)
        colnames(prov) <- paste("channel_",1:ncol(prov),sep="")
        rownames(prov) <- paste("index_",1:nrow(prov),sep="")
        all.inds.mats[[i]] <- prov
        prov <- NULL
        names(all.inds.mats)[i] <- as.character(listp2[i])
        #attributes(all.inds.mats[[i]]) <- list(FSA=FALSE)
        #attributes(list.ladders[[t]]) <- list(mycomm=names(list.ladders)[t])
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, count/tot)### keep filling the progress bar
      #attributes(all.inds.mats) <- list(FSA=TRUE)
    }else{ # cqs files
      for(i in 1:length(listp2)){
        count <- count + 1
        # read the 7th line where the line with column names is located
        dodo <-scan(listp2[i],what="a",nlines=7,skip=6,quiet=TRUE) 
        chaco <- grep("FILTER",dodo)# which have name filter
        nchaco <- length(chaco) # number of channels run
        topick <- chaco[1]:(chaco[1] + (nchaco-1)) # where are the lines to read
        ds <- read.table(listp2[i], header = FALSE, skip=84)
        all.inds.mats[[i]] <- as.matrix(ds[,topick])
        names(all.inds.mats)[i] <- as.character(listp2[i])
        #attributes(all.inds.mats[[i]]) <- list(FSA=FALSE)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, count/tot)### keep filling the progress bar
      #attributes(all.inds.mats[[i]]) <- list(FSA=FALSE)
    close(pb) # close the progress bar
    if(fourier == TRUE){ #FOURIER
      print("Applying Fourier tranformation for smoothing...")
      all.inds.mats <- lapply_pb(all.inds.mats, function(x){apply(x, 2, transfft)})
    if(saturated == TRUE){ #SATURATION
      print("Checking and correcting for saturated peaks...")
      all.inds.mats <- lapply_pb(all.inds.mats, function(x){apply(x, 2, saturate)})
      if(lets.pullup==TRUE){#PULL UP
        print("Applying pull up correction to the samples to decrease noise from channel to channel")
        if(plotting == TRUE){
          all.inds.mats <- lapply_pb(all.inds.mats, pullup, channel=channels, plotting=TRUE)
        all.inds.mats <- lapply_pb(all.inds.mats, pullup, channel=channels)
    ### ------------------
    ### ------------------
    if(rawPlot == TRUE){
      coli <- cfp <- c("cornflowerblue", "chartreuse4", "gold2", "red", "orange", "purple")
      naname <- c("FAM","HEX","NED","ROX","LIZ")
      print("Plotting raw data")
      ## initialize the progress bar
      count <- 0
      tot <- length(listp2)
      pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)
      for(i in 1:dim(all.inds.mats[[1]])[2]){
        plot(all.inds.mats[[1]][,i], col=transp(coli[i],0.6), type="l", ylab="RFU", main=paste(naname[i],"channel. Plot",i,"of",dim(all.inds.mats[[1]])[2]), las=2)
        rect(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[3],par("usr")[2],par("usr")[4],col = "grey75")
        if(length(all.inds.mats) > 1){
          for(j in 1:length(all.inds.mats)){
            count <- count + (1/dim(all.inds.mats[[1]])[2])
            lines(all.inds.mats[[j]][,i], col=transp(coli[i],0.4), lwd=.2)
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, count/tot)### keep filling the progress bar
      close(pb) # close the progress bar
    cat("\n     Output is a LIST where each element of the list is a DATAFRAME \n            with the channels in columns for each FSA file.\n\n")

plot.fsa_stored <- function(x, lay=c(2,1), channel=NULL, cex.legend=.5, ncol.legend=4,lims=NULL, color=NULL, ...) {
  digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)
  transp <- function (col, alpha = 0.5){
    res <- apply(col2rgb(col), 2, function(c) rgb(c[1]/255, c[2]/255,c[3]/255, alpha))
  # std vs residuals, QQplot (std vs teor quantiles), sqrt(std residuals) vs fitted, std res vs leverage = cook's distance
  nn <- 1:length(x) # number of fsa files read
  for(o in nn){
    prov <- x[[o]]
      color <- transp(c("cornflowerblue", "chartreuse4", "gold2", "red", "orange", "purple",rainbow(10)))
    }else{color <- rep(color,10)}
    lims <- c(min(prov,na.rm = TRUE),max(prov,na.rm = TRUE))
    uu <- 1:ncol(prov)
    if(!is.null(channel)){uu <- channel}
    for(u in uu){
      if(u == uu[1]){
        plot(prov[,u], type="l", col=color[u], las=2, ylab="Intensity", ylim = lims, main=names(x)[o], ...)
        lines(x[[o]][,u], col=color[u])
  plot(1,pch=16, col="white", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt="n", yaxt="n" )
  legend("center",col = color[uu], lwd=3, cex = cex.legend, ncol=ncol.legend,
         legend = paste("channel_",uu))

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Fragman documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:26 a.m.