
Defines functions Diff_limma methyDiff_ucsc quiet methyDiff get_methy_df Merge_methy_tcga

Documented in Diff_limma Merge_methy_tcga methyDiff methyDiff_ucsc

#' Merge methylation data downloaded from TCGA
#' @param dirr a string for the directory of methylation data download from tcga
#' useing the tools gdc
#' @return a matrix, a combined methylation expression spectrum matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' merge_result <- Merge_methy_tcga(system.file(file.path("extdata","methy"),package="GeoTcgaData"))
Merge_methy_tcga <- function(dirr = NULL) {
    options(warn = -1)
    # file_num=1
    if (is.null(dirr)) stop("please give your directory of methylation data!")
    tcga_dir <- dir(dirr)
    filePath <- file.path(dirr, tcga_dir[1])
    methyFile <- get_methy_df(filePath)
    methyResult <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(methyFile), ncol = length(tcga_dir))
    rownames(methyResult) <- methyFile[, "Composite Element REF"]
    samples <- rep(0, length(tcga_dir))
    methyResult[, 1] <- methyFile[, 2]
    samples[1] <- colnames(methyFile)[2]
    message("file",1," is over")
    for(i in 2:length(tcga_dir)) {
        message("file",i," is over")
		filePath <- file.path(dirr,tcga_dir[i])
        methyFile <- get_methy_df(filePath)
        methyResult[, i] <- methyFile[, 2]
        samples[i] <- colnames(methyFile)[2]
    colnames(methyResult) <- samples
    cpg_info <- methyFile[, -2]
    return(list(methyResult, cpg_info))

#' Read methylated data file and turn it into data frame
#' @param filePath Path of files
#' @noRd
get_methy_df <- function(filePath) {
    methyDir <- dir(filePath)
    for(j in 1:length(methyDir)) {
        if(length(grep("jhu-usc", methyDir[j]))>0) {
    		file_name <- file.path(filePath, dir(filePath)[j])
            sample <- unlist(strsplit(dir(filePath)[j],"\\."))[6]
    methyFile <- data.table::fread(file_name,header=T)
    class(methyFile) <- "data.frame"
    colnames(methyFile)[2] <- sample

#' Get methylation difference gene
#' @param cpgData data.frame of cpg beta value
#' @param sampleGroup vector of sample group
#' @param combineMethod method to combine the cpg pvalues
#' @param missing_value Method to  impute missing expression data, one of "zero" and "knn".
#' @param region region of genes, one of "Body", "TSS1500", "TSS200", "3'UTR", "1stExon", "5'UTR", and "IGR".
#' @param model if "cpg", step1: calculate difference cpgs; step2: calculate difference genes.
#' if "gene", step1: calculate the methylation level of genes; step2: calculate difference genes.
#' @param adjust.method character string specifying the method used to adjust p-values for multiple testing.
#' See \link{p.adjust} for possible values.
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @export
methyDiff <- function(cpgData, sampleGroup, combineMethod = RobustRankAggreg::rhoScores,
                      missing_value = "knn", region = "Body", model = "cpg", adjust.method = "BH") {

    region <- match.arg(region, c("Body", "TSS1500", "TSS200", "3'UTR", "1stExon", "5'UTR", "IGR"))
    model <-  match.arg(model,  c("cpg", "gene"))
    # if (class(cpgData) == "list") {
    if (inherits(cpgData, "list")) {
        cpgData <- cpgData[[1]]
    cpgData <- as.matrix(cpgData)
    # Use KNN to fill in missing values
    if (missing_value == "zero") {
        cpgData[is.na(cpgData)] <- 0
        data.m <- cpgData
    } else {
        data.m <- quiet(impute::impute.knn(cpgData)$data)

    # normalize data
    myNorm <- ChAMP::champ.norm(beta=data.m, rgSet = NULL, mset = NULL)

    if (model == "gene") {
        ## library to avoid errors.
        # library(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
        ann <- minfi::getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19::IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
        ann <- as.data.frame(ann)
        cpg_gene <- ann[,c("Name", "UCSC_RefGene_Name", "UCSC_RefGene_Group")]
        regision <- unique(cpg_gene$UCSC_RefGene_Group)
        regision <- regision[regision != ""]
        regision <- unique(unlist(strsplit(regision, ";")))
        cpg_gene <- cpg_gene[grep(region, cpg_gene$UCSC_RefGene_Group), ]
        myNorm <- as.data.frame(myNorm)
        myNorm$gene <- cpg_gene[rownames(myNorm), 2]
        myNorm <- myNorm[, c(ncol(myNorm), 1:(ncol(myNorm)-1))]

        myNorm <- myNorm[!is.na(myNorm$gene), ]

        myNorm$gene <- as.character(myNorm$gene)
        myNorm2 <- rep1(myNorm, ";")

        myNorm3 <- gene_ave(myNorm2)

        ## use limma to do differential expression analysis
        gene_pvalue <- Diff_limma(myNorm3, group = sampleGroup, adjust.method = adjust.method)
        gene_pvalue$gene <- rownames(gene_pvalue)
    } else {
        # Identify Differential Methylation Positions (DMP)
        myDMP <- ChAMP::champ.DMP(beta = myNorm, pheno = sampleGroup, adjPVal = 1)
        myDMP <- as.data.frame(myDMP)
        # gene level difference analysis
        # pvalues <- myDMP[grep(region, myDMP$disease_to_normal.feature), c(14, 4)]
        pvalues <- myDMP[grep(region, myDMP[, grep("feature", colnames(myDMP))]), c(14, 4)]
        # pvalues <- myDMP[, c(14, 4)]
        pvalues <- pvalues[pvalues[, 1] != "", ]
        gene_pvalue <- stats::aggregate(pvalues[, 2], by = list(pvalues[, 1]),
            FUN = combineMethod)
        # get logFC of genes
        myNorm2 <- myNorm[rownames(myDMP), ]
        myNorm2 <- stats::aggregate(myNorm2, by = list(myDMP[, 14]), FUN = mean)
        myNorm2 <- myNorm2[myNorm2[, 1] != "", ]
        rownames(myNorm2) <- myNorm2[, 1]
        myNorm2 <- myNorm2[, -1]
        groups <- sort(unique(sampleGroup))
        logFC <- rowMeans(myNorm2[, sampleGroup == groups[1]], na.rm = TRUE) -
            rowMeans(myNorm2[, sampleGroup == groups[2]], na.rm = TRUE)
        gene_pvalue$logFC <- logFC[gene_pvalue[, 1]]
        colnames(gene_pvalue) <- c("gene", "P.Value", "logFC")
        gene_pvalue$gene <- as.character(gene_pvalue$gene)
        gene_pvalue$adj.P.Val <- p.adjust(gene_pvalue$P.Value, method = adjust.method)
        rownames(gene_pvalue) <- gene_pvalue$gene

# from hadley wickham in "https://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Suppressing-output-e-g-from-cat-td859876.html"
#' Suppressing output
#' @param x some code
#' @noRd
quiet <- function(x) {

#' Title
#' @param methy data.frame of the methylation data, which can be downloaded from UCSC Xena.
#' @param sampleGroup a vector of "0" and "1" for group of samples.
#' If null, the samples were divided into two groups: disease and normal.
#' @param missing_value Method to  impute missing expression data, one of "zero" and "knn".
#' @param model if "cpg", step1: calculate difference cpgs; step2: calculate difference genes.
#' if "gene", step1: calculate the methylation level of genes; step2: calculate difference genes.
#' @param combineMethod method to combine the cpg pvalues.
#' @param region region of genes, one of "Body", "TSS1500", "TSS200", "3'UTR", "1stExon", "5'UTR", and "IGR".
#' @importFrom dplyr `%>%`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' methy_file <- "TCGA.THCA.sampleMap_HumanMethylation450.gz"
#' methy <- data.table::fread(methy_file, sep = "\t", header = T)
#' library(ChAMP)
#' myImport <- champ.import(directory=system.file("extdata",package="ChAMPdata"))
#' myfilter <- champ.filter(beta=myImport$beta,pd=myImport$pd,
#'     detP=myImport$detP,beadcount=myImport$beadcount)
#' cpg_gene <- hm450.manifest.hg19[, c("probeID", "gene_HGNC")]
#' result <- methyDiff_ucsc(methy, cpg_gene)
#' }
methyDiff_ucsc <- function(methy, sampleGroup = NULL, missing_value = "knn", model = c("cpg", "gene"),
                          combineMethod = RobustRankAggreg::rhoScores, region = "Body") {
    class(methy) <- "data.frame"
    rownames(methy) <- methy[, 1]
    cpgs <- rownames(methy)
    methy <- methy[, -1]
    # dada <- substr(colnames(methy), 1, 12)
    # gaga <- table(dada)
    # co_group <- names(gaga[gaga > 1])
    # methy <- methy[, which(dada %in% co_group)]
    group <- sampleGroup
    if (is.null(group)) {
        group <- lapply(colnames(methy), function(x) {
            strsplit(x, "-")[[1]][4]}) %>% unlist()

        group <- substring(group, 1,1)
    methyDiff(methy, sampleGroup = group, combineMethod = combineMethod,
                      missing_value = missing_value, region = region, model = model)

#' Diff_limma
#' @param df data.frame of the omic data
#' @param group a vector, group of samples.
#' @param adjust.method adjust.method.
#' @export
Diff_limma <- function(df, group, adjust.method = "BH") {
    groups <- unique(group)
    # if group is a numberic vector(even for c("0", "1")), will get errors.
    group <- gsub(groups[1], "nromal", group)
    group <- gsub(groups[2], "disease", group)
    design <- stats::model.matrix(~0 + factor(group))
    colnames(design) <- levels(factor(group))
    contrast.matrix <- limma::makeContrasts(contrasts = paste(colnames(design)[2:1],
            collapse = "-"), levels = colnames(design))

    fit <- limma::lmFit(df, design)
    fit <- limma::contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
    fit <- limma::eBayes(fit)
    limma::topTable(fit, adjust.method = adjust.method, number=Inf)
    ## or limma::topTable(fit, coef = 1, adjust='BH', number=Inf)
    ## contrasts.fit is not necessory
    # groups <- unique(group)
    # group <- gsub(groups[1], "nromal", group)
    # group <- gsub(groups[2], "disease", group)
    # design <- stats::model.matrix(~factor(group))

    # fit2 <- lmFit(df, design)
    # fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
    # topTable(fit2,coef=2, adjust='BH', number=Inf)

    ## coef parameter is not necessory:
    # opTable(fit2, adjust='BH', number=Inf)

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GeoTcgaData documentation built on Sept. 23, 2022, 9:05 a.m.