
Defines functions bppltp bpplotM bpplt panel.bpplot

Documented in bpplotM bpplt bppltp panel.bpplot

panel.bpplot <- function(x, y, box.ratio = 1, means=TRUE,
                         qref=c(.5, .25, .75),
                         probs= c(.05, .125, .25, .375), nout=0,
                         nloc=c('right lower', 'right', 'left', 'none'),
                         cex.n=.7, datadensity=FALSE, scat1d.opts=NULL,
                         violin=FALSE, violin.opts=NULL,
                         font = box.dot$font, pch = box.dot$pch, 
                         cex.means  = box.dot$cex,  col = box.dot$col,
                         nogrid=NULL, height=NULL, ...)
  grid <- TRUE
  if(length(nogrid) && nogrid) grid <- FALSE
  if(missing(nloc) && !grid) nloc <- 'none'
  else nloc <- match.arg(nloc)
  if(grid) {
    lines    <- lattice::llines
    points   <- lattice::lpoints
    segments <- lattice::lsegments

  y <- as.numeric(y)
  y <- rep(y, length.out=length(x))
  ok <- !is.na(x) & !is.na(y)
  x <- x[ok]
  y <- y[ok]
  y.unique <-  sort(unique(y))
  width <- box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)
  w <- width / 2
  if(length(height)) w <- height
  probs2 <- sort(c(probs, 1 - probs))

  if(grid) {
    box.dot  <- lattice::trellis.par.get("box.dot")
    lineopts <- lattice::trellis.par.get("box.rectangle")
    box.dot.par <- c(list(pch = pch, cex = cex.means, col = col,
                          font = font), ...)
  else {
    pr <- par()
    box.dot     <- c(pr[c('cex', 'pch', 'col', 'font')], xpd=NA)
    lineopts    <- c(pr[c('lty', 'col', 'lwd')], xpd=NA)
    box.dot.par <- c(list(pch=pch, cex=cex.means, col=col, xpd=NA))

  m  <- length(probs)
  m2 <- length(probs2)
  j  <- c(1, sort(rep(2 : m2, 2)), - sort(- rep(1 : (m2 - 1),2)))
  z  <- c(sort(rep(probs, 2)),     - sort(- rep(probs[1 : (m - 1)], 2)))
  z  <- c(z, -z, probs[1])
  k  <- max(z)
  k  <- if(k > .48) .5 else k
  if(length(qref)) {
    size.qref <- pmin(qref, 1 - qref)
    size.qref[qref == .5] <- k
  for(Y in y.unique) {
    X <- x[y == Y]
    if(!length(X)) next
    q <- quantile(X, c(probs2, qref))
      do.call('segments',c(list(q[-(1 : m2)],    Y - w * size.qref / k,
                                q[-(1 : m2)], 	 Y + w * size.qref / k),
    do.call('lines',c(list(x=q[j], y=Y + w * z / k), lineopts))
    if(means) {
      mean.value <- list(x=mean(X), y=Y)
      do.call('points', c(mean.value, box.dot.par))
    xlimits <- if(grid) lattice::current.panel.limits()$xlim else par('usr')[1:2]
           right= lattice::ltext(xlimits[2] - .01*diff(xlimits), Y,
             paste('n=', length(X), sep=''),
             adj=c(1, .5), cex=cex.n),
           left= lattice::ltext(xlimits[1] + .01*diff(xlimits), Y,
             paste('n=', length(X), sep=''),
             adj=c(0, .5), cex=cex.n),
           'right lower'= lattice::ltext(xlimits[2] - .01*diff(xlimits),
             Y - w * min(size.qref) / k,
             paste('n=', length(X), sep=''),
             adj=c(1, 1), cex=cex.n))

      do.call('scat1d',c(list(x=X, y=Y, grid=grid), scat1d.opts))

    if(violin) {
      pviol <- lattice::panel.violin
      do.call(pviol, c(list(x=X, y=Y), violin.opts))

    if(nout > 0) {
      ii <- if(nout < 1) {
        ## Note - bug in quantile - endless loop if probs=c(.5,.5)
        if(nout == .5)
          stop('instead of nout=.5 use datadensity=TRUE')

        cuts <- quantile(X, c(nout, 1 - nout))
        X < cuts[1] | X > cuts[2]
      } else {
        X <- sort(X)
        nx <- length(X)
        ll <- 1 : nx
        (ll <= min(nout, nx / 2)) | (ll >= max(nx - nout + 1, nx / 2))
        do.call('scat1d',c(list(x=X[ii], y=Y, grid=grid), scat1d.opts))

# Given a matrix where rows are groups and columns have all the
# quantiles already computed, plus the Mean, draw a panel containing
# horizontal box-percentile plots like the default in panel.bpplot.  This is
# primarily for plot.summary.formula.reverse's continuous variable
# plots
bpplt <- function(stats, xlim, xlab='', box.ratio = 1, means=TRUE,
                  qref=c(.5,.25,.75), qomit=c(.025,.975),
                  pch=16, cex.labels=par('cex'),
                  cex.points=if(prototype) 1 else .5,
  prototype <- missing(stats)
  if(prototype) {
    x <- c(.025,.05,.125,.25,.375,.5,.625,.75,.875,.95,.975)
    stats <- matrix(x, nrow=1, dimnames=list('',format(x)))
    Means <- .56
  } else {
    Means <- stats[, 'Mean']
    stats <- stats[, dimnames(stats)[[2]] %nin%
                   c('Mean', 'SD', 'N'), drop=FALSE]

  stats <- stats[, order(as.numeric(dimnames(stats)[[2]])), drop=FALSE]

  groups <- dimnames(stats)[[1]]
  qq <- as.numeric(dimnames(stats)[[2]])
  probs2 <- qq
  if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- range(stats)
  i <- integer(0)
  for(a in c(.5,qomit))
    i <- c(i, seq.int(along.with=probs2)[abs(probs2 - a) < .001])
  probs2 <- probs2[-i]
  probs  <- probs2[seq.int(length.out=floor(length(probs2) / 2))]

  if(grid) {
    lines    <- lattice::llines
    points   <- lattice::lpoints
    segments <- lattice::lsegments

  width <- box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)
  w <- width / 2

  m  <- length(probs)
  m2 <- length(probs2)
  j <- c(1, rep(seq.int(along.with = probs2[c(-1, -m2)]) + 1, each=2), m2)
  j <- c(j, rev(j), NA)

  z <- c(rep(probs[-m], each=2), probs[m])
  z <- c(z, rev(z))
  z <- c(z, -z, NA)
  k <- max(z, na.rm=TRUE)
  k <- if(k > .48) .5 else k
  if(length(qref)) {
    size.qref <- pmin(qref, 1 - qref)
    size.qref[qref == .5] <- k


  mai <- par('mai')
  mxlab <- .3+max(strwidth(groups, units='inches', cex=cex.labels))

  mai[2] <- mxlab
  opar <- par('mai')

  plot.window(xlim=xlim, ylim=c(0.5,length(groups) + 0.5))

  if(!prototype) {
    mgp.axis(1, axistitle=xlab)
  mtext(paste(groups,''), 2, 0, at=length(groups) : 1,
        adj=1, las=1, cex=cex.labels)

  y <- seq.int(from=length(groups), to=1, length.out=length(groups))

  qref.x <- as.vector(stats[, match(qref, qq)])
  qref.y <- rep.int(y, times=length(size.qref))
  qref.mod <- rep(w * size.qref / k, each=length(groups))
  segments(x0=qref.x, y0=qref.y - qref.mod,
           x1=qref.x, y1=qref.y + qref.mod)

  polygon(x=as.vector(t(stats[, match(probs2, qq)[j]])),
          y=rep(y, each=length(j)) + w * z / k)

    points(Means, y, pch=pch, cex=cex.points)
  if(prototype) {
    mar <- par('mar')
    text(Means, 1.025+.02, 'Mean')
    for(a in c(.5, probs2)) {
      arrows(a, .6, a, .725, length=.1)
      f <- format(a)
      text(a, .575, format(a))
    text(.5, .52, 'Quantiles')
    xd <- .004
    text(.485 - xd, 1,
    text(.235 - xd, 1,
    text(.735 - xd, 1,
    lines(c(.375, .625), rep(1.3, 2));
    text(.635, 1.3,  '1/4', adj=0, cex=.9)
    lines(c(.25, .75 ), rep(1.35, 2));
    text(.76,  1.35, '1/2', adj=0, cex=.9)
    lines(c(.125, .875), rep(1.4, 2));
    text(.885, 1.4,  '3/4', adj=0, cex=.9)
    lines(c(.05, .95),  rep(1.45, 2));
    text(.96,  1.45, '9/10', adj=0, cex=.9)
    text(.68, 1.24, 'Fraction of Sample Covered', adj=0, srt=13, cex=.7)

bpplotM <- function(formula=NULL, groups=NULL, data=NULL, subset=NULL,
                    na.action=NULL, qlim=0.01, xlim=NULL,
                    nloc=c('right lower','right','left','none'),
                    vnames=c('labels', 'names'), cex.n=.7, cex.strip=1,
                    outerlabels=TRUE, ...) {
  nloc   <- match.arg(nloc)
  vnames <- match.arg(vnames)

  if(! length(formula)) {
    g <- function(x) is.numeric(x) && length(unique(x)) > 5
    v <- setdiff(names(data), groups)
    z <- sapply(data[, v], g)
      stop('no variable was numeric with > 5 unique levels')
    formula <- v[z]

  if(!inherits(formula, 'formula')) {
      stop('must specify group if first argument is not a formula')
    formula <- paste(paste(formula, collapse=' + '), '~',
                     paste(groups, collapse=' + '))
    formula <- as.formula(formula)
  form <- Formula::Formula(formula)
  Y <- if(length(subset)) model.frame(form, data=data, subset=subset,
  else model.frame(form, data=data, na.action=na.action)
  X <- Formula::model.part(form, data=Y, rhs=1)
  if(ncol(X) == 0) X <- rep('', nrow(Y))
  Y <- Formula::model.part(form, data=Y, lhs=1)

  vars <- names(Y)
  labs <- vars
  if(vnames == 'labels') {
    ylabs <- sapply(Y, label)
    labs <- ifelse(ylabs == '', labs, ylabs)
  names(labs) <- vars
  w <- reshape(cbind(X, Y), direction='long', v.names='x',
               varying=vars, times=vars)
  w$time <- factor(w$time, levels=vars)
  lims <- lapply(Y,
                 function(x) quantile(x, c(qlim, 1 - qlim), na.rm=TRUE))
  if(length(xlim)) lims[names(xlim)] <- xlim
  scales <-  list(x=list(relation='free', limits=lims))
  nv <- length(vars)
  lev <- NULL
  for(v in levels(w$time)) {
    un <- units(Y[[v]])
    l <- if(labs[v] == v && un == '') v else
         labelPlotmath(labs[v], un)
    lev <- c(lev, l)

  strip <- function(which.given, which.panel, var.name, factor.levels, ...) {
    current.var <- var.name[which.given]
    levs <- if(current.var == 'time') lev else factor.levels
    lattice::strip.default(which.given, which.panel, var.name, factor.levels=levs, ...)
  namx <- names(X)
  form <- paste(namx[1], '~ x | time')
  if(length(namx) > 1) form <- paste(form, '+',
                                     paste(namx[-1], collapse= '+'))
  form <- as.formula(form)
  d <- lattice::bwplot(form, panel=panel.bpplot, scales=scales, data=w, xlab='',
              nloc=nloc, cex.n=cex.n, strip=strip,
              par.strip.text=list(cex=cex.strip), ...)
  if(outerlabels && length(dim(d)) == 2)
    d <- latticeExtra::useOuterStrips(d, strip=strip, strip.left=strip)

bppltp <- function(p=plotly::plot_ly(),
                   stats, xlim, xlab='', box.ratio = 1, means=TRUE,
                   qref=c(.5,.25,.75), qomit=c(.025,.975),
                   teststat=NULL, showlegend=TRUE) {

  ## Do what segments does with broken (by NAs) lines for plotly
  segm <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1, wquan, quan, group='') {
    n <- length(x0)
    m <- 3 * n
    x <- rep(NA, m)
    y <- rep(NA, m)
    z <- rep('', m)

    ## Quantiles other than median are already represented in polygon below
    quan <- ifelse(wquan == 0.5,
                   paste0(group, if(group != '') '<br>',
                          'Q<sub>', wquan, '</sub>=', signif(quan, 4)), '')
    return(list(x0=x0, y0=y0, x1=x1, y1=y1, z=quan))
    x[seq(1, m, by=3)] <- x0
    x[seq(2, m, by=3)] <- x1
    y[seq(1, m, by=3)] <- y0
    y[seq(2, m, by=3)] <- y1
    z[seq(1, m, by=3)] <- quan
    z[seq(2, m, by=3)] <- quan
    list(x=x, y=y, z=z)

  ## polygon that closes the loop and adds NA at end so will break from
  ## any polygons that follow
  polyg <- function(x, y, qq, group='') {
    qq <- paste0(group, if(group != '') '<br>',
                 'Q<sub>', qq, '</sub>=', signif(x, 4))
    list(x=c(x, x[1], NA),
         y=c(y, y[1], NA),
         z=c(qq, qq[1], ''))
#    list(x=c(x, x[1]), y=c(y, y[1]), z=c(qq, qq[1]))
  Means <- stats[, 'Mean']
  N     <- stats[, 'N']

  stats <- stats[, colnames(stats) %nin%
                   c('Mean', 'SD', 'N'), drop=FALSE]

  stats <- stats[, order(as.numeric(colnames(stats))), drop=FALSE]

  groups <- rownames(stats)
  ng     <- length(groups)
  qq     <- as.numeric(colnames(stats))
  probs2 <- qq
  if(missing(xlim)) xlim <- range(stats)
  i <- integer(0)
  for(a in c(.5, qomit))
    i <- c(i, seq.int(along.with=probs2)[abs(probs2 - a) < 0.001])
  probs2 <- probs2[-i]
  probs  <- probs2[seq.int(length.out=floor(length(probs2) / 2))]

  width <- box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)
  w <- width / 2

  m  <- length(probs)
  m2 <- length(probs2)
  j <- c(1, rep(seq.int(along.with = probs2[c(-1, -m2)]) + 1, each=2), m2)
  j <- c(j, rev(j))

  z <- c(rep(probs[-m], each=2), probs[m])
  z <- c(z, rev(z))
  z <- c(z, -z)
  k <- max(z, na.rm=TRUE)
  k <- if(k > .48) .5 else k
  if(length(qref)) {
    size.qref <- pmin(qref, 1 - qref)
    size.qref[qref == .5] <- k

  leftmargin <- plotlyParm$lrmargin(as.character(groups))

  y <- ng + 1
  X <- Y <- numeric(0)
  Z <- character(0)
  X0 <- X1 <- Y0 <- Y1 <- numeric(0)
  Zs <- character(0)

#  Z <- Zs <- character(0)

  for(i in 1 : ng) {
    y <- y - 1

    qref.x <- as.vector(stats[i, match(qref, qq)])
    qref.y <- rep.int(y, times=length(size.qref))
    qref.mod <- w * size.qref / k

    ## Form vertical line segments
    seg <- segm(x0=qref.x, y0=qref.y - qref.mod,
                x1=qref.x, y1=qref.y + qref.mod,
                wquan=qref, quan=qref.x, group=groups[i])
#    X <- c(X, seg$x)
#    Y <- c(Y, seg$y)
#    Z <- c(Z, seg$z)
    X0 <- c(X0, seg$x0)
    X1 <- c(X1, seg$x1)
    Y0 <- c(Y0, seg$y0)
    Y1 <- c(Y1, seg$y1)
    Zs <- c(Zs, seg$z)

    ## Add polygon
    jj <- match(probs2, qq)[j]
    po <- polyg(x=as.vector(t(stats[i, jj])), 
                y=rep(y, each=length(j)) + w * z / k,
                qq=qq[jj], group=groups[i])
    X <- c(X, po$x)
    Y <- c(Y, po$y)
    Z <- c(Z, po$z)

 # p <- plotly::add_segments(p, x=~X0, y=~X0, xend=~X1, yend=~Y1, name='seg')

#  p <- plotly::add_polygons(p, x=~ X, y=~ Y, text=~ Z,
#                            name='Quantiles', mode='lines',
#                            color=I('LightGray'),
#                        line=list(color='MidnightBlue'),
#                            hoverinfo='text')

  dat <- data.frame(X, Y, Z, X0, Y0, X1, Y1, Zs)
  p <- plotly::add_markers(p, x=~X, y=~Y, text=~Z, hoverinfo='text',
                           marker=list(symbol='asterisk'), data=dat)
  p <- plotly::add_polygons(p, x=~X, y=~Y, color=I('LightGray'),
                            mode='markers', showlegend=FALSE, data=dat)
  p <- plotly::add_segments(p, x=~X0, y=~Y0, xend=~X1, yend=~Y1,
                            text=~Zs, hoverinfo='text',
                            color=I('LightGreen'), data=dat)
#  p <- plotly::add_lines(p, x=~X, y=~Y, text=~Z, name='Quantiles',
#                         color=I('LightGray'), hoverinfo='text')
  if(means) {
    z <- paste0(groups, '<br>',
                'Mean=', signif(Means, 4), '<br>N=', N)
    if(length(teststat)) z <- paste0(z, '<br>', teststat)
    dam <- data.frame(Means, y=ng : 1, z)
    p <- plotly::add_markers(p, x=~ Means, y=~ y, text=~ z, mode='markers',
                           name='Means', data=dam)
  plotly::layout(p, autosize=TRUE,
                 xaxis=list(title=xlab, range=xlim),
                            tickvals=ng : 1,

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