
Defines functions plot_Histogram

Documented in plot_Histogram

#' Plot a histogram with separate error plot
#' Function plots a predefined histogram with an accompanying error plot as
#' suggested by Rex Galbraith at the UK LED in Oxford 2010.
#' If the normal curve is added, the y-axis in the histogram will show the
#' probability density.
#' A statistic summary, i.e. a collection of statistic measures of
#' centrality and dispersion (and further measures) can be added by specifying
#' one or more of the following keywords:
#' - `"n"` (number of samples),
#' - `"mean"` (mean De value),
#' - `"mean.weighted"` (error-weighted mean),
#' - `"median"` (median of the De values),
#' - `"sdrel"` (relative standard deviation in percent),
#' - `"sdrel.weighted"` (error-weighted relative standard deviation in percent),
#' - `"sdabs"` (absolute standard deviation),
#' - `"sdabs.weighted"` (error-weighted absolute standard deviation),
#' - `"serel"` (relative standard error),
#' - `"serel.weighted"` (error-weighted relative standard error),
#' - `"seabs"` (absolute standard error),
#' - `"seabs.weighted"` (error-weighted absolute standard error),
#' - `"kurtosis"` (kurtosis) and
#' - `"skewness"` (skewness).
#' @param data [data.frame] or [RLum.Results-class] object (**required**):
#' for `data.frame`: two columns: De (`data[,1]`) and De error (`data[,2]`)
#' @param na.rm [logical] (*with default*):
#' excludes `NA` values from the data set prior to any further operations.
#' @param mtext [character] (*optional*):
#' further sample information ([mtext]).
#' @param cex.global [numeric] (*with default*):
#' global scaling factor.
#' @param se [logical] (*optional*):
#' plots standard error points over the histogram, default is `FALSE`.
#' @param rug [logical] (*optional*):
#' adds rugs to the histogram, default is `TRUE`.
#' @param normal_curve [logical] (*with default*):
#' adds a normal curve to the histogram. Mean and standard deviation are calculated from the
#' input data. More see details section.
#' @param summary [character] (*optional*):
#' add statistic measures of centrality and dispersion to the plot.
#' Can be one or more of several keywords. See details for available keywords.
#' @param summary.pos [numeric] or [character] (*with default*):
#' optional position coordinates or keyword (e.g. `"topright"`)
#' for the statistical summary. Alternatively, the keyword `"sub"` may be
#' specified to place the summary below the plot header. However, this latter
#' option in only possible if `mtext` is not used. In case of coordinate
#' specification, y-coordinate refers to the right y-axis.
#' @param colour [numeric] or [character] (*with default*):
#' optional vector of length 4 which specifies the colours of the following
#' plot items in exactly this order: histogram bars, rug lines, normal
#' distribution curve and standard error points
#' (e.g., `c("grey", "black", "red", "grey")`).
#' @param interactive [logical] (*with default*):
#' create an interactive histogram plot (requires the 'plotly' package)
#' @param ... further arguments and graphical parameters passed to [plot] or
#' [hist]. If y-axis labels are provided, these must be specified as a vector
#' of length 2 since the plot features two axes
#' (e.g. `ylab = c("axis label 1", "axis label 2")`). Y-axes limits
#' (`ylim`) must be provided as vector of length four, with the first two
#' elements specifying the left axes limits and the latter two elements giving
#' the right axis limits.
#' @note The input data is not restricted to a special type.
#' @section Function version: 0.4.5
#' @author
#' Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germany)\cr
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [hist], [plot]
#' @examples
#' ## load data
#' data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
#' ExampleData.DeValues <-
#'   Second2Gray(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998, dose.rate = c(0.0438,0.0019))
#' ## plot histogram the easiest way
#' plot_Histogram(ExampleData.DeValues)
#' ## plot histogram with some more modifications
#' plot_Histogram(ExampleData.DeValues,
#'                rug = TRUE,
#'                normal_curve = TRUE,
#'                cex.global = 0.9,
#'                pch = 2,
#'                colour = c("grey", "black", "blue", "green"),
#'                summary = c("n", "mean", "sdrel"),
#'                summary.pos = "topleft",
#'                main = "Histogram of De-values",
#'                mtext = "Example data set",
#'                ylab = c(expression(paste(D[e], " distribution")),
#'                         "Standard error"),
#'                xlim = c(100, 250),
#'                ylim = c(0, 0.1, 5, 20))
#' @md
#' @export
plot_Histogram <- function(
  na.rm = TRUE,
  interactive = FALSE,
) {

  # Integrity tests ---------------------------------------------------------
  ## check/adjust input data structure
  if(is(data, "RLum.Results") == FALSE &
     is(data, "data.frame") == FALSE) {

    stop(paste("[plot_Histogram()] Input data format is neither",
               "'data.frame' nor 'RLum.Results'"))
  } else {

    if(is(data, "RLum.Results")) {
      data <- get_RLum(data)[,1:2]

  ## handle error-free data sets
  if(length(data) < 2) {
    data <- cbind(data, rep(NA, length(data)))

  ## Set general parameters ---------------------------------------------------
  ## Check/set default parameters
  if(missing(cex.global) == TRUE) {
    cex.global <- 1

  if(missing(mtext) == TRUE) {
    mtext <- ""

  if(missing(se) == TRUE) {
    se = TRUE

  if(missing(rug) == TRUE) {
    rug = TRUE

  if(missing(colour) == TRUE) {
    colour = c("white", "black", "red", "black")

  if(missing(summary) == TRUE) {
    summary <- ""

  if(missing(summary.pos) == TRUE) {
    summary.pos <- "sub"

  if(missing(normal_curve) == TRUE) {
    normal_curve = FALSE

  ## read out additional arguments list
  extraArgs <- list(...)

  ## define fun
  if("fun" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    fun <- extraArgs$fun
  } else {
    fun <- FALSE

  ## optionally, count and exclude NA values and print result
  if(na.rm == TRUE) {
    n.NA <- sum(is.na(data[,1]))
    if(n.NA == 1) {
      print("1 NA value excluded.")
    } else if(n.NA > 1) {
      print(paste(n.NA, "NA values excluded."))
    data <- data[!is.na(data[,1]),]

  if("main" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    main.plot <- extraArgs$main
  } else {
    main.plot <- "Histogram"

  if("xlab" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    xlab.plot <- extraArgs$xlab
  } else {
    xlab.plot <- expression(paste(D[e], " [Gy]"))

  if("ylab" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    ylab.plot <- extraArgs$ylab
  } else {
    ylab.plot <- c("Frequency",
                   "Standard error")

  if("breaks" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    breaks.plot <- extraArgs$breaks

    breaks_calc <- hist(x = data[,1],
                        breaks = breaks.plot,
                        plot = FALSE)$breaks
  } else {
    breaks.plot <- hist(x = data[,1],
                        plot = FALSE)$breaks

    breaks_calc <- breaks.plot

  if("xlim" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    xlim.plot <- extraArgs$xlim
  } else {
    xlim.plot <- range(breaks_calc)

  if("ylim" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    ylim.plot <- extraArgs$ylim
  } else {
    H.lim <- hist(data[,1],
                  breaks = breaks.plot,
                  plot = FALSE)
    if(normal_curve == TRUE) {
      left.ylim <- c(0, max(H.lim$density))
    } else {
      left.ylim <- c(0, max(H.lim$counts))
    range.error <- try(expr = range(data[,2], na.rm = TRUE),
                       silent = TRUE)
    range.error[1] <- ifelse(is.infinite(range.error[1]), 0, range.error[1])
    range.error[2] <- ifelse(is.infinite(range.error[2]), 0, range.error[2])
    ylim.plot <- c(left.ylim, range.error)

  if("pch" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    pch.plot <- extraArgs$pch
  } else {
    pch.plot <- 1
  ## Set plot area format
  par(mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5),
      cex = cex.global)

  ## Plot histogram -----------------------------------------------------------
  HIST <- hist(data[,1],
               main = "",
               xlab = xlab.plot,
               ylab = ylab.plot[1],
               xlim = xlim.plot,
               ylim = ylim.plot[1:2],
               breaks = breaks.plot,
               freq = !normal_curve,
               col = colour[1]

  ## add title
  title(line = 2,
        main = main.plot)

  ## Optionally, add rug ------------------------------------------------------
  if(rug == TRUE) {rug(data[,1], col = colour[2])}

  ## Optionally, add a normal curve based on the data -------------------------
  if(normal_curve == TRUE){
    ## cheat the R check routine, tztztz how neat
    x <- NULL

    ## add normal distribution curve
                mean = mean(na.exclude(data[,1])),
                sd = sd(na.exclude(data[,1]))),
          col = colour[3],
          add = TRUE,
          lwd = 1.2 * cex.global)

  ## calculate and paste statistical summary
  data.stats <- list(data = data)

  ## calculate and paste statistical summary
  De.stats <- matrix(nrow = length(data), ncol = 18)
  colnames(De.stats) <- c("n",

  for(i in 1:length(data)) {
    statistics <- calc_Statistics(data)
    De.stats[i,1] <- statistics$weighted$n
    De.stats[i,2] <- statistics$unweighted$mean
    De.stats[i,3] <- statistics$weighted$mean
    De.stats[i,4] <- statistics$unweighted$median
    De.stats[i,5] <- statistics$unweighted$median
    De.stats[i,7] <- statistics$unweighted$sd.abs
    De.stats[i,8] <- statistics$unweighted$sd.rel
    De.stats[i,9] <- statistics$unweighted$se.abs
    De.stats[i,10] <- statistics$weighted$se.rel
    De.stats[i,11] <- quantile(data[,1], 0.25)
    De.stats[i,12] <- quantile(data[,1], 0.75)
    De.stats[i,13] <- statistics$unweighted$skewness
    De.stats[i,14] <- statistics$unweighted$kurtosis
    De.stats[i,15] <- statistics$weighted$sd.abs
    De.stats[i,16] <- statistics$weighted$sd.rel
    De.stats[i,17] <- statistics$weighted$se.abs
    De.stats[i,18] <- statistics$weighted$se.rel

    ##kdemax - here a little doubled as it appears below again
    if(nrow(data) >= 2){
      De.density <-density(x = data[,1],
                           kernel = "gaussian",
                           from = xlim.plot[1],
                           to = xlim.plot[2])

      De.stats[i,6] <- De.density$x[which.max(De.density$y)]

      De.denisty <- NA
      De.stats[i,6] <- NA



  label.text = list(NA)

  if(summary.pos[1] != "sub") {
    n.rows <- length(summary)

    for(i in 1:length(data)) {
      stops <- paste(rep("\n", (i - 1) * n.rows), collapse = "")

      summary.text <- character(0)

      for(j in 1:length(summary)) {
        summary.text <- c(summary.text,
                            ifelse("n" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("n = ",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("mean" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("mean = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,2], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("mean.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("weighted mean = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,3], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("median" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("median = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,4], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("median.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("weighted median = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,5], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("kdemax" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("kdemax = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,6], 2),
                                         " \n ",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("sdabs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("sd = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,7], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("sdrel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("rel. sd = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,8], 2), " %",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("seabs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("se = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,9], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("serel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("rel. se = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,10], 2), " %",
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("skewness" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("skewness = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,13], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("kurtosis" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("kurtosis = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,14], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("sdabs.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("abs. weighted sd = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,15], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("sdrel.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("rel. weighted sd = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,16], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("seabs.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("abs. weighted se = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,17], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            ifelse("serel.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                   paste("rel. weighted se = ",
                                         round(De.stats[i,18], 2),
                                         sep = ""),
                            sep = ""))

      summary.text <- paste(summary.text, collapse = "")

      label.text[[length(label.text) + 1]] <- paste(stops,
                                                    sep = "")
  } else {
    for(i in 1:length(data)) {

      summary.text <- character(0)

      for(j in 1:length(summary)) {
        summary.text <- c(summary.text,
                          ifelse("n" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("n = ",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("mean" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("mean = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,2], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("mean.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("weighted mean = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,3], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("median" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("median = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,4], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("median.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("weighted median = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,5], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("kdemax" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("kdemax = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,6], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("sdrel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("rel. sd = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,8], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("sdabs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("abs. sd = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,7], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("serel" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("rel. se = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,10], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("seabs" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("abs. se = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,9], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("skewness" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("skewness = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,13], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("kurtosis" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("kurtosis = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,14], 2),
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("sdabs.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("abs. weighted sd = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,15], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("sdrel.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("rel. weighted sd = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,16], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("seabs.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("abs. weighted se = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,17], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),
                          ifelse("serel.weighted" %in% summary[j] == TRUE,
                                 paste("rel. weighted se = ",
                                       round(De.stats[i,18], 2), " %",
                                       " | ",
                                       sep = ""),

      summary.text <- paste(summary.text, collapse = "")

      label.text[[length(label.text) + 1]]  <- paste(
        "  ",
        sep = "")

    ## remove outer vertical lines from string
    for(i in 2:length(label.text)) {
      label.text[[i]] <- substr(x = label.text[[i]],
                                start = 3,
                                stop = nchar(label.text[[i]]) - 3)

  ## remove dummy list element
  label.text[[1]] <- NULL

  ## convert keywords into summary placement coordinates
  if(missing(summary.pos) == TRUE) {
    summary.pos <- c(xlim.plot[1], ylim.plot[2])
    summary.adj <- c(0, 1)
  } else if(length(summary.pos) == 2) {
    summary.pos <- summary.pos
    summary.adj <- c(0, 1)
  } else if(summary.pos[1] == "topleft") {
    summary.pos <- c(xlim.plot[1], ylim.plot[2])
    summary.adj <- c(0, 1)
  } else if(summary.pos[1] == "top") {
    summary.pos <- c(mean(xlim.plot), ylim.plot[2])
    summary.adj <- c(0.5, 1)
  } else if(summary.pos[1] == "topright") {
    summary.pos <- c(xlim.plot[2], ylim.plot[2])
    summary.adj <- c(1, 1)
  }  else if(summary.pos[1] == "left") {
    summary.pos <- c(xlim.plot[1], mean(ylim.plot[1:2]))
    summary.adj <- c(0, 0.5)
  } else if(summary.pos[1] == "center") {
    summary.pos <- c(mean(xlim.plot), mean(ylim.plot[1:2]))
    summary.adj <- c(0.5, 0.5)
  } else if(summary.pos[1] == "right") {
    summary.pos <- c(xlim.plot[2], mean(ylim.plot[1:2]))
    summary.adj <- c(1, 0.5)
  }else if(summary.pos[1] == "bottomleft") {
    summary.pos <- c(xlim.plot[1], ylim.plot[1])
    summary.adj <- c(0, 0)
  } else if(summary.pos[1] == "bottom") {
    summary.pos <- c(mean(xlim.plot), ylim.plot[1])
    summary.adj <- c(0.5, 0)
  } else if(summary.pos[1] == "bottomright") {
    summary.pos <- c(xlim.plot[2], ylim.plot[1])
    summary.adj <- c(1, 0)

  ## add summary content
  for(i in 1:length(data.stats)) {
    if(summary.pos[1] != "sub") {
      text(x = summary.pos[1],
           y = summary.pos[2],
           adj = summary.adj,
           labels = label.text[[i]],
           col = colour[2],
           cex = cex.global * 0.8)
    } else {
      if(mtext == "") {
        mtext(side = 3,
              line = 1 - i,
              text = label.text[[i]],
              col = colour[2],
              cex = cex.global * 0.8)

  ## Optionally, add standard error plot --------------------------------------
  if(sum(is.na(data[,2])) == length(data[,2])) {
    se <- FALSE

  if(se == TRUE) {
    par(new = TRUE)
    plot.data <- data[!is.na(data[,2]),]

    plot(x = plot.data[,1],
         y = plot.data[,2],
         xlim = xlim.plot,
         ylim = ylim.plot[3:4],
         pch = pch.plot,
         col = colour[4],
         main = "",
         xlab = "",
         ylab = "",
         axes = FALSE,
         frame.plot = FALSE
    axis(side = 4,
         labels = TRUE,
         cex = cex.global
          side = 4,
          line = 3,
          cex = cex.global)

    #    par(new = FALSE)

  ## Optionally add user-defined mtext
  mtext(side = 3,
        line = 0.5,
        text = mtext,
        cex = 0.8 * cex.global)

  ## FUN by R Luminescence Team
  if(fun & !interactive)

  ## Optionally: Interactive Plot ----------------------------------------------
  if (interactive) {

    if (!requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE))
      stop("The interactive histogram requires the 'plotly' package. To install",
           " this package run 'install.packages('plotly')' in your R console.",
           call. = FALSE)

    ## tidy data ----
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    colnames(data) <- c("x", "y")
    x <- y <- NULL # suffice CRAN check for no visible binding
    if (length(grep("paste", as.character(xlab.plot))) > 0)
      xlab.plot <- "Equivalent dose [Gy]"

    ## create plots ----

    # histogram
    hist <- plotly::plot_ly(data = data, x = x,
                            type = "histogram",
                            showlegend = FALSE,
                            name = "Bin", opacity = 0.75,
                            marker = list(color = "428BCA",
                                          line = list(width = 1.0,
                                                      color = "white")),
                            histnorm = ifelse(normal_curve, "probability density", ""),
                            yaxis = "y"

    # normal curve ----
    if (normal_curve) {

      density.curve <- density(data$x)
      normal.curve <- data.frame(x = density.curve$x, y = density.curve$y)

      hist <- plotly::add_trace(hist, data = normal.curve, x = x, y = y,
                                type = "scatter", mode = "lines",
                                marker = list(color = "red"),
                                name = "Normal curve",
                                yaxis = "y")


    # scatter plot of individual errors
    if (se) {
      yaxis2 <- list(overlaying = "y", side = "right",
                     showgrid = FALSE, title = ylab.plot[2],
                     ticks = "", showline = FALSE)

      se.text <- paste0("Measured value:</br>",
                        data$x, " &plusmn; ", data$y,"</br>")

      hist <- plotly::add_trace(hist, data = data, x = x, y = y,
                                type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
                                name = "Error", hoverinfo = "text",
                                text = se.text,
                                marker = list(color = "black"),
                                yaxis = "y2")

      hist <- plotly::layout(yaxis2 = yaxis2)

    # set layout ----
    hist <- plotly::layout(hist, hovermode = "closest",
                           title = paste("<b>", main.plot, "</b>"),
                           margin = list(r = 90),
                           xaxis = list(title = xlab.plot,
                                        ticks = ""),
                           yaxis = list(title = ylab.plot[1],
                                        ticks = "",
                                        showline = FALSE,
                                        showgrid = FALSE)

    ## show and return plot ----


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