
Defines functions guesst linear linlog emax quadratic exponential logistic betaMod sigEmax getStdCont getOptCont modContr mvtnorm.control critVal planMM print.planMM getPars fullMod plot.fullMod powCalc powerMM plot.powerMM sampSize print.sampSize LP print.LP plot.LP

Documented in betaMod critVal emax exponential fullMod getOptCont getPars getStdCont guesst linear linlog logistic LP modContr mvtnorm.control planMM plot.fullMod plot.LP plot.powerMM powCalc powerMM print.LP print.planMM print.sampSize quadratic sampSize sigEmax

## Copyright 2008, Novartis Pharma AG
## This program is Open Source Software: you can redistribute it
## and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
## the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

# functions to design trials for MCPMod

guesst <-
  function(d, p, model = c("emax", "exponential", "logistic", "quadratic",
                   "betaMod", "sigEmax"), less = TRUE,  local = FALSE, dMax, Maxd, scal)
  ## get guesstimates for standardized model parameters(s) 
  ## d = dose corresponding to prior expected percentage "p" of maximum effect
  ## p = percentage corresponding to "d"
  ## model = name of dose response model
  ## less = logical only needed in case of quadratic model.
  ##        determines if d is smaller (less=T) or larger (less=F)
  ##        than d_opt
  ## local = logical indicating whether local (ie exact) or asymptotic versions
  ##         of guesstimate should be derived for emax, logistic and
  ##         sigEmax model (for other models method is exact)
  ##         Branson et al. derive the asymptotic
  ##         expressions (ie. assuming that f^0(Maxd)=1)
  ##         in case local version is used, convergence problems
  ##         with underlying nonlinear optimization can occur
  ## dMax = dose at which max effect occurs (needed only for betaMod)
  ## Maxd = Maximum dose administered
  ## scal = dose scale (needed only for betaMod)
  model <- match.arg(model)
  if(any(p <= 0) | any(p > 1)) stop("must have 0 < p <= 1")
         emax = {
             c(ed50 = mean(d * (1 - p)/p))
           } else {
             if (any(p <= d/Maxd))
               stop("must have p > d/Maxd, for local version")
             val <- (d/p-d)/(1-d/(Maxd*p))
         exponential = {
           if(any(p >= d/Maxd)) stop("must have p < d/Maxd")
           init <- d/log(1 + p)
           fooexp <- function(delta, d, p, Maxd){
             sum((exponential(d, 0, 1, delta)/
                 exponential(Maxd, 0, 1, delta) - p)^2)           
           val <- optimize(fooexp, c(0, 2*Maxd), d=d, p=p, Maxd=Maxd)$minimum
           c(delta = mean(val))
         logistic = {                   
           if(length(d) == 1) {
             stop("logistic model needs at least two pairs (d,p)")
           logit <- function(p) log(p/(1-p)) 
           if(length(d) == 2) {
             ed50  <- diff(rev(d)*logit(p))/diff(logit(p))
             delta <- diff(d)/diff(logit(p))
             res <- c(ed50 = ed50, delta = delta)
           } else {
             m <- lm(logit(p)~d)
             par <- coef(m)
             names(par) <- NULL
             res <- c(ed50 = -par[1]/par[2], delta = 1/par[2])
             foolog <- function(par, d, p, Maxd) {
               e0 <- logistic(0,0,1,par[1],par[2])
               sum(((logistic(d,0,1,par[1],par[2]) - e0)/
             res <- try(optim(par=res, fn=foolog, d=d, p=p, Maxd=Maxd))
             if(res$convergence > 0)
               stop("cannot find guesstimates for specified values")
             else res <- res$par
           if(res[1] < 0)
             message("specified values lead to negative ed50, which should be positive")
         quadratic = {
           aux <- sqrt(1 - p)
           if (less) c(delta = mean(-(1 - aux)/(2 * d)))
           else  c(delta = mean(-(1 + aux)/(2 * d)))
         betaMod = {
           if(scal <= dMax)
             stop("scal needs to be larger than dMax to calculate guesstimate")
           k <- dMax/(scal-dMax)
           val <- d^k*(scal-d)/(dMax^k*(scal-dMax))
           beta <- log(p)/(log(val))
           c(delta1 = mean(k*beta), delta2 = mean(beta))
         sigEmax = {
           if(length(d) == 1) {
             stop("sigmoid Emax model needs at least two pairs (d,p)")
           if(length(d) == 2){
             num <- log((p[1]*(1-p[2]))/(p[2]*(1-p[1])))
             h <- num/log(d[1]/d[2])
             ed50 <- ((1-p[1])/p[1])^(1/h)*d[1]
             res <- c(ed50=ed50, h=h)
           } else {
             y <- log((1-p)/p)
             x <- log(d)
             par <- coef(lm(y~x))
             names(par) <- NULL
             res <- c(ed50 = exp(par[1]/-par[2]), delta = -par[2])
           if(local) {
             fooSE <- function(par, d, p, Maxd) {
             res <- try(optim(par=res, fn=fooSE, d=d, p=p, Maxd=Maxd))
             if(res$convergence > 0)
               stop("cannot find guesstimates for specified values")
             else res <- res$par
           if(res[1] < 0)
             message("specified values lead to negative ed50, which should be positive")
### example call
### guesst(0.5, 0.8, "emax")
### guesst(0.5, 0.8, "emax", Maxd=1, local=T)
### guesst(0.5, 0.4, "exponential", Maxd = 1)
### guesst(0.7, 1, "quadratic") # maximum response at dose 0.7
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "logistic")
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "logistic", local = T, Maxd = 1)
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "sigEmax")
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "sigEmax", local = T, Maxd = 1)
### guesst(0.4,0.5, "betaMod", dMax = 0.8, scal=1.3)

linear <-
  function(dose, e0, delta) e0 + delta * dose

linlog <-
  function(dose, e0, delta, off = 1) linear(log(dose + off), e0, delta)

emax <-  function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50){
  sigEmax(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, 1)

quadratic <-
  function(dose, e0, b1, b2) e0 + b1 * dose + b2 * dose^2

exponential <- function(dose, e0, e1, delta){
  e0 + e1*(exp(dose/delta) - 1)

logistic <-
  function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, delta)
  e0 + eMax/(1 + exp((ed50 - dose)/delta))

betaMod <-
  function(dose, e0, eMax, delta1, delta2, scal)
  maxDens <- (delta1^delta1)*(delta2^delta2)/
    ((delta1 + delta2)^(delta1+delta2))
  dose <- dose/scal
  e0 + eMax/maxDens * (dose^delta1) * (1 - dose)^delta2

sigEmax <- 
  function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, h)
  e0 + eMax*dose^h/(ed50^h + dose^h)

## means corresponding to different models and doses
modelMeans <-
  ## generate mean vectors for models and initial values defined by user
  function(models, doses, std = TRUE, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses))
  ## models - list with names given by the model functions to be used
  ##          and components as eitheir vectors or matrices with the
  ##          parameter values ; assumption is that first argument to
  ##          model function is always the doses 
  ## doses  - doses to be used in design
  ## std    - logical variable indicating whether to assume
  ##          standardized versions of built-in models
  namMod <- names(models)
  if(length(namMod) != length(unique(namMod))){
    stop("only one list entry allowed for each model class in 'models' argument")
  ## built-in models with methods for standardized versions
  biModels <- c("emax", "linlog", "linear", "quadratic",
                 "exponential", "logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax")
  nModels <- length(models)             # number of model elements
  contMap <- vector("list", nModels)
  names(contMap) <- namMod
  val <- list()
  k <- 1
  nams <- character()
  for(nm in namMod) {
    pars <- models[[nm]]
    if (!is.null(pars) && !is.numeric(pars)) {
      stop("elements of \"models\" must be NULL or numeric")
    if (is.element(nm, biModels) && std) {
      if (!is.element(nm, c("betaMod","logistic","sigEmax"))) {
        ## all others have single std parameter
        if (is.matrix(pars)) {
          stop("For standardized ", nm,
                     " models element cannot be matrix")
        nmod <- length(pars)
        if (nmod > 1) {                 # multiple models
          ind <- 1:nmod
          nams <- c(nams, paste(nm, ind, sep = ""))
          contMap[[nm]] <- (k - 1) + ind
          for(j in 1:nmod) {
            if (nm == "linlog") pars1 <- c(0, 1, off)
            else pars1 <- c(0, 1, pars[j])
            val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars1)))
            k <- k + 1
        } else {                        # single model
          nams <- c(nams, nm)
          contMap[[nm]] <- k
          if (nm == "quadratic") names(pars) <- NULL
          if (nm == "linlog") pars <- c(0, 1, off)
          else pars <- c(0, 1, pars)
          val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars)))
          k <- k + 1
      } else {                          # logistic, betaMod
        if (is.matrix(pars)) {          # multiple models
          if (ncol(pars) != 2) {
            stop("standardized ", nm," model must have two parameters")
          nmod <- nrow(pars)            # number of models
          ind <- 1:nmod
          nams <- c(nams, paste(nm, ind, sep = ""))
          contMap[[nm]] <- (k - 1) + ind
          for(j in 1:nmod) {
            if(nm == "betaMod")     pars1 <- c(0, 1, pars[j, ], scal)
            else pars1 <- c(0, 1, pars[j, ])
            val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars1)))
            k <- k + 1
        } else {                        # single model
          if (length(pars) != 2) {
            stop("standardized ", nm," model must have two parameters")
          nams <- c(nams, nm)
          contMap[[nm]] <- k
          if(nm == "betaMod") pars <- c(pars, scal)
          val[[k]] <-
            do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(c(0, 1, pars))))
          k <- k + 1
    } else {                        # user-defined or non-standardized
      if (is.matrix(pars)) {            # multiple models
        nmod <- nrow(pars)              # number of models
        if(nm == "linlog")  pars <- cbind(pars, off)
        if(nm == "betaMod") pars <- cbind(pars, c(scal))
        ind <- 1:nmod
        nams <- c(nams, paste(nm, ind, sep = ""))
        contMap[[nm]] <- (k - 1) + ind
        for(j in 1:nmod) {
          val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars[j,])))
          k <- k + 1
      } else {                      # single model
        if(nm == "linlog")  pars <- c(pars, off)
        if(nm == "betaMod") pars <- c(pars, scal)                     
        nams <- c(nams, nm)
        contMap[[nm]] <- k
        val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars)))
        k <- k + 1
  muMat <- do.call("cbind", val)
  dimnames(muMat) <- list(doses, nams)
  attr(muMat, "contMap") <- contMap

## Model contrasts
getStdCont <-
  ## center and normalize vector
  cont <- cont - mean(cont)

### simplified version
getOptCont <-
  function(mu, n = 1)
  mn <- sum(mu * n)/sum(n)
  getStdCont(n * (mu - mn))

modContr <-
  function(means, n = 1)
  ## obtains model contrasts corresponding to model means and
  ## sample sizes n
  apply(means, 2, getOptCont, n = n)

# control parameters for functions in package mvtnorm
mvtnorm.control <-
  function(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001,
           interval = NULL, releps = 0)
  out <- list(interval = interval, maxpts = maxpts, abseps = abseps,
       releps = releps)
  class(out) <- "GenzBretz"
critVal <-
  function(cMat, n, alpha = 0.025, control = mvtnorm.control(),
           twoSide = FALSE, corMat = NULL)
  ## function to calculate critical value
  ## cMat - model contrast matrix nDose x nMod
  ## n - scalar or vector with sample size(s)
  ## alpha - significance level
  ## control - see mvtnorm.control function
  ## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
  ## corMat - correlation matrix

  nD <- nrow(cMat)
  nMod <- ncol(cMat)
  if (length(n) == 1) {
    nDF <- nD * (n - 1)
  } else {
    if (length(n) != nD) {
      stop("sample size vector must have length equal to number of doses")
    nDF <- sum(n) - nD
      corMat <- t(cMat)%*%(cMat/n)
      den  <- sqrt(crossprod(t(colSums(cMat^2/n))))
      corMat <- corMat / den
  if(twoSide) tail <- "both.tails"
  else tail <- "lower.tail"
  if (!missing(control)) {
    if(!is.list(control)) {
      stop("when specified, 'control' must be a list")
    ctrl <- do.call("mvtnorm.control", control)
  } else {
    ctrl <- control
  qmvtCall <- c(list(1-alpha, tail = tail, df = nDF, corr = corMat, 
                     algorithm=ctrl, interval=ctrl$interval))
  do.call("qmvt", qmvtCall)$quantile

planMM <-
  function(models, doses, n, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses), std = TRUE,
           alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE, control = mvtnorm.control(), 
           cV = TRUE, muMat = NULL)
  ## returns the critical value, the contrast and correlation matrices
  ## models - list with names given by the model functions to be used
  ##          and components as either vectors or matrices with the
  ##          parameter values ; assumption is that first argument to
  ##          model function is always the doses 
  ## doses  - doses to be used in design
  ## n - scalar or vector with sample size(s)
  ## off, scal - additional parameters for the linear in log and beta model
  ## std    - logical variable indicating whether to assume
  ##          standardized versions of built-in models
  ## alpha - significance level
  ## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
  ## control - control arguments for mvtnorm function(s)
  ## cV - logical indicating whether critical value should be calc.
  ## muMat - an optional matrix with means as columns, dimnames should
  ##         be given (dose levels and names of contrasts)

  if (missing(models)) {
    ## may pass necessary information via muMat
    if (is.null(muMat)) {
      stop("either models or muMat need to be specified")
    mu <- muMat
  } else {
    mu <- modelMeans(models, doses, std, off, scal)
  contMat <- modContr(mu, n)
  corMat <- t(contMat)%*%(contMat/n)
  den  <- sqrt(crossprod(t(colSums(contMat^2/n))))
  corMat <- corMat / den
    critV <- critVal(contMat, n, alpha, control = control, twoSide = twoSide)
  else critV <- NULL
  res <- list(contMat = contMat, critVal = critV, muMat = mu,
              corMat = (corMat+t(corMat))/2 )
  attr(res, "n") <- n
  attr(res, "alpha") <- alpha
  if (twoSide) {
    attr(res, "side") <- "two-sided"
  } else {
    attr(res, "side") <- "one-sided"
  oldClass(res) <- "planMM"

print.planMM <-
  function(x, digits = 3, ...)
  cat("MCPMod planMM\n")
  cat("\n","Optimal Contrasts:","\n", sep="")
  print(round(x$contMat, digits))
    names(x$critVal) <- NULL
    cat("\n","Critical Value ", sep="")
    cat(paste("(alpha = ", attr(x, "alpha"),", ", attr(x, "side"), "): ",
              round(x$critVal, digits), sep=""),"\n")
  cat("\n","Contrast Correlation Matrix:","\n", sep="")
  print(round(x$corMat, digits))  

### example call (example from JBS paper)
### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),
###                betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### planMM(models, doses, 50, scal = 200, alpha = 0.05) # compare with JBS 16, 645-646
### example with muMat         
### dvec <- c(0, 10, 50, 100)
### mu1 <- c(1, 2, 2, 2)
### mu2 <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
### mu3 <- c(1, 1, 1, 2)
### mMat <- cbind(mu1, mu2, mu3)
### dimnames(mMat)[[1]] <- dvec
### planMM(muMat = mMat, doses = dvec, n = 30)

plot.planMM <- function (x, superpose = TRUE, xlab = "Dose",
    ylab = NULL, resp = c("contrasts", "means"), ...) 
    resp <- match.arg(resp)
    if (is.null(ylab)) {
        if (resp == "contrasts") {
            ylab <- "Contrast coefficients"
        else {
            ylab <- "Normalized model means"
    cM <- x$contMat
    if (resp == "means") {
        cM <- t(t(x$muMat)/apply(x$muMat, 2, max))
    nD <- nrow(cM)
    nM <- ncol(cM)
    cMtr <- data.frame(resp = as.vector(cM), dose = rep(as.numeric(dimnames(cM)[[1]]), 
        nM), model = factor(rep(dimnames(cM)[[2]], each = nD), 
        levels = dimnames(cM)[[2]]))
    if (superpose) {
        spL <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
        spL$lty <- rep(spL$lty, nM%/%length(spL$lty) + 1)[1:nM]
        spL$lwd <- rep(spL$lwd, nM%/%length(spL$lwd) + 1)[1:nM]
        spL$col <- rep(spL$col, nM%/%length(spL$col) + 1)[1:nM]
        xyplot(resp ~ dose, data = cMtr, subscripts = TRUE, groups = cMtr$model, 
            panel = panel.superpose, type = "o", xlab = xlab, 
            ylab = ylab, key = list(lines = spL, transparent = TRUE, 
                text = list(levels(cMtr$model), cex = 0.9), columns = ifelse(nM < 
                  5, nM, min(4,ceiling(nM/min(ceiling(nM/4),3))))), ...)
    else {
        xyplot(resp ~ dose | model, data = cMtr, type = "o", 
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, strip = function(...) strip.default(..., 
                style = 1), ...)

### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)                                        
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),                                
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),            
###                betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### pM <- planMM(models, doses, 50, scal = 200)
### plot(pM)
### plot(pM, superpose=F, xlab="Different axis name")
### plot(pM, resp = "means")
### #example with muMat
### dvec <- c(0, 10, 50, 100)
### mu1 <- c(1, 2, 2, 2)
### mu2 <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
### mu3 <- c(1, 1, 1, 2)
### mMat <- cbind(mu1, mu2, mu3)
### dimnames(mMat)[[1]] <- dvec
### pM <- planMM(muMat = mMat, doses = dvec, n = 30)
### plot(pM)                                         
### plot(pM, superpose=F, xlab="Different axis name")
### plot(pM, resp = "means")                         

getPars <-
  function(model, doses, initEstim, base, maxEff, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses))
  ## calculates the location and scale parameters corresponding to
  ## given base, maxEff, and guesstimates
  ## model - a character string with the model name. Built-in models
  ##         have their full parameterization derived internally. For
  ##         user-defined models, it is assumed the existence of a
  ##         function named as "Par" appended to end of model (e.g.,
  ##         for model = "cubic", it is assumed that there is function
  ##         cubicPar that calculates the necessary parameters; this
  ##         function is assumed to have arguments doses, initEstim,
  ##         base, and maxEff, in that order. (see below for an example)
  ## doses - doses to be used in design
  ## base, maxEff - baseline and maximum effect (over placebo)
  ## initEstim - vector of guesstimates
  ## off, scal - additional parameters for the linear in log and beta model
         linear = {
           e1 <- maxEff/max(doses)
           Par <- c(base, e1)
         linlog = {
           e1 <- maxEff/(log(max(doses) + off) - log(off))
           Par <- c(base-e1*log(off), e1)
         quadratic = {
           dMax <- 1/(-2*initEstim)
           b1 <- maxEff/(dMax + initEstim*dMax^2)
           b2 <- initEstim * b1
           Par <- c(base, b1, b2)
         emax = {
           emax.p <- maxEff * (initEstim + max(doses))/max(doses)
           Par <- c(base, emax.p, initEstim)
         exponential = {
           e1 <- maxEff/(exp(max(doses)/initEstim) - 1)
           e0 <- base
           Par <- c(e0, e1, initEstim)
         logistic = {
           emax.p <- maxEff/
             (logistic(max(doses),0,1, initEstim[1], initEstim[2]) -
              logistic(0, 0, 1, initEstim[1], initEstim[2]))
           e0 <- base-emax.p*logistic(0,0,1,initEstim[1], initEstim[2])
           Par <- c(e0, emax.p, initEstim[1], initEstim[2])
         betaMod = {
           Par <- c(base, maxEff, initEstim)
         sigEmax = {
           ed50 <- initEstim[1]
           h <- initEstim[2]
           dmax <- max(doses)
           eMax <- maxEff*(ed50^h+dmax^h)/dmax^h
           Par <- c(e0 = base, eMax = eMax, ed50 = ed50, h = h)
           Par <- do.call(paste(model,"Par", sep=""),
                          list(doses, initEstim, base, maxEff))

### example call
### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
### getPars("emax", doses, 25, 0, 0.4)
### getPars("logistic", doses, c(50, 10.88111), 0, 0.4) # compare JBS 16, p.650
### getPars("betaMod", doses, initEstim = c(0.33, 2.31), base = 0,
###         maxEff = 0.4)
### #example for user model
### sigEmax2 <- function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, h){
###   e0 + eMax * ( dose^h / (ed50^h + dose^h) )
### }
### # function to return location and scale parameters
### sigEmax2Par <- function(dose, initEstim, base, maxEff){
###   # function to get linear parameters
###   # ed50 parameter assumed to be first in initEstim
###   ed50 <- initEstim[1]
###   h <- initEstim[2]
###   dmax <- max(dose)
###   emax <- maxEff*(ed50^h+dmax^h)/dmax^h
###   c(base, emax, initEstim)
### }
### getPars("sigEmax2", doses, initEstim = c(50,2), base = 0, maxEff = 1)

fullMod <-
  function(models, doses, base, maxEff, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses))
  ## calculates parameters for all models in the candidate set
  ## returns a list (similar to the models list) but with all model parameters.
  ## models - list with names given by the model functions to be used
  ##          and components as either vectors or matrices with the
  ##          parameter values
  ## doses  - doses to be used in design
  ## base, maxEff - baseline, maximum effect (over placebo)
  ## off, scal - additional parameters for the linear in log and beta model
  namMod <- names(models)
  if(length(namMod) != length(unique(namMod))){
    stop("only one list entry allowed for each model class in 'models' argument")
  complModels <- list()
  i <- 0
  for(nm in namMod){
    pars <- models[[nm]]
      Pars <- getPars(nm, doses, NULL, base, maxEff, off); i <- i+1
      if(!is.element(nm,c("logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax"))){
        nmod <- length(pars)
        if(nmod > 1){
          Pars <- matrix(ncol=3, nrow=nmod)
          for(j in 1:length(pars)){
            Pars[j,] <-  getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars[j]), base, maxEff)
          i <- i+1
        else {
          Pars <-  getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars), base, maxEff)
          i <- i+1
      else { 
          Pars <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=nrow(pars))
          for(j in 1:nrow(pars)){
            Pars[j,] <-  getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars[j,]), base, maxEff)
          i <- i+1
        else {
          Pars <-  getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars), base, maxEff); i <- i+1
    complModels[[i]] <- Pars
  names(complModels) <- names(models)
  ## store information for use later
  attr(complModels, "doses") <- doses
  attr(complModels, "base") <- base
  attr(complModels, "maxEff") <- maxEff
  attr(complModels, "off") <- off
  attr(complModels, "scal") <- scal
  oldClass(complModels) <- "fullMod"

### example call
### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),
###                betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### fullMod(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200)

plotModels <- function (models, doses, base, maxEff, nPoints = 200, off = 0.1*max(doses), 
    scal = 1.2 * max(doses), superpose = FALSE, ylab = "Model means", 
    xlab = "Dose", ...) 
    if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
        doses <- attr(models, "doses")
        base <- attr(models, "base")
        maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
        off <- attr(models, "off")
        scal <- attr(models, "scal")
        Models <- models
    else {
        Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
    doseSeq <- sort(union(seq(min(doses), max(doses), length = nPoints), 
    resp <- modelMeans(Models, doseSeq, std = FALSE, off, scal)
    nams <- dimnames(resp)[[2]]
    nM <- length(nams)
    if (superpose) {
       respdata <- data.frame(response = c(resp),
                         dose = rep(doseSeq, ncol(resp)),
                         model = factor(rep(nams, each = length(doseSeq)),
                                        levels = nams))
        spL <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
        spL$lty <- rep(spL$lty, nM%/%length(spL$lty) + 1)[1:nM]
        spL$lwd <- rep(spL$lwd, nM%/%length(spL$lwd) + 1)[1:nM]
        spL$col <- rep(spL$col, nM%/%length(spL$col) + 1)[1:nM]
        xyplot(response ~ dose, data = respdata, subscripts = TRUE, 
            groups = respdata$model, panel.data = list(base = base, maxEff = maxEff, 
                doses = doses), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, panel = function(x, 
                y, subscripts, groups, ..., panel.data) {
                panel.abline(h = c(panel.data$base, panel.data$base + 
                  panel.data$maxEff), lty = 2)
                panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, type = "l", 
                ind <- !is.na(match(x, panel.data$doses))
                panel.superpose(x[ind], y[ind], subscripts[ind], 
                  groups, ...)
            }, key = list(lines = spL, transparent = TRUE, text = list(nams, 
                cex = 0.9), columns = ifelse(nM < 
                  5, nM, min(4,ceiling(nM/min(ceiling(nM/4),3))))), ...)
    else {
        respdata <- data.frame(response = c(resp), dose = rep(doseSeq, 
              ncol(resp)), model = factor(rep(nams, each = length(doseSeq))))
        xyplot(response ~ dose | model, data = respdata, panel.data = list(base = base, 
            maxEff = maxEff, doses = doses), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
            panel = function(x, y, ..., panel.data) {
                panel.abline(h = c(panel.data$base, panel.data$base + 
                  panel.data$maxEff), lty = 2)
                panel.xyplot(x, y, type = "l", ...)
                ind <- match(panel.data$doses, x)
                panel.xyplot(x[ind], y[ind], ...)
            }, strip = function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1), 
            as.table = TRUE,...)

plot.fullMod <-
  function(x, ...)
  plotModels(x, ...)

### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),
###                betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### plotModels(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200)
### plotModels(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200, superpose = T)

powCalc <-
  function(cMat, n, alpha = 0.025, delta = NULL, mu = NULL,
           sigma = NULL, cVal = NULL, corMat = NULL,
           twoSide = FALSE, control = mvtnorm.control())
  ## cMat - contrast matrix with rows (as number of doses) and columns
  ##        (as number of models) - exactly as in the output of planMM
  ## n - scalar or vector with sample size(s)
  ## alpha - significance level
  ## delta - non-centrality vector (in same order as models)
  ## mu - vector of model means (either delta or mu and sigma need to be given)
  ## sigma - standard deviation of response (to build delta vector)
  ## cVal - optional critical value for the test
  ## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test

  nD <- nrow(cMat)
  nMod <- ncol(cMat)
  if (length(n) == 1) {
    nDF <- nD * (n - 1)
  } else {
    if (length(n) != nD) {
      stop("sample size vector must have length equal to number of doses")
    nDF <- sum(n) - nD
  if (is.null(delta)) {    
    den  <- sqrt(colSums(cMat^2/n))
    delta <- as.vector((t(cMat) %*% mu)/(den*sigma))
      corMat <- t(cMat)%*%(cMat/n)
      den  <- sqrt(crossprod(t(colSums(cMat^2/n))))
      corMat <- corMat / den
  if (is.null(cVal)) {
    cVal <-
      critVal(cMat, n, alpha, control, twoSide, corMat)
    lower <- rep(-cVal, nMod)
  else lower <- rep(-Inf, nMod)
  upper <- rep(cVal, nMod)
  if (!missing(control)) {
    if(!is.list(control)) {
      stop("when specified, 'control' must be a list")
    ctrl <- do.call("mvtnorm.control", control)
  } else {
    ctrl <- control
  ctrl$interval <- NULL      # not used with pmvt
  pmvtCall <- c(list(lower, upper, df = nDF, corr = corMat,
                     delta = delta, algorithm=ctrl))
  as.vector(1 - do.call("pmvt", pmvtCall))
### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85),
###                betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2))
### plMM <- planMM(models, doses, 50, scal = 200, alpha = 0.05)
### compMod <- fullMod(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200)
### muMat <- modelMeans(compMod, doses, F, scal = 200)
### powCalc(plMM$contMat, 50, mu = muMat[,3], sigma = 1, cVal = plMM$critVal, control = list(maxpts=100000)) # Power for logistic model
### powCalc(plMM$contMat, 50, mu = muMat[,1], sigma = 1, cVal = plMM$critVal) # Power for linear model
### # compare with JBS 16, 650

powerMM <-
  function(models, doses, base, maxEff, sigma, lower, upper,
           step, sumFct = c("min", "mean", "max"), off = 0.1*max(doses),
           scal = 1.2*max(doses), alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE,
           control = mvtnorm.control(), muMat = NULL, alRatio = NULL,
           typeN = c("arm", "total"), ...)
  ## generates a matrix with power values for different sample sizes
  ## (balanced case only) and models
  ## models - either a list with model parameters as in planMM
  ##          or an object of class fullMod
  ## doses, maxEff, base, off, scal - as in getPars function
  ## sigma - expected standard deviation
  ## lower, upper - maximum and minimum group sample size for which the
  ##                power is plotted
  ## step - in which steps should the power be calculated
  ##        (it is calculated at seq(lower,upper,by=step))
  ## sumFct - a character vector giving the names of the summary
  ##          functions to be called (each function should return a numeric
  ##          of length 1)
  ## off,scal - additional parameters for linlog/beta model
  ## alpha - level of significance
  ## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
  ## control - control list for mvtnorm fcts., see mvtnorm.control()
  ## muMat - an optional matrix with means as columns
  ## alRatio - optional vector with sample size allocation ratios
  ##           must all be > 0; lower and upper are interpreted as
  ##           limit values for dose(s) with smallest alloc. ratios
  ## ... - possible additional arguments for sumFct 

  if (!missing(models)) {
    ## if models is of class fullMod, will ignore other arguments
    if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
      doses <- attr(models, "doses")
      base <- attr(models, "base")
      maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
      off <- attr(models, "off")
      scal <- attr(models, "scal")
      Models <- models
    } else {
      Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
    muMat <- modelMeans(Models, doses, FALSE, off, scal)
  } else {
    if (is.null(muMat)) {
      stop("muMat must be specified, when models is not")
  nD <- length(doses)
  # allocation ratios
  Ntype <- match.arg(typeN)
    if(length(alRatio)!= nrow(muMat)){
      stop("alRatio needs to be of same length as number of dose levels")
    if(any(alRatio <= 0)){
       stop("all entries of alRatio need to be positive")
    if (Ntype == "arm") {
       alRatio <- alRatio/min(alRatio)
    } else {
       alRatio <- alRatio/sum(alRatio)
  } else {
    alRatio <- 1
  contMat <- modContr(muMat, upper*alRatio)
  nmod <- ncol(contMat)
  pow <- numeric(nmod)
  j <- 1
  nSeq <- seq(lower, upper, by = step)
  powMat <- matrix(nrow=length(nSeq), ncol=nmod)  
  for(n in nSeq) {
    N <- round(n * alRatio)             # simple rounding
    cVal <- critVal(contMat, N, alpha, control, twoSide)
    for(i in 1:nmod) {
      den  <- sqrt(colSums(contMat^2/N))
      delta <- as.vector((t(contMat) %*% muMat[,i])/(den*sigma))
      pow[i] <- powCalc(contMat, N, delta = delta, cVal = cVal,
                        twoSide = twoSide, control = control)
    powMat[j,] <- pow
    j <- j + 1
  nams <- dimnames(muMat)[[2]]
    if(length(sumFct) > 1){
      stop("sumFct needs to be a character vector")
    } else {
      sumFct <- deparse(substitute(sumFct)) # for back-compatibility
  nSfunc <- length(sumFct)
  for(i in 1:nSfunc){
    powMat <- cbind(powMat, apply(powMat[,1:nmod, drop = FALSE], 1, sumFct[i] ,...))

  dimnames(powMat) <- list(nSeq, c(nams, sumFct))
  attr(powMat, "alRatio") <- alRatio
  attr(powMat, "sumFct") <- sumFct
  oldClass(powMat) <- "powerMM"

### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 25,
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85,
###                betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2))
### pM <- powerMM(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1, alpha = 0.05,
###                lower = 10, upper = 100, step = 10, scal = 200)    
### plot(pM, models="none", line.at = 0.8)

plot.powerMM <-
  function(x, superpose = TRUE, line.at = NULL, models = "all",
           summ = NULL, perc = FALSE, xlab = NULL,
           ylab = ifelse(perc, "Power (%)", "Power"), ...)
  ## Trellis plot of power matrix produced by powerMM
  ## x - matrix with power values for different sample sizes and models
  ## superpose - logical variable indicating if lines should be superpose
  ## line.at - a value, or a vector of values, between 0 and 1, to be
  ##           drawn as horizontal line on plot; maybe most interesting if it 
  ##           is set to the desired power value(s) (default: not drawn)
  ## models - which of available models should be included in plot
  ##          "all" and "none" are accepted, else names (or numbers) of models
  ## summ  - summaries to be included in plot; "summary" can be used for
  ##         summary function in x - min and max are also accepted (and
  ##         in combination)
  ## perc - logical indicating if power values should be in percentage
  ## xlab, ylab - labels for x- and y-axis

  ## checking for unbalanced sample sizes
  unbN <- (length(unique(attr(x, "alRatio"))) > 1)
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    if (unbN) {
      if(sum(attr(x, "alRatio"))==1)
        xlab <- "Overall sample size (unbalanced allocation)"
        xlab <- "Sample size for smallest arm (unbalanced)"
    } else {
      xlab <- "Sample size per dose (balanced)"
  if (perc) x <- 100 * x
  nSeq <- as.integer(dimnames(x)[[1]])
  nams <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
  ## separating model data from summary data
  sumFct <- attr(x, "sumFct")      # original summary functions
  ## default is to use same summary functions as in x
  if (is.null(summ)) summ <- sumFct
  if (!is.null(sumFct)) {
    ## summary functions available in data and requested in summ
    indS <- !is.na(match(sumFct, summ))
    if (any(indS)) {
       summData <- x[, sumFct[indS], drop = FALSE]
    } else {
       summData <- NULL
    modData <- x[, is.na(match(nams, sumFct)), drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    summData <- NULL
    modData <- x
  namsMod <- dimnames(modData)[[2]]
  ## additional summary functions possibly requested in summ
  indSX <- is.na(match(summ, sumFct))
  if(any(indSX)) {
     summ <- summ[indSX]
     if((length(summ) == 1) && (summ == "none")) {
        summDataX <- NULL
     } else {
        nSX <- length(summ)
        summDataX <- vector("list", nSX)
        names(summDataX) <- summ
        for(i in 1:nSX) {
           ## should allow additional arguments to summ[i], but too messy already
           summDataX[[i]] <- apply(modData, 1, summ[i])
        summDataX <- data.frame(summDataX)
  } else {
     summDataX <- NULL
  ## combining the two summary datasets
  if(length(summData) > 0){
    summData <- cbind(summData, summDataX)
  } else {
    summData <- summDataX
  ## checking subset of models
  if (length(models) == 1) {
    if (models != "all") {
      if (models == "none") {
        modData <- NULL
      } else {
        if (is.numeric(models)) {
          if (!is.element(models, 1:ncol(modData))) {
            stop("invalid model selected")
        } else {
          if (!is.element(models, namsMod)) {
            stop("invalid model selected")
        modData <- modData[,models, drop = FALSE] 
  } else {                              # need to be subset of models
    if (is.numeric(models)) {
      if (!all(is.element(models, 1:ncol(modData)))) {
        stop("invalid models selected")
    } else {
      if (!all(is.element(models, namsMod))) {
        stop("invalid model selected")
    modData <- modData[,models, drop = FALSE]
  if (length(modData) == 0) x <- summData
  else if (length(summData) == 0) x <- modData
  else x <- cbind(modData, summData)
  x <- data.frame(x)
  nams <- names(x)
  nC <- ncol(x)
  pMatTr <-
    data.frame(pow = as.vector(unlist(x)),
               n = rep(nSeq, nC),
               type = factor(rep(nams, each = length(nSeq)), levels = nams))
  if (superpose) {
      panelFunc <- if (is.null(line.at)) {
      } else {
        function(x, y, subscripts, groups, lineAt, ...) {
          panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...)
          panel.abline(h = lineAt, lty = 2)
    trLn <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")[c("col", "lwd", "lty")]
    for(i in seq(along = trLn)) {
       if(length(trLn[[i]]) > nC) trLn[[i]] <- trLn[[i]][1:nC]
    xyplot(pow ~ n, pMatTr, groups = pMatTr$type, subscripts = TRUE,
           panel = panelFunc, type = "l", lineAt = line.at,
           xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
           key = list(lines = trLn, text = list(lab = nams), transparent = TRUE, 
           columns = ifelse(nC < 5, nC, min(4,ceiling(nC/min(ceiling(nC/4),3))))), ...)
  } else {                              # models in different panels
    if (is.null(line.at)) {
      panelFunc <- panel.xyplot
    else {
      panelFunc <-
        function(x, y, lineAt, ...) {
          panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
          panel.abline(h = lineAt, lty = 2) ## used 2 for consistency with above
    xyplot(pow ~ n | type, pMatTr, panel = panelFunc,
           type = "l", lineAt = line.at,
           xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
           strip = function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1), ...)

### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85),
###                betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2))
### pM <- powerMM(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1,
###                lower = 10, upper = 100, step = 5, scal = 200)
### plot(pM)         
### # reproduces plot in JBS 16, p.651
### plot(pM, line.at = 0.8, models = "none") 

sampSize <-
  function(models, doses, base, maxEff, sigma, upperN, lowerN = floor(upperN/2),
           power = 0.8, alRatio = NULL, sumFct = mean, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses),
           alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE, tol = 1e-3, verbose = FALSE, 
           control = mvtnorm.control(), muMat = NULL, typeN = c("arm", "total"), ...)
  ## Calculates  smallest sample size necessary to achieve given power
  ## using a bisection search
  ## models - either a list with model parameters as in planMM
  ##          or an object of class fullMod
  ## doses, maxEff, base, off, scal - as in getPars function
  ## sigma - expected standard deviation
  ## lowerN, upperN - lower and upper limit for the necessary sample size
  ## power - desired power level (between 0 and 1)
  ## alRatio - allocation ratios ()
  ## sumFct - summary function for the individual power values
  ## alpha - level of significance
  ## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
  ## tol - tolerance for power calculation
  ## verbose - logical controlling amount of output in iterations
  ## control - see mvtnorm.control function
  ## typeN - type of sample size specified in lowerN and upperN, in the case of
  ##         unequal allocation: "arm" refers to smallest trt arm, "total" to
  ##         overall sample size
  ## ... - possible additional arguments for sumFct 
  if (missing(models)) {
    ## may pass necessary information via muMat
    if (is.null(muMat)) {
      stop("either models or muMat need to be specified")
  } else {
    ## if models is of class fullMod, will ignore other arguments
    if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
       doses <- attr(models, "doses")
       base <- attr(models, "base")
       maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
       off <- attr(models, "off")
       scal <- attr(models, "scal")
       Models <- models
    } else {
       Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
    muMat <- modelMeans(Models, doses, FALSE, off, scal)
  nD <- length(doses)
  Ntype <- match.arg(typeN)
    if(length(alRatio)!= nrow(muMat)){
      stop("alRatio needs to be of same length as number of dose levels")
    if(any(alRatio <= 0)){
       stop("all entries of alRatio need to be positive")
    if (Ntype == "arm") {
       alRatio <- alRatio/min(alRatio)
    } else {
       alRatio <- alRatio/sum(alRatio)
  } else {
    alRatio <- 1
  contMat <- modContr(muMat, upperN * alRatio)       # no need to change
  summPow <-
    function(n, nD, contMat, muMat, sigma, alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
      ## returns "combined" power for a specified sample size n
      pow <- numeric(ncol(muMat))
      cVal <- critVal(contMat, n, alpha, control, twoSide)
      for(i in 1:ncol(muMat)) {
        pow[i] <- powCalc(contMat, n, cVal = cVal, mu = muMat[,i],
                          sigma = sigma, twoSide = twoSide, 
                          control = control)   
      res <- sumFct(pow, ...)
      names(pow) <- dimnames(contMat)[[2]]
      attr(res, "power under models") <- round(pow, 4)
  ## need to ensure that limits on n bracket power
  upperPow <-
    summPow(round(upperN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat,
            sigma, alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)  
  if(upperPow < power){
    if(Ntype == "arm") sent <- "sample size in smallest group"
    else sent <- "total sample size"
    warning("upper limit for ", sent," is raised")
  while (upperPow < power) {
    upperN <- 2 * upperN
    upperPow <-
      summPow(round(upperN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat,
              sigma, alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...) 
  lowerPow <-
    summPow(round(lowerN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
            alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
  if(lowerPow > power){
    if(Ntype == "arm") sent <- "sample size in smallest group"
    else sent <- "total sample size"
    warning("lower limit for ", sent," is decreased")
  while (lowerPow > power) {
    lowerN <- round(lowerN/2)
    if (lowerN == 0) stop("cannot find lower limit on n")
    lowerPow <-
      summPow(round(lowerN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
              alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
  ## now use simple binary search
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Upper N:", upperN, "Upper power", round(upperPow, 3), "\n")
    cat("Lower N:", lowerN, "Lower power", round(lowerPow, 3), "\n\n")
  currPow <- 0
  niter <- 0
  while (abs(currPow - power) > tol & (upperN > lowerN + 1)) {
    currN <- round((upperN + lowerN)/2)
    currPow <- 
      summPow(round(currN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
              alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
    if (currPow > power) {
      upperN <- currN
    } else {
      lowerN <- currN
    niter <- niter + 1
    if (verbose){
      cat("Iter: ", niter, ", N = ", currN, ", power = ", round(currPow, 3),
          "\n", sep = "")
  while (currPow < power) { # step up until currPow >= power
    currN <- currN + 1
    currPow <-
      summPow(round(currN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
              alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
  if(length(alRatio) > 1) {   # unequal allocation
     if (Ntype == "arm") {
        res <- list(samp.size = round(currN * alRatio),
                    approx.power = round(currPow, 4))
     } else {
        res <- list(samp.size = round(currN * alRatio),
                    approx.power = round(currPow, 4))
  } else {
    res <- list(samp.size = currN, approx.power = round(currPow, 4))
  attr(res, "alRatio") <- round(alRatio/min(alRatio), 4)
  attr(res, "power") <- power
  attr(res, "twoSide") <- twoSide
  attr(res, "alpha") <- alpha
  attr(res, "sumFct") <- deparse(substitute(sumFct))
  oldClass(res) <- "sampSize"

print.sampSize <- function(x, ...){
  cat("MCPMod sampSize\n")
  cat("Input parameters:\n")
  cat(" Summary Function:", attr(x, "sumFct"), "\n")
  cat(" Desired combined power value:", attr(x, "power"),"\n")
  if(attr(x, "twoSide")) side <- "two-sided"
  else side <- "one-sided"
  cat(" Level of significance:", paste(attr(x, "alpha"), " (", side, ")", sep=""), "\n")
  alRatio <- attr(x, "alRatio")
  if(length(alRatio) == 1){
    alRatio <- "balanced"
    sampMsg <- "Sample size per group:"
  } else {
    sampMsg <- "Sample sizes:"
  cat(" Allocations:", alRatio, "\n\n")
  cat(paste(sampMsg), paste(x$samp.size), "\n")
  cat("Associated", attr(x, "sumFct"),"power:", paste(x$approx.power),"\n")
  cat("Power under models:","\n") 
  print(attr(x$approx.power, "power under models"))

### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
###                logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85),
###                betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2)) 
### sampSize(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1, 
###          alpha = 0.05, upperN = 100, scal = 200)
### sampSize(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1,
###        alpha = 0.05, upperN = 400, scal = 200, alRatio=c(2,1,1,1,1,1)) 
### dvec <- c(0, 10, 50, 100) 
### mu1 <- c(1, 2, 2, 2)
### mu2 <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
### mu3 <- c(1, 1, 1, 2)
### mMat <- cbind(mu1, mu2, mu3)
### dimnames(mMat)[[1]] <- dvec 
### sampSize(muMat = mMat, doses = dvec, sigma = 1,
###        alpha = 0.05, upperN = 400, alRatio=c(2,1,1,1))

LP <- function(models, model, type = c("both", "LP1", "LP2"), paramRange, doses,
               base, maxEff, sigma, n,
               len = c(10, 1), nr = 1, alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE, 
               off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses), control = mvtnorm.control()){
  ## function to calculate loss in power associated with
  ## prior parameter mis-specification
  ## models, doses, base, maxEff, sigma as above
  ## model - model for which LP should be investigated
  ## type - one of LP1 or LP2 (see JBS paper for definition)
  ## paramRange - vector of lower and upper limit for the prior parameter 
  ##       for models with two prior parameters matrix with the ranges
  ##       for each prior parameter in the rows
  ## n - number (in case of balanced sample size) 
  ##      or vector of group sample sizes
  ## len - number of points between min(paramRange) and max(paramRange) 
  ##       on which LP is calculated has to be of length 2 in case of 
  ##       models with 2 prior parameter
  ## nr - in case there is more than one model from one model class 
  ##   in the candidate set (e.g. two emax models), nr gives the number of the model 
  ## alpha, twoSide, scal, off as above
  type <- match.arg(type)
  builtIn <- c("emax", "exponential", "quadratic",
               "betaMod", "logistic", "sigEmax")
  usedM <- names(models)
  allowedMod <- intersect(builtIn, usedM)
  if(!is.element(model, allowedMod)){
     msg <- paste("model must be one of", paste(allowedMod, collapse=", "), "\n")
  if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
    doses <- attr(models, "doses")
    base <- attr(models, "base")
    maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
    off <- attr(models, "off")
    scal <- attr(models, "scal")
    Models <- models
  } else {
    Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
  nD <- length(doses)
  if(length(n)==1) n <- rep(n,nD)
  nDF <- sum(n) - nD
  # calculate contrasts and critical value
  pM <- planMM(Models, doses, n, off, scal, FALSE, alpha, twoSide, control)
  contMat <- pM$contMat
  critV <- pM$critVal
  corMat <- pM$corMat
  # calculate mean vector under 'model'
  # determine, whether there is more than one prior estimate for model "model"
  if(nrInd <- length(Models[[model]]) > 4) mod <- list(Models[[model]][nr,])
  else mod <- list(Models[[model]])
  names(mod) <- model   
  mu <- modelMeans(mod, doses, std=FALSE, off, scal)
  # adjust arguments
  twoPars <- is.element(model, c("logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax"))
  if(!twoPars){ # put paramRange in the same format
    paramRange <- matrix(c(paramRange, 0, 0), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
    len <- c(len,1)
  if(type[1] != "LP1"){ # "LP2" or "both"
    ModelsIt <- Models
  if(type[1] != "LP2"){ # "LP1" or "both"
    # calculate nominal power
    nomPower <- powCalc(contMat, n, alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, 
                  cVal = critV, corMat = corMat, 
                  twoSide = twoSide, control = control)[1]
  actPower <- potPower <- numeric(prod(len))
  j <- 1
  # parameter ranges
  sq1 <- seq(min(paramRange[1,]),max(paramRange[1,]),length=len[1])
  sq2 <- seq(min(paramRange[2,]),max(paramRange[2,]),length=len[2])
  for(h in sq2) {
    for(i in sq1) {
      if(twoPars) mod <- list(c(i,h))
      else mod <- list(i)
      names(mod) <- model
      mod <- fullMod(mod, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
      # mean vector under model with prior parameter i,h
      mu <- modelMeans(mod, doses, std=FALSE, off, scal)
      actPower[j] <- powCalc(contMat, n, alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
                       cVal = critV, corMat = corMat,
                       twoSide = twoSide, control = control)
      if(type[1] == "LP2" | type[1] == "both"){  # recalculate opt. cont. and critical value
        if(twoPars){          # using i,h as prior parameters
          if(nrInd) ModelsIt[[model]][nr,3:4] <- c(i,h)
          else ModelsIt[[model]][3:4] <- c(i,h)
        } else {
          if(nrInd) ModelsIt[[model]][nr,3] <- i
          else ModelsIt[[model]][3] <- i         
        pMIt <- planMM(ModelsIt, doses, n, off, scal, FALSE, alpha, twoSide)
        potPower[j] <- powCalc(pMIt$contMat, n, alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
                        cVal = pMIt$critVal, corMat = pMIt$corMat, 
                        twoSide = twoSide, control = control)
      j <- j + 1
  # determine parametername for output
  par <- switch(model,
          logistic = c("ED50", "delta"),
          betaMod = c("delta1", "delta2"),
          sigEmax = c("ED50", "h"),
          emax = "ED50",
  p1 <- rep(sq1,len[2])
    p2 <- rep(rep(round(sq2,2),length=len[2]), each=len[1]) # values of 2nd parameter
    if(nrInd) used <- Models[[model]][nr,3:4] # determine used value
    else  used <- Models[[model]][3:4]
  } else {
    if(nrInd) used <- Models[[model]][nr,3]
    else  used <- Models[[model]][3]
  res <- cbind(actPower) # matrix for output
  if(type[1] == "LP1"){
    LP1 <- nomPower - actPower
    res <- cbind(res, LP1)
  } else if(type[1] == "LP2"){
    res <- cbind(potPower, res)
    LP2 <- potPower - actPower
    res <- cbind(res, LP2)    
  } else if(type[1] == "both"){
    res <- cbind(potPower, res)
    LP1 <- nomPower - actPower
    LP2 <- potPower - actPower
    res <- cbind(res, LP1, LP2)      
  if(twoPars){  # names for prior parameters
    res <- cbind(p1, p2, res)
    dimnames(res)[[2]][1:2] <- par
  } else {
    res <- cbind(p1, res)
    dimnames(res)[[2]][1] <- par    
  attr(res, "model") <- model
  attr(res, "len") <- len
  attr(res, "used") <- used
  attr(res, "sampSizes") <- n
  attr(res, "type") <- type[1]
  attr(res, "twoPars") <- twoPars
  if(type[1] != "LP2") attr(res, "nomPower") <- nomPower
  oldClass(res) <- "LP"
print.LP <- function(x, digits = 3, ...){
  cat("MCPMod LP","\n")
  cat("Model:", paste(attr(x, "model")),"\n")
  cat("Used Prior Parameter:", paste(attr(x, "used")), "\n")
  cat("Sample Sizes:", paste(attr(x, "sampSizes")),"\n")
  type <- attr(x, "type")
  if(type=="LP1" | type=="both"){
    cat("Nominal Power:", paste(round(attr(x, "nomPower"), digits)),"\n")
  cat("Calculated Power Values:", "\n")
  print(round(data.frame(unclass(x)), digits = digits))

plot.LP <- function(x, line = TRUE, type = NULL, spldf = 5, ...){
  ## line - logical determining whether smooth line
  ##        should be fit to power values
  ## type - one of "LP1","LP2","both" or NULL
  ##        if NULL the type of the LP call is used

    val <- 1
    len <- attr(x, "len")
    if(len[1] < 4)
      stop("at least 4 points needed to obtain smooth curve. Try: line = FALSE")      
    if (!(spldf > 1 && spldf <= dim(x)[1]))
      warning("you must supply 1 < spldf <= len")
  twoPars <- attr(x, "twoPars")
  model <- attr(x, "model")
  used <- attr(x, "used")
  par <- dimnames(x)[[2]][1:(1+twoPars)]
  par1 <- x[,1]
    par2 <- rep(1, dim(x)[1])
  } else {
    par2 <- x[,2]
  if(is.null(type)){  # check if type is given in LP matrix
    type <- attr(x, "type") 
  } else {
    if(attr(x, "type")!="both" & attr(x, "type")!=type){
      stop("invalid type selected")
  # matrix for plotting data
  if(type == "both"){
    type <- c("LP1", "LP2")
    grp <- rep(type, each = dim(x)[1])
    pData <- data.frame(LP = c(x[, type]), par1 = rep(par1, 2), 
                 par2 = rep(paste(paste(par[2],"="), par2), 2), 
                 group = grp)
  } else {
    grp <- rep(type, dim(x)[1])
    pData <- data.frame(LP = x[, type], par1 = par1, 
                 par2 = paste(paste(par[2],"="), par2), 
                 group = grp)
  main <- list(paste("Model:", model, ", Used value:", paste(used, collapse=" ")))
  L <- length(unique(grp))
  spL <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
  col <- spL$col[1:L] # use the dot color for the lines
  if(L == 2){ # key only needed when both LP1 and LP2 are to be plotted
    keyList <- list(points = list(col = col, pch = 1), transparent = TRUE,      
        text = list(paste(type), cex = 0.9), columns =  2)
    ylab <- NULL
  } else {
    keyList <- NULL
    ylab <- type
  xyplot(LP~par1|par2, data=pData, 
         panel.data = list(uv = used[1], line = line, col = col, df = spldf),
         groups = grp, 
         panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups,..., panel.data) {
           panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
           panel.abline(v = panel.data[["uv"]], lty = 2)
           s <- seq(min(x), max(x), length = 101)
           panel.superpose(x, y, type = "p", lwd = 1.3, groups = groups, subscripts = subscripts)

           j <- 1
             for(i in unique(groups[subscripts])){   # add smooth line
               ind <- which(groups[subscripts]==i)
               p <- predict(smooth.spline(x[ind], y[ind], df = panel.data[["df"]]), s)
               panel.xyplot(p$x, p$y , type = "l", col = panel.data[["col"]][j])
               j <- j + 1
        main = main, xlab=par[1], strip=twoPars, ylab = ylab,
        key = keyList)

### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear=NULL, emax=c(25), 
###            logistic=c(50,10.88111), exponential=c(85), 
###            betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39),byrow=T,nrow=2))
### # Examples from JBS paper, p.654
### LPobj <- LP(models, model = "emax", type = "both", paramRange = c(10,70),
###            doses = doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1, n = 60,
###            alpha = 0.05, len = 15, scal = 200)
### print(LPobj)
### plot(LPobj)
### LPobj <- LP(models, model = "emax", type = "LP1", paramRange = c(10,70),
###           doses = doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1, n = 60,
###           alpha = 0.05, len = 15, scal = 200)
### print(LPobj)
### plot(LPobj)
### # for exponential model with fullMod:
### fMod <- fullMod(models, doses, 0, 0.4, scal=200)
### LP(fMod, "exponential", "LP2", c(50, 120), sigma = 1, alpha = 0.05,
###    len = 20, n = 60)
### LPobj <- LP(fMod, "exponential", "both", c(50, 120), sigma = 1, alpha = 0.05,
###             len = 20, n = 60)
### plot(LPobj)
### Examples for models with two prior parameters
### LPobj <- LP(models, model = "betaMod", type = "both",
###            paramRange = matrix(c(0.3,1.9,0.4,2.5),nrow=2),
###            doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1, n = 60, alpha = 0.05,
###            len = c(10,4), scal = 200)
### print(LPobj)
### plot(LPobj)
### LP(models, model = "logistic", type = "LP2",
###     paramRange = matrix(c(40,8,60,13),nrow=2),
###     doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1, n = 60, 
###     alpha = 0.05, len = c(10,4), scal=200)

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