
Defines functions cML_SdTheta cML_estimate cML_estimate_random

Documented in cML_estimate cML_estimate_random cML_SdTheta

#' @docType methods
#' @rdname mr_cML

                   MA=TRUE, DP=TRUE,
                   K_vec = 0:(length(object@betaX) - 2),
                   random_start = 0,
                   num_pert = 200,
                   random_start_pert = 0,
                   maxit = 100,
                   random_seed = 314,
                   Alpha = 0.05){
            b_exp = object@betaX
            b_out = object@betaY
            se_exp = object@betaXse
            se_out = object@betaYse
            ### set random see or not ###
            if( exists(".Random.seed") ) {
              old <- .Random.seed
              on.exit( { .Random.seed <<- old } )
            if (!is.null(random_seed)) { set.seed(random_seed) }
            ### run MRcML ###
            rand_theta = NULL
            rand_sd = NULL
            rand_l = NULL
            invalid_mat = NULL
            for(K in K_vec)
              rand_res = cML_estimate_random(b_exp = b_exp,
                                             b_out = b_out,
                                             se_exp = se_exp,
                                             se_out = se_out,
                                             K = K,
                                             random_start = random_start,
                                             maxit = maxit)
              rand_theta = c(rand_theta,rand_res$theta)
              rand_sd = c(rand_sd,rand_res$se)
              rand_l = c(rand_l,rand_res$l)
              invalid_mat = rbind(invalid_mat,rand_res$r_est)
            theta_v = rand_theta
            sd_v = rand_sd
            l_v = rand_l
                # cML-BIC #
                BIC_vec = log(n) * K_vec + 2 * l_v
                BIC_vec = BIC_vec - min(BIC_vec)
                min_ind = which.min(BIC_vec)
                BIC_theta = theta_v[min_ind]
                BIC_se = sd_v[min_ind]
                BIC_p = pnorm(-abs(BIC_theta/BIC_se))*2
                BIC_invalid = which(invalid_mat[min_ind,]!=0)
                           Exposure = object@exposure,
                           Outcome = object@outcome,
                           Estimate = BIC_theta,
                           StdError = BIC_se,
                           Pvalue = BIC_p,
                           BIC_invalid = BIC_invalid,
                           MA = MA,DP = DP,
                           SNPs = length(b_exp),
                           Alpha = Alpha,
                           CILower = BIC_theta - qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*BIC_se,
                           CIUpper = BIC_theta + qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*BIC_se))
                # cML-MA-BIC #
                BIC_vec = log(n) * K_vec + 2 * l_v
                BIC_vec = BIC_vec - min(BIC_vec)
                weight_vec = exp(-1/2 * BIC_vec)
                weight_vec = weight_vec/sum(weight_vec)
                MA_BIC_theta = sum(theta_v * weight_vec)
                MA_BIC_se = sum(weight_vec * sqrt(sd_v^2 + (theta_v - MA_BIC_theta)^2),
                                na.rm = TRUE)
                MA_BIC_p = pnorm(-abs(MA_BIC_theta/MA_BIC_se))*2
                           Exposure = object@exposure,
                           Outcome = object@outcome,
                           Estimate = MA_BIC_theta,
                           StdError = MA_BIC_se,
                           Pvalue = MA_BIC_p,
                           MA = MA,DP = DP,
                           SNPs = length(b_exp),
                           Alpha = Alpha,
                           CILower = MA_BIC_theta - qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*MA_BIC_se,
                           CIUpper = MA_BIC_theta + qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*MA_BIC_se))

            ### run MRcML DP ###
            p = length(b_exp)
            rand_pert_theta = NULL
            rand_pert_sd = NULL
            rand_pert_l = NULL
            for(DP.ind in 1:num_pert)
              b_exp_new = b_exp + rnorm(p,0,1)*se_exp
              b_out_new = b_out + rnorm(p,0,1)*se_out
              theta_pt_v = NULL
              sd_pt_v = NULL
              l_pt_v = NULL
              for(K in K_vec)
                MLE_result = cML_estimate_random(b_exp = b_exp_new,
                                                 b_out = b_out_new,
                                                 se_exp = se_exp,
                                                 se_out = se_out,
                                                 K = K,
                                                 random_start = random_start_pert,
                                                 maxit = maxit)
                theta_pt_v = c(theta_pt_v,MLE_result$theta)
                sd_pt_v = c(sd_pt_v,MLE_result$se)
                l_pt_v = c(l_pt_v,MLE_result$l)
              rand_pert_theta = cbind(rand_pert_theta,theta_pt_v)
              rand_pert_sd = cbind(rand_pert_sd,sd_pt_v)
              rand_pert_l = cbind(rand_pert_l,l_pt_v)
            theta_pt_v = rand_pert_theta
            sd_pt_v = rand_pert_sd
            l_pt_v = rand_pert_l
            var_mat = sd_pt_v^2
            K_vec = 0:(nrow(theta_pt_v) - 1)
            numer_perturb = ncol(theta_pt_v)
            l_pt_v = rowMeans(l_pt_v)
            sd_pt_v = sqrt(diag(var(t(theta_pt_v))))
            theta_pt_mat = theta_pt_v
            theta_pt_v = rowMeans(theta_pt_v)
            # GOF 1 #
            BIC_vec = log(n) * K_vec + 2 * l_v
            BIC_vec = BIC_vec - min(BIC_vec)
            min_ind = which.min(BIC_vec)
            pt_sd_v = sd_pt_v[min_ind]
            origin_sd_v = sd_v[min_ind]
            more_var = var(var_mat[min_ind,])
            x = theta_pt_mat[min_ind,]
            sd_x = sqrt((mean((x - mean(x))^4) -
                           (numer_perturb-3)/(numer_perturb-1)*var(x)^2)/numer_perturb +
            Tstat =
              (origin_sd_v^2 - pt_sd_v^2)/(sd_x)
            GOF1_p = pnorm(-abs(Tstat))*2
            # GOF 2 #
            BIC_vec = log(n) * K_vec + 2 * l_v
            BIC_vec = BIC_vec - min(BIC_vec)
            min_ind = which.min(BIC_vec)
            pt_sd_v = sd_pt_v[min_ind]
            origin_sd_v = sd_v[min_ind]
            more_var = var(var_mat[min_ind,])
            Tstat =
              (origin_sd_v^2 - pt_sd_v^2)/(sqrt(2/(numer_perturb-1)*pt_sd_v^4 +
            GOF2_p = pnorm(-abs(Tstat))*2
              # cML-BIC-DP #
              BIC_vec = log(n) * K_vec + 2 * l_pt_v
              BIC_vec = BIC_vec - min(BIC_vec)
              min_ind = which.min(BIC_vec)
              BIC_DP_theta = theta_pt_v[min_ind]
              BIC_DP_se = sd_pt_v[min_ind]
              BIC_DP_p = pnorm(-abs(BIC_DP_theta/BIC_DP_se))*2
                         Exposure = object@exposure,
                         Outcome = object@outcome,
                         Estimate = BIC_DP_theta,
                         StdError = BIC_DP_se,
                         Pvalue = BIC_DP_p,
                         MA = MA,DP = DP,
                         GOF1_p = GOF1_p,
                         GOF2_p = GOF2_p,
                         SNPs = length(b_exp),
                         Alpha = Alpha,
                         CILower = BIC_DP_theta - qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*BIC_DP_se,
                         CIUpper = BIC_DP_theta + qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*BIC_DP_se))
            } else {
              # cML-MA-BIC-DP #
              BIC_vec = log(n) * K_vec + 2 * l_pt_v
              BIC_vec = BIC_vec - min(BIC_vec)
              weight_vec = exp(-1/2 * BIC_vec)
              weight_vec = weight_vec/sum(weight_vec)
              MA_BIC_DP_theta = sum(theta_pt_v * weight_vec)
              MA_BIC_DP_se = sum(weight_vec * sqrt(sd_pt_v^2 + (theta_pt_v - MA_BIC_DP_theta)^2),
                                 na.rm = TRUE)
              MA_BIC_DP_p = pnorm(-abs(MA_BIC_DP_theta/MA_BIC_DP_se))*2
                         Exposure = object@exposure,
                         Outcome = object@outcome,
                         Estimate = MA_BIC_DP_theta,
                         StdError = MA_BIC_DP_se,
                         Pvalue = MA_BIC_DP_p,
                         MA = MA,DP = DP,
                         GOF1_p = GOF1_p,
                         GOF2_p = GOF2_p,
                         SNPs = length(b_exp),
                         Alpha = Alpha,
                         CILower = MA_BIC_DP_theta - qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*MA_BIC_DP_se,
                         CIUpper = MA_BIC_DP_theta + qnorm(1-Alpha/2)*MA_BIC_DP_se))


# cML Estimate Random -----------------------------------------------------

#' Estimate with Regular Likelihood Using Multiple Random Start Points
#' Internal function of mr_cML. 
#' Get estimated theta, se of estimated theta
#' and negative log-likelihood,
#' using multiple random starting points.
#' @param b_exp Vector of estimated effects for exposure.
#' @param b_out Vector or estimated effects for outcome.
#' @param se_exp Vector of standard errors for exposure.
#' @param se_out Vector of standard errors for outcome.
#' @param K Constraint parameter, number of invalid IVs.
#' @param random_start Number of random starting points, default is 0.
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iteration.
#' @return A list contains: theta is the estimate causal effect,
#' se is standard error of estimated theta,
#' l is negative log-likelihood,
#' r_est is estimated r vector.
#' @export
#' @examples cML_estimate_random(b_exp = ldlc,b_out = chdlodds,se_exp = ldlcse,
#' se_out = chdloddsse, K = 5)
cML_estimate_random <- function(b_exp, b_out,
                                se_exp, se_out,
                                K,random_start = 0,
                                maxit = 100)
  p = length(b_exp)
  min_theta_range = min(b_out/b_exp)
  max_theta_range = max(b_out/b_exp)
  theta_v_RandomCandidate = NULL
  sd_v_RandomCandidate = NULL
  l_v_RandomCandidate = NULL
  invalid_RandomCandidate = NULL
  for(random_ind in 1:(1+random_start))
    if(random_ind == 1)
      initial_theta = 0
      initial_mu = rep(0,p)
    } else {
      initial_theta = runif(1,min = min_theta_range,max = max_theta_range)
      initial_mu = rnorm(p,mean = b_exp,sd = se_exp)
    MLE_result =
                   K = K,initial_theta = initial_theta,
                   initial_mu = initial_mu,
                   maxit = maxit)
    Neg_l =
      sum( (b_exp - MLE_result$b_vec)^2 / (2*se_exp^2) ) +
      sum( (b_out - MLE_result$theta * MLE_result$b_vec - MLE_result$r_vec)^2 /
    sd_theta = cML_SdTheta(b_exp,b_out,
    theta_v_RandomCandidate = c(theta_v_RandomCandidate,MLE_result$theta)
    sd_v_RandomCandidate = c(sd_v_RandomCandidate,sd_theta)
    l_v_RandomCandidate = c(l_v_RandomCandidate,Neg_l)
    invalid_RandomCandidate = rbind(invalid_RandomCandidate,
    warning(paste("May not converge to minimums with some given",
                  "start points and maximum number of iteration,",
                  "lead to Fisher Information matrices not positive definite.",
                  "Could try increasing number of iterations (maxit)",
                  "or try different start points. Note: If",
                  "multiple random start points are used,",
                  "this warning does not likely affect result."))
  min_neg_l = which.min(l_v_RandomCandidate)
  theta_est = theta_v_RandomCandidate[min_neg_l]
  sd_est = sd_v_RandomCandidate[min_neg_l]
  l_est = l_v_RandomCandidate[min_neg_l]
  r_est = invalid_RandomCandidate[min_neg_l,]
  return(list(theta = theta_est,
              se = sd_est,
              l = l_est,
              r_est = r_est

# cML Estimate ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Estimate with Regular Likelihood
#' Internal function of mr_cML.
#' Estimate theta, b vector, r vector with constrained maximum likelihood.
#' @param b_exp Vector of estimated effects for exposure.
#' @param b_out Vector or estimated effects for outcome.
#' @param se_exp Vector of standard errors for exposure.
#' @param se_out Vector of standard errors for outcome.
#' @param K Constraint parameter, number of invalid IVs.
#' @param initial_theta Starting point for theta.
#' @param initial_mu Starting point for mu.
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iteration.
#' @return A list contains: theta is the estimate causal effect,
#' b_vec is the estimated vector of b,
#' r_vec is the estimated vector of r.
#' @export
#' @examples cML_estimate(b_exp = ldlc,b_out = chdlodds,se_exp = ldlcse,
#' se_out = chdloddsse, K = 5)
cML_estimate <- function(b_exp,b_out,
                         K,initial_theta = 0,
                         initial_mu = rep(0,length(b_exp)),
                         maxit = 100)
  p = length(b_exp)
  ### initialize
  theta = initial_theta
  theta_old = theta-1
  mu_vec = initial_mu
  ite_ind = 0
  while( (abs(theta_old - theta) > 1e-7) & (ite_ind<maxit))
    theta_old = theta
    ite_ind = ite_ind + 1
    ### first, update v_bg
      v_importance = (b_out - theta*mu_vec)^2 / se_out^2
      nonzero_bg_ind = sort((order(v_importance,decreasing = T))[1:K])
      v_bg = rep(0,p)
      v_bg[nonzero_bg_ind] = (b_out - theta*mu_vec)[nonzero_bg_ind]
    } else{
      v_bg = rep(0,p)
    ### second, update mu_vec
    mu_vec =
      (b_exp / se_exp^2 + theta*(b_out - v_bg) / se_out^2) /
      (1 / se_exp^2 + theta^2 / se_out^2)
    ### third, update theta
    theta =
      sum((b_out - v_bg)*mu_vec / se_out^2) /
      sum(mu_vec^2 / se_out^2)
  ### one more step for v_bg and mu
    nonzero_ind = which(v_bg!=0)
    mu_vec[nonzero_ind] = b_exp[nonzero_ind]
    v_bg[nonzero_ind] = (b_out - theta*mu_vec)[nonzero_ind]
  return(list(theta = theta,
              b_vec = mu_vec,
              r_vec = v_bg))

# cML Sd Theta ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Standard Error of Estimated Theta
#' Internal function of mr_cML.
#' Get the standard error of estimated theta from constrained maximum likelihood.
#' @param b_exp Vector of estimated effects for exposure.
#' @param b_out Vector or estimated effects for outcome.
#' @param se_exp Vector of standard errors for exposure.
#' @param se_out Vector of standard errors for outcome.
#' @param theta Estimated theta from cML.
#' @param b_vec Estimated vector of b from cML.
#' @param r_vec Estimated vector of r from cML.
#' @return Standard error of theta.
#' @export
#' @examples # First get estimates:
#' MLE_result = cML_estimate(b_exp = ldlc,b_out = chdlodds,se_exp = ldlcse,
#' se_out = chdloddsse, K = 5)
#' # Calculate standard error:
#' cML_SdTheta(b_exp = ldlc,b_out = chdlodds,se_exp = ldlcse,
#' se_out = chdloddsse, theta = MLE_result$theta, b_vec = MLE_result$b_vec, r_vec = MLE_result$r_vec)
cML_SdTheta <- function(b_exp,b_out,
  nonzero_ind = which(r_vec!=0)
  zero_ind = which(r_vec==0)
  VarTheta =
           (2*b_vec*theta - b_out)^2/se_out^4*
             1/(1/se_exp^2 + theta^2/se_out^2)
  } else {

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