Defines functions OGC

Documented in OGC

Torsten Pook, torsten.pook@uni-goettingen.de

Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2020  Torsten Pook

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#' Optimal genetic contribution
#' In this function the OGC selection according to Meuwissen 1997 is performed
#' @param A relationship matrix
#' @param u breeding values
#' @param Q sex indicator
#' @param cAc target gain in inbreeding
#' @param single If FALSE multiple individuals can be removed at the same type (this is faster but potentially inaccurate!)
#' @param verbose Set to FALSE to not display any prints
#' @param max_male maximum number of male with positive contributions
#' @param max_female maximum number of females with positive contributions
#' @return [[1]] Contributions [[2]] expected inbreeding gain

OGC <- function(A,u,Q,cAc=NA, single=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, max_male=Inf, max_female=Inf){
  # bei NA wird cAc (Increase of average relationship) minimiert

  Opt.int <- function(A, u, Q, cAc=NA){

    if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
      A1 <- MASS::ginv(A)
      QAQ1 <- MASS::ginv(t(Q)%*%A1%*%Q)
    } else{
      stop("Use of MASS without being installed!")

    minA <- round(0.25*sum(QAQ1)+0.000005,5)
      minA <- 0.000005
        if(verbose) cat(paste0("Minimal increase possible is for cAc is ",minA,"\n"))
        cAc <- minA
      cAc <- minA
    lambda0 <- as.numeric(sqrt((t(u)%*%(A1-A1%*%Q%*%QAQ1%*%t(Q)%*%A1)%*%u)/(4*cAc-sum(QAQ1))) )
    lambda <- QAQ1%*%(t(Q)%*%A1%*%u - lambda0)

    xopt <- A1%*%(u-Q%*%lambda)/(2*lambda0)

  n_male <- sum(Q[,1])
  n_female <- sum(Q[,2])
  rr <- Opt.int(A,u,Q,cAc)
  xopt <- rr[[1]]
  minA <- minA1 <- rr[[2]]
  n <- length(u)
  names(u) <- 1:n
  for(i in 1:length(xopt)){
    if((min(xopt) >= 0)){break}
    neg <- which(xopt < 0)
    if(single && length(neg)>0){
      neg <- sample(neg, 1)
    A <- A[-neg,-neg]
    u <- u[-neg]
    Q <- Q[-neg,]
    xopt1 <- Opt.int(A,u,Q,cAc)
    xopt <- xopt1[[1]]
    minA1 <- xopt1[[2]]

  for(i in 1:length(xopt)){
    neg <- which(Q[,1] > 0)
    if(single && length(neg)>0){
      neg <- sample(neg, 1)
    A <- A[-neg,-neg]
    u <- u[-neg]
    Q <- Q[-neg,]
    xopt1 <- Opt.int(A,u,Q,cAc)
    xopt <- xopt1[[1]]
    minA1 <- xopt1[[2]]

  for(i in 1:length(xopt)){
    neg <- which(Q[,2] > 0)
    if(single && length(neg)>0){
      neg <- sample(neg, 1)
    A <- A[-neg,-neg]
    u <- u[-neg]
    Q <- Q[-neg,]
    xopt1 <- Opt.int(A,u,Q,cAc)
    xopt <- xopt1[[1]]
    minA1 <- xopt1[[2]]

  res <- numeric(n)
  res[as.numeric(names(u))] <- xopt
  if(verbose) cat(paste0("Realized gain in inbreeding via OGC: ", minA1 ,"\n"))
  if(verbose) cat(paste0(sum(Q[,1]), " of the ", n_male, " male individuals have positive contribution.\n"))
  if(verbose) cat(paste0(sum(Q[,2]), " of the ", n_female, " female individuals have positive contribution.\n"))
  if(max_female<Inf && max_male <Inf){
    res[res!=0] <- 1
  return(list("Optimal c"=res, "c'u"=t(xopt)%*%u))

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